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Showing 48,826 through 48,850 of 59,523 results

A Research Primer for Technical Communication: Methods, Exemplars, and Analyses

by George F. Hayhoe Michael A. Hughes

This practical volume provides a thorough introduction to conducting and critically reading research in technical communication, complete with exemplars of research articles for study. Offering a solid grounding in the research underpinnings of the technical communication field, this resource has been developed for use in master’s level and upper-division undergraduate research methods courses in technical and professional communication.

Research Regarding the Influence of Social Media on the Quality of Services in the Sharing Economy (Sustainable Management, Wertschöpfung und Effizienz)

by Sonia Budz

The paper coordinated by Prof. Dr. Bogdan Cristian Onete is a topical subject in the context of the present informational era. It suggests a distinct approach regarding social media and the peer-to-peer platforms from the perspective of the quality of services and collaborative consumption. The research of the paper includes a quantitative research regarding the implications of peer-to-peer platforms concerning the consumer, and a qualitative research with regards to social media and its degree of influence on the quality of services. This research presents many interesting findings regarding the consumer perception of quality of services in the context of the sharing economy. These findings are valuable for all parties working in the domain of the sharing economy or collaborative consumption.

Research Software Engineering: A Guide to the Open Source Ecosystem (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Matthias Bannert

Research Software Engineering: A Guide to the Open Source Ecosystem strives to give a big-picture overview and an understanding of the opportunities of programming as an approach to analytics and statistics. The book argues that a solid "programming" skill level is not only well within reach for many but also worth pursuing for researchers and business analysts. The ability to write a program leverages field-specific expertise and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration as source code continues to become an important communication channel. Given the pace of the development in data science, many senior researchers and mentors, alongside non-computer science curricula lack a basic software engineering component. This book fills the gap by providing a dedicated programming-with-data resource to both academic scholars and practitioners.Key Features overview: breakdown of complex data science software stacks into core components applied: source code of figures, tables and examples available and reproducible solely with license cost-free, open source software reader guidance: different entry points and rich references to deepen the understanding of selected aspects

Research Software Engineering with Python: Building software that makes research possible

by Damien Irving Kate Hertweck Luke Johnston Joel Ostblom Charlotte Wickham Greg Wilson

Writing and running software is now as much a part of science as telescopes and test tubes, but most researchers are never taught how to do either well. As a result, it takes them longer to accomplish simple tasks than it should, and it is harder for them to share their work with others than it needs to be. This book introduces the concepts, tools, and skills that researchers need to get more done in less time and with less pain. Based on the practical experiences of its authors, who collectively have spent several decades teaching software skills to scientists, it covers everything graduate-level researchers need to automate their workflows, collaborate with colleagues, ensure that their results are trustworthy, and publish what they have built so that others can build on it. The book assumes only a basic knowledge of Python as a starting point, and shows readers how it, the Unix shell, Git, Make, and related tools can give them more time to focus on the research they actually want to do. Research Software Engineering with Python can be used as the main text in a one-semester course or for self-guided study. A running example shows how to organize a small research project step by step; over a hundred exercises give readers a chance to practice these skills themselves, while a glossary defining over two hundred terms will help readers find their way through the terminology. All of the material can be re-used under a Creative Commons license, and all royalties from sales of the book will be donated to The Carpentries, an organization that teaches foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

Research Strategies: Finding Your Way through the Information Fog

by William Badke

Online resources have given us access to more knowledge than ever before. We're buried in data, and defining what is and what is not genuine information becomes more of a challenge all the time. In this fifth edition of Research Strategies, author William Badke helps you make sense of all of the available information, shows you how to navigate and discern it, and details how to use it to your advantage to become a better researcher. Badke focuses on informational research and provides a host of tips and advice not only for conducting research, but also for everything from finding a topic to writing an outline to documenting resources and polishing the final draft. Study guides, practice exercises, and assignments at the end of each chapter help reinforce each lesson. An experienced research instructor who has led thousands of students to become better researchers, Badke uses humor to help you gain a better understanding of today's complex, technological world. Research Strategies provides the skills and strategies to efficiently and effectively complete a research project from topic to finished product. It shows how research can be exciting and even fun.

Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Information Fog 4th Edition

by William Badke

Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Information Fog

by William B. Badke

Filled with time-tested strategies and expert advice, Research Strategies teaches you the skills that are essential to the success of any research project.

Research Tendencies and Prospect Domains for AI Development and Implementation

by Yuriy P. Kondratenko Anatolii I. Shevchenko

This River Rapid explores artificial intelligence (AI) implementation priorities, prospect domains, and new research tendencies and trends for AI development and implementation. Part 1 is devoted to the world’s priorities in AI implementation. Its main components are based on the analysis of the 50 National strategies for AI development, the world’s and NATO’s priorities in AI’s implementation, and methodological aspects for creating the Ukrainian AI conception and strategy, key priority areas for the introduction of AI in Ukraine, the conscience approach to AI systems design, and the discussion on the new generation computer system with embedded AI. Special attention is paid to perspectives of AI implementation in education and interrelation and inter-influence between AI and educational systems.Part 2 is devoted to some new tendencies in AI development and implementation. Many scientific results and discussions are directed to some new trends in contemporary AI research: AI systems and tools for shipping and shipbuilding; quantum computing and color optical fuzzy computing in applied AI’s R&D; AI for increasing the efficiency of the decision-making processes; neural networks for solving classification and recognition tasks.This book provides an overview of the recent developments in advanced AI systems including new theoretical findings and successful examples of practical implementation of the AI tools in different areas of human activities. The chapters are presented by invited high-caliber scientists from different countries (Ukraine, the United States of America, Poland, Norway, and the People’s Republic of China).

Research Trends in Graph Theory and Applications (Association for Women in Mathematics Series #25)

by Daniela Ferrero Leslie Hogben Sandra R. Kingan Gretchen L. Matthews

The Workshop for Women in Graph Theory and Applications was held at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis) on August 19-23, 2019. During this five-day workshop, 42 participants performed collaborative research, in six teams, each focused on open problems in different areas of graph theory and its applications. The research work of each team was led by two experts in the corresponding area, who prior to the workshop, carefully selected relevant and meaningful open problems that would yield high-quality research and results of strong impact. As a result, all six teams have made significant contributions to several open problems in their respective areas. The workshop led to the creation of the Women in Graph Theory and Applications Research Collaboration Network, which provided the framework to continue collaborating and to produce this volume.This book contains six chapters, each of them on one of the different areas of research at the Workshop for Women in Graph Theory and Applications, and written by participants of each team.

Researching a Posthuman World: Interviews with Digital Objects

by Catherine Adams Terrie Lynn Thompson

This book provides a practical approach for applying posthumanist insights to qualitative research inquiry. Adams and Thompson invite readers to embrace their inner – and outer – cyborg as they consider how today’s professional practices and everyday ways of being are increasingly intertwined with digital technologies. Drawing on posthuman scholarship, the authors offer eight heuristics for “interviewing objects” in an effort to reveal the unique – and sometimes contradictory – contributions the digital is making to work, learning and living. The heuristics are drawn from Actor Network Theory, phenomenology, postphenomenology, critical media studies and related sociomaterial approaches. This text offers a theoretically informed yet practical approach for asking critical questions of digital and non-digital things in professional and personal spaces, and ultimately, for considering the ethical and political implications of a technology mediated world. A thought-provoking and innovative study, this book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of technology studies, digital learning, and sociology.

Researching Cybercrimes: Methodologies, Ethics, and Critical Approaches

by Anita Lavorgna Thomas J. Holt

This edited book promotes and facilitates cybercrime research by providing a cutting-edge collection of perspectives on the critical usage of online data across platforms, as well as the implementation of both traditional and innovative analysis methods. The accessibility, variety and wealth of data available online presents substantial opportunities for researchers from different disciplines to study cybercrimes and, more generally, human behavior in cyberspace. The unique and dynamic characteristics of cyberspace often demand cross-disciplinary and cross-national research endeavors, but disciplinary, cultural and legal differences can hinder the ability of researchers to collaborate. This work also provides a review of the ethics associated with the use of online data sources across the globe. The authors are drawn from multiple disciplines and nations, providing unique insights into the value and challenges evident in online data use for cybercrime scholarship. It is a key text for researchers at the upper undergraduate level and above.

Researching Internet Governance: Methods, Frameworks, Futures (Information Policy)

by Laura DeNardis, et al.

Scholars from a range of disciplines discuss research methods, theories, and conceptual approaches in the study of internet governance.The design and governance of the internet has become one of the most pressing geopolitical issues of our era. The stability of the economy, democracy, and the public sphere are wholly dependent on the stability and security of the internet. Revelations about election hacking, facial recognition technology, and government surveillance have gotten the public's attention and made clear the need for scholarly research that examines internet governance both empirically and conceptually. In this volume, scholars from a range of disciplines consider research methods, theories, and conceptual approaches in the study of internet governance.

Researching IT in Education: Theory, Practice and Future Directions

by Anne McDougall

Serious criticisms of research on IT in education have been published recently in both the UK and the USA. Researching IT in Education aims to provoke thought and discussion among practising researchers by considering a range of approaches to undertaking quality research. Establishing priorities and directions for future research in the sub-discipline of IT in education, the book is structured around five foci: theory history research directions methodology research topics. This book argues for the enormous power of IT to enable fundamental research that both refines and develops theory and practice in education. High quality research that advances knowledge and educational practice in this area will generally require longer timelines and more complex data collection and analysis methods. The authors draw attention to the value of theoretical frameworks used in mainstream educational research and highlight the early theoretical work on the subject of IT in education. Researching IT in Education is the only book in its area to focus on methodological and research design issues. The individual chapters are contributed by expert researchers and leaders in the field from ten countries, thus providing an unusually broad but coherent international set of perspectives for the issues examined in the book. This book will benefit anyone interested in or undertaking research on IT in education, including academics, research students, teachers and policy-makers.

Researching Learning in Virtual Worlds

by Daniel Livingstone Sarah Smith-Robbins Anna Peachey Julia Gillen

Most of the chapters in this book are extended papers from Research Learning in Virtual Environments (reLIVE08), an international conference held by the UK Open University in Milton Keynes in November 2008. Authors of the best papers and presentations from the conferences were invited to contribute to Research Learning in Virtual Worlds, the first book to specifically address research methods and related issues for education in virtual worlds. The book covers a range of research undertaken in virtual worlds. It opens with an accessible introduction both to the book and to the subject area, making it an ideal springboard for those who are new to research in this area. The subsequent ten chapters present work covering a range of research methodologies across a broad discipline base, providing essential reading for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate researchers working in education in virtual worlds, and engaging background material for researchers in similar and related disciplines.

Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

by Edited by Stephen D. Ashe, Joel Busher, Graham Macklin and Aaron Winter

Researching the Far Right brings together researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to provide much needed discussion about the methodological, ethical, political, personal, practical and professional issues and challenges that arise when researching far right parties, their electoral support, and far right protest movements.Drawing on original research focussing mainly on Europe and North America over the last 30 years, this volume explores in detail the opportunities and challenges associated with using ethnographic, interview-based, quantitative and online research methods to study the far right. These reflections are set within a wider discussion of the evolution of far right studies from a variety of disciplinary viewpoints within the humanities or the social sciences, tracing the key developments and debates that shape the field today. This volume will be essential reading for students and scholars with an interest in understanding the many manifestations of the far right and cognate movements today. It also offers insight and reflection that is likely to be valuable for a wider range of students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences who are carrying out work of an ethically, politically, personally, practically and professionally challenging nature.

Researching the ‘New Normal’ Social World: Methodological Adaptations and Innovations Post-Pandemic

by R. Sooryamoorthy Vivian Ojong

This edited volume focuses on the changing research methodologies in social science research, prompted by the new social world shaped by the pandemic. It explores adaptations and developments to meet the demands of transforming social circumstances and showcases innovative alternative approaches. Featuring a range of international and interdisciplinary contributors who discuss the context of social science research in the "new normal", the book sets out the need to redesign research to address present-day challenges for the post-pandemic. Chapters share methodological innovations and demonstrate how applicable these new and adapted methodologies are to a world post-pandemic, discussing a wide range of innovative, digital-first research methods with practical analysis. The role of technology and its application in social science research during this transition is explored in particular, alongside new approaches to quantitative and qualitative research that feature innovations in ethnography, online data collection, and ethical protocols for research. Ultimately offering a comprehensive exploration of adaptive and innovative social science research methodologies suited to the current social context, the book will be relevant to researchers, academics, and scholars in the fields of research methods, research technologies, and the sociology of education.

Researching UX: Understanding Is the Heart of Great UX

by Luke Hay

Good UX is based on evidence. Qualitative evidence, such as user testing and field research, can only get you so far. To get the full picture of how users are engaging with your website or app, you'll need to use quantitative evidence in the form of analytics. This book will show you, step by step, how you can use website and app analytics data to inform design choices and definitively improve user experience. Offering practical guidelines, with plenty of detailed examples, this book covers: why you need to gather analytics data for your UX projectsgetting set up with analytics toolsanalyzing datahow to find problems in your analyticsusing analytics to aid user research, measure and report on outcomes By the end of this book, you'll have a strong understanding of the important role analytics plays in the UX process. It will inspire you to take an "analytics first" approach to your UX projects.

Researching UX: User Research

by James Lang Emma Howell

How well do you really know your users? With properly conducted user research, you can discover what really makes your audience tick. This practical guide will show you, step-by-step, how to gain proper insight about your users so that you can base design decisions on solid evidence. You'll not only learn the different methodologies that you can employ in user research, but also gain insight into important set-up activities, such as recruiting users and equipping your lab, and acquire analysis skills so that you can make the most of the data you've gathered. And finally, you'll learn how to communicate findings and deploy evidence, to boost your design rationale and persuade skeptical colleagues. Design your researchCost justify user researchRecruit and incentivise usersDiscover how to run your research sessionsAnalyze your resultsReporting on results and acting in your findings

Researching Virtual Play Experiences: Visual Methods in Education Research (Digital Education and Learning)

by Chris Bailey

This book illuminates the lived experience of a group of primary school children engaged in virtual world play during a year-long after-school club. Shaped by post-structuralist theory and New Literacy Studies, it outlines a playful, participatory and emergent methodological approach, referred to as ‘rhizomic ethnography’. This ‘hybrid’ text uses both words and images to describe the fieldsite and the methodology, demonstrating how children’s creation of a digital community through Minecraft was shaped by the both the game and their wider social and cultural experiences. Through the exploration of various dimensions of the club, including visual and soundscape data, the author demonstrates the ‘emergent dimension of play’. It will be of interest and value to researchers of children’s play, as well as those who explore visual methods and design multimodal research outputs.

Researching Virtual Worlds: Methodologies for Studying Emergent Practices (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Ursula Plesner Louise Phillips

This volume presents a wide range of methodological strategies that are designed to take into account the complex, emergent, and continually shifting character of virtual worlds. It interrogates how virtual worlds emerge as objects of study through the development and application of various methodological strategies. Virtual worlds are not considered objects that exist as entities with fixed attributes independent of our continuous engagement with them and interpretation of them. Instead, they are conceived of as complex ensembles of technology, humans, symbols, discourses, and economic structures, ensembles that emerge in ongoing practices and specific situations. A broad spectrum of perspectives and methodologies is presented: Actor-Network-Theory and post-Actor-Network-Theory, performativity theory, ethnography, discourse analysis, Sense-Making Methodology, visual ethnography, multi-sited ethnography, and Social Network Analysis.

Reservoir Computing: Theory, Physical Implementations, and Applications (Natural Computing Series)

by Kohei Nakajima Ingo Fischer

This book is the first comprehensive book about reservoir computing (RC). RC is a powerful and broadly applicable computational framework based on recurrent neural networks. Its advantages lie in small training data set requirements, fast training, inherent memory and high flexibility for various hardware implementations. It originated from computational neuroscience and machine learning but has, in recent years, spread dramatically, and has been introduced into a wide variety of fields, including complex systems science, physics, material science, biological science, quantum machine learning, optical communication systems, and robotics. Reviewing the current state of the art and providing a concise guide to the field, this book introduces readers to its basic concepts, theory, techniques, physical implementations and applications.The book is sub-structured into two major parts: theory and physical implementations. Both parts consist of a compilation of chapters, authored by leading experts in their respective fields. The first part is devoted to theoretical developments of RC, extending the framework from the conventional recurrent neural network context to a more general dynamical systems context. With this broadened perspective, RC is not restricted to the area of machine learning but is being connected to a much wider class of systems. The second part of the book focuses on the utilization of physical dynamical systems as reservoirs, a framework referred to as physical reservoir computing. A variety of physical systems and substrates have already been suggested and used for the implementation of reservoir computing. Among these physical systems which cover a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, are mechanical and optical systems, nanomaterials, spintronics, and quantum many body systems. This book offers a valuable resource for researchers (Ph.D. students and experts alike) and practitioners working in the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, neuromorphic computing, complex systems, and physics.

Reset: Changing the Way We Look at Video Games

by Rusel Demaria

In this analysis of the increasingly violent and uncreative video gaming industry, author Rusel DeMaria offers a road map for parents, educators, gamers, and industry insiders to leverage the inherent potential of games to promote positive personal and social change.

Reset Control Systems

by Antonio Barreiro Alfonso Baños

Reset Control Systems addresses the analysis for reset control treating both its basic form, and some useful variations of the reset action and reset condition. The issues regarding reset control - concepts and motivation; analysis tools; and the application of design methodologies to real-world examples - are given thorough coverage. The text opens with a historical perspective which moves from the seminal work of the Clegg integrator and Horowitz FORE to more recent approaches based on impulsive/hybrid control systems and explains the motivation for reset compensation. Preliminary material is also included. The focus then turns to stability analysis for systems using techniques which account for various time- and frequency-domain criteria. The final section of the book is centered on control systems design and application. The PI+CI compensator is detailed as are a proposed frequency domain approach using quantitative feedback theory and ideas for design improvement. Design examples are given.

Reshaping Accounting and Management Control Systems

by Katia Corsi Nicola Giuseppe Castellano Rita Lamboglia Daniela Mancini

This book examines the relationship between digital innovations on the one hand, and accounting and management information systems on the other. In particular it addresses topics including cloud computing, data mining, XBRL, and digital platforms. It presents an analysis of how new technologies can reshape accounting and management information systems, enhancing their information potentialities and their ability to support decision-making processes, as well as several studies that reveal how managerial information needs can affect and reshape the adoption of digital technologies. Focusing on the four major aspects data management, information system architecture, external and internal reporting, the book offers a valuable resource for CIOs, CFOs and more generally for business managers, as well as for researchers and scholars. It is mainly based on a selection of the best papers - original double blind reviewed contributions - presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS).

Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: Convergence of AI and IoT at the Cutting Edge

by Dac-Nhuong Le Surjeet Dalal Vivek Jaglan Deepika Koundal Neeraj Dahiya

The convergence of Artif icial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the way industries, businesses, and economies function; the 34 chapters in this collection show how the full potential of these technologies is being enabled to create intelligent machines that simulate smart behavior and support decision-making with little or no human interference, thereby providing startling organizational efficiencies. Readers will discover that in Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: The book unpacks the two superpowers of innovation, AI and IoT, and explains how they connect to better communicate and exchange information about online activities; How the center and the network’s edge generate predictive analytics or anomaly alerts; The meaning of AI at the edge and IoT networks. How bandwidth is reduced and privacy and security are enhanced; How AI applications increase operating efficiency, spawn new products and services, and enhance risk management; How AI and IoT create ‘intelligent’ devices and how new AI technology enables IoT to reach its full potential; Analyzes AIOT platforms and the handling of personal information for shared frameworks that remain sensitive to customers’ privacy while effectively utilizing data. Audience This book will appeal to all business and organization leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and economists, as well as scientists, engineers, and students working in artificial intelligence, software engineering, and information technology.

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