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Showing 48,851 through 48,875 of 59,535 results

Researching UX: Understanding Is the Heart of Great UX

by Luke Hay

Good UX is based on evidence. Qualitative evidence, such as user testing and field research, can only get you so far. To get the full picture of how users are engaging with your website or app, you'll need to use quantitative evidence in the form of analytics. This book will show you, step by step, how you can use website and app analytics data to inform design choices and definitively improve user experience. Offering practical guidelines, with plenty of detailed examples, this book covers: why you need to gather analytics data for your UX projectsgetting set up with analytics toolsanalyzing datahow to find problems in your analyticsusing analytics to aid user research, measure and report on outcomes By the end of this book, you'll have a strong understanding of the important role analytics plays in the UX process. It will inspire you to take an "analytics first" approach to your UX projects.

Researching UX: User Research

by James Lang Emma Howell

How well do you really know your users? With properly conducted user research, you can discover what really makes your audience tick. This practical guide will show you, step-by-step, how to gain proper insight about your users so that you can base design decisions on solid evidence. You'll not only learn the different methodologies that you can employ in user research, but also gain insight into important set-up activities, such as recruiting users and equipping your lab, and acquire analysis skills so that you can make the most of the data you've gathered. And finally, you'll learn how to communicate findings and deploy evidence, to boost your design rationale and persuade skeptical colleagues. Design your researchCost justify user researchRecruit and incentivise usersDiscover how to run your research sessionsAnalyze your resultsReporting on results and acting in your findings

Researching Virtual Play Experiences: Visual Methods in Education Research (Digital Education and Learning)

by Chris Bailey

This book illuminates the lived experience of a group of primary school children engaged in virtual world play during a year-long after-school club. Shaped by post-structuralist theory and New Literacy Studies, it outlines a playful, participatory and emergent methodological approach, referred to as ‘rhizomic ethnography’. This ‘hybrid’ text uses both words and images to describe the fieldsite and the methodology, demonstrating how children’s creation of a digital community through Minecraft was shaped by the both the game and their wider social and cultural experiences. Through the exploration of various dimensions of the club, including visual and soundscape data, the author demonstrates the ‘emergent dimension of play’. It will be of interest and value to researchers of children’s play, as well as those who explore visual methods and design multimodal research outputs.

Researching Virtual Worlds: Methodologies for Studying Emergent Practices (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Ursula Plesner Louise Phillips

This volume presents a wide range of methodological strategies that are designed to take into account the complex, emergent, and continually shifting character of virtual worlds. It interrogates how virtual worlds emerge as objects of study through the development and application of various methodological strategies. Virtual worlds are not considered objects that exist as entities with fixed attributes independent of our continuous engagement with them and interpretation of them. Instead, they are conceived of as complex ensembles of technology, humans, symbols, discourses, and economic structures, ensembles that emerge in ongoing practices and specific situations. A broad spectrum of perspectives and methodologies is presented: Actor-Network-Theory and post-Actor-Network-Theory, performativity theory, ethnography, discourse analysis, Sense-Making Methodology, visual ethnography, multi-sited ethnography, and Social Network Analysis.

Reservoir Computing: Theory, Physical Implementations, and Applications (Natural Computing Series)

by Kohei Nakajima Ingo Fischer

This book is the first comprehensive book about reservoir computing (RC). RC is a powerful and broadly applicable computational framework based on recurrent neural networks. Its advantages lie in small training data set requirements, fast training, inherent memory and high flexibility for various hardware implementations. It originated from computational neuroscience and machine learning but has, in recent years, spread dramatically, and has been introduced into a wide variety of fields, including complex systems science, physics, material science, biological science, quantum machine learning, optical communication systems, and robotics. Reviewing the current state of the art and providing a concise guide to the field, this book introduces readers to its basic concepts, theory, techniques, physical implementations and applications.The book is sub-structured into two major parts: theory and physical implementations. Both parts consist of a compilation of chapters, authored by leading experts in their respective fields. The first part is devoted to theoretical developments of RC, extending the framework from the conventional recurrent neural network context to a more general dynamical systems context. With this broadened perspective, RC is not restricted to the area of machine learning but is being connected to a much wider class of systems. The second part of the book focuses on the utilization of physical dynamical systems as reservoirs, a framework referred to as physical reservoir computing. A variety of physical systems and substrates have already been suggested and used for the implementation of reservoir computing. Among these physical systems which cover a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, are mechanical and optical systems, nanomaterials, spintronics, and quantum many body systems. This book offers a valuable resource for researchers (Ph.D. students and experts alike) and practitioners working in the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, neuromorphic computing, complex systems, and physics.

Reset: Changing the Way We Look at Video Games

by Rusel Demaria

In this analysis of the increasingly violent and uncreative video gaming industry, author Rusel DeMaria offers a road map for parents, educators, gamers, and industry insiders to leverage the inherent potential of games to promote positive personal and social change.

Reset Control Systems

by Antonio Barreiro Alfonso Baños

Reset Control Systems addresses the analysis for reset control treating both its basic form, and some useful variations of the reset action and reset condition. The issues regarding reset control - concepts and motivation; analysis tools; and the application of design methodologies to real-world examples - are given thorough coverage. The text opens with a historical perspective which moves from the seminal work of the Clegg integrator and Horowitz FORE to more recent approaches based on impulsive/hybrid control systems and explains the motivation for reset compensation. Preliminary material is also included. The focus then turns to stability analysis for systems using techniques which account for various time- and frequency-domain criteria. The final section of the book is centered on control systems design and application. The PI+CI compensator is detailed as are a proposed frequency domain approach using quantitative feedback theory and ideas for design improvement. Design examples are given.

Reshaping Accounting and Management Control Systems

by Katia Corsi Nicola Giuseppe Castellano Rita Lamboglia Daniela Mancini

This book examines the relationship between digital innovations on the one hand, and accounting and management information systems on the other. In particular it addresses topics including cloud computing, data mining, XBRL, and digital platforms. It presents an analysis of how new technologies can reshape accounting and management information systems, enhancing their information potentialities and their ability to support decision-making processes, as well as several studies that reveal how managerial information needs can affect and reshape the adoption of digital technologies. Focusing on the four major aspects data management, information system architecture, external and internal reporting, the book offers a valuable resource for CIOs, CFOs and more generally for business managers, as well as for researchers and scholars. It is mainly based on a selection of the best papers - original double blind reviewed contributions - presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS).

Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: Convergence of AI and IoT at the Cutting Edge

by Dac-Nhuong Le Surjeet Dalal Vivek Jaglan Deepika Koundal Neeraj Dahiya

The convergence of Artif icial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the way industries, businesses, and economies function; the 34 chapters in this collection show how the full potential of these technologies is being enabled to create intelligent machines that simulate smart behavior and support decision-making with little or no human interference, thereby providing startling organizational efficiencies. Readers will discover that in Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: The book unpacks the two superpowers of innovation, AI and IoT, and explains how they connect to better communicate and exchange information about online activities; How the center and the network’s edge generate predictive analytics or anomaly alerts; The meaning of AI at the edge and IoT networks. How bandwidth is reduced and privacy and security are enhanced; How AI applications increase operating efficiency, spawn new products and services, and enhance risk management; How AI and IoT create ‘intelligent’ devices and how new AI technology enables IoT to reach its full potential; Analyzes AIOT platforms and the handling of personal information for shared frameworks that remain sensitive to customers’ privacy while effectively utilizing data. Audience This book will appeal to all business and organization leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and economists, as well as scientists, engineers, and students working in artificial intelligence, software engineering, and information technology.

Reshaping Learning

by Ronghuai Huang J. Michael Spector Kinshuk

This edited volume with selected papers from extinguished experts and professors in the field of learning technology and the related fields who are far-sighted and have his/her own innovative thoughts on the development of learning technology. This book will addresses the main issues concerned with the trend and future development of learning processes, innovative pedagogies changes, effects of new technologies on education, future learning content. Learning technology has been affected by advances in technology development and changes in the field of education. Nowadays we cannot afford to sense the changes and then make adaption to it. What we should do is to predict the changes and make positive and active reactions to help the trend go smoothly and in a more beneficial way. This book aims to gather the newest ideas on the frontiers and future development of learning education from the aspects of learning, pedagogies, and technologies in learning in order to draw a picture of learning education in the near future.

Reshaping Power Dynamics Between Sustainable Growth and Technical Disruption: 6th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, ICESS 2023, Bucharest, Romania (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Alina Mihaela Dima Sorin Vâlcea

This book covers various topics related to economics and the social sciences, such as artificial intelligence, sustainability, ESG, and tax administration. The respective contributions provide insights and perspectives on the current challenges and opportunities in these fields, while also showcasing the latest research and innovations from scholars and practitioners around the world. The book is based on the papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, ICESS 2023, which was held in Bucharest, Romania.

Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support

by Lakshmi S. Iyer Daniel J. Power

This volume explores emerging research and pedagogy in analytics, collaboration, and decision support with an emphasis on business intelligence and social media. In general, the chapters help understand where technology involvement in human decisions is headed. Reading the chapters can help understand the opportunities and threats associated with the use of information technology in decision making. Computing and information technologies are reshaping our global society, but they can potentially reshape it in negative as well as positive ways. Analytics, collaboration and computerized decision support are powerful decision aiding and decision making tools that have enormous potential to impact crisis decision making, regulation of financial systems, healthcare decision making and many more important decision domains. Many information technologies can potentially support, assist and even decide for human decision makers. Despite the potential, some researchers think that we know the answers to how these technologies will change society. The "Wisdom of Crowds" or "Big Data" become the topic of the day and are soon replaced with new marketing terms. In many ways, mobile technology is just another form factor to adapt decision support capabilities too and experiment with new capabilities. The cloud is a nebulous metaphor that adds to the mystery of information technology. Wireless technology enables the ubiquitous presence of analytics and decision support. With new networking capabilities, collaboration is possible anywhere and everywhere using voice, video and text. Documents can be widely shared and massive numbers of documents can be carried on a small tablet computer. Recent developments in technologies impact the processes organizations use to make decisions. In addition, academics are looking for ways to enhance their pedagogy to train students to be more adept in understanding how emerging technology will be used effectively for decision making in organizations. The chapters are based on papers originally reviewed at the Special Interest Group on Decision Support Systems (SIGDSS) Workshop at the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013). Ultimately this volume endeavors to find a balance between systematizing what we know, so we can teach our findings from prior research better, and stimulating excitement to move the field in new directions.

Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support: Role of Business Intelligence and Social Media (Annals of Information Systems #18)

by Lakshmi S. Iyer Daniel J. Power

This volume explores emerging research and pedagogy in analytics, collaboration, and decision support with an emphasis on business intelligence and social media. In general, the chapters help understand where technology involvement in human decisions is headed. Reading the chapters can help understand the opportunities and threats associated with the use of information technology in decision making. Computing and information technologies are reshaping our global society, but they can potentially reshape it in negative as well as positive ways. Analytics, collaboration and computerized decision support are powerful decision aiding and decision making tools that have enormous potential to impact crisis decision making, regulation of financial systems, healthcare decision making and many more important decision domains.Many information technologies can potentially support, assist and even decide for human decision makers. Despite the potential, some researchers think that we know the answers to how these technologies will change society. The "Wisdom of Crowds" or "Big Data" become the topic of the day and are soon replaced with new marketing terms. In many ways, mobile technology is just another form factor to adapt decision support capabilities too and experiment with new capabilities. The cloud is a nebulous metaphor that adds to the mystery of information technology. Wireless technology enables the ubiquitous presence of analytics and decision support. With new networking capabilities, collaboration is possible anywhere and everywhere using voice, video and text. Documents can be widely shared and massive numbers of documents can be carried on a small tablet computer. Recent developments in technologies impact the processes organizations use to make decisions. In addition, academics are looking for ways to enhance their pedagogy to train students to be more adept in understanding how emerging technology will be used effectively for decision making in organizations.The chapters are based on papers originally reviewed at the Special Interest Group on Decision Support Systems (SIGDSS) Workshop at the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013). Ultimately this volume endeavors to find a balance between systematizing what we know, so we can teach our findings from prior research better, and stimulating excitement to move the field in new directions.

ReSharper Essentials

by Łukasz Gąsior

A practical, hands-on guide that will help you to unleash the power of ReSharper to write better quality code. If you are a developer who is working with Visual Studio and are looking to make your work more efficient, this book is for you. It is most useful for new ReSharper users but those who are currently using it will also find many useful tips and references updated to the latest version (8.1). Prior knowledge of Visual Studio is a must.

RESI Basic Skills & Knowledge Lab Guide

by Whitney Freeman Gregory Ter-Oganov Stuart Palmer Joseph A. Coney

The RESI Basic Lab Guide provides an excellent hands-on component to emphasize the theoretical materials provided in the RESI Basic Concepts and Practices Training Guide. Applying chapter concepts developed in the textbook to these lab exercises is crucial in preparing for a successful career as a computer technician.

Resident Evil: Extinction

by Keith R. Decandido

Following the events of Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the beautiful, dangerous, enigmatic Alice returns, and this time she and her fellow survivor Carlos Olivera are running with a pack of humans led by a new ally, Claire Redfield. Together they are cutting through the wastelands of the United States on a long trek to Alaska. Hunted by the minions of the scheming Dr. Isaacs, Alice has zombies hungry for her flesh and the Umbrella Corporation's monstrous lab rats hungry for her blood...while Alice herself hungers only for revenge.

Resident Evil: Extinction

by Keith R. A. Decandido

Following the events of Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the beautiful, dangerous, enigmatic Alice returns, and this time she and her fellow survivor Carlos Olivera are running with a pack of humans led by a new ally, Claire Redfield. Together they are cutting through the wastelands of the United States on a long trek to Alaska. Hunted by the minions of the scheming Dr. Isaacs, Alice has zombies hungry for her flesh and the Umbrella Corporation's monstrous lab rats hungry for her blood...while Alice herself hungers only for revenge.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Document File

by Capcom

An in-depth, 152-page art book that ventures into the challenges recorded throughout the production of the critically acclaimed, fan-adored Resident Evil 7: Biohazard!Relive the terror of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, the expertly crafted first-person survival horror game that altered the paradigm of Resident Evil titles. This art book includes undisclosed concept art and CG visuals closely arranged and coupled with detailed passages of the development team's progress on the game. Explore interviews, photo albums, a storyboard collection of in-game event scenes from opening to ending, and more in this succinctly packed chronicle of Resident Evil 7's development. Dark Horse Books and Capcom present Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Document Files, a perfect companion for fans of Resident Evil, and fully translated to English for the first time!

Residential Design Using Autocad 2022

by Daniel John Stine

Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2022 is an introductory level tutorial which uses residential design exercises as the means to teach you AutoCAD 2022. <p><p>Each book comes with access to extensive video instruction in which the author explains the most common tools and techniques used when designing residential buildings using AutoCAD 2022. After completing this book you will have a well-rounded knowledge of Computer Aided Drafting that can be used in the industry and the satisfaction of having completed a set of residential drawings.

Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2021

by Daniel John Stine

Designed for users completely new to Autodesk Revit, this text takes a project based approach to learning Autodesk Revit’s architectural tools in which you develop a single family residence all the way to photorealistic renderings like the one on the cover. Each book also includes access to extensive video training designed to further help you master Autodesk Revit. The lessons begin with a basic introduction to Autodesk Revit 2021. The first four chapters are intended to get you familiar with the user interface and many of the common menus and tools. Throughout the rest of the book a residential building is created and most of Autodesk Revit’s tools and features are covered in greater detail. Using step-by-step tutorial lessons, the residential project is followed through to create elevations, sections, floor plans, renderings, construction sets, etc. Access to extensive video training is also included with your purchase of this book. These videos break down each topic into several short videos so that you can easily navigate to a specific aspect of a tool or feature in Autodesk Revit. This makes the videos both a powerful learning tool and convenient video reference. The videos make it easy to see the menu selections and will make learning Revit straightforward and simple. It’s like having the author by your side showing you exactly how to use all the major tools in Autodesk Revit.

Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2022

by Daniel John Stine

This book is designed for users completely new to Autodesk Revit. This text takes a project based approach to learning Autodesk Revit’s architectural tools in which you develop a single family residence all the way to photorealistic renderings like the one on the cover. Each book also includes access to extensive video training designed to further help you master Autodesk Revit. The lessons begin with a basic introduction to Autodesk Revit 2022. The first four chapters are intended to get you familiar with the user interface and many of the common menus and tools. Throughout the rest of the book a residential building is created and most of Autodesk Revit’s tools and features are covered in greater detail. Using step-by-step tutorial lessons, the residential project is followed through to create elevations, sections, floor plans, renderings, construction sets, etc.

Residual Life Prediction and Optimal Maintenance Decision for a Piece of Equipment

by Changhua Hu Hongdong Fan Zhaoqiang Wang

This book addresses remaining life prediction and predictive maintenance of equipment. It systematically summarizes the key research findings made by the author and his team and focuses on how to create equipment performance degradation and residual life prediction models based on the performance monitoring data produced by currently used and historical equipment. Some of the theoretical results covered here have been used to make remaining life predictions and maintenance-related decisions for aerospace products such as gyros and platforms. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable reference guide for those pursuing theoretical or applied research in the areas of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control, remaining life prediction, and maintenance decision-making.

Residue Number Systems

by P. V. Ananda Mohan

This new and expanded monograph improves upon Mohan's earlier book, Residue Number Systems (Springer, 2002) with a state of the art treatment of the subject. Replete with detailed illustrations and helpful examples, this book covers a host of cutting edge topics such as the core function, the quotient function, new Chinese Remainder theorems, and large integer operations. It also features many significant applications to practical communication systems and cryptography such as FIR filters and elliptic curve cryptography. Starting with a comprehensive introduction to the basics and leading up to current research trends that are not yet widely distributed in other publications, this book will be of interest to both researchers and students alike.

Resilience and Reliability on AWS: Engineering at Cloud Scale

by Jurg Van Vliet Flavia Paganelli Jasper Geurtsen

Cloud services are just as susceptible to network outages as any other platform. This concise book shows you how to prepare for potentially devastating interruptions by building your own resilient and reliable applications in the public cloud. Guided by engineers from 9apps—an independent provider of Amazon Web Services and Eucalyptus cloud solutions—you’ll learn how to combine AWS with open source tools such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis.This isn’t a book on theory. With detailed examples, sample scripts, and solid advice, software engineers with operations experience will learn specific techniques that 9apps routinely uses in its cloud infrastructures.Build cloud applications with the "rip, mix, and burn" approachGet a crash course on Amazon Web ServicesLearn the top ten tips for surviving outages in the cloudUse elasticsearch to build a dependable NoSQL data storeCombine AWS and PostgreSQL to build an RDBMS that scales wellCreate a highly available document database with MongoDB Replica Set and SimpleDBAugment Redis with AWS to provide backup/restore, failover, and monitoring capabilitiesWork with CloudFront and Route 53 to safeguard global content delivery

Resilience and Risk

by Igor Linkov José Manuel Palma-Oliveira

This volume addresses the challenges associated with methodology and application of risk and resilience science and practice to address emerging threats in environmental, cyber, infrastructure and other domains. The book utilizes the collective expertise of scholars and experts in industry, government and academia in the new and emerging field of resilience in order to provide a more comprehensive and universal understanding of how resilience methodology can be applied in various disciplines and applications. This book advocates for a systems-driven view of resilience in applications ranging from cyber security to ecology to social action, and addresses resilience-based management in infrastructure, cyber, social domains and methodology and tools. Risk and Resilience has been written to open up a transparent dialog on resilience management for scientists and practitioners in all relevant academic disciplines and can be used as supplement in teaching risk assessment and management courses.

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