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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 - Second Edition

by Ben Frain

Learn the HTML5 and CSS3 you need to help you design responsive and future-proof websites that meet the demands of modern web users About This Book * Learn and explore how to harness the latest features of HTML5 in the context of responsive web design * Learn to wield the new Flexbox layout mechanism, code responsive images, and understand how to implement SVGs in a responsive project * Make your pages interactive by using CSS animations, transformations, and transitions Who This Book Is For Are you writing two websites - one for mobile and one for larger displays? Or perhaps you've already implemented your first 'RWD' but are struggling bring it all together? If so, Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition gives you everything you need to take your web sites to the next level. You'll need some HTML and CSS knowledge to follow along, but everything you need to know about Responsive Design and making great websites is included in the book! What You Will Learn * Understand what responsive design is, and why it's vital for modern web development * HTML5 markup is cleaner, faster, and more semantically rich than anything that has come before - learn how to use it and its latest features * Integrate CSS3 media queries into your designs to use different styles for different media. You'll also learn about future media queries which are evolving in CSS4. * Responsive images allow different images to be presented in different scenarios. We'll cover how to load different sets of images depending upon screen size or resolution and how to display different images in different contexts. * Conquer forms! Add validation and useful interface elements like date pickers and range sliders with HTML5 markup alone. * Implement SVGs into your responsive designs to provide resolution independent images, and learn how to adapt and animate them * Learn how to use the latest features of CSS including custom fonts, nth-child selectors (and some CSS4 selectors), CSS custom properties (variables), and CSS calc In Detail Desktop-only websites just aren't good enough anymore. With mobile internet usage still rising, and tablets changing internet consumption habits, you need to know how to build websites that will just 'work', regardless of the devices used to access them. This second edition of Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 explains all the key approaches necessary to create and maintain a modern responsive design. The changing way in which we access the web means that there has never been a greater range of screen sizes and associated user experiences to consider. With these recent trends driving changes in design, typical desktop-only websites fail to meet even minimum expectations when it comes to style and usability, which can be vital when your website is central to yours or your client's brand. Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition is an updated and improved guide that responds to the latest challenges and trends in web design, giving you access to the most effective approaches to modern responsive design. Learn how to build websites with a "responsive and mobile first" methodology, allowing a website to display effortlessly on every device that accesses it. Packed with examples, and a thorough explanation of modern techniques and syntax, Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition provides a comprehensive resource for all things 'responsive'. This updated new edition covers all the most up-to-date techniques and tools needed to build great responsive designs, ensuring that your projects won't just be built 'right' for today, but in the future too. Chapter example code is all hosted on, a dedicated site for the book, built by the author, using the approaches and techniques championed throughout.

Responsive Web Design with jQuery

by Gilberto Crespo

"Responsive Web Design with jQuery" follows a standard tutorial-based approach, covering various aspects of responsive web design by building a comprehensive website."Responsive Web Design with jQuery" is aimed at web designers who are interested in building device-agnostic websites. You should have a grasp of standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development, and have a familiarity with graphic design. Some exposure to jQuery and HTML5 will be beneficial but isn't essential.

Responsywne i wydajne projekty internetowe. Szybkie aplikacje dla ka?dego

by Tom Barker

Superwydajne aplikacje i strony WWW!1024×768, 800×600 — czy te liczby co? Ci mówi?? To najpopularniejsze rozdzielczo?ci ekranu, które obowi?zywa?y w czasach przed mobiln? rewolucj?. Obecnie u?ytkownicy korzystaj? z przeró?nych ekranów, wy?wietlaj?cych obrazy w wielu innych rozdzielczo?ciach. Jak sobie z tym poradzi?? Jak tworzy? strony WWW, które b?d? dzia?a? poprawnie na ka?dym dost?pnym urz?dzeniu? Jak rozwi?za? problemy z wydajno?ci?? Na te i dziesi?tki innych pyta? odpowiada ta niezwyk?a ksi??ka.Si?gnij po ni? i zapoznaj si? z najnowszymi trendami w tworzeniu responsywnych i wydajnych stron WWW oraz aplikacji internetowych. W trakcie lektury zdob?dziesz bezcenn? wiedz? na temat mierzenia wydajno?ci aplikacji oraz czynników, które maj? na ni? wp?yw. Kolejne rozdzia?y dostarcz? Ci wyczerpuj?cych informacji dotycz?cych ciekawych rozwi?za? problemu wydajno?ci po stronie klienta oraz serwera, a ponadto zaprezentuj? techniki ci?g?ego testowania wydajno?ci. Przekonaj si?, jak istotne jest zapewnianie obrazów dopasowanych do urz?dzenia oraz stosowanie pami?ci podr?cznej. Poznaj dost?pne responsywne szkielety oraz ich ocen? wed?ug osobistych kryteriów autora. Jest to doskona?a lektura dla wszystkich osób pod??aj?cych za trendami w tworzeniu stron WWW i aplikacji internetowych. Uzyskaj podstawowe informacj? dotycz?ce wydajno?ci stron i narz?dzi do jej mierzenia. Pisz funkcjonalno?ci przy wykorzystaniu NodeJS, które zaserwuj? zasoby przystosowane do urz?dzenia klienta. Poznaj rozwi?zania dzia?aj?ce po stronie klienta, takie jak leniwe ?adowanie ca?ych sekcji strony — w??cznie z obrazami, stylami i zawarto?ci?. Sprawdzaj zgodno?? z umow? SLA poprzez automatyczne testy napisane w PhantomJS. Przeanalizuj kilka responsywnych frameworków, oraz autorski framework Toma Barkera dzia?aj?cy po stronie serwera.Poznaj sposoby tworzenia wydajnych i responsywnych aplikacji internetowych!Tom Barker — jest zwi?zany z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania od lat 90. XX wieku. Aktualnie pe?ni funkcj? dyrektora ds. wytwarzania oprogramowania w firmie Comcast. Interesuje si? analiz? danych i ich wizualizacj?. Szczególn? uwag? przyk?ada do tworzenia kodu wysokiej jako?ci.

Responsywne strony WWW dla ka_dego

by Clarissa Peterson

Twórz skalowalne strony WWW (RWD) dla wszystkich urz?dze?!Responsywne strony WWW umiej?tnie dostosowuj? si? do rozmiaru ka?dego ekranu, na jakim zechcesz je wy?wietli?. Ta ich w?a?ciwo?? pomaga równie? generowa? zyski! Po pierwsze, wystarczy utrzymywa? tylko jedn? wersj? responsywnej strony. Po drugie, Twoi potencjalni klienci i u?ytkownicy mog? zapozna? si? z Twoj? ofert? lub skorzysta? z niej praktycznie w dowolnym miejscu ?wiata. I to niezale?nie od tego, czy korzystaj? ze smartfona, z tabletu czy z komputera stacjonarnego!Je?eli chcesz nauczy? si? tworzy? takie strony, ta ksi??ka b?dzie dla Ciebie najlepszym ?ród?em! Ju? za chwil? dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób zbudowa? skalowalne strony WWW z wykorzystaniem najnowszych mo?liwo?ci kaskadowych arkuszy stylów CSS3 oraz j?zyka HTML5. Przekonasz si?, jak ?atwo mo?esz modyfikowa? style pod konkretne media oraz jak najlepiej zorganizowa? proces projektowania responsywnej strony WWW. Zaznajomisz si? te? z najlepszymi technikami poprawy wydajno?ci Twoich stron WWW. To jest obowi?zkowa lektura dla wszystkich programistów i projektantów stron WWW! Przygotuj strategi? tre?ci strony zanim zajmiesz si? jej wizualnym wygl?dem Dowiedz si?, dlaczego domy?lnym wzorcem powinna by? strona przystosowana do ma?ych ekranów Poznaj elementy j?zyka HTML i w?a?ciwo?ci stylów CSS niezb?dne do tworzenia skalowalnych stron Zastosuj zapytania o media, aby wy?wietla? ró?ne style CSS na ekranach ró?nej wielko?ci Modyfikuj obrazy, czcionki i sekcje nawigacji Stosuj techniki optymalizacyjne, aby tworzy? mniejsze i szybsze stronyOdkryj mo?liwo?ci responsywnych stron WWW!

Responsywne strony WWW. Technologia na start!

by Craig Sharkie Andrew Fisher

Strony WWW dla ka?dego urz?dzenia!Responsywne strony WWW potrafi? dopasowywa? si? do rozmiaru ekranu u?ytkownika. Niezale?nie od tego, czy korzysta on ze stacjonarnego komputera z du?ym monitorem, laptopa czy smartfona, zawsze mo?e bez utraty kluczowej zawarto?ci przegl?da? ulubione witryny. Responsywno?? by?a do niedawna tylko dodatkiem do tworzonych stron — mia?a po prostu mi?o zaskoczy? klientów. Obecnie to standard us?ug WWW.Z tej unikalnej ksi??ki dowiesz si?, jak sprawnie tworzy? responsywne serwisy. Nauczysz si? stosowa? p?ynne siatki oraz korzysta? z tych gotowych: 960 Grid System, 320 and Up oraz Bootstrap. Zrozumiesz, w jaki sposób dzia?aj? responsywne strony, które nie tylko dostosowuj? swój uk?ad do rozmiaru ekranu, lecz tak?e adaptuj? dostarczane materia?y multimedialne, g?ównie zdj?cia. W kolejnych rozdzia?ach znajdziesz obszerne omówienie tych zagadnie?. W ko?cu dowiesz si?, jak stworzy? w?asny elastyczny szablon oraz jakie s? dost?pne gotowe rozwi?zania. Ta ksi??ka jest obowi?zkow? lektur? ka?dego dewelopera stron WWW, który chce by? na czasie oraz korzysta? z dobrodziejstw responsywnych stron!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: poznasz potencja? responsywnych stron WWW stworzysz w?asn? p?ynn? siatk? zaserwujesz u?ytkownikowi pliki multimedialne dostosowane do jego urz?dzenia poznasz szablony — Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton i inne zbudujesz responsywn? stron?Obowi?zkowa lektura ka?dego dewelopera stron WWW!

RESS Essentials

by Joanna Krenz-Kurowska Jerzy Kurowski

This is a step-by-step, practical guide which will introduce you to RESS and its key features.This book is aimed primarily at web developers interested in writing applications that leverage both client- and server-side code to optimise content for various devices.

Ressourceneffiziente Selbstoptimierende Wäscherei: Ergebnisse des ReSerW-Projekts (Intelligente Technische Systeme – Lösungen aus dem Spitzencluster it’s OWL)

by Ansgar Trächtler

Die Publikation befasst sich mit der Optimierung einer Wäscherei hinsichtlich ihrer Ressourceneffizienz. Ressourcen umschließen hierbei die menschliche Arbeitskraft, der Umsatz von Chemikalien und Wasser, sowie den Energieverbrauch. Die Grundlagen der Wäschereitechnik und die eingesetzten wissenschaftlichen Methoden bilden die Grundlage für die exemplarische Umsetzung einer ressourceneffizienten Wäscherei. Diese Umsetzung erfolgt in vier Pilotprojekten, die sich mit unterschiedlichen aktuellen Herausforderungen der Wäschereitechnik beschäftigten.Ergebnisse des ReSerW-Projekts im Rahmen des Spitzenclusters intelligente technische Systeme OWL (it’s OWL).

REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications

by Cesare Pautasso Erik Wilde Rosa Alarcon

This book serves as a starting point for people looking for a deeper principled understanding of REST, its applications, its limitations, and current research work in the area and as an architectural style. The authors focus on applying REST beyond Web applications (i. e. , in enterprise environments), and in reusing established and well-understood design patterns. The book examines how RESTful systems can be designed and deployed, and what the results are in terms of benefits and challenges encountered in the process. This book is intended for information and service architects and designers who are interested in learning about REST, how it is applied, and how it is being advanced.

REST: From Research to Practice

by Erik Wilde Cesare Pautasso

This volume provides an overview and an understanding of REST (Representational State Transfer). Discussing the constraints of REST the book focuses on REST as a type of web architectural style. The focus is on applying REST beyond Web applications (i.e., in enterprise environments), and in reusing established and well-understood design patterns when doing so. The reader will be able to understand how RESTful systems can be designed and deployed, and what the results are in terms of benefits and challenges encountered in the process. Since REST is relatively new as an approach for designing Web Services, the more advanced part of the book collects a number of challenges to some of the assumptions and constraints of REST, and looks at current research work on how REST can be extended and applied to scenarios that often are considered not to be a good match for REST. This work will help readers to reach a deeper understanding of REST on a practical as well as on an advanced level.

REST API Design Rulebook

by Mark Masse

In today's market, where rival web services compete for attention, a well-designed REST API is a must-have feature. This concise book presents a set of API design rules, drawn primarily from best practices that stick close to the Web's REST architectural style. Along with rules for URI design and HTTP use, you'll learn guidelines for media types and representational forms. REST APIs are ubiquitous, but few of them follow a consistent design methodology. Using these simple rules, you will design web service APIs that adhere to recognized web standards. To assist you, author Mark Massé introduces the Web Resource Modeling Language (WRML), a conceptual framework he created for the design and implementation of REST APIs. Learn design rules for addressing resources with URIs Apply design principles to HTTP's request methods and response status codes Work with guidelines for conveying metadata through HTTP headers and media types Get design tips to address the needs of client programs, including the special needs of browser-based JavaScript clients Understand why REST APIs should be designed and configured, not coded

REST API Design Rulebook: Designing Consistent RESTful Web Service Interfaces

by Mark Masse

In todayâ??s market, where rival web services compete for attention, a well-designed REST API is a must-have feature. This concise book presents a set of API design rules, drawn primarily from best practices that stick close to the Webâ??s REST architectural style. Along with rules for URI design and HTTP use, youâ??ll learn guidelines for media types and representational forms.REST APIs are ubiquitous, but few of them follow a consistent design methodology. Using these simple rules, you will design web service APIs that adhere to recognized web standards. To assist you, author Mark Massé introduces the Web Resource Modeling Language (WRML), a conceptual framework he created for the design and implementation of REST APIs.Learn design rules for addressing resources with URIsApply design principles to HTTPâ??s request methods and response status codesWork with guidelines for conveying metadata through HTTP headers and media typesGet design tips to address the needs of client programs, including the special needs of browser-based JavaScript clientsUnderstand why REST APIs should be designed and configured, not coded

REST API Development with Node.js: Manage and Understand the Full Capabilities of Successful REST Development

by Fernando Doglio

Manage and understand the full capabilities of successful REST development. REST API development is a hot topic in the programming world, but not many resources exist for developers to really understand how you can leverage the advantages.This completely updated second edition provides a brief background on REST and the tools it provides (well known and not so well known), then explains how there is more to REST than just JSON and URLs. You will learn about the maintained modules currently available in the npm community, including Express, Restify, Vatican, and Swagger. Finally you will code an example API from start to finish, using a subset of the tools covered.The Node community is currently flooded with modules; some of them are published once and never updated again - cluttering the entire universe of packages. Pro REST API Development with Node.js shines light into that black hole of modules for the developers trying to create an API. Understand REST API development with Node.js using this book today. What You'll LearnUnderstand how REST and API development mix up with Node.jsCreate a scalable, technology agnostic, and uniform interfacePrepare your services to be consumed by your clientsTest and deploy your APIReview troubleshooting techniques Who This Book Is ForAny Node.js developer who wants to fully understand REST API development. Beginner and Intermediate Node.js developers who are looking to fully understand how to create RESTful microservices.

REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture

by Jim Webber Savas Parastatidis Ian Robinson

Why don't typical enterprise projects go as smoothly as projects you develop for the Web? Does the REST architectural style really present a viable alternative for building distributed systems and enterprise-class applications?In this insightful book, three SOA experts provide a down-to-earth explanation of REST and demonstrate how you can develop simple and elegant distributed hypermedia systems by applying the Web's guiding principles to common enterprise computing problems. You'll learn techniques for implementing specific Web technologies and patterns to solve the needs of a typical company as it grows from modest beginnings to become a global enterprise.Learn basic Web techniques for application integrationUse HTTP and the Web’s infrastructure to build scalable, fault-tolerant enterprise applicationsDiscover the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) pattern for manipulating resourcesBuild RESTful services that use hypermedia to model state transitions and describe business protocolsLearn how to make Web-based solutions secure and interoperableExtend integration patterns for event-driven computing with the Atom Syndication Format and implement multi-party interactions in AtomPubUnderstand how the Semantic Web will impact systems design

Restful API Design (API University Series)

by Matthias Biehl

Looking for Best Practices for RESTful APIs? This book is for you! Why? Because this book is packed with practical experience on what works best for RESTful API Design. You want to design APIs like a Pro? Use API description languages to both design APIs and develop APIs efficiently. The book introduces the two most common API description languages RAML, OpenAPI, and Swagger. Your company cares about its customers? Learn API product management with a customer-centric design and development approach for APIs. Learn how to manage APIs as a product and how to follow an API-first approach. Build APIs your customers love! You want to manage the complete API lifecycle? An API development methodology is proposed to guide you through the lifecycle: API inception, API design, API development, API publication, API evolution, and maintenance. You want to build APIs right? This book shows best practices for REST design, such as the correct use of resources, URIs, representations, content types, data formats, parameters, HTTP status codes, and HTTP methods. Your APIs connect to legacy systems? The book shows best practices for connecting APIs to existing backend systems. Your APIs connect to a mesh of microservices? The book shows the principles for designing APIs for scalable, autonomous microservices. You expect lots of traffic on your API? The book shows you how to achieve high performance, availability and maintainability. You want to build APIs that last for decades? We study API versioning, API evolution, backward- and forward-compatibility and show API design patterns for versioning. The API-University Series is a modular series of books on API-related topics. Each book focuses on a particular API topic, so you can select the topics within APIs, which are relevant for you.

RESTful Java Patterns and Best Practices

by Bhakti Mehta

This book is aimed at novice developers who want to gain insights into building RESTful services and improve productivity, as well as for advanced developers who want to delve into more complicated topics.

RESTful Java Web Services

by Jose Sandoval

The approach we take is ideal for software developers with some, or extensive, programming experience: we design a RESTful API, which serves as our software specification, and implement it with every framework discussed in the book--there are no hypothetical examples; only practical working applications. This book is for Java developers who want to code RESTful web services using any of the open source RESTful frameworks available to date, for example, JAX-RS implementations such as Jersey and RESTEasy, the Restlet lightweight framework, or Struts 2 with the REST plug-in. You don't need to know REST, as we cover the theory of REST and web services; however, you should be familiar with the Java language and have some understanding of Java web applications. For each framework, we develop the same web service outlined in Chapter 4, so there is lots of working code available. This is a practical guide and the majority of the book is about coding RESTful web services, and not just about the theory of REST.

RESTful Java Web Services - Second Edition

by Jobinesh Purushothaman

Design scalable and robust RESTful web services with JAX-RS and Jersey extension APIs About This Book * Get to grips with the portable Java APIs used for JSON processing * Design solutions to produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services using WADL, RAML, and Swagger * A step-by-step guide packed with many real-life use-cases to help you build efficient and secure RESTful web APIs in Java Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer with a basic understanding of the REST concepts but are new to the idea of designing and developing RESTful web services, this is the book for you. As all the code samples for the book are written in Java, proficiency in Java is a must. What You Will Learn * Introduce yourself to the RESTful software architectural style and the REST API design principles * Make use of the JSR 353 APIs and Jackson API for JSON processing * Build portable RESTful web APIs, making use of the JAX-RS 2.0 API * Simplify API development using the Jersey extension APIs * Secure your RESTful web services with various authentication and authorization mechanisms * Get to grips with the various metadata solutions to describe, produce, and consume RESTful web services * Understand the design and coding guidelines to build well-performing RESTful APIs * See how the role of RESTful web services changes with emerging technologies and trends In Detail REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is a simple yet powerful software architecture style to create scalable web services and allow them to be simple, lightweight, and fast. The REST API uses HTTP and JSON, so that it can be used with many programming languages such as Ruby, Java, Python, and Scala. Its use in Java seems to be the most popular though, because of the API's reusability. This book is a guide to developing RESTful web services in Java using the popular RESTful framework APIs available today. You will begin with gaining an in-depth knowledge of the RESTful software architectural style and its relevance in modern applications. Further, you will understand the APIs to parse, generate, transform, and query JSON effectively. Then, you will see how to build a simple RESTful service using the popular JAX-RS 2.0 API along with some real-world examples. This book will introduce you to the Jersey framework API, which is used to simplify your web services. You will also see how to secure your services with various authentication mechanisms. You will get to grips with various solutions to describe, produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services. Finally, you will see how to design your web services to equip them for the future technological advances, be it Cloud or mobile computing. By the end of this book, you will be able to efficiently build robust, scalable, and secure RESTful web services, making use of the JAX-RS and Jersey framework extensions. Style and approach This book is written as a step-by-step guide to designing and developing robust RESTful web services. Each topic is explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with lots of real-life use-cases and their solutions.

RESTful Java Web Services Security

by Andres Salazar C. Rene Enriquez

A sequential and easy-to-follow guide which allows you to understand the concepts related to securing web apps/services quickly and efficiently, since each topic is explained and described with the help of an example and in a step-by-step manner, helping you to easily implement the examples in your own projects. This book is intended for web application developers who use RESTful web services to power their websites. Prior knowledge of RESTful is not mandatory, but would be advisable.

RESTful Java Web Services, Third Edition

by Bogunuva Mohanram Balachandar

Master core REST concepts and create RESTful web services in Java About This Book Build efficient and secure RESTful web APIs in Java.. Design solutions to produce, consume and visualize RESTful web services using WADL, RAML, and Swagger Familiarize the role of RESTful APIs usage in emerging technology trends like Cloud, IoT, Social Media. Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer with a basic understanding of the REST concepts and envisage to get acquainted with the idea of designing and developing RESTful web services, this is the book for you. As all the code samples for the book are written in Java, proficiency in Java is a must. What You Will Learn Introduce yourself to the RESTful software architectural style and the REST API design principles Make use of the JSR 353 API, JSR 374 API, JSR 367 API and Jackson API for JSON processing Build portable RESTful web APIs, making use of the JAX-RS 2.1 API Simplify API development using the Jersey and RESTEasy extension APIs Secure your RESTful web services with various authentication and authorization mechanisms Get to grips with the various metadata solutions to describe, produce, and consume RESTful web services Understand the design and coding guidelines to build well-performing RESTful APIs See how the role of RESTful web services changes with emerging technologies and trends In Detail Representational State Transfer (REST) is a simple yet powerful software architecture style to create lightweight and scalable web services. The RESTful web services use HTTP as the transport protocol and can use any message formats, including XML, JSON(widely used), CSV, and many more, which makes it easily inter-operable across different languages and platforms. This successful book is currently in its 3rd edition and has been used by thousands of developers. It serves as an excellent guide for developing RESTful web services in Java. This book attempts to familiarize the reader with the concepts of REST. It is a pragmatic guide for designing and developing web services using Java APIs for real-life use cases following best practices and for learning to secure REST APIs using OAuth and JWT. Finally, you will learn the role of RESTful web services for future technological advances, be it cloud, IoT or social media. By the end of this book, you will be able to efficiently build robust, scalable, and secure RESTful web services using Java APIs. Style and approach Step-by-step guide to designing and developing robust RESTful web services. Each topic is explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with lots of real-life use-cases and their solutions.

RESTful Java Web Services - Third Edition

by Bogunuva Mohanram Balachandar

Master core REST concepts and create RESTful web services in Java About This Book • Build efficient and secure RESTful web APIs in Java.. • Design solutions to produce, consume and visualize RESTful web services using WADL, RAML, and Swagger • Familiarize the role of RESTful APIs usage in emerging technology trends like Cloud, IoT, Social Media. Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer with a basic understanding of the REST concepts and envisage to get acquainted with the idea of designing and developing RESTful web services, this is the book for you. As all the code samples for the book are written in Java, proficiency in Java is a must. What You Will Learn • Introduce yourself to the RESTful software architectural style and the REST API design principles • Make use of the JSR 353 API, JSR 374 API, JSR 367 API and Jackson API for JSON processing • Build portable RESTful web APIs, making use of the JAX-RS 2.1 API • Simplify API development using the Jersey and RESTEasy extension APIs • Secure your RESTful web services with various authentication and authorization mechanisms • Get to grips with the various metadata solutions to describe, produce, and consume RESTful web services • Understand the design and coding guidelines to build well-performing RESTful APIs • See how the role of RESTful web services changes with emerging technologies and trends In Detail Representational State Transfer (REST) is a simple yet powerful software architecture style to create lightweight and scalable web services. The RESTful web services use HTTP as the transport protocol and can use any message formats, including XML, JSON(widely used), CSV, and many more, which makes it easily inter-operable across different languages and platforms. This successful book is currently in its 3rd edition and has been used by thousands of developers. It serves as an excellent guide for developing RESTful web services in Java. This book attempts to familiarize the reader with the concepts of REST. It is a pragmatic guide for designing and developing web services using Java APIs for real-life use cases following best practices and for learning to secure REST APIs using OAuth and JWT. Finally, you will learn the role of RESTful web services for future technological advances, be it cloud, IoT or social media. By the end of this book, you will be able to efficiently build robust, scalable, and secure RESTful web services using Java APIs. Style and approach Step-by-step guide to designing and developing robust RESTful web services. Each topic is explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with lots of real-life use-cases and their solutions.

RESTful Java with JAX-RS

by Bill Burke

Learn how to design and develop distributed web services in Java using RESTful architectural principals and the JAX-RS specification in Java EE 6. With this hands-on reference, you'll focus on implementation rather than theory, and discover why the RESTful method is far better than technologies like CORBA and SOAP. It's easy to get started with services based on the REST architecture. RESTful Java with JAX-RS includes a technical guide that explains REST and JAX-RS, how they work, and when to use them. With the RESTEasy workbook that follows, you get step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and running several working JAX-RS examples using the JBoss RESTEasy implementation of JAX-RS. Work on the design of a distributed RESTful interface, and develop it in Java as a JAX-RS service Dispatch HTTP requests in JAX-RS, and learn how to extract information from them Deploy your web services within Java Enterprise Edition using the Application class, Default Component Model, EJB Integration, Spring Integration, and JPA Discover several options for securing your web services Learn how to implement RESTful design patterns using JAX-RS Write RESTful clients in Java using libraries and frameworks such as, Apache HTTP Client, and RESTEasy Proxy

RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0: Designing and Developing Distributed Web Services

by Bill Burke

Learn how to design and develop distributed web services in Java, using RESTful architectural principles and the JAX-RS 2.0 specification in Java EE 7. By focusing on implementation rather than theory, this hands-on reference demonstrates how easy it is to get started with services based on the REST architecture.With the book’s technical guide, you’ll learn how REST and JAX-RS work and when to use them. The RESTEasy workbook that follows provides step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and running several working JAX-RS examples, using the JBoss RESTEasy implementation of JAX-RS 2.0.Learn JAX-RS 2.0 features, including a client API, server-side asynchronous HTTP, and filters and interceptorsExamine the design of a distributed RESTful interface for an e-commerce order entry systemUse the JAX-RS Response object to return complex responses to your client (ResponseBuilder)Increase the performance of your services by leveraging HTTP caching protocolsDeploy and integrate web services within Java EE7, servlet containers, EJB, Spring, and JPALearn popular mechanisms to perform authentication on the Web, including client-side SSL and OAuth 2.0

RESTful .NET: Build and Consume RESTful Web Services with .NET 3.5

by Jon Flanders

RESTful .NET is the first book that teaches Windows developers to build RESTful web services using the latest Microsoft tools. Written by Windows Communication Foundation (WFC) expert Jon Flanders, this hands-on tutorial demonstrates how you can use WCF and other components of the .NET 3.5 Framework to build, deploy and use REST-based web services in a variety of application scenarios.RESTful architecture offers a simpler approach to building web services than SOAP, SOA, and the cumbersome WS- stack. And WCF has proven to be a flexible technology for building distributed systems not necessarily tied to WS- standards. RESTful .NET provides you with a complete guide to the WCF REST programming model for building web services consumed either by machines or humans. You'll learn how to:Program Read-Only (GET) servicesProgram READ/WRITE servicesHost REST servicesProgram REST feedsProgram AJAX REST clientsSecure REST endpointsUse workflow to deliver REST servicesConsume RESTful XML services using WCFWork with HTTPWork with ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria)RESTful .NET introduces you to the ideas of REST and RESTful architecture, and includes a detailed discussion of how the Web/REST model plugs into the WCF architecture. If you develop with .NET, it's time to jump on the RESTful bandwagon. This book explains how."While REST is simple, WCF is not. To really understand and exploit this part of WCF requires a knowledgeable and experienced guide. I don't know anybody who's better suited for this role than Jon Flanders. ...Jon is first-rate at explaining complicated things. This book is the best introduction I've seen to creating and using these services with WCF."--David Chappell, Chappell & Associates

RESTful PHP Web Services

by Samisa Abeysinghe

The book explains the basic concepts associated with the REST architectural style, but the emphasis is on creating PHP code for consuming and creating RESTful services in PHP. There is plenty of example PHP code to illustrate the concepts, with careful explanations of how the code works. This book targets PHP developers who want to build or make use of RESTful web services, or explore the options available to them in PHP. You will need to know the basics of PHP development, but no knowledge of REST is assumed, nor any knowledge of creating web services generally.

RESTful Rails Development

by Silvia Puglisi

This book serves as a practical guide to developing RESTful applications, designing RESTful architectures, and deploying RESTful services using Ruby on Rails. By the end of each chapter, the reader will have key takeaways for how to build and extend a multi-service platform spanning different devices. The book explains the power of RESTful development with Rails, illustrating how to build an architecture composed of different services accessing shared resources through a set of collaborating APIs and applications.

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