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Rethinking Business for Sustainable Leadership in a VUCA World: 17th International Conference on Business Excellence, ICBE 2023, Bucharest, Romania, March 23-25, 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Mihail Busu

This book presents a selection of the best papers from the 17th International Conference on Business Excellence, “Rethinking Business: Sustainable Leadership in a VUCA World” (ICBE 2023), held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2023.In today's rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), the need to reshape business practices has become paramount. The book showcases research findings and perspectives on the new challenges particularly posed by the digital economy and research systems. Focusing on revolving business and developing sustainable leadership, it offers valuable insights into the present context of global crisis, together with solutions for the real-world challenges we face today.

Rethinking Enterprise Risk Management (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application)

by Halis Kıral

This book provides a critical analysis of existing enterprise risk management models and practices and proposes innovative solutions to address the challenges associated with implementing enterprise risk management strategies. Enterprise risk management activities are not high on the priority agenda of the senior management in both public and private sectors. Conceptual ambiguity and methodological gaps in current standards and frameworks make it difficult to effectively implement enterprise risk management. Therefore, this book’s approach to enterprise risk management aims to eliminate the unit-based silo approach of traditional risk management, adopting a function-based silo approach. It focuses on the management of fewer and more significant risks associated with high-level objectives, rather than all business processes of the organization, thus increasing the success of enterprise risk management implementation. The book would be a valuable read for business executives, internal and external auditors, business school students and academics.

Rethinking Enterprise Storage: A Hybrid Cloud Model

by Marc Farley

Storage is a huge part of the annual IT budget. For many customers it is the largest component of their IT budget. They are willing to over-spend on storage every year because they are conservative about changing the ways they do things. But, they know they have to do some things differently because their old methods don't scale (data growth year to year is the root cause and is unstoppable) There can be extremely negative exposures from downtime if storage goes haywire and customer data is lost. Hybrid cloud storage solutions provide a secure, scalable, and affordable option.

Rethinking ICT Adoption Theories in the Developing World: Information and Communication Technologies (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Emmanuel Eilu Ganesh Bhutkar Rehema Baguma John Sören Pettersson

This book provides extended frameworks and models to help with the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in developing countries. The book first discusses the extent to which conventional ICT theories can be rigid in nature, often unable to handle the constant advances in technology, and technology adoption, implementation, usage, and disposal, not to mention different needs and cost availability in developing countries. The authors go on to show how new and revised models, tested in many societies in developing countries, can solve this mismatch. The authors provide examples of successful ICT adoption in developing country settings, in the areas of agriculture, culture, forestry, education, economics, health, and governance. The authors also show how techniques from persuasive design, philosophical designs, and motivational designs have been adjusted to facilitate successful ICT adoption, implementation, usage, and disposal in targeted regions.

Rethinking Innovation and Design for Emerging Markets: Inside the Renault Kwid Project

by Christophe Midler Bernard Jullien Yannick Lung

The authors have put together a fascinating narrative of the creation process of one of the most successful example of frugal engineering in recent years. They bring out insightful details of what managerial, organizational and technological pathways were taken to come up with a disruptive innovation that has the potential to change the entry-level automobile market in India and other emerging markets. The book significantly deepens and extends the knowledge of disruptive and reverse innovation, as well as of strategic alliance management. The book keeps the reader captive and is a must read for all who have an interest in innovation.

Rethinking IT in Construction and Engineering: Organisational Readiness

by Mustafa Alshawi

How could the potential of IT be realised to improve business performance in architecture, construction and engineering organisations? How could organisations unleash the potential of IT to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage? How can organisations migrate from technology to IT-enabled business thinking? Based on the author's twenty years research experience, this book provides a holistic picture of the factors that enable architecture, construction and engineering organisations to explore the potential of IT to improve their businesses and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It raises awareness of the importance of the organisational 'soft issues' and the role they play in influencing the outcome of IT investments as well as addressing other complementary enablers, such as knowledge management, learning organisations, maturity models and e-readiness measurements. Real case studies are used throughout the book to illustrate various concepts and to provide the reader with a realistic and practical picture. Rethinking IT in Construction & Engineering is ideal for lecturers and researchers in architecture, construction and engineering as well as professionals at managerial level in industry.

Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age: How Learners are Shaping their Own Experiences

by Rhona Sharpe Helen Beetham Sara de Freitas

Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age addresses the complex and diverse experiences of learners in a world embedded with digital technologies. The text combines first-hand accounts from learners with extensive research and analysis, including a developmental model for effective e-learning, and a wide range of strategies that digitally-connected learners are using to fit learning into their lives. A companion to Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age (2007), this book focuses on how learners’ experiences of learning are changing and raises important challenges to the educational status quo. Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age: moves beyond stereotypes of the "net generation" to explore the diversity of e-learning experiences today analyses learners' experiences holistically, across the many technologies and learning opportunities they encounter reveals digital-age learners as creative actors and networkers in their own right, who make strategic choices about their use of digital applications and learning approaches. Today’s learners are active participants in their learning experiences and are shaping their own educational environments. Professors, learning practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers will find Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age invaluable for understanding the learning experience, and shaping their own responses.

Rethinking Problem-based Learning for the Digital Age: A Practical Guide for Online Settings

by Maggi Savin-Baden Heather Fraser

Rethinking Problem-based Learning for the Digital Age provides grounded, evidence-based strategies for teaching faculty, academic developers and educational technologists who are changing their problem-based learning (PBL) modules and programmes from face-to-face to online. Given today’s rapid advancements in learning and curriculum development specific to online and blended modes, there is considerable potential to introduce new forms of PBL in higher education. This book applies fundamental and cutting-edge research, including original scholarship by the authors, to innovative PBL practices and realistic tasks that can be brought to life through digital environments, teamwork and resources. Whether re-contextualizing PBL practices for newly online/blended instruction or seeking fresh PBL approaches for existing digital education environments across disciplines, readers will be guided to construct active, highly motivating, learner-centred experiences using simulations, games, virtual reality, multimedia and other complex innovations.

Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering

by Thomas Zimmermann Caitlin Sadowski

Get the most out of this foundational reference and improve the productivity of your software teams. This open access book collects the wisdom of the 2017 "Dagstuhl" seminar on productivity in software engineering, a meeting of community leaders, who came together with the goal of rethinking traditional definitions and measures of productivity.The results of their work, Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering, includes chapters covering definitions and core concepts related to productivity, guidelines for measuring productivity in specific contexts, best practices and pitfalls, and theories and open questions on productivity. You'll benefit from the many short chapters, each offering a focused discussion on one aspect of productivity in software engineering.Readers in many fields and industries will benefit from their collected work. Developers wanting to improve their personal productivity, will learn effective strategies for overcoming common issues that interfere with progress. Organizations thinking about building internal programs for measuring productivity of programmers and teams will learn best practices from industry and researchers in measuring productivity. And researchers can leverage the conceptual frameworks and rich body of literature in the book to effectively pursue new research directions.What You'll LearnReview the definitions and dimensions of software productivitySee how time management is having the opposite of the intended effectDevelop valuable dashboardsUnderstand the impact of sensors on productivityAvoid software development wasteWork with human-centered methods to measure productivityLook at the intersection of neuroscience and productivityManage interruptions and context-switchingWho Book Is ForIndustry developers and those responsible for seminar-style courses that include a segment on software developer productivity. Chapters are written for a generalist audience, without excessive use of technical terminology.

Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything

by Francis Dacosta

Apress is proud to announce that Rethinking the Internet of Things was a 2014 Jolt Award Finalist, the highest honor for a programming book. And the amazing part is that there is no code in the book. Over the next decade, most devices connected to the Internet will not be used by people in the familiar way that personal computers, tablets and smart phones are. Billions of interconnected devices will be monitoring the environment, transportation systems, factories, farms, forests, utilities, soil and weather conditions, oceans and resources. Many of these sensors and actuators will be networked into autonomous sets, with much of the information being exchanged machine-to-machine directly and without human involvement. Machine-to-machine communications are typically terse. Most sensors and actuators will report or act upon small pieces of information - "chirps". Burdening these devices with current network protocol stacks is inefficient, unnecessary and unduly increases their cost of ownership. This must change. The architecture of the Internet of Things must evolve now by incorporating simpler protocols toward at the edges of the network, or remain forever inefficient. Rethinking the Internet of Things describes reasons why we must rethink current approaches to the Internet of Things. Appropriate architectures that will coexist with existing networking protocols are described in detail. An architecture comprised of integrator functions, propagator nodes, and end devices, along with their interactions, is explored. What you''ll learn Discusses the difference between the "normal" Internet and the Internet of Things. Describes a new architecture and its components in the "chirp" context. Explains the shortcomings of IP for IoT. Describes the anatomy of the IoT. Describes how to build a suitable network to maximize the amazing potential of the IoT. Who this book is for Thought leaders, executives, architectural, standards and development leaders in the evolving IoT industry. Corporations and organizations whose commercial products could be adapted simply to be functioning devices on the IOT while saving billions of dollars in unnecessary costs or proprietary designs. Those who wish to capitalize on technology change and those interested in the Internet, its capabilities and the need to improve it. Table of Contents Foreword Preface Chapter Goal: The reader will understand the new demands and opportunities of the Internet of Things (IoT). The preface introduces the idea of a new, simplified architectural approach that draws on nature. Chapter 1: It''s Different Out Here Chapter Goal: Reader should understand the difference between traditional Internet networking and the Internet of Things. What are the unique characteristics of the IoT that demand a new architecture? Why traditional architectures such as IP are a poor fit. Characteristics of an IoT-optimized architecture. Chapter 2: Anatomy of the Internet of Things Chapter Goal: Reader will understand the underlying principles of the emerging IoT architecture. Fundamental concepts are: the division of networking complexity among different devices; the make-up of the "Chirp" and how they are propagated; distinctions between transport and functional topologies; the concept of neighborhoods or zones of interest. Chapter 3: On the Edge Chapter Goal: Reader will learn the principles and characteristics of the End Devices in the IoT and how these will often differ from our present understanding of the Smartphone, tablet, and laptop. How the minimal networking needs of many IoT devices dictate elements of the architecture. Chapter 4: Building a Web of Things Chapter Goal: Reader will learn the characteristics and functionality of the Propagator node in the IoT Architecture. Some communications principles are introduced which will be more fully explored in Chapter 6. Chapter 5: Small Data, Big Data, and Human Interaction Chapter Goal: Reader will understand the role of Integrator functions in the IoT, the point in the IoT where humans interact to ...

Rethinking Virtual Places

by Erik M. Champion

How would the humanities change if we grappled with the ways in which digital and virtual places are designed, experienced, and critiqued?In Rethinking Virtual Places, Erik Malcolm Champion draws from the fields of computational sciences and other place-related disciplines to argue for a more central role for virtual space in the humanities. For instance, recent developments in neuroscience could improve our understanding of how people experience, store, and recollect place-related encounters. Similarly, game mechanics using virtual place design might make digital environments more engaging and learning content more powerful and salient. In addition, Champion provides a brief introduction to new and emerging software and devices and explains how they help, hinder, or replace our traditional means of designing and exploring places. Perfect for humanities scholars fascinated by the potential of virtual space, Rethinking Virtual Places challenges both traditional and recent evaluation methods to address the complicated problem of understanding how people evaluate and engage with the notion of place.

Reti Neurali Solitoniche: Un Innovativo Network Neurale Fotonico Basato su Interconnessioni Solitoniche

by Alessandro Bile

Questo libro descrive la realizzazione di un sistema ottico intelligente in grado di replicare gli elementi funzionali del cervello biologico. Partendo da un'analisi delle dinamiche neuronali biologiche, ed effettuando una panoramica sullo stato dell'arte dei sistemi neuromorfi sviluppati fino ad oggi, il cuore del manoscritto descrive delle innovative reti neurali completamente ottiche realizzate attraverso la tecnologia dei solitoni spaziali. Dopo una breve introduzione sulla biologia delle reti neurali (Capitolo 1), il libro si addentra nella descrizione del problema neuromorfo, sottolineando le peculiarità degli hardware ottici sviluppati finora (Capitolo 2). Il Capitolo 3 è dedicato alla descrizione delle psicomemorie, che rappresentano il modello dell'apprendimento umano secondo le teorie della moderna neuropsicologia. Questo capitolo fornisce i prerequisiti per comprendere come le reti neurali solitoniche (SNN) siano in grado di apprendere e come la fisica che le governa si avvicini al funzionamento dei modelli biologici. Il Capitolo 4 descrive nel dettaglio gli esperimenti effettuati per la realizzazione di neuroni ottici solitonici in sottili strati di niobato di litio. Vengono discusse le tecniche ottiche per l'apprendimento supervisionato e non supervisionato. L'intero capitolo è corredato da risultati teorici, simulativi e sperimentali. Inoltre, spiega come un neurone X-Junction sia in grado di stabilire sinapsi, modificarle o cancellarle. La cancellazione di strutture solitoniche rappresenta un'importante innovazione nel campo dell'ottica non lineare. Infine, il Capitolo 5 illustra l'implementazione di una rete di neuroni in grado di elaborare informazioni e memorizzarle esattamente come fa una memoria episodica umana. Il Capitolo si conclude con una serie di approfondimenti sulle linee di ricerca attualmente in corso sulla base dei risultati ottenuti. Il libro è destinato a studenti e ricercatori nei campi dell'ottica, delle applicazioni fotoniche e della biologia. Tuttavia, i principali beneficiari di questo libro sono i ricercatori senior nel campo dell'ottica non lineare e dell'intelligenza artificiale. Per comprendere pienamente i risultati, è importante avere una conoscenza di base della fisica ottica e della biologia dei neuroni.

Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering)

by Xinjian Chen Fei Shi Haoyu Chen

This book introduces the latest optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging and computerized automatic image analysis techniques, and their applications in the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases. Discussing the basic principles and the clinical applications of OCT imaging, OCT image preprocessing, as well as the automatic detection and quantitative analysis of retinal anatomy and pathology, it includes a wealth of clinical OCT images, and state-of-the-art research that applies novel image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning methods to real clinical data. It is a valuable resource for researchers in both medical image processing and ophthalmic imaging.

El reto de ser Youtuber (#TeamNico #Volumen)

by Nicolás Segura

Descubre todos los secretos de Nico, el gamer infantil más popular de YouTube En su nuevo libro, Nico se sincera con todos sus fans y seguidores para explicar, con las bromas y los memes más locos, los secretos de su canal, su historia personal, cómo es su día a día como estrella de YouTube, cómo hace sus vídeos, cuáles son sus juegos favoritos y sus mejores trucos, y las anécdotas más épicas en sus seis años frente a las cámaras.

Retooling Politics: How Digital Media Are Shaping Democracy

by Andreas Jungherr Gonzalo Rivero Daniel Gayo-Avello

Donald Trump, the Arab Spring, Brexit: digital media have provided political actors and citizens with new tools to engage in politics. These tools are now routinely used by activists, candidates, non-governmental organizations, and parties to inform, mobilize, and persuade people. But what are the effects of this retooling of politics? Do digital media empower the powerless or are they breaking democracy? Have these new tools and practices fundamentally changed politics or is their impact just a matter of degree? This clear-eyed guide steps back from hyperbolic hopes and fears to offer a balanced account of what aspects of politics are being shaped by digital media and what remains unchanged. The authors discuss data-driven politics, the flow and reach of political information, the effects of communication interventions through digital tools, their use by citizens in coordinating political action, and what their impact is on political organizations and on democracy at large.

Retourenmanagement im Online-Handel: Kundenverhalten beeinflussen und Kosten senken (essentials)

by Frank Deges

Das essential vermittelt die Grundlagen des Retourenmanagements im Internet-Handel. Frank Deges erl#65533;utert eine Vielzahl von Handlungsoptionen, mit denen Online-H#65533;ndler durch pr#65533;ventive und reaktive Ma#65533;nahmen das Kundenverhalten beeinflussen, das Retourenaufkommen minimieren und die Retourenkosten senken k#65533;nnen. Online-H#65533;ndler d#65533;rfen Retouren nicht als gegeben hinnehmen, denn eine hohe Retourenquote belastet die Marge und kann insbesondere kleine Onlineshops schnell in eine existenzgef#65533;hrdende Lage bringen. Erg#65533;nzend wird aufgezeigt, wie sich der Erfolg einer unternehmensspezifischen Retourenstrategie durch Kennzahlen im Rahmen eines Retourencontrollings messen l#65533;sst.

Retro Gaming Hacks

by Chris Kohler

Maybe it was the recent Atari 2600 milestone anniversary that fueled nostalgia for the golden days of computer and console gaming. Every Game Boy must ponder his roots from time to time. But whatever is driving the current retro gaming craze, one thing is certain: classic games are back for a big second act, and they're being played in both old and new ways. Whether you've just been attacked by Space Invaders for the first time or you've been a Pong junkie since puberty, Chris Kohler's Retro Gaming Hacks is the indispensable new guide to playing and hacking classic games. Kohler has complied tons of how-to information on retro gaming that used to take days or weeks of web surfing to track down and sort through, and he presents it in the popular and highly readable Hacks style. Retro Gaming Hacks serves up 85 hard-nosed hacks for reviving the classic games. Want to game on an original system? Kohler shows you how to hack ancient hardware, and includes a primer for home-brewing classic software. Rather adapt today's equipment to run retro games? Kohler provides emulation techniques, complete with instructions for hacking a classic joystick that's compatible with a contemporary computer. This book also teaches readers to revive old machines for the original gaming experience: hook up an Apple II or a Commodore 64, for example, and play it like you played before. A video game journalist and author of Power Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life , Kohler has taught the history of video games at Tufts University. In Retro Gaming Hacks , he locates the convergence of classic games and contemporary software, revealing not only how to retrofit classic games for today's systems, but how to find the golden oldies hidden in contemporary programs as well. Whether you're looking to recreate the magic of a Robotron marathon or simply crave a little handheld Donkey Kong, Retro Gaming Hacks shows you how to set the way-back dial.

Retro Gaming Hacks: Tips & Tools for Playing the Classics

by Chris Kohler

Maybe it was the recent Atari 2600 milestone anniversary that fueled nostalgia for the golden days of computer and console gaming. Every Game Boy must ponder his roots from time to time. But whatever is driving the current retro gaming craze, one thing is certain: classic games are back for a big second act, and they're being played in both old and new ways. Whether you've just been attacked by Space Invaders for the first time or you've been a Pong junkie since puberty, Chris Kohler's Retro Gaming Hacks is the indispensable new guide to playing and hacking classic games. Kohler has complied tons of how-to information on retro gaming that used to take days or weeks of web surfing to track down and sort through, and he presents it in the popular and highly readable Hacks style. Retro Gaming Hacks serves up 85 hard-nosed hacks for reviving the classic games. Want to game on an original system? Kohler shows you how to hack ancient hardware, and includes a primer for home-brewing classic software. Rather adapt today's equipment to run retro games? Kohler provides emulation techniques, complete with instructions for hacking a classic joystick that's compatible with a contemporary computer. This book also teaches readers to revive old machines for the original gaming experience: hook up an Apple II or a Commodore 64, for example, and play it like you played before. A video game journalist and author of Power Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life, Kohler has taught the history of video games at Tufts University. In Retro Gaming Hacks, he locates the convergence of classic games and contemporary software, revealing not only how to retrofit classic games for today's systems, but how to find the golden oldies hidden in contemporary programs as well. Whether you're looking to recreate the magic of a Robotron marathon or simply crave a little handheld Donkey Kong, Retro Gaming Hacks shows you how to set the way-back dial.

Retrogame Archeology

by John Aycock

Drawing on extensive research, this book explores the techniques that old computer games used to run on tightly-constrained platforms. Retrogame developers faced incredible challenges of limited space, computing power, rudimentary tools, and the lack of homogeneous environments. Using examples from over 100 retrogames, this book examines the clever implementation tricks that game designers employed to make their creations possible, documenting these techniques that are being lost. However, these retrogame techniques have modern analogues and applications in general computer systems, not just games, and this book makes these contemporary connections. It also uses retrogames' implementation to introduce a wide variety of topics in computer systems including memory management, interpretation, data compression, procedural content generation, and software protection. Retrogame Archeology targets professionals and advanced-level students in computer science, engineering, and mathematics but would also be of interest to retrogame enthusiasts, computer historians, and game studies researchers in the humanities.

Return of the Ender Dragon: An Unofficial Overworld Heroes Adventure, Book Six (An Unofficial Overworld Heroes Adventure #6)

by Danica Davidson

After dangerous adventures all over the Overworld and in Earth, Stevie, Alex, and Maison have managed to reassemble the mysterious Ender crystal—but they were too late! The Ender Dragon has escaped her prison in the End, and she’s tormenting the Overworld with Ender crystals of her own, and an army of terrifying monsters.When the Ender Dragon threatens to travel to Earth as well, the friends have to take a stand. Can they wrest the Ender crystals away from the dragon, and defeat her evil minions, in time for a final showdown against the great dragon herself? And will any of them survive the battle to defend the worlds they love?Fans of Minecraft will be on the edge of their seats in this thrilling final installment in the Unofficial Overworld Heroes Adventure series!

Return on Engagement: Content Strategy and Web Design Techniques for Digital Marketing

by Tim Frick Kate Eyler-Werve

In the world of web design, if one wants to create a successful web site, one needs an effective content strategy. Return on Engagement shows web designers and developers how to implement an effective content strategy and how to stay ahead in the rapidly changing industry of web design. It presents best practices in terms of web design through a marketing function: content strategy, SEO, social media marketing, and success measurement to help web designers implement a strategy that ensures success for the site they are building. Return on Engagement shows web designers and developers how to not just design an aesthetically pleasing, functional website. This book shows those professionals how to implement marketing strategies and analysis into their website, thus ensuring its success. Nearly 3 years since the previous edition published, new best practices have been formed. Tools in which web developers use to analyze website metrics have advanced. New social media networks and communities have cropped up. New research in how audiences read and receive content has been done, subsequently refining best digital marketing practices. Return on Engagement features a step-by-step breakdown of how to use new tools, techniques, and technologies. The new edition also includes updated case studies of industry leaders who implement best practices on projects. Return on Engagement also features a regularly updated companion site that offers readers sample content, easy sharing tools, and web-based resources to help measure marketing viability of web properties.

Return On Process (ROP): Getting Real Performance Results from Process Improvement

by Michael West

Although there are countless books about process improvement and business performance, there is a dearth of literature on how process improvement yields business performance results. Filling this need, Return On Process (ROP): Getting Real Performance Results from Process Improvement provides strategic and tactical guidance on how to achieve a posi

Reuse and Software Quality: 21st International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse, ICSR 2024, Limassol, Cyprus, June 19–20, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14614)

by George Angelos Papadopoulos Lidia Fuentes Achilleas Achilleos

This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse, ICSR 2024, held in Limassol, Cyprus, during June 19–20, 2024. The 9 full papers presented together with 2 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. They focus on the following topics: artificial intelligence and reuse; variability and reuse; adaptation and reuse; and code reuse.

Reuse in Emerging Software Engineering Practices: 19th International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse, ICSR 2020, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 2–4, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12541)

by Sihem Ben Sassi Stéphane Ducasse Hafedh Mili

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse, ICSR 2020, held in Hammamet, Tunesia in December 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the Conference was held virtually. The 16 full papers and 2 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: modelling, reuse in practice, reengineering, recommendation, and empirical analysis.

Reuse in Intelligent Systems (Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing Ser. #346)

by Stuart H Rubin; Lydia Bouzar-Benlabiod

The book is based on the best papers of IEEE IRI 2018 and IEEE FMI 2018, Salt Lake City, July, 2018. They have been enhanced and modified suitably for publication. The book comprises recent works covering several aspects of reuse in intelligent systems – including Scientific Theory and Technology-Based Applications. New data analytic algorithms, technologies, and tools are sought to be able to manage, integrate, and utilize large amounts of data despite hardware, software, and/or bandwidth constraints; to construct models yielding important data insights, and to create visualizations to aid in presenting and understanding the data. Furthermore, it addresses the representation, cleansing, generalization, validation, and reasoning strategies for the scientifically-sound and cost-effective advancement of all kinds of intelligent systems – including all software and hardware aspects. The book addresses problems such as, how to optimally select the information/data sets for reuse and how to optimize the integration of existing information/knowledge with new, developing information/knowledge sources!

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