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Revit Architecture 2020 for Designers
by Douglas R. SeidlerBuilding information modeling (BIM) is rapidly replacing AutoCAD as the digital drawing tool of choice for architect and interior designers-and Revit ® Architecture is the leading software package in the BIM marketplace. Neither simplistic nor exhaustive, Revit ® Architecture 2020 for Designers is written specifically for architects and interior designers learning digital drawing for the first time or transitioning from CAD to BIM. <p><p>Beginning with the building blocks of BIM (levels, walls, windows, and doors), the book progresses through in-depth instructions to create both presentation drawings and construction documents. Advanced features are also covered such as custom families, photorealistic rendering, custom title blocks, and exporting drawings to AutoCAD ® and SketchUp. <p><p>Instructions are fully illustrated, creating smooth transition to the BIM environment for all designers. Clear, concise, and above all visual, this is the Revit guide written specifically for interior designers and architects.
Revival: The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists (CRC Press Revivals)
by Paul W RossThe Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists is a single-volume, ready reference for the practicing engineer and scientist in industry, government, and academia as well as the novice computer user. It provides the most up-to-date information in a variety of areas such as common platforms and operating systems, applications programs, networking, and many other problem-solving tools necessary to effectively use computers on a daily basis.Specific platforms and environments thoroughly discussed include MS-DOS®, Microsoft® Windows™, the Macintosh® and its various systems, UNIX™, DEC VAX™, IBM® mainframes, OS/2®, Windows™ NT, and NeXTSTEP™. Word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, databases, integrated packages, computer presentation systems, groupware, and a number of useful utilities are also covered. Several extensive sections in the book are devoted to mathematical and statistical software. Information is provided on circuits and control simulation programs, finite element tools, and solid modeling tools.
La revolución de los humanos: El futuro del trabajo
by Ignacio Munyo Federico CastilloLa cuestión del futuro del trabajo está presente hace años en todos los foros en los que se discuten temas de relevancia global. No es un tema nuevo. Hace mucho tiempo que se viene hablando de la amenaza de la robotización a lo largo y ancho del mundo. La cuestión del futuro del trabajo está presente hace años en todos los foros en los que se discuten temas de relevancia global. No es un tema nuevo. Hace mucho tiempo que se viene hablando de la amenaza de la robotización a lo largo y ancho del mundo. Sin embargo, no hay consenso en los números ni tampoco en el grado de preocupación. Lo que nadie puede dudar es que el proceso de automatización ya comenzó. La clave es lograr sustituir trabajos automatizables por trabajos que sean complementarios al avance de la tecnología. Estar condenados a hacer tareas que gracias al progreso tecnológico las pueden hacer mejor las máquinas sin duda no es una receta para el desarrollo. No es cuestión de evitar el avance para cuidar los puestos actuales, sino de generar las condiciones para que nuevos tipos de puestos de trabajo puedan ser ocupados con base en las habilidades inherentemente humanas. El economista Ignacio Munyo y el periodista Federico Castillo buscaron algunas tablas de flotación en este mar revuelto. Fueron a charlar con distintas personas con diversas ocupaciones. Las vieron en su ambiente e intentaron describir la esencia de su trabajo. Les preguntaron cómo creen que puede evolucionar. Encontraron algunas respuestas. Y aunque no hay recetas, hay miradas que enriquecen.
Revolución senior: El auge de la generación + 45
by Sebastián CampanarioSebastián Campanario cuenta de qué modo los +45 tendrán un lugar protagónico en los próximos años. Una propuesta original y disruptiva, que da las claves para deconstruir nuestros prejuicios etarios y entender los huracanes de cambio que estamos atravesando. ¿Solo los jóvenes son creativos e innovadores? ¿Qué podrían hacer las empresas y los gobiernos para dejar de ver los años como un problema y aprovechar su potencial económico? ¿A qué edad, realmente, uno considera que los demás son viejos? Así como sucedió con el debate de género, crece la conciencia sobre el estigma de valores negativos atribuidos a la vida adulta. El advenimiento de los primeros millennials cincuentones no está lejos, así que las economías se están replanteando su relación con los mayores de esa edad. Sebastián Campanario cuenta de qué modo los +45 tendrán un lugar protagónico en los próximos años, y da las claves para deconstruir nuestros prejuicios etarios y entender los huracanes de cambio que estamos atravesando. Mitos, estadísticas y testimonios en torno a la generación senior en la era de la inteligencia adaptativa. Paso a paso, cómo será "el contraataque de los clásicos", en uno de los libros más disruptivos y originales.
Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People Is Greater Than the People in Power, A Memoir (Playaway Adult Nonfiction Ser.)
by Wael GhonimThe former Google executive and political activist tells the story of the Egyptian revolution he helped ignite through the power of social media. In the summer of 2010, thirty-year-old Google executive Wael Ghonim anonymously launched a Facebook page to protest the death of an Egyptian man at the hands of security forces. The page&’s following expanded quickly and moved from online protests to a nonconfrontational movement. On January 25, 2011, Tahrir Square resounded with calls for change. Yet just as the revolution began in earnest, Ghonim was captured and held for twelve days of brutal interrogation. After he was released, he gave a tearful speech on national television, and the protests grew more intense. Four days later, the president of Egypt was gone. In this riveting story, Ghonim takes us inside the movement and shares the keys to unleashing the power of crowds in the age of social networking. &“A gripping chronicle of how a fear-frozen society finally topples its oppressors with the help of social media.&” —San Francisco Chronicle &“Revolution 2.0 excels in chronicling the roiling tension in the months before the uprising, the careful organization required and the momentum it unleashed.&” —NPR.org
Revolution in Higher Education
by Richard A. DemilloColleges and universities have become increasingly costly, and, except for a handful of highly selective, elite institutions, unresponsive to twenty-first-century needs. But for the past few years, technology-fueled innovation has begun to transform higher education, introducing new ways to disseminate knowledge and better ways to learn -- all at lower cost. In this impassioned account, Richard DeMillo tells the behind-the-scenes story of these pioneering efforts and offers a roadmap for transforming higher education. Building on his earlier book, Abelard to Apple, DeMillo argues that the current system of higher education is clearly unsustainable. Colleges and universities are in financial crisis. Tuition rises inexorably. Graduates of reputable schools often fail to learn basic skills, and many cannot find suitable jobs. Meanwhile, student-loan default rates have soared while the elite Ivy and near-Ivy schools seem remote and irrelevant. Where are the revolutionaries who can save higher education? DeMillo's heroes are a small band of innovators who are bringing the revolution in technology to colleges and universities. DeMillo chronicles, among other things, the invention of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) by professors at Stanford and MIT; Salman Khan's Khan Academy; the use of technology by struggling historically black colleges and universities to make learning more accessible; and the latest research on learning and the brain. He describes the revolution's goals and the entrenched hierarchical system it aims to overthrow; and he reframes the nature of the contract between society and its universities. The new institutions of a transformed higher education promise to demonstrate not only that education has value but also that it has values -- virtues for the common good.
Revolution in the U.S. Information Infrastructure
by National Academy of Engineering StaffWhile societies have always had information infrastructures, the power and reach of today's information technologies offer opportunities to transform work and family lives in an unprecedented fashion. This volume, a collection of six papers presented at the 1994 National Academy of Engineering Meeting Technical Session, presents a range of views on the subject of the revolution in the U.S. information infrastructure. The papers cover a variety of current issues including an overview of the technological developments driving the evolution of information infrastructures and where they will lead; the development of the Internet, particularly the government's role in its evolution; the impact of regulatory reform and antitrust enforcement on the telecommunications revolution; and perspectives from the computer, wireless, and satellite communications industries.
Revolution in the Valley: The Insanely Great Story of How the Mac Was Made
by Andy HertzfeldThere was a time, not too long ago, when the typewriter and notebook ruled, and the computer as an everyday tool was simply a vision. Revolution in the Valley traces this vision back to its earliest roots: the hallways and backrooms of Apple, where the groundbreaking Macintosh computer was born. The book traces the development of the Macintosh, from its inception as an underground skunkworks project in 1979 to its triumphant introduction in 1984 and beyond. The stories in Revolution in the Valley come on extremely good authority. That's because author Andy Hertzfeld was a core member of the team that built the Macintosh system software, and a key creator of the Mac's radically new user interface software. One of the chosen few who worked with the mercurial Steve Jobs, you might call him the ultimate insider. When Revolution in the Valley begins, Hertzfeld is working on Apple's first attempt at a low-cost, consumer-oriented computer: the Apple II. He sees that Steve Jobs is luring some of the company's most brilliant innovators to work on a tiny research effort the Macintosh. Hertzfeld manages to make his way onto the Macintosh research team, and the rest is history. Through lavish illustrations, period photos (many never before published), and Hertzfeld's vivid first-hand accounts, Revolution in the Valley reveals what it was like to be there at the birth of the personal computer revolution. The story comes to life through the book's portrait of the talented and often eccentric characters who made up the Macintosh team. Now, over 20 years later, millions of people are benefiting from the technical achievements of this determined and brilliant group of people.
Revolution in The Valley [Paperback]: The Insanely Great Story of How the Mac Was Made
by Andy HertzfeldThere was a time, not too long ago, when the typewriter and notebook ruled, and the computer as an everyday tool was simply a vision. Revolution in the Valley traces this vision back to its earliest roots: the hallways and backrooms of Apple, where the groundbreaking Macintosh computer was born. The book traces the development of the Macintosh, from its inception as an underground skunkworks project in 1979 to its triumphant introduction in 1984 and beyond.The stories in Revolution in the Valley come on extremely good authority. That's because author Andy Hertzfeld was a core member of the team that built the Macintosh system software, and a key creator of the Mac's radically new user interface software. One of the chosen few who worked with the mercurial Steve Jobs, you might call him the ultimate insider.When Revolution in the Valley begins, Hertzfeld is working on Apple's first attempt at a low-cost, consumer-oriented computer: the Apple II. He sees that Steve Jobs is luring some of the company's most brilliant innovators to work on a tiny research effort the Macintosh. Hertzfeld manages to make his way onto the Macintosh research team, and the rest is history.Through lavish illustrations, period photos, and Hertzfeld's vivid first-hand accounts, Revolution in the Valley reveals what it was like to be there at the birth of the personal computer revolution. The story comes to life through the book's portrait of the talented and often eccentric characters who made up the Macintosh team. Now, over 20 years later, millions of people are benefiting from the technical achievements of this determined and brilliant group of people.
The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives
by Jen SchradieIn this counterintuitive study of digital democracy, Jen Schradie shows how the web has become another weapon in the arsenal of the powerful, and a potent weapon for conservative activists. Rather than leveling the playing field, the internet has tilted it in favor of the Right, where only the most sophisticated and well-funded players can compete.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Democracy, the Internet, and the Overthrow of Everything
by Joe TrippiIn a blend of Wired magazine and The Boys on the Bus, the man who invented Internet politics tells the story of how it was done and reveals how every sector can benefit from tech revolution.Campaign manager Joe Trippi, who signed on to run Howard Dean’s campaign when there was less than $100,000 in the till and fewer than 500 people involved, transformed the most obsure candidate in the field into the Democratic frontrunner and all-but-coronated party nominee in less than a year. The secret of Trippi’s off-the-charts success: a revolutionary use of the Internet, and an impassioned, contagious desire to overthrow politics-as-usual. Before Dean knew it, he had a groundswell of 600,000 Americans behind him, was leading in every poll, and had raised $45 million—more money than any Democrat in history. We now know that unprecedented fundraising, unheard-of numbers of people checking in on the Internet, chatting on blogs, reaching out to their fellow voters and showing up at house parties really can compete with—and in so many ways exceed— the more traditional approaches to winning in politics. But the why’s and how’s leave much fertile ground to plow, and for the first time, Trippi, an icon to all the Dean supporters he energized, is sharing his lessons learned, along with colorful behind-the-scenes stories from the campaign trail. Perhaps lulled by the bust of the dot.com boom, many have dismissed the Internet as old news. But if Dean’s campaign wasn’t enough of a wake-up call, this book is: Trippi reveals just how the sleeping power of technology can be harnessed, and illuminates how every organization and individual in America can benefit from the tidal wave of change on the horizon.
Revolutionary Algorithms: A TikTok Manifesto
by Torey AkersFrom an artist and TikTok creator, a critical look at the controversial app and its effect on cultural heritage, artificial intelligence, community organizing, and digital censorship. In Revolutionary Algorithms, Torey Akers approaches TikTok with a deep understanding of the app, as both a prolific creator and consumer of its content. In these essays, she interrogates how the TikTok ban and the multiple genocides happening around the world are deeply intertwined; how the app can empower creators, amplify social movements, and document abuses of power. She addresses the good, bad, and sometimes uncanny parts of maneuvering and communicating in a digital space. As a new era of social media looms, Akers makes the case for techno-progressivism, looking toward a future where TikTok continues to connect, inspire, and create space for more intersectionality, equity, and joy.
Revolutionen bortom 140 tecken: Myten om Twitter-revolutionen
by Mariam Kirollos"Om det är något som givit denna revolution kraft så är det martyrernas blod, och det enorma antal människor som är beredda att dö för en nations frihet." Sociala medier framhölls under den Arabiska våren av många som en drivande kraft i revolutionen, det var de "sociala mediernas revolution". Men i Egypten hade bara 25% av befolkningen tillgång till internet och endast 1,5 promille använde Twitter. Tvärtemot västerländsk medias framställning så ansåg många revolutionärer att Twittervärlden var helt isolerad från den egyptiska gatan. Twitter-revolutionen är en myt. Egyptiska Mariam Kirollos är politisk aktivist, doktorand och människorättsförsvarare som har varit mycket engagerad i den egyptiska revolutionen. Denna text publicerades ursprungligen i antologin "Myten om internet" (Volante, 2012).
Revolutionizing Civil Engineering with Neuromorphic Computing: Pathways to Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure (Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction)
by Ali Akbar Firoozi Ali Asghar FirooziThis book delves into the transformative potential of neuromorphic computing within the realm of civil engineering, emphasizing its role in advancing smart infrastructure systems. Neuromorphic computing, inspired by the neural structures of the human brain, offers unparalleled efficiencies in processing complex, dynamic data sets, thereby facilitating real time decision-making and predictive analytics in infrastructure management. Through a comprehensive exploration of emerging circuits, memory technologies, intelligent learning algorithms, and application-driven systems, it illustrates how neuromorphic computing can significantly enhance the resilience, efficiency, and sustainability of urban infrastructure. The book further addresses the challenges, ethical considerations, and future directions associated with the integration of these advanced technologies into civil engineering projects. Through detailed case studies, it provides insights into successful implementation strategies, risk management, and contingency planning, underscoring the importance of ethical design and development. This book serves as a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and policymakers involved in the evolution of civil engineering toward smarter, more responsive, and sustainable urban environments.
Revolutionizing Communication: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
by Benítez Rojas, Raquel V. Martínez-Cano, Francisco-JuliánRevolutionizing Communication: The Role of Artificial Intelligence explores the wide-ranging effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on how we connect and communicate, changing social interactions, relationships, and the very structure of our society. Through insightful analysis, practical examples, and knowledgeable perspectives, the book examines chatbots, virtual assistants, natural language processing, and more. It shows how these technologies have a significant impact on cultural productions, business, education, ethics, advertising, media, journalism, and interpersonal interactions.Revolutionizing Communication is a guide to comprehending the present and future of communication in the era of AI. It provides invaluable insights for professionals, academics, and everyone interested in the significant changes occurring in our digital age.
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink
by Tracy Hammond Stephanie Valentine Aaron AdlerDerived from contributions to the Workshop on Pen and TouchTechnology on Education (WIPTTE) in 2015, this edited volume highlights recentdevelopments for pen and tablet research within the education system with aparticular focus on hardware and software developments, comprising theperspectives of teachers, school and university administrators, and researchersfor educators at every level. Split into six distinct parts, the book explores topics like howclassrooms are increasingly using sketch-based videos, created by teachers andstudents alike, and how the teaching of key skills such as literacy, languages,math, and art via pen and touch technologies within the classroom are leadingto improvements in engagement, learning, and retention levels amongst students. Future perspectives of digital learning, as envisioned by current high schoolstudents, are also explored. Revolutionizing Education with Digital Inkis a must-read for those seeking to understand the direction of current andfuture pen and touch research, its current use in classrooms, and futureresearch directions.
Revolutionizing Fashion and Retail: Proceedings of the Fifth fashionXrecsys Workshop at the Recommender Systems Conference, Singapore, 18th-22nd September 2023 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1299)
by Nima Dokoohaki Julia Laserre Reza ShirvanyThis book presents the proceedings from the Fifth Workshop on Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail (2023), highlighting the latest advances in AI-driven technologies for e-commerce, retail, and fashion. With contributions from leading academic and industry researchers, it explores how AI-powered recommender systems address key challenges and enable innovations in personalization and beauty, size and fit recommendations, and helping brands deliver more tailored and engaging shopping experiences.
Revolutionizing Healthcare: AI Integration with IoT for Enhanced Patient Outcomes (Information Systems Engineering and Management #7)
by Shashi Kant Gupta Dimitrios A. Karras Rajesh NatarajanThis book showcases an endeavor to delve into the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) within the healthcare domain. The healthcare sector is currently experiencing a shift fueled by technological advancements and a heightened focus on providing tailored, efficient and impactful care to individuals. AI and IoT have emerged as facilitators of this evolution presenting opportunities to elevate patient results streamline operations and enhance decision-making within healthcare environments. This publication unites an array of viewpoints from experts in healthcare, technology and research domains. Through an array of enlightening chapters readers will embark on a journey exploring the applications, hurdles and consequences of merging AI with IoT in healthcare contexts. From analytics and remote monitoring to treatment suggestions and operational enhancements the potentials offered by AI and IoT is both captivating and revolutionary. As editors overseeing this volume’s creation we take pride in presenting an assemblage of contributions that mirror the research findings, innovations and optimal practices in healthcare technology. Our aim is to encourage readers to engage in thinking, creativity and teamwork when considering the impact of integrating AI with IoT on enhancing patient care and healthcare services.
Revolutions and Revelations in Computability: 18th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2022, Swansea, UK, July 11–15, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13359)
by Florin Manea Arno Pauly Ulrich Berger Johanna N. Y. FranklinThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2022, in Swansea, UK, in July 2022. The 19 full papers together with 7 invited papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 41 submissions. The motto of CiE 2022 was “Revolutions and revelations in computability”. This alludes to the revolutionary developments we have seen in computability theory, starting with Turing's and Gödel's discoveries of the uncomputable and the unprovable and continuing to the present day with the advent of new computational paradigms such as quantum computing and bio-computing, which have dramatically changed our view of computability and revealed new insights into the multifarious nature of computation.
Revolutions in Book Publishing: The Effects of Digital Innovation on the Industry
by Lall Ramrattan Michael SzenbergRevolutions in Book Publishing uses dynamic methods to examine the evolution of the industry's transition from physical place to cyber space, analyzing the latest effects of technological innovations on the industry as well as their influence on distribution channels, market structure, and conduct of the industry.
Rewriting Logic and Its Applications
by Santiago EscobarThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications, WRLA 2014, held as a satellite event of ETAPS 2014, in Grenoble, France, in March 2014. The 13 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. The papers address a great diversity of topics in the fields of foundations and models of RL; languages based on RL; RL as a logical framework; RL as a semantic framework; use of RL to provide rigorous support for model-based software engineering; formalisms related to RL; verification techniques for RL specifications; comparisons of RL with existing formalisms having analogous aims; application of RL to specification and analysis of distributed systems and physical systems.
Rewriting Logic and Its Applications: 13th International Workshop, WRLA 2020, Virtual Event, October 20-22, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12328)
by Santiago Escobar Narciso Martí-OlietThis book constitutes selected papers from the 12th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and Its Applications, WRLA 2020, held in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the workshop took place virtually. The 11 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions Rewriting logic is a natural model of computation and an expressive semantic framework for concurrency, parallelism, communication, and interaction. It can be used for specifying a wide range of systems and languages in various application fields.
Rewriting Logic and Its Applications: 15th International Workshop, WRLA 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–7, 2024, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14953)
by Narciso Martí-Oliet Kazuhiro OgataThis book constitutes revised selected papers from the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and Its Applications, WRLA 2024, held in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, during April 6–7, 2024. The 11 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions. They focus on several topics, e.g., foundations; rewriting as a logical and semantic framework; rewriting languages; verification techniques; applications; and education.
Rewriting Logic and Its Applications: 12th International Workshop, Wrla 2018, Held As A Satellite Event Of Etaps, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 14-15, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11152)
by Vlad RusuThis book constitutes revised selected papers from the 12th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and Its Applications, WRLA 2018, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in June 2018. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. They deal with rewriting, a natural model of computation and an expressive semantic framework for concurrency, parallelism, communication, and interaction, and its applications.
RF Circuit Design Techniques for MF-UHF Applications
by Abdullah ErogluMagnetic resonance imaging, semiconductor processing, and RFID are some of the critical applications within the medium frequency (MF) to ultrahigh frequency (UHF) range that require RF designers to have a solid understanding of analytical and experimental RF techniques. Designers need to be able to design components and devices cost effectively, and integrate them with high efficiency, minimal loss, and required power. Computer-aided design (CAD) tools also play an important part in helping to reduce costs and improve accuracy through optimization. RF Circuit Design Techniques for MF-UHF Applications explains how to design, simulate, and implement RF/microwave components and devices for applications within the medium frequency (MF) to ultrahigh frequency (UHF) range. The book makes RF design simple by expertly blending theory, simulation, and practical application examples. A Practical Guide to RF Circuit Design in the MF-UHF Range: Theory, Simulation, and Real-World Application Examples After a review of network parameters used in the analysis of RF components and devices, the book examines MF-UHF design techniques in detail. These include techniques for designing high-power microstrip circuits, directional couplers, transformers, composite and multilayer inductors, filters, combiners/dividers, and RFID systems. For every device, the book gives the required theory and then explains the verification process with CAD tools. In addition, each design is illustrated with real-life implementation examples that use a variety of CAD tools such as MATLAB®, Mathcad, HFSS™, Ansoft Designer®, Sonnet®, and PSpice®. Design tables, curves, and charts are included to demonstrate an efficient design process. Throughout, the book also offers practical hints to help engineers shorten the design time. Design MF-UHF Devices More Cost-Effectively The book reflects the optimum design methodology used in RF engineering, from the application of theory, to simulation for verification, to experimentation. Packed with useful techniques, tips, and examples, it is an invaluable resource for engineers, researchers, and students working in the MF-UHF range.