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RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Security, and Integrations (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications)
by Yan Zhang Laurence T. Yang Jiming ChenThe escalating demand for ubiquitous computing along with the complementary and flexible natures of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have sparked an increase in the integration of these two dynamic technologies. Although a variety of applications can be observed under development and in practical use, there
RFID as an Infrastructure
by Yan Qiao Tao Li Shigang ChenRFID (radio frequency identification) tags are becoming ubiquitously available in object tracking, access control, and toll payment. The current application model treats tags simply as ID carriers and deals with each tag individually for the purpose of identifying the object that the tag is attached to. The uniqueness of RFID as an Infrastructure is to change the traditional individual view to a collective view that treats universally-deployed tags as a new infrastructure, a new wireless platform on which novel applications can be developed. The book begins with an introduction to the problems of tag estimation and information collection from RFID systems, and explains the challenges. It discusses how to efficiently estimate the number of tags in a large RFID system, considering both energy cost and execution time. It then gives a detailed account on how to collect information from a sensor-augmented RFID network with new designs that significantly reduce execution time.
RFID für Bibliotheken
by Eva Schubert Christian Kern Marianne PohlDer Einsatz der Radio Frequenz Identifikation (RFID) in Bibliotheken ermöglicht Besuchern einen komfortablen Service und entlastet das Personal von Routinearbeiten. Mit RFID wandeln sich Bibliotheken in öffentliche Räume, in denen sich Besucher nicht nur selbst bedienen, sondern auch viel intuitiver und schneller bewegen können. In dem Buch werden Technik, Planung und Finanzierung sowie die Organisation zur Integration von RFID-Anlagen in Bibliotheken beschrieben. Daneben werden technische Neuentwicklungen und Fragen zum Datenschutz erörtert.
RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation
by Judith M. MyersonGiving organizations the ability to track, secure, and manage items from the time they are raw materials through the life-cycle of the product, radio frequency identification (RFID) makes internal processes more efficient and improves overall supply chain responsiveness. Helping you bring your organization into the future, RFID in the Supply Ch
RFID Security
by Anita Campbell Anand Das Brad Haines John Kleinschmidt Frank ThorntonRFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a method of remotely storing and receiving data using devices called RFID tags. RFID tags can be small adhesive stickers containing antennas that allow them to receive and respond to transmissions from RFID transmitters. RFID tags are used to identify and track everything from Exxon EZ passes to dogs to beer kegs to library books. RFID tags use a standard that has already been hacked by several researchers. There are several motives for someone wanting to hack an RFID system: For monetary gain. Hacking a store's RFID system would allow a hacker to lower the pricing on any product(s). One could also steal cars (Prius or Lexus already have RFID keys) with RFID-encoded keys. Wreak havoc with someone's supply chain. Malicous/mischievous hackers can delete/alter/modify all identifying information for an entire shipment of products. Protect personal privacy. Privacy advocates fear that RFID tags embedded in products (which continue to transmit information after leaving a store) will be used to track consumer habits. RFID tags are also being tested as a means for identifying individuals on passports, driver's licenses, etc. This also has the ACLU types up in arms because, just like RFID tags in consumer products, these tags would be "always on" and broadcasting your personal information wherever you are.
RFID Technologies for Internet of Things
by Min Chen Shigang ChenThis book introduces applications of RFID on the Internet of things, under the emerging technologies for tag search, anonymous RFID authentication, and identification of networked tags. A new technique called filtering vector (a compact data structure that encodes tag IDs) is proposed to enable tag filtration, meeting the stringent delay requirements for real-world applications. Based on filtering vectors, a novel iterative tag search protocol is designed, which progressively improves the accuracy of search result and reduces the time of each iteration by using the information learned from the previous iterations. Moreover, the protocol is extended to work under noisy channel. The authors also make a fundamental shift from the traditional design paradigm for anonymous RFID authentication by following an asymmetry design principle that pushes most complexity to the readers while leaving the tags as simple as possible. A novel technique is developed to dynamically generate random tokens on demand for authentication. The token-based authentication protocol only requires O(1) communication overhead and online computation overhead per authentication for both readers and tags. Finally, the authors investigate the problem of networked-tag identification. The traditional contention-based protocol design will incur too much energy overhead in multihop tag systems, and a reader-coordinated design that significantly serializes tag transmissions performs much better. In addition, a solution based on serial numbers is proposed to achieve load balancing, thereby reducing the worst-case energy cost among the tags. Designed for researchers and professionals, this SpringerBrief will interest individuals who work in efficiency, security, and privacy. Advanced-level students focused on network design will also benefit from the content.
RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
by Paul L. Rosin Yu-Kun Lai Ling Shao Yonghuai LiuThis book focuses on the fundamentals and recent advances in RGB-D imaging as well as covering a range of RGB-D applications. The topics covered include: data acquisition, data quality assessment, filling holes, 3D reconstruction, SLAM, multiple depth camera systems, segmentation, object detection, salience detection, pose estimation, geometric modelling, fall detection, autonomous driving, motor rehabilitation therapy, people counting and cognitive service robots. The availability of cheap RGB-D sensors has led to an explosion over the last five years in the capture and application of colour plus depth data. The addition of depth data to regular RGB images vastly increases the range of applications, and has resulted in a demand for robust and real-time processing of RGB-D data. There remain many technical challenges, and RGB-D image processing is an ongoing research area. This book covers the full state of the art, and consists of a series of chapters by internationally renowned experts in the field. Each chapter is written so as to provide a detailed overview of that topic. RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing will enable both students and professional developers alike to quickly get up to speed with contemporary techniques, and apply RGB-D imaging in their own projects.
Rhetoric/Composition/Play through Video Games
by Richard Colby Matthew S. S. Johnson Rebekah Shultz ColbyVideo games, contributors to Rhetoric/Composition/Play assume, can be not only productive to play, but can greatly enhance learning specifically reading, writing, and critical thinking in myriad ways. The collection explores games as rhetorical objects, as texts equally as sophisticated as their media counterparts (films and books), and as foundations on which a classroom curriculum can be built. Scholars in this volume investigate video games' theoretical and applied dimensions, offering innovative ways to enhance composition-rhetoric scholarship and teaching through the study of games, gamers, and gaming culture. "
Rhetoric of InSecurity: The Language of Danger, Fear and Safety in National and International Contexts (Law, Language and Communication)
by Victoria BainesThis book demands that we question what we are told about security, using tools we have had for thousands of years. The work considers the history of security rhetoric in a number of distinct but related contexts, including the United States’ security strategy, the "war" on Big Tech, and current concerns such as cybersecurity. Focusing on the language of security discourse, it draws common threads from the ancient world to the present day and the near future. The book grounds recent comparisons of Donald Trump to the Emperor Nero in a linguistic evidence base. It examines the potential impact on society of policy-makers’ emphasis on the novelty of cybercrime, their likening of the internet to the Wild West, and their claims that criminals have "gone dark". It questions governments’ descriptions of technology companies in words normally reserved for terrorists, and asks who might benefit. Interdisciplinary in approach, the book builds on existing literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences, most notably studies on rhetoric in Greco-Roman texts, and on the articulation of security concerns in law, international relations, and public policy contexts. It adds value to this body of research by offering new points of comparison, and a fresh but tried and tested way of looking at problems that are often presented as unprecedented. It will be essential to legal and policy practitioners, students of Law, Politics, Media, and Classics, and all those interested in employing critical thinking.
The Rhetoric of Videogames as Embodied Practice: Procedural Habits (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication)
by Steve HolmesThe Rhetoric of Videogames as Embodied Practice offers a critical reassessment of embodiment and materiality in rhetorical considerations of videogames. Holmes argues that rhetorical and philosophical conceptions of "habit" offer a critical resource for describing the interplay between thinking (writing and rhetoric) and embodiment. The book demonstrates how Aristotle's understanding of character (ethos), habit (hexis), and nature (phusis) can productively connect rhetoric to what Holmes calls "procedural habits": the ways in which rhetoric emerges from its interactions with the dynamic accumulation of conscious and nonconscious embodied experiences that consequently give rise to meaning, procedural subjectivity, control, and communicative agency both in digital game design discourse and the activity of play.
Rhetorical Code Studies: Discovering Arguments in and around Code (Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative)
by Kevin BrockWinner of the 2017 Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Book Prize Software developers work rhetorically to make meaning through the code they write. In some ways, writing code is like any other form of communication; in others, it proves to be new, exciting, and unique. In Rhetorical Code Studies, Kevin Brock explores how software code serves as meaningful communication through which software developers construct arguments that are made up of logical procedures and express both implicit and explicit claims as to how a given program operates. Building on current scholarly work in digital rhetoric, software studies, and technical communication, Brock connects and continues ongoing conversations among rhetoricians, technical communicators, software studies scholars, and programming practitioners to demonstrate how software code and its surrounding discourse are highly rhetorical forms of communication. He considers examples ranging from large, well-known projects like Mozilla Firefox to small-scale programs like the “FizzBuzz” test common in many programming job interviews. Undertaking specific examinations of code texts as well as the contexts surrounding their composition, Brock illuminates the variety and depth of rhetorical activity taking place in and around code, from individual differences in style to changes in large-scale organizational and community norms. Rhetorical Code Studies holds significant implications for digital communication, multimodal composition, and the cultural analysis of software and its creation. It will interest academics and students of writing, rhetoric, and software engineering as well as technical communicators and developers of all types of software.
Rhetorical Delivery and Digital Technologies: Networks, Affect, Electracy (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication #27)
by Sean MoreyThis book theorizes digital logics and applications for the rhetorical canon of delivery. Digital writing technologies invite a re-evaluation about what delivery can offer to rhetorical studies and writing practices. Sean Morey argues that what delivery provides is access to the unspeakable, unconscious elements of rhetoric, not primarily through emotion or feeling as is usually offered by previous studies, but affect, a domain of sensation implicit in the (overlooked) original Greek term for delivery, hypokrisis. Moreover, the primary means for delivering affect is both the logic and technology of a network, construed as modern, digital networks, but also networks of associations between humans and nonhuman objects. Casting delivery in this light offers new rhetorical trajectories that promote its incorporation into digital networked-bodies. Given its provocative and broad reframing of delivery, this book provides original, robust ways to understand rhetorical delivery not only through a lens of digital writing technologies, but all historical means of enacting delivery, offering implications that will ultimately affect how scholars of rhetoric will come to view not only the other canons of rhetoric, but rhetoric as a whole.
Rhetoriken des Digitalen: Adressierungen an die Pädagogik
by Miguel Zulaica y Mugica Klaus-Christian ZehbeDer Band nähert sich dem Thema ‚Digitalisierung’ problembeschreibend und sucht einen multiperspektivischen Zugang zu dem komplexen Forschungsfeld. Transformations- und Umbruchsrhetoriken bestimmen die Diskurse um Digitalisierung und formulieren immer politisch-gesellschaftliche Handlungsaufforderungen an Wissenschaft und Praxis. ‚Die Pädagogik‘ wird in diesem Feld als Vermittlerin adressiert, die Digitalisierung begleiten und mitgestalten soll. In den Beiträgen des Bandes wird der Frage nachgegangen wie eine reflektierte Perspektive zu diesen scheinbar alternativlosen Adressierungen gewonnen werden kann.
Rhett & Link's Book of Mythicality: A Field Guide to Curiosity, Creativity, and Tomfoolery
by Rhett Mclaughlin Link NealFrom the YouTube superstars and creators of Good Mythical Morning comes the ultimate guide to living a “Mythical” life, featuring stories and photos from their lifelong friendship, as well as awesomely illustrated guides, charts, and activities aimed at laughing more, learning more, and never taking yourself too seriously. Thanks for reading this description. You’re obviously a curious person, which means you’ve already taken your first step towards achieving Mythicality. Lucky for you, opening this book is even more rewarding than reading about it online. Within its pages, you'll discover twenty ways to fill your life with curiosity, creativity, and tomfoolery, including Eat Something That Scares You, Make a Bold Hair Choice, Say “I Love You” Like It’s Never Been Said, and more. Along the way, you’ll also find: · Embarrassing stories and photos we'll probably regret sharing · Character Building: The Board Game · An important message from the year 2075 · A quiz to help you determine if you should get a dog · A eulogy you can read at any funeral · Grownup merit badges to earn · Contributions from Mythical Beasts, and much moreIf you decide to read this book, be warned – there is a high likelihood of increased Mythicality in your life, which means you may soon find yourself laughing more, learning more, and not taking yourself too seriously. This mentality has been known to spread easily to friends and loved ones.
Rhodes Framework for Android™ Platform and BlackBerry® Smartphones
by Deepak VohraThe Rhodes framework offers several advantages over other mobile frameworks. Some of the unique features of the Rhodes frameworks are as follows: - The only smartphone framework to offer support for the Model View Controller pattern - The only smartphone framework to offer support for the Object-Relational manager -The only smartphone framework to offer offline, disconnected access to data with the Rho-Synch server - The only smartphone framework to support all mobile devices including Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Symbian, and Windows - Provides Ruby implementations for all smartphone device operating systems -Provides a web-based Integrated Development Environment for developing mobile applications for all smartphone platforms with the RhoHub development service This book discusses developing Rhodes applications for Android and the BlackBerry platform, as these are the two most commonly used mobile platforms. For each, an application for creating a catalog and another application for getting RSS feed will be developed.
Rhomobile Beginner's Guide
by Abhishek NalwayaPart of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, this book is packed full of practical examples and screenshots to make building your application straightforward and fun.Whether you have prior experience of developing mobile applications or this is your first venture, all newcomers to Rhomobile will be able to quickly develop their own mobile application. This book is accessible for people who are completely new to Ruby, though having prior knowledge of it would be a huge advantage.
Rhythm, Play and Interaction Design (Springer Series on Cultural Computing)
by Brigid M. CostelloThere are rhythms of action and response to all human-computer interactions. As we click, swipe, tap and sway to their beats, these rhythms intersect with the rhythms of our everyday lives. Perhaps they synchronize, perhaps they disrupt each other or maybe they dance together. Whatever their impact our experience of these rhythms will colour our experience of an interaction design. In playful interactive applications, rhythm is especially crucial because of the role it performs in building and maintaining the precarious spirit of play. Play involves movement and this movement has a rhythm that drives the experience. But what is the character of these rhythms of play and how can they be used in the design of interactive applications? These questions are the focus of this book.Drawing on traditions of rhythmic design practice in dance, performance, music and architecture, this book reveals key insights into practical strategies for designing playful rhythmic experience. With playful experiences now being incorporated into almost every type of computer application, interaction design practitioners and researchers need to develop a deeper understanding of the specific character of rhythms within play. Written from a designer's perspective, with interviews from leading creative artists and interaction design practitioners, Rhythm, Play and Interaction Design will help practitioners, researchers and students understand, evaluate and create rhythmic experiences.
Rhythmic Advantages in Big Data and Machine Learning (Studies in Rhythm Engineering)
by Kanad Ray Anirban BandyopadhyayThe book discusses various aspects of biophysics. It starts from the popular article on neurobiology to quantum biology and ends up with the consciousness of a human being and in the universe. The authors have covered eight nine different aspects of natural intelligence, starting from time crystal found in the chemical biology to the vibrations and the resonance of proteins. They have covered a wide spectrum of hierarchical communication among different biological systems. Most importantly, authors have taken an utmost care that even school-level students fall in love with biophysics; it is simple and more of a textbook and definitely bring the readers to a world of biology and physics like never before. Most authors are experienced academicians, and they have used lucid and simple language to make the content interesting for the readers.
Rhythmische Vorteile in Big Data und Machine Learning
by Anirban Bandyopadhyay Kanad RayDas Buch behandelt verschiedene Aspekte der Biophysik, beginnend mit einem populären Artikel über Neurobiologie und erstreckt sich bis zur Quantenbiologie, um letztendlich das Bewusstsein sowohl von Menschen als auch des Universums zu erforschen. Die Autoren haben neun verschiedene Facetten der natürlichen Intelligenz behandelt, angefangen bei der Entdeckung von Zeitkristallen in der chemischen Biologie bis hin zu den Schwingungen und Resonanzen von Proteinen. Sie haben ein breites Spektrum hierarchischer Kommunikation unter verschiedenen biologischen Systemen abgedeckt. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde darauf gelegt, sicherzustellen, dass der Inhalt selbst für Schülerinnen und Schüler zugänglich ist, wodurch die Biophysik wie ein Lehrbuch erscheint, das die Leser in die Bereiche der Biologie und Physik wie nie zuvor entführt. Die Autoren, die größtenteils erfahrene Akademiker sind, haben klare und einfache Sprache verwendet, um sicherzustellen, dass der Inhalt für alle Leser ansprechend und verständlich ist.
Rhythms in Healthcare (Studies in Rhythm Engineering)
by M. Shamim Kaiser Mufti Mahmud Shamim Al MamunThis book provides an insightful review and methodological contribution about future healthcare system. It also provides a space for creating and designing techniques for effective sensing, processing, and analysis of patient health situations based on bio-signal processing. Additionally, it discusses novel methods and algorithms which are needed to overcome limitations in current rhythmic bio-signals models. It also discusses solutions and systems needed to efficiently evaluate and process real-time data. The book is useful for wide range of users, including students, research scientists, teachers, and practitioners working in the field of heath informatics, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, and medical image processing and diagnosis.
Ricci Flow for Shape Analysis and Surface Registration
by Wei Zeng Xianfeng David GuRicci Flow for Shape Analysis and Surface Registration introduces the beautiful and profound Ricci flow theory in a discrete setting. By using basic tools in linear algebra and multivariate calculus, readers can deduce all the major theorems in surface Ricci flow by themselves. The authors adapt the Ricci flow theory to practical computational algorithms, apply Ricci flow for shape analysis and surface registration, and demonstrate the power of Ricci flow in many applications in medical imaging, computer graphics, computer vision and wireless sensor network. Due to minimal pre-requisites, this book is accessible to engineers and medical experts, including educators, researchers, students and industry engineers who have an interest in solving real problems related to shape analysis and surface registration.
Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times
by Robert W. McchesneyIn this myth-breaking book, McChesney argues that the media, far from providing a bedrock for freedom and democracy, have become a significant anti-democratic force in the United States and, to varying degrees, worldwide.
Richtig einsteigen: Datenbanken entwickeln mit SQL Server 2012
by Robert PantherSQL Server 2012 und die kostenlose Version SQL Server 2012 Express sind ideal für den Einstieg in die professionelle Datenbankentwicklung. Sie können damit komplexere Datenbankprojekte verwirklichen, die die Funktionalität einer Desktop-Datenbank wie Microsoft Access übersteigen. Wenn Sie also gleich richtig in die Datenbankentwicklung mit einem professionellen Datenbankserver einsteigen wollen oder Ihre Access-Kennnisse auf den nächsten Level bringen möchten, ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie. Dazu vermittelt es sowohl die Datenbankgrundlagen als auch das Programmierwissen, das Sie benötigen, um die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten von SQL Server 2012 auszunutzen. Das Ganze ist in ein didaktisch ausgearbeitetes Konzept verpackt, das Ihnen mit vielen Übungen, praxisnahen Tipps und zusätzlichen Informationen auf der Website zum Buch einen gründlichen Einstieg ermöglicht. Das Buch basiert im Wesentlichen auf der kostenfrei erhältlichen Express Edition von SQL Server 2012. Alle Beispiele eignen sich aber auch für die größeren Editionen von SQL Server 2012.
Rick Sammon's Digital Photography Secrets
by Rick SammonLearn the tips and tricks used by a top photographer in the digital photography industry in Rick Sammon's Top Digital Photography Secrets.<P><P> Filled with beautiful photographs and the techniques Rick Sammon used to capture them, this book offers you motivation to capture stunning photographs and the tools and tricks you need to capture them. With more than 100 techniques for use behind the camera, this book will improve the camera skills of both amateur and experienced photographers. Additionally, this book includes a chapter on post-production secrets, and a Rick Sammon DVD Guide lighting, camera, and digital photography basics. In this 1-hour DVD, Rick shows you how to get great photos using a variety of lighting sources, camera-specific techniques, and basic rules of photography.
Rick Sammon's Evolution of an Image: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Creative Photographic Process
by Rick SammonRick Sammon’s Evolution of an Image illustrates the creative photographic process from start to finish. In this book, Canon Explorer of Light Rick Sammon pulls back the curtain to prove that creating amazing photographs is a well-thought-out process that involves several stages. Comprising 50 case studies that examine photographs taken by Rick around the world in a wide variety of shooting situations, Evolution of an Image shows the power of creative thinking, getting it right in the camera, and the careful use of image processing using Lightroom. By including his outtakes— and the reasons that he considers them outtakes— Rick suggests the steps that every photographer should take in order to improve their images. Combining technical advice with tips on lighting, composition and using Lightroom, this book will motivate and encourage those looking to evolve as creative photographers and digital darkroom artists. Key features include: • More than 200 before-and-after photographs • Fully illustrated sections on wildlife, seascape, landscape, scenic, action and people photography • Screen grabs showing Rick’s Lightroom adjustments • Suggestions on working in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom as well as Adobe Photoshop • Special section on Rick’s "Sammonisms," or quick tips on getting the best in-camera image • Advice on evolving as a photographer • Inspirational photographs from Provence, the Palouse, Kenya, Antarctica, Iceland, Alaska, Mongolia, Myanmar, Colorado and more