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The Robotics Divide: A New Frontier in the 21st Century?

by Antonio López Peláez

Societies survive in their environment and compete with each other depending on the technology they develop. Economic, military and political power are directly related to the available technology, while access to technology is key to the well-being of our societies at the individual, community and national level. The Robotics Divide analyzes how robotics will shape our societies in the twenty-first century; a time when industrial and service robotics, particularly for military and aerospace purposes, will become an essential technology. The book, written by experts in the field, focuses on the main technological trends in the field of robotics, and the impact that robotics will have on different facets of social life. By doing so, the authors aim to open the "black box" of a technology which, like any other, is designed, implemented and evaluated according to the economic and cultural patterns of a cosmopolitan society, as well as its relations of power. The Robotics Divide explores future developments in robotics technology and discusses the model of technological development and the implementation of robotics in this competitive market economy. Then the authors examine to what extent it is possible to determine the characteristic features of the robotic divide, namely in what ways the robotic divide differs from the digital divide, and how a model to integrate this technology can be developed without reproducing patterns of inequality and power that have characterized the advent of previous technologies. These issues - inequality, robotics and power - are of concern to robotics and advanced automation engineers, social scientists, economists and science policy experts alike.

Robotics for Pandemics

by Hooman Samani

Robotics for Pandemics explores various applications of robots for current global issues such as pandemics and how robotic solutions could combat the virus. Key Features Proposes to employ robots to improve the treatment of patients and leverage the load of the medical system Demonstrates the concept of various robotics in healthcare telepresence, rehabilitation, therapy and delivery robots to accommodate social distancing Explores social robot aesthetics and how social interaction and embodied experiences could be useful during social isolation Includes anecdotes from applications used during the COVID-19 pandemic This will be a valuable reference to professionals, academics and researchers in the field of robotics.

Robotics Goes MOOC: Design

by Bruno Siciliano

A robot’s appearance and its way of interacting with humans is of fundamental importance. Until a few years ago there was a clear asymmetry between the typically excellent performance of industrial robots and their ugly and disharmonious bodies, with crude ways and potentially very dangerous movements for the human environment. A modern artifact can be as harmonious and beautiful as a complex biological machine or a work of plastic art and thus it should be clear how design plays a key role for robot technology to become a part of our everyday life and change it essentially in a responsible and beneficial manner. It is designers who shape the interface between humans and machines and, as such, they will contribute to make robots as customizable and intuitively useful to inexperienced users according to a plug-and-play mode. The new concept of robotronics as the mechatronics approach to designing advanced robots is the focus of the first chapter of the second book of the Robotics Goes MOOC project by Asfour et al. The main issues for robot manipulator design are covered in the subsequent material, namely redundant robots in Chapter 2 by Maciejewsky et al and parallel robots in Chapter 3 by Müller, where widely adopted kinematic solutions are presented. Then, the adoption to flexibilty, as opposed to the rigid mechanics paradigm, is discussed in Chapter 4 by Bertram et al with reference to elastic robots and in Chapter 5 by Laschi focused on soft robotics. Somewhat speculating on the previous two design solutions comes Chapter 6 by Cutkosky dealing with bioinspired robots. The last part of the book is devoted to robot locomotion, namely, Chapter 7 by Vendittelli on wheeled robots and Chapter 8 by Harada on (biped) humanoids.

Robotics in Education: Proceedings of the RiE 2024 Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1084)

by Richard Balogh David Obdržálek Martin Fislake

The 2024th edition of Robotics in Education is based on the 15th Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE2024) mirroring experts’ knowledge from all over the world. It includes and summarizes all accepted papers from an interdisciplinary community, which met traditionally at the annual Robotics in Education conference making it a valuable resource for educators, researchers, scientists and engineers. Without losing the focus on educational robotics, the topics have been carefully expanded this year. Therefore, the contributions ranges from theory to practice and from primary schools to university labs while the content covers experience reports from out of school programs to didactic-methodological approaches in teacher training and artificial intelligence to human robotics interaction. Also new robot designs, robot competitions and aspects of maker spaces were considered. The anniversary edition of the conference took place from 10.-12. April 2024 at the University of Koblenz in Germany.

Robotics in Education

by Wilfried Lepuschitz Munir Merdan Gottfried Koppensteiner Richard Balogh David Obdržálek

This proceedings volume showcases the latest achievements in research and development in Educational Robotics presented at the 7th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) held in Vienna, Austria, during April 14-15, 2016. The book offers a range of methodologies for teaching robotics and presents various educational robotics curricula. It includes dedicated chapters for the design and analysis of learning environments as well as evaluation means for measuring the impact of robotics on the students' learning success. Moreover, the book presents interesting programming approaches as well as new applications, the latest tools, systems and components for using robotics. The presented applications cover the whole educative range, from elementary school to high school, college, university and beyond, for continuing education and possibly outreach and workforce development. The book provides a framework involving two complementary kinds of contributions: on the one hand on technical aspects and on the other hand on matters of didactic.

Robotics in Education

by Munir Merdan Wilfried Lepuschitz Gottfried Koppensteiner Richard Balogh

This proceedings volume showcases the latest achievements in research and development in Educational Robotics presented at the 7th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) held in Vienna, Austria, during April 14-15, 2016. The book offers a range of methodologies for teaching robotics and presents various educational robotics curricula. It includes dedicated chapters for the design and analysis of learning environments as well as evaluation means for measuring the impact of robotics on the students' learning success. Moreover, the book presents interesting programming approaches as well as new applications, the latest tools, systems and components for using robotics. The presented applications cover the whole educative range, from elementary school to high school, college, university and beyond, for continuing education and possibly outreach and workforce development. The book provides a framework involving two complementary kinds of contributions: on the one hand on technical aspects and on the other hand on matters of didactic.

Robotics in Education: Current Research and Innovations (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1023)

by Munir Merdan Wilfried Lepuschitz Gottfried Koppensteiner Richard Balogh David Obdržálek

This proceedings book gathers the latest achievements and trends in research and development in educational robotics from the 10th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), held in Vienna, Austria, on April 10–12, 2019. It offers valuable methodologies and tools for robotics in education that encourage learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) through the design, creation and programming of tangible artifacts for creating personally meaningful objects and addressing real-world societal needs. It also discusses the introduction of technologies ranging from robotics platforms to programming environments and languages and presents extensive evaluations that highlight the impact of robotics on students’ interests and competence development. The approaches included cover the entire educative range, from the elementary school to the university level in both formal and informal settings.

Robotics in Education: Latest Results And Developments (Advances In Intelligent Systems and Computing #630)

by David Obdržálek Richard Balogh Gottfried Koppensteiner Munir Merdan Wilfried Lepuschitz

This proceedings volume comprises the latest achievements in research and development in educational robotics presented at the 9th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) held in Qawra, St. Paul's Bay, Malta, during April 18-20, 2018. Researchers and educators will find valuable methodologies and tools for robotics in education that encourage learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) through the design, creation and programming of tangible artifacts for creating personally meaningful objects and addressing real-world societal needs. This also involves the introduction of technologies ranging from robotics platforms to programming environments and languages. Extensive evaluation results are presented that highlight the impact of robotics on the students’ interests and competence development. The presented approaches cover the whole educative range from elementary school to the university level in both formal as well as informal settings.

Robotics in Healthcare: Field Examples and Challenges (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1170)

by João Silva Sequeira

The work is a collection of contributions resulting from R&D efforts originated from scientific projects involving academia, technological partners, and end-user institutions. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of robotics technology applied to Healthcare, and discuss the anticipation of upcoming challenges.The intersection of Robotics and Medicine includes socially and economically relevant areas, such as rehabilitation, therapy, and healthcare. Innovative usages of current robotics technologies are being somewhat stranded by concerns related to social dynamics. The examples covered in this volume show some of the potential societal benefits robotics can bring and how the robots are being integrated in social environments.Despite the aforementioned concerns, a fantastic range of possibilities is being opened. The current trend in social robotics adds to technology challenges and requires R&D to think about Robotics as an horizontal discipline, intersecting social and exact sciences. For example, robots that can act as if they have credible personalities (not necessarily similar to humans) living in social scenarios, eventually helping people. Also, robots can move inside the human body to retrieve information that otherwise is difficult to obtain. The decision autonomy of these robots raises a broad range of subjects though the immediate advantages of its use are evident.The book presents examples of robotics technologies tested in healthcare environments or realistically close to being deployed in the field and discusses the challenges involved. Chapter 1 provides a comprehensive overview of Healthcare robotics and points to realistically expectable developments in the near future. Chapter 2 describes the challenges deploying a social robot in the Pediatrics ward of an Oncological hospital for simple edutainment activities. Chapter 3 focuses on Human-Robot Interaction techniques and their role in social robotics. Chapter 4 focus on R&D efforts behind an endoscopic capsule robot. Chapter 5 addresses experiments in rehabilitation with orthotics and walker robots. These examples have deep social and economic relations with the Healthcare field, and, at the same time, are representative of the R&D efforts the robotics community is developing.

Robotics Through Science Fiction: Artificial Intelligence Explained Through Six Classic Robot Short Stories (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Robin Murphy

Six classic science fiction stories and commentary that illustrate and explain key algorithms or principles of artificial intelligence.This book presents six classic science fiction stories and commentary that illustrate and explain key algorithms or principles of artificial intelligence. Even though all the stories were originally published before 1973, they help readers grapple with two questions that stir debate even today: how are intelligent robots programmed? and what are the limits of autonomous robots? The stories—by Isaac Asimov, Vernor Vinge, Brian Aldiss, and Philip K. Dick—cover telepresence, behavior-based robotics, deliberation, testing, human-robot interaction, the “uncanny valley,” natural language understanding, machine learning, and ethics. Each story is preceded by an introductory note, “As You Read the Story,” and followed by a discussion of its implications, “After You Have Read the Story.” Together with the commentary, the stories offer a nontechnical introduction to robotics. The stories can also be considered as a set of—admittedly fanciful—case studies to be read in conjunction with more serious study.Contents“Stranger in Paradise” by Isaac Asimov, 1973“Runaround” by Isaac Asimov, 1942“Long Shot” by Vernor Vinge, 1972“Catch That Rabbit” by Isaac Asimov, 1944“Super-Toys Last All Summer Long” by Brian Aldiss, 1969“Second Variety” by Philip K. Dick, 1953

Robotics, Vision And Control: Fundamental Algorithms In Matlab - 2nd, Completely Revised, Extended And Updated Edition (Springer Tracts In Advanced Robotics #118)

by Peter Corke

Robotic vision, the combination of robotics and computer vision, involves the application of computer algorithms to data acquired from sensors. The research community has developed a large body of such algorithms but for a newcomer to the field this can be quite daunting. For over 20 years the author has maintained two open-source MATLAB® Toolboxes, one for robotics and one for vision. They provide implementations of many important algorithms and allow users to work with real problems, not just trivial examples. <P><P>This book makes the fundamental algorithms of robotics, vision and control accessible to all. It weaves together theory, algorithms and examples in a narrative that covers robotics and computer vision separately and together. Using the latest versions of the Toolboxes the author shows how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code. The topics covered are guided by real problems observed by the author over many years as a practitioner of both robotics and computer vision. It is written in an accessible but informative style, easy to read and absorb, and includes over 1000 MATLAB and Simulink® examples and over 400 figures. The book is a real walk through the fundamentals of mobile robots, arm robots. then camera models, image processing, feature extraction and multi-view geometry and finally bringing it all together with an extensive discussion of visual servo systems. This second edition is completely revised, updated and extended with coverage of Lie groups, matrix exponentials and twists; inertial navigation; differential drive robots; lattice planners; pose-graph SLAM and map making; restructured material on arm-robot kinematics and dynamics; series-elastic actuators and operational-space control; Lab color spaces; light field cameras; structured light, bundle adjustment and visual odometry; and photometric visual servoing. “An authoritative book, reaching across fields, thoughtfully conceived and brilliantly accomplished!”

Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in Python (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics #146)

by Peter Corke

This textbook provides a comprehensive, but tutorial, introduction to robotics, computer vision, and control. It is written in a light but informative conversational style, weaving text, figures, mathematics, and lines of code into a narrative that covers robotics and computer vision—separately, and together as robotic vision. Over 1600 code examples show how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code. This edition is based on Python and is accompanied by fully open-source Python-based Toolboxes for robotics and machine vision. The new Toolboxes enable the reader to easily bring the algorithmic concepts into practice and work with real, non-trivial, problems on a broad range of computing platforms. For the beginning student the book makes the algorithms accessible, the Toolbox code can be read to gain understanding, and the examples illustrate how it can be used. The code can also be the starting point for new work, for practitioners, students, or researchers, by writing programs based on Toolbox functions, or modifying the Toolbox code itself.

Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB® (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics #147)

by Peter Corke Witold Jachimczyk Remo Pillat

This textbook provides a comprehensive, but tutorial, introduction to robotics, computer vision, and control. It is written in a light but informative conversational style, weaving text, figures, mathematics, and lines of code into a cohesive narrative. Over 1600 code examples show how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code. This edition is based on MATLAB® and a number of MathWorks® toolboxes. These provide a set of supported software tools for addressing a broad range of applications in robotics and computer vision. These toolboxes enable the reader to easily bring the algorithmic concepts into practice and work with real, non-trivial, problems. For the beginning student, the book makes the algorithms accessible, the toolbox code can be read to gain understanding, and the examples illustrate how it can be used. The code can also be the starting point for new work, for practitioners, students, or researchers, by writing programs based on toolbox functions. Two co-authors from MathWorks have joined the writing team and bring deep knowledge of these MATLAB toolboxes and workflows.

Robotics with the Boe-Bot: Student Guide: Version 2.2

by Andy Lindsay

Andy Lindsay wrote versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 of "Robotics with the Boe-Bot." The latest version of this book, version 2.2, is 345 pages. The book consists of eight chapters. Each chapter has a number of hands-on activities. These forty-one activities will involve you in building electronic circuits and programming the robot's BS2 module's PIC16C57c microcontroller in Parallax BASIC. You will learn how to control the robot's continuous rotation servos, navigate using tactile whiskers, detect variations in light levels with photoresistors, use infrared LED circuits for detecting objects and determining distances, and so forth. Each chapter ends with a summary, questions, exercises, and projects. There are also extensive appendixes and an index. All of the material in this book is presented in meticulous detail.

Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Edition HMD)

by Sara D’Onofrio Stefan Meinhardt

Mit diesem Buch führen die HerausgeberInnen den Begriff „Robotik“ in der Wirtschaftsinformatik ein. Darunter sind Lösungen zu verstehen, die den Menschen in seinen Aktivitäten unterstützt und bestehende Geschäftsprozesse durch Automatisierung optimiert. Dabei werden die Integration und Interaktion von Robotern in Informationssystemen sowie mit den Menschen adressiert und weniger die Konstruktion eines Roboters. Nebst den theoretischen Grundlagen widmet sich das Herausgeberwerk der Vielfalt verschiedener Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.Unterschiedliche Fallbeispiele geben Einblick in die Anwendung von Robotic Process Automation, Chatbots, Servicerobotern und weiteren Robotik-Lösungen und dessen Nutzenpotenziale. Das Werk richtet sich gleichermaßen an Studierende, Fachleute aller Fachrichtungen als auch den interessierten AnwenderInnen. Es hilft der Leserin und dem Leser, die Bedeutungsvielfalt des Begriffs Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu verstehen und verschiedene Einsatzmöglichkeiten im eigenen Umfeld zu erkennen und zu bewerten.Der InhaltGrundlagenRobotic Process AutomationChatbotsServiceroboterWeitere AnwendungsfälleDie ZielgruppenCIO / CxO; Führungskräfte aus den Unternehmensbereichen, Unternehmens- und IT-BeraterInnen, ExpertInnen im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik, BWL und IT, interessierte AnwenderInnen, Studierende der WirtschaftsinformatikDas Herausgeber-Team Sara D'Onofrio ist IT Business Partner und Innovation Manager eines der größten Detailhandelsunternehmen der Schweiz, Autorin und Herausgeberin der Zeitschrift HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik bei Springer und Gastdozentin an Hochschulen. Zu ihren ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeiten zählen ihr Engagement für die Stiftung FMsquare, die Unterstützung als Expertin beim Smart City Verein Bern sowie als Advisor beim NGO Spring A-C-T. Sie hat Betriebswirtschaft und Wirtschaftsinformatik studiert und in Informatik promoviert.Stefan Meinhardt ist SAP Mitarbeiter im Vorruhestand, wirkt aber weiterhin aktiv als Partner und Senior Advisor bei der dr. Fuchs Senior Advisors GmbH und berät SAP-Kunden und -Partner in strategischen Fragestellungen rund um die Themen: Digital Business Transformation, Business Model bzw. Process Innovations, Business Development, Sales & Consulting Management sowie IT Program and Project Management. Als VP und Bereichsleiter im SAP Sales sowie in der SAP Digital Business Service Organisation leitete er über viele Jahre die Beratungseinheiten für die Branchen Konsumgüter, Handel, Chemie, Pharma und Life Science sowie die Service-Industrien.

Robotium Automated Testing for Android

by Hrushikesh Zadgaonkar

This is a step-by-step, example-oriented tutorial aimed at illustrating the various test scenarios and automation capabilities of Robotium.If you are an Android developer who is learning how to create test cases to test their application, and are looking to get a good grounding in different features in Robotium, this book is ideal for you. It's assumed that you have some experience in Android development, as well be familiar with the Android test framework, as Robotium is a wrapper to Android test framework.

Robotized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

by Lars Richter

Robotized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation describes the methods needed to develop a robotic system that is clinically applicable for the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Chapter 1 introduces the basic principles of TMS and discusses current developments towards robotized TMS. Part I (Chapters 2 and 3) systematically analyzes and clinically evaluates robotized TMS. More specifically, it presents the impact of head motion on the induced electric field. In Part II (Chapters 3 to 8), a new method for a robust robot/camera calibration, a sophisticated force-torque control with hand-assisted positioning, a novel FTA-sensor for system safety, and techniques for direct head tracking, are described and evaluated. Part III discusses these developments in the context of safety and clinical applicability of robotized TMS and presents future prospects of robotized TMS. Robotized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is intended for researchers as a guide for developing effective robotized TMS solutions. Professionals and practitioners may also find the book valuable.

Robots and Art

by Damith Herath Christian Kroos Stelarc

The first compendium on robotic art of its kind, this book explores theintegration of robots into human society and our attitudes, fears and hopes ina world shared with autonomous machines. It raises questions about thebenefits, risks and ethics of the transformative changes to society that are the consequence of robotstaking on new roles alongside humans. It takes the reader on a journey into the world of the strange,the beautiful, the uncanny and the daring - and into the minds and works ofsome of the world's most prolific creators of robotic art. Offering anin-depth look at robotic art from the viewpoints of artists, engineers andscientists, it presentsoutstanding works of contemporary robotic art and brings together for the first time some of themost influential artists in this area in the last three decades. Starting froma historical review, this transdisciplinary work explores the nexus betweenrobotic research and the arts andexamines the diversityof robotic art, the encounter with robotic otherness, machine embodiment andhuman-robot interaction. Stories of difficulties, pitfalls and successes arerecalled, characterising the multifaceted collaborations across the diversedisciplines required to create robotic art. Although the book isprimarily targeted towards researchers, artists and students in robotics,computer science and the arts,its accessible style appeals to anyone intrigued by robots and the arts.

Robots and Lattice Automata

by Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis Andrew Adamatzky

The book gives a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research and engineering in theory and application of Lattice Automata in design and control of autonomous Robots. Automata and robots share the same notional meaning. Automata (originated from the latinization of the Greek word "αυτματον") as self-operating autonomous machines invented from ancient years can be easily considered the first steps of robotic-like efforts. Automata are mathematical models of Robots and also they are integral parts of robotic control systems. A Lattice Automaton is a regular array or a collective of finite state machines, or automata. The Automata update their states by the same rules depending on states of their immediate neighbours. In the context of this book, Lattice Automata are used in developing modular reconfigurable robotic systems, path planning and map exploration for robots, as robot controllers, synchronisation of robot collectives, robot vision, parallel robotic actuators. All chapters are written in an accessible manner and lavishly illustrated. The book will help computer and robotic scientists and engineers to understand mechanisms of decentralised functioning of robotic collectives and to design future and emergent reconfigurable, parallel and distributed robotic systems.

The Robots are Here

by Rosemary Sage Riccarda Matteucci

Technology is redefining what it means to live in society and be human.This book assembles research and practice on educational robotics (intelligent machines) with a particular focus on the practices in Britain and Italy, the latter of which is a leading nation in preparing students for the New Industrial Age.Now that intelligent machines are capable of undertaking all routing tasks, robotics can provide three-dimensional development - personal, practical and academic - for the improved communication and thinking that students need for higher-level work. Students no longer need drilling in facts, now accessed by the touch of a button, but require greater attention to personal and practical abilities to meet global challenges.Readers are made aware of new learning approaches to achieve the flexible, broader abilities that aid survival and well-being.

Robots, Automation and the Innovation Economy (Routledge Studies in the Economics of Innovation)

by Jon-Arild Johannessen

Cascades of new technologies and innovations are entering our lives so fast that it is difficult for us to adapt to one innovation before the next becomes embedded into our everyday lives. What happens when the changes brought by technology are so profound that they affect all aspects of our lives? This book explores the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent robots on individuals, organizations and society, specifically examining the impact on jobs and workplaces in the future. It provides an understanding of how we can adapt to changes that appear like flocks of black swans.Five key areas are unpacked in the book: automation, AI, (the significance of AI technology), innovation, competence transformation, and the fact that the pace of change is so rapid that it outstrips our ability to adapt to consecutive changes. The main objective is to show how AI will change society and how we as individuals and society must adapt in order to survive what the author terms ‘robot shock’, together with its consequences and after-effects. It offers a greater understanding of resistance to change and how we need to adopt strategies for adapting to major changes. Each of the book’s six chapters also contains policy inputs, framed as propositions, that are intended specifically for decision-makers. The book concludes by offering possible strategies for overcoming the negative effects of ‘robot shock’.The book intends to send a message to leaders of institutions, decision-makers and anyone attempting to understand and explain how we – as a social system – can succeed in tackling the many major challenges and crises faced by humanity.

Robots in Care and Everyday Life: Future, Ethics, Social Acceptance (SpringerBriefs in Sociology)

by Uwe Engel

This open access book presents detailed findings about the ethical, legal, and social acceptance of robots in the German and European context. The key resource is the Bremen AI Delphi survey of scientists and politicians and a related population survey. The focus is on trust in robotic assistance, human willingness to use this assistance, and the expected personal well-being in human-robot interaction. Using recent data from Eurostat, the European Social Survey, and the Eurobarometer survey, the analysis is extended to Germany and the EU. The acceptance of robots in care and everyday life is viewed against their acceptance in other contexts of life and the scientific research. The book reports on how the probability of five complex future scenarios is evaluated by experts and politicians. These scenarios cover a broad range of topics, including the worst-case scenario of cutthroat competition for jobs, the wealth promise of AI, communication in human-robot interaction, robotic assistance, and ethical and legal conflicts. International economic competition alone will ensure that countries invest sustainably in the future technologies of AI and robots. But will these technologies also be accepted by the population? The book raises the core issue of how governments can gain the needed social, ethical, and user acceptance of AI and robots in everyday life. This highly topical book is of interest to researchers, professionals and policy makers working on various aspects of human-robot interaction. This is an open access book.

Robots in Education: An Introduction to High-Tech Social Agents, Intelligent Tutors, and Curricular Tools

by Massimiliano Cappuccio Friederike Eyssel Paul Baxter Tony Belpaeme Christoph Bartneck Fady Alnajjar Cinzia Di Dio Jürgen Handke Omar Mubin Mohammad Obaid Natalia Reich-Stiebert

Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning, encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variety of communities across education are increasingly using robots as general classroom tutors, tools in STEM projects, and subjects of study. This volume explores how the unique physical and social-interactive capabilities of educational robots can generate bonds with students while freeing instructors to focus on their individualized approaches to teaching and learning. Authored by a uniquely interdisciplinary team of scholars, the book covers the basics of robotics and their supporting technologies; attitudes toward and ethical implications of robots in learning; research methods relevant to extending our knowledge of the field; and more.

Robots Unlimited: Life in a Virtual Age

by David Levy

Consider this: Robots will one day be able to write poetry and prose so touching that it will make men weep; compose dozens or even hundreds of symphonies that will rival the work of Mozart; judge a court case with absolute impartiality and fairness; or even converse with the natural ease of your best friend. Robots will one day be so life-like tha

Robust and Distributed Hypothesis Testing (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #414)

by Gökhan Gül

This book generalizes and extends the available theory in robust and decentralized hypothesis testing. In particular, it presents a robust test for modeling errors which is independent from the assumptions that a sufficiently large number of samples is available, and that the distance is the KL-divergence. Here, the distance can be chosen from a much general model, which includes the KL-divergence as a very special case. This is then extended by various means. A minimax robust test that is robust against both outliers as well as modeling errors is presented. Minimax robustness properties of the given tests are also explicitly proven for fixed sample size and sequential probability ratio tests. The theory of robust detection is extended to robust estimation and the theory of robust distributed detection is extended to classes of distributions, which are not necessarily stochastically bounded. It is shown that the quantization functions for the decision rules can also be chosen as non-monotone. Finally, the book describes the derivation of theoretical bounds in minimax decentralized hypothesis testing, which have not yet been known. As a timely report on the state-of-the-art in robust hypothesis testing, this book is mainly intended for postgraduates and researchers in the field of electrical and electronic engineering, statistics and applied probability. Moreover, it may be of interest for students and researchers working in the field of classification, pattern recognition and cognitive radio.

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