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Routines of Substitution: John Von Neumann's Work On Software Development, 1945-1948 (Springerbriefs In History Of Computing Ser.)
by Mark PriestleyThis work is a historical and philosophical study of the programming work carried out by John von Neumann in the period 1945-8. At the heart of the book is an examination of a manuscript featuring the earliest known surviving example of von Neumann’s coding, a routine written in 1945 to ‘mesh’ two sequences of data and intended to be part of a larger program implementing the algorithm now known as mergesort. The text of the manuscript itself, along with a preliminary document describing the code he used to write this program, are reproduced as appendices. The program is approached in three chapters describing the historical background to von Neumann’s work, the significance of the sorting application itself, and the development of the EDVAC, the machine for which the program was written. The subsequent chapters widen the focus again, discussing the subsequent evolution of the program and the crucial topic of subroutines, before concluding by situating von Neumann’s work in a number of wider contexts. The book also offers a unifying philosophical interpretation of von Neumann’s approach to coding.
Routing Algorithms in Networks-on-Chip
by Maurizio Palesi Masoud DaneshtalabThis book provides a single-source reference to routing algorithms for Networks-on-Chip (NoCs), as well as in-depth discussions of advanced solutions applied to current and next generation, many core NoC-based Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). After a basic introduction to the NoC design paradigm and architectures, routing algorithms for NoC architectures are presented and discussed at all abstraction levels, from the algorithmic level to actual implementation Coverage emphasizes the role played by the routing algorithm and is organized around key problems affecting current and next generation, many-core SoCs. A selection of routing algorithms is included, specifically designed to address key issues faced by designers in the ultra-deep sub-micron (UDSM) era, including performance improvement, power, energy, and thermal issues, fault tolerance and reliability.
Routing and Switching Essentials Lab Manual
by Cisco Networking AcademyRouting and Switching Essentials Lab Manual contains all the labs and class activities from the Cisco Networking Academy course. The labs are intended to be used within the Cisco Networking Academy program of study.
Routing and Wavelength Assignment for WDM-based Optical Networks
by Bijoy Chand Chatterjee Nityananda Sarma Partha Pratim Sahu Eiji OkiThis book presents an in-depth treatment of routing and wavelength assignment for optical networks, and focuses specifically on quality-of-service and fault resiliency issues. It reports on novel approaches for the development of routing and wavelength assignment schemes for fault-resilient optical networks, which improve their performance in terms of signal quality, call blocking, congestion level and reliability, without a substantial increase in network setup cost. The book first presents a solution for reducing the effect of the wavelength continuity constraint during the routing and wavelength assignment phase. Further, it reports on an approach allowing the incorporation of a traffic grooming mechanism with routing and wavelength assignment to enhance the effective channel utilization of a given capacity optical network using fewer electrical-optical-electrical conversions. As a third step, it addresses a quality of service provision scheme for wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM)-based optical networks. Lastly, the book describes the inclusion of a tree-based fault resilience scheme in priority-based dispersion-reduced wavelength assignment schemes for the purpose of improving network reliability, while maintaining a better utilization of network resources. Mainly intended for graduate students and researchers, the book provides them with extensive information on both fundamental and advanced technologies for routing and wavelength assignment in optical networks. The topics covered will also be of interest to network planners and designers.
Routing for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks
by Hossam S. Hassanein Sherin Abdel Hamid Glen TakaharaThe focus of this brief is to identify what unifies and what distinguishes the routing functions in four wireless multi-hop network paradigms. The brief introduces a generic routing model that can be used as a foundation of wireless multi-hop routing protocol analysis and design. It demonstrates that such model can be adopted by any wireless multi-hop routing protocol. Also presented is a glimpse of the ideal wireless multi-hop routing protocol along with several open issues.
Routing i switching. Praktyczny przewodnik
by Bruce Hartpence"Bez zaawansowanych mechanizmów trasowania i prze??czania sie? - taka, jak? znamy - nie mia?aby szans zaistnie?. To w?a?nie te mechanizmy gwarantuj?, ?e nasze dane docieraj? w odpowiednie miejsce. Niezwykle istotne jest wi?c ich zrozumienie i wykorzystanie w praktyce. Dzi?ki temu Twoja sie? b?dzie bardziej niezawodna, a u?ytkownicy bardziej zadowoleni.W trakcie lektury tej wspania?ej ksi??ki zdob?dziesz bezcenne informacje na temat strategii trasowania i prze??czania, protoko?u drzewa rozpinaj?cego oraz sieci VLAN. Poznasz dog??bnie protokó? RIP w wersji 1 i 2 oraz protokó? OSPF. Autor na ka?dym kroku stara si? uwypukli? zagadnienia zwi?zane z bezpiecze?stwem tych rozwi?za?, a przygotowane ?wiczenia laboratoryjne pozwol? Ci jeszcze lepiej zrozumie? poruszane problemy. Je?eli Twoje codzienne zadania zwi?zane s? z sieciami komputerowymi, ten przewodnik jest Twoj? obowi?zkow? lektur? na najbli?sze dni!"
Routing in Opportunistic Networks
by Alagan Anpalagan Isaac Woungang Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher Athanasios V. VasilakosRouting in Opportunistic Networks focuses on the basics of opportunistic networks, modeling and communication in opportunistic networks, routing in opportunistic networks, and collaboration and cooperation in opportunistic networks. The editors will cover such topics as mobility characterization and discovery in opportunistic networks, scheduling and medium access control in opportunistic networks as well as testbed, tools, and measurements for opportunistic networks.
The Routledge Companion to Artificial Intelligence in Architecture
by Imdat As and Prithwish BasuProviding the most comprehensive source available, this book surveys the state of the art in artificial intelligence (AI) as it relates to architecture. This book is organized in four parts: theoretical foundations, tools and techniques, AI in research, and AI in architectural practice. It provides a framework for the issues surrounding AI and offers a variety of perspectives. It contains 24 consistently illustrated contributions examining seminal work on AI from around the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia. It articulates current theoretical and practical methods, offers critical views on tools and techniques, and suggests future directions for meaningful uses of AI technology. Architects and educators who are concerned with the advent of AI and its ramifications for the design industry will find this book an essential reference.
The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)
by Russell W. Belk Rosa LlamasThe first generation that has grown up in a digital world is now in our university classrooms. They, their teachers and their parents have been fundamentally affected by the digitization of text, images, sound, objects and signals. They interact socially, play games, shop, read, write, work, listen to music, collaborate, produce and co-produce, search and browse very differently than in the pre-digital age. Adopting emerging technologies easily, spending a large proportion of time online and multitasking are signs of the increasingly digital nature of our everyday lives. Yet consumer research is just beginning to emerge on how this affects basic human and consumer behaviours such as attention, learning, communications, relationships, entertainment and knowledge. The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption offers an introduction to the perspectives needed to rethink consumer behaviour in a digital age that we are coming to take for granted and which therefore often escapes careful research and reflective critical appraisal.
The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History (Routledge Art History and Visual Studies Companions)
by Kathryn BrownThe Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History offers a broad survey of cutting-edge intersections between digital technologies and the study of art history, museum practices, and cultural heritage. The volume focuses not only on new computational tools that have been developed for the study of artworks and their histories but also debates the disciplinary opportunities and challenges that have emerged in response to the use of digital resources and methodologies. Chapters cover a wide range of technical and conceptual themes that define the current state of the field and outline strategies for future development. This book offers a timely perspective on trans-disciplinary developments that are reshaping art historical research, conservation, and teaching. This book will be of interest to scholars in art history, historical theory, method and historiography, and research methods in education.
Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy
by Scott N. Romaniuk Mary ManjikianThis companion provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date comparative overview of the cyber-security strategies and doctrines of the major states and actors in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Asia. The volume offers an introduction to each nation’s cyber-security strategy and policy, along with a list of resources in English that may be consulted for those wishing to go into greater depth. Each chapter is written by a leading academic or policy specialist, and contains the following sections: overview of national cyber-security strategy; concepts and definitions; exploration of cyber-security issues as they relate to international law and governance; critical examinations of cyber partners at home and abroad; legislative developments and processes; dimensions of cybercrime and cyberterrorism; implications of cyber-security policies and strategies. This book will be of much interest to students and practitioners in the fields of cyber-security, national security, strategic studies, foreign policy, and international relations.
The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions)
by Gerard Goggin Mark MclellandThe Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories brings together research on the diverse Internet histories that have evolved in different regions, language cultures and social contexts across the globe. While the Internet is now in its fifth decade, the understanding and formulation of its histories outside of an anglophone framework is still very much in its infancy. From Tunisia to Taiwan, this volume emphasizes the importance of understanding and formulating Internet histories outside of the anglophone case studies and theoretical paradigms that have thus far dominated academic scholarship on Internet history. Interdisciplinary in scope, the collection offers a variety of historical lenses on the development of the Internet: as a new communication technology seen in the context of older technologies; as a new form of sociality read alongside previous technologically mediated means of relating; and as a new media "vehicle" for the communication of content.
The Routledge Companion to Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities (Routledge Companions to the Digital Humanities)
by Isabel Galina Russell Glen Layne-WortheyThe Routledge Companion to Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities covers a wide range of issues encountered in the world’s libraries and archives as they continue to expand their support of, and direct engagement in, Digital Humanities (DH) research and teaching. In addition to topics related to the practice of librarianship, and to libraries and archives as DH-friendly institutions, we address issues of importance to library and archives workers themselves: labour, sustainability, organisation and infrastructure, and focused professional practices that reflect the increasingly important role of librarians and archivists as active research partners. One of the central motifs of this book is that the “two” fields—DH, on the one hand, and the library, archival, and information sciences on the other—are in fact deeply intertwined, productively interdependent, and mutually reinforcing. We place these on an equal footing, considering how they coexist and collaborate in equal partnership.This Companion will be of interest to DH practitioners and theorists, especially those who work in libraries and archives, and those who work with them. Likewise, “non-DH” (or “not-yet-DH”) library and archival administrators, reference and public service librarians, cataloguers, and even those who work primarily with the tangible collections will find here echoes and implications of the most venerable traditions and practices of our shared profession.The Introduction of the book is free-to-view at https://www.book2look.com/book/hpV4zdnW6q.Chapter 14 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.Chapter 17 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.Chapter 8 and 18 will be made Open Access.
The Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)
by Robert D. Galliers Mari-Klara SteinThe field of Information Systems has been evolving since the first application of computers in organizations in the early 1950s. Focusing on information systems analysis and design up to and including the 1980s, the field has expanded enormously, with our assumptions about information and knowledge being challenged, along with both intended and unintended consequences of information technology. This prestige reference work offers students and researchers a critical reflection on major topics and current scholarship in the evolving field of Information Systems. This single-volume survey of the field is organized into four parts. The first section deals with Disciplinary and Methodological Foundations. The second section deals with Development, Adoption and Use of MIS – topics that formed the centrepiece of the field of IS in the last century. The third section deals with Managing Organizational IS, Knowledge and Innovation, while the final section considers emerging and continuing issues and controversies in the field – IS in Society and a Global Context. Each chapter provides a balanced overview of current knowledge, identifying issues and discussing relevant debates. This prestigious book is required reading for any student or researcher in Management Information Systems, academics and students covering the breadth of the field, and established researchers seeking a single-volume repository on the current state of knowledge, current debates and relevant literature.
Routledge Companion to Media and Humanitarian Action (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions)
by Robin Andersen Purnaka L. De SilvaIn this moment of unprecedented humanitarian crises, the representations of global disasters are increasingly common media themes around the world. The Routledge Companion to Media and Humanitarian Action explores the interconnections between media, old and new, and the humanitarian challenges that have come to define the twenty-first century. Contributors, including media professionals and experts in humanitarian affairs, grapple with what kinds of media language, discourse, terms, and campaigns can offer enough context and background knowledge to nurture informed global citizens. Case studies of media practices, content analysis and evaluation of media coverage, and representations of humanitarian emergencies and affairs offer further insight into the ways in which strategic communications are designed and implemented in field of humanitarian action.
The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions)
by Larissa HjorthIn this companion, a diverse, international and interdisciplinary group of contributors and editors examine the rapidly expanding, far-reaching field of mobile media as it intersects with art across a range of spaces—theoretical, practical and conceptual. As a vehicle for—and of—the everyday, mobile media is recalibrating the relationship between art and digital networked media, and reshaping how creative practices such as writing, photography, video art and filmmaking are being conceptualized and practised. In exploring these innovations, The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art pulls together comprehensive, culturally nuanced and interdisciplinary approaches; considerations of broader media ecologies and histories and political, social and cultural dynamics; and critical and considered perspectives on the intersections between mobile media and art. This book is the definitive publication for researchers, artists and students interested in comprehending all the various aspects of mobile media art, covering digital media and culture, internet studies, games studies, anthropology, sociology, geography, media and communication, cultural studies and design.
The Routledge Companion to Practicing Anthropology and Design
by Jenessa Mae Spears Christine Z MillerThe Routledge Companion to Practicing Anthropology and Design provides a comprehensive overview of the history of the relationship between these two fields and their current state, outlining key concepts and current debates as well as positing directions for future practice and research. Bringing together original work from a diverse group of established and emerging professionals, this volume joins a wider conversation about the trajectory of this transdisciplinary movement inspired by the continuing evolution of anthropology and design as they have adapted to accelerating and unpredictable conditions in arenas that span sectors, economies, socio-cultural groups, and geographies. It homes in on both the growing convergence and tensions between them while exploring how individuals from both fields have found ways of mixing, experimenting, and evolving theory and new forms of practice, highlighting the experimental theories and practices their transdisciplinarity has generated.The Routledge Companion to Practicing Anthropology and Design is a valuable reference tool for practitioners, scholars, and upper-level students in the fields of anthropology and design as well as related disciplines.
The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)
by Kurt J. EngemannAware that a single crisis event can devastate their business, managers must be prepared for the worst from an expansive array of threats. The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business comprises a professional and scholarly collection of work in this critical field. Risks come in many varieties, and there is a growing concern for organizations to respond to the challenge. Businesses can be severely impacted by natural and man-made disasters including: floods, earthquakes, tsunami, environmental threats, terrorism, supply chain risks, pandemics, and white-collar crime. An organization’s resilience is dependent not only on their own system security and infrastructure, but also on the wider infrastructure providing health and safety, utilities, transportation, and communication. Developments in risk security and management knowledge offer a path towards resilience and recovery through effective leadership in crisis situations. The growing body of knowledge in research and methodologies is a basis for decisions to safeguard people and assets, and to ensure the survivability of an organization from a crisis. Not only can businesses become more secure through risk management, but an effective program can also facilitate innovation and afford new opportunities. With chapters written by an international selection of leading experts, this book fills a crucial gap in our current knowledge of risk, crisis and security in business by exploring a broad spectrum of topics in the field. Edited by a globally-recognized expert on risk, this book is a vital reference for researchers, professionals and students with an interest in current scholarship in this expanding discipline.
The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies (Routledge Companions to the Digital Humanities)
by Susan Aasman Anat Ben-David Niels BrüggerThe Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies explores the untapped potential of web archives for researching transnational digital history and communication. It covers cross- border, cross- collection, and cross- institutional examination of web archives on a global scale.This comprehensive collaborative work, emerging from the WARCnet research network, presents an exploration of the ways web archive research can transcend technological and legal challenges to allow for new comparative, transnational studies of the web’s pasts, and of global events. By combining interdisciplinary work and fostering collaboration between web archivists and researchers, the book provides readers with cutting- edge approaches to analyzing digital cultural heritage across countries. The book contains concrete examples on how to research national web domains through a transnational perspective; provides case studies with grounded explorations of the COVID- 19 crisis as a distinctly transnational event captured by web archives; offers methodological considerations while unpacking techniques and skill sets for conducting transnational web archive research; and critically engages the politics and power dynamics inherent to web archives as institutionalised collections.The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies is an essential read for graduate students and scholars from internet and media studies, cultural studies, history, and digital humanities. It will also appeal to web archiving practitioners, including librarians, web curators, and IT developers.
The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions)
by Bernard Perron Mark J. P. WolfThe number of publications dealing with video game studies has exploded over the course of the last decade, but the field has produced few comprehensive reference works. The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies, compiled by well-known video game scholars Mark J. P. Wolf and Bernard Perron, aims to address the ongoing theoretical and methodological development of game studies, providing students, scholars, and game designers with a definitive look at contemporary video game studies. Features include: comprehensive and interdisciplinary models and approaches for analyzing video games; new perspectives on video games both as art form and cultural phenomenon; explorations of the technical and creative dimensions of video games; accounts of the political, social, and cultural dynamics of video games. Each essay provides a lively and succinct summary of its target area, quickly bringing the reader up-to-date on the pertinent issues surrounding each aspect of the field, including references for further reading. Together, they provide an overview of the present state of game studies that will undoubtedly prove invaluable to student, scholar, and designer alike.
The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions)
by Mark J. P. Wolf Bernard PerronA definitive guide to contemporary video game studies, this second edition has been fully revised and updated to address the ongoing theoretical and methodological development of game studies. Expertly compiled by well-known video game scholars Mark J. P. Wolf and Bernard Perron, the Companion includes comprehensive and interdisciplinary models and approaches for analyzing video games, new perspectives on video games both as an art form and cultural phenomenon, explorations of the technical and creative dimensions of video games, and accounts of the political, social, and cultural dynamics of video games. Brand new to this second edition are chapters examining topics such as preservation; augmented, mixed, and virtual reality; eSports; disability; diversity; and identity, as well as a new section that specifically examines the industrial aspects of video games including digital distribution, game labor, triple-A games, indie games, and globalization. Each essay provides a lively and succinct summary of its target area, quickly bringing the reader up-to-date on the pertinent issues surrounding each aspect of the field, including references for further reading. A comprehensive overview of the present state of video game studies that will undoubtedly prove invaluable to students, scholars, and game designers alike.
The Routledge Guide to Teaching Translation and Interpreting Online (Routledge Guides to Teaching Translation and Interpreting)
by Cristiano Mazzei Laurence Jay-Rayon Ibrahim AiboRoutledge Guides to Teaching Translation and Interpreting is a series of practical guides to key areas of translation and interpreting for instructors, lecturers, and course designers. The Routledge Guide to Teaching Translation and Interpreting Online is for educators of translation and interpreting teaching online in a variety of curricular combinations: fully online, partially online, hybrid, multimodal, or face-to-face with online components. Offering suggestions for the development of curriculum and course design in addition to online tools that can be used in skill-building activities, and adaptable to specific instructional needs, this textbook is suitable for both multilingual and language-specific classes. Fully comprehensive, the book addresses the tenets and importance of process-oriented pedagogy for students of translation and interpreting, best practices in online curriculum and course design, instructor online presence, detailed illustrations of specific online assignments, the importance of regular and timely feedback, and teaching across the online translation and interpreting (T&I) curriculum. Written by two experienced translators, interpreters, and scholars who have been teaching online for many years and in various settings, this book is an essential guide for all instructors of translation and interpreting as professional activities and academic disciplines.
Routledge Handbook of Descriptive Rhetorical Studies and World Languages
by Weixiao Wei James SchnellThe Routledge Handbook of Descriptive Rhetorical Studies and World Languages offers a useful collection of papers that presents rhetorical analysis of the discoursal practice in different cultural settings. Covering issues from America to Europe and Asia, and topics from politics to media, education to science, agriculture to literature, and so on, the handbook describes how language can guide listeners’ interpretations, alter their perceptions and shape their worldviews. This book offers a solid foundation for rhetorical studies to become an essential discipline in arts and humanities, engendering innovative theory and applications in areas such as linguistics, literature, history, cultural studies, political science and sociology. This handbook will be crucial for students and researchers in areas such as literature and linguistics, communication studies, political science and arts and humanities in general. This book will also be useful to social science, education, business, law, science and engineering departments due to its coverage of rhetoric in a multidisciplinary and multilingual context.
The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption (Routledge International Handbooks)
by Russell Belk Rosa LlamasSince the publication of the ground-breaking first edition, there has been an exponential growth in research and literature about the digital world and its enormous potential benefits and threats. Fully revised and updated, this new edition brings together an expertly curated and authoritative overview of the impact and emerging horizons of digital consumption. Divided into sections, it addresses key topics including digital entertainment, self-representation, communication, Big Data, digital spirituality, online surveillance, and algorithmic advertising. It explores developments such as consumer data collection techniques, peer-to-peer payment systems, augmented reality, and AI-enhanced consumer well-being, as well as digital transgression, secrecy, crypto-currencies, NFTs, and cultural concerns such as the spread of conspiracy theories and fake news. From digital influencers, digital nomads, and digital neo-tribalism to robots and cyborgs, it explores existences that blur boundaries between humans and machines, reality and the metaverse, and the emerging "technoculture" – a state of all-encompassing digital being. This unique volume is an essential resource for scholars, practitioners, and policy makers, and will continue to provide a new generation of readers with a deep understanding of the universe of digital consumption.
The Routledge Handbook of Digital Sport Management (Routledge International Handbooks)
by Michael L. Naraine Ted Hayduk Iii Jason P. DoyleThe Routledge Handbook of Digital Sport Management provides students, researchers, and practitioners with a contemporary roadmap of the impact of digital technologies in sport management, at all levels and in all sectors, in a global context. Divided into three sections addressing digital transformations, digital tools, and emerging digital issues, this book explores the impact of digital technology in the core functional areas of sport management, such as sponsorship, event management, and human resources. It introduces essential digital innovations such as esports, social media, VR, wearables, analytics, and artificial intelligence, and examines the debates and issues that are likely to shape and transform sport business over the next decade. The only book to survey the full sweep of digital sport management, this book is an essential reference for all serious students of sport business and management, any researcher working in the nexus of sport business and digital, and all managers, policy-makers or associated professionals working in the sport industry.