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Showing 49,576 through 49,600 of 59,695 results

The Routledge Handbook of Digital Writing and Rhetoric (Routledge Handbooks in Communication Studies)

by Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes

This handbook brings together scholars from around the globe who here contribute to our understanding of how digital rhetoric is changing the landscape of writing. Increasingly, all of us must navigate networks of information, compose not just with computers but an array ofmobile devices, increase our technological literacy, and understand the changing dynamics of authoring, writing, reading, and publishing in a world of rich and complex texts. Given such changes, and given the diverse ways in which younger generations of college students are writing, communicating, and designing texts in multimediated, electronic environments, we need to consider how the very act of writing itself is undergoing potentially fundamental changes. These changes are being addressed increasingly by the emerging field of digital rhetoric, a field thatattempts to understand the rhetorical possibilities and affordances of writing, broadly defined, in a wide array of digital environments. Of interest to both researchers and students, this volume provides insights about the fields of rhetoric, writing, composition, digital media, literature, and multimodal studies.

Routledge Handbook of Disinformation and National Security

by Rubén Arcos Irena Chiru Cristina Ivan

This interdisciplinary Handbook provides an in-depth analysis of the complex security phenomenon of disinformation and offers a toolkit to counter such tactics. Disinformation used to propagate false, inexact or out of context information is today a frequently used tool of political manipulation and information warfare, both online and offline. This Handbook evidences a historical thread of continuing practices and modus operandi in overt state propaganda and covert information operations. Further, it attempts to unveil current methods used by propaganda actors, the inherent vulnerabilities they exploit in the fabric of democratic societies and, last but not least, to highlight current practices in countering disinformation and building resilient audiences. The Handbook is divided into six thematic sections. The first part provides a set of theoretical approaches to hostile influencing, disinformation and covert information operations. The second part looks at disinformation and propaganda in historical perspective offering case study analysis of disinformation, and the third focuses on providing understanding of the contemporary challenges posed by disinformation and hostile influencing. The fourth part examines information and communication practices used for countering disinformation and building resilience. The fifth part analyses specific regional experiences in countering and deterring disinformation, as well as international policy responses from transnational institutions and security practitioners. Finally, the sixth part offers a practical toolkit for practitioners to counter disinformation and hostile influencing. This handbook will be of much interest to students of national security, propaganda studies, media and communications studies, intelligence studies and International Relations in general.

The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies (Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks)

by Antonio López Adrian Ivakhiv Stephen Rust Miriam Tola Alenda Y. Chang Kiu-Wai Chu

The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies gathers leading work by critical scholars in this burgeoning field. Redressing the lack of environmental perspectives in the study of media, ecomedia studies asserts that media are in and about the environment, and environments are socially and materially mediated. The book gives form to this new area of study and brings together diverse scholarly contributions to explore and give definition to the field. The Handbook highlights five critical areas of ecomedia scholarship: ecomedia theory, ecomateriality, political ecology, ecocultures, and eco-affects. Within these areas, authors navigate a range of different topics including infrastructures, supply and manufacturing chains, energy, e-waste, labor, ecofeminism, African and Indigenous ecomedia, environmental justice, environmental media governance, ecopolitical satire, and digital ecologies. The result is a holistic volume that provides an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the current state of the field, as well as future developments. This volume will be an essential resource for students, educators, and scholars of media studies, cultural studies, film, environmental communication, political ecology, science and technology studies, and the environmental humanities.

The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies (Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks)

by Antonio López Adrian Ivakhiv Stephen Rust Miriam Tola Alenda Y. Chang Kiu-Wai Chu

The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies gathers leading work by critical scholars in this burgeoning field. Redressing the lack of environmental perspectives in the study of media, ecomedia studies asserts that media are in and about the environment, and environments are socially and materially mediated.The book gives form to this new area of study and brings together diverse scholarly contributions to explore and give definition to the field. The Handbook highlights five critical areas of ecomedia scholarship: ecomedia theory, ecomateriality, political ecology, ecocultures, and eco-affects. Within these areas, authors navigate a range of different topics including infrastructures, supply and manufacturing chains, energy, e-waste, labor, ecofeminism, African and Indigenous ecomedia, environmental justice, environmental media governance, ecopolitical satire, and digital ecologies. The result is a holistic volume that provides an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the current state of the field, as well as future developments.This volume will be an essential resource for students, educators, and scholars of media studies, cultural studies, film, environmental communication, political ecology, science and technology studies, and the environmental humanities.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis. com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license. Deep gratitude for the generous support of those institutions that provided funding to enable this volume to be available simultaneously in print and open access: University of Oregon Libraries Open Access Publishing Award, Frank J. Guarini School of Busi-ness at John Cabot University, University of Vermont Humanities Center, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Lausanne, and School of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University.

The Routledge Handbook of Education Technology

by Santoshi Halder Sanju Saha

This handbook offers a comprehensive understanding of the use of technology in education. With a focus on the development of Education Technology in India, it explores innovative strategies as well as challenges in incorporating technology to support learning. The volume examines diverse learning approaches such as assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication for learners with disabilities and creating more social and accessible environments for learning through Collaborative Learning Techniques (CoLTS), massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in modern classrooms. Enriched with discussions on recent trends in ET (Education Technology), university curriculum and syllabi, and real-life examples of the use of ET in different classroom settings, the book captures diverse aspects of education technology and its potential. It also discusses the challenges of making technology and resources available for all and highlights the impact technology has had in classrooms across the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. This book will be of interest to students, researchers, and teachers of education, digital education, education technology, and information technology. The book will also be useful for policymakers, educationalists, instructional designers, and educational institutions.

Routledge Handbook of Esports (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Seth E. Jenny

The Routledge Handbook of Esports offers the first fully comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of esports, one of the fastest growing sectors of the contemporary sports and entertainment industries. Global in coverage, the book emphasizes the multifaceted nature of esports and explores the most pressing issues defining the competitive video gaming landscape today. Featuring the work of 93 leading esports academics and industry specialists from around the world, and rigorously peer-reviewed, the book is structured around ten key themes: 1) Introduction to Esports, 2) Esports Research, 3) Esports Players, 4) Esports Business and Management, 5) Esports Media and Communication, 6) Esports Education, 7) Critical Concerns in Esports, 8) Global Esports Cultures, 9) Esports Future Directions, and 10) Key Terms Definitions. Examining the current state of esports, emerging areas of interest and the ongoing debates shaping the esports industry, each of the 62 chapters offers key highlights, an assessment of the latest research, practical esports examples and recommendations, and is complemented by enlightening case studies or industry interviews. For further academic and professional depth, chapters also include a guide to recommended additional resources. Explaining technical terms and gaming jargon in a user-friendly manner, and maintaining a balanced tone throughout, this handbook is essential reading for any student or researcher with an interest in esports, gaming, or sport studies, and for any practitioner or policy-maker working in the esports industry.

Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law (Routledge Handbooks in Law)

by Iris H-Y Chiu Gudula Deipenbrock

Financial technology is rapidly changing and shaping financial services and markets. These changes are considered making the future of finance a digital one.This Handbook analyses developments in the financial services, products and markets that are being reshaped by technologically driven changes with a view to their policy, regulatory, supervisory and other legal implications. The Handbook aims to illustrate the crucial role the law has to play in tackling the revolutionary developments in the financial sector by offering a framework of legally enforceable principles and values in which such innovations might take place without threatening the acquis of financial markets law and more generally the rule of law and basic human rights. With contributions from international leading experts, topics will include: Policy, High-level Principles, Trends and Perspectives Fintech and Lending Fintech and Payment Services Fintech, Investment and Insurance Services Fintech, Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Finance Cryptocurrencies and Cryptoassets Markets and Trading Regtech and Suptech This Handbook will be of great relevance for practitioners and students alike, and a first reference point for academics researching in the fields of banking and financial markets law.

The Routledge Handbook of FinTech (Routledge International Handbooks)

by K. Thomas Liaw

The Routledge Handbook of FinTech offers comprehensive coverage of the opportunities, challenges and future trends of financial technology. This handbook is a unique and in-depth reference work. It is organised in six thematic parts. The first part outlines the development, funding, and the future trends. The second focuses on blockchain technology applications and various aspects of cryptocurrencies. The next covers FinTech in banking. A significant element of FinTech, mobile payments and online lending, is included in the fourth part. The fifth continues with several chapters covering other financial services, while the last discusses ethics and regulatory issues. These six parts represent the most significant and overarching themes of FinTech innovations. This handbook will appeal to students, established researchers seeking a single repository on the subject, as well as policy makers and market professionals seeking convenient access to a one-stop guide.

The Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics)

by Alexandra Georgakopoulou Tereza Spilioti

The Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication provides a comprehensive, state of the art overview of language-focused research on digital communication, taking stock and registering the latest trends that set the agenda for future developments in this thriving and fast moving field. The contributors are all leading figures or established authorities in their areas, covering a wide range of topics and concerns in the following seven sections: • Methods and Perspectives; • Language Resources, Genres, and Discourses; • Digital Literacies; • Digital Communication in Public; • Digital Selves and Online-Offline Lives; • Communities, Networks, Relationships; • New debates and Further directions. This volume showcases critical syntheses of the established literature on key topics and issues and, at the same time, reflects upon and engages with cutting edge research and new directions for study (as emerging within social media). A wide range of languages are represented, from Japanese, Greek, German and Scandinavian languages, to computer-mediated Arabic, Chinese and African languages. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication will be an essential resource for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers within English language and linguistics, applied linguistics and media and communication studies.

The Routledge Handbook of Media and Technology Domestication

by Maren Hartmann

This Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of media domestication – the process of appropriating new media and technology – and delves into the theoretical, conceptual and social implications of the field’s advancement. Combining the work of the long-established experts in the field with that of emerging scholars, the chapters explore both the domestication concept itself and domestication processes in a wide range of fields, from smartphones used to monitor drug use to the question of time in the domestication of energy buildings. The international team of authors provide an accessible and thorough assessment of key issues, themes and problems with and within domestication research, and showcase the most important developments over the years. This truly interdisciplinary collection will be an important resource for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and academic scholars in media, communication and cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, cultural geography, design studies and social studies of technology. Chapter 3 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

Routledge Handbook of Media Law

by Monroe E. Price Stefaan Verhulst Libby Morgan

Featuring specially commissioned chapters from experts in the field of media and communications law, this book provides an authoritative survey of media law from a comparative perspective. The handbook does not simply offer a synopsis of the state of affairs in media law jurisprudence, rather it provides a better understanding of the forces that generate media rules, norms, and standards against the background of major transformations in the way information is mediated as a result of democratization, economic development, cultural change, globalization and technological innovation. The book addresses a range of issues including: Media Law and Evolving Concepts of Democracy Network neutrality and traffic management Public Service Broadcasting in Europe Interception of Communication and Surveillance in Russia State secrets, leaks and the media A variety of rule-making institutions are considered, including administrative, and judicial entities within and outside government, but also entities such as associations and corporations that generate binding rules. The book assesses the emerging role of supranational economic and political groupings as well as non-Western models, such as China and India, where cultural attitudes toward media freedoms are often very different. Monroe E. Price is Director of the Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for the University of Pennsylvania and Joseph and Sadie Danciger Professor of Law and Director of the Howard M. Squadron Program in Law, Media and Society at the Cardozo School of Law. Stefaan Verhulst is Chief of Research at the Markle Foundation. Previously he was the co-founder and co-director, with Professor Monroe Price, of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) at Oxford University, as well as senior research fellow at the Centre for Socio Legal Studies. Libby Morgan is the Associate Director of the Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for the University of Pennsylvania.

The Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media (Routledge Handbooks in Communication Studies)

by Sabine Trepte Philipp K. Masur

This volume provides the basis for contemporary privacy and social media research and informs global as well as local initiatives to address issues related to social media privacy through research, policymaking, and education. Renowned scholars in the fields of communication, psychology, philosophy, informatics, and law look back on the last decade of privacy research and project how the topic will develop in the next decade. The text begins with an overview of key scholarship in online privacy, expands to focus on influential factors shaping privacy perceptions and behaviors – such as culture, gender, and trust – and continues with specific examinations of concerns around vulnerable populations such as children and older adults. It then looks at how privacy is managed and the implications of interacting with artificial intelligence, concluding by discussing feasible solutions to some of the more pressing questions surrounding online privacy. This handbook will be a valuable resource for advanced students, scholars, and policymakers in the fields of communication studies, digital media studies, psychology, and computer science. Chapter 22 and Chapter 30 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

The Routledge Handbook of Role-Playing Game Studies (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Handbooks)

by Sebastian Deterding José P. Zagal

This Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the latest research on role-playing games (RPGs) across disciplines, cultures, and media in one single, accessible volume.Collaboratively authored by more than 40 key scholars, it traces the history of RPGs, from wargaming precursors to tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons to the rise of live-action role-play and contemporary computer RPG and massively multiplayer online RPG franchises, like Baldur’s Gate, Genshin Impact, and World of Warcraft. Individual chapters survey the perspectives, concepts, and findings on RPGs from key disciplines, like performance studies, sociology, psychology, education, economics, game design, literary studies, and more. Other chapters integrate insights from RPG studies around broadly significant topics, like worldbuilding, immersion, and player-character relations, as well as explore actual play and streaming, diversity, equity, inclusion, jubensha, therapeutic uses of RPGs, and storygames, journaling games, and other forms of text-based RPGs. Each chapter includes definitions of key terms and recommended readings to help students and scholars new to RPG studies find their way into this interdisciplinary field.A comprehensive reference volume ideal for students and scholars of game studies and immersive experiences and those looking to learn more about the ever-growing, interdisciplinary field of RPG studies.

The Routledge Handbook of Smart Technologies: An Economic and Social Perspective (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Heinz D. Kurz Marlies Schütz Rita Strohmaier Stella S. Zilian

This Handbook provides a thorough discussion of the most recent wave of technological (and organisational) innovations, frequently called “smart” and based on the digitisation of information. The acronym stands for "Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology". This new wave is one in a row of waves that have shaken up and transformed the economy, society and culture since the first Industrial Revolution and have left a huge impact on how we live, think, communicate and work: they have deeply affected the socioeconomic metabolism from within and humankind’s footprint on our planet. The Handbook analyses the origins of the current wave, its roots in earlier ones and its path-dependent nature; its current forms and actual manifestations; its multifarious impact on economy and society; and it puts forward some guesstimates regarding the probable directions of its further development. In short, the Handbook studies the past, the present and the future of smart technologies and digitalisation. This cutting-edge reference will appeal to a broad audience, including but not limited to, researchers from various disciplines with a focus on technological innovation and their impact on the socioeconomic system; students across different fields but especially from economics, social sciences and law studying questions related to radical technological change and its consequences, as well as professionals around the globe interested in the debate of smart technologies and socioeconomic transformation, from a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective.

Routledge Handbook of South Asian Criminology

by K. Jaishankar

Although the literature and cultural practices of the South Asian region demonstrate a rich understanding of criminology, this handbook is the first to focus on crime, criminal justice, and victimization in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. South Asia’s rapid growth in population and economy continues to introduce transformations in social behaviors, including those related to criminality and victimization. Readers of this handbook will gain a comprehensive look at criminology, criminal justice, and victimology in the South Asian region, including processes, historical perspectives, politics, policies, and victimization. This collection of chapters penned by scholars from all eight of the South Asian nations, as well as the US, UK, Australia, and Belgium, will advance the study and practice of criminology in the South Asian region and carry implications for other regions. The Routledge Handbook of South Asian Criminology provides a wealth of information on criminological issues and their effect on the countries and governments’ efforts to mitigate them. It is essential reading for students and scholars of South Asian criminology, criminal justice, and politics.

Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies (Routledge International Handbooks)

by David Lyon Kevin D. Haggerty Kirstie Ball

Surveillance is a central organizing practice. Gathering personal data and processing them in searchable databases drives administrative efficiency but also raises questions about security, governance, civil liberties and privacy. Surveillance is both globalized in cooperative schemes, such as sharing biometric data, and localized in the daily minutiae of social life. This innovative Handbook explores the empirical, theoretical and ethical issues around surveillance and its use in daily life. With a collection of over forty essays from the leading names in surveillance studies, the Handbook takes a truly multi-disciplinary approach to critically question issues of: surveillance and population control policing, intelligence and war production and consumption new media security identification regulation and resistance. The Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies is an international, accessible, definitive and comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing multi-disciplinary field of surveillance studies. The Handbook’s direct, authoritative style will appeal to a wide range of scholars and students in the social sciences, arts and humanities.

Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities (Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks)

by Charles Travis Deborah P. Dixon Luke Bergmann Robert Legg Arlene Crampsie

The Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities explores the digital methods and tools scholars use to observe, interpret, and manage nature in several different academic fields. Employing historical, philosophical, linguistic, literary, and cultural lenses, this handbook explores how the digital environmental humanities (DEH), as an emerging field, recognises its convergence with the environmental humanities. As such, it is empirically, critically, and ethically engaged in exploring digitally mediated, visualised, and parsed framings of past, present, and future environments, landscapes, and cultures. Currently, humanities, geographical, cartographical, informatic, and computing disciplines are finding a common space in the DEH and are bringing the use of digital applications, coding, and software into league with literary and cultural studies and the visual, film, and performing arts. In doing so, the DEH facilitates transdisciplinary encounters between fields as diverse as human cognition, gaming, bioinformatics and linguistics, social media, literature and history, music, painting, philology, philosophy, and the earth and environmental sciences. This handbook will be essential reading for those interested in the use of digital tools in the study of the environment from a wide range of disciplines and for those working in the environmental humanities more generally.

Routledge Handbook of the Influence Industry

by Emma L. Briant Vian Bakir

This Handbook provides the first comprehensive examination of the influence industry and how it operates worldwide across different domains.The rapid evolution of emerging technologies and data-driven persuasive practices has been linked to the spread of misleading content in domestic and foreign influence campaigns. This has prompted worldwide public and policy discussions about disinformation and how to curb its spread. However, less attention has been paid to the increasingly data-driven commercial industry taking advantage of the opportunities these new technologies afford. The handbook uses the term ‘influence’ here to include not only messaging and public relations (PR), which fell within the traditional focus of propaganda studies, but to consider the infrastructure and actors behind an advanced array of capabilities that can be used in a coordinated way to affect an audience’s emotions, ideas and behaviors in order to advance a state or non-state actor’s objectives – increasingly based on data-driven profiling. The volume fills a gap in scholarship exploring the recent technical, political and economic development of this industry, surveying the extent of different technologies and services offered to clients worldwide across multiple domains (commercial, political, national security and government). The chapters are divided into three thematic sections and evaluate Influence Industry practices, aims and effectiveness across audiences; business practices and economics; and democratic structures and human rights. They also offer advice for researchers and consider key ethical issues and new regulatory approaches.This volume will be of much interest to students of political science, propaganda studies, sociology, communication studies and journalism.

The Routledge International Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Joshua Wilson Mark D. Shermis

The Routledge International Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation (AEE) is a definitive guide at the intersection of automation, artificial intelligence, and education. This volume encapsulates the ongoing advancement of AEE, reflecting its application in both large-scale and classroom-based assessments to support teaching and learning endeavors.It presents a comprehensive overview of AEE's current applications, including its extension into reading, speech, mathematics, and writing research; modern automated feedback systems; critical issues in automated evaluation such as psychometrics, fairness, bias, transparency, and validity; and the technological innovations that fuel current and future developments in this field. As AEE approaches a tipping point of global implementation, this Handbook stands as an essential resource, advocating for the conscientious adoption of AEE tools to enhance educational practices ethically. The Handbook will benefit readers by equipping them with the knowledge to thoughtfully integrate AEE, thereby enriching educational assessment, teaching, and learning worldwide.Aimed at researchers, educators, AEE developers, and policymakers, the Handbook is poised not only to chart the current landscape but also to stimulate scholarly discourse, define and inform best practices, and propel and guide future innovations.

The Routledge International Handbook of Digital Social Work (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Antonio López Peláez Gloria Kirwan

This handbook provides an authoritative and cutting-edge overview of current research and trends related to the emerging field of digital technology and social work. This book is divided into six sections: Part 1 Reframing Social Work in a Digital SocietyPart 2 Shaping a Science of Social Work in the Digital SocietyPart 3 Digital Social Work in PracticePart 4 The Ethics of Digital Social WorkPart 5 Digital Social Work and the Digitalization of Welfare Institutions: Opportunities, Challenges and Country CasesPart 6 Digital Social Work: Future Challenges, Directions and Transformations This book, comprised of 40 specially commissioned chapters, explores the main intersections between social work theory and practice in an increasingly digitized world. Bringing a critical focus to how social work as a profession is adapting exponentially to embrace the benefits of technology, it gives specific consideration to the digitalization of the social work profession, including the ways in which social workers are using different forms of technology to provide effective services and innovative practice responses. With chapters on big data, digital archiving, e-citizenship and inclusion, gerontechnology, children and technology, and data ethics, this book will be of interest to all social work scholars, students and professionals as well as those working in science and technology studies more broadly.

Routledge International Handbook of Internet Gambling

by Robert J. Williams Robert T. Wood Jonathan Parke

Internet gambling is a rapidly growing phenomenon, which has profound social, psychological, economic, political, and policy implications. Until recently, Internet gambling has been understudied by the research community, but now a growing body of literature is emerging, on all aspects of Internet gambling and its attendant implications. As jurisdictions around the world grapple to understand the best way to respond to Internet gambling from a commercial, regulatory, and social perspective, scholarly studies of Internet gambling are becoming an ever more crucial resource. The Handbook of Internet Gambling consolidates this emerging body of literature into a single reference volume. Its twenty chapters comprise groundbreaking contributions from the world’s leading authorities in the commercial, clinical, political and social aspects of Internet gambling. It is sure to be a foundational resource for academics, students, regulators, politicians, policy makers, commercial providers, and health care professionals who have an interest in understanding the history, dynamics, and impacts of Internet gambling in a global context.

The Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Roderick S. Graham Stephan G. Humer Claire Seungeun Lee Veronika Nagy

Covering a wide range of different online platforms, including social media sites and chatrooms, this volume is a comprehensive exploration of the current state of sociological and criminological scholarship focused on online deviance.Understanding deviance broadly, the handbook acknowledges both an objective normative approach and a subjective, reactivist approach to the topic, putting into sharp relief the distinctions between cybercrime and online deviance on the one hand, and wider concerns of online communities related to online deviance on the other. Divided into five sections, the first section is devoted primarily to scholarship about the theories and methods foundational to exploring online deviance. The second section, “Gender, Sex, and Sexuality”, presents empirical research on expressions of gender, sex, and sexuality in online spaces considered deviant. The third section, “Violence and Aggression,” highlights scholarship on types of violent communications such as hate speech and cyberstalking. The fourth section, “Communities and Culture,” describes empirical research on online communities and networks that can be described as deviant by wider society. Lastly, the fifth section, “Regional Perspectives,” highlights research in which a terrestrial location is impactful to the online phenomena studied.Providing a window into future scholarship over the next several years and acknowledging the ephemeral nature of research on digital technology, The Routledge International Handbook on Online Deviance is essential reading for students and scholars of Criminology and Sociology focused on deviant online behaviour. It will also appeal to those working in related areas within Internet/Digital Studies, Media/Communication Studies, Psychology, and Cybersecurity.

Routledge Revivals: The Social Context of Literacy (Routledge Revivals: Language, Education and Society Series #1)

by Kenneth Levine

First published in 1986, this book looks at the impact of mass literacy on everyday life, discussing the fundamental differences between traditional oral cultures and contemporary industrialised societies where most people rely on complex combinations of oral and literate communication. There is also a detailed examination of the problems of the sub-literate minority with recommendations for future programmes of assistance. This book also provides a historical survey of the spread of literacy in British society from the Roman occupation onwards. In conclusion, the author discusses the impact of information technologies on people with limited basic skills.

RP2040 Assembly Language Programming: ARM Cortex-M0+ on the Raspberry Pi Pico

by Stephen Smith

Learn to program the Raspberry Pi Pico’s dual ARM Cortex M0+ CPUs in Assembly Language. The Pico contains a customer System on a Chip (SoC) called the RP2040, making it the Foundation’s first entry into the low-cost microcontroller market. The RP2040 contains a wealth of coprocessors for performing arithmetic as well as performing specialized I/O functionality. This book will show you how these CPUs work from a low level, easy-to-learn perspective. There are eight new Programmable I/O (PIO) coprocessors that have their own specialized Assembly Language supporting a wide variety of interface protocols. You'll explore these protocols and write programs or functions in Assembly Language and interface to all the various bundled hardware interfaces. Then go beyond working on your own board and projects to contribute to the official RP2040 SDK. Finally, you'll take your DIY hardware projects to the next level of performance and functionality with more advanced programming skills. What You'll LearnRead and understand the Assembly Language code that is part of the Pico’s SDKIntegrate Assembly Language and C code together into one programInterface to available options for DIY electronics and IoT projectsWho This Book Is ForMakers who have already worked with microcontrollers, such as the Arduino or Pico, programming in C or Python. Those interested in going deeper and learning how these devices work at a lower level, by learning Assembly Language.

RPA Solution Architect's Handbook: Design modern and custom RPA solutions for digital innovation

by null Sachin Sahgal

Drive digital transformation by increasing efficiency and ROI for your organization as a robotic process automation (RPA) solution architect Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey FeaturesLearn architectural design and analysis of enterprise-wide RPA systems with real-world use casesExplore tips and best practices to deliver scalable business outcomes through RPA implementationOvercome challenges in intelligent automation, data, and security while building RPA solutionsBook DescriptionRPA solution architects play an important role in the automation journey and initiatives within the organization. However, the implementation process is quite complex and daunting at times. RPA Solution Architect’s Handbook is a playbook for solution architects looking to build well-designed and scalable RPA solutions. You’ll begin by understanding the different roles, responsibilities, and interactions between cross-functional teams. Then, you’ll learn about the pillars of a good design: stability, maintainability, scalability, and resilience, helping you develop a process design document, solution design document, SIT/UAT scripts, and wireframes. You’ll also learn how to design reusable components for faster, cheaper, and better RPA implementation, and design and develop best practices for module decoupling, handling garbage collection, and exception handling. At the end of the book, you’ll explore the concepts of privacy, security, reporting automated processes, analytics, and taking preventive action to keep the bots healthy. By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to undertake a complete RPA process from design to implementation efficiently.What you will learnUnderstand the architectural considerations for stability, maintainability, and resilience for effective RPA solution designInteract with cross-functional teams for seamless RPA implementationWrite effective RPA documentation, non-functional requirements, and effective UAT scriptsDemo RPA solutions, receive feedback, and triage additional requirements based on complexity, time, and costDesign considerations for intelligent automation and learn about RPA as a serviceExplore best practices for decoupling, handling garbage collection, and exception handlingWho this book is forThis book is for RPA developers, RPA Sr. developers, or RPA analysts looking to become RPA solution architects. If you are an RPA solution architect, then this book can help you advance your understanding and become more efficient. Familiarity with RPA documentation like SDD, and PDD along with hands-on experience with either one or more RPA tools will be helpful but is not mandatory.

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