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Ruby Cookbook
by Lucas Carlson Leonard RichardsonDo you want to push Ruby to its limits? The Ruby Cookbook is the most comprehensive problem-solving guide to today's hottest programming language. It gives you hundreds of solutions to real-world problems, with clear explanations and thousands of lines of code you can use in your own projects. From data structures and algorithms, to integration with cutting-edge technologies, the Ruby Cookbook has something for every programmer. Beginners and advanced Rubyists alike will learn how to program with: Strings and numbers Arrays and hashes Classes, modules, and namespaces Reflection and metaprogramming XML and HTML processing Ruby on Rails (including Ajax integration) Databases Graphics Internet services like email, SSH, and BitTorrent Web services Multitasking Graphical and terminal interfaces If you need to write a web application, this book shows you how to get started with Rails. If you're a system administrator who needs to rename thousands of files, you'll see how to use Ruby for this and other everyday tasks. You'll learn how to read and write Excel spreadsheets, classify text with Bayesian filters, and create PDF files. We've even included a few silly tricks that were too cool to leave out, like how to blink the lights on your keyboard. The Ruby Cookbook is the most useful book yet written about Ruby. When you need to solve a problem, don't reinvent the wheel: look it up in the Cookbook.
Ruby Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented Scripting
by Lucas Carlson Leonard RichardsonWhy spend time on coding problems that others have already solved when you could be making real progress on your Ruby project? This updated cookbook provides more than 350 recipes for solving common problems, on topics ranging from basic data structures, classes, and objects, to web development, distributed programming, and multithreading.Revised for Ruby 2.1, each recipe includes a discussion on why and how the solution works. You’ll find recipes suitable for all skill levels, from Ruby newbies to experts who need an occasional reference. With Ruby Cookbook, you’ll not only save time, but keep your brain percolating with new ideas as well.Recipes cover:Data structures including strings, numbers, date and time, arrays, hashes, files and directoriesUsing Ruby’s code blocks, also known as closuresOOP features such as classes, methods, objects, and modulesXML and HTML, databases and persistence, and graphics and other formatsWeb development with Rails and SinatraInternet services, web services, and distributed programmingSoftware testing, debugging, packaging, and distributingMultitasking, multithreading, and extending Ruby with other languages
Ruby Data Processing
by Jay GodseGain the basics of Ruby’s map, reduce, and select functions and discover how to use them to solve data-processing problems. This compact hands-on book explains how you can encode certain complex programs in 10 lines of Ruby code, an astonishingly small number. You will walk through problems and solutions which are effective because they use map, reduce, and select. As you read Ruby Data Processing, type in the code, run the code, and ponder the results. Tweak the code to test the code and see how the results change. After reading this book, you will have a deeper understanding of how to break data-processing problems into processing stages, each of which is understandable, debuggable, and composable, and how to combine the stages to solve your data-processing problem. As a result, your Ruby coding will become more efficient and your programs will be more elegant and robust. What You Will LearnDiscover Ruby data processing and how to do it using the map, reduce, and select functionsDevelop complex solutions including debugging, randomizing, sorting, grouping, and moreReverse engineer complex data-processing solutionsWho This Book Is For Those who have at least some prior experience programming in Ruby and who have a background and interest in data analysis and processing using Ruby.
Ruby For Kids For Dummies
by Christopher HauptThe fun way to introduce coding with Ruby to kids If you don't have the chance to take coding classes at school or in camp--or if you just want to learn on your own--Ruby For Kids gears you up to expand your technology skills and learn this popular programming language. Written in a way that's easy to follow--and keeping the super tech-heavy stuff to a minimum--it quickly and easily shows you how to use Ruby to create web and mobile applications with no experience required. Ruby is considered one of the best and simplest languages to start with when you're learning coding. This fun and friendly guide makes it even easier. Broken down into simple projects designed to appeal to younger programmers, Ruby For Kids gets you up and running with core coding concepts in no time. Before you know it, you'll be tackling hands-on projects, enjoying the support of a vibrant community, and feeling a sense of accomplishment as you complete projects. Navigate the basics of coding with the Ruby language Use Ruby to create your own applications and games Find help from other Ruby users Offers tips for parents and teachers helping kids learn Ruby So what are you waiting for? Ruby For Kids has everything you need to get in on one of the most popular topics around!
Ruby in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
by Yukihiro MatsumotoRuby is an absolutely pure object-oriented scripting language written in C and designed with Perl and Python capabilities in mind. While its roots are in Japan, Ruby is slowly but surely gaining ground in the US. The goal of Yukihiro Matsumoto, creator of Ruby and author of this book, is to incorporate the strengths of languages like Perl, Python, Lisp and Smalltalk. Ruby is a genuine attempt to combine the best of everything in the scripting world. Since 1993, Ruby mailing lists have been established, Web pages have formed, and a community has grown around it. The language itself is very good at text processing and is notable for its broad object orientation. Ruby is portable and runs under GNU/Linux (and other Unices) as well as DOS, MS Windows and Mac.With Ruby in a Nutshell, Matsumoto offers a practical reference to the features of this new language including the command-line options, syntax, built-in variables, functions, and many commonly used classes and modules. This guide covers the current stable version of Ruby (1.6), yet is applicable to the development version 1.7 and the next planned stable version 1.8. You will find a thorough description of Ruby's language syntax, and a description of the core functionality built into the standard Ruby interpreter, which has more than 800 built-in methods in 42 classes and modules.Ruby finds its power through its built-in libraries, and this handy volume take you through the many useful libraries that come with the standard Ruby distribution--from network access via HTTP and CGI programming, to data persistence using the DBM library. This book concludes with coverage of the unique tools that come with Ruby, including the debugger, profiler, and irb (or interactive ruby.)Find out how Ruby combines the strengths of other languages, and why it has captured the interest of so many open source programmers. As part of the successful "in a nutshell" series of books from O'Reilly & Associates, Ruby in a Nutshell is for readers who want a single desktop reference for all their needs.
Ruby in Practice
by Jeremy McAnally Assaf ArkinRuby in Practice increases your productivity by showing you specific Ruby techniques you can use in your projects. The book offers detailed strategies for using Ruby in a large-scale environment. You'll see concrete examples of integration, messaging, web development, and databases, all presented in a clear Problem/Solution format. This book won't help you push your deadline back, but it will help you get the job done in less time.Above all, Ruby in Practice is a practical book for developers who want an in depth understanding of the Ruby language and its toolset. The book is divided into three major parts.The first part concentrates on issues that developers face both from within their organizations and from their peers. The authors weigh the costs and benefits of using Ruby in enterprise development projects, the over-riding theme being that every developer should always aim to use the right tool for any particular job. The authors then examine the pros and cons of developing with Ruby, and where appropriate, compare Ruby to other languages, both conceptually and in code.The second part discusses techniques for communication and integration of systems. The authors describe how libraries and techniques are used to facilitate messaging, web development and communication automation. They also focus on how the strategies in the first section can be used with these libraries to make development more flexible and efficient.The last part shows how to manage data and integrate with existing data using Ruby. The authors describe techniques for using existing Ruby libraries that either replace popular Java libraries or can interface with existing data in a different way. They go on to show you how strategies covered in the first section can be used to enable Ruby to interact with existing assets or to build new data systems. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
Ruby. Leksykon kieszonkowy
by Michael FitzgeraldPodr?czny zestaw informacji niezb?dnych w pracy programisty Ruby to obiektowy j?zyk programowania, opracowany w 1995 roku w Japonii. Dzi?ki swojej prostej sk?adni, zwartej konstrukcji i sporym mo?liwo?ciom b?yskawicznie zyska? ogromne grono zwolenników. Pojawienie si? mechanizmu Ruby on Rails, niesamowicie usprawniajšcego tworzenie aplikacji i witryn internetowych zgodnych z nurtem Web 2.0, dodatkowo zwi?kszy?o popularno?? j?zyka Ruby. W oparciu o ten j?zyk powsta?o wiele znanych serwisów WWW, odwiedzanych ka?dego dnia przez tysišce go?ci. "Ruby. Leksykon kieszonkowy" to zestawienie niezb?dnych informacji o tym j?zyku, przydatne podczas codziennej pracy programisty. Znajdziesz w nim informacje o s?owach kluczowych, operatorach, zmiennych i sta?ych. Przeczytasz tak?e o formatowaniu tekstu, wyra?eniach regularnych, operacjach na plikach i programowaniu obiektowym. Dowiesz si? ponadto, jak korzysta? z interaktywnego Ruby i RDoc. Uruchamianie interpretera Ruby S?owa kluczowe Zmienne Instrukcje warunkowe Programowanie obiektowe Modu?y Operacje na plikach Obs?uga wyjštków Metody klas Array, Hash, Object, Kernel i String Wyszukiwanie i usuwanie b??dów Usprawnij i przyspiesz swojš prac?, korzystajšc z leksykonów kieszonkowych.
Ruby on Rails: Up and Running
by Bruce Tate Curt HibbsRuby on Rails is the super-productive new way to develop full-featured web applications. With Ruby on Rails, powerful web applications that once took weeks or months to develop can now be produced in a matter of days. If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't. If you're like a lot of web developers, you've probably considered kicking the tires on Rails - the framework of choice for the new generation of Web 2.0 developers. Ruby on Rails: Up and Running takes you out for a test drive and shows you just how fast Ruby on Rails can go. This compact guide teaches you the basics of installing and using both the Ruby scripting language and the Rails framework for the quick development of web applications. Ruby on Rails: Up and Running covers just about everything you need - from making a simple database-backed application to adding elaborate Ajaxian features and all the juicy bits in between. While Rails is praised for its simplicity and speed of development, there are still a few steps to master on the way. More advanced material helps you map data to an imperfect table, traverse complex relationships, and build custom finders. A section on working with Ajax and REST shows you how to exploit the Rails service frameworks to send emails, implement web services, and create dynamic user-centric web pages. The book also explains the essentials of logging to find performance problems and delves into other performance-optimizing techniques. As new web development frameworks go, Ruby on Rails is the talk of the town. And Ruby on Rails: Up and Running can make sure you're in on the discussion.
Ruby on Rails: Up and Running
by Bruce Tate Curt HibbsRuby on Rails is the super-productive new way to develop full-featuredweb applications. With Ruby on Rails, powerful web applications thatonce took weeks or months to develop can now be produced in a matter ofdays. If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't.If you're like a lot of web developers, you've probably consideredkicking the tires on Rails - the framework of choice for the newgeneration of Web 2.0 developers. Ruby on Rails: Up and Running takes you out for a test drive and shows you just how fastRuby on Rails can go.This compact guide teaches you the basics of installing and using boththe Ruby scripting language and the Rails framework for the quickdevelopment of web applications. Ruby on Rails: Up andRunning covers just about everything youneed - from making a simple database-backed application toadding elaborate Ajaxian features and all the juicy bits in between.While Rails is praised for its simplicity and speed of development,there are still a few steps to master on the way. More advancedmaterial helps you map data to an imperfect table, traverse complexrelationships, and build custom finders. A section on working with Ajaxand REST shows you how to exploit the Rails service frameworks to sendemails, implement web services, and create dynamic user-centric webpages. The book also explains the essentials of logging to findperformance problems and delves into other performance-optimizingtechniques.As new web development frameworks go, Ruby on Rails is the talk of thetown. And Ruby on Rails: Up and Running can makesure you're in on the discussion.
Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq
by David B. CopelandOne of the best ways to improve your Rails app’s performance is to use background jobs with Sidekiq. While Sidekiq is easy to get set up, you need to do more than just move code around to reap the benefits. In this book, you’ll get solutions to what sort of code should go into a Sidekiq job and how to manage those jobs. You’ll create a Sidekiq configuration that will serve as a solid foundation for your app, including how to be notified when jobs inevitably fail. You’ll then tame alerting fatigue by designing idempotent jobs that can be safely retried in the face of the types of transient failures that are common in networked applications, all without alerting you until action is needed. With that foundation, you’ll get a conceptual framework for general monitoring and alerting around your Sidekiq installation and the Redis database it uses, as well as practical tips for organizing the code around your Sidekiq jobs. You’ll also learn valuable testing strategies for code that uses Sidekiq jobs. In no time at all you’ll build a Rails app using Sidekiq that is efficient, manageable, and sustainable. Using Sidekiq for background jobs is a great way to scale and grow your app. This book will give you a solid, practical foundation for creating resilient, well-tested, self-healing code that uses background jobs. You’ll be able to simulate real-world failure modes and learn how to write idempotent code that can be safely run with Sidekiq. Buy this DRM-free Pragmatic Bookshelf ebook today!Using Sidekiq for background jobs is a great way to scale and grow your app. This book will give you a solid, practical foundation for creating resilient, well-tested, self-healing code that uses background jobs. You’ll be able to simulate real-world failure modes and learn how to write idempotent code that can be safely run with Sidekiq.
Ruby on Rails Enterprise Application Development: Plan, Program, Extend
by Elliot Smith Rob NicholsThis book is aimed at developers who want to find out how to rapidly build easily-deployed, easily-supported business applications. It is for developers who have learned Ruby on Rails, probably from one of the tutorial books, and want to apply that knowledge to effectively build full, realistic applications.
Ruby on Rails For Dummies
by BurdQuickly create Web sites with this poweful toolUse this free and easy programming language for e-commerce sites and blogsIf you need to build Web and database applications quickly but you don't dream in computer code, take heart! Ruby on Rails was created for you, and this book will have you up and running in no time. The Ruby scripting language and the Rails framework let you create full-featured Web applications fast. It's even fun!Discover how toInstall and run Ruby and RailsUse the RadRails IDECreate a blog with RubyConnect your Web site to a databaseBuild a shopping cartExplore Ruby's syntax
Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects
by Chang Sau SheongThis book is project-based. The format of each project is similar, with a statement of the project, discussion of the main protocols involved, an overview of the API, and then complete code for building the project. You will be led methodically through concrete steps to build the mashup, with asides to explain the theory behind the code. This book is for Ruby on Rails developers who want to expand the features of their site by consuming remote external data and services. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails programming is required but you need not have any experience of any of the APIs used.
Ruby on Rails. Wprowadzenie. Wydanie II
by Lance Carlson Bruce Tate Curt HibbsPoznaj Ruby on Rails i twórz pot??ne aplikacje internetowe w zaledwie kilka dniJak budowa? dynamiczne strony, nastawione na u?ytkownika?Jak rozwi?za? problemy z wydajno?ci? baz danych?Jak sprawnie i efektywnie korzysta? z platformy Ruby on Rails?Dlaczego masz wybra? Ruby on Rails? G?ównie dlatego, ?e jest to wyj?tkowe narz?dzie, które umo?liwia budow? aplikacji internetowych ka?dego typu (w tym portali spo?eczno?ciowych, witryn e-commerce, oprogramowania do zarz?dzania oraz tworzenia statystyk) w zaledwie kilka dni! A to wszystko dzi?ki Rails -- doskonale wyposa?onemu frameworkowi do tworzenia aplikacji internetowych opartych o bazy danych -- który oferuje ?rodowisko z wykorzystaniem j?zyka Ruby. Za? ten j?zyk programowania charakteryzuje si? niezwyk?ym po??czeniem cech: jest równocze?nie prosty, elegancki i elastyczny, co pozwala dowolnie modyfikowa? jego cz??ci. Ksi??ka "Ruby on Rails. Wprowadzenie. Wydanie II" zawiera szczegó?owe porady i wskazówki dotycz?ce instalacji oraz korzystania z Rails 2.1, a tak?e j?zyka skryptowego Ruby. W podr?czniku znajdziesz nie tylko wyja?nienia odno?nie sposobu dzia?ania Rails, ale równie? opis kompletnej aplikacji. Dzi?ki temu przewodnikowi dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób wspó?pracuj? ze sob? wszystkie aplikacje tworz?ce szkielet Rails, a ponadto nauczysz si? sprawnie korzysta? z dokumentacji oprogramowania i tworzy? zaawansowane aplikacje znacznie szybciej ni? dotychczas. Uruchamianie i organizacja RailsBudowanie widokuRusztowania, REST i ?cie?kiKlasy z?o?oneRozbudowywanie widokówZarz?dzanie uk?adem stronyArkusze stylówTworzenie w?asnych funkcji pomocniczychTestowanie i debugowanieTworzenie nowej aplikacji Rails Wyczerpuj?ce i przyjazne wprowadzenie w Ruby on Rails.
Ruby Performance Optimization: Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It
by Alexander DymoYou don't have to accept slow Ruby or Rails performance. In this comprehensive guide to Ruby optimization, you'll learn how to write faster Ruby code--but that's just the beginning. See exactly what makes Ruby and Rails code slow, and how to fix it. Alex Dymo will guide you through perils of memory and CPU optimization, profiling, measuring, performance testing, garbage collection, and tuning. You'll find that all those "hard" things aren't so difficult after all, and your code will run orders of magnitude faster.This is the first book ever that consolidates all the Ruby performance optimization advice in one place. It's your comprehensive guide to memory optimization, CPU optimization, garbage collector tuning, profiling, measurements, performance testing, and more.You'll go from performance rookie to expert. First, you'll learn the best practices for writing Ruby code that's easy not only on the CPU, but also on memory, and that doesn't trigger the dreaded garbage collector. You'll find out that garbage collection accounts for 80% of slowdowns, and often takes more than 50% of your program's execution time. And you'll discover the bottlenecks in Rails code and learn how selective attribute loading and preloading can mitigate the performance costs of ActiveRecord.As you advance to Ruby performance expert, you'll learn how profile your code, how to make sense out of profiler reports, and how to make optimization decisions based on them. You'll make sure slow code doesn't creep back into your Ruby application by writing performance tests, and you'll learn the right way to benchmark Ruby. And finally, you'll dive into the Ruby interpreter internals to really understand why garbage collection makes Ruby so slow, and how you can tune it up. What You Need:Some version of Ruby. The advice from this book applies to all modern Ruby versions from 1.9 to 2.2. 80% of the material will also be useful for legacy Ruby 1.8 users, and there is 1.8-specific advice as well.
Ruby Pocket Reference
by Michael FitzgeraldAlthough Ruby is an easy language to learn, in the heat of action you may find that you can't remember the correct syntax for a conditional or the name of a method. This handy pocket reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby's core components, from operators to reserved words to data structures to method syntax, highlighting those key features that you'll likely use every day when coding Ruby. Whether you've come to Ruby because of the Rails web development framework --Ruby's killer app -- or simply because it's a relatively clean, powerful and expressive language that's useful for a lot of applications, the Ruby Pocket Reference is organized to help you find what you need quickly. This book not only will get you up to speed on how Ruby works, it provides you with a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime. In this book, you find essential information on: Reserved words, operators, comments, numbers, variables, ranges, and symbols Predefined variables andglobal constants Conditional statements, method use, classes, and modules (mixins) Lists of methods from the Object, String, Array, and Hash classes and the Kernel module sprintf andtime formatting directories Interactive Ruby (irb) and the Ruby debugger Ruby documentation You also get information on the RubyGems package utility and Rake, a build tool similar to make.. If you're using Ruby daily and just want the facts-fast-Ruby Pocket Reference is your book.
Ruby Pocket Reference
by Michael FitzgeraldAlthough Ruby is an easy language to learn, in the heat of action you may find that you can't remember the correct syntax for a conditional or the name of a method. This handy pocket reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby's core components, from operators to reserved words to data structures to method syntax, highlighting those key features that you'll likely use every day when coding Ruby.Whether you've come to Ruby because of the Rails web development framework --Ruby's killer app -- or simply because it's a relatively clean, powerful and expressive language that's useful for a lot of applications, the Ruby Pocket Reference is organized to help you find what you need quickly. This book not only will get you up to speed on how Ruby works, it provides you with a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime.In this book, you find essential information on:Reserved words, operators, comments, numbers, variables, ranges, and symbolsPredefined variables andglobal constantsConditional statements, method use, classes, and modules (mixins)Lists of methods from the Object, String, Array, and Hash classes and the Kernel modulesprintf andtime formatting directoriesInteractive Ruby (irb) and the Ruby debuggerRuby documentationYou also get information on the RubyGems package utility and Rake, a build tool similar to make.. If you're using Ruby daily and just want the facts-fast-Ruby Pocket Reference is your book.
Ruby Pocket Reference: Instant Help for Ruby Programmers
by Michael FitzgeraldUpdated for Ruby 2.2, this handy reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby’s core elements—from operators to blocks to documentation creation—and highlights the key features you may work with every day. Need to know the correct syntax for a conditional? Forgot the name of that String method? This book is organized to help you find the facts fast.Ruby Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition is ideal for experienced programmers who are new to Ruby. Whether you’ve come to Ruby because of Rails, or you want to take advantage of this clean, powerful, and expressive language for other applications, this reference will help you easily pinpoint the information you need.You’ll find detailed reference material for:Keywords, operators, comments, numbers, and symbolsVariables, pre-defined global variables, and regular expressionsConditional statements, method use, classes, and exception handlingMethods for the BasicObject, Object, Kernel, String, Array, and Hash classesTime formatting directivesNew syntax since Ruby 1.9
The Ruby Programming Language: Everything You Need to Know
by David Flanagan Yukihiro MatsumotoThe Ruby Programming Language is the authoritative guide to Ruby and provides comprehensive coverage of versions 1.8 and 1.9 of the language. It was written (and illustrated!) by an all-star team:David Flanagan, bestselling author of programming language "bibles" (including JavaScript: The Definitive Guide and Java in a Nutshell) and committer to the Ruby Subversion repository.Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, creator, designer and lead developer of Ruby and author of Ruby in a Nutshell, which has been expanded and revised to become this book.why the lucky stiff, artist and Ruby programmer extraordinaire.This book begins with a quick-start tutorial to the language, and then explains the language in detail from the bottom up: from lexical and syntactic structure to datatypes to expressions and statements and on through methods, blocks, lambdas, closures, classes and modules.The book also includes a long and thorough introduction to the rich API of the Ruby platform, demonstrating -- with heavily-commented example code -- Ruby's facilities for text processing, numeric manipulation, collections, input/output, networking, and concurrency. An entire chapter is devoted to Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities.The Ruby Programming Language documents the Ruby language definitively but without the formality of a language specification. It is written for experienced programmers who are new to Ruby, and for current Ruby programmers who want to challenge their understanding and increase their mastery of the language.
Ruby. Programowanie
by David Flanagan Yukihiro MatsumotoPoznaj mo?liwo?ci Ruby! Dlaczego Ruby zdoby? tak du?? popularno???Jak wykorzysta? wyra?enia regularne w tym j?zyku?Jak tworzy? w Ruby aplikacje sieciowe? Zaprojektowany i stworzony w 1995 roku j?zyk Ruby dzi?ki swym unikalnym mo?liwo?ciom zdobywa sobie coraz wi?ksze uznanie programistów na ca?ym ?wiecie. Jak uda?o mu si? wkupi? w ?aski tego nieufnego ?rodowiska? Przyczyni?a si? do tego mi?dzy innymi prosta sk?adnia z wbudowanymi w ni? wyra?eniami regularnymi, automatyczne oczyszczanie pami?ci i przeci??anie operatorów. Dodatkowo ogromna i ch?tna do pomocy spo?eczno?? sprawia, ?e to rozwi?zanie staje si? jeszcze bardziej atrakcyjne. Uwaga! Jednym z autorów tej ksi??ki jest sam Yukihiro Matsumoto - twórca j?zyka Ruby!Ksi??ka stanowi kompletny zbiór informacji na temat j?zyka Ruby. Je?li naprawd? chcesz zrozumie? ten j?zyk, oto obowi?zkowa pozycja do przeczytania! W trakcie lektury zapoznasz si? z bogatym API, pozwalaj?cym na przetwarzanie tekstu; zrozumiesz techniki zwi?zane z wykonywaniem dzia?a? na liczbach, implementacj? kolekcji, operacjami wej?cia-wyj?cia oraz prac? wspó?bie?n? i operacjami sieciowymi. Ponadto znajdziesz tu elementy dost?pne powszechnie w j?zykach programowania, takie jak instrukcje warunkowe, p?tle czy te? operatory logiczne. Dzi?ki ksi??ce "Ruby. Programowanie" wykorzystanie metod i obiektów klasy Proc oraz stosowanie platformy Ruby nie b?dzie stanowi?o dla Ciebie najmniejszego problemu!Wprowadzenie do j?zyka RubySposoby uruchamiania programów napisanych w RubyDost?pne typy danychZastosowanie wyra?e? i operatorówSterowanie przep?ywemWykorzystanie iteratorów oraz enumeratorówObs?uga wyj?tkówZastosowanie wspó?bie?no?ciU?ycie domkni??Cykl ?ycia obiektówRefleksje oraz metaprogramowanieLiczby w RubyU?ywanie wyra?e? regularnychKolekcjeOperacje na dacie i godzinieTablice jedno- oraz wielowymiaroweObs?uga plików oraz katalogówProgramowanie siecioweObs?uga ?rodowiska RubyGwarancja bezpiecze?stwaWykorzystaj elastyczno?? i mo?liwo?ci j?zyka Ruby!
Ruby. Receptury
by Lucas Carlson Leonard RichardsonZbiór gotowych rozwišza? dla programistów u?ywajšcych j?zyka Ruby Jak przetwarza? pliki XML i HTML? Jak wykorzystywa? ?rodowisko Ruby on Rails? W jaki sposób ?šczy? Ruby z technologiš AJAX? Korzystasz w pracy z j?zyka Ruby i zastanawiasz si?, czy niektóre zadania programistyczne mo?na wykona? szybciej? Chcesz pozna? zasady programowania obiektowego w Ruby? A mo?e interesuje Ci? framework Ruby on Rails? J?zyk Ruby zdobywa coraz wi?kszš popularno??, jest wykorzystywany do tworzenia aplikacji sieciowych i sta? si? podstawš ?rodowiska Ruby on Rails. Jednak nawet najlepszy j?zyk programowania nie uwalnia programistów od ?mudnego realizowania zada?, które nie majš zbyt wiele wspólnego z tworzeniem aplikacji, czyli usuwania b??dów, implementowania typowych algorytmów, poszukiwania rozwišza? mniej lub bardziej typowych problemów i wielu innych. Ksiš?ka "Ruby. Receptury" znacznie przyspieszy Twojš prac?. Znajdziesz tu kilkaset praktycznych rozwišza? problemów wraz z przejrzystym komentarzem oraz tysišce wierszy proponowanego kodu, który b?dziesz móg? wykorzysta? w swoich projektach. Przeczytasz o strukturach danych, algorytmach, przetwarzaniu plików XML i HTML, tworzeniu interfejsów u?ytkownika dla aplikacji i po?šczeniach z bazami danych. Nauczysz si? generowa? i obrabia? pliki graficzne, korzysta? z us?ug sieciowych, wyszukiwa? i usuwa? b??dy w aplikacjach, a tak?e pisa? skrypty niezwykle pomocne w administrowaniu systemem operacyjnym Linux. Przetwarzanie danych tekstowych i liczbowych Operacje na tablicach Praca z systemem plików Programowanie obiektowe Przetwarzanie dokumentów XML i HTML oraz plików graficznych Generowanie plików PDF Po?šczenie z bazami danych Korzystanie z poczty elektronicznej, protoko?u telnet i po?šcze? Torrent Projektowanie aplikacji internetowych za pomocš Ruby on Rails Stosowanie us?ug sieciowych Optymalizacja aplikacji Tworzenie wersji dystrybucyjnych Automatyzacja zada? z wykorzystaniem j?zyka Rake Budowanie interfejsów u?ytkownika Je?li chcesz rozwišza? problem, skorzystaj z gotowej receptury -- ko?o ju? wynaleziono.
Ruby Recipes
by Malay MandalSolve your Ruby programming problems that occur during your day-to-day scripting work. This book contains a varied selection of practical and interesting code recipes designed to make your coding life easier. Ruby Recipes includes solutions to problems in working with data, handling exceptions, writing blocks, and using regular expressions. This book provides ready scripts for both simple complex scripting tasks, which you can use readily or with only minor modifications. These scripts cover areas such as collections, classes and structures, functional programming, and log handling. With these handy recipes at your fingertips, you will be able to solve those niggling problems and become even more efficient. What You Will Learn Install and run Ruby Read and write data Write functions Work with arrays, ranges, hashes, and iterators Handle dates and time Process XML as text Master OOP concepts such as classes, objects, subclassing, and inheritance Connect to databases Who This Book Is For Programmers new to Ruby, and web developers interested in knowing the foundations of the language.
Ruby Under a Microscope
by Pat Shaughnessy<p>Ruby is a powerful programming language with a focus on simplicity, but beneath its elegant syntax it performs countless unseen tasks. <p>Ruby Under a Microscope gives you a hands-on look at Ruby’s core, using extensive diagrams and thorough explanations to show you how Ruby is implemented (no C skills required). Author Pat Shaughnessy takes a scientific approach, laying out a series of experiments with Ruby code to take you behind the scenes of how programming languages work. <p>You’ll even find information on JRuby and Rubinius (two alternative implementations of Ruby), as well as in-depth explorations of Ruby’s garbage collection algorithm. <p>Ruby Under a Microscope will teach you:–How a few computer science concepts underpin Ruby’s complex implementation–How Ruby executes your code using a virtual machine–How classes and modules are the same inside Ruby–How Ruby employs algorithms originally developed for Lisp–How Ruby uses grammar rules to parse and understand your code–How your Ruby code is translated into a different language by a compilerNo programming language needs to be a black box. <p>Whether you’re already intrigued by language implementation or just want to dig deeper into Ruby, you’ll find Ruby Under a Microscope a fascinating way to become a better programmer. Covers Ruby 2.x, 1.9 and 1.8
The Ruby Way
by Hal FultonThe Ruby Way takes a "how-to" approach to Ruby programming with the bulk of the material consisting of more than 400 examples arranged by topic. Each example answers the question "How do I do this in Ruby?" Working along with the author, you are presented with the task description and a discussion of the technical constraints. This is followed by a step-by-step presentation of one good solution. Along the way, the author provides detailed commentary and explanations to aid your understanding.
Ruby Wizardry
by Eric WeinsteinThe Ruby programming language is perfect for beginners: easy to learn, powerful, and fun to use! But wouldn't it be more fun if you were learning with the help of some wizards and dragons?Ruby Wizardry is a playful, illustrated tale that will teach you how to program in Ruby by taking you on a fantastical journey. As you follow the adventures of young heroes Ruben and Scarlet, you’ll learn real programming skills, like how to:–Use fundamental concepts like variables, symbols, arrays, and strings–Work with Ruby hashes to create a programmable breakfast menu–Control program flow with loops and conditionals to help the Royal Plumber–Test your wild and crazy ideas in IRB and save your programs as scripts–Create a class of mini-wizards, each with their own superpower!–Organize and reuse your code with methods and lists–Write your own amazing interactive stories using RubyAlong the way, you’ll meet colorful characters from around the kingdom, like the hacker Queen, the Off-White Knight, and Wherefore the minstrel. Ruby Wizardry will have you (or your little wizard) hooked on programming in no time.For ages 10+ (and their parents!)