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Showing 52,676 through 52,700 of 55,540 results

Ultra-thin Chip Technology and Applications

by Joachim Burghartz

Ultra-thin chips are the "smart skin" of a conventional silicon chip. This book shows how very thin and flexible chips can be fabricated and used in many new applications in microelectronics, Microsystems, biomedical and other fields. It provides a comprehensive reference to the fabrication technology, post processing, characterization and the applications of ultra-thin chips.

Ultra Wideband Demystified Technologies, Applications, and System Design Considerations (River Publishers Series In Communications Ser.)

by Sunil Jogi Manoj Choudhary

Ultra Wideband Demystified: Technologies, Applications, and System Design Considerations is a comprehensive text for emerging high speed short range wireless technology of Ultra Wideband. It provides background concepts and information on evolving standards and their development efforts, radio technology, practical system design/implementation and real life applications. The book also deliberates on the regulatory frameworks, security aspects and power management techniques essential to Ultra Wideband usage in consumer devices like portable handheld mobile devices. Important topics as UWB common radio usage for adapting to different existing/new applications and upper layer protocols like Wireless USB are also discussed.ContentsAbstract :• Introduction to Short Range Wireless;• Introduction to Ultra Wideband;• Evolution of UWB Standards;• Physical Layer;• Medium Access Layer;• Advanced MAC Features;• UWB System Design;• Adaptation to Multiple Applications;• Wireless USB;• Converging Marketplace; ReferencesForeword"This book is very timely, unique and fresh in its approach, coming from engineers who have been involved in system design and standard development stages. In particular, the book stands out amongst other literature available because it highlights system designer's viewpoints and because of it covering the whole gamut of technology from practitioner's viewpoints ... I would strongly recommend this book to System Designers, Practicing Engineers, Researchers in Academia and Industry, Product Marketing and Technical strategists for a comprehensive reading on the emerging UWB technologies. I commend Sunil Jogi and Manoj Choudhary for a very timely contribution."Bart Vertenten Chief Architect Connectivity, NXP Semiconductors

Ultra-Wideband Radio Frequency Identification Systems

by Farid Dowla Faranak Nekoogar

Ultra-wideband Radio Frequency Identification Systems describes the essentials of radio frequency identification (RFID)systems as well as their target markets. The book covers a study of commercially available RFID systems and characterizes their performance in terms of read range and reliability in the presence of conductive and dielectric materials. The capabilities and limitations of commercial RFID systems are reported followed by comprehensive discussions of the advantages and challenges of using ultra-wideband (UWB) technology for tag/reader communications. The book presents practical aspects of RFID system such as: EPC global and ISO standards, implementation, and target markets in a simple and easy to understand language.

Ultra Wideband Wireless Body Area Networks

by Kasun Maduranga Silva Thotahewa Jean-Michel Redouté Mehmet Rasit Yuce

This book explores the design of ultra wideband (UWB) technology for wireless body-area networks (WBAN) The authors describe a novel implementation of WBAN sensor nodes that use UWB for data transmission and narrow band for data reception, enabling low power sensor nodes, with high data rate capability The discussion also includes power efficient, medium access control (MAC) protocol design for UWB based WBAN applications and the authors present a MAC protocol in which a guaranteed delivery mechanism is utilized to transfer data with high priority Readers will also benefit from this book's feasibility analysis of the UWB technology for human implant applications through the study of electromagnetic and thermal power absorption of human tissue that is exposed to UWB signals

Ultrasonic Fluid Quantity Measurement in Dynamic Vehicular Applications

by Muhammad Alamgir Edin Terzic Romesh Nagarajah Jenny Terzic

Accurate fluid level measurement in dynamic environments can be assessed using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) approach. SVM is a supervised learning model that analyzes and recognizes patterns. It is a signal classification technique which has far greater accuracy than conventional signal averaging methods. Ultrasonic Fluid Quantity Measurement in Dynamic Vehicular Applications: A Support Vector Machine Approach describes the research and development of a fluid level measurement system for dynamic environments. The measurement system is based on a single ultrasonic sensor. A Support Vector Machines (SVM) based signal characterization and processing system has been developed to compensate for the effects of slosh and temperature variation in fluid level measurement systems used in dynamic environments including automotive applications. It has been demonstrated that a simple ν-SVM model with Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel with the inclusion of a Moving Median filter could be used to achieve the high levels of accuracy required for fluid level measurement in dynamic environments. Aimed toward graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and engineers studying applications of artificial intelligence, readers will learn about a measurement system that is based on a single ultrasonic sensor which can achieve the high levels of accuracy required for fluid level measurement in dynamic environments.

Ultrasound Mid-Air Haptics for Touchless Interfaces (Human–Computer Interaction Series)

by Orestis Georgiou William Frier Euan Freeman Claudio Pacchierotti Takayuki Hoshi

Over the last decade, ultrasound mid-air haptic technology has emerged and rapidly advanced to engage multidisciplinary scientific communities within and adjacent to the haptics and HCI fields. Additionally, this haptic technology has been adopted by a number of industry sectors (e.g., automotive, virtual reality, digital signage, neuroscience research) who appear keen to exploit its unique value proposition: the ability to deliver rich haptic sensations from a distance, without the need to touch, wear or hold anything in order to enhance touchless interfaces, novel applications, and experiences.This book is the first, and currently the only one, that provides a comprehensive description of the technology, encapsulating almost all aspects relating to electronic prototyping, acoustics, haptics, psychology and perception, user experience and end-user HCI applications. Through its 18 chapters written by 30 expert co-authors, this book is therefore an excellent introduction to the technology for anyone coming from any of those fields. Specifically, the reader will benefit by getting a unique and multi-dimensional perspective on the state-of-the-art of this enabling haptic technology while also understanding its history, relevant best research practices, and an overview of the various open challenges and opportunities.

Um guia para iniciantes na Amazon FBA: Para vender na Amazon, lançar produtos da sua marca, e ganhar dinheiro enquanto dorme

by Adidas Wilson

FBA é uma sigla para “Fulfilled by Amazon” (Realizado pela Amazon). Quando você entra no programa Amazon FBA, todo o trabalho duro é feito pela Amazon. Como funciona: você faz os produtos e os manda para a Amazon. Eles, em troca, guardam-no em seus armazéns. Os produtos são inventariados e separados. Se um item é danificado no armazém, a Amazon te paga o preço cheio dele. Quando um comprador pede seu produto na Amazon, a transação vai ser feita pela Amazon (o processo é automatizado). A Amazon empacota os itens e envia para o cliente. Eles também acompanham depois que o produto foi entregue para saber se o cliente está satisfeito. 

Umbraco User's Guide

by Nik Wahlberg

The first guide to show you how to power your site using Umbraco. More companies are turning to the power and simplicity of Umbraco's web content management system to build robust, customized sites. Written by leaders in the Umbraco community, this invaluable guide takes you through every aspect of this open source tool. Code samples using XHTML, CSS, XSLT, and C# are integrated throughout the pages to illustrate key concepts that you can apply. As you work through the chapters, you'll progress from building a basic Umbraco site to a sophisticated one that meets the needs of your organization. Umbraco User's Guide: Explains how to install Umbraco and walks you through its XML structure Discusses how to create templates while building your understanding of layouts Offers best practices for developing content, designing types, organizing templates, and using the rich text editor Walks you through XSLT and . NET controls Helps you build sample applications and troubleshoot any issues that arise Covers how to create your own classified ads site by combining document types, templates, styles, macros, and more Nik Wahlberg is the founder of Scandia Consulting, a full-service consultancy specializing in custom web application development. He is a Level 2 Certified Umbraco Professional. Paul Sterling is a member of the Umbraco Core Team and the creator of the Umbraco Store. He is also the founder of the Commerce for Umbraco open source project. Wrox guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.

Umformtechnische Herstellung komplexer Karosserieteile: Auslegung von Ziehanlagen

by Arndt Birkert Stefan Haage Markus Straub

An komplexe Karosserie-Blechformteile werden seitens der Automobilindustrie allerhöchste Anforderungen hinsichtlich Funktionalität und Oberflächenqualität gestellt. Um diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen, wird ein entsprechender Methodenplan entwickelt. Das geplante Werk führt zunächst in Grundlagen von Karosseriebau, Umform- und Werkstofftechnik, Werkzeugtechnik und Pressentechnik ein, soweit diese für die Herstellung von Karosserieteilen relevant sind. Auf Basis dieser Grundlagen wird im Hauptteil die Thematik der Methodenplanung behandelt, wobei der komplexe Planungsprozess zunächst auf ein sequentielles Gedankenmodell herunter gebrochen wird. Schließlich wird anhand von Praxisbeispielen aufgezeigt, wie die zuvor sequentiell behandelten Planungsschritte zum Teil gleichzeitig, zum Teil nacheinander in mehreren Iterationsschleifen in der Praxis abgearbeitet werden. Bei allen Ausführungen steht stets die Erfüllung der qualitätsmäßigen Anforderungen, die heute an moderne Karosserieteile gestellt werden, im Vordergrund.

UML 2.0. Almanach

by Neil Pitman Dan Pilone

Wyczerpuj?cy przewodnik po j?zyku UML 2.0 Specyfikacja j?zyka UML 2.0 Modelowanie statyczne i dynamiczne Rozszerzanie i zastosowania UML-a Ujednolicony j?zyk modelowania (UML) pocz?tkowo s?u?y? do opisu elementów oprogramowania, jednak z powodu swej elegancji i przejrzysto?ci zyskuje na popularno?ci w zakresie modelowania zagadnie? z innych dziedzin. W zwi?zku z tym coraz wi?cej osób ma szans? zetkn?? si? z diagramami w j?zyku UML. Je?li si?gn??e? po t? ksi??k?, prawdopodobnie czeka to tak?e Ciebie. Chcia?by? wiedzie?, co oznaczaj? ró?ne zako?czenia linii na diagramach klas albo zrozumie? skomplikowany diagram interakcji? Zajrzyj do ?rodka. "UML 2.0. Almanach" to kompletny podr?cznik dla u?ytkowników tego j?zyka. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce poznasz podstawy modelowania w UML-u. Nauczysz si? tworzy? i rozumie? diagramy statyczne, na przyk?ad klas, pakietów czy struktur z?o?onych, a tak?e diagramy zachowania, takie jak przypadków u?ycia, aktywno?ci czy interakcji. Dowiesz si?, jak wszechstronne zastosowania ma ten j?zyk oraz w jaki sposób mo?na go rozszerza? do wykonywania specyficznych zada?. Znajdziesz tu tak?e krótkie wprowadzenie do j?zyka Object Constraint Language (OCL) oraz architektury sterowanej modelem (MDA). Podstawy modelowania w UML-u Diagramy statyczne i diagramy zachowania Dobór odpowiedniego rodzaju diagramu Znaczenie symboli, notacji i linii Rozszerzanie UML-a za pomoc? etykiet, stereotypów i profili Architektura sterowana modelem J?zyk Object Constraint Language (OCL) Praktyczne wskazówki z zakresu modelowania Poznaj tajniki modelowania w j?zyku UML 2.0

UML 2.0 in a Nutshell

by Dan Pilone Neil Pitman

System developers have used modeling languages for decades to specify, visualize, construct, and document systems. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is one of those languages. UML makes it possible for team members to collaborate by providing a common language that applies to a multitude of different systems. Essentially, it enables you to communicate solutions in a consistent, tool-supported language. Today, UML has become the standard method for modeling software systems, which means you're probably confronting this rich and expressive language more than ever before. And even though you may not write UML diagrams yourself, you'll still need to interpret diagrams written by others. UML 2.0 in a Nutshell from O'Reilly feels your pain. It's been crafted for professionals like you who must read, create, and understand system artifacts expressed using UML. Furthermore, it's been fully revised to cover version 2.0 of the language. This comprehensive new edition not only provides a quick-reference to all UML 2.0 diagram types, it also explains key concepts in a way that appeals to readers already familiar with UML or object-oriented programming concepts. Topics include: The role and value of UML in projects The object-oriented paradigm and its relation to the UML An integrated approach to UML diagrams Class and Object, Use Case, Sequence, Collaboration, Statechart, Activity, Component, and Deployment Diagrams Extension Mechanisms The Object Constraint Language (OCL) If you're new to UML, a tutorial with realistic examples has even been included to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the system.

UML 2.0 in Action: A project-based tutorial

by Patrick Grassle Philippe Baumann Barrie Dempster

The book is uniquely practical. A richly textured case study is used throughout the book. Although some aspects of the Airport Passenger Services business process are simplified for sake of clarity and efficiency, it provides a comprehensive practical grounding for theoretical UML knowledge. The case study itself was developed in partnership with employees of Zurich Airport. The book was written for business analysts, technical architects and developers. It does not require detailed programming knowledge, nor is prior experience of UML mandatory. It shows how, with UML, simple models of business processes and specification models can be created and read with little effort.

UML 2.0 Pocket Reference: UML Syntax and Usage (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))

by Dan Pilone

Globe-trotting travelers have long resorted to handy, pocket-size dictionaries as an aid to communicating across the language barrier. Dan Pilone's UML 2.0 Pocket Reference is just such an aid for on-the-go developers who need to converse in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Use this book to decipher the many UML diagrams you'll encounter on the path to delivering a modern software system. Updated to cover the very latest in UML, you'll find coverage of the following UML 2.0 diagram types:Class diagrams Component diagrams* Sequence diagrams* Communication diagrams* Timing diagrams* Interaction Overview diagrams* Package diagrams* Deployment diagrams* Use case diagrams Composite structure diagrams* Activity diagrams* Statechart diagrams* * New or expanded coverage in this edition Also new in this edition is coverage of UML's Object Constraint Language (OCL). Using OCL, you can specify more narrowly the functionality described in a given diagram by recording limits that are the result of business rules and other factors. The UML 2.0 Pocket Reference travels well to meetings and fits nicely into your laptop bag. It's near impossible to memorize all aspects of UML, and with this book along, you won't have to.

UML 2.0. Wprowadzenie

by Russ Miles Kim Hamilton

Najtrudniejszym etapem ka?dego procesu tworzenia systemu informatycznego jest wykonanie odpowiedniego projektu. Umiej?tno?? pogodzenia wymaga? u?ytkowników i osób finansuj?cych system z mo?liwo?ciami oferowanymi przez technologi? jest kluczowym elementem sukcesu. Im bardziej z?o?ony system, tym bardziej zawi?y staje si? projekt. Konieczno?? ustandaryzowana technik projektowania systemów zaowocowa?a powstaniem narz?dzi, dzi?ki którym nawet najbardziej skomplikowany projekt mo?na przedstawi? w prosty i czytelny sposób. Takim narz?dziem jest notacja UML -- zestaw ikon tworz?cych diagramy opisuj?ce system i jego elementy. Ksi??ka "UML 2.0. Wprowadzenie" w praktyczny sposób przedstawia techniki modelowania systemów informatycznych za pomoc? j?zyka UML 2.0. Czytaj?c j?, nauczysz si? graficznie przedstawia? otoczenie systemu, wymagania stawiane przez u?ytkowników i metody ich implementacji w systemie. Utworzysz diagramy klas, interakcji, komponentów, wdro?enia i inne, które opisuj? projekt w jednoznaczny oraz prosty sposób. Dowiesz si? tak?e, jak zaplanowa? proces wdro?enia produktu za pomoc? UML. Elementy j?zyka UML Modelowanie wymaga? za pomoc? przypadków u?ycia Diagramy czynno?ci i sekwencji Modelowanie klas i powi?za? pomi?dzy nimi Diagramy komponentów Podzia? modelu na pakiety Modelowanie wdro?enia systemu Poznaj nowoczesne metody projektowania systemów informatycznych.

UML 2 For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by Michael Jesse Chonoles James A. Schardt

Uses friendly, easy-to-understand For Dummies style to help readers learn to model systems with the latest version of UML, the modeling language used by companies throughout the world to develop blueprints for complex computer systems Guides programmers, architects, and business analysts through applying UML to design large, complex enterprise applications that enable scalability, security, and robust execution Illustrates concepts with mini-cases from different business domains and provides practical advice and examples Covers critical topics for users of UML, including object modeling, case modeling, advanced dynamic and functional modeling, and component and deployment modeling

UML Diagramming: A Case Study Approach

by Suriya Sundaramoorthy

The Unified Modeling Language, better known as UML, has become the de facto standard modeling language for analyzing and designing software applications and systems. Software analysis and design is just as much an art as it is a science. UML Diagramming: A Catalog of Cases shows the art and the science behind successful software analysis and design with more than 35 case studies of applications of a variety of industries, including: Transportation Healthcare Supply chain management Education Agriculture Manufacturing The book explains UML diagramming through case studies to help systems and software developers specify, visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of software systems. The cases demonstrate how UML embodies software engineering best practices for modeling large and complex systems. They show how UML is an intuitive diagramming language that can be easily understood by end-users and business professionals. These cases studies also demonstrate how UML is a powerful language for communicating software designs to help developers and end users validate application scope, requirements, and features. Case studies highlighted in the book included: WEBMED healthcare service system services Inventory management system Business process outsourcing (BPO) management system Weather monitoring system Product recommendation system Textile management system Smart traffic management system Online pharmacy management system Placement automation system Farm management system Art gallery management system Website development This catalog of UML case studies is an invaluable reference for students studying software engineering, programmers starting out their careers, and seasoned systems developers needing a reference guide.

UML for Developing Knowledge Management Systems

by Anthony J. Rhem

UML for Developing Knowledge Management Systems provides knowledge engineers the framework in which to identify types of knowledge and where this knowledge exists in an organization. It also shows ways in which to use a standard recognized notation to capture, or model, knowledge to be used in a knowledge management system (KMS).This volume

Umweltinformationssysteme – Vielfalt, Offenheit, Komplexität: Tagungsband des 29. Workshops “Umweltinformationssysteme (UIS 2022)“ des Arbeitskreises „Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz‘‘ der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)

by Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Andreas Abecker Friedhelm Hosenfeld Heidrun Ortleb Michael Klafft

Der neueste Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Umweltinformatik (UI) und umweltbezogener IT-Anwendungsbereiche wird in diesem Tagungsband präsentiert und kritisch diskutiert. Dies umfasst sowohl Konzepte und Anwendungen von Umweltinformationssystemen als auch Technologien, die moderne Umweltinformationssysteme unterstützen und ermöglichen.

Umweltinformationssysteme – Wie verändert die Digitalisierung unsere Gesellschaft?: Tagungsband des 27. Workshops des Arbeitskreises „Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz‘‘ der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) 2020

by Ulrike Freitag Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Andreas Abecker Friedhelm Hosenfeld

Durch welche Methoden und Techniken der (Umwelt-)Informatik sind Fachverfahren in einzelnen Informationssystemen adäquat zu unterstützen? Wie ist das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Umweltinformationssysteme zur Beantwortung weitergehender Fragestellungen zu organisieren? Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Anwendungen und Lösungen, aber auch Forschungsideen und neue Ansätze werden in diesem Tagungsband präsentiert und kritisch diskutiert.

Umweltinformationssysteme - Digitalisierung im Zeichen des Klimawandels und der Energiewende: Tagungsband des 30. Workshops “Umweltinformationssysteme (UIS2023)“ des Arbeitskreises „Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz‘‘ der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)

by Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Andreas Abecker Friedhelm Hosenfeld Anja Reineke Christian Jolk

Der neueste Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Umweltinformatik (UI) und umweltbezogener IT-Anwendungsbereiche wird in diesem Tagungsband präsentiert und kritisch diskutiert. Dies umfasst sowohl Konzepte und Anwendungen von Umweltinformationssystemen als auch Technologien, die moderne Umweltinformationssysteme unterstützen und ermöglichen.

Umweltinformationssysteme - Wie trägt die Digitalisierung zur Nachhaltigkeit bei?: Tagungsband des 28. Workshops “Umweltinformationssysteme (UIS 2021)“ des Arbeitskreises „Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz‘‘ der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)

by Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Andreas Abecker Friedhelm Hosenfeld

Der neueste Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Umweltinformatik (UI) und umweltbezogener IT-Anwendungsbereiche wird in diesem Tagungsband präsentiert und kritisch diskutiert. Dies umfasst sowohl Konzepte und Anwendungen von Umweltinformationssystemen als auch Technologien, die moderne Umweltinformationssysteme unterstützen und ermöglichen.

The Unaccountability Machine: Why Big Systems Make Terrible Decisions - and How The World Lost its Mind

by Dan Davies

'A corporation, or a government department isn't a conscious being, but it is an artificial intelligence. It has the capability to take decisions which are completely distinct from the intentions of any of the people who compose it. And under stressful conditions, it can go stark raving mad.'When we avoid taking a decision, what happens to it? In The Unaccountability Machine, Dan Davies examines why markets, institutions and even governments systematically generate outcomes that everyone involved claims not to want. He casts new light on the writing of Stafford Beer, a legendary economist who argued in the 1950s that we should regard organisations as artificial intelligences, capable of taking decisions that are distinct from the intentions of their members. Management cybernetics was Beer's science of applying self-regulation in organisational settings, but it was largely ignored - with the result being the political and economic crises that that we see today. With his signature blend of cynicism and journalistic rigour, Davies looks at what's gone wrong, and what might have been, hadthe world listened to Stafford Beer when it had the chance.

The Unaccountable State of Surveillance

by Clive Norris Paul De Hert Xavier L’hoiry Antonella Galetta

This book examines the ability of citizens across ten European countries to exercise their democratic rights to access their personal data. It presents a socio-legal research project, with the researchers acting as citizens, or data subjects, and using ethnographic data collection methods. The research presented here evidences a myriad of strategies and discourses employed by a range of public and private sector organizations as they obstruct and restrict citizens' attempts to exercise their informational rights. The book also provides an up-to-date legal analysis of legal frameworks across Europe concerning access rights and makes several policy recommendations in the area of informational rights. It provides a unique and unparalleled study of the law in action which uncovered the obstacles that citizens encounter if they try to find out what personal data public and private sector organisations collect and store about them, how they process it, and with whom they share it. These are simple questions to ask, and the right to do so is enshrined in law, but getting answers to these questions was met by a raft of strategies which effectively denied citizens their rights. The book documents in rich ethnographic detail the manner in which these discourses of denial played out in the ten countries involved, and explores in depth the implications for policy and regulatory reform.

Unauthorised Access

by Wil Allsopp

The first guide to planning and performing a physical penetration test on your computer's securityMost IT security teams concentrate on keeping networks and systems safe from attacks from the outside-but what if your attacker was on the inside? While nearly all IT teams perform a variety of network and application penetration testing procedures, an audit and test of the physical location has not been as prevalent. IT teams are now increasingly requesting physical penetration tests, but there is little available in terms of training. The goal of the test is to demonstrate any deficiencies in operating procedures concerning physical security.Featuring a Foreword written by world-renowned hacker Kevin D. Mitnick and lead author of The Art of Intrusion and The Art of Deception, this book is the first guide to planning and performing a physical penetration test. Inside, IT security expert Wil Allsopp guides you through the entire process from gathering intelligence, getting inside, dealing with threats, staying hidden (often in plain sight), and getting access to networks and data.Teaches IT security teams how to break into their own facility in order to defend against such attacks, which is often overlooked by IT security teams but is of critical importanceDeals with intelligence gathering, such as getting access building blueprints and satellite imagery, hacking security cameras, planting bugs, and eavesdropping on security channelsIncludes safeguards for consultants paid to probe facilities unbeknown to staffCovers preparing the report and presenting it to managementIn order to defend data, you need to think like a thief-let Unauthorised Access show you how to get inside.

Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security

by Richard Warner Robert Sloan

Going beyond current books on privacy and security, this book proposes specific solutions to public policy issues pertaining to online privacy and security. Requiring no technical or legal expertise, it provides a practical framework to address ethical and legal issues. The authors explore the well-established connection between social norms, privacy, security, and technological structure. They also discuss how rapid technological developments have created novel situations that lack relevant norms and present ways to develop these norms for protecting informational privacy and ensuring sufficient information security.

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