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Web 2.0 Architectures

by Dion Hinchcliffe Duane Nickull James Governor

Web 2.0 is more pervasive than ever, with business analysts and technologists struggling to comprehend the opportunity it represents. So what exactly is Web 2.0 -- a marketing term or technical reality? This fascinating book finally puts substance behind the phenomenon by identifying the core patterns of Web 2.0, and by introducing an abstract model and reference architecture to help you take advantage of them. In Web 2.0 Architectures, authors Duane Nickull, Dion Hinchcliffe, and James Governor -- who have 40 years of combined experience with technical specifications and industry trends -- examine what makes successful Web 2.0 services such as Google AdSense, Flickr, BitTorrent, MySpace, Facebook, and Wikipedia work. The result is a base of knowledge that developers, business people, futurists, and entrepreneurs can understand and use as a source of ideas and inspiration. This book reveals: A Web 2.0 model: How the classic Client-Server model evolved into a more detailed Web 2.0 model.Web 2.0 reference architecture: A generic component view of basic Web 2.0 patterns that can be repurposed for other commercial ventures.Specific Web 2.0 patterns: How service oriented architecture (SOA), Software as a Service (SaaS), participation-collaboration, mashups, rich user experience, collaborative tagging systems (Folksonomy), and more can be used in your business. If you want to understand what makes Web 2.0 tick, and how it will enhance your business, Web 2.0 Architectures takes you right to the core.

Web 2.0. Przewodnik po strategiach

by Amy Shuen

Poznaj strategie i modele biznesowe, które podnios? wyniki finansowe Twojej firmy! Jak zarabia?, dostarczaj?c us?ugi za darmo?Jak stworzy? dochodowy biznes, oparty na Web 2.0?Jak w??czy? strategie Web 2.0 w istniej?ce przedsi?wzi?cie?Je?li my?lisz, ?e Web 2.0 to wy??cznie technologia budowy interaktywnych portali internetowych, jeste? w b??dzie. Web 2.0 to rewolucja! To nowy sposób komunikacji przez internet, umo?liwiaj?cy u?ytkownikom wspólne tworzenie witryny i dzielenie si? wiedz?. Dzi?ki efektom sieci Web 2.0 staje si? ?ród?em okazji biznesowych. Jest miejscem, gdzie zaawansowana technologia ??czy si? z biznesem i gdzie -- udost?pniaj?c us?ugi za darmo -- mo?esz zarabia?. Web 2.0 przyjmuje bowiem fundamentalnie odmienny punkt widzenia na relacje mi?dzy biznesem, klientami i partnerami, a wi?c udost?pnia nam wszystkim nowe modele biznesowe. Ksi??ka "Web 2.0. Przewodnik po strategiach" zawiera omówienie wszystkich potrzebnych w biznesie technik i narz?dzi analitycznych, co sk?ada si? na ogólny obraz ekonomii opartej na Web 2.0. Z tego podr?cznika dowiesz si?, jak powstaj? efekty sieci, w jaki sposób prowokowa? i wykorzystywa? okazje biznesowe oraz zarabia? pieni?dze na dostarczonych przez u?ytkowników warto?ciach. Uwierzysz, ?e za pomoc? Web 2.0 mog? bogaci? si? i korporacje, i niewielkie przedsi?biorstwa. Poznasz sprawdzone narz?dzia i strategie oraz rewolucyjne modele biznesowe, stosowane przez takie firmy, jak Google czy Amazon. Pami?taj, ?e tym firmom przynios?y one wielki sukces i ogromne zyski.Wspólna warto?? u?ytkowników portalu Odkrywanie i wykorzystywanie grup internetowychPozytywne efekty sieciowe w Web 2.0Spieni??anie sieci spo?ecznychKoszty pozyskania klienta i szybko?? wzrostu zysku z reklamTworzenie warto?ci w sieciach spo?ecznychRozwijanie zdolno?ci adaptacyjnych przez Web 2.0Style innowacjiTworzenie biznesplanów Web 2.0 Przy??cz si? do rewolucji Web 2.0 i zarabiaj w internecie Wyró?nienie Magazynu Literackiego KSI??KIRedakcja Magazynu Literackiego KSI??KI przyzna?a ksi??ce "Web 2.0 - przewodnik po strategiach" w kwietniu 2009 roku Wyró?nienie za ksi??k? miesi?ca w kategorii Ekonomia​jpg" />

Web 2.0 & Semantic Web

by Dragan Gaševic Vladan Devedžic

Web 2.0 describes the trend in Web technology and design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, and, especially, collaboration among users. Semantic Web refers to the intelligent interaction among systems and applications on the Web by deploying ontologies, semantic annotation of Web content, and reasoning. Its ultimate goal is to make data understandable to computers, and thus open to far greater utility and manipulation. This special issue of AoIS presents cutting-edge research on both of these often opposed trends in computing and will support discussion on both the synergies and controversies inherent in the two technologies, while also considering what other technologies can contribute to both. Dramatic advances in service-oriented architectures, model-driven engineering, and Web mining technologies are but a few of the developments that might have a considerable impact on both Web 2.0 and Semantic Web, and they will all be covered in this volume.

Web 2.0 Solutions with Oracle WebCenter 11g

by Ashok Aggarwal Plinio Arbizu

The book starts by explaining the context of the WEB 2.0 platform. It helps the reader to understand its main features and their application in organizations. It shows how the Oracle WebCenter technology can help you implement the Web 2.0 solutions. In each chapter, the theoretical concepts are tested with the help of practical applications. The apt recommendations and suggestions are other key points of the book. Filled with careful step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, this tutorial shows you how to get the most out of the WebCenter Suite 11g. You will learn about integrating various services to enhance your Web 2.0 solutions using Oracle WebCenter. This book is for web developers who need to improve their websites or business applications using Web 2.0 features. This book is recommended for you, if you are a: Portal Developer who works with a traditional portal and wants to move onto new technologies Java Developer and want to add productivity features to your business applications Knowledge Managers and want to create collaborative environments and increase the productivity of your employees and organizational groups

Web 3.0: The Next Generation's Internet and Understanding the Concept of the Metaverse

by Prateek Singhal Prabhat Kumar Srivastav Basudeo Singh Roohani Nitin Sharma

The book underscores AI's transformative impact on reshaping physical, digital, and biological boundaries, converging with technologies like robotics, IoT, 3D printing, genetic engineering, and quantum computing—termed Web 3.0 Industrial Revolution. This global revolution integrates advanced production techniques beyond connected machines, extending into gene sequencing, nanotechnology, renewable energies, and quantum computing. The book's main goals include providing a collaborative platform for academia and industry researchers to share contributions and shape the future through knowledge exchange. Recognizing recent progress driven by increased computing power, it highlights the positive impact of digital technology—AI, IoT, AR/VR, Additive Manufacturing, CPS, cloud computing, and robotics—on industrial efficiency and quality. Revolutionary AI Fusion: AI revolutionizes by blending physical, digital, and biological boundaries through cutting-edge technologies like robotics, IoT, 3D printing, genetic engineering, and quantum computing. Global Manufacturing Cooperation: AI creates a collaborative landscape where virtual and physical systems flexibly cooperate on a global scale. AI's Diverse Impact: Beyond smart machines, AI drives breakthroughs in gene sequencing, nanotechnology, renewable energies, and quantum computing, distinguishing it from prior industrial revolutions. Progress and Digital Interface: Recent progress, powered by computing advancements, boosts industrial efficiency. The digital technology interface (AI, IoT, AR/VR, 3D Printing, CPS, CC, Robotics) significantly impacts industrial performance. In conclusion, AI spearheads a transformative revolution, redefining the boundaries of the physical, digital, and biological realms. The fusion of AI with Web 3.0 Industrial Revolution, integrating advanced production techniques and global manufacturing cooperation, surpassing past industrial shifts. The book aims to be a collaborative platform for academia and industry researchers, fostering knowledge exchange to shape the future. In AI-driven manufacturing within Web 3.0, a paradigm shift envisions maximum output with minimal resource use. Coupled with 'Digital Reality,' it transforms business practices, consumer behaviour, and employment dynamics, redistributing wealth toward innovation and technology.

Web 3.0: Concept, Content and Context

by Shenghui Cheng

As technology continues to advance, the Internet is evolving into what is often referred to as Web 3.0. This book aims to achieve three main objectives, first, it introduces Web 3.0 systematically and comprehensively, providing readers with a foundational understanding of its concepts and characteristics. Second, it analyzes the inevitability and development necessity of Web 3.0, as well as its potential future possibilities and transformative effects. Finally, it explores Web 3.0 through comparative analysis, discussing its relationship with the metaverse as well as how individuals and organizations can seize the opportunities presented by Web 3.0. Various topics related to Web 3.0, including its infrastructure, development facilities, scenario applications, technology stacks, and industry applications such as decentralized applications (DApps) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms are presented in the book. It delves into the ecosystem of Web 3.0, discussing decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), open finance (DeFi), cryptocurrencies, token economy, digital identity, creator economy, attention economy, and cyber-physical and human systems. Additionally, it addresses governance issues, security challenges, development challenges, and legal and regulatory aspects associated with Web 3.0. Overall, Web 3.0: Concept, Content and Context provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of Web 3.0, its potential implications, and the opportunities for new industry models and business opportunities in the evolving Internet era.

Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance

by Shawn Lawton Henry Andrew Kirkpatrick Patrick H. Lauke Bruce Lawson Bob Regan Richard Rutter Mark Urban Christian Heilmann Cynthia Waddell Jim Thatcher Michael R. Burks

The power of the Web lies in the fact that anyone and everyone can access it. However, this should also extend to users with disabilities--accessibility is about making websites accessible to those with aural, visual, or physical disabilities, or rather, constructing websites that don't exclude these people from accessing the content or services being provided. This isn't difficult to do, and doesn't require anything more than your normal toolset, be it HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, or whatever else. All you need to do is use these tools in the right way, and bear in mind the guidelines that exist to help you keep your web sites accessible, and the laws that enforce web accessibility around the world. This book gives you all you need to know about web accessibility, whether you are a web designer or developer who wants their sites to be accessible, or a business manager who wants to learn what impact the web accessibility laws have on their businesses' web sites.

Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research (Human–Computer Interaction Series)

by Yeliz Yesilada Simon Harper

Covering key areas of evaluation and methodology, client-side applications, specialist and novel technologies, along with initial appraisals of disabilities, this important book provides comprehensive coverage of web accessibility. Written by leading experts in the field, it provides an overview of existing research and also looks at future developments, providing a much deeper insight than can be obtained through existing research libraries, aggregations, or search engines.

Web Accessibility

by Yeliz Yesilada Simon Harper

Covering key areas of evaluation and methodology, client-side applications, specialist and novel technologies, along with initial appraisals of disabilities, this important book provides comprehensive coverage of web accessibility. Written by leading experts in the field, it provides an overview of existing research and also looks at future developments, providing a much deeper insight than can be obtained through existing research libraries, aggregations, or search engines.

Web Accessibility Cookbook

by Manuel Matuzovic

Frontend developers have to consider many things: browser compatibility, usability, performance, scalability, SEO, and other best practices. But the most fundamental aspect of creating websites is one that often falls short: accessibility. Accessibility is the cornerstone of any website, and if a website is inaccessible, users won't be able to interact with it, obtain information, sign up for services, or buy products.The Web Accessibility Cookbook provides you with dozens of recipes to help you avoid these failures. You'll learn how to build common components, such as main navigation, filters, and dialogs, in an accessible manner. Each recipe not only explains how to build things but also why. Author Manuel Matuzovic provides the knowledge you need to create your own accessible components and address your users' varying needs, abilities, and preferences.With this practical guide, you will:Learn how to build websites that feature inclusive frontendsDiscover the common obstacles website users face every dayUnderstand how your decisions impact usersLearn how to build accessible frontends step-by-stepWrite high-quality markup and CSSEvaluate the accessibility of frontend components

The Web Accessibility Project: Development and Testing Best Practices

by Narayanan Palani

Approximately 15% of the global population is affected by some sort of disability, according to the World Report on Disability. Many C-Suite executives perceive digital accessibility (DA) as an endless task. Among the engineering leaders, one in four leaders are reliant on very limited knowledge about digital accessibility. Many countries are increasing their legislative efforts to make web accessibility an important part in web development and testing of software releases. Numerous organizations are facing extreme turbulence when not adhering to international accessibility guidelines while developing their software’s and website applications. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is a global guide on accessibility recommendations that are developed through the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to help organizations to meet minimum standard accessibility guidelines. It has become critical for every organization to focus on implementing the accessibility checks at every stage of their application development to avoid costly mistakes. Meanwhile, the need for front-end engineers and Quality Assurance (QA) test analysts to learn WCAG best practices is immensely important for the growing need to incorporate accessibility-focused inclusive design, development, and extensive accessibility testing, which are essential for most of the customer-facing websites. In a fast-paced world, incorporating shift left accessibility within development and testing is the new normal. The Web Accessibility Project: Development and Testing Best Practices helps developers address right accessibility attributes to user interface (UI) components. It also helps developers focus on developing manual and automation tests for QA professionals to inject accessibility audit, accessibility functional tests, and accessibility automation tests as part of their Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD) models. The book is filled with readily usable best practices to adapt web accessibility early in application development. By applying the accessibility best practices covered in this book, developers can help their organizations rise to a whole new level of accessibility adherence, innovation, and inclusive design. They will also see greater work satisfaction in their professional lives and a way to help improve digital accessibility for end users.

Web-Age Information Management

by Yueguo Chen Wolf-Tilo Balke Jianliang Xu Wei Xu Peiquan Jin Xin Lin Tiffany Tang Eenjun Hwang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 5 workshops of the 15th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2014, held in Macau, China, June 16-18, 2014. The 38 revised full papers are organized in topical sections on the 5 following workshops: Second International Workshop on Emergency Management in Big Data Age, BigEM 2014; Second International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware, HardBD 2014; International Workshop on Data Management for Next-Generation Location-based Services, DaNoS 2014; International Workshop on Human Aspects of Making Recommendations in Social Ubiquitous Networking Environment, HRSUME 2014; International Workshop on Big Data Systems and Services, BIDASYS 2014.

Web-Age Information Management

by Bin Cui Nan Zhang Jianliang Xu Xiang Lian Dexi Liu

This two-volume set, LNCS 9658 and 9659, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2016, held in Nanchang, China, in June 2016. The 80 full research papers presented together with 8 demonstrations were carefully reviewed and selected from 266 submissions. The focus of the conference is on following topics: data mining, spatial and temporal databases, recommender systems, graph data management, information retrieval, privacy and trust, query processing and optimization, social media, big data analytics, and distributed and cloud computing.

Web-Age Information Management

by Bin Cui Nan Zhang Jianliang Xu Xiang Lian Dexi Liu

This two-volume set, LNCS 9658 and 9659, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2016, held in Nanchang, China, in June 2016. The 80 full research papers presented together with 8 demonstrations were carefully reviewed and selected from 266 submissions. The focus of the conference is on following topics: data mining, spatial and temporal databases, recommender systems, graph data management, information retrieval, privacy and trust, query processing and optimization, social media, big data analytics, and distributed and cloud computing.

Web-Age Information Management: WAIM 2016 International Workshops, MWDA, SDMMW, and SemiBDMA, Nanchang, China, June 3-5, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9998)

by Shaoxu Song and Yongxin Tong

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 3 workshops of the 17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2016, held in Nanchang, China, in June 2016.The three workshops were as follows: • The International Workshop on Spatiotemporal Data Management and Mining for the Web (SDMMW 2016) • The International Workshop on Semi-structured Big Data Management and Applications (SemiBDMA 2016). • The International Workshop on Mobile Web Data Analytics (MWDA2016)

Web-Age Information Management

by Shaoxu Song Yongxin Tong

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 3 workshops of the 17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2016, held in Nanchang, China, in June 2016. The three workshops were as follows: * The International Workshop on Spatiotemporal Data Management and Mining for the Web (SDMMW 2016) * The International Workshop on Semi-structured Big Data Management and Applications (SemiBDMA 2016). * The International Workshop on Mobile Web Data Analytics (MWDA2016)

Web-Age Information Management

by Xiaokui Xiao Zhenjie Zhang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 2 workshops of the 16th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2015, held in Qingdao, China, June 8-10, 2015. The 9 revised full papers are organized in topical sections on the two following workshops: International Workshop on Heterogeneous Information Network Analysis and Applications (HENA 2015), and Second International Workshop on Human Aspects of Making Recommendations in and for Social Ubiquitous Networking Environments (HRSUNE 2015).

Web Analytics 2.0

by Avinash Kaushik

Adeptly address today's business challenges with this powerful new book from web analytics thought leader Avinash Kaushik. Web Analytics 2.0 presents a new framework that will permanently change how you think about analytics. It provides specific recommendations for creating an actionable strategy, applying analytical techniques correctly, solving challenges such as measuring social media and multichannel campaigns, achieving optimal success by leveraging experimentation, and employing tactics for truly listening to your customers. The book will help your organization become more data driven while you become a super analysis ninja!Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Web and Big Data: Second International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2018, Macau, China, July 23-25, 2018, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10987)

by Yi Cai Yoshiharu Ishikawa Jianliang Xu

This two-volume set, LNCS 10987 and 10988, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2018, held in Macau, China in July 2018.The 40 full papers presented together with 30 short papers, 6 demonstration papers and 3 keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from 168 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: Text Analysis, Social Networks, Recommender Systems, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs, Database and Web Applications, Data Streams, Data Mining and Application, Query Processing, Big Data and Blockchain.

Web and Big Data: Second International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2018, Macau, China, July 23-25, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10988)

by Yi Cai Yoshiharu Ishikawa Jianliang Xu

This two-volume set, LNCS 10987 and 10988, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2018, held in Macau, China in July 2018.The 40 full papers presented together with 30 short papers, 6 demonstration papers and 3 keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from 168 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: Text Analysis, Social Networks, Recommender Systems, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs, Database and Web Applications, Data Streams, Data Mining and Application, Query Processing, Big Data and Blockchain.

Web and Big Data: 6th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2022, Nanjing, China, November 25–27, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13421)

by Bohan Li Lin Yue Chuanqi Tao Xuming Han Diego Calvanese Toshiyuki Amagasa

This three-volume set, LNCS 13421, 13422 and 13423, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2022, held in Nanjing, China, in August 2022.The 75 full papers presented together with 45 short papers, and 5 demonstration papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 297 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: Big Data Analytic and Management, Advanced database and web applications, Cloud Computing and Crowdsourcing, Data Mining, Graph Data and Social Networks, Information Extraction and Retrieval, Knowledge Graph, Machine Learning, Query processing and optimization, Recommender Systems, Security, privacy, and trust and Blockchain data management and applications, and Spatial and multi-media data.

Web and Big Data: 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023, Wuhan, China, October 6–8, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14331)

by Jianxin Li Geyong Min Xiangyu Song Ruyi Feng Yunliang Chen

The 4-volume set LNCS 14331, 14332, 14333, and 14334 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023, which took place in Wuhan, China, in October 2023. The total of 138 papers included in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 434 submissions. They focus on innovative ideas, original research findings, case study results, and experienced insights in the areas of the World Wide Web and big data, covering Web technologies, database systems, information management, software engineering, knowledge graph, recommend system and big data.

Web and Big Data: 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023, Wuhan, China, October 6–8, 2023, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14333)

by Jianxin Li Geyong Min Xiangyu Song Ruyi Feng Yunliang Chen

The 4-volume set LNCS 14331, 14332, 14333, and 14334 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023, which took place in Wuhan, China, in October 2023. The total of 138 papers included in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 434 submissions. They focus on innovative ideas, original research findings, case study results, and experienced insights in the areas of the World Wide Web and big data, covering Web technologies, database systems, information management, software engineering, knowledge graph, recommend system and big data.

Web and Big Data: 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023, Wuhan, China, October 6–8, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14332)

by Jianxin Li Geyong Min Xiangyu Song Ruyi Feng Yunliang Chen

The 4-volume set LNCS 14331, 14332, 14333, and 14334 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023, which took place in Wuhan, China, in October 2023. The total of 138 papers included in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 434 submissions. They focus on innovative ideas, original research findings, case study results, and experienced insights in the areas of the World Wide Web and big data, covering Web technologies, database systems, information management, software engineering, knowledge graph, recommend system and big data.

Web and Big Data: 5th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2021, Guangzhou, China, August 23–25, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12858)

by Yasushi Sakurai Marc Spaniol Leong Hou U Junying Chen

This two-volume set, LNCS 12858 and 12859, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2021, held in Guangzhou, China, in August 2021. The 44 full papers presented together with 24 short papers, and 6 demonstration papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 184 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: Graph Mining; Data Mining; Data Management; Topic Model and Language Model Learning; Text Analysis; Text Classification; Machine Learning; Knowledge Graph; Emerging Data Processing Techniques; Information Extraction and Retrieval; Recommender System; Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Databases; and Demo.

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