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Showing 54,651 through 54,675 of 55,683 results

Why We Fail

by Victor Lombardi

Just as pilots and doctors improve by studying crash reports and postmortems, experience designers can improve by learning how customer experience failures cause products to fail in the marketplace. Rather than proselytizing a particular approach to design, Why We Fail holistically explores what teams actually built, why the products failed, and how we can learn from the past to avoid failure ourselves.

Wi-Fi Enabled Healthcare

by Ali Youssef Douglas McDonald II Jon Linton Bob Zemke Aaron Earle

Focusing on the recent proliferation of Wi-Fi in hospital systems, this book explains how Wi-Fi is transforming clinical work flows and infusing new life into the types of mobile devices being implemented in hospitals. Drawing on years of consulting with hospitals in the US and abroad, and with first-hand experiences from one of the largest healthcare systems in the United States, it covers the key areas associated with wireless network design, security, and support. Reporting on cutting-edge developments and emerging standards in Wi-Fi technologies, the book explores security implications for each device type. It covers real-time location services and emerging trends in cloud-based wireless architecture.

?wiat druku 3D. Przewodnik

by Anna Kaziunas France

Kompendium wiedzy o druku 3D!Jeszcze do niedawna drukarki 3D mo?na by?o spotka? wy??cznie w… ksi??kach science fiction. Zaledwie par? lat wystarczy?o, by urz?dzenia te sta?y si? ogólnodost?pne. Otwieraj? one przed projektantami ogrom nowych mo?liwo?ci, a przygotowanie prototypów jeszcze nigdy nie by?o tak proste i szybkie. Si?gnij po t? ksi??k? i eksploruj ?wiat druku 3D!W trakcie lektury poznasz budow? drukarki 3D i jej elementy sk?adowe. Nast?pnie zaznajomisz si? z popularnymi programami pozwalaj?cymi na przygotowanie wydruku. Nawet je?li dopiero zamierzasz zrobi? swój pierwszy projekt 3D, z tym przewodnikiem bez problemu przejdziesz przez ca?y proces i wydrukujesz prototyp na swojej drukarce lub w firmie ?wiadcz?cej takie us?ugi. Dowiesz si? tak?e wszystkiego o skanowaniu 3D — po??czenie mo?liwo?ci drukarki 3D i technik skanowania trójwymiarowego pozwala stworzy? niesamowite projekty! Na ko?cu opanujesz zagadnienia zwi?zane z przemys?owym wykorzystaniem drukarek, dost?pnymi materia?ami oraz perspektywami rozwoju tej dziedziny projektowania. Si?gnij po t? ksi??k? i pod?? za technologicznym duchem czasu!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: poznasz konstrukcj? drukarki 3D przygotujesz swój pierwszy projekt do druku przestrzennego poznasz popularne narz?dzia zaznajomisz si? z dost?pnymi materia?ami poznasz perspektywy rozwoju druku 3DPrzewodnik po ?wiecie drukarek 3D!

Wicked Cool Java

by Brian D. Eubanks

Wicked Cool Java contains 101 fun, interesting, and useful ways to get more out of Java. This isn't intended as a Java tutorial--it's targeted at developers and system architects who have some basic Java knowledge but may not be familiar with the wide range of libraries available. Full of example code and ideas for combining them in useful projects, this book is perfect for hobbyists, and professionals will find tips and open-source projects to enhance their code and make their jobs easier. Topics include converting a non-XML text structure into XML using a parser generator, experimenting with a Java simulator for the Cell Matrix, creating dynamic music and sound in Java, working with open-source class libraries for scientific and mathematical applications, and many more.

Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts: Useful Scripts that Solve Difficult Problems

by Steve Pugh

Are you spending valuable time on work a well-trained monkey could do? If so, Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts will teach you how to automate repetitive tasks using Ruby, one of the most powerful and easy-to-use programming languages around.Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts provides 58 scripts that offer quick solutions to problems like system administration, manipulating images, and managing a website. After getting your feet wet creating simple scripts to automate tasks like file compression and decompression, you’ll learn how to create powerful web crawlers, security scripts, and full-fledged libraries and applications, as well as how to:–Rename files, disable processes, change permissions, and modify users–Manipulate strings, encrypt files, and sort efficiently–Validate web links, check for orphan files, and generate forms–Mass edit photos, extract image information, and create thumbnails–Parse CSV files and scrape links, images, and pages from the WebAnd as a nod to our security friends, you’ll even learn how to use Ruby to write Metasploit exploits.For each script you get the code, a discussion of how it works, and tips on how to customize it to solve real-world problems. By the time you’re finished, we think you’ll agree that Ruby is a wicked cool way to get things done.

Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems

by Dave Taylor Brandon Perry

Shell scripts are an efficient way to interact with your machine and manage your files and system operations. With just a few lines of code, your computer will do exactly what you want it to do. But you can also use shell scripts for many other essential (and not-so-essential) tasks.This second edition of Wicked Cool Shell Scripts offers a collection of useful, customizable, and fun shell scripts for solving common problems and personalizing your computing environment. Each chapter contains ready-to-use scripts and explanations of how they work, why you&’d want to use them, and suggestions for changing and expanding them. You'll find a mix of classic favorites, like a disk backup utility that keeps your files safe when your system crashes, a password manager, a weather tracker, and several games, as well as 23 brand-new scripts, including:– ZIP code lookup tool that reports the city and state – Bitcoin address information retriever – suite of tools for working with cloud services like Dropbox and iCloud – for renaming and applying commands to files in bulk – processing and editing toolsWhether you want to save time managing your system or just find new ways to goof off, these scripts are wicked cool!

Wicked Torture: A dramatically passionate love story

by J. Kenner

From J. Kenner, the New York Times and No. 1 international bestselling author of the million-copy selling Stark series, comes Wicked Torture, a new novel set in the seductive Stark world. For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey, Sylvia Day, Meredith Wild and Jodi Ellen Malpas.Outwardly, Noah Carter is riding high as the tech world's hottest new genius. Inside, he's still reeling from the abduction of his wife and baby daughter eight years ago, and then the devastating discovery of his child's body. For years, he kept up hope that his wife was alive, but now that she's been declared legally dead, he's thrown himself even more deeply into his work, cutting himself off from emotional ties because they just hurt too damn much.Then he meets Kiki Porter, an eternal optimist with a killer work ethic and dreams of fronting a band. And everything changes. Even though he tries his damnedest to fight it...Sexually, they are combustible together. But their true fire is emotional, though it is a slow to burn. But once it lights, it is all consuming. The relationship grows emotionally, the sex is hot, things are good.But just when it's looking like they might have a real future together, the past comes back to haunt them. And Noah's going to have to decide what he's willing to give up for love...Spellbinding romance. Electrifying passion. Why not indulge in J. Kenner...

Wicket in Action (In Action Ser.)

by Eelco Hillenius Martijn Dashorst

There are dozens of Java frameworks out there, but most of them require you to learn special coding techniques and new, often rigid, patterns of development. Wicket is different. As a component-based Web application framework, Wicket lets you build maintainable enterprise-grade web applications using the power of plain old Java objects (POJOs), HTML, Ajax, Spring, Hibernate and Maven. Wicket automatically manages state at the component level, which means no more awkward HTTPSession objects. Its elegant programming model enables you to write rich web applications quickly.Wicket in Action is an authoritative, comprehensive guide for Java developers building Wicket-based Web applications. This book starts with an introduction to Wicket's structure and components, and moves quickly into examples of Wicket at work. Written by two of the project's earliest and most authoritative experts, this book shows you both the "how-to" and the "why" of Wicket. As you move through the book, you'll learn to use and customize Wicket components, how to interact with other technologies like Spring and Hibernate, and how to build rich, Ajax-driven features into your applications. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.

Wide Area Power Systems Stability, Protection, and Security (Power Systems)

by Hassan Haes Alhelou Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz Pierluigi Siano

This book proposes new control and protection schemes to improve the overall stability and security of future wide-area power systems. It focuses on the high penetration levels of renewable energy sources and distributed generation, particularly with the trend towards smart grids.The control methods discussed can improve the overall stability in normal and abnormal operation conditions, while the protection methods presented can be used to ensure the secure operation of systems under most severe contingencies.Presenting stability, security, and protection methods for power systems in one concise volume, this book takes the reader on a journey from concepts and fundamentals to the latest and future trends in each topic covered, making it an informative and intriguing read for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners alike.

Wide Area Surveillance

by Vijayan K. Asari

The book describes a system for visual surveillance using intelligent cameras. The camera uses robust techniques for detecting and tracking moving objects. The real time capture of the objects is then stored in the database. The tracking data stored in the database is analysed to study the camera view, detect and track objects, and study object behavior. These set of models provide a robust framework for coordinating the tracking of objects between overlapping and non-overlapping cameras, and recording the activity of objects detected by the system.

The Wide World of Coding: The People and Careers behind the Programs

by Jennifer Connor-Smith

The best part about coding is that anyone with a computer can learn how to do it. From education to healthcare to entertainment, software touches almost every aspect of twenty-first century life. Take a high-level perspective on the types of people who create that software—including many jobs that do not involve writing code at all. Learn about the software development cycle and the huge variety of skills developers draw on, including psychology, mathematics, and art, to create amazing apps and programs. Explore why diversity is needed to prevent bias in design. Learn about the different coding languages and what they are used for, how developers choose a language, and tools that simplify coding. Jennifer Connor-Smith breaks down stereotypes about coding as a career that is open only to technology-obsessed gamers, revealing ways people use software to improve medical care, nurture dementia patients, promote social justice, and more. Hands-on activities show you how easy it is to learn to think like a coder. The next generation of coders will require diverse teams, creativity, and ethical codes of conduct to create the best and most successful software. Will you be one of them?

Wideband, Multiband, and Smart Antenna Systems (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Mohammad Abdul Matin

This book provides current R&D trends and novel approaches in design and analysis of broadband, multiband, and smart antennas for 5G and B5G mobile and wireless applications, as well as the identification of integration techniques of these antennas in a diverse range of devices. The book presents theoretical and experimental approaches to help the reader in understanding the unique design issues and more advanced research. Moreover, the book includes chapters on the fundamentals of antenna theory. The book is pertinent to professionals and researchers working in the field of antenna engineering; it is written for graduate students, researchers, academics, and industry practitioners who want to improve their understanding in the current research trends in design analysis of broadband, multiband, and smart antennas for wireless applications.

Wie berechenbar ist unsere Welt: Herausforderungen Für Mathematik, Informatik Und Philosophie Im Zeitalter Der Digitalisierung (Essentials)

by Klaus Mainzer

Klaus Mainzer legt in diesem essential dar, dass die Zukunft von KI und Digitalisierung eine nüchterne Analyse erfordert, die Grundlagenforschung mit Anwendung verbindet. Berechenbarkeits- und Beweistheorie können dazu beitragen, Big Data und Machine Learning sicherer zu bewältigen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die komplexen Herausforderungen der digitalen und analogen Welt in Grundlagenfragen der Mathematik, Informatik und Philosophie tief verwurzelt sind.

Wie halten Sie Ihre Gabel?: Von mentaler Programmierung zu innerer Freiheit

by Gundolf R. Wende

​Wer mentale Programmierungen erkennt und bei sich ändert, wird innerlich souverän und kann frei und selbst bestimmt gestalten. In der Regel ist uns nicht bewusst, dass sich bereits in frühester Kindheit und Jugend die Art und Weise unseres Denkens und Handelns manifestiert. Daran ändert sich meist während unseres ganzen Lebens recht wenig. Doch was, wenn Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Arbeitswelt sich jetzt so schnell und radikal wandeln wie nie zuvor – während wir unbewusst bei alten Programmierungen bleiben? Wir werden innerlich unsicher, agieren zaghaft und unsouverän. Es mangelt uns an mentaler Flexibilität und psychologischer Sicherheit, um den Wandel zu gestalten. Wir sind häufig im Widerstand und klammern uns an Hergebrachtes, ohne wirklich zu begreifen, warum. Wir verstehen die Programme dahinter nicht.Das Buch richtet sich an ein breites Publikum. Es spricht all diejenigen an, die das Gefühl haben, „festzustecken“ und die freier und selbst bestimmter leben möchten. Leistungsorientierte Menschen in verantwortungsvollen Positionen in Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft, Kultur etc., suchen in einer brüchigen, nicht-linearen Welt einen inneren Anker, um mutig und inspiriert Neues gestalten zu können.

Wie künstliche Intelligenz Entscheidungen prägt: Eine Multiple-Case-Study über Entscheidungen künstlicher Intelligenz im Kontext von Unternehmen

by Christian Scharff

Viele Organisationstheorien schließen Technik aus der sozialen Welt aus. Dies wird durch lernfähige Algorithmen infrage gestellt, deren Output sich nicht vollständig auf Menschen zurückrechnen lässt. Es ist deshalb notwendig, die Beziehung von Organisation und künstlicher Intelligenz ergebnisoffen zu untersuchen und zu erklären. Das vorliegende Buch analysiert zu diesem Zweck auf Grundlage einer Multiple-Case-Study, auf welche Weise, aus welchen Gründen und mit welchen Folgen künstliche Intelligenz an den Entscheidungen von Unternehmen beteiligt ist. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Technik als Entscheidungsträger aktiv an Organisationen teilnehmen und deren strukturelles Fundament prägen kann. Dabei handelt es sich jedoch nur um eine von drei Erscheinungsformen künstlicher Intelligenz. Inwieweit KI-Anwendungen tatsächlich Gelegenheit erhalten, Entscheidungen zu treffen, bestimmen Organisationen nach eigenen Maßgaben.

Wie Maschinen lernen: Künstliche Intelligenz verständlich erklärt

by Kristian Kersting Christoph Lampert Constantin Rothkopf

Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen: Erweitern Sie Ihr Fachwissen mit diesem Sachbuch Was verbirgt sich überhaupt hinter Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und Maschinellem Lernen (ML)? Dieses Sachbuch liefert verständliche Antworten. ML und KI spielen im Zuge von Industrie 4.0 und der Digitalisierung eine immer größere Rolle. Ganz ohne komplexe mathematische Formeln bringt Ihnen dieses Sachbuch die grundlegenden Methoden, Anwendungen und Vorgehensweisen des Maschinellen Lernens und der Künstlichen Intelligenz näher. Lisa, die Protagonistin in diesem Buch, illustriert alle Themen anhand von Alltagssituationen. Dadurch erschließt sich Ihnen das Fachwissen, das bisher nur Experten vorbehalten war, einfach und leicht verständlich. Mit diesem Buch eignen Sie sich im Handumdrehen neues Wissen an, mit dem Sie innerhalb der Diskussion um Chancen und Risiken aktueller Entwicklungen garantiert punkten können. Eine Einführung in die Prinzipien von KI und ML Dieses Sachbuch setzt zunächst bei den Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz und des Maschinellen Lernens an. Hier werden u. a. folgende Fragen geklärt:Was sind Daten?Was sind Algorithmen?Was ist mit Regression gemeint?Wozu dienen Clusteranalysen?Schwerpunktmäßig beschäftigt sich dieses Werk mit Bedeutung und Funktionsweise wichtiger Algorithmen des Maschinellen Lernens. Aufgeteilt in einzelne Kapitel, tauchen Sie so mit Hilfe vieler Abbildungen Schritt für Schritt tiefer in die Materie ein. Zudem bringen Ihnen die Autoren u. a. folgende Verfahren und Aspekte näher:k-MeansEntscheidungsbäumeVerzerrung-Varianz-DilemmaBig DataNeuronale NetzeDie gesamtgesellschaftliche Bedeutung im BlickDaneben verliert dieses Sachbuch auch die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Maschinellem Lernen nicht aus dem Blick. Lesen Sie mehr über Fragestellungen der Sicherheit und Ethik im Zusammenhang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz. All das macht dieses Werk zu einer Leseempfehlung für:Themeninteressierte, die verstehen möchten, was sich hinter den Schlagworten KI und ML verbirgt Entscheidungsträger aus Politik und WirtschaftSchülerinnen und Schüler, welche die Zukunft mitgestalten wollen

WiFi signal-based user authentication (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Jiadi Yu Hao Kong Linghe Kong

As a privacy-preserving and illumination-robust manner, WiFi signal-based user authentication has become a new direction for ubiquitous user authentication to protect user privacy and security. It gradually turns into an important option for addressing the security concern of IoT environment. However, due to the limited sensing capability of WiFi signals and wide application scenarios, WiFi signal-based user authentication suffers from practical issues of diversified behaviors and complex scenarios. Therefore, it is necessary to address the issues and build integrated systems for user authentication using WiFi signals. In this book, the development and progress of WiFi signal-based user authentication systems in extensive scenarios are presented, which provides a new direction and solution for ubiquitous security and privacy protection. This book gives strong motivation of leveraging WiFi signals to sense human activities for user authentication, and presents the key issues of WiFi-based user authentication in diversified behaviors and complex scenarios. This book provides the approaches for digging WiFi signals to sense human activities and extract features, realizing user authentication under fine-grained finger gestures, undefined body gestures, and multi-user scenarios. State-of-the-art researches and future directions involved with WiFi signal-based user authentication are presented and discussed as well. This book will benefit researchers and practitioners in the related field.


by Alan J. Porter

WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit introduces the concept of wikis, and shows why they are becoming the must-have communications and collaboration technology for businesses of any size. Using a garden as a metaphor, Alan J. Porter shows you step-by-step how to select wiki software, get started, overcome resistance to wikis, maintain your wiki, and use your wiki for internal collaboration, project planning, communication with your customers, and more. Includes five case studies that highlight the ways companies are using wikis to solve business and communication problems, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction. Inside the Book A Brief History of Collaboration Defining the Wiki Planting the Seed First Growth Maintaining the Garden Landscaping Harvesting the Information A Wiki Checklist Notes on Popular Wiki Software Resources and Index

Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom

by Cummings Robert E. Barton Matt

When most people think of wikis, the first---and usually the only---thing that comes to mind is Wikipedia. The editors ofWiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom, Robert E. Cummings and Matt Barton, have assembled a collection of essays that challenges this common misconception, providing an engaging and helpful array of perspectives on the many pressing theoretical and practical issues that wikis raise. Written in an engaging and accessible manner that will appeal to specialists and novices alike,Wiki Writingdraws on a wealth of practical classroom experiences with wikis to offer a series of richly detailed and concrete suggestions to help educators realize the potential of these new writing environments. Robert E. Cummings began work at Columbus State University in August 2006 as Assistant Professor of English and Director of First-Year Composition. Currently he also serves as the Writing Specialist for CSU's Quality Enhancement Plan, assisting teachers across campus in their efforts to maximize student writing in their curriculum. He recently concluded a three-year research study with the Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research and continues to research in the fields of computers and writing, writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines, and curricular reform in higher education. Matt Barton is Assistant Professor, St. Cloud State University, Department of English-Rhetoric and Applied Writing Program. His research interests are rhetoric, new media, and computers and writing. He is the author ofDungeons and Desktops: A History of Computer Role-Playing Gamesand has published in the journalsText and Technology,Computers and Composition,Game Studies, andKairos. He is currently serving as Associate Editor ofKairosnewsand Managing Editor ofArmchair Arcade. "Wiki Writingwill quickly become the standard resource for using wikis in the classroom. " ---Jim Kalmbach, Illinois State Universitydigitalculturebooks is an imprint of the University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan Library dedicated to publishing innovative and accessible work exploring new media and its impact on society, culture, and scholarly communication. Visit the website at www. digitalculture. org .

WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy

by David Leigh Luke Harding

A team of journalists with unparalleled inside access provides the first full, in-depth account of WikiLeaks, its founder Julian Assange, and the ethical, legal, and political controversies it has both uncovered and provoked.

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

by Don Tapscott Anthony D. Williams

Anyone who has done even a modest amount of browsing on the Internet has probably run across Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia that now dwarfs the online version of Encyclopedia Britannica. This is the prime example of what is called the new Web, or Web 2.0, where sites such as MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, and even the Human Genome Project allow mass collaboration from participants in the online community. These open systems can produce faster and more powerful results than the traditional closed proprietary systems that have been the norm for private industry and educational institutions. In just the last few years, traditional collaboration-in a meeting room, a conference call, even a convention center-has been superseded by collaborations on an astronomical scale. Today, encyclopedias, jetliners, operating systems, mutual funds, and many other items are being created by teams numbering in the thousands or even millions. While some leaders fear the heaving growth of these massive online communities, Wikinomics proves this fear is folly. Smart firms can harness collective capability and genius to spur innovation, growth, and success. A brilliant guide to one of the most profound changes of our time, Wikinomics challenges our most deeply-rooted assumptions about business and will prove indispensable to anyone who wants to understand competitiveness in the twenty-first century. Based on a $9 million research project led by bestselling author Don Tapscott, Wikinomics shows how masses of people can participate in the economy like never before. They are creating TV news stories, sequencing the human genome, remixing their favorite music, designing software, finding a cure for disease, editing school texts, inventing new cosmetics, or even building motorcycles. You'll read about: Rob McEwen, the Goldcorp, Inc. CEO who used open source tactics and an online competition to save his company and breathe new life into an old-fashioned industry. Flickr, Second Life, YouTube, and other thriving online communities that transcend social networking to pioneer a new form of collaborative production. Mature companies like Procter & Gamble that cultivate nimble, trust-based relationships with external collaborators to form vibrant business ecosystems. An important look into the future, Wikinomics will be your road map for doing business in the twenty-first century.

Wikipedia: The Missing Manual

by John Broughton

Want to be part of the largest group-writing project in human history? Learn how to contribute to Wikipedia, the user-generated online reference for the 21st century. Considered more popular than eBay,, and, Wikipedia servers respond to approximately 30,000 requests per second, or about 2.5 billion per day. It's become the first point of reference for people the world over who need a fact fast. If you want to jump on board and add to the content, Wikipedia: The Missing Manual is your first-class ticket. Wikipedia has more than 9 million entries in 250 languages, over 2 million articles in the English language alone. Each one is written and edited by an ever-changing cast of volunteer editors. You can be one of them. With the tips in this book, you'll quickly learn how to get more out of -- and put more into -- this valuable online resource.Wikipedia: The Missing Manual gives you practical advice on creating articles and collaborating with fellow editors, improving existing articles, and working with the Wikipedia community to review new articles, mediate disputes, and maintain the site. Up to the challenge? This one-of-a-kind book includes: Basic editing techniques, including the right and wrong ways to edit Pinpoint advice about which types of articles do and do not belong on Wikipedia Ways to learn from other editors and communicate with them via the site's talk pages Tricks for using templates and timesaving automated editing tools Recommended procedures for fighting spam and vandalism Guidance on adding citations, links, and images to your articles Wikipedia depends on people just like you to help the site grow and maintain the highest quality. With Wikipedia: The Missing Manual, you get all the tools you need to be part of the crew.

Wikipedia @ 20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution

by Joseph Reagle and Jackie Koerner

Wikipedia's first twenty years: how what began as an experiment in collaboration became the world's most popular reference work.We have been looking things up in Wikipedia for twenty years. What began almost by accident--a wiki attached to an nascent online encyclopedia--has become the world's most popular reference work. Regarded at first as the scholarly equivalent of a Big Mac, Wikipedia is now known for its reliable sourcing and as a bastion of (mostly) reasoned interaction. How has Wikipedia, built on a model of radical collaboration, remained true to its original mission of "free access to the sum of all human knowledge" when other tech phenomena have devolved into advertising platforms? In this book, scholars, activists, and volunteers reflect on Wikipedia's first twenty years, revealing connections across disciplines and borders, languages and data, the professional and personal.

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

by Nathaniel Tkacz

Few virtues are as celebrated in contemporary culture as openness. Rooted in software culture and carrying more than a whiff of Silicon Valley technical utopianism, openness--of decision-making, data, and organizational structure--is seen as the cure for many problems in politics and business. But what does openness mean, and what would a political theory of openness look like? With Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness, Nathaniel Tkacz uses Wikipedia, the most prominent product of open organization, to analyze the theory and politics of openness in practice--and to break its spell. Through discussions of edit wars, article deletion policies, user access levels, and more, Tkacz enables us to see how the key concepts of openness--including collaboration, ad-hocracy, and the splitting of contested projects through "forking”--play out in reality. The resulting book is the richest critical analysis of openness to date, one that roots media theory in messy reality and thereby helps us move beyond the vaporware promises of digital utopians and take the first steps toward truly understanding what openness does, and does not, have to offer.

Wikipedia Reader's Guide: The Missing Manual

by John Broughton

You don't have to understand how to edit Wikipedia in order to find the information you need and join the conversation. This booklet gives you just what you need to know in friendly, concise form so you can research any subject without getting lost in Wikipedia's labyrinth. With it, you'll be able to unlock the mysteries of the many links on every Wikipedia page and the sometimes cryptic buzzwords you see on Talk pages. And, while this booklet focuses on Wikipedia readers, it also includes a tutorial for first-time editors and explains Wikipedia's editing tools. You'll find valuable advice on how to alert editors to flaws in articles and how to contribute to Talk pages without getting caught up in pointless disputes. The author of Wikipedia Reader's Guide: The Missing Manual has edited more than 15,000 Wikipedia articles, and has written a comprehensive index to Wikipedia for editors to use in their daily work. His knowledge of Wikipedia is limitless and his passion is contagious. With this guide, you'll catch on quickly.

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