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Windows Vista® Inside Out Deluxe Edition

by Ed Bott Craig Stinson Carl Siechert

Learn how to conquer Windows Vista--from the inside out! Written by the authors of the immensely popular Windows Vista Inside Out, this deluxe edition--updated for Service Pack 1--packs even more advanced information, hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds--all in concise, fast-answer format. You get 300+ new pages in this comprehensive reference that delivers the up-to-date answers you need to work with Windows Vista. New topics covered in this edition help you zero in on advanced networking, security, and corporate deployment issues as well as advanced features such as speech recognition, Tablet PC support, and Windows Vista certification. You'll also discover how to use new features in Windows Media® Player and Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7. Plus, you'll get tools, eBooks, and more on the companion CD. With INSIDE OUT, you get all muscle and no fluff! A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to

Windows Vista. Leksykon kieszonkowy

by Preston Gralla

Podr?czny przewodnik po systemie Vista Przeglšd najwa?niejszych elementów systemu Zestawienie skrótów klawiaturowych Omówienie struktury rejestru systemowego System operacyjny Windows Vista -- najnowsza wersja najpopularniejszego systemu operacyjnego -- wkroczy? na rynek z rozmachem. Od dawna zapowiadany produkt firmy Microsoft szybko sta? si? przebojem w?ród u?ytkowników komputerów. Producent zaoferowa? kilka wersji ró?nišcych si? mo?liwo?ciami, jednak majšcych wiele wspólnego. Vista ma nowy, bardzo intuicyjny i wygodny interfejs u?ytkownika, jest stabilna, bezpieczna i doskonale sprawdza si? w sieci. Narz?dzia, znane u?ytkownikom poprzednich wersji Windows, zosta?y gruntownie przeprojektowane i dodano wiele nowych. Ksiš?ka "Windows Vista. Leksykon kieszonkowy" to zwi?z?y przewodnik po tym nowatorskim systemie operacyjnym. Znajdziesz w nim niezb?dne do pracy wiadomo?ci podane w zwartej i czytelnej postaci. Poznasz najwa?niejsze elementy systemu oraz narz?dzia i aplikacje, w jakie zosta? wyposa?ony. Przeczytasz o korzystaniu ze skrótów klawiaturowych, pracy w sieci, modyfikowaniu zawarto?ci rejestru, wyszukiwaniu plików i danych, drukowaniu i systemie plików. Dowiesz si? tak?e, jak korzysta? z wiersza polece?. Elementy Pulpitu Dyski, foldery i pliki Skróty klawiaturowe Konfigurowanie systemu za pomocš Panelu sterowania Przeszukiwanie plików i folderów Korzystanie z poczty elektronicznej i przeglšdarki Internet Explorer Konfiguracja po?šcze? sieciowych Administracja systemem Edycja rejestru Polecenia konsoli tekstowej Dzi?ki tej ksiš?ce szybko zaczniesz efektywnš prac? z systemem Windows Vista.

Windows Vista PL. Administracja. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny

by Brian Culp

Kompleksowy przewodnik dla u?ytkowników i administratorów Windows Vista Jak prawid?owo zainstalowa? Vist??Jak jš optymalnie skonfigurowa??Jak korzysta? z wiersza polece??System Windows Vista od swojego pojawienia si? na rynku zdoby? ju? spore grono zwolenników. Najnowsza wersja najpopularniejszego systemu operacyjnego da?a u?ytkownikom nie tylko efektowny interfejs graficzny, ale przede wszystkim mnóstwo nowych mo?liwo?ci. Nadal jednak wiele z nich pozostaje nieodkrytych lub nie w pe?ni wykorzystanych. Niewiele te? osób wie, w jaki sposób optymalnie skonfigurowa? ten system i administrowa? nim, szczególnie w przypadku wykorzystywania go w grupie roboczej. Poznanie wszystkich aspektów zarzšdzania Vistš jest tak?e niezb?dne dla administratorów sieci.Ksiš?ka "Windows Vista PL. Administracja. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny" to zestawienie najistotniejszych informacji koniecznych do sprawnego administrowania systemem Windows Vista i sieciš kontrolowanš przez ten system. Czytajšc jš, poznasz mo?liwo?ci i funkcje Visty, podobie?stwa i ró?nice pomi?dzy jej wersjami oraz metody personalizacji. Dowiesz si?, jak zainstalowa? system, zoptymalizowa? jego dzia?anie oraz stworzy? profile u?ytkowników. Nauczysz si? zabezpiecza? Vist?, definiowa? prawa u?ytkowników i grup, ustala? udzia?y dyskowe i zasady konta. Przeczytasz tak?e o rozwišzywaniu problemów z dzia?aniem systemu, tworzeniu kopii zapasowych, o pracy z wierszem polece? systemu Windows Vista i wspó?pracy z przeglšdarkš Internet Explorer 7.Nowo?ci w systemie Windows VistaPrzeglšd wersji VistyKonfigurowanie parametrów pracy w sieciTworzenie kont u?ytkownikówPersonalizacja systemu i konfigurowanie u?atwie? dla osób niepe?nosprawnychUruchamianie systemu i praca w trybie awaryjnymKonfigurowanie parametrów sprz?towychZarzšdzanie drukarkamiInstalowanie nowego oprogramowaniaWdra?anie Windows VistyOptymalizacja wydajno?ci systemuZabezpieczanie ?rodowiska VistyDobór parametrów pracy grupowejRozwišzywanie problemów z systememZosta? prawdziwym ekspertem w zakresie administracji systemem Windows Vista!

Windows Vista PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by David Pogue

Zadbaj o bezpiecze?stwo i maksymalnš wydajno?? Twojego komputera! Jak zabezpieczy? komputer przed wirusami, oprogramowaniem szpiegujšcym i co zrobi? z uszkodzonymi dyskami twardymi? Jak efektywnie segregowa?, filtrowa? i wyszukiwa? pliki? Do czego s?u?y galeria fotografii? Vista to najnowsza i bez wštpienia najbezpieczniejsza wersja sytemu operacyjnego Windows, zawierajšca mnóstwo mechanizmów i udogodnie? zapewniajšcych bezpieczne korzystanie z sieci oraz u?atwiajšcych optymalne u?ytkowanie Twojego sprz?tu. Wyposa?ony jest w nowoczesne narz?dzia, takie jak Defender, który zabezpiecza komputer przed programami szpiegujšcymi, oraz filtr oszuka?czych witryn ostrzegajšcy przed otwieraniem fa?szywych stron podszywajšcych si? na przyk?ad pod serwisy internetowe banków. System wprowadza te? mechanizmy kontrolne dla administratorów w przedsi?biorstwach oraz nowy program do tworzenia kopii zapasowych. "Windows Vista. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" to ksiš?ka przydatna na ka?dym poziomie zaawansowania technicznego, zawierajšca opis podstawowych zagadnie? i komponentów oprogramowania, instrukcje korzystania z systemu oraz informacje o szybszych metodach wykonania ró?nego typu operacji, które przydadzš si? do?wiadczonym u?ytkownikom. Korzystajšc z "Nieoficjalnego podr?cznika", dowiesz si? mi?dzy innymi, do czego s?u?y zapora ogniowa, nauczysz si?, jak sprawnie tworzy? kopie zapasowe i budowa? w?asnš sie?. Znajdziesz tu wszelkie informacje potrzebne, by do maksimum wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci systemu, a tak?e te, jak u?ywa? gad?etów -- mikroprogramów prezentujšcych na pulpicie na przyk?ad prognoz? pogody czy wyniki gie?dowe. Oprogramowanie Visty Konfiguracja kont internetowych Panel nawigacyjny, panel podglšdu i panel szczegó?ów Uk?adanie w stos, grupowanie, filtrowanie Programy multimedialne Rozpoznawanie mowy w systemie Windows Mechanizmy zabezpieczajšce Sprz?t i urzšdzenia peryferyjne Budowanie sieci Wszystko, co powiniene? wiedzie?, aby maksymalnie wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci Visty!

Windows Vista PL. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny

by William R. Stanek

Ujarzmij moc drzemišcš w systemie Windows Vista! Jak zarzšdza? systemem i optymalnie go konfigurowa?? Jak przetwarza? media cyfrowe? Jak efektywniej przeszukiwa? zasoby komputera i nimi zarzšdza?? Windows Vista jest pierwszš wersjš systemu Windows, której funkcjonalno?? zmienia si? w zale?no?ci od komputera, a modu?owa budowa i uniezale?nienie od siebie poszczególnych sk?adników pozwalajš bardzo ?atwo dodawa? funkcje lub po prostu wy?šcza? poszczególne mechanizmy. Vista wprowadza wiele nowych mo?liwo?ci i praktycznych u?atwie?, takich jak przejrzysty i wygodny interfejs u?ytkownika, sprawna nawigacja, nowocze?niejsze zabezpieczenia, a dla osób obdarzonych wra?liwo?ciš estetycznš -- efektowne nowo?ci wizualne. "Windows Vista PL. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny" to nie jest zwyk?y podr?cznik. Dlaczego? Poniewa? jest to ksiš?ka przydatna na ka?dym poziomie zaawansowania. Przyda si? wszystkim tym, którzy ju? wcze?niej zetkn?li si? z tym systemem, a teraz chcš zaktualizowa? swojš wiedz?, pomo?e poczštkujšcym, a tak?e administratorom i pracownikom dzia?ów informatycznych. Przewodnik zawiera bowiem wszystko, co jest potrzebne, aby dopasowa? system operacyjny do indywidualnych potrzeb. Dzi?ki niemu dowiesz si?, jak zarzšdza? systemem i konserwowa? go, jak tworzy? biblioteki multimediów czy konfigurowa? urzšdzenia sprz?towe; poznasz te? wiele tajemnic, przydatnych trików i sztuczek do natychmiastowego wykorzystania, niezale?nie od u?ywanej edycji systemu. Konfiguracja systemu, sprz?tu i akcesoriów komputera Praca z danymi i mediami cyfrowymi Tworzenie biblioteki multimediów Zabezpieczanie i udost?pnianie danych Kompresowanie dysku Korzystanie z Centrum sieci i udost?pniania Ochrona komputera za pomocš Windows Defender i Zapory Windows Korzystanie z zasad grupy w systemie Windows Vista Konfigurowanie ustawie? proxy dla po?šcze? mobilnych Skróty klawiaturowe Zarzšdzanie repozytorium informacji BCD

Windows Vista™ Plain & Simple

by Jerry Joyce Marianne Moon

Here's WHAT You'll Learn Run programs, control gadgets, and play games Send e-mail, browse the Web, and share your files Organize your photos, music, videos, and more Burn CDs and DVDs--even produce your own movie! Set up your printer and a simple home network Adjust security settings and perform easy tune-ups and fixes Here's HOW You'll Learn It Jump in wherever you need answers Easy-to-follow STEPS and SCREENSHOTS show exactly what to do Handy TIPS teach new techniques and shortcuts Quick TRY THIS! exercises help you apply what you learn right away A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to

Windows Vista Pocket Reference: A Compact Guide to Windows Vista

by Preston Gralla

Windows Vista Pocket Reference is the ideal guide to setting up and navigating the basics of this new operating system, from the new user interface to networking, multimedia, security, and mobility. This pocket reference offers four sections that will familiarize readers with Vista quickly: Getting Started gives a crash course in using Windows Vista, including the user interface, handling files, folders, drives and search, and working with hardware. Networking, the Internet and Wireless offers a tour of Internet Explorer 7, a wireless networking guide, and how to set up and maintain home networks. Multimedia shows how to use the Media Center, Windows Media Player, and how to handle graphics and photos, podcasts and MP3 players. Security, Mobility, and Troubleshooting visits the security features, shows how to tune up Vista, troubleshoot problems, and use Vista with mobile devices.

Windows Vista® Resource Kit

by Mitch Tulloch Tony Northrup Jerry Honeycutt

In-depth, comprehensive, and fully updated for Service Pack 1, this RESOURCE KIT delivers the information you need to administer Windows Vista. You get authoritative technical guidance from those who know the technology best--Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals and the Windows Vista team--along with essential scripts and resources on the CD. Get expert guidance on how to: Use Microsoft Deployment Toolkit best practices and tools Plan user-state migration and test application compatibility Exploit new Group Policy features, settings, and ADMX templates Configure software updates and client-security technologies Administer disks, file systems, file sharing, search, and Internet Explorer Install and troubleshoot printers, devices, and services Manage IPsec, IPv6, wireless, and remote connectivity Use performance monitoring and diagnostic tools to manage desktop health Resolve common startup, hardware, and networking issues CD features: 120+ sample VBScript scripts 25 sample Windows PowerShell scripts Troubleshooting tools Links to toolkits, documentation, and white papers Complete eBook of INTRODUCING WINDOW SERVER 2008 Sample chapters from related Microsoft Press books Fully searchable eBook of this guide Plus: * See "Direct from the Source" sidebars for deep insights and troubleshooting tips from the Windows Vista team A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to

Windows Vista Secrets®

by Brian Livingston Paul Thurrott

From the book: Part I Surviving Setup Part II Understanding the Windows Vista User Experience Part III Security Part IV Digital Media and Entertainment Part V Mobility Part VI Internet and Networking Part VII Home Office/Power User

Windows Vista™ Step by Step

by Joan Lambert Joyce Cox

Experience learning made easy--and quickly teach yourself how to make the most of your Windows Vista experience. With Step By Step, you set the pace--building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them! Personalize the way your computer works and looks Install programs and set up printers and other hardware Instantly search your entire computer and find exactly what you need Catalog your digital photos, burn CDs, and play games--have fun! Connect to the Internet and block unwanted content Fine-tune your PC's performance and fix common problems Your all-in-one learning experience includes: Files for building skills and practicing the book's lessons Fully searchable eBook Windows Vista Product Guide eReference--plus more resources on CD A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to

Windows Vista® Step by Step Deluxe Edition

by Joan Lambert Joyce Cox

The smart way to learn Windows Vista--one step at a time! Updated with expanded coverage, this deluxe edition covers all of the latest Windows Vista features. You'll discover the smartest ways to stay organized with Windows® Mail, Windows Contact, Windows LiveTM Messenger, Windows Meeting Space, Windows Calendar, and Windows SidebarTM. You'll also learn how to work with graphics and documents by using Windows Paint, NotePad, and WordPad. Even more, learn how to have fun with Windows Vista and your digital media--creating home videos and more! Plus, you still get coverage of the fundamentals of working with Windows Vista, including how to navigate the new user interface and how to use Instant Search to find anything on your desktop! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help and learn how to manage files and folders to simplify your work, hook up printers and other devices, and connect to the Internet. You will also discover how to use security-enhanced features to help protect your PC. The companion CD includes skill-building practice files, eBooks, and more! With STEP BY STEP, you can take just the lessons you need or work from cover to cover. Either way, you drive the instruction--building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them! A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to

Windows Vista® Step by Step, Deluxe Edition

by Online Training Solutions

Learn Windows Vista the smart way with expanded coverage of the latest features!

Windows VistaTM For Dummies

by Andy Rathbone

Create music CDs and photo DVDs or even watch TV Move your files to a new computer, or get your old PC ready for Vista The thing that's made Windows For Dummies so successful is that it's packed with the basics you need to make Windows work. This book gets you through all the Windows Vista tasks and tripwires, including starting programs, finding files, navigating the new see-through interface, staying safe while you cruise the Internet, and much more. Discover how to Find files when they're hiding Hook up with another computer Make Vista work like XP Block Internet bad guys Share a PC without sharing your files Fix problems yourself

Windows XP: Command Line

by Carolyn Gillay Bette Peat

Windows XP: Command Line introduces DOS and the Windows XP command line interface. It explains the commands and functions for managing files and directories from DOS, how to create a batch file to automate a sequence of commands, and the basic concepts and terminology of networking. The disk contains data files for activities.

Windows XP Annoyances

by David A. Karp

O'Reilly's popular series for troubleshooting Windows comes to the rescue with Windows XP Annoyances. This book is not designed to complain or criticize, but to acknowledge the problems and shortcomings of the operating system in order to overcome them. Complete with a collection of tools and techniques, this book allows users to improve their experience with Windows XP and establish control of the machine--rather than the other way around.

Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks

by David A. Karp

In an ideal world, an operating system would do its job in the background, while you did yours in the foreground. In reality, though, operating systems often get in the way, fouling up the process at the most inopportune times. And Windows XP is no exception. O'Reilly's popular series for customizing and troubleshooting Windows once again comes to the rescue with Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks. Offering dozens of on-target tips, workarounds, and warnings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks allows users to improve their overall experience with the Windows XP operating system in every way possible. You'll learn how to use the Registry Editor; how to customize the interface beyond Microsoft's own intentions; and how to master Windows' built-in networking capabilities, including advanced technologies such as Internet Connection sharing, Remote Desktop sharing, and virtual private networking. And now, with this updated edition, you can also expect detailed coverage of the newly released Service Pack 2 (SP2) technology. SP2 is designed to make your work with the Windows XP operating system even easier and safer by providing superior protection against viruses, hackers, and worms. Among the core SP2 components covered in Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks are Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows Security Center. David Karp, veteran author of several titles in the Windows Annoyances series, is behind the wheel of this comprehensive guide, as well. Karp points out numerous SP2-related quirks and unaccountable behaviors that are guaranteed to increase your level of perplexity and frustration. By recognizing these shortcomings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks arms you with the knowledge to overcome them. Karp leaves no stone unturned in providing the ultimate resource for the ever-expanding Windows XP market. As a result, you'll be able to seize complete control of the Windows XP operating system--instead of the other way around.

Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks, 2nd Edition

by David Karp

In an ideal world, an operating system would do its job in the background, while you did yours in the foreground. In reality, though, operating systems often get in the way, fouling up the process at the most inopportune times. And Windows XP is no exception. O'Reilly's popular series for customizing and troubleshooting Windows once again comes to the rescue with Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks. Offering dozens of on-target tips, workarounds, and warnings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks allows users to improve their overall experience with the Windows XP operating system in every way possible. You'll learn how to use the Registry Editor; how to customize the interface beyond Microsoft's own intentions; and how to master Windows' built-in networking capabilities, including advanced technologies such as Internet Connection sharing, Remote Desktop sharing, and virtual private networking. And now, with this updated edition, you can also expect detailed coverage of the newly released Service Pack 2 (SP2) technology. SP2 is designed to make your work with the Windows XP operating system even easier and safer by providing superior protection against viruses, hackers, and worms. Among the core SP2 components covered in Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks are Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows Security Center. David Karp, veteran author of several titles in the Windows Annoyances series, is behind the wheel of this comprehensive guide, as well. Karp points out numerous SP2-related quirks and unaccountable behaviors that are guaranteed to increase your level of perplexity and frustration. By recognizing these shortcomings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks arms you with the knowledge to overcome them. Karp leaves no stone unturned in providing the ultimate resource for the ever-expanding Windows XP market. As a result, you'll be able to seize complete control of the Windows XP operating system--instead of the other way around.

Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks, 2nd Edition

by David A. Karp

Offering dozens of on-target tips, workarounds, and warnings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks allows users to improve their overall experience with the popular XP operating system. And now, with this updated edition, users can also expect detailed coverage of the newly released Service Pack 2 (SP2) technology, which provides protection against viruses, hacker, and worms. It's the ultimate resource for the ever-expanding Windows XP market.

Windows XP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Power Users & Administrators

by Preston Gralla Robbie Allen

Each year, Windows XP is pre-installed on 30 million PCs sold in the U.S.--and 90 million worldwide--making it the world's most popular operating system, and proving to frustrated users everywhere that preponderance does not equate to ease of use. There are literally thousands of programs, tools, commands, screens, scripts, buttons, tabs, applets, menus, and settings contained within Windows XP. And it has only been in the last couple of years that Microsoft's documentation has actually been more of a help than a hindrance. But it still isn't enough. Windows XP users and administrators need a quick and easy way to find answers. Plenty of books go into detail about the theory behind a particular technology or application, but few go straight to the essentials for getting the job done. Windows XP Cookbook does just that, tackling the most common tasks needed to install, manage, and support Windows XP. Featuring a new twist to O'Reilly's proven Cookbook formula, this problem-solving guide offers multiple solutions for each of its 300-plus recipes. Solve dilemmas with the graphical user interface, the command line, through the Registry, or by using scripts. Each step-by-step recipe includes a discussion that explains how and why it works. The book is also among the first to cover Microsoft's XP Service Pack 2. With these practical, on-the-job solutions, Windows XP Cookbook will save you hours of time searching for answers. Windows XP Cookbook will be useful to anyone that has to use, deploy, administer, or automate Windows XP. But this isn't a typical end-user book; it covers the spectrum of topics involved with running Windows XP in both small and large environments. As a result, IT professionals and system administrators will find it a great day-to-day reference. And power users will find Windows XP Cookbook a great source for information on tweaking XP and getting the most out of their systems. The bottom line is that Windows XP Cookbook will make just about anyone who uses XP more productive.

Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition

by Andy Rathbone

Windows is the world's most popular operating system, and Windows For Dummies is the bestselling computer book ever. When you look at Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition, it's easy to see why. Here's all the stuff you want to know, served up in plain English and seasoned with a few chuckles. But make no mistake, this book means business. Author Andy Rathbone listened to what you wanted to know, and this edition is loaded with additional information about E-mail, faxing, and troubleshooting Maximizing security features Customizing and upgrading Windows XP Multimedia applications-CDs, digital music and photos, video, and more Answers to questions asked by thousands of Windows users If you're just getting started with Windows XP, you'll find Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition is a lot easier than trying to get the fourth-grader next door to explain it to you. (Andy Rathbone is a lot more patient. ) There's a whole section devoted to "Windows XP Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know," so you can get the hang of the basics quickly and in the privacy of your own home. And if you've been around a couple of generations of Windows, you'll be especially interested in how to squeeze maximum security from the beefed-up anti-spam and firewall features in Service Pack 2. Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition is sort of like a buffet-you can sample everything, or just stick with the stuff you know you like. You'll find out how to Locate programs and files, organize your information, and fax, scan, or print documents Get online safely, send and receive e-mail, work with Internet Explorer's security toolbar, and steer clear of pop-ups, viruses, and spam Make Windows XP work the way you want it to, share your computer while maintaining your privacy, set up a network, and perform routine maintenance Transfer and organize pictures from your digital camera, edit digital video, and create custom CDs of your favorite tunes Use Windows XP's troubleshooting wizards and become your own computer doctor With its task-oriented table of contents and tear-out cheat sheet, Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition is easy to use. You can quickly find what you want to know, and you just may discover that this book is as important to your computer as the power cord.

Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual

by David Pogue

Windows XP powers millions of PCs and is without a doubt the most widely used operating system in the world today. This rock solid operating system offers dozens of features for consumers, plus powerful applications and integrated networking tools all blended into an elegant interface. But working your way through all of these features and applications can be complicated. Whether you use this software at home or at work, sometimes you just want to learn the most commonly used features, not every option and nuance. For anyone interested in zeroing in and learning just the information they need without all the complicated jargon, Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual provides just the solution. Author David Pogue delivers an accessible and much needed guide with his trademark humor and friendly style. Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual provides clear explanations, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, and plenty of illustrations that make for a refreshingly simple approach to XP. Far more than a skimpy introduction but much less daunting than a weighty tech book, Windows XP For Starters: The Missing Manual unveils easy tips and tricks for making the most of the XP experience. Whether you're a first-time user who just wants the basics, or an experienced user who simply needs a quick overview, our new Windows XP For Starters: The Missing Manual is designed from the ground up to save you time and deliver what you need to know. Find out why this book is exactly what you need.

Windows XP Hacks

by Preston Gralla

A smart collection of insider tips and tricks, Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition covers the XP operating system from start to finish. Among the multitude of topics addressed, this must-have resource includes extensive coverage of hot-button issues such as: security web browsing controlling the control panel removing uninstallable XP components pop-up ads You'll also find timesaving hacks for file distribution; digital media, such as iTunes; and high-visibility web software, services, and exploits that have emerged since the book's last edition. Each hack in the book can be read easily in just a few minutes, saving countless hours of searching for the right answer. Now completely revised and updated to cover Service Pack 2 (SP2), the second edition of this bestseller carefully breaks down the new features that come with SP2, including IE pop-up blocker, Windows Firewall, and the new wireless client. Written by Preston Gralla, the compact and affordable Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition provides direct, hands-on solutions that can be applied to the challenges facing XP beginners, as well as the more experienced power user. Each year, Windows XP is pre-installed on 90 million PCs worldwide, making it the world's most popular operating system.

Windows XP Hacks

by Preston Gralla

A smart collection of insider tips and tricks, Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition covers the XP operating system from start to finish. Among the multitude of topics addressed, this must-have resource includes extensive coverage of hot-button issues such as:securityweb browsingcontrolling the control panelremoving uninstallable XP componentspop-up adsYou'll also find timesaving hacks for file distribution; digital media, such as iTunes; and high-visibility web software, services, and exploits that have emerged since the book's last edition. Each hack in the book can be read easily in just a few minutes, saving countless hours of searching for the right answer.Now completely revised and updated to cover Service Pack 2 (SP2), the second edition of this bestseller carefully breaks down the new features that come with SP2, including IE pop-up blocker, Windows Firewall, and the new wireless client.Written by Preston Gralla, the compact and affordable Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition provides direct, hands-on solutions that can be applied to the challenges facing XP beginners, as well as the more experienced power user. Each year, Windows XP is pre-installed on 90 million PCs worldwide, making it the world's most popular operating system.

Windows XP Hacks, 2nd Edition

by Preston Gralla

Completely revised and updated, this smart collection of insider tips and tricks covers the XP operating system from start to finish, including all the new features that come with Service Pack 2 (SP2). You'll also find timesaving hacks for security, file distribution, digital media, web browsing, and more. An ideal all-in-one resource for XP beginners, as well as more experienced power users.

Windows XP Home Edition: The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition

by David Pogue

Windows XP Home Edition offers dozens of new features for consumers: an elegant user interface, drag-and-drop CD burning, and powerful ways to view and manage digital photos and music, among other features. With the release of Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows XP now provides better protection against viruses, worms, and malicious hackers. But it still comes without a single page of printed instructions. Fortunately, the new edition of Windows XP Home Edition: The Missing Manual fills the void. With its wealth of tips, instructions, and expert advice, this comprehensive resource is your ticket to making your time at the computer safer, easier, and more fun. And best of all, it's been updated to include detailed coverage of Service Pack 2. Written in easy-to-follow, jargon-free language, Windows XP Home Edition: The Missing Manual , Second Edition is perfectly suited for both first-time PC fans and budding power users. And like the rest of the Missing Manual series, it also relies on technical insight, crystal-clear objectivity, and a sense of humor--meaning no one will be left behind. The book begins with a tour of the Desktop and instructions for customizing the Taskbar and toolbars. It also includes a primer on how to organize files, folders, and windows for maximum efficiency. More advanced chapters explore control panels and built-in applications; walk through configurations like how to set up a PC for Internet use; and address the standard Windows rituals of troubleshooting, installation, and upgrading. For the height of manageability and control, the book also conveys all the need-to-know information about the security technologies featured in Windows XP SP2, so you can better defend yourself against viruses, worms, and hackers. Readers even receive guidelines and instructions for installing SP2 on their PC, or across a network of computers. Co-authored by David Pogue, New York Times computer columnist and Missing Manuals creator, this newly updated guide is the friendly, authoritative book that should have been in the box. It's sure to become your preferred guide whenever you sit down to Windows XP.

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