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Viruses, Hardware and Software Trojans: Attacks and Countermeasures
by Anatoly Belous Vitali SaladukhaThis book provides readers with a valuable reference on cyber weapons and, in particular, viruses, software and hardware Trojans. The authors discuss in detail the most dangerous computer viruses, software Trojans and spyware, models of computer Trojans affecting computers, methods of implementation and mechanisms of their interaction with an attacker — a hacker, an intruder or an intelligence agent. Coverage includes Trojans in electronic equipment such as telecommunication systems, computers, mobile communication systems, cars and even consumer electronics. The evolutionary path of development of hardware Trojans from "cabinets", "crates" and "boxes" to the microcircuits (IC) is also discussed. Readers will benefit from the detailed review of the major known types of hardware Trojans in chips, principles of their design, mechanisms of their functioning, methods of their introduction, means of camouflaging and detecting, as well as methods of protection and counteraction.
Viruses in all Dimensions: How an Information Code Controls Viruses, Software and Microorganisms
by Rafael BallMicroorganisms, viruses, and computer programs encode all the information necessary to reproduce and spread themselves. Yet these mechanisms are amazingly similar in the animate world, in the world of viruses, and even in the world of technical systems. The book shows how great the parallels are between these various animate and inanimate replicating systems and what they are based on.The excursion also leads into the fascinating world of genetics, to the question of what defines life and into the programming of software that multiplies itself independently. Finally, the question is derived whether and to what extent such self-replicating technical systems can become as dangerous as infectious viruses in triggering pandemics, such as the Corona pandemic in 2020.
Visibility-based Optimal Path and Motion Planning
by Paul Keng-Chieh WangThis monograph deals with various visibility-based path and motion planning problems motivated by real-world applications such as exploration and mapping planetary surfaces, environmental surveillance using stationary or mobile robots, and imaging of global air/pollutant circulation. The formulation and solution of these problems call for concepts and methods from many areas of applied mathematics including computational geometry, set-covering, non-smooth optimization, combinatorial optimization and optimal control. Emphasis is placed on the formulation of new problems and methods of approach to these problems. Since geometry and visualization play important roles in the understanding of these problems, intuitive interpretations of the basic concepts are presented before detailed mathematical development. The development of a particular topic begins with simple cases illustrated by specific examples, and then progresses forward to more complex cases. The intended readers of this monograph are primarily students and researchers in engineering, computer science and applied mathematics. An understanding of the mathematical development of the main results requires only basic knowledge of mathematical analysis, control, and optimization theories. Some exercises with various degrees of difficulty are provided at the end of the main chapters. The material presented here may serve as a portion of an introductory course or seminar on visibility-based optimal path and motion planning problems with the objective of stimulating interest and further studies in this relatively new area.
Visible Light Communications (Synthesis Lectures on Communications)
by Xin LinThis book describes the methods and application of Visible Light Communication (VLC) and covers topics such as light sources, detectors, VLC systems, optical modulation schemes, optical multiple-access techniques, new VLC standards, and current applications including ubiquitous indoor information services, visible-light wireless LAN (LiFi), underwater optical wireless communications, and VLC with art.
Visio 2007 For Dummies
by John Paul Mueller Debbie WalkowskiReveal your inner business artist with VisioTurn your ideas into diagrams and drawings with Visio's stencils and templatesIf you have an idea you want to get down on electronic paper, Visio 2007 is for you, and so is this book! They're both flexible and user-friendly. Here's how to use Visio to capture ideas from simple to intricate, update data in a drawing with a single click, add and manipulate text, work with connectors, and more.Discover how toCreate business, engineering, software, or network diagramsFormat an entire drawing using themesAnalyze "what-if" scenarios with PivotDiagramsProduce layered multipage drawingsSave drawings to publish on the Web
Visio Services Quick Guide
by Sahil Malik Srini SistlaIn this fast-paced 100-page guide, you'll learn to load, display and interact with dynamic, data-powered Visio diagrams in SharePoint 2013 or Office 365. Visio Services Quick Guide gives you the tools to build anything from a simple project workflow to an organizational infrastructure diagram, powered by real data from SharePoint or SQL Server. Colleagues can load your diagrams entirely in the browser, meaning that a single Visio client installation is enough to get started. Readers with JavaScript experience will also find out how to get additional control over Visio diagrams using the JavaScript mashup API, and how to build a custom data provider. The final chapter covers some useful information on administering Visio Services. Get started bringing your Visio diagrams to life with the Visio Services Quick Guide.
Vision and Actualization in Academia: Georgia Tech’s College of Computing (History of Computing)
by Peter A. FreemanAlthough difficult, change in academic structures is necessary today, especially in fast-changing fields today such as biology, computing, management, the social sciences, and others. This includes changes within existing organizations as well as creation of new structures and reorganizations or eliminations of older ones. This narrative attempts first to document the historical rise of an organization, Georgia Tech’s College of Computing, that has touched and successfully changed the lives of thousands of people. Second, it aims to identify and explicate some of what has led to this widely acknowledged success. The book provides a chronological narrative that highlights major changes taken under each successive leader. These changes have built on one another, knowingly or otherwise, to create a growing organization that rivals in size and prominence longer established parts of the university. The case study, while of an academic organization focused on computing, provides general lessons applicable almost anywhere. Topics and features: Discusses the nature and uses of visions, both general and specificShows how visions can be used to drive specific actions and resource allocationsIllustrates the choice and use of enduring organizational principlesOutlines a simple strategic-planning method and its applicationIndicates results of this overall approach This book will be of interest to anyone interested in organizational change, especially in academia, and to those interested in Georgia Tech. It will also appeal to policymakers in education, government, and industry; as well as anyone interested in the historical growth of the computing milieu broadly. Peter A. Freeman was Founding Dean and Professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech from 1990 to 2002. Today he is an Emeritus Dean and Professor.
Vision and Displays for Military and Security Applications
by Keith K. NiallThe book discusses advances in projection technologies used for simulation in military and security applications. More specifically, the subject of this book is using high-resolution projection display technology for simulating night vision device conditions while increasing the distance that objects can be simulated under simulated daylight conditions. Topics covered include: advances in high-resolution projection, advances in image generation, advances in geographic modelling or photogrammetric technologies, night vision goggle human factors research, night vision goggle training techniques. The book will have special features including graphs and systems operational architectural diagrams specific to these domains. The main benefit the reader will gain from this book is that it will present leading edge methods for conducting human factors research for night vision device research, while also presenting leading edge technologies used design and apply visual displays for current simulations.
Vision-Based Human Activity Recognition (SpringerBriefs in Intelligent Systems)
by Zhongxu Hu Chen LvThis book offers a systematic, comprehensive, and timely review on V-HAR, and it covers the related tasks, cutting-edge technologies, and applications of V-HAR, especially the deep learning-based approaches. The field of Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has become one of the trendiest research topics due to the availability of various sensors, live streaming of data and the advancement in computer vision, machine learning, etc. HAR can be extensively used in many scenarios, for example, medical diagnosis, video surveillance, public governance, also in human–machine interaction applications. In HAR, various human activities such as walking, running, sitting, sleeping, standing, showering, cooking, driving, abnormal activities, etc., are recognized. The data can be collected from wearable sensors or accelerometer or through video frames or images; among all the sensors, vision-based sensors are now the most widely used sensors due to their low-cost, high-quality, and unintrusive characteristics. Therefore, vision-based human activity recognition (V-HAR) is the most important and commonly used category among all HAR technologies.The addressed topics include hand gestures, head pose, body activity, eye gaze, attention modeling, etc. The latest advancements and the commonly used benchmark are given. Furthermore, this book also discusses the future directions and recommendations for the new researchers.
Vision Based Identification and Force Control of Industrial Robots (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #404)
by Abdullah Aamir Hayat Shraddha Chaudhary Riby Abraham Boby Arun Dayal Udai Sumantra Dutta Roy Subir Kumar Saha Santanu ChaudhuryThis book focuses on end-to-end robotic applications using vision and control algorithms, exposing its readers to design innovative solutions towards sensors-guided robotic bin-picking and assembly in an unstructured environment. The use of sensor fusion is demonstrated through a bin-picking task of texture-less cylindrical objects. The system identification techniques are also discussed for obtaining precise kinematic and dynamic parameters of an industrial robot which facilitates the control schemes to perform pick-and-place tasks autonomously without any interference from the user. The uniqueness of this book lies in a judicious balance between theory and technology within the context of industrial application. Therefore, it will be valuable to researchers working in the area of vision- and force control- based robotics, as well as beginners in this inter-disciplinary area, as it deals with the basics and technologically advanced research strategies.
Vision-based Pedestrian Protection Systems for Intelligent Vehicles
by Antonio M. López David GerónimoPedestrian Protection Systems (PPSs) are on-board systems aimed at detecting and tracking people in the surroundings of a vehicle in order to avoid potentially dangerous situations. These systems, together with other Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) such as lane departure warning or adaptive cruise control, are one of the most promising ways to improve traffic safety. By the use of computer vision, cameras working either in the visible or infra-red spectra have been demonstrated as a reliable sensor to perform this task. Nevertheless, the variability of human's appearance, not only in terms of clothing and sizes but also as a result of their dynamic shape, makes pedestrians one of the most complex classes even for computer vision. Moreover, the unstructured changing and unpredictable environment in which such on-board systems must work makes detection a difficult task to be carried out with the demanded robustness. In this brief, the state of the art in PPSs is introduced through the review of the most relevant papers of the last decade. A common computational architecture is presented as a framework to organize each method according to its main contribution. More than 300 papers are referenced, most of them addressing pedestrian detection and others corresponding to the descriptors (features), pedestrian models, and learning machines used. In addition, an overview of topics such as real-time aspects, systems benchmarking and future challenges of this research area are presented.
Vision Quanten-Internet: Ultraschnell und hackersicher
by Gösta FürnkranzDie Zukunft des Internets kann fantastisch werden! Mit neuer Quantentechnologie sind hackersicherer Informationsaustausch sowie ultraschnelle Datenverarbeitung möglich. Die Basis bildet Albert Einsteins „Quantenspuk“. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um Zauberei, sondern um knallharte Wissenschaft. Dieses Buch unternimmt eine faszinierende Reise durch die Welt unserer Quantenzukunft – vom ersten „Quantensatelliten“ zum Hochsicherheitsinternet, bis hin zur Quantencloud und weiteren, teils futuristischen Applikationen.Der Autor führt den Leser durch grundlegende quantenphysikalische Zusammenhänge, erklärt die Konzepte von Quantencomputer, -Kryptografie, -Teleportation und stellt ihren Bezug zum Quanteninternet her. Besonders die gesellschaftliche Relevanz, technische Schwierigkeiten und Implementierungsbeispiele werden unter die Lupe genommen. Thematisch passende Anekdoten lockern den Text auf. Mit diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Quanten das Internet revolutionieren können! "… in lebendiger Sprache wird der aktuelle Stand der Forschung in seiner ganzen Breite und Pracht dargestellt – lesenswert und kurzweilig!" Rupert Ursin, Gruppenleiter und Vizedirektor des Instituts für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Wien
Vision, Sensing and Analytics: Integrative Approaches (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #207)
by Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad Atsushi InoueThis book serves as the first guideline of the integrative approach, optimal for our new and young generations. Recent technology advancements in computer vision, IoT sensors, and analytics open the door to highly impactful innovations and applications as a result of effective and efficient integration of those. Such integration has brought to scientists and engineers a new approach —the integrative approach. This offers far more rapid development and scalable architecting when comparing to the traditional hardcore developmental approach. Featuring biomedical and healthcare challenges including COVID-19, we present a collection of carefully selective cases with significant added- values as a result of integrations, e.g., sensing with AI, analytics with different data sources, and comprehensive monitoring with many different sensors, while sustaining its readability.
Visionäre der Programmierung - Die Sprachen und ihre Schöpfer
by Federico Biancuzzi ChromaticIn Visionäre der Programmierung - Die Sprachen und ihre Schöpfer werden exklusive Interviews mit den Entwicklern von historischen wie auch von hoch aktuellen Programmiersprachen veröffentlicht. In dieser einzigartigen Zusammenstellung erfahren Sie über die Hintergründe, die zu den spezifischen Design-Entscheidungen in den Programmiersprachen geführt haben und über die ursprüngliche Ziele, die die Entwickler im Kopf hatten, als sie eine neue Programmiersprache entwarfen. Ebenso können Sie lesen, wieso Abweichungen zum ursprünglichen Design entstanden und welchen Einfluß die jeweilige Sprache auf die heutige Softwareentwicklung noch besitzt. Adin D. Falkoff: APL Thomas E. Kurtz: BASIC Charles H. Moore: FORTH Robin Milner: ML Donald D. Chamberlin: SQL Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger und Brian Kernighan: AWK Charles Geschke und John Warnock: PostScript Bjarne Stroustrup: C++ Bertrand Meyer: Eiffel Brad Cox und Tom Love: Objective-C Larry Wall: Perl Simon Peyton Jones, Paul Hudak, Philip Wadler und John Hughes: Haskell Guido van Rossum: Python Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo und Roberto Ierusalimschy: Lua James Gosling: Java Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson und James Rumbaugh: UML Anders Hejlsberg: Delphi-Entwickler und führender Entwickler von C#
Visions and Concepts for Education 4.0: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative and Blended Learning (ICBL2020) (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1314)
by Michael E. Auer Dan CenteaThis book contains papers in the fields of Interactive, Collaborative, and Blended Learning; Technology-Supported Learning; Education 4.0; Pedagogical and Psychological Issues. With growing calls for affordable and quality education worldwide, we are currently witnessing a significant transformation in the development of post-secondary education and pedagogical practices. Higher education is undergoing innovative transformations to respond to our urgent needs. The change is hastened by the global pandemic that is currently underway. The 9th International Conference on Interactive, Collaborative, and Blended Learning: Visions and Concepts for Education 4.0 was conducted in an online format at McMaster University, Canada, from 14th to 15th October 2020, to deliberate and share the innovations and strategies. This conference’s main objectives were to discuss guidelines and new concepts for engineering education in higher education institutions, including emerging technologies in learning; to debate new conference format in worldwide pandemic and post-pandemic conditions; and to discuss new technology-based tools and resources that drive the education in non-traditional ways such as Education 4.0. Since its beginning in 2007, this conference is devoted to new learning approaches with a focus on applications and experiences in the fields of interactive, collaborative, and blended learning and related new technologies. Currently, the ICBL conferences are forums to exchange recent trends, research findings, and disseminate practical experiences in collaborative and blended learning, and engineering pedagogy. The conference bridges the gap between ‘pure’ scientific research and the everyday work of educators. Interested readership includes policymakers, academics, educators, researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, school teachers, industry-centric educators, continuing education practitioners, etc.
Visions of DNA Nanotechnology at 40 for the Next 40: A Tribute to Nadrian C. Seeman (Natural Computing Series)
by Nataša Jonoska Erik WinfreeThis open access book provides a unique and state-of-the-art view on DNA nanotechnology with an eye toward future developments. Intended as a tribute to Nadrian C. Seeman, who founded the field of DNA nanotechnology, the content is an exciting mixture of technical and non-technical material, reviews, tutorials, perspectives, new findings, and open questions. The book aims to inspire current researchers to sit back and think about the big picture, while also enticing new researchers to enter the field. Most of all, the book captures voices from a unique moment in time: 40 years after the publication of the first paper that envisioned DNA nanotechnology.From this vantage point, what are the untold stories, the unspoken concerns, the underlying fundamental issues, the overlooked opportunities, and the unifying grand challenges? What will help us see more clearly, see more creatively, or see farther? What is transpiring right now that could pave the way for the future? To address these questions, leading researchers have contributed 22 chapters, grouped into five sections: perspectives, chemistry and physics, structures, biochemical circuits, and spatial systems.This book will be an important reference point in the field of DNA nanotechnology, both for established researchers looking to take stock of the field and its future, and for newcomers such as graduate students and researchers in other fields who are beginning to appreciate the power and applicability of its methods.
Visual Alchemy: The Fine Art Of Digital Montage
by Catherine McIntyreCatherine McIntyre, like many fine artists, created traditional art for decades before encountering the versatility of digital imaging technology. Free of her Rotring pens and scalpel, she now uses Photoshop to create her montages. Visual Alchemy explores McIntyre’s sources of inspiration as well as her methods, offering an aesthetic guide to composition, color, texture and all of the other means of communication that artists have at their disposal. While these concepts and techniques make use of Photoshop, they will apply to any digital imaging program and indeed to any medium, whether traditional or digital. Featuring McIntyre’s own art as well as that of artists around the globe, Visual Alchemy is an invitation to discover the artistic possibilities of picture making through digital montage.
Visual Analysis of Behaviour
by Shaogang Gong Tao XiangThis book presents a comprehensive treatment of visual analysis of behaviour from computational-modelling and algorithm-design perspectives. Topics: covers learning-group activity models, unsupervised behaviour profiling, hierarchical behaviour discovery, learning behavioural context, modelling rare behaviours, and "man-in-the-loop" active learning; examines multi-camera behaviour correlation, person re-identification, and "connecting-the-dots" for abnormal behaviour detection; discusses Bayesian information criterion, Bayesian networks, "bag-of-words" representation, canonical correlation analysis, dynamic Bayesian networks, Gaussian mixtures, and Gibbs sampling; investigates hidden conditional random fields, hidden Markov models, human silhouette shapes, latent Dirichlet allocation, local binary patterns, locality preserving projection, and Markov processes; explores probabilistic graphical models, probabilistic topic models, space-time interest points, spectral clustering, and support vector machines.
Visual Analysis of Humans
by Leonid Sigal Thomas B. Moeslund Volker Krüger Adrian HiltonThis unique text/reference provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of all aspects of video analysis of humans. Broad in coverage and accessible in style, the text presents original perspectives collected from preeminent researchers gathered from across the world. In addition to presenting state-of-the-art research, the book reviews the historical origins of the different existing methods, and predicts future trends and challenges. Features: with a Foreword by Professor Larry Davis; contains contributions from an international selection of leading authorities in the field; includes an extensive glossary; discusses the problems associated with detecting and tracking people through camera networks; examines topics related to determining the time-varying 3D pose of a person from video; investigates the representation and recognition of human and vehicular actions; reviews the most important applications of activity recognition, from biometrics and surveillance, to sports and driver assistance.
Visual Analytics for Dashboards: A Step-by-Step Guide to Principles and Practical Techniques
by Arshad KhanThis book covers the key principles, best practices, and practical techniques for designing and implementing visually compelling dashboards. It explores the various stages of the dashboard development process, from understanding user needs and defining goals, to selecting appropriate visual encodings, designing effective layouts, and employing interactive elements. It also addresses the critical aspect of data storytelling, examining how narratives and context can be woven into dashboards to deliver impactful insights and engage audiences. Visual Analytics for Dashboards is designed to cater to a wide range of readers, from beginners looking to grasp the fundamentals of visual analytics, to seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their dashboard design skills. For different types of readers, such as a data analyst, BI professional, data scientist, or simply someone interested in data visualization, this book aims to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to create impactful dashboards. What you’ll learn The principles of data visualization How to create effective dashboards Meet all the requirements for visual analytics/data visualization/dashboard courses Deepen understanding of data presentation and analysis How to use different kinds of tools for data analysis, such as scorecards and key performance indicators Who This Book Is For Business analysts, data analysts, BI professionals, end-users, executives, developers, as well as students in dashboards, data visualizations, and visual analytics courses.
Visual Analytics with Tableau
by Alexander LothA four-color journey through a complete Tableau visualization Tableau is a popular data visualization tool that’s easy for individual desktop use as well as enterprise. Used by financial analysts, marketers, statisticians, business and sales leadership, and many other job roles to present data visually for easy understanding, it’s no surprise that Tableau is an essential tool in our data-driven economy. Visual Analytics with Tableau is a complete journey in Tableau visualization for a non-technical business user. You can start from zero, connect your first data, and get right into creating and publishing awesome visualizations and insightful dashboards. • Learn the different types of charts you can create • Use aggregation, calculated fields, and parameters • Create insightful maps • Share interactive dashboards Geared toward beginners looking to get their feet wet with Tableau, this book makes it easy and approachable to get started right away.
Visual and Text Sentiment Analysis through Hierarchical Deep Learning Networks (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Arindam ChaudhuriThis book presents the latest research on hierarchical deep learning for multi-modal sentiment analysis. Further, it analyses sentiments in Twitter blogs from both textual and visual content using hierarchical deep learning networks: hierarchical gated feedback recurrent neural networks (HGFRNNs). Several studies on deep learning have been conducted to date, but most of the current methods focus on either only textual content, or only visual content. In contrast, the proposed sentiment analysis model can be applied to any social blog dataset, making the book highly beneficial for postgraduate students and researchers in deep learning and sentiment analysis. The mathematical abstraction of the sentiment analysis model is presented in a very lucid manner. The complete sentiments are analysed by combining text and visual prediction results. The book’s novelty lies in its development of innovative hierarchical recurrent neural networks for analysing sentiments; stacking of multiple recurrent layers by controlling the signal flow from upper recurrent layers to lower layers through a global gating unit; evaluation of HGFRNNs with different types of recurrent units; and adaptive assignment of HGFRNN layers to different timescales. Considering the need to leverage large-scale social multimedia content for sentiment analysis, both state-of-the-art visual and textual sentiment analysis techniques are used for joint visual-textual sentiment analysis. The proposed method yields promising results from Twitter datasets that include both texts and images, which support the theoretical hypothesis.
Visual Attributes
by Devi Parikh Christoph Lampert Rogerio Schmidt FerisThis unique text/reference provides a detailed overview of the latest advances in machine learning and computer vision related to visual attributes, highlighting how this emerging field intersects with other disciplines, such as computational linguistics and human-machine interaction. Topics and features: presents attribute-based methods for zero-shot classification, learning using privileged information, and methods for multi-task attribute learning; describes the concept of relative attributes, and examines the effectiveness of modeling relative attributes in image search applications; reviews state-of-the-art methods for estimation of human attributes, and describes their use in a range of different applications; discusses attempts to build a vocabulary of visual attributes; explores the connections between visual attributes and natural language; provides contributions from an international selection of world-renowned scientists, covering both theoretical aspects and practical applications.
Visual Basic 2005: A Developer's Notebook
by Matthew MacdonaldWhen Microsoft introduced the Visual Basic .NET programming language, as part of its move to the .NET Framework two years ago, many developers willingly made the switch. Millions of others, however, continued to stick with Visual Basic 6. They weren't ready for such a radical change, which included an object-oriented environment similar to Java. They liked the old Visual Basic just fine. In an effort to win over those diehard VB6 developers, the company has included a new version of VB.NET in its upcoming next generation release of the Visual Studio .NET development platform. Visual Basic 2005 comes with innovative language constructs, new compiler features, dramatically enhanced productivity and an improved debugging experience. The language's new version is now available in beta release, and Microsoft is encouraging developers to give it a test drive. Visual Basic 2005: A Developer's Notebook provides the ideal test track. With nearly 50 hands-on projects, this practical introduction to VB 2005 will bring you up to speed on all the new features of this language by allowing you to work with them directly. The book summarizes the changes that VB 2005 brings, and tells you how to acquire, install and configure the beta version of VB 2005 SDK. Each project or experiment explores a different feature, with emphasis on changes that can increase productivity, simplify programming tasks, and help you add new functionality to your applications. This one-of-a-kind book also offers suggestions for further experimentation, links to on-line documentation and other sources of information, and practical notes and warnings from the author. The new Developer's Notebooks series from O'Reilly offers an in-depth first look at important new tools for software developers. Emphasizing example over explanation and practice over theory, they focus on learning by doing you'll get the goods straight from the masters, in an informal and code-intensive style. For those who want to get up speed with VB 2005 right away, this is the perfect all lab, no lecture guide.
Visual Basic 2005 Cookbook: Solutions for VB 2005 Programmers (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))
by Tim Patrick John Clark CraigThis book will help you solve more than 300 of the most common and not-so-common tasks that working Visual Basic 2005 programmers face every day. If you're a seasoned .NET developer, beginning Visual Basic programmer, or a developer seeking a simple and clear migration path from VB6 to Visual Basic 2005, the Visual Basic 2005 Cookbook delivers a practical collection of problem-solving recipes for a broad range of Visual Basic programming tasks. The concise solutions and examples in the Visual Basic 2005 Cookbook range from simple tasks to the more complex, organized by the types of problems you need to solve. Nearly every recipe contains a complete, documented code sample showing you how to solve the specific problem, as well as a discussion of how the underlying technology works and that outlines alternatives, limitations, and other considerations. As with all O'Reilly Cookbooks, each recipe helps you quickly understand a problem, learn how to solve it, and anticipate potential tradeoffs or ramifications. Useful features of the book include: Over 300 recipes written in the familiar O'Reilly Problem-Solution-Discussion format Hundreds of code snippets, examples, and complete solutions available for download VB6 updates to alert VB6 programmers to code-breaking changes in Visual Basic 2005 Recipes that target Visual Basic 2005 features not included in previous releases Code examples covering everyday data manipulation techniques and language fundamentals Advanced projects focusing on multimedia and mathematical transformations using linear algebraic methods Specialized topics covering files and file systems, printing, and databasesIn addition, you'll find chapters on cryptography and compression, graphics, and special programming techniques. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, the Visual Basic 2005 Cookbook is sure to save you time, serving up the code you need, when you need it.