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Showing 55,701 through 55,725 of 56,203 results

Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories

by Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack Esther Dyson

Geared toward women who are considering getting into tech, or those already in a tech job who want to take their career to the next level, this book combines practical career advice and inspiring personal stories from successful female tech professionals Brianna Wu (founder, Giant Spacekat), Angie Chang (founder, Women 2.0), Keren Elazari (TED speaker and cybersecurity expert), Katie Cunningham (Python educator and developer), Miah Johnson (senior systems administrator), Kristin Toth Smith (tech executive and inventor), and Kamilah Taylor (mobile and social developer). Written by a female startup CEO and featuring a host of other successful contributors, this book will help dismantle the unconscious social bias against women in the tech industry. Readers will learn:· The secrets of salary negotiation · The best format for tech resumes · How to ace a tech interview · The perks of both contracting (W-9) and salaried full-time work · The secrets of mentorship · How to start your own company · And much more

Women Leaders in Chaotic Environments: Examinations of Leadership Using Complexity Theory (Lecture Notes in Social Networks)

by Şefika Şule Erçetin

This book spotlights how women leaders behave in chaotic environments and features examples of women who have been key figures in determining complex socio-economic outcomes throughout history. Women leaders can be seen on many high- levels in the political arena, be they a prime minister, empress or opinion leader. From Kösem Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to Benazir Bhutto, women leaders have had an undeniable effect on modern history. Is it possible to understand the current role of women in politics in Turkey without the First Lady Emine Erdoğan? Can we analyze Europe’s future without Angela Merkel? There are many different books about women leaders' biography or memoirs of persons who worked closely with them. However, until now, no in-depth scientific analysis of such women leaders with respect to chaos and complexity theory has been available. This work represents a unique and important step towards filling this gap in research, and includes an epilogue presenting women’s leadership model visualized by an eight-pointed star.

The Women of the Far Right: Social Media Influencers and Online Radicalization

by Eviane Leidig

On mainstream social media platforms, far-right women make extremism relatable. They share Instagram stories about organic foods that help pregnant women propagate the “pure” white race and post behind-the-scenes selfies at antivaccination rallies. These social media personalities model a feminine lifestyle, at once promoting their personal brands and radicalizing their followers. Amid discussions of issues like dating, marriage, and family life, they call on women to become housewives to counteract the corrosive effects of feminism and champion the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, which motivated massacres in Christchurch, El Paso, and Buffalo.Eviane Leidig offers an in-depth look into the world of far-right women influencers, exploring the digital lives they cultivate as they seek new recruits for white nationalism. Going beyond stereotypes of the typical male white supremacist, she uncovers how young, attractive women are playing key roles as propagandists, organizers, fundraisers, and entrepreneurs. Leidig argues that far-right women are marketing themselves as authentic and accessible in order to reach new followers and spread a hateful ideology. This insidious—and highly gendered—strategy takes advantage of the structure of social media platforms, where far-right women influencers’ content is shared with and promoted to mainstream audiences. Providing much-needed expertise on gender and the far right, this timely and accessible book also details online and offline approaches to countering extremism.

Women Political Leaders and the Media

by Donatella Campus

This book analyzes how the media covers women leaders and reinforces gendered evaluations of their candidacies and performance. It deals with current transformations in political communication that may change the nature and scope of leadership in contemporary democracies with implications for relations between female leaders, media and citizens.

Women Securing the Future with TIPPSS for IoT: Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, Security for the Internet of Things (Women in Engineering and Science)

by Florence D. Hudson

This book provides insight and expert advice on the challenges of Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security (TIPPSS) for the growing Internet of Things (IoT) in our connected world. Contributors cover physical, legal, financial and reputational risk in connected products and services for citizens and institutions including industry, academia, scientific research, healthcare and smart cities. As an important part of the Women in Science and Engineering book series, the work highlights the contribution of women leaders in TIPPSS for IoT, inspiring women and men, girls and boys to enter and apply themselves to secure our future in an increasingly connected world. The book features contributions from prominent female engineers, scientists, business and technology leaders, policy and legal experts in IoT from academia, industry and government.Provides insight into women’s contributions to the field of Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security (TIPPSS) for IoTPresents information from academia, research, government and industry into advances, applications, and threats to the growing field of cybersecurity and IoTIncludes topics such as hacking of IoT devices and systems including healthcare devices, identity and access management, the issues of privacy and your civil rights, and more

Women's Voices in the Field of Educational Technology

by J. Ana Donaldson

In a professional world that has a tradition of the "good old boy" network, women long have fought for recognition in the educational technology field. In this book authors discuss the women in their own lives who have made the difference for them in their professional development. A group of 31 individuals from the USA, Canada, Northern Cyprus, the UK, and South Korea were asked to be part of this endeavor. The breadth of the list was intended to bring together as many perspectives as possible. Some stories included in this book are deeply private, others offer historical perspectives of women's roles in educational technology, while others focus on mentoring. This book is intended as a resource for all individuals in the field of educational technology, instructional design, and learning design at a national and international level.

WooCommerce Cookbook

by Patrick Rauland

If you have ever built or managed a WordPress site and want to add e-commerce functionality into your site, WooCommerce and this book are perfect for you. Learning how to use WooCommerce through this series of recipes will give you a solid platform to add any future e-commerce needs.

Word 2000 in a Nutshell

by Walter Glenn

Word 2000 in a Nutshellis a clear, concise, and complete reference to the most popular word-processing program in the world. This book is the first choice of the Word power user who needs help completing a specific task or understanding a command or topic. It's also an invaluable resource that uncovers Word 2000's undocumented features and shares powerful time-saving tips.

Word 2003 For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by Dan Gookin

Want to write great looking documents but can’t seem to get a handle on paragraph structuring? Unfamiliar with some of the buttons and functions on your menu bar? Need to add page numbers for a paper but can’t find the controls? Word 2003 For Dummies will show you the quick and easy way to navigate through the trickiness of Microsoft Word. This book will be your comprehensive guide to using this word processor like a pro. Word 2003 For Dummies shows you all the essentials of building, reviewing, and adding cool new features to Word documents. No wonder the previous editions sold over 1.7 million copies. This book makes it easy to catch on, because it: Adopts a beginner’s point of view in order to show you the basics of running the program. Includes complete walkthroughs for many features Reveals tips, tricks, and wizards to make Word a snap Covers more advanced techniques, making it a reliable reference at any level Written by the author of the first For Dummies book ever, DOS For Dummies, as well as the bestselling Word 2002 For Dummies and PCs For Dummies With Word 2003 For Dummies, you’ll get all the information you need to be the most productive with Word. No longer will you be spending less time working and more time make Word work. You’ll be creating fantastic-looking documents in no time!

Word 2003 Personal Trainer

by Customguide Inc

As the most complete and engaging tutorial available for Word, this invaluable guide details all of the latest advancements to the popular Microsoft Office word processor. Features sections on templates, WordArt, charts, drawings, plus advanced topics like how to perform mail merges and create web pages. Includes a companion CD tutorial to guide you through each lesson interactively. Part of our new Personal Trainer Series, this book is based on content from CustomGuide ("> ), a leading provider of computer training materials. Founded by instructors who grew dissatisfied with the industry's dry course materials, CustomGuide offers courseware (for instructors and students), quick references, to software bulletins and e-learning courses that are fun, flexible, and easy to use.

Word 2007: The Missing Manual

by Chris Grover

Microsoft Word has grown considerably in power, sophistication and capability over the past decade, but one thing that hasn't changed since the early '90s is its user interface. The simple toolbar in version 2.0 has been packed with so many features since then that few users know where to find them all. Consequently, more and more people are looking for "insider" tips that will allow them to use these advanced and often hidden features. Microsoft has addressed this problem in Word 2007 by radically redesigning the user interface with a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate and use. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation is as scant as ever, so even though you will be able to find advanced features, you might not know what to do with them. Word 2007: The Missing Manual , written specifically for this version of the software, explains basics like how to create documents, enter and edit text, format, print, and fax. You will will also learn how to create sophisticated page layouts, insert forms and tables, use graphics, and create book-length documents with outlines and Master Documents. Coverage also includes how to share documents with other people and programs, create web pages, automate documents with fields, and automate tasks with macros and the Visual Basic scripting language. This book shows you how to do it all.

Word 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

by Lowe

Nine minibooks provide new and inexperienced Word users with the know-how to optimize the features of the long-anticipated release of the latest version of WordValuable minibooks cover Word basics; formatting text; various editing techniques; working with letters, envelopes, and labels; adding graphics; Web publishing; advanced document features; customizing Word; and programming Word with VBAOffers insightful information for creating key documents such as reports, letters, business plans, and more for both the Web and printHelps readers take advantage of the new Word features, including advanced collaboration, a results-oriented user interface, pre-built layouts, and more

Word 2007 For Dummies (For Dummies Computers Ser.)

by Dan Gookin

Dan Gookin's For Dummies guides to Word have consistently led the pack, selling more than 1.7 million copies in previous editions The author's irreverent sense of humor and crystal-clear prose make getting up to speed on Word a snap Thoroughly updated to cover Word's new interface, new file format options, and new collaboration and connectivity features An essential resource for everyone who wants to hit the ground running with Word 2007 and make the most of all the new features

Word 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual)

by Chris Grover

Fast-paced and easy to read, this concise book teaches you the basics of Word 2007 so you can start using the program right away. Not only will you learn how to work with Word's most useful features to create documents, format and edit text, share the results and more, you'll also discover how to go beyond basic documents to handle graphics, create page layouts, and use forms and tables. The new Word is radically different from previous versions, but with this convenient book, you can breeze through the new user interface and its timesaving features in no time with: Clear explanations Step-by-step instructions Lots of illustrations Larger type Plenty of friendly advice Word is used primarily for word processing, but there's more to this powerful program than meets the eye. It also offers a staggering array of advanced features that were once found only in page layout programs and graphics software. Many of these features are hidden among Word's cluttered menus, and even the pros can't find them all. For Word 2007, Microsoft redesigned the user interface completely, adding a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation is as poor as ever, so even if you find the features you need, you still may not know what to do with them. Word 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual helps you master Word's redesigned user interface and gives you exactly what you need to create unique, attractive and effective documents.

Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by Chris Grover

Poznaj najg??biej ukryte tajniki Worda 2007 Jak korzysta? z nowego paska narz?dziowego? Jak tworzy?, formatowa? i drukowa? dokumenty tekstowe? Jak spersonalizowa? Worda za pomocš makropolece?? Czujesz si? zdezorientowany, gdy patrzysz na interfejs najnowszej wersji Worda? Chcesz si? przekona?, czy Word 2007 jest faktycznie nowy, czy tylko od?wie?ony? Zastanawiasz si?, jak bardzo ta wersja mo?e usprawni? Twojš prac?? Word 2007 zosta? niemal ca?kowicie przekonstruowany w stosunku do swoich poprzedników. Nowy interfejs u?ytkownika, inna filozofia korzystania z narz?dzi, wi?cej zabezpiecze? i funkcji automatyzujšcych prac? -- to wszystko sprawia, ?e przesiadka z poprzedniej wersji mo?e okaza? si? do?? trudna. W takich przypadkach suchy opis zawarty w dokumentacji nie zawsze jest najlepszym ?ród?em informacji. "Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" to omówienie mo?liwo?ci najnowszej wersji najpopularniejszego edytora tekstu, znacznie wykraczajšce poza instrukcj? obs?ugi. Znajdziesz w nim informacje o zaletach i wadach Worda, zasadach korzystania z nowych narz?dzi oraz opisy dzia?ania niemal wszystkich jego funkcji. Dowiesz si?, jak tworzy? dokumenty, formatowa? tekst oraz dodawa? do niego ilustracje, przypisy i odno?niki. Nauczysz si? korzysta? z konspektu, tworzy? spisy tre?ci i skorowidze, drukowa? dokumenty i publikowa? je w internecie. Poznasz tak?e sposoby przyspieszania i automatyzowania najcz??ciej wykonywanych zada? za pomocš makropolece? oraz j?zyka VBA. Tworzenie nowego dokumentu Praca z plikami Wprowadzanie i formatowanie tekstu Korzystanie z autokorekty i sprawdzania pisowni Drukowanie dokumentów Tworzenie d?ugich dokumentów Konspekty, spisy tre?ci i skorowidze Wstawianie do dokumentów grafiki i elementów multimedialnych Korespondencja seryjna Praca grupowa Konfiguracja interfejsu u?ytkownika Tworzenie makropolece? i skryptów VBA Poznaj Worda 2007 z ka?dej strony.

Word 2010: Basic Student Manual

by Axzo Press Staff

This ILT Series course covers the basic functions and features of Word 2010. After an introduction to Word's window components, students will learn how to use the Help system and navigate documents. Then they will enter and edit text, create and save documents, and learn how to enhance the appearance of a document by using various formatting options. They will also create tables, insert headers and footers, proof and print documents, and insert graphics.

Word 2010: Intermediate Student Manual (First Look Edition)

by Axzo Press Staff

This ILT Series course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Word 2010: Basic, First Look Edition. Students will work with styles, sections, and columns. They will format tables, print labels and envelopes, and work with graphics. They will also use document templates, manage document revisions, and work with Web features.

Word 2010 All-in-One For Dummies

by Ryan C. Williams Lowe

A complete guide to the world's most popular word processing softwareMicrosoft Word is the most popular word processing software on the planet, and the most-used application in the Microsoft Office productivity suite. Along with the rest of Office, Word has been enhanced with new features and capabilities in the 2010 version.Word's many users will find new things to learn and use in Word 2010, and this all-in-one guide gets them up to speed while providing a reference for taking Word to the next level.Word is the top-selling application in the Microsoft Office suite and is the leading word processing softwareBoth newcomers to Word and experienced users will need instruction in Word 2010's new features, including online editing capabilities, online document collaboration, and an improved search functionNine minibooks cover Word basics, editing, formatting, inserting bits and pieces, publishing documents, using reference features, mailings, customizing Word, and special features for developersWord 2010 All-in-One For Dummies makes it easier for Word users everywhere to get up and running with Word 2010 and its new features.

Word 2010 Bible

by Herb Tyson

In-depth guidance on Word 2010 from a Microsoft MVPMicrosoft Word 2010 arrives with many changes and improvements, and this comprehensive guide from Microsoft MVP Herb Tyson is your expert, one-stop resource for it all. Master Word's new features such as a new interface and customized Ribbon, major new productivity-boosting collaboration tools, how to publish directly to blogs, how to work with XML, and much more. Follow step-by-step instructions and best practices, avoid pitfalls, discover practical workarounds, and get the very most out of your new Word 2010 with this packed guide.

Word 2010 eLearning Kit For Dummies

by Lois Lowe

Use this step-by-step learning package to master Word 2010Word 2010 is one of the core applications of Microsoft Office and if you're eager to get started using all it has to offer, this value-packed eLearning Kit is essential to your learning process. This complete Word 2010 course includes a full-color printed book and a Dummies interactive eLearning course on CD. You'll discover the basics of the Word interface, how to navigate it, how to get comfortable with the terminology, and how to use its many features. Detailed instructions walk you through real-world exercises and help to make learning easier!Follow the material sequentially or jump in and out as you wish. It's set up so you can learn at your own pace. Throughout, you will benefit from illustrations, animations, voiceover explanations, and the option of closed captioning if you find you learn better when you can read the instructions.Helps self-motivated learners get familiar with Word 2010 Walks you through creating and formatting a Word document, guiding you through the entire process so that you get a solid understanding of the importance and potential of every step Includes an easy-to-follow, full-color book and an interactive Dummies eLearning Course that corresponds with the book on CD Allows you to follow the material sequentially or choose separate sections at your own time and pace Offers chapter summaries, practice exercises, discussions of concepts and essential terms, and much moreWord 2010 eLearning Kit For Dummies helps you get the most the software has to offer, so you can start creating Word docs that wow in no time at all!Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.

Word 2010 For Dummies

by Dan Gookin

Dan Gookin gets you up to speed so you can get down to work with all the new features of Word 2010! Bestselling and quintessential For Dummies author Dan Gookin employs his usual fun and friendly candor while walking you through the spectrum of new features of Word 2010. Completely in tune with the needs of the beginning Word user, Gookin shows you how to use Word quickly and efficiently so that you can spend more time working on your projects and less time trying to figure out how to make Word perform the tasks you need it to do. This newest edition of Word For Dummies explains how to navigate the user interface and take advantages of file formats, and skips the unnecessary jargon. Unparalleled author Dan Gookin applies his beloved For Dummies writing style to introduce you to all the features and functions of Word 2010 Escorts you through the capabilities of Word 2010 without weighing you down with unnecessary technical jargon Deciphers the user interface and shows you how to take advantage of the file formats The word on the street is that Word 2010 For Dummies is a must-read!

Word 2010 For Dummies

by Dan Gookin

Dan Gookin gets you up to speed so you can get down to work with all the new features of Word 2010! Bestselling and quintessential For Dummies author Dan Gookin employs his usual fun and friendly candor while walking you through the spectrum of new features of Word 2010. Completely in tune with the needs of the beginning Word user, Gookin shows you how to use Word quickly and efficiently so that you can spend more time working on your projects and less time trying to figure out how to make Word perform the tasks you need it to do. This newest edition of Word For Dummies explains how to navigate the user interface and take advantages of file formats, and skips the unnecessary jargon. Unparalleled author Dan Gookin applies his beloved For Dummies writing style to introduce you to all the features and functions of Word 2010 Escorts you through the capabilities of Word 2010 without weighing you down with unnecessary technical jargon Deciphers the user interface and shows you how to take advantage of the file formats The word on the street is that Word 2010 For Dummies is a must-read!

Word 2010 für Dummies: Sonderausgabe (Für Dummies)

by Dan Gookin

Mit Word 2010 kann man mehr als nur Texte verfassen. Der Bestsellerautor Dan Gookin weiht Sie in die Geheimnisse von Word 2010 und in seine neue Benutzeroberfläche ein. Er zeigt Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie Texte formatieren und strukturieren, Schriftarten ändern, mit Formatvorlagen arbeiten sowie Tabellen einfügen. Außerdem verrät er viele Tricks, wie Sie mit Word noch effektiver arbeiten und welche Abkürzungen Sie über die Tastatur nehmen können. Mit diesem Buch kommen Word-Neulinge und Umsteiger auf die Version 2010 schnell und sicher mit diesem Programm zurecht.

Word 2010 Simplified

by Elaine Marmel

Simply the easiest way yet to get up to speed on Word 2010 Microsoft Word 2010 includes all sorts of new features and functionalities, a redesigned interface, new emphasis on collaboration, and many additional changes. Both users of previous editions and those new to the Office applications will appreciate the clear, visual instruction in this book. With step-by-step instructions and large, full-color screen shots demonstrating dozens of Word 2010 tasks, Word 2010 Simplified gets you up and running faster than you ever thought possible. Word is the most-used application in Microsoft Office, which holds more than 90 percent of the market for Windows-based productivity suites The new version of Word includes many changes and new features; both newcomers to Word and users of previous editions will appreciate this clear, visual introduction to the program A streamlined interior with large font and screenshots, makes this guide easy to follow for all users at any age Covers the basics, document fundamentals, formatting documents and adding graphics, collaborating and sharing documents, how and when to use Office Web Applications, and much more If you learn best when you see how things are done, or if you just want a quick and easy guide to familiarize you with the new features of Word 2010, Word 2010 Simplified fills the bill.

Word 2012 in Simple Steps

by Kogent Learning Solutions Inc

This book helps the reader to learn MS Word 2010, the latest word processing application launched from Microsoft. Being precise and complete, the book offers its readers a cutting edge in the field of MS Word 2010 by providing information on new features introduced in MS Word 2010, such as, Background Removal tool, improved WordArt, and enhanced navigation pane. An easy-to-understand style, lots of examples to support the concepts, and use of practical approach in presentation are some of the features that make the book unique in itself. The text in the book is presented in such a way that it will be equally helpful to the beginners as well as to the professionals.

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