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Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing

by Paul Azunre

Build custom NLP models in record time by adapting pre-trained machine learning models to solve specialized problems.Summary In Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing you will learn: Fine tuning pretrained models with new domain data Picking the right model to reduce resource usage Transfer learning for neural network architectures Generating text with generative pretrained transformers Cross-lingual transfer learning with BERT Foundations for exploring NLP academic literature Training deep learning NLP models from scratch is costly, time-consuming, and requires massive amounts of data. In Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing, DARPA researcher Paul Azunre reveals cutting-edge transfer learning techniques that apply customizable pretrained models to your own NLP architectures. You&’ll learn how to use transfer learning to deliver state-of-the-art results for language comprehension, even when working with limited label data. Best of all, you&’ll save on training time and computational costs. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology Build custom NLP models in record time, even with limited datasets! Transfer learning is a machine learning technique for adapting pretrained machine learning models to solve specialized problems. This powerful approach has revolutionized natural language processing, driving improvements in machine translation, business analytics, and natural language generation. About the book Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing teaches you to create powerful NLP solutions quickly by building on existing pretrained models. This instantly useful book provides crystal-clear explanations of the concepts you need to grok transfer learning along with hands-on examples so you can practice your new skills immediately. As you go, you&’ll apply state-of-the-art transfer learning methods to create a spam email classifier, a fact checker, and more real-world applications. What's inside Fine tuning pretrained models with new domain data Picking the right model to reduce resource use Transfer learning for neural network architectures Generating text with pretrained transformers About the reader For machine learning engineers and data scientists with some experience in NLP. About the author Paul Azunre holds a PhD in Computer Science from MIT and has served as a Principal Investigator on several DARPA research programs. Table of Contents PART 1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 1 What is transfer learning? 2 Getting started with baselines: Data preprocessing 3 Getting started with baselines: Benchmarking and optimization PART 2 SHALLOW TRANSFER LEARNING AND DEEP TRANSFER LEARNING WITH RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS (RNNS) 4 Shallow transfer learning for NLP 5 Preprocessing data for recurrent neural network deep transfer learning experiments 6 Deep transfer learning for NLP with recurrent neural networks PART 3 DEEP TRANSFER LEARNING WITH TRANSFORMERS AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES 7 Deep transfer learning for NLP with the transformer and GPT 8 Deep transfer learning for NLP with BERT and multilingual BERT 9 ULMFiT and knowledge distillation adaptation strategies 10 ALBERT, adapters, and multitask adaptation strategies 11 Conclusions

Transfer Learning through Embedding Spaces

by Mohammad Rostami

Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized our everyday life. Many AI algorithms have reached human-level performance and AI agents are replacing humans in most professions. It is predicted that this trend will continue and 30% of work activities in 60% of current occupations will be automated. This success, however, is conditioned on availability of huge annotated datasets to training AI models. Data annotation is a time-consuming and expensive task which still is being performed by human workers. Learning efficiently from less data is a next step for making AI more similar to natural intelligence. Transfer learning has been suggested a remedy to relax the need for data annotation. The core idea in transfer learning is to transfer knowledge across similar tasks and use similarities and previously learned knowledge to learn more efficiently. In this book, we provide a brief background on transfer learning and then focus on the idea of transferring knowledge through intermediate embedding spaces. The idea is to couple and relate different learning through embedding spaces that encode task-level relations and similarities. We cover various machine learning scenarios and demonstrate that this idea can be used to overcome challenges of zero-shot learning, few-shot learning, domain adaptation, continual learning, lifelong learning, and collaborative learning.

Transfer Operators, Endomorphisms, and Measurable Partitions (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2217)

by Sergey Bezuglyi Palle E. Jorgensen

The subject of this book stands at the crossroads of ergodic theory and measurable dynamics. With an emphasis on irreversible systems, the text presents a framework of multi-resolutions tailored for the study of endomorphisms, beginning with a systematic look at the latter. This entails a whole new set of tools, often quite different from those used for the “easier” and well-documented case of automorphisms. Among them is the construction of a family of positive operators (transfer operators), arising naturally as a dual picture to that of endomorphisms. The setting (close to one initiated by S. Karlin in the context of stochastic processes) is motivated by a number of recent applications, including wavelets, multi-resolution analyses, dissipative dynamical systems, and quantum theory. The automorphism-endomorphism relationship has parallels in operator theory, where the distinction is between unitary operators in Hilbert space and more general classes of operators such as contractions. There is also a non-commutative version: While the study of automorphisms of von Neumann algebras dates back to von Neumann, the systematic study of their endomorphisms is more recent; together with the results in the main text, the book includes a review of recent related research papers, some by the co-authors and their collaborators.

Transferring Information Literacy Practices

by Billy Tak Leung Jingzhen Xie Linlin Geng Priscilla Nga Pun

This book focuses on information literacy for the younger generation of learners and library readers. It is divided into four sections: 1. Information Literacy for Life; 2. Searching Strategies, Disciplines and Special Topics; 3. Information Literacy Tools for Evaluating and Utilizing Resources; 4. Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Written by librarians with wide experience in research and services, and a strong academic background in disciplines such as the humanities, social sciences, information technology, and library science, this valuable reference resource combines both theory and practice. In today's ever-changing era of information, it offers students of library and information studies insights into information literacy as well as learning tips they can use for life.

The Transform and Data Compression Handbook (Electrical Engineering & Applied Signal Processing Series)

by K. R. Rao P. C. Yip

Data compression is one of the main contributing factors in the explosive growth in information technology. Without it, a number of consumer and commercial products, such as DVD, videophone, digital camera, MP3, video-streaming and wireless PCS, would have been virtually impossible. Transforming the data to a frequency or other domain enables even more efficient compression. By illustrating this intimate link, The Transform and Data Compression Handbook serves as a much-needed handbook for a wide range of researchers and engineers.The authors describe various discrete transforms and their applications in different disciplines. They cover techniques, such as adaptive quantization and entropy coding, that result in significant reduction in bit rates when applied to the transform coefficients. With clear and concise presentations of the ideas and concepts, as well as detailed descriptions of the algorithms, the authors provide important insight into the applications and their limitations. Data compression is an essential step towards the efficient storage and transmission of information. The Transform and Data Compression Handbook provides a wealth of information regarding different discrete transforms and demonstrates their power and practicality in data compression.

Transform Your Business into E

by Bennet Lientz Kathryn Rea

Surveys indicate that many E-Business efforts either fail or disrupt the basic business processes and transactions. E-Business is sometimes not aligned with the business or IT. Vague vision statements are not translated into specific actions related to E- Business. It is because of these factors that Transform Your Business into e was written. The book covers E-Business from the review of the business at the start to expanding E-Business after it is live.

Transformation and Your New EHR: The Communications and Change Leadership Playbook for Implementing Electronic Health Records (HIMSS Book Series)

by Dennis Delisle Andy McLamb Samantha Inch

Transformation and Your New EHR offers a robust communication and change leadership approach to support electronic health record (EHR) implementations and transformation journeys. This book highlights the approach and philosophy of communication, change leadership, and systems and process design, giving readers a practical view into the successes and failures that can be experienced throughout the evolution of an EHR implementation.

Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies

by Kirti Seth Pushpa Singh Divya Mishra

The book, Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies, presents healthcare industrial revolution based on service aggregation and virtualisation that can transform the healthcare sector with the aid of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Bigdata and Blockchain. These technologies offer fast communication between doctors and patients, protected transactions, safe data storage and analysis, immutable data records, transparent data flow service, transaction validation process, and secure data exchanges between organizations. Features: • Discusses the Integration of AI, IoT, big data and blockchain in healthcare industry • Highlights the security and privacy aspect of AI, IoT, big data and blockchain in healthcare industry • Talks about challenges and issues of AI, IoT, big data and blockchain in healthcare industry • Includes several case studies It is primarily aimed at graduates and researchers in computer science and IT who are doing collaborative research with the medical industry. Industry professionals will also find it useful.

Transformation of Collective Intelligences: Perspective of Transhumanism

by Jean-Max Noyer

There is a great transformation of the production of knowledge and intelligibility. The "digital fold of the world" (with the convergence of NBIC) affects the collective assemblages of "thought", of research. The aims of these assemblages are also controversial issues. From a general standpoint, these debates concern "performative science and performative society". But one emerges and strengthens that has several names: transhumanism, post-humanism, speculative post-humanism. It appears as a great narration, a large story about the future of our existence, facing our entry into the Anthropocene. It is also presented as a concrete utopia with an anthropological and technical change. In this book, we proposed to show how collective intelligences stand in the middle of the coupling of ontological horizons and of the "process of bio-technical maturation".

Transformational Security Awareness: What Neuroscientists, Storytellers, and Marketers Can Teach Us About Driving Secure Behaviors

by Perry Carpenter

Expert guidance on the art and science of driving secure behaviors Transformational Security Awareness empowers security leaders with the information and resources they need to assemble and deliver effective world-class security awareness programs that drive secure behaviors and culture change. When all other processes, controls, and technologies fail, humans are your last line of defense. But, how can you prepare them? Frustrated with ineffective training paradigms, most security leaders know that there must be a better way. A way that engages users, shapes behaviors, and fosters an organizational culture that encourages and reinforces security-related values. The good news is that there is hope. That’s what Transformational Security Awareness is all about. Author Perry Carpenter weaves together insights and best practices from experts in communication, persuasion, psychology, behavioral economics, organizational culture management, employee engagement, and storytelling to create a multidisciplinary masterpiece that transcends traditional security education and sets you on the path to make a lasting impact in your organization. Find out what you need to know about marketing, communication, behavior science, and culture management Overcome the knowledge-intention-behavior gap Optimize your program to work with the realities of human nature Use simulations, games, surveys, and leverage new trends like escape rooms to teach security awareness Put effective training together into a well-crafted campaign with ambassadors Understand the keys to sustained success and ongoing culture change Measure your success and establish continuous improvements Do you care more about what your employees know or what they do? It's time to transform the way we think about security awareness. If your organization is stuck in a security awareness rut, using the same ineffective strategies, materials, and information that might check a compliance box but still leaves your organization wide open to phishing, social engineering, and security-related employee mistakes and oversights, then you NEED this book.

Transformations Through Blockchain Technology: The New Digital Revolution

by Sheikh Mohammad Idrees Mariusz Nowostawski

The book serves as a connecting medium between various domains and Blockchain technology, discussing and embracing how Blockchain technology is transforming all the major sectors of the society. The book facilitates sharing of information, case studies, theoretical and practical knowledge required for Blockchain transformations in various sectors. The book covers different areas that provide the foundational knowledge and comprehensive information about the transformations by Blockchain technology in the fields of business, healthcare, finance, education, supply-chain, sustainability and governance. The book pertains to students, academics, researchers, professionals, and policy makers working in the area of Blockchain technology and related fields.

Transformative AI: Responsible, Transparent, and Trustworthy AI systems (River Publishers Series in Computing and Information Science and Technology)

by Ahmed Banafa

Transformative Artificial Intelligence provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends, challenges, applications, and opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The book covers the state of the art in AI research, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, and explores how these technologies are transforming various industries and domains, such as healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment.The book also addresses the challenges that come with the widespread adoption of AI, including ethical concerns, bias, and the impact on jobs and society. It provides insights into how to mitigate these challenges and how to design AI systems that are responsible, transparent, and trustworthy.The book offers a forward-looking perspective on the future of AI, exploring the emerging trends and applications that are likely to shape the next decade of AI innovation. It also provides practical guidance for businesses and individuals on how to leverage the power of AI to create new products, services, and opportunities.Overall, the book is an essential read for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence and understand the impact that this transformative technology will have on our lives in the coming years.

Transformative Approaches to New Technologies and Student Diversity in Futures Oriented Classrooms

by Leonie Rowan Chris Bigum

In this book we outline an optimistic, aspirational and unashamedly ambitious agenda for schooling. We make cautious use of the concept of 'future proofing' to signal the commitment of the various authors to re-thinking the purposes, content and processes of schooling with a view to ensuring that all children, from all backgrounds are prepared by their education to make a positive contribution to the futures that are ahead of them. The book focuses on issues relating to technology and social justice to re-examine the traditional relationship between schools and technology, between schools and diverse learners, and between schools, children and knowledge. Drawing from examples from around the world, the book explores practical ways that diverse schools have worked to celebrate diverse understandings of what it means to be a learner, a citizen, a worker in these changed and changing times and the ways different technologies can support this agenda.

Transformative Digital Technology for Disruptive Teaching and Learning

by P. Kaliraj G. Singaravelu T. Devi

Generation Z students are avid gamers and are always on social media. Smart like their phones, they must be educated in a smart manner, which involves the use of digital tools. Transformative Digital Technology for Disruptive Teaching and Learning provides smart education solutions and details ways in which Gen Z learners can be educated. It covers such digital learning strategies as blended learning, flipped learning, mobile learning, and gamification. It examines creative teaching–learning strategies to encourage modern learners to learn more quickly. The book discusses ways to accelerate the capabilities of teaching and learning transactions. It also covers innovative teaching and learning processes to meet the challenges of digital learners.Starting with an overview of digital learning resources and processes as well as their advantages and disadvantages, the book then discusses such approaches and strategies as follows: Learner-oriented and learner-friendly approaches Blended learning Active learning Experiential learning Virtual learning Applications of Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence Gamification LMS challenges and techno-pedagogical issues for modern life As digital technology is disrupting teaching and learning, especially the skill development of students in the era of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, this is a timely book. It provides methods, approaches, strategies, and techniques for innovative learning and teaching. It discusses how to leverage new technology to enhance educators’ and learners’ abilities and performance. A comprehensive reference guide for educational researchers and technology developers, the book also helps educators embrace the digital transformation of teaching and learning.

Transformative Digital Technology for Effective Workplace Learning

by Ria O'Donnell

In a world bursting with new information, ideas, opportunities, and technological advancements, it is time to rethink how continuous learning shapes our future. Amidst the ongoing digital revolution, widespread educational reform, and the most significant global pandemic of our lifetimes, we are at a pivotal time in history. Transformative Digital Technology for Effective Workplace Learning explores the technological developments that are rapidly unfolding in the workplace and those that support workplace training. What emerges is that the rate of change and the possibilities for improvement are more extensive than many of us might have suspected. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, from data analytics, to adaptive learning, there is the capacity for significant innovation and opportunity if harnessed in the right ways. The book offers an overview of several critical issues that face the future of the workplace and examines them through the lens of lifelong learning. The book begins by conveying the current impacts on the workplace and how the internal function of Learning and Development has evolved. It then considers the eight learning imperatives that drive workplace learning and then looks at the future workplace. Exploring technological frameworks for digitally enhanced workplace learning, the book takes a deep dive into the capabilities of immersive technologies, as well as into the insights enabled through learning analytics. The goal of this book is not to merely describe technological advancements in the workplace but instead, to challenge the status quo and think critically about the future that lies ahead. One aim is to have business leaders understand the necessity for ongoing workplace learning. Another is that individuals appreciate that lifelong learning is the new social norm. Ongoing education allows people to become more open to change and less anxious about new experiences. Developing a growth mindset and adopting a company culture that says everyone can learn new things and continue to improve their performance will become the standard. Most importantly, as the business world is reconfigured before our very eyes, ongoing learning must become an economic imperative.

Transformative Marketing: Combining New Age Technologies and Human Insights (Palgrave Executive Essentials)

by Philip Kotler V. Kumar

This book gives an indispensable guide to navigating the shift in customer behavior and discovers how to rally their resources, cultivate capabilities, and forge strategies that harness cutting-edge technologies. In today's tech-centric world, customers crave lightning-fast digital experiences and demand instant solutions. In response, firms are changing the way they do business by accelerating the application of new age technologies, revamping processes, building new organizational structures, and innovating new business models. The authors unveil the secrets of integrating diverse data sources, principles of Marketing 5.0 and employing advanced techniques to unearth profound insights about the customers. This work is the ticket to the latest in AI, machine learning, drones, and other game-changing technologies. Stay ahead of the curve by learning not just what tech to use, but how, when, and why to deploy it in this digital age. For the trailblazers with the influence and resources to reshape marketing strategies, this book is the essential read. Executives climbing the corporate ladder will find it a compass, unraveling how new age technologies dance with both traditional and emerging marketing practices. And for MBA students hungry for insights on navigating the digital era's competitive landscape, this book is the treasure trove of tools and real-world cases. Dive in and chart the course in the tech-driven marketing landscape!

Transformative Teachers: Teacher Leadership and Learning in a Connected World

by Kira J. Baker-Doyle

Transformative Teachers offers an insightful look at the growing movement of civic-minded educators who are using twenty-first-century participatory practices and connected technologies to organize change from the ground up. Kira J. Baker-Doyle highlights the collaborative, grassroots tactics that activist teachers are implementing to transform their profession and pursue greater social justice and equity in education. The author provides a framework and practical suggestions for charting the path to transformative teacher leadership as well as suggestions for how others, including administrators and outside organizations, can support them. In addition, the book profiles fifteen transformative teachers who are changing the face of education, features three case studies of organizational allies (Edcamps, the Philadelphia Education Fund, and the Connected Learning Alliance), and includes insights from a wide range of educational leaders. A guide to the norms and practices of innovative educators, Transformative Teachers offers a clear and compelling vision of the potential for grassroots change in education.

Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy

by Curtis J. Bonk Meina Zhu

Transformative Teaching Around the World compiles inspiring stories from Fulbright-awarded teachers whose instructional practices have impacted schools and communities globally. Whether thriving or struggling in their classrooms, instructing in person or online, or pushing for changes at high or low costs and risk levels, teachers devote intense energy and careful decision-making to their students and fellow staff. This book showcases an expansive variety of educational practices fostered across international contexts by real teachers: active and empowering learning strategies, critical thinking and creative problem-solving, cultural responsiveness and sustainability, humanistic integration of technology, and more. Pre- and in-service teachers, teacher educators, online/blended instructors, and other stakeholders will find a wealth of grounded, motivating approaches for transforming the lives of learners and their communities.

Transformers for Machine Learning: A Deep Dive

by Uday Kamath Kenneth L. Graham Wael Emara

Transformers are becoming a core part of many neural network architectures, employed in a wide range of applications such as NLP, Speech Recognition, Time Series, and Computer Vision. Transformers have gone through many adaptations and alterations, resulting in newer techniques and methods. Transformers for Machine Learning: A Deep Dive is the first comprehensive book on transformers. Key Features: A comprehensive reference book for detailed explanations for every algorithm and techniques related to the transformers. 60+ transformer architectures covered in a comprehensive manner. A book for understanding how to apply the transformer techniques in speech, text, time series, and computer vision. Practical tips and tricks for each architecture and how to use it in the real world. Hands-on case studies and code snippets for theory and practical real-world analysis using the tools and libraries, all ready to run in Google Colab. The theoretical explanations of the state-of-the-art transformer architectures will appeal to postgraduate students and researchers (academic and industry) as it will provide a single entry point with deep discussions of a quickly moving field. The practical hands-on case studies and code will appeal to undergraduate students, practitioners, and professionals as it allows for quick experimentation and lowers the barrier to entry into the field.

Transformers for Natural Language Processing: Build, train, and fine-tune deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, BERT, and GPT-3, 2nd Edition

by Antonio Gulli Denis Rothman

Under the hood working of transformers, fine-tuning GPT-3 models, DeBERTa, vision models, and the start of Metaverse, using a variety of NLP platforms: Hugging Face, OpenAI API, Trax, and AllenNLPKey FeaturesImplement models, such as BERT, Reformer, and T5, that outperform classical language modelsCompare NLP applications using GPT-3, GPT-2, and other transformersAnalyze advanced use cases, including polysemy, cross-lingual learning, and computer visionBook DescriptionTransformers are a game-changer for natural language understanding (NLU) and have become one of the pillars of artificial intelligence. Transformers for Natural Language Processing, 2nd Edition, investigates deep learning for machine translations, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, language modeling, question-answering, and many more NLP domains with transformers. An Industry 4.0 AI specialist needs to be adaptable; knowing just one NLP platform is not enough anymore. Different platforms have different benefits depending on the application, whether it's cost, flexibility, ease of implementation, results, or performance. In this book, we analyze numerous use cases with Hugging Face, Google Trax, OpenAI, and AllenNLP. This book takes transformers' capabilities further by combining multiple NLP techniques, such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and semantic role labeling, to analyze complex use cases, such as dissecting fake news on Twitter. Also, see how transformers can create code using just a brief description. By the end of this NLP book, you will understand transformers from a cognitive science perspective and be proficient in applying pretrained transformer models to various datasets.What you will learnDiscover new ways of performing NLP techniques with the latest pretrained transformersGrasp the workings of the original Transformer, GPT-3, BERT, T5, DeBERTa, and ReformerFind out how ViT and CLIP label images (including blurry ones!) and reconstruct images using DALL-ECarry out sentiment analysis, text summarization, casual language analysis, machine translations, and more using TensorFlow, PyTorch, and GPT-3Measure the productivity of key transformers to define their scope, potential, and limits in productionWho this book is forIf you want to learn about and apply transformers to your natural language (and image) data, this book is for you.A good understanding of NLP, Python, and deep learning is required to benefit most from this book. Many platforms covered in this book provide interactive user interfaces, which allow readers with a general interest in NLP and AI to follow several chapters of this book.

Transformers for Natural Language Processing: Build innovative deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, BERT, RoBERTa, and more

by Denis Rothman

Become an AI language understanding expert by mastering the quantum leap of Transformer neural network modelsKey FeaturesBuild and implement state-of-the-art language models, such as the original Transformer, BERT, T5, and GPT-2, using concepts that outperform classical deep learning modelsGo through hands-on applications in Python using Google Colaboratory Notebooks with nothing to install on a local machineLearn training tips and alternative language understanding methods to illustrate important key conceptsBook DescriptionThe transformer architecture has proved to be revolutionary in outperforming the classical RNN and CNN models in use today. With an apply-as-you-learn approach, Transformers for Natural Language Processing investigates in vast detail the deep learning for machine translations, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, language modeling, question answering, and many more NLP domains with transformers. The book takes you through NLP with Python and examines various eminent models and datasets within the transformer architecture created by pioneers such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, OpenAI, and Hugging Face. The book trains you in three stages. The first stage introduces you to transformer architectures, starting with the original transformer, before moving on to RoBERTa, BERT, and DistilBERT models. You will discover training methods for smaller transformers that can outperform GPT-3 in some cases. In the second stage, you will apply transformers for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG). Finally, the third stage will help you grasp advanced language understanding techniques such as optimizing social network datasets and fake news identification. By the end of this NLP book, you will understand transformers from a cognitive science perspective and be proficient in applying pretrained transformer models by tech giants to various datasets.What you will learnUse the latest pretrained transformer modelsGrasp the workings of the original Transformer, GPT-2, BERT, T5, and other transformer modelsCreate language understanding Python programs using concepts that outperform classical deep learning modelsUse a variety of NLP platforms, including Hugging Face, Trax, and AllenNLPApply Python, TensorFlow, and Keras programs to sentiment analysis, text summarization, speech recognition, machine translations, and moreMeasure the productivity of key transformers to define their scope, potential, and limits in productionWho this book is forSince the book does not teach basic programming, you must be familiar with neural networks, Python, PyTorch, and TensorFlow in order to learn their implementation with Transformers. Readers who can benefit the most from this book include deep learning & NLP practitioners, data analysts and data scientists who want an introduction to AI language understanding to process the increasing amounts of language-driven functions.

Transformers for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision: Explore Generative AI and Large Language Models with Hugging Face, ChatGPT, GPT-4V, and DALL-E 3

by null Denis Rothman

The definitive guide to LLMs, from architectures, pretraining, and fine-tuning to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), multimodal Generative AI, risks, and implementations with ChatGPT Plus with GPT-4, Hugging Face, and Vertex AIKey FeaturesCompare and contrast 20+ models (including GPT-4, BERT, and Llama 2) and multiple platforms and libraries to find the right solution for your projectApply RAG with LLMs using customized texts and embeddingsMitigate LLM risks, such as hallucinations, using moderation models and knowledge basesPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF formatBook DescriptionTransformers for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, Third Edition, explores Large Language Model (LLM) architectures, applications, and various platforms (Hugging Face, OpenAI, and Google Vertex AI) used for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV). The book guides you through different transformer architectures to the latest Foundation Models and Generative AI. You’ll pretrain and fine-tune LLMs and work through different use cases, from summarization to implementing question-answering systems with embedding-based search techniques. You will also learn the risks of LLMs, from hallucinations and memorization to privacy, and how to mitigate such risks using moderation models with rule and knowledge bases. You’ll implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with LLMs to improve the accuracy of your models and gain greater control over LLM outputs. Dive into generative vision transformers and multimodal model architectures and build applications, such as image and video-to-text classifiers. Go further by combining different models and platforms and learning about AI agent replication. This book provides you with an understanding of transformer architectures, pretraining, fine-tuning, LLM use cases, and best practices.What you will learnBreakdown and understand the architectures of the Original Transformer, BERT, GPT models, T5, PaLM, ViT, CLIP, and DALL-EFine-tune BERT, GPT, and PaLM 2 modelsLearn about different tokenizers and the best practices for preprocessing language dataPretrain a RoBERTa model from scratchImplement retrieval augmented generation and rules bases to mitigate hallucinationsVisualize transformer model activity for deeper insights using BertViz, LIME, and SHAPGo in-depth into vision transformers with CLIP, DALL-E 2, DALL-E 3, and GPT-4VWho this book is forThis book is ideal for NLP and CV engineers, software developers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and technical leaders looking to advance their LLMs and generative AI skills or explore the latest trends in the field. Knowledge of Python and machine learning concepts is required to fully understand the use cases and code examples. However, with examples using LLM user interfaces, prompt engineering, and no-code model building, this book is great for anyone curious about the AI revolution.

Transforming Business

by Jerry Power Allison Cerra Kevin Easterwood

A unique perspective of an evolved role for company leadershipBased on the findings of an extensive research project that surveyed more than 5,500 enterprise employees and functional decision makers across the United States and China, Transforming Business: Big Data, Mobility and Globalization explores the influence of technology in the workplace and the implications to company culture, functional responsibilities and competitive advantage. This in-depth analysis illuminates emerging technological trends, the changing workforce, and the shifting face of business and industry while offering prescriptive guidance to leaders.Addresses how new technology trends - including mobility, cloud, big data and collaboration - are fundamentally changing the way work is conducted and how company leadership can tap into these trends to affect positive cultural reformExamines how the introduction of new technologies and the emergence of new business models are shifting traditional organizational roles, including HR, marketing, finance, and ITTakes an in-depth look at how the next-generation of top talent, represented by college students at the top universities, view their future workplace environment and how technology can become a meaningful magnet for recruitment and retentionZeroes in on how the integration of technology into the workplace differs between the United States and China and the implications to the global marketplaceWhat emerges from this book is an evolved role for company leadership, one of significant strategic value as cultural stewards capable of generating sustainable advantage for their companies in the most competitive market witnessed in decades.

Transforming Business with Program Management: Integrating Strategy, People, Process, Technology, Structure, and Measurement (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management)

by Satish P. Subramanian

Organizations need to constantly innovate and improve products and services to maintain a strong competitive position in the market place. The vehicle used by organizations for such constant reinvention is a business transformation program. This book illustrates a tested program management roadmap along with the supporting comprehensive frameworks

Transforming Conversational AI: Exploring the Power of Large Language Models in Interactive Conversational Agents

by Michael McTear Marina Ashurkina

Acquire the knowledge needed to work effectively in conversational artificial intelligence (AI) and understand the opportunities and threats it can potentially bring. This book will help you navigate from the traditional world of dialogue systems that revolve around hard coded scripts, to the world of large language models, prompt engineering, conversational AI platforms, multi-modality, and ultimately autonomous agents.In this new world, decisions are made by a system that may forever remain a ‘black box’ for most of us. This book aims to eliminate unnecessary noise and describe the fundamental components of conversational AI. Past experiences will prove invaluable in constructing seamless hybrid systems. This book will provide the most recommended solutions, recognizing that it is not always necessary to blindly pursue new tools.Written in unprecedented and turbulent times for conversational interfaces you’ll see that despite previous waves of advancement in conversational technology, now conversational interfaces are gaining unparalleled popularity. Specifically, the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 by Open AI revolutionized the conversational paradigm and showed how easy and intuitive communication with a computer can be. Old professions are being disrupted, new professions are emerging, and even the most conservative corporations are changing their strategy and experimenting with large language models, allocating an unprecedented amount of budget to these projects. No one knows for sure the exact future of conversational AI, but everyone agrees that it’s here to stay. What You'll Learn See how large language models are constructed and used in conversational systems Review the risks and challenges of new technologies in conversational AI Examine techniques for prompt engineering Enable practitioners to keep abreast of recent developments in conversational AI Who This Book Is For Conversation designers, product owners, and product or project managers in conversational AI who wish to learn about new methods and challenges posed by the recent emergence in the public domain of ChatGPT. Data scientists, final year undergraduates and graduates of computer science

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