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H.J. Heinz Company (Images of America)

by Debbie Foster Jack Kennedy

A photographic history of one of America's oldest and best-loved companies, and a study in how to “do the common thing uncommonly well.”In 1869, the American diet was a dreary affair. Kitchen staples included bread, potatoes, other root vegetables, and meat. Tomatoes—at the time called “love apples”—were an exotic fruit. Then, twenty-five-year-old Henry J. Heinz helped to change all of that. Heinz established his company based on a single premise: quality. He demonstrated this commitment by bottling his first product, grated horseradish, in clear glass jars to showcase its purity. From his hometown near Pittsburgh, Heinz sparked a revolution. A colorful marketing genius, he was a foresighted entrepreneur whose peripatetic travels birthed the global H.J. Heinz Company, which today is the most international of all United States-based food companies. This book contains vintage images from the archives of one of America’s first industrial photography studios—capturing both the products and the memorable and creative marketing from the “57 Varieties” company.

H2Oh!: Infused Waters For Health And Hydration

by Mimi Kirk

Make drinking water a pure pleasure with tasty, healthy infusions of fruits and herbs Ice spiked with lavender and water chilled with a handful of blueberries and pomegranate seeds give hydration a whole new level of enjoyment. Keep it organic and sugar free with more than 50 simple yet distinctive recipes from Mimi Kirk, arguably the healthiest 80-year-old woman around. Perhaps her water really does come from the fountain of youth! Long before water infuser bottles appeared on the market, Kirk was adding berries and botanicals to her daily 64 ounces. Water might be the most important tool in the quest for vitality and long life: it aids in digestion and detoxification and helps us maintain energy and feel satiated. Hydration is the key to looking and feeling young—these simple recipes will inspire even the most resistant water drinkers to up the ante.

The Habana Café Cookbook

by Josefa Gonzalez-Hastings

Culinary wizard and cafe owner Josefa Gonzalez-Hastings offers this extravagance of Cuban cooking as a celebration of her heritage. Many of the recipes were passed down to her from her mother and aunts; others are "nuevo Latino cuisine"--a fusion of traditional Cuban foods with modern dishes. Cuban food and preparation always has been varied, she says, flavored by the ancestry of the island, with contributions from Spanish conquistadors, African slaves, Asian laborers, and Indian natives.Of course, she also includes Habana Cafe's standard sides of rice, black beans, and glazed golden-brown plantains. Customer favorites are all represented here in easy-to-follow recipes and colorful photographs--from appetizers and soups, seafood and vegetarian entrees, to classics (Cuban sandwiches and flan) and beverages (mojitos, sangria, cafe con leche, Cuba libre). Gonzalez-Hastings also provides a glossary explaining typical ethnic Cuban ingredients such as bijol, a condiment used to give rice a yellow color; naranja agria, the tart Seville orange often used to marinate meat and make mojo sauce; and malanga, a mild, nutty root that flavors soups and other sauces."In my Cuban family," she writes, "two things were always certain-- food and good times." Gonzalez-Hastings shares family stories and photographs of life in pre-Castro Cuba, re-creating the days when Havana was a dining mecca, Ernest Hemingway frequented La Floridita restaurant, and the island gave birth to the daiquiri.

Habit Stacking and Some Tips to Improve Your Body

by Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo

This book is a self-help tool that starts off with a guide to gain or break certain habits, and then move on to a collection of specific ideas on a certain topic in the second. The third, and final, section is a compilation of quotes that may serve as a status update for our social media accounts, or a reminder of our efforts.

Hábitos para niños

by Valeria Lozano

Adquiere el hábito de ver a tus hijos sanos, felices y llenos de energía. Conviértete en su mejor ejemplo y construye el futuro de tu familia. Valeria Lozano ha transformado la vida de millones de personas mediante su programa y sus libros Cambia de hábitos y Lo mejor de hábitos, en los que demuestra que bastan pequeños cambios sustentables en la rutina y la alimentación para restablecer el balance natural del cuerpo y gozar de bienestar a largo plazo. Luego del éxito arrollador de sus libros anteriores, Valeria nos ofrece esta guía indispensable para ti y tu familia, gracias a la cual podrás reforzar la salud integral de tus hijos mientras los ayudas a convertirse en la mejor expresión de sí mismos. Hábitos para niños te brindará la información necesaria para tomar decisiones conscientes acerca de su alimentación #física, psicológica y emocional# en todas sus etapas de crecimiento, a la vez que te brinda los consejos, recetas y tips de fácil implementación que han conquistado a miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Los buenos hábitos son la mejor herencia que puedes dar a los tuyos. Súmate a esta revolución para mejorar no sólo el futuro de tus hijos sino el del planeta, y conviértete en la gran health coach que tu familia necesita. ¡Incluye 100 prácticas recetas para cuidar y consentir a los que más quieres!

Hablar de vinos

by Estela De Frutos Marcela Baruch Mangino

Un glosario con más de 700 palabras que nos permitirá sumergirnos en el mundo del vino su naturaleza y cultura. Hablar de vinos es un libro de consulta para quienes conocen, quieren conocer y sobre todo disfrutan el vino y su cultura. Estas páginas contienen más de 700 términos que enriquecerán su vocabulario y conocimiento al hablar de vino. Desde su cultivo en la viña hasta la descripción de lo que se tiene en la copa, de los distintos tipos de elaboración a los pasos para catar y determinar las características del vino, podrá conocer sobre uvas, bebidas derivadas del vino, técnicas, procesos y "mitos" en el fascinante mundo de esta bebida. Un vocabulario preciso origina tertulias, de ahí la importancia de manejar un abanico de palabras consensuadas, como las que se encuentran en este libro. Ordenado en dos grandes capítulos que comprenden la Naturaleza, donde se encuentran las palabras vinculadas a la viña y la transformación de su fruto, la uva, en vino, y el Gusto, un compendio de los términos que se usan para hablar de un vino al beberlo y su rol en la sociedad, este libro constituye un punto de encuentro entre la academia, la historia, la tradición, la prensa y lo que comunican las viñas y las bodegas en sus etiquetas y contraetiquetas. Hablar de vinos propone conocer esta bebida en profundidad para disfrutarla aún más.

Hac Summer Favourites Bundle Ebook: Hamlyn All Colour

by Hamlyn

3 in 1 eBook bundle!200 Easy Suppers200 Super Salads200 Barbecue RecipesEnjoy the sunshine with this fantastic collection of the very finest summer recipes from Hamlyn All Colour Cookbooks.Packed with seasonal ideas, this special Summer Bundle of Easy Suppers, Super Salads and Barbecue Recipes provides everything you need to eat well all the way to October. With ideas for impromptu picnics, lavish dinner parties, crowded barbecues and quick weeknight suppers, there?s something for every occasion. Old favourites include pork burgers with grilled pears, spring vegetable salad and quick white chocolate mouse, and for a more exotic meal there?s barbequed scallops with nam jim dressing, pumpkin feta and pine nut salad and blood-orange sorbet. The Summer Bundle is all you need for perfect alfresco dining.

HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety: Principles and Techniques

by Luis Couto Lorenzo

Guide to understand the fundamentals of HACCP and to planning and conducting food safety audits HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety helps readers understand the fundamentals of the HACCP concept and its importance in ensuring food safety, with guidance on how to develop auditing skills including planning, executing, and reporting on HACCP audits effectively. To aid in reader comprehension, this book incorporates many practical examples with accompanying figures and models, along with selected case studies and global practices from Europe, Canada, USA, and New Zealand to showcase international practices and standards. ISO 19011 as a standard reference is used throughout the text. Written by a seasoned industry professional with decades of hands-on experience as an official control agent, HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety includes information on: Elements of the HACCP methodology, including related concepts, adapted to the specificities of the food operatorPhases of HACCP study and application of the seven principles, respecting their internal logic and how they are interrelatedHACCP as a management system, starting from the commitment of the management or the company’s board of directors, with tasks and responsibilities distributed among staffManagement system auditing techniques to verify performance, whether for internal audits, supplier audits, or certification purposes Providing the rational and scientific basis necessary to anticipate problems and to learn from the experiences and situations that arise in the food industry, HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety is an essential reference for various industry professionals, including technicians, quality managers, consultants, auditors, and official control agents.

HACCP A Systematic Approach to Food Safety: A Comprehensive Manual for Developing and Implementing a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Plan

by Jeffrey T. Barach Melinda M. Hayman

The 5th edition of HACCP designed to assist in the development of a HACCP plan to meet a company's needs and comply with applicable U.S. regulations for meat, poultry, seafood and juice. It provides thinking on HACCP, including approaches to conducting a hazard analysis, the role of prerequisite programs, and verification and validation plans. The persons involved in the development, maintenance and oversight of plans. Instructors as well as those who audit food establishment HACCP plans, will want this comprehensive guide on the development of HACCP plans for foods.

¿Hacemos pan?

by Alma Obregón Ibán Yarza

Un libro único y divertido para hacer pan en casa de una forma rápida y fácil, de la mano de Ibán Yarza y Alma Obregón. En este libro, Alma Obregón e Ibán Yarza se alían para crear un recetario de panes sorprendentes. Ibán Yarza aporta el buen hacer del pan clásico, como se lleva haciendo toda la vida en las tahonas y Alma Obregón aporta a las recetas su universo particular de color, texturas e ingredientes originales. Un libro completísimo donde encontrarás las recetas para hacer todo tipo de pan: * Panes fáciles, como el de soda. * Panes bonitos, como la corona de pistacho. * Panes para compartir, como la coca de forner. * Panes sanos y ricos, como el de zanahoria. * Panes de toda la vida, como el roscón El pan tradicional de Ibán Yarza se transforma en panes sorprendentes con la ayuda de Alma Obregón.

Hacer dieta como un gurú

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Cierto, los gurús no hacen dieta. Ellos no usan sustancias que cubran o adormezcan sus sufrimientos emocionales ni temores. Se fortalecen al observar sus emociones, pensamientos y sensaciones corporales de manera más profunda. Con sus mentes, descubren viejos esquemas de pensamientos y creencias que ya no tienen sentido, salvo dentro de la desconocida bóveda de las heridas. Nosotros no somos diferentes a cualquier otro gurú que yo conozca. Tienes las mismas habilidades para elegir según tus propias creencias y valores. Y todos los gurús empezaron igual que tú – dudosos, temerosos y renuentes al cambio. Ellos, como tú, decidieron que había algo más importante que adormecer, evitar, y distraer sus mentes de sus reales esencias y de las vidas que les fueron entregadas. Ellos, como tú, caminaron un paso a la vez, poniendo atención en lo que los llevó a tomar caminos de fracaso tantas veces. Vas a encontrar, al igual que esos gurús, que todos los momentos revelan tu más profunda valentía, convicción, fuerza y amor; ellos solo tuvieron que verlo y no huir de eso. Yo, como tú, como todos los gurús que conozco, puedo, y podré, elegir inevitablemente el amor. Sólo falta saber el “cuándo”.

Hacer dieta engorda: Comer sano para no hacer dieta

by Gabriela Uriarte

En este nuevo libro, tras el éxito de la publicación de Sin dieta para siempre, Gabriela Uriarte -una de las dietistas nutricionistas más influyentes de España- nos ofrece las claves para comer sano y sin dieta. Organízate, come sano, pierde peso y no hagas dieta. Hacer dieta engorda se divide en dos partes esenciales. En la primera, aprenderemos las razones por las que hacer dieta engorda; en qué consiste la cultura de la dieta; cómo nos afecta, en términos de salud, la presión social por el «peso ideal»; cuáles son los efectos secundarios, a largo término, de ir pasando de una dieta a otra, así como las claves para detectar estas conductas poco saludables y poder evitarlas. Para ello, la organización en la cocina es importantísima y las herramientas para lograrla, fundamentales. En la segunda parte, Uriarte nos brinda los medios para comer sano e incluso perder peso, gracias a un programa de batch cooking de cuatro semanas -con más de veinte recetas, desde cero y paso a paso-, con un «organizador semanal» para generar un menú familiar mensual sano y equilibrado.

Hack Your Hormones: Effortless weight loss. Better focus. Deeper sleep. More energy.

by Davinia Taylor

From the number one Sunday Times bestselling author of It's Not A DietSleep better thanks to cherriesFix your brain fog with good fatsImprove your metabolism with brazil nutsWhen we talk about hormones, we so often think of them as a 'women's issue'. But our hormones regulate everything from our sleep, to the way we eat, our stress response and our moods. In Hack Your Hormones Davinia Taylor, entrepreneur and biohacking pioneer, breaks down how best to optimise all of our hormones.Davinia gives symptom-led advice, backed up with the expertise of a doctor, on how lifestyle hacks and supplements can balance our cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine and more, even Vitamin D (yep, it's a hormone). And the answers might be as close as your kitchen cupboards.This groundbreaking new book is full of simple, accessible hacks that will make you feel not just better, but amazing. 'Let's get our hormones into the optimum place they can be. Because if I can feel better, then anyone can. This is proper, real empowerment, not tampon ad empowerment! This is your body, nobody can look after it like you can.' Davinia

Hack Your Hormones: Effortless weight loss. Better focus. Deeper sleep. More energy.

by Davinia Taylor

From the number one Sunday Times bestselling author of It's Not A DietSleep better thanks to cherriesFix your brain fog with good fatsImprove your metabolism with brazil nutsWhen we talk about hormones, we so often think of them as a 'women's issue'. But our hormones regulate everything from our sleep, to the way we eat, our stress response and our moods. In Hack Your Hormones Davinia Taylor, entrepreneur and biohacking pioneer, breaks down how best to optimise all of our hormones.Davinia gives symptom-led advice, backed up with the expertise of a doctor, on how lifestyle hacks and supplements can balance our cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine and more, even Vitamin D (yep, it's a hormone). And the answers might be as close as your kitchen cupboards.This groundbreaking new book is full of simple, accessible hacks that will make you feel not just better, but amazing. 'Let's get our hormones into the optimum place they can be. Because if I can feel better, then anyone can. This is proper, real empowerment, not tampon ad empowerment! This is your body, nobody can look after it like you can.' Davinia

Had a Glass 2015

by James Nevison

The Globe and Mail best-seller, and #1 best-selling wine guide in British Columbia, is back! James Nevison's annual, unpretentious guide for everyday wine is back, with the top 100 wallet-friendly wines for 2015. In this expertly selected collection, you will find the very best value for your money across white, pink, red, sparkling, and fortified wines. Get the scoop on $10 wines that taste like they're $30, and $20 bottles that will knock your socks off! Had a Glass 2015 points wine drinkers in the right direction, towards a good bottle that won't break the bank. With Had a Glass 2015 in hand, you can navigate the wine aisles in confidence, guaranteed to find great-tasting, great-value wines.

Had A Glass 2013

by James Nevison

In a sea of vinous choice Had a Glass points BC wine drinkers in the right direction--towards a good bottle that won't break the bank. In this expertly selected collection of 100 wines, you will find the very best value for money across the best whites, pinks, reds and bubbles for 2013. Each wine has a full page review and its label and barcode are included for easy reference in the liquor store. Possible food pairings for each wine are suggested, along with recommendations for occasions suited to that particular wine--Wednesday Night Wine, anyone? Then, because sometimes life's moments trump the bottom line, there is "The Splurge" . . . 10 wines that are most definitely worth the lapse in budget. and#160;In addition to its 100 wallet-friendly wines, Had A Glass also has a wine "bootcamp" section that covers all the basics of wine appreciation, including:andbull; How to taste wine (as opposed to simply drink wine!): James's patented Four Step Process explains what to look for in a wine's colour, clarity, aroma and bouquet, and how to understand a wine's body and finish. and#160;andbull; How to buy wine: Advice on how to navigate the wine aisles, along with tips on how to seek out value in the liquor store. and#160;andbull; How to enjoy wine: The various accoutrements available to wine enthusiasts, with info on serving temperatures and a quick-reference serving temperature chart. and#160;andbull; Food and Wine: A handy rundown of food and wine pairings covering all the major food groups

Had A Glass 2016

by James Nevison

The Globe and Mail bestseller, and #1 bestselling wine guide in British Columbia celebrates its 10th anniversary! James Nevison's annual, unpretentious guide for everyday wine is back, with the top 100 wallet-friendly wines for 2016. In this expertly selected collection, you will find the very best value for your money across white, rosé, red, sparkling and much more. Get the scoop on $10 wines that taste like they're $20, and $20 bottles that will blow you away! Had a Glass 2016 points wine drinkers in the right direction, towards a good bottle that won't break the bank. With Had a Glass 2016 in hand, you can navigate the wine aisles with confidence, guaranteed to find great-tasting, and great-value wines.

The Hairy Bikers' 12 Days of Christmas: Fabulous Festive Recipes to Feed Your Family and Friends

by Hairy Bikers

Make this year's Christmas dinner your greatest and most relaxed ever with Hairy Bikers Si King and Dave Myers, authors of the #1 runaway bestseller MUMS KNOW BEST: THE HAIRY BIKERS' FAMILY COOKBOOK.With their irrepressible enthusiasm for great food and all things festive, Si and Dave have put together the definitive Christmas cookbook. Combining foolproof versions of the nation's favourite Christmas dishes with new and inventive festive recipes they love to cook for their friends and families, the Hairy Bikers will ensure you serve up cracking meals with ease throughout the holiday season.As well as covering what to cook on the big day itself, the Hairy Bikers also give you tasty dishes for Christmas Eve, delicious cocktails to tame your in-laws, ingenious recipes for all those leftovers and fancy snacks to nibble on in front of the telly. They even show you how to make your own Christmas crackers - and help keep the kids distracted. This is the perfect companion to your festive celebrations.

The Hairy Bikers' 12 Days of Christmas: Fabulous Festive Recipes to Feed Your Family and Friends

by Hairy Bikers

Make this year's Christmas dinner your greatest and most relaxed ever with Hairy Bikers Si King and Dave Myers.With their irrepressible enthusiasm for great food and all things festive, Si and Dave have put together the definitive Christmas cookbook. Combining fool-proof versions of the nation's favourite Christmas dishes with new and inventive festive recipes they love to cook for their friends and families, the Hairy Bikers will ensure you serve up cracking meals with ease throughout the holiday season.As well as covering what to cook on the big day itself, the Hairy Bikers also give you tasty dishes for Christmas Eve, delicious cocktails to tame your in-laws, ingenious recipes for all those leftovers and fancy snacks to nibble on in front of the telly. They even show you how to make your own Christmas crackers - and help keep the kids distracted. This is the perfect companion to your festive celebrations.

The Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure: Over 100 Amazing Recipes from the Kitchens of Asia to Cook at Home

by Hairy Bikers

This TV tie-in cookbook to THE HAIRY BIKERS' ASIAN ADVENTURE BBC series, which aired in 2014, follows the boys' dream trip - a journey through Asia to discover the secrets of some of the world's most inspiring cuisines. The boys travelled to Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Korea, sampling and preparing every kind of food they could lay their hands on - from great home cooking to sensational street snacks. Along the way they've learned loads about their favourite food, as well as honing their Asian cooking skills, and now they've brought home the very best recipes for us all to try. Si and Dave are truly passionate about these amazing recipes. These dishes are their favourites; they are speedy, easy to make and packed with flavour. What's more, many are nice and healthy too, so won't bust the diet!So, it's time to rock your wok and join the boys on their culinary Asian adventure...

The Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure: Over 100 Amazing Recipes from the Kitchens of Asia to Cook at Home

by Hairy Bikers

This TV tie-in cookbook to THE HAIRY BIKERS' ASIAN ADVENTURE BBC series, which aired in 2014, follows the boys' dream trip - a journey through Asia to discover the secrets of some of the world's most inspiring cuisines. The boys travelled to Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Korea, sampling and preparing every kind of food they could lay their hands on - from great home cooking to sensational street snacks. Along the way they've learned loads about their favourite food, as well as honing their Asian cooking skills, and now they've brought home the very best recipes for us all to try. Si and Dave are truly passionate about these amazing recipes. These dishes are their favourites; they are speedy, easy to make and packed with flavour. What's more, many are nice and healthy too, so won't bust the diet!So, it's time to rock your wok and join the boys on their culinary Asian adventure...

The Hairy Bikers' Big Book of Baking

by Hairy Bikers

The long-awaited baking bible from the Hairy Bikers AKA Si King and Dave Myers.With their irrepressible enthusiasm for great food, Si King and Dave Myers, AKA the Hairy Bikers, travel the length and breadth of Europe to discover the best baking recipes from the Continent.From Norway to Southern Spain, the boys eat their way across ten countries, making friends and swapping recipes along the way. They discover the ultimate Black Forest Gateau in Germany, the most incredible pastries in Southern France and cook cakes that will tickle the tastebuds of all home bakers.This is a welcome return of the Hairy Bakers. These recipes will delight and will bring a freshness to all home baking.

The Hairy Bikers Blood, Sweat and Tyres: The Autobiography

by Hairy Bikers

Si King and Dave Myers, AKA the Hairy Bikers have travelled an interesting road. Born in the north of England, both Si and Dave had their childhood challenges. For Si, being bullied as the fat kid in class was part of his daily school routine. For Dave, his life changed when he became a childhood carer for his mother. But through the challenges of their early years came a love of really good food.And it was food that brought Si and Dave together. Their eyes met over a curry and a pint on the set of a Catherine Cookson drama, and they knew they would be firm and fast friends for life.From deserts to desserts, potholes to pot roasts, the nation's favourite cooking duo reveals what's made their friendship such a special and lasting one. They've eaten their way around the world a good few times, but have never lost sight of what matters: great friends, great family and great food.In this heartwarming memoir of friendship and hilarious misadventure, Si and Dave take you on the ride of their lives!

The Hairy Bikers Blood, Sweat and Tyres: The Autobiography

by Hairy Bikers

Written and read by the Hairy BikersThe Hairy Bikers are known for their many best-selling cookbooks, including the HAIRY DIETERS, HAIRY BIKERS' PERFECT PIES, GREAT CURRIES and MUMS KNOW BEST, and now they are here to tell you how it all started. Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers, have lived life to the fullest. They had fantastically rich northern childhoods, laced with food and fun, but of course, with some tragedy too. But we also get to know the early Bikers - we find out how their friendship developed and all of the mad capers and round-the-world trips they went on.Perfect for their fans, heavily seasoned with warmth, food, love, bikes and bro-mance, the Hairies never fail to entertain.(p) 2015 Orion Publishing Group

The Hairy Bikers’ Brilliant Bakes

by Hairy Bikers

BAKE EVERY DAY THE BIKERS' WAY For the Hairy Bikers, nothing says love and home like the smell of a cake in the oven, a homemade loaf or a freshly baked pie.Here, in this ultimate collection of bakes from the nation's favourite cooking duo, you will find everything from home-made beef slices to cheese, onion & potato pie, lime & coconut drizzle cake to billionaires' shortbread, the ultimate Victoria sponge to an epic cheese & chorizo share & tear bread. There are the classic bakes the Bikers have loved since childhood, plus mouth-watering new creations to discover, and as always each recipe is packed with flavour and triple-tested.Si and Dave know that baking is all about getting the basics right, so along with their favourite recipes, they will also be sharing plenty of tips and tricks to build your baking confidence and expertise. This really is the ultimate baking bible and the only one you need on your shelf.So what are you waiting for? Let's get baking the Hairy Bikers' way!

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