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Pan: Hecho en casa y con el sabor de siempre

by Xavier Barriga

¿Quién no recuerda el sabor inconfundible de un pan recién hecho? Es hora de recuperar uno de nuestros alimentos básicos, lleno de sabores y aromas entrañables, que evoca la calidez del hogar, y que no debe faltar en una dieta equilibrada. Xavier Barriga, maestro panadero respetuoso con la tradición a la vez que innovador, nos propone volver a la elaboración artesanal del pan en casa, con recetas explicadas e ilustradas paso a paso, que están al alcance de todos. Desde panes rústicos, empanadas, panes integrales, con frutos secos o semillas, hasta panes de otros países, panes dulces o los clásicos de la bollería; en este libro encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber para elaborar un pan de calidad, sano y con el sabor de siempre. Todo explicado con un lenguaje muy claro, ilustrado con esclarecedoras imágenes de cada paso, y con soluciones prácticas yefectivas a los principales problemas que pueden surgir en cualquier fase de la elaboración del pan. Además, el libro dedica un capítulo especial a los celíacos y a otras intolerancias. Siguiendo las claras instrucciones de este libro, está garantizaba la obtención de un pan bueno, apetecible y sobre todo, sano, muy sano.

Pan comido: Más recetas sin vergüenza

by Martín Berasategui David De Jorge

Recetas sin postureo por David de Jorge y Martín Berasategui. Vuelve el dúo más querido de la cocina española con un libro de recetas prácticas, sin secretos y con mucha miga para nuestro menú diario. Una cocina sencilla, que contagia el buen rollo y el entusiasmo y convierte el mundo de la gastronomía en algo accesible y divertido. Huyendo de extravagancias, bobadas e ingredientes extraños, Martín Berasategui y David de Jorge nos dan las claves más deliciosas para sobrevivir a una vida ocupada. Ensaladas, sopas, cremas, carnes, salsas, aderezos, postres, arroces y pastas desfilan por este libro con el que preparar comida de verdad. Recetas disfrutonas para el siglo XXI.

Pan paso a paso: Un curso de pan para aprender de forma fácil todas las técnicas, recetas y trucos

by Ibán Yarza

Pan paso a paso es el nuevo y esperado libro-curso de Ibán Yarza, un manual que destila todo el saber acumulado tras más de una década enseñando a hacer pan casero, presentado de un modo asequible para todos los públicos. Una incontable variedad de formas, colores sabores e ingredientes nos abre la puerta al fascinante mundo del pan a través de 50 recetas de todo tipo: de rápidos panes sin fermentar a panes fermentados durante varios días; de panes cocidos en horno a sorprendentes panes cocidos al vapor, al baño maría, fritos u horneados en cazuela.La gran novedad de Pan paso a paso es su nueva metodología, que no se limita a enumerar las recetas del modo más habitual (panes blancos, panes integrales, masas dulces, etc.), sino que explora en profundidad todas las posibilidades de cada parte del proceso, de manera que es el propio pan el que se explica y el que dota al lector de los recursos necesarios para entender lo que está haciendo y disfrutar de cada momento.Cada receta desarrolla un concepto para que el lector comprenda de forma clara cuáles son las claves para tener éxito en la elaboración. En cada caso, se explican los puntos esenciales del proceso, se ofrecen variaciones y, además, se incluyen varios capítulos «Dr. Pan» en los que se detallan, con fotos y explicaciones, los errores más comunes y cómo solucionarlos.

Pan y salud: De los granos ancestrales al pan de hoy

by Xavier Barriga María Jesús Callejo

Xavier Barriga y María Jesús Callejo nos explican en este libro todo lo que hay que saber hoy en día sobre la preparación y el consumo saludable de pan. El pan es un alimento básico de nuestra dieta, aunque en los últimos decenios ha disminuido su consumo de forma injustificada. En este libro se hace un recorrido completo por el mundo del pan y los cereales y se pone en valor su contenido nutricional. En Pan y salud. De los granos ancestrales al pan de hoy se explica cómo han cambiado los hábitos alimentarios en España relativos al pan, cuánto pan debemos consumir según edad y sexo, se desvela en qué consisten las intolerancias al trigo, sobre todo la enfermedad celíaca. Además, revisa los diferentes tipos de cereales, desde los trigos ancestrales, como la espelta o el kamut®, a los llamados pseudocereales, como la quinoa. Se desglosa cómo se diferencian en cuanto a aporte nutricional y cuáles son aptos para los celíacos, todo ello ilustrado con exquisitas recetas para hacer pan en casa. Porque, sobre todo, este libro promueve el consumo de un pan sano y sabroso, un pan de calidad.

The Pancake

by Anita Lobel

The adventures of a large and tasty pancake that does not want to be eaten!

The Pancake King

by Seymour Chwast Phyllis La Farge

Henry Edgewood loves making pancakes. He makes them every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and everyone in town knows his are the best. But when fame and fortune knock on the door, in the form of a TV appearance and an invitation to the White House, Henry, then far from family, friends, and school, learns that there's a lot more to pancakes than mixing flour, eggs, and milk. This revised edition of the 1971 classic is a humorous reminder to keep our eyes on what's most important, and it is sure to capture the fancy of anybody who's found themselves focused single-mindedly on a pursuit or passion and lost perspective of their priorities.

Pancakes: 72 Sweet and Savory Recipes for the Perfect Stack

by Adrianna Adarme

Simple, delicious, sweet and savory pancakes for any time of day.Who doesn't love a pancake? Celebrated in all cultures and made with variety of ingredients, they are the ultimate comfort food. When food-blogger-turned-cookbook author Adrianna Adarme first moved to L.A., she yearned for breakfasts that tasted like home, and so her pancake quest began. After mastering how to make the perfect fluffy buttermilk pancake recipe she was moved to experiment with different flavor combinations and unexpected toppings. The results are an outstanding collection of sophisticated and unusual pairings:*ginger pear, chai tea, and chocolate pistachio pancakes*cheddar bacon pancakes* smoked gouda potato pancakes* duck-fat pancakes* kimchi frittersPlus old favorites updated like:* banana bread pancakes* red velvet silver dollars* blueberry ricotta pancakesAll together, this is a wide-ranging collection of seventy-two sure-to-delight pancake recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner---each beautifully photographed in full color. Additionally, Adrianna give the low-down on how to achieve the perfect batter for basic buttermilk, vegan, and gluten-free pancakes. There is a section with recipes for delicious syrups, simple glazes, and fruit-based toppings.

Pancakes for Breakfast

by Tomie DePaola

<P>This wordless picture book follows the trials of a little old lady who attempts to make pancakes for her breakfast. “The optimistic determination of the woman and the gentle humor of the illustrations make this an appealing book for the very young.” —School Library Journal <P>This title has been selected as a Common Core Text Exemplar (Grades K-1, Stories).

Pancakes in Paris: Living the American Dream in France

by Craig Carlson

Paris was practically perfect...<P><P> Craig Carlson was the last person anyone would expect to open an American diner in Paris. He came from humble beginnings in a working-class town in Connecticut, had never worked in a restaurant, and didn't know anything about starting a brand-new business. But from his first visit to Paris, Craig knew he had found the city of his dreams, although one thing was still missing-the good ol' American breakfast he loved so much.<P> Pancakes in Paris is the story of Craig tackling the impossible-from raising the money to fund his dream to tracking down international suppliers for "exotic" American ingredients... and even finding love along the way. His diner, Breakfast In America, is now a renowned tourist destination, and the story of how it came to be is just as delicious and satisfying as the classic breakfast that tops its menu.

Pancakes Make People Happy: Over 75 Recipes

by Sharon Collins Charlotte Collins Courtney Wade

Pancakes Make People Happy is a cookbook for everyone who loves pancakes. Gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and dairy-free recipes are included.The pancake is the classic comfort food! Just imagining a short-stack of flapjacks drizzled with maple syrup will bring a smile to anybody&’s face. But did you know that pancakes can be so much more?From savory, satisfying brunchtime fare to light, sweet desserts, pancakes are the perfect food to nourish body and soul.Pancakes Make People Happy features over 75 unique pancake recipes that are as easy to prepare as they are to love, including:• Old Fashioned Buttermilk Pancakes• Jalapeño Corn Fritter Pancakes• Crispy Risotto Pancake• Monte Cristo Pancakes• Citrus Mimosa Pancakes• Pancake Muffins• Eggnog Pancakes• Indian Chai Spice Pancakes• Christmas Tree Stack• Black Forest Pancakes With authors hailing from the Catskills area of upstate New York, the recipes are farm-fresh and wholesome. Pancakes Make People Happy has everything you need to start enjoying this delicious food in no time. Put a little happy on your plate!

Pancakes, Pancakes!

by Eric Carle

"Here's the flour," shouted Jack. "Let's make a pancake." But his mother said, "Now we need an egg." Jack went to the black hen and fed her some grain that had slipped into his pocket while he had been threshing. "Cluck, cluck," said the black hen and went inside the hen house. Then she said, "Cluck, cluck," once more and laid an egg. But eggs and flour aren't all that Jack's mother needs... Will Jack ever get a pancake to eat? Other books by this author are available in this library.

Pancakes & Waffles

by Victoria Pearson Lou Seibert Pappas

Pass the syrup! With more than 40 recipes for zesty batters and delicious fillings, Pancakes & Waffles has breakfast covered. Classic buttermilk pancakes and waffles make wonderful weekend treats, while healthier fruit- and nut-filled pancakes and wholesome multigrain waffles are perfect for weekday mornings-on-the-go. Going beyond the usual, with suggestions for everything from blinis to crepes, this collection also provides mouthwatering inspiration for whipping up fare right on through to dinner: Enjoy Buckwheat Pancakes topped with chevre, smoked salmon, and fresh dill at brunch; Potato-Chive Pancakes for a savory supper side dish; or crepes bursting with fresh berries for the sweetest of sweet endings. Any way you stack 'em, Pancakes & Waffles tastes just right.

Pandemics and Innovative Food Systems (Food Biology Series)

by Anil Kumar Anal

The debate on health, nutrition and food security could not have arisen at a more opportune time. The recent pandemic has given rise to increased food and nutrition insecurity for individuals, families, and communities. The crisis threatened the food security and nutrition of millions of people, many of whom were already suffering. We face possible disruptions to the functioning of food systems, with severe consequences for health and nutrition. Pandemics create a greater burden for poorer countries and countries since they are already pressure of inadequate food supplies. With concerted action, we can not only avoid some of the worst impacts but do so in a way that supports a transition to more sustainable food systems that are in better balance with nature and that support healthy diets – and thus better health prospects for all. This book aims to highlight the impact of pandemics in food systems and nutrition security. It draws on the experience from the past and present pandemics to better prepare the world for future crises.

Pandora's Lunchbox: How Processed Food Took Over the American Meal

by Melanie Warner

In the tradition of Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore's Dilemma a fascinating and cutting-edge look at the scary truth about what really goes into our food. If a piece of individually wrapped cheese retains its shape, color, and texture for years, what does it say about the food we eat and feed our children? Former New York Times business reporter and mother Melanie Warner decided to explore that question when she observed the phenomenon of the indestructible cheese. She began an investigative journey that takes her to research labs, food science departments, and factories around the country. What she discovered provides a rare, eye-opening--and sometimes disturbing--account of what we're really eating. Warner looks at how decades of food science have resulted in the cheapest, most abundant, most addictive, and most nutritionally devastating food in the world, and she uncovers startling evidence about the profound health implications of the packaged and fast foods that we eat on a daily basis.From breakfast cereal to chicken subs to nutrition bars, processed foods account for roughly 70 percent of our nation's calories. Despite the growing presence of farmers' markets and organic produce, strange food additives are nearly impossible to avoid. Combining meticulous research, vivid writing, and cultural analysis, Warner blows the lid off the largely undocumented--and lightly regulated--world of chemically treated and processed foods and lays bare the potential price we may pay for consuming even so-called "healthy" foods.

Pane Senza Glutine

by María José Casañ Marc Alier

UN OPERA GENIALE, RIGOROSA, PARTICOLARE E INCREDIBILMENTE CHIARIFICATRICE...OFFRE GLI SPUNTI PER CAPIRE COME FARE IL PANE, MA OFFRE ANCHE MOLTI ALTRI CONSIGLI …” “Un giorno scopri che devi eliminare il glutine dalla tua dieta o da quella di qualcuno che conosci … Ed allora ti chiedi: Cos’è il glutine?, Dove si trova, come lo evito?Come posso fare il pane, panini, pizza, cocas, crepes, maddalene, torte e dolci senza glutine in casa? Che ingredienti posso utilizzare? Come? E’ nutritivo allo stesso modo un pane con glutine che un pane senza glutine? Devo utilizzare miscele panificabili o posso crearne delle mie? Queste domande sono le stesse che si sono fatte gli autori di “Pane senza glutine” e il libro offre le risposte. Il libro si divide in due parti. Nella prima si affronta il problema del glutine nella dieta, dove si trova, come evitarlo e soprattutto quali sono i prodotti alternativi al glutine e le loro proprietà. Si identificano e analizzano dal punto di vista nutrizionale gli ingredienti (tipi di farine, additivi, lieviti e gassificanti) con i quali fare pane e dolci senza glutine. Come agiscono sul risultato, come si può combinare e in quali proporzioni. La seconda parte si centra sulla cucina: vengono presentate le tecniche e trucchi per cucinare senza glutine e vengono proposte 15 ricette di pane, pizza, crepes, empanadillas, cocas, torte, maddalene (cupcakes) e dolci senza glutine. Offre alternative alle ricette, processi e strumenti (macchine per fare il pane, per ammassare o per impastare a mano) i tipi di farine affinché uno possa applicare le proprie variazioni su queste ricette senza glutine.

Panela de Pressão Elétrica Receitas passo a passo para você arrasar na cozinha

by Luke C Baker

Ao longo das páginas deste livro, você descobrirá uma variedade de receitas deliciosas.. Estes pratos saborosos são escolhidos a dedo para garantir que você tenha uma coleção saudável das melhores receitas, e que esteja em seu alcance em todos os momentos. 

Panela Elétrica: Dicas De Economia De Tempo Para Deixar Seu Fogão Lento Cozinhar Para Você (Melhor Crockpot)

by Bettina Huggl

Uma das atrações fundamentais para alguns é a simplicidade de uma slow cooker, então quando você estiver procurando por fórmulas, mantenha-se longe daquelas que recomendam uma tonelada de pré-planejamento. Para alguns pratos, especialmente sopas e guisados, você pode simplesmente jogar em cada um dos ingredientes. Pode ser decente cozinhar as cebolas até agora, pois o sabor é diverso quando você as coloca no cru, mas teste ambos os pratos como você pode descobrir e favorecer um sabor. No caso de você ter pouco tempo de manhã, prepare tudo o que você precisa para seu banquete lento na noite anterior, coloque-o na slow cooker, tampe e guarde no refrigerador durante a noite. Em um mundo perfeito, a refeição deve estar o mais próxima possível da temperatura ambiente, então retire-a do refrigerador quando você acordar e a abandonar por 20 minutos antes de ligar a panela. Cozinhar com uma panela slow cooker é uma ótima maneira de economizar tempo e ainda preparar uma refeição saudável. Monte a refeição pela manhã, transfira-a para a slow cooker e prepare seu jantar sem bagunça ou limpeza.

The Panera Bread Cookbook: Breadmaking Essentials and Recipes from America's Favorite Bakery-Cafe

by Panera Bread Peter Reinhart Ward Bradshaw Joel Cammett

Nothing satisfies or delights the appetite quite like bread, from rustic sourdough sandwiches and crostini piled high with Roma tomatoes to Sunday morning French toast and savory Thanksgiving stuffing. No one knows better than Panera Bread that well-made bread is the centerpiece to a great meal. <p><p> Now America’s favorite bakery-cafe offers a practical guide to baking artisan breads at home, along with more than 120 recipes for tantalizing dishes that begin with handcrafted bread—whether you’re baking your own or starting with a warm, crusty loaf fresh from your local bakery. <p><p> Panera’s expert bakers guide you through the six easy steps to successful bread-making at home, outlining the ingredients, tools, and techniques that guarantee a perfect loaf. Learn how to work with fresh yeast, adjust recipes according to the baker’s percentage, and craft more than a dozen varieties of white, wheat, and rye breads. <p><p> Too often, great bread is relegated to the sidelines during a meal, so the Panera Bread team also serves up creative ways to cook with artisan breads in appetizers, breakfast and brunch fare, sandwiches, soups, salads, sides, and even desserts. Innovative sandwiches such as Fuji Apple and Fontina Panini and new twists on family favorites like Bananas Foster French Toast showcase the bold flavors and remarkable textures of breads like Kalamata Olive, Raisin Pecan, Three-Cheese, and Focaccia. Panera Bread also shares, for the first time ever, a handful of recipes from their award-winning bakery-cafe menu. <p><p> A thorough introduction to bread-making for beginners and an indispensable reference for experienced bakers, The Panera Bread Cookbook is a celebration of this eternal comfort food—a must-own for bread lovers and bakers everywhere.

Pangat, a Feast: Food and Lore from Marathi Kitchens

by Saee Koranne-Khandekar

In this delectable compendium of recipes and stories, culinary researcher Saee Koranne-Khandekar debunks the myths surrounding the foods of Maharashtra and reveals the versatility and sheer variety of its food traditions. Bringing together over 200 traditional recipes, this enriching book introduces food enthusiasts to special masalas, cooking techniques and elaborate meal spreads using a range of produce. Along the way, its delightful stories and anecdotes vividly detail the characteristic food traits of the several communities that inhabit the region. From the sophisticatedly spiced Kolhapuri mutton sukka to the tamarind-based thecha, from a never-fail formula for frying fish to the wholesome chakolya 'pasta' and variants of karanji, the recipes in this book will at once enhance your kitchen skills and your palate.

Panini: [A Cookbook]

by Carlo Middione

Melted fontina cheese, salty pancetta, crispy grilled ciabatta bread--European sensibility meets comfort food in the panino. PANINI celebrates the original Italian sandwich with 50 recipes, including grilled, not-grilled, and open-faced creations. Home cooks will find instructions for making their own bread and building traditional panini using a variety of cheeses, cured and uncured meats, poultry, seafood, vegetables, and condiments. From Mortadella and Prosciutto di Parma Panini to Artichoke and Tuna Panini, this satisfying collection elevates the common sandwich to sophisticated lunch or dinner fare. A collection of 50 recipes for traditional and contemporary Italian-style sandwiches with only a few ingredients and lots of flavor. From upscale caf?©s to corner delis to fastfood joints, panini are the new sandwich sensation in North America. Reviews"Get inspired with San Francisco restaurateur Carlo Middione'¬?s pocket-sized book Panini. "-Parade magazine "Parade Picks"

Panini: Poems By Luis Panini

by Panini

Quick to prepare, easy to eat and wonderfully filling, paninis are now a staple on lunch menus worldwide, and with this collection of over 40 mouthwatering recipes, you can bring this gourmet treat to your very own kitchen!Work your way through this selection of sweet and savoury recipes to produce a satisfying meal that's as perfect for enjoying with friends as it is for munching on the go - try the inspired flavour and texture sensation that is Grilled sweet potato and blue cheese, or enjoy a comforting Italian-style Lemon, mozzarella and parmesan. Best of all, give in to temptation and savour an indulgent dessert panini filled with melting ice cream and raspberry or warm chocolate chunks.

Panini: Panini Football Collections, 1970-2010

by Spruce

Quick to prepare, easy to eat and wonderfully filling, paninis are now a staple on lunch menus worldwide, and with this collection of over 40 mouthwatering recipes, you can bring this gourmet treat to your very own kitchen! Work your way through this selection of sweet and savoury recipes to produce a satisfying meal that's as perfect for enjoying with friends as it is for munching on the go - try the inspired flavour and texture sensation that is Grilled sweet potato and blue cheese, or enjoy a comforting Italian-style Lemon, mozzarella and parmesan. Best of all, give in to temptation and savour an indulgent dessert panini filled with melting ice cream and raspberry or warm chocolate chunks.

Pantry Cocktails: Inventive Sips from Everyday Staples (and a Few Nibbles Too)

by Katherine Cobbs

Craft delicious, creative mixed drinks using pantry staples with this essential recipe book guaranteed to satiate any cocktail craving. We all want to be the type of host who can put together a tasty meal or a delicious appetizer for unexpected company by creatively using the odds and ends from our pantry or fridge. That same improvisational approach can be applied to home bartending with impressive (and tasty!) results. Knowing how to enlist the everyday basics cluttering up your kitchen, like condiments, jams, pickles, and sauces, means you can craft inventive, flavorful cocktails on the fly, satisfying cravings and fulfilling your guest&’s requests.Pantry Cocktails is an organized, easy-to-follow guide that not only includes cocktail recipes but accompanying themed food boards (such as The Warming Hut Board inspired by New Mexico flavors), helpful tips and hacks, and useful pantry suggestions. Recipes include: -A Sushi Mary with the wasabi and white miso pastes in your fridge (from that sushi delivery last week) -A Basil-Cello Frosecco or Ginger-Orange Shrub Shandy from your garden -Off-Season Bellini using peaches from your cupboardYou will learn which key bottled spirits to keep in your liquor cabinet, which fridge and cupboard staples you can repurpose, and how to use seasonal herbs from your patio or garden to create outstanding cocktails that are sure to satisfy and impress.

The Pantry Cookbook: How To Cook Nutritious Meals From Scratch, On A Budget, When Time Is Short

by Michelle Clay

The Pantry Cookbook: how to cook nutritious meals from scratch, on a budget, when time is short. The American diet is all too often a mishmash of pre-made, mass-produced foods which are expensive, high in calories, and low in nutrients. The popular alternative, gourmet cooking, makes all home cooking appear to take long, and involve expensive, intimidating ingredients. But home cooking doesn't have to be this way. In the Pantry Cookbook, you will learn fundamental recipes and cooking techniques that allow you to whip up nutritious, cheap meals, from scratch, in a minimum of time. This is a user-friendly textbook for beginning cooks, a reference for those who wish to rely less on canned soup and instant side-dishes, and a resource for those who already know how to cook a few things but wish to have a more solid foundation of cooking skills. The Pantry Cookbook has over 130 recipes, including basics like hard-boiled eggs, baked chicken, boiled beans, boiled grain, and sautéed vegetables; classics like beef stew, borscht, and pulled pork; and "Quick Recipes" that can be put together in thirty minutes on a weeknight using ingredients prepared on a weekend. Additional features include shopping lists and menus for a week's worth of meals, an extensive list of substitutions, boxed lunch suggestions, kitchen safety information, money-saving tips, spice mix recipes, ideas for feeding toddlers and other picky eaters, and a complete Thanksgiving menu. The Pantry Cookbook is also a fund raising tool! Instead of a standard copyright, the Pantry Cookbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribute which allows non-profit organizations to publish, sell, and collect royalties on the book, so long as the profits are used to support programs that address hunger or nutrition issues.

Pantry to Plate: Kitchen Staples for Simple and Easy Cooking: 70 weeknight recipes using go-to ingredients

by Emily Stephenson

Eliminate the what's-for-dinner dilemma!Pantry to Plate collects 50 staple ingredients in the cupboard, fridge, or freezer, and features 70 recipes that use only those ingredients. Recipes like Black Bean Burgers and Slaw, Chipotle Chicken Tacos, and Spicy Noodle Soup are just the beginning of the versatility and variety of this tasty and practical cookbook.• A trusty cookbook-meets-guide filled with flavorful and hearty recipes for meals• Includes a fully stocked shopping list for you to take to the store (yes, even the salt, pepper, and oil are included)• Staple ingredients range from Greek yogurt, olives, and lentils to coconut milk, bread crumbs, and fresh ginger.Readers will have everything they need to satisfy cravings and feed hungry mouths with little to no advance planning.With its streamlined message and organization, this book helps new cooks get started in the kitchen, and experienced home cooks get dinner on the table. • Encourages cooks to streamline their kitchen• Offers the tools needed to create simple, delicious, and healthy meals straight from the pantry• Perfect gift for new graduates, newlyweds and couples, young professionals looking to cook at home more, home cooks with limited time, busy parents of big families, and anyone seeking tips on how to stock their pantry and be healthy on a budget• You'll love this book if you love books like Sheet Pan Suppers: 120 Recipes For Simple, Surprising, Hands-Off Meals Straight From The Oven by Molly Gilbert; My Perfect Pantry: 150 Easy Recipes From 50 Essential Ingredients by Geoffrey Zakarian; and Keepers: Two Home Cooks Share Their Tried-And-True Weeknight Recipes and the Secrets to Happiness In The Kitchen: A Cookbook by Kathy Brennan.

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