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Showing 22,001 through 22,025 of 28,170 results

Régime Végétalien: Livre De Recettes De Recettes Végétaliennes Délicieuses (Get Lean With Vegan Lifestyle)

by Mindy David

Le régime végétalien : Livre de délicieuses recettes végétaliennes (Soyez mince avec le style de vie végétalien) Être végétalien est un choix de style de vie que les gens font parce qu’ils ne veulent pas consommer de produits d’origine animale, de produits chimiques nocifs ou d’hormones présents dans nos aliments de tous les jours. C’est le choix d’un régime équilibré et sain bon pour le corps ainsi que pour les animaux qui partagent cette belle planète avec nous. Ce livre de recettes vous apporte beaucoup de bonheur tandis que vous parcourez les nombreuses recettes au fromage et les ajoutez à votre alimentation quotidienne. J’ai écrit ce livre afin de simplifier le processus. Vous y trouverez les composantes de base du régime végétalien. Je décris également l’importance de faire la transition vers ce régime. Oui, se précipiter vers un régime végétalien peut être problématique. Mais comme beaucoup de choses, il s’agit vraiment de savoir ce que vous voulez en tirer. Voulez-vous sauter du lit tous les matins et avoir encore plein d’énergie à la fin de votre journée de travail ? Ou juste faire face en continuant à manger des cochonneries et vous sentir mou ? Le tout est de savoir comment vous voulez vous sentir ! Obtenez votre exemplaire aujourd’hui en cliquant sur le bouton en haut de cette page !

Régime Végétalien (Mode De Vie Végétarien Sain): pour un mode de vie végétarien sain

by Pamela Green

Un régime végétalien ou végétarien ne comprend que des aliments à base de plantes. Les repas et les recettes végétaliens ne comprennent pas de viande, de produits laitiers, d’œufs ou d’autres types d’aliments d’origine animale. Devenir végétalien ne signifie pas que vous devez manger des fruits et des légumes entiers. En fait, les chipses, les frites, les beignets, la crème glacée et d'autres types d'aliments peuvent être considérés comme végétaliens si, au lieu de beurre, ils sont fabriqués avec de l'huile végétale. Les repas et les recettes végétaliens sont l’un des moyens les plus sains de manger. Si vous décidez d'essayer ce régime, assurez-vous de ne choisir que des aliments à base de plantes. Ce sont les fruits et les légumes, les grains entiers, les noix, les haricots, les lentilles et les graines. Ils contiennent de grandes quantités d'antioxydants et regorgent de vitamines, de nutriments, de minéraux, de fibres et d'huiles saines dont le corps a besoin. Pour obtenir suffisamment de protéines, vous pouvez les obtenir à partir de céréales et de soja avec des haricots. Genre: CUISINE / SANTÉ & FITNESS Langue: français.

Régime Végétalien : Recettes De Desserts Végétaliens À Manger

by Erica Stevenson

livre végétalien de recettes. des aliments sains et faciles à préparer vous permettront de cuisiner et de mixer

Régime Végétarien: Livres vegan

by Gaëlle Guilleaume Marcus Flint

Que vous soyez déjà vegan ou cherchez à le devenir, ce livre vous guidera étape par étape dans l’alimentation végétalienne tout en vous proposant de délicieuses recettes bonnes pour la santé. Découvrez ce style de vie qui nourrira votre corps, vous gardera en forme physiquement et moralement et vous permettra de vivre bien plus longtemps. Alors qu’attendez-vous ?

Régimes Alimentaires qui Guérissent: Comment guérir les maladies et les affections pour être en meilleure santé

by Doug Fredrick

- Vous voulez perdre du poids et à reduire la graisse corporelle? - Vous cherchez à être plus sain, plus fort et à avoir plus d'énergie? Aimeriez-vous pouvoir aider à éliminer la maladie, l'inconfort, l'inflammation, la douleur et la dépression? Pendant longtemps, les régimes cétogènes ont été utilisés pour traiter un certain nombre de maladies et faciliter la perte de poids! L'utilisation de techniques de régime céto aidera ėvalement à dėfendre contre les maladies chroniques et l'inflammation, aidera à votre système immunitaire, aux niveaux d'énérgie, à la concentration, au bonheur général et bien plus encore! Présentation des secrets que les professionnels de la guérison naturelle utilisent pour se sentir en meilleure santé que jamais! Avec des décennies de stratégies testées, cet ebook vous montrera le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace d'utiliser la guérison naturelle de votre corps pour votre bien-être! Vous apprendrez comment augmenter votre bien-être en quelques semaines seulement. À part cela, vous améliorerez littéralement chaque aspect de votre vie. Vous voulez savoir comment les individus font face aux maladies chroniques et aux maux? Vous aussi, vous pouvez apprendre les secrets pour y parvenir, vous permettant d'être plus heureux et en meilleure santé. Ce guide vous enseigne des techniques ėprouvées sans utiliser de suppléments ou de cours coûteux. Ce qui est inclu: -Régime cétogène. -Perte de poids. -Battre la dépression. -Etre plus heureux. -Battre la maladie chronique. -Avoir plus d'énergie. -Mieux dormir. -Surmonter les maux. -Nutrition. -Ce que vous devriez savoir. + BEAUCOUP PLUS! Si vous voulez être en meilleure santé, guérir des maux ou améliorer votre concentration et votre bien-être, ce guidee est fait pour vous.

Regional American Food Culture

by Lucy Long

For general readers, Long (international studies and American culture studies, Bowling Green State U.) provides an overview of regional American food cultures. She discusses the history of food cultures in various regions of the US, and major foods and ingredients, cooking traditions, typical meals, dining habits, special occasions, and diet and health in the East, South, Midwest, and West, with some recipes. Annotation c2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Regular: The ultimate guide to taming unruly bowels and achieving inner peace

by Tamara Duker Freuman

An essential guide to irritable bowels, constipation and other gut issues.In Regular, Tamara Duker Freuman tackles this less than glamorous topic, and offers tailored solutions for the most common and uncommon issues, including irritable bowel syndrome, reflux and Coeliac disease. Regular will guide readers to identify the specific cause of their irregularity and provide personalized solutions and tips, including: -questions to take to your next doctor's visit -info and data such as listing problematic foods and suggested alternatives-sample menus, and more.(P) 2023 Hachette Audio

Regular: The ultimate guide to taming unruly bowels and achieving inner peace

by Tamara Duker Freuman

We know that gut health is key to our wellbeing so it's high time we break the taboos and get familiar with our poo!In Regular, digestive health expert and medical nutritionist Tamara Duker Freuman tackles this less than glamorous topic and teaches you all you need to know about your bowel health. Offering tailored solutions for the most common - and uncommon - issues, including irritable bowel syndrome, reflux and Coeliac disease, this book will guide readers to identify the specific cause of their irregularity and provide personalised solutions and tips, including:-questions to take to your next doctor's visit-an interactive quiz that will help you identify the quality of your stool -tables and charts listing problematic foods and suggested alternatives-sample menus, and more.Whether you or a loved one suffers from chronic diarrhoea or constipation, Regular covers the most common causes of bowel irregularity with detailed descriptions of their presentations that a sufferer should recognise, including: fructose, lactose, and sucrose intolerances histamine intolerance inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) malabsorptive conditions, such as bile acid malabsorption (BAM), celiac disease, pancreatic insufficiency, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and pelvic floor dysfunction

Rehabilitation interventions in the patient with obesity

by Paolo Capodaglio

This book has a unique focus on physiotherapy techniques and training methods that are ideally suited for the obese patient. Despite its related comorbidities and disability, not to mention its pandemic proportions, the impact of obesity on individual capacities and rehabilitative outcomes is often neglected by physiotherapists and physical trainers alike. The number of disabled subjects who are also obese is now increasing worldwide, as is the rate of obese patients admitted to post-acute rehabilitation units. The effective rehabilitative treatment of these patients involves special multidisciplinary considerations. This book fills that gap, by gathering evidence-based chapters addressing not only the physiological limitations of obese subjects but also state-of-the-art, novel and specific treatment and training modalities suited for these patients. Though the content is primarily intended for rehabilitation practitioners (physiotherapists, nutritionists, dieticians, psychologists, PRM specialists), it will also benefit students and researchers engaged in this particular multidisciplinary field. The book’s ultimate goal is to increase professionals’ awareness of this multidisciplinary area, and to provide a pragmatic guidebook for those who want to engage in the rehabilitation of patients who are also obese.

Reinas sin reglas: Claves nutricionales para la salud femenina a partir de los 40 años

by Bàrbara Munar

La conocida dietista de Instagram @hablandodenutricion, nos da las claves para mantener una buena salud femenina a partir de los 40 años. Un libro generoso, práctico y basado en la ciencia de vanguardia que permitirá entrar con muy buen pie en la menopausia para vivirla libres, sin síntomas y felices, como verdaderas Reinas sin Reglas. Las mujeres vivimos más de un tercio de nuestra vida sin menstruar, pese a ello la menopausia y el climaterio son un gran desconocido para la mayoría de nosotras porque la experiencia de esta época ha sido un tabú que relacionábamos con la vejez y con el fin de la feminidad. Durante el climaterio el sistema hormonal se altera y causa cambios físicos y psicológicos, pese a ello, es una etapa que puede ser maravillosa, pero dependerá de nuestra actitud y de la información veraz que manejemos tanto en los años previos como durante esta etapa. Este libro responde a preguntas como: ¿Por qué aumentamos de peso a partir de los 40? ¿Por qué nos falta energía o tenemos tantos cambios de humor? ¿Por qué se nos hincha la barriga o tenemos menos deseo sexual? ¿Cómo podemos reducir los sofocos? Y nos da herramientas para que aprendamos que, comiendo variado, centrándonos en la calidad y sin contar calorías podemos perder contorno, desinflamarnos, tener más energía, mejorar tu calidad de sueño, tu libido y reducir los sofocos.

Reindeer Food: 85 Festive Sweets and Treats to Make a Magical Christmas (Whimsical Treats)

by Cayla Gallagher

Deck your halls with sprinkles and frosting! This cookbook has you covered for the entire holiday season. Whether you&’re baking cookies with family, bringing cupcakes to a bake sale, or aiming to WIN your office holiday bake off, Reindeer Food will guarantee your success! This cookbook features tons of different techniques, allowing both beginners and baking experts to hone their skills this holiday season. Esteemed author Cayla strives to turn everyday recipes into &“edible cuteness&”—colorful, eye-catching treats! Cozy up in front of the fire with a Reindeer Hot Chocolate, challenge your friends to an Ugly Christmas Sweater Cake challenge, and watch the winter sun shine through your Snowflake Window Cookies. Santa will surely leave you extra presents when he sees the Candy Cane Cookies you&’ve left out for him! And if someone in your family has been naughty this year, you can always sneak a couple Lumps of Coal into their stocking. Recipes include: Gingerbread man cupcakesWreath bundt cakeReindeer marshmallowsSugarplum trufflesEggnog hot chocolateCandy cane donutsSugar cookie gift tagsDancing reindeer briocheChristmas tree cheesecake cupsSO many more!

Reinventing the Wheel: Milk, Microbes, and the Fight for Real Cheese (California Studies in Food and Culture #65)

by Francis Percival Bronwen Percival

In little more than a century, industrial practices have altered every aspect of the cheesemaking process, from the bodies of the animals that provide the milk to the microbial strains that ferment it. Reinventing the Wheel explores what has been lost as raw-milk, single-farm cheeses have given way to the juggernaut of factory production. In the process, distinctiveness and healthy rural landscapes have been exchanged for higher yields and monoculture. However, Bronwen and Francis Percival find reason for optimism. Around the world—not just in France, but also in the United States, England, and Australia—enterprising cheesemakers are exploring the techniques of their great-grandparents. At the same time, using sophisticated molecular methods, scientists are upending conventional wisdom about the role of microbes in every part of the world. Their research reveals the resilience and complexity of the indigenous microbial communities that contribute to the flavor and safety of cheese. One experiment at a time, these dynamic scientists, cheesemakers, and dairy farmers are reinventing the wheel.

Reinventores: Descubra creatividad y nuevos modelos de negocio con los mejores cocineros

by Marta Fernández Guadaño

Lo que todos podemos aprender del éxito de los grandes cocineros españoles. La transformación de la cocina española en las últimas décadas ha supuesto un fenómeno de dimensiones mundiales y ha dado a conocer a una serie de cocineros que se han convertido en referente social y empresarial. Reinventores explica las claves de este fenómeno, y ofrece una serie de lecciones que todos podemos aplicar en nuestro trabajo, por muy alejado que este se encuentre de la gastronomía. Partiendo de los casos de los cocineros más conocidos y de otros que no lo son tanto, comprenderemos gracias a este libro la importancia de la creatividad, la relación con el cliente y la exploración constante de nuevos modelos de negocio, a veces visionarios, y aprenderemos a aplicar estas lecciones en nuestra propia empresa. Marta Fernández Guadaño nos adentra en el mundo de los fogones de una forma amena, directa y de primera mano para explicarnos qué se esconde en realidad detrás del éxito de la cocina española, y que ha convertido a este sector en puntero y en un referente en todo el mundo. Reseña:«Un estudio profundo, preciso y directo de las claves empresariales de los restaurantes que han conducido la revolución gastronómica española.»Joan, Josep y Jordi Roca, propietarios de El Celler de Can Roca (Girona) «Es la obra imprescindible para entender las claves del éxito profesional y empresarial de la mejor cocina española de todos los tiempos.»Andoni Luis Aduriz, cocinero y propietario de Mugaritz (Rentería, Guipúzcoa) «Reinventores es una referencia única, el primer libro de management con la gastronomía y sus diferentes modelos de negocio como hilo conductor.»Diego Guerrero, cocinero y director gastronómico de El Club Allard (Madrid) «No es fácil condensar en un solo libro tantas enseñanzas prácticas. Una herramienta básica para reflexionar en el camino del éxito.»José Carlos Capel, crítico gastronómico y creador de Madrid Fusión «Estamos condenados a innovar para crecer. La cocina se volverá a reinventar con internet y con los modelos disruptivos como los que cuenta Marta.»Pablo Rodríguez, director de Investigación de Telefónica I+D y del Proyecto de Telefónica I+D con el Bullifoundation


by Marta Fernández Guadaño

La transformación de la cocina española ha supuesto un fenómeno de dimensiones mundiales. Reinventores explica las claves de este fenómeno y ofrece una serie de lecciones que todos podemos aplicar a nuestro trabajo, por muy alejado que este se encuentre de la gastronomía. Partiendo de los casos de los cocineros comprenderemos la importancia de la creatividad, la relación con el cliente y la exploración constante de nuevos modelos de negocio, y aprenderemos a aplicar estas lecciones a nuestra propia empresa. Marta Fernández nos explica qué se esconde en realidad detrás de un éxito que ha hecho de la cocina española un sector puntero y referente en todo el mundo.

Reizdarmbeschwerden lindern für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Matthias Robert

Jeder fünfte Deutsche leidet unter Reizdarmbeschwerden. Vielleicht auch Sie? Dieses Buch verspricht Linderung bei Durchfall oder Verstopfungen, Blähungen und Schmerzen. Der Internist und Ernährungsmediziner Dr. Matthias Robert beschreibt, was sich hinter dem Reizdarmsyndrom verbirgt, welche so gar nicht reizenden Symptome es mit sich bringt und welche Untersuchungen Ihr Arzt bei Ihnen durchführt, um die Diagnose stellen und andere Erkrankungen ausschließen zu können. Er erklärt, wie das komplexe Organ Darm funktioniert, wie eng Bauch und Hirn verbunden sind und warum deshalb Psyche und Stress eine so große Rolle beim Reizdarmsyndrom spielen. Vor allem aber setzt er sich mit den verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Therapie auseinander und stellt eine ganze Reihe von Möglichkeiten vor, wie Sie Ihre Beschwerden lindern können: Ernährungsumstellung und Entspannung, Medikamente und alternative Heilmethoden. Damit endlich Ruhe in Ihrem Bauch einkehrt.

The Rejuvenation Solution: Age in Reverse--7 Proven Medical Breakthroughs That Prevent Disease and Make You Feel Years Younger

by Robert Willix

Be healthy, strong, and vital at any age with 7 proven discoveries that stop accelerated aging. Anyone can remain strong, flexible, and full of energy at every age with this comprehensive blueprint that controls and reverses the 7 major causes of aging by working on them synergistically.While aging is inevitable, physical, mental, and spiritual decline doesn't have to be. With a focus on prevention instead of prescriptions, of empowering the patient to discover the body's own healing intellect, Dr. Willix offers a comprehensive plan that will completely revamp your health, making you look and feel years younger no matter what your age. Dr. Robert Willix Jr. M.D., a board-certified cardiovascular surgeon from the University of Michigan Medical Center, pioneered open heart surgery in South Dakota in 1977. An avid athlete who competed in the Ironman World Championship, he spent his life researching the root causes of aging and integrative medical techniques that would halt the aging process in its tracks. Knowing that once his patients reached his surgery suite it was often too late to radically change their course, he left his surgical career behind to become a leading expert on natural healing techniques. While many physicians may not even know these latest developments, he distills cutting-edge research from many disciplines so that anyone can age-proof their health with these 7 keys: Geroprotectors: These are the next-generation antioxidants—learn how to harness them through foods and supplements. Inflammabots. Body-wide inflammation is known to be the source of nearly all diseases of aging, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Learn how to control inflammation for the long haul. Hormone-Peptide Connection. Avoid age-related hormone decline by maintaining this delicate balance. Telomerase Activators. Telomerase is The Energizer Bunny enzyme that keeps cells youthful. Discover how to keep your telomerase functioning optimally. The Muscle of Youth. Exercise is one the best anti-aging medicines of this century if done correctly. Don't waste hours on a machine—learn how to rev up the powerful anti-aging gene known as FOXO. Rejuvenation Nutrition. Rejuvenate your body from the inside out in visible and in medically measurable ways. Age-Defying Stress Management. Learn how proper relaxation helps produce antioxidants, lowers the damage from oxidation, and lengthens telomeres. You are in the driver's seat when it comes to your health--you can accelerate aging or you can put these habits into practice and decelerate aging starting today, enjoying abundant health and the many benefits it brings for many years to come.

Rejuvenece en la cocina: Recetas para ganar salud, alegría y vitalidad

by Samar Yorde

Si tu meta es mantenerte joven, lograr un peso saludable, alejar las enfermedades o tener energía... recuerda que todo comienza con los alimentos que consumes. Empieza a vivir cada día haciendo lo correcto, lo que es saludable para tu cuerpo y justo para ti. Hoy puedes dar el primer paso que te llevará al cuerpo y a la vida que siempre soñaste tener. En Rejuvenece en la cocina, Samar Yorde te enseña recetas deliciosas, te lleva de compras y te da consejos prácticos para sentirte como nunca antes y recuperar tu energía vital. Con una alimentación adecuada... Mejorará tu salud " Controlarás la ansiedad " Vencerás las adicciones " Dormirás mejor " Perderás peso " Lucirás más joven " Ganarás energía y vitalidad " Sentirás alegría " Aumentará tu autoestima " Alargarás tu vida

Rekindling the Fire: Food and The Journey of Life

by Martin Ruffley

This book will inspire anyone who reads it to cook. The recipes offer home-cooks, amateurs and seasoned chefs alike an opportunity to experiment with both new and old techniques, through easy to follow, concise instructions that will really ‘up anyone’s game’ in the kitchen. You will learn how to create some magical dishes, as well as discover invaluable insider tips that will transform a meal from the ordinary to the exceptional.With touching personal stories to complement each dish, the book celebrates the art of cooking through stunning visuals and eloquent portrayals of different regional cuisine, including Nordic, Italian, Irish, Japanese and Vietnamese. But there is more. This beautifully crafted cookbook is also an inspiring memoir that will bring hope to individuals and families touched by the experience of addiction.Rekindling the Fire brings to life Martin’s backstory of addiction through the prism of mindfulness. It demonstrates how a passion, in this case cooking, has the potential to transform lives. Each chapter has captivating prose that speaks directly to the reader about how cooking is more than food preparation, but also a mindful journey of self-discovery and healing. This element of the book elevates the narrative and propels us into a world of alchemy that is completely unique in the cookbook genre.Enjoy!


by Christian F. Puglisi

Chef Christian F. Puglisi opened restaurant Relæ in 2010 on a rough, run-down stretch of one of Copenhagen's most crime-ridden streets. His goal was simple: to serve impeccable, intelligent, sustainable, and plant-centric food of the highest quality--in a setting that was devoid of the pretention and frills of conventional high-end restaurant dining. Relæ was an immediate hit, and Puglisi's "to the bone" ethos--which emphasized innovative, substantive cooking over crisp white tablecloths or legions of water-pouring, napkin-folding waiters--became a rallying cry for chefs around the world. Today the Jægersborggade--where Relæ and its more casual sister restaurant, Manfreds, are located--is one of Copenhagen's most vibrant and exciting streets. And Puglisi continues to excite and surprise diners with his genre-defying, wildly inventive cooking. Relæ is Puglisi's much-anticipated debut: like his restaurants, the book is honest, unconventional, and challenges our expectations of what a cookbook should be. Rather than focusing on recipes, the core of the book is a series of interconnected "idea essays," which reveal the ingredients, practical techniques, and philosophies that inform Puglisi's cooking. Each essay is connected to one (or many) of the dishes he serves, and readers are invited to flip through the book in whatever sequence inspires them--from idea to dish and back to idea again. The result is a deeply personal, utterly unique reading experience: a rare glimpse into the mind of a top chef, and the opportunity to learn the language of one of the world's most pioneering and acclaimed restaurants.From the Hardcover edition.

Relationships Among the Brain, the Digestive System, and Eating Behavior: Workshop Summary

by Leslie Pray

On July 9-10, 2014, the Institute of Medicine's Food Forum hosted a public workshop to explore emerging and rapidly developing research on relationships among the brain, the digestive system, and eating behavior. Drawing on expertise from the fields of nutrition and food science, animal and human physiology and behavior, and psychology and psychiatry as well as related fields, the purpose of the workshop was to (1) review current knowledge on the relationship between the brain and eating behavior, explore the interaction between the brain and the digestive system, and consider what is known about the brain's role in eating patterns and consumer choice; (2) evaluate current methods used to determine the impact of food on brain activity and eating behavior; and (3) identify gaps in knowledge and articulate a theoretical framework for future research. Relationships among the Brain, the Digestive System, and Eating Behavior summarizes the presentations and discussion of the workshop.

Releasing Systems in Active Food Packaging: Preparation and Applications (Food Bioactive Ingredients)

by Seid Mahdi Jafari Ana Sanches Silva

Valuable progress has been made in food packaging over the past two decades, reflecting advancements in process efficiency, improved safety and quality throughout the supply chain, and the need to reduce product loss and environmental impact. A new generation of food packaging systems, including active and intelligent packaging, is emerging, based on technological breakthroughs that offer the possibility of extending shelf-life, reducing food loss, and monitoring changes in the food product. Releasing Systems in Active Food Packaging closely examines such a technological breakthrough, active releasing systems, which add compounds such as antimicrobials, antioxidants, flavors, colorants, and other ingredients to packaged food products. Chapters detail examples of recent innovations in active releasing systems, and the authors systematically address their application to different food groups. Such an in-depth approach makes this a useful reference researchers, health professionals, and food and packaging industry professionals interesting in innovative food packaging technologies.

Religion, Food, and Eating in North America (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History)

by Benjamin E. Zeller Marie W. Dallam Reid L. Neilson Nora L. Rubel

The way in which religious people eat reflects not only their understanding of food and religious practice but also their conception of society and their place within it. This anthology considers theological foodways, identity foodways, negotiated foodways, and activist foodways in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. Original essays explore the role of food and eating in defining theologies and belief structures, creating personal and collective identities, establishing and challenging boundaries and borders, and helping to negotiate issues of community, religion, race, and nationality.Contributors consider food practices and beliefs among Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists, as well as members of new religious movements, Afro-Caribbean religions, interfaith families, and individuals who consider food itself a religion. They traverse a range of geographic regions, from the Southern Appalachian Mountains to North America's urban centers, and span historical periods from the colonial era to the present. These essays contain a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, emphasizing the embeddedness of food and eating practices within specific religions and the embeddedness of religion within society and culture. The volume makes an excellent resource for scholars hoping to add greater depth to their research and for instructors seeking a thematically rich, vivid, and relevant tool for the classroom.

Relish: My Life on a Plate

by Prue Leith

The eye-opening story of one woman's incredible appetite for life: the memoirs of Prue Leith, judge of C4's GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF and former judge of BBC2's GREAT BRITISH MENU. Now fully revised and updated, including Prue falling in love and marrying again in her 70s.'What a terrific tale it is - of a South African girl who could stand the heat and made the kitchen into a remarkable career' TelegraphPrue Leith describes herself as greedy in all senses of the word. Cook, caterer, restaurateur, food writer, journalist, novelist, businesswoman, teacher, television presenter, charity worker, lover, wife and mother, she has certainly been greedy for life. Prue came to London in the early 1960s and, not long afterwards, opened Leith's Restaurant. By the mid-seventies she was a food columnist on the Daily Mail, had published several cookbooks and opened Leith's School of Food and Wine. But it wasn't all work. Prue writes with honesty of her love life, her longing for children, the birth of her son, the adoption of her daughter and much else besides. In this fully revised and updated edition she tells of how she met, fell in love with and married John Playfair as well as her exciting new role as a judge on Great British Bake Off. Prue's down-to-earth attitude to life and her remarkable energy are an inspiration to anyone.


by Daphne Oz

Oz--a co-host on the hit daytime talk show "The Chew," bestselling author of "The Dorm Room Diet," and Dr. Mehmet Oz's daughter--offers simple, practical advice on living the best life right now.

Remarkable Service

by The Culinary Institute of America

A professional, highly trained staff offers a competitive advantage for all foodservice operations, from practical service skills (i.e., setting the table, serving the food, and presenting the check) to less tangible service skills (i.e., creating a welcoming space, exhibiting a helpful attitude, and anticipating customer needs). This revised edition has been thoroughly re-organized and updated with all-new photographs and includes new "Scripts for Service Scenarios" throughout to help servers practice real-world scenarios.

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