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Yes, Chef: A Memoir

by Marcus Samuelsson

It begins with a simple ritual: Every Saturday afternoon, a boy who loves to cook walks to his grandmother’s house and helps her prepare a roast chicken for dinner. The grandmother is Swedish, a retired domestic. The boy is Ethiopian and adopted, and he will grow up to become the world-renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson. This book is his love letter to food and family in all its manifestations. <p><p> Yes, Chef chronicles Samuelsson’s journey, from his grandmother’s kitchen to his arrival in New York City, where his outsize talent and ambition finally come together at Aquavit, earning him a New York Times three-star rating at the age of twenty-four. But Samuelsson’s career of chasing flavors had only just begun—in the intervening years, there have been White House state dinners, career crises, reality show triumphs, and, most important, the opening of Red Rooster in Harlem. <p> At Red Rooster, Samuelsson has fulfilled his dream of creating a truly diverse, multiracial dining room—a place where presidents rub elbows with jazz musicians, aspiring artists, and bus drivers. It is a place where an orphan from Ethiopia, raised in Sweden, living in America, can feel at home.

Yes Ve-gan!: A blueprint for vegan living (Gaia Manifestos)

by Selene Nelson

The rise of veganism is impossible to ignore - for full time practitioners and those wanting to experiment with a more planet-friendly lifestyle. In Yes-Vegan! Selene breaks down the burning questions surrounding veganism from choice, ethics, ecology to fitness, health & beauty as well as providing informed opinions on just how to rebuff the haters. "With regards to veganism, as long as you arm yourself with some key facts and remain calm, there really is nothing to worry about - even if you're someone who hates conflict. After this book, not only will you be able to answer each and every question posed to you, but you can then follow up with a few insightful questions of your own that will get the other person thinking." - Selene Nelson "This book will open your mind" - Julie MontaguChapters include: My Vegan JourneyThe FactsStarting OutVegan LifeTaking it FurtherFour Weeks to Vegan

Yes Ve-gan!: A blueprint for vegan living

by Selene Nelson

The rise of veganism is impossible to ignore - for full time practitioners and those wanting to experiment with a more planet-friendly lifestyle. In Yes-Vegan! Selene breaks down the burning questions surrounding veganism from choice, ethics, ecology to fitness, health & beauty as well as providing informed opinions on just how to rebuff the haters. "With regards to veganism, as long as you arm yourself with some key facts and remain calm, there really is nothing to worry about - even if you're someone who hates conflict. After this book, not only will you be able to answer each and every question posed to you, but you can then follow up with a few insightful questions of your own that will get the other person thinking." - Selene Nelson "This book will open your mind" - Julie MontaguChapters include: My Vegan JourneyThe FactsStarting OutVegan LifeTaking it FurtherFour Weeks to Vegan

Yes Ve-gan!: A blueprint for vegan living (Gaia Manifestos)

by Selene Nelson

The rise of veganism is impossible to ignore - for full time practitioners and those wanting to experiment with a more planet-friendly lifestyle. In Yes-Vegan! Selene breaks down the burning questions surrounding veganism from choice, ethics, ecology to fitness, health & beauty as well as providing informed opinions on just how to rebuff the haters. "With regards to veganism, as long as you arm yourself with some key facts and remain calm, there really is nothing to worry about - even if you're someone who hates conflict. After this book, not only will you be able to answer each and every question posed to you, but you can then follow up with a few insightful questions of your own that will get the other person thinking." - Selene Nelson Chapters include: The Sustainability IssueThe Animal IssueThe Health Issue Must-know-vegan-infoVegan RebuttalsHealth & FitnessFashion & Beauty(p) 2019 Octopus Publishing Group

Yes Way Rosé: A Guide to the Pink Wine State of Mind

by Erica Blumenthal Nikki Huganir

Get in the pink wine state of mind with Yes Way Rosé, the ultimate guide to drinking and entertaining with the blush beverage, from the creators of @yeswayrose! Fresh, easygoing, and a little bit whimsical, rose is more than just a wine -- it's shorthand for an entire lifestyle. And nothing embodies the lighthearted joy of "drinking pink" more than the wine and lifestyle brand Yes Way Rosé. Equal parts informative and celebratory, Yes Way Rosé is both a wine primer and a source of lifestyle inspiration. Readers will learn the ins and outs of rose production, as well as the major wine-making regions, before diving into food pairings, rose cocktails, and even rose-inspired astrology. From Rosé 101, tasting notes, and recipes, to tips on maintaining "rose vibes" and throwing an incredible soiree, Erica Blumenthal and Nikki Huganir translate their vibrant, humorous, and well-informed passion for rose into an irresistible gift book. Overflowing with full-color photographs and cheeky illustrations, Yes Way Rosé is the perfect read for anyone who has ever fallen under the alluring spell of pink wine.

Yo amo comer: Descubriendo los alimentos en familia

by Karina Eilenberg Sabrina Gatti Wosner

La guía más sencilla y práctica para disfrutar de la alimentación de nuestros hijos, desde el embarazo hasta el jardín de infantes. Diseñada por las integrantes del grupo OliLu, con la experiencia y el rigor de su profesión, pero también su calidez y compromiso como madres. Incluye treinta recetas de Natalia Kiako. ¿Existe algún truco efectivo para criar niños que coman sano? ¿Cómo sé si mi bebé está preparado para empezar? ¿Es obligatorio darle el primer plato a los seis meses? ¿Son necesarias las papillas? ¿Cómo sobrevivir a la oferta de alimentos ultraprocesados? ¿Crece porque come o come porque crece? En lugar de ser una etapa más de la crianza, en los últimos años la alimentación infantil se ha vuelto un motivo de preocupación y ansiedad para las familias. Madres y padres intentan hacer lo mejor por sus bebés con el poco tiempo del que disponen, mientras avanzan entre las ofertas de los supermercados y una enorme cantidad de mensajes contradictorios. Alejadas de las consignas complejas y los productos industriales, las médicas y madres Sabrina Gatti Wosner y Karina Eilenberg proponen volver a comer alimentos de verdad. Frescos, naturales. Comida real cocinada en casa, sin preparaciones descabelladas ni ingredientes imposibles de conseguir: verduras, frutas, cereales integrales, algo de carne. Una guía simple y práctica, y a la vez científicamente rigurosa, para disfrutar de la alimentación del bebé con alegría, como lo hacemos con sus primeras palabras y sus primeros pasos.

Yo cocino latino: Las mejores recetas de cinco populares blogs de cocina hispana

by Alejandra Graf Clara González Erica Dinho Layla Pujol Verónica Cervera

Recetas fáciles y deliciosas, de los blogs de cocina más populares a tu mesa. Aprende a preparar los platos más deliciosos de la cocina latinoamericana, como los sopes mexicanos, el sancocho dominicano, la arepa de huevo colombiana, el ceviche ecuatoriano, la vaca frita cubana y muchas otras recetas de los blogs de cocina Piloncillo&Vainilla, Simple by Clara, My Colombian Recipes, Recetas de Laylita y La cocina de Vero. Descubre deliciosos platillos... para comenzar el día, para el día a día, para el fin de semana, para celebrar, para picar, para endulzar la vida... Cada receta contiene ingredientes fáciles de conseguir, preparación paso a paso, consejos prácticos y foto a página entera y a todo color para inspirarte. ¡Atrévete a cocinar estos platillos y disfruta el sabor de Latinoamérica!

¡Yo sí conseguí adelgazar! Con mis recetas proteicas

by Carmen Albo

Nuevas y variadas recetas que te ayudarán a conseguir tus objetivos de dieta de forma eficaz y sin pasar hambre. Este libro de recetas proteicas te resultará de gran ayuda para adelgazar de forma rápida, fácil y sin morir de aburrimiento. En él se recogen mis 85 mejores recetas para una dieta rica en proteínas, esa dieta que a tantas y tantas personas nos ha hecho adelgazar con un enorme éxito en todo el mundo. Puedo asegurarte que todas las recetas que se recogen en este libro las he cocinado, fotografiado y, lo que es aún más importante, probado en mis propias carnes, y nunca mejor dicho. Además, he procurado que estos platos sean como me gustan a mí las cosas y las personas: ¡sencillas y divertidas! Porque la vida ya es suficientemente complicada y la recorremos con demasiadas prisas. Así, tras un proceso empírico personal y bastante particular, puedo afirmar que las recetas de dieta proteica de este libro sonlas que me han hecho adelgazar con rapidez y de forma divertida. Por eso estoy segura de que a ti también te ayudarán de la misma manera. Carmen Albo

Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Get Apples?

by Lee Daniel

Yo and her father are visiting an apple orchard! Discover the different types of apples that an orchard grows and harvests. Yo can't wait to make special treats with all the apples she picked!

Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Get Blueberries?

by Lee Daniel

Yo and her grandmother are visiting the Little Blueberries Organic Farm. They are picking a lot of blueberries from berry bushes for her grandfather. What special treat will they make with the berries?

Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Get Cranberries‌?

by Lee Daniel

What color are cranberries before they’re harvested? Take a guess as Yo tours a cranberry bog with her grandpa! Discover what a bog is and how it helps cranberries flower and grow!

Yo Wants to Know: How Do We Make Jam?

by Lea Daniel Alan Daniel

Have you ever wondered how to make jam? Follow along with Yo and her mom as they make strawberry jam together. First, Yo and her mother must pick berries from their garden. Can you guess what cooking steps are next? Read along to learn how to make jam using your favorite fruit berries!

Yo Wants to Know: What Color Tastes Best?

by Lea Daniel Alan Daniel

Yo and Jennifer taste different types of fruit. Some fruits are sweet and some are sour. Cucumbers aren’t sweet or sour. Jennifer doesn’t like green food, and Yo only likes red food, like tomatoes and strawberries. Yo says yellow is a sour color and lemons and grapefruit are sour, too. Yo’s mom lets Jennifer try pineapples. Will Jennifer like pineapples? What kind of fruit will they try next?

Yo Wants to Know: What Should Dogs Not Eat?

by Lea Daniel Alan Daniel

Yo learns about foods that are poisonous for dogs to eat. Yo and her grandfather learn what the most dangerous human food is for dogs using their computer. How many types of food will Yo and her grandfather find to keep Lips safe?

Yo Wants to Know: Why Do We Feed the Birds?

by Lea Daniel Alan Daniel

Yo and her mother go outdoors to fill the bird feeders with birdseed. Yo wonders if they should feed wild animals too. What will happen if Yo leaves birdseed out for other animals? Will Yo and her mother decide to feed the other animals?

The Yo-Yo Diet Syndrome: How To Heal And Stabilize Your Appetite And Weight

by Doreen Virtue

How wonderful would it feel to be able to break free from the pattern of yo-yo dieting forever? Recent research suggests that 95 percent of dieters fail to keep the weight off and continually lose pounds on countless occasions but end up putting it (and more) back on, overeat due to stress, depression, boredom, and fatigue, and constantly crave, or binge on, fat- and calorie-laden food. In this revised edition of her landmark book, Doreen Virtue shows you how you can keep the extra weight off—permanently! She presents a wealth of practical information that shows you how to heal your appetite and dieting issues, from the inside out. This book is a must if you want to address the psychological, spiritual, and physiological causes of weight gain, and desire a simple and realistic method for shedding those excess pounds—for good!

Yoga and Vegetarianism

by Ingrid Newkirk Sharon Gannon

Drawing upon her studies of Vedic traditions, Sharron Gannon explores how the physical and spiritual practice of Yoga is historically and structurally tied to a vegetarian lifestyle. Integral to one another, both Yoga and Vegetarianism form a framework for physical and spiritual attunement, and when practiced as a whole provide engender an incomparably healthy lifestyle. Samadhi is the aim of the Yoga practice. It is a Sanskrit word meaning 'same as the highest'. It is the identification of the individual with the Absolute supreme consciousness which is truth, knowledge and unending bliss. The first step in Patanjali's system of Yoga is Ahimsa, which means the practice of non-harming and nonviolence. This is the reason vegetarianism is a main tenet of Yoga. You simply cannot eat another being without harming them first. The practices of Yoga are meant to be practices, meaning you work toward the attainment of perfection, knowing that perfection may never come. Yoga has been called the perfection of action. All actions originate as thoughts, so a perfect action must come from a perfect thought. What is a perfect thought? A perfect thought is one that is free of selfish desire, anger and hate. We return to Ahimsa as the means to perfect action. See yourself in others, all others, and then go beyond seeing. BE yourself in others until there are no others, until there is only Love, only One. The single most important part of your yoga practice is the strict adherence to a vegetarian diet, a diet free of needless cruelty, harm and injustice. Ahimsa is not an optional part of the program, it is the first step.

The Yoga Body Diet: Slim and Sexy in 4 Weeks (Without the Stress)

by Kristen Schultz Dollard John Douillard

A yoga body is the one you have now, only healthier. This book is your complete guide to how to get it. And the benefits don't stop at your appearance. At the end of 4 short weeks, you'll feel better, you'll think more clearly, and you'll find it's much easier to keep a positive mindset and roll with life's inevitable punches. It's not as difficult as you might think! Here's how it works: The newest research has demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that active relaxation triggers better blood flow to your organs, improving digestion and immune function. Yoga also puts you more in touch with your body, decreases stress and blood pressure, and regulates your nervous system, cultivating balance in the body. And it pulls muscle toward bone, creating a lithe and lean frame rather than gym-built bulk. The Yoga Body Diet shows you exactly how to eat well, shop wisely, and stretch yourself slim. The best part? NO YOGA EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. On this easy, 4-week plan, you will eat, move, and think according to your natural rhythms. You'll relax your systems rather than stressing them out, so that you won't experience the intense hunger pangs that often come when the body is in overdrive. In 4 short weeks, The Yoga Body Diet shows you how to de-stress your life, balance your system, and get the yoga body you've always wanted...for life.

Yoga for Weight Loss

by Loren Fishman

An instructive, inspiring guide to using yoga as an effective and approachable tool to lose weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle. More than your average exercise regimen, yoga has helped enthusiasts discover personal equilibrium and maintain it for a lifetime. In Yoga for Weight Loss, renowned physician and longtime yoga practitioner Loren Fishman demystifies the scientific link between yoga and weight control, outlining its medical, physiological, biological, and spiritual impact. “To many of his patients [Dr. Fishman] is a miracle worker” (Jane E. Brody, New York Times), and in Yoga for Weight Loss he brings his expertise to the page to show how simple yoga postures, explained and illustrated here, can work inside the body on a cellular level. These accessible poses, adjustable to different skill levels and medical conditions, can curtail appetite while stimulating a greater utilization of calories that may help practitioners lose as much as two to three pounds per month. Yoga for Weight Loss is an indispensable resource for those seeking a practical and holistic weight loss journey.

Yoga fuer Beginner

by Dean Sanders

Warum Yoga praktizieren? Wir leben in einer Weise, in der unser Geist und unser Nervensystem ständig stimuliert werden. Das Praktizieren von Yoga bietet uns den Raum, unseren Geist zu verlangsamen und unser Gleichgewicht wieder herzustellen. Yoga Alliance und Yoga Journal führten 2016 eine Studie mit dem Namen Yoga in Amerika durch. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass sich ungefähr 36,7 Millionen Menschen mit Yoga befasst haben. Dies entspricht einer Steigerung von etwa 50% gegenüber 2012. Es ist ungewiss, was das boomende Wachstum und die zunehmende Beliebtheit von Yoga verursacht, wir vermuten wegen der Vorteile, die Yoga zu bieten hat. Yoga hilft Ihrem Körper Der bekannteste Vorteil ist physisch. Die Körperhaltung kann sich verbessern: Flexibilität Mobilität Kraft Gleichgewicht Sportler praktizieren aus diesen Gründen Yoga regelmäßig als effektiven Teil Ihres Trainingsplans. Beim Praktizieren von Yoga durchläuft Ihr Körper eine Vielzahl von Bewegungen und Bewegungsabläufen, die Schmerzen und Beschwerden entgegenwirken können, die mit schlechten Haltungsgewohnheiten oder Verspannungen verbunden sind. Yoga hilft Ihnen nicht nur, es macht Sie auf Ihren Körper aufmerksam und lässt Sie Ihre Unausgewogenheiten beheben. Yoga hilft bei Entspannung und Stress Ein weiterer großer Vorteil ist, dass es uns bei Stress hilft. Wenn sich Stress ansammelt, kann es dazu führen, dass Ihr Nervensystem ständig überlastet wird, es fällt schwer sich zu konzentrieren, sich zu entspannen und zu schlafen. Das Atmen, das Sie beim Yoga praktizieren, kann helfen, die Herzfrequenz zu senken und unser Nervensystem in einen entspannteren Zustand zu versetzen. Es verbessert Konzentration und Schlaf. Für Menschen mit mehr spirituellem Hintergrund sind die Auswirkungen von Yoga jenseits der Matte und des physischen Körpers. Es trägt dazu bei, eine tiefere Verbindung zu Ihrer Bedeutung und Ihrem Bewusstsein für das Leben in der Gegen

Yoga para Principiantes: Aprender Yoga desde Casa para Mejorar la Salud y Perder Peso

by Dean Sanders

¿Te gustaría estar mejor contigo mismo, reducir la ansiedad, dormir mejor y combatir la depresión? Durante mucho tiempo, se ha utilizado el yoga como tratamiento para muchas enfermedades y para tener una vida más feliz y más sana. Hacer yoga también ayuda en casos de enfermedades crónicas e inflamación, y puede mejorar el sistema inmunitario, los niveles de energía, la concentración y el estado de ánimo, entre otras muchas cosas. Permite que experimentemos más emociones positivas y dejemos de lado los pensamientos negativos. Aquí encontrarás los secretos de los especialistas en yoga para tener una vida mucho más sana. Tras décadas de estudios sobre este método, en este ebook se expone la forma más rápida y efectiva de hacer del yoga una verdadera fuente de bienestar. En este manual encontrarás las técnicas que funcionan de verdad sin necesidad de gastar mucho dinero en cursos y suplementos. Este ebook incluye: - Para Principiantes - Ponerse en Forma - Perder Peso - Ganar Flexibilidad - Combatir la Depresión - Combatir el Estrés - Reducir y Eliminar la Ansiedad - Tener más Energía - Dormir Mejor - Mindfulness - Hacer Frente a Enfermedades + ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! Si quieres llevar una vida más sana, curar enfermedades o mejorar la concentración y el bienestar, este manual es para ti. -->Desliza hacia arriba y haz click en "añadir al carrito" para comprar ahora Aviso legal: El autor y/o el/los titular/es de los derechos no se responsabilizan de ningún modo de la exactitud, completitud o adecuación del contenido del presente libro, y quedan exentos de cualesquiera responsabilidades derivadas de errores u omisiones que pudieren existir en el presente. Este producto ha de entenderse como referencia exclusivamente. Se ruega consultar a un profesional antes de tomar acciones legales

Yoga Pour Débutants: comment apprendre le yoga chez soi pour être en meilleure santé et perdre du poids

by Dean Sanders

Aimeriez-vous pouvoir ressentir moins de malaises, diminuer votre anxiété, mieux dormir, garder un esprit clair et vaincre la dépression? Les techniques de yoga servent depuis longtemps à traiter un certain nombre de maux, permettant ainsi d’être plus heureux et en meilleure santé! Les techniques de yoga vous aideront également à prendre en charge des maladies chroniques, soigner des inflammations, renforcir votre système immunitaire, augmenter votre degré d'énergie, améliorer votre concentration, favoriser votre mieux-être, et bien plus encore! Ressentez plus d'émotions positives et moins de dépression. Voici les secrets des professionnels du yoga pour vous sentir en meilleure santé que jamais auparavant! Prenant appui sur des décennies de stratégies éprouvées, ce livre électronique vous enseigne la façon la plus rapide et la plus efficace d’adopter le yoga, afin de vous sentir mieux! Ce guide vous permet d’apprendre des techniques éprouvées sans dépenser une fortune pour suivre des cours ou prendre des suppléments. Bienfaits : - Pour débutants - Mise en forme - Perte de poids - Augmentation de la flexibilité - Lutte contre la dépression - Diminution du stress - Réduction et élimination de l’anxiété - Augmentation de l’énergie - Amélioration du sommeil - Pleine conscience - Soulagement des malaises + PLUS ENCORE! Si vous voulez être en meilleure santé, guérir vos malaises ou améliorer votre concentration et votre bien-être, ce guide vous conviendra. --> Retournez en haut de la page et cliquez sur « Ajouter au panier » pour acheter ce livre instantanément Clause de non-responsabilité : Ni cet auteur, ni le ou les titulaires des droits d’auteur ne revendiquent, promettent ou garantissent l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou la pertinence de l'information contenue dans cet ouvrage. Ces derniers déclinent expressémen

The Yoga System of Health and Relief from Tension [Illustrated Edition]

by Yogi Vighaldas

Richly illustrated throughout with diagrams and pictures.In this book the Yogi Vithaldas outlines the benefits of Yoga for ordinary men and women and explains the system of exercises of which he himself is the teacher. These explanations, illustrated by photographs of the author, describe the movements so clearly that any normally active person can follow them.

Yogalosophy: 28 Days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover

by Mandy Ingber

Jennifer Aniston. Kate Beckinsale. Helen Hunt. Brooke Shields. In addition to their fame, these actresses share something else in common: they owe their enviable silhouettes to fitness expert and celebrity yoga instructor Mandy Ingber. In 'Yogalosophy', Ingber-one of the most sought-after fitness and wellness advisors in Los Angeles-offers up a unique 28-day plan to help readers achieve healthier bodies and happier minds. Building on the concepts offered in Ingber's popular 'Yogalosophy' DVD, this handbook provides an accessible program of proven workouts and eating guidelines designed to tone and strengthen the entire body, inside and out. In addition to recipes and detailed body-sculpting workouts (which combine yoga postures with a wide range of other effective exercises), Ingber also offers up wise insights and thought-provoking anecdotes in each chapter, encouraging readers to establish a healthier, more life-embracing mindset. Full of girlfriend-y wisdom, 'Yogalosophy' is a realistic, flexible, daily plan that will help readers transform their minds, their bodies, and their lives.

Yogalosophy: Enhanced Edition for Tablets

by Mandy Ingber

This enhanced edition features additional advice from Mandy Ingber via video clips-one for each week of the program. In each video, Mandy shares her personal insights, words of encouragement, and strategic tips to help you get the most out of your Y28 experience.Jennifer Aniston. Kate Beckinsale. Helen Hunt. Brooke Shields. In addition to their fame, these actresses share something else in common: they owe their enviable silhouettes to fitness expert and celebrity yoga instructor Mandy Ingber.In Yogalosophy®, Ingber-one of the most sought-after fitness and wellness advisors in Los Angeles-offers up a unique 28-day plan to help readers achieve healthier bodies and happier minds. Building on the concepts offered in Ingber's popular Yogalosophy® DVD, this handbook provides an accessible program of proven workouts and eating guidelines designed to tone and strengthen the entire body, inside and out.In addition to recipes and detailed body-sculpting workouts (which combine yoga postures with a wide range of other effective exercises), Ingber also offers up wise insights and thought-provoking anecdotes in each chapter, encouraging readers to establish a healthier, more life-embracing mindset. Full of girlfriend-y wisdom, Yogalosophy® is a realistic, flexible, daily plan that will help readers transform their minds, their bodies, and their lives.

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