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Zumos: Smoothies)

by Mónica Susana Castro Darren Hill

Este libro no es el típico libro que lo va a aburrir con mostrarle todos los beneficios y esas cosas. Ud. es lo suficientemente inteligente y aparte en el mercado hay cualquier cantidad de esos libros. En este libro vamos directamente al punto. Por eso, y sin mayores demoras, vayamos a nuestras fantásticas recetas de batidos.

Zumos: Libro de recetas de zumos deliciosos

by Laura Sanders

¿Cree que no tiene suficiente tiempo para preparar comidas y aperitivos que resulten deliciosos y saludables? ¿Le gustaría tener más energía, ser más feliz y sentirse mejor cada día? ¿Quiere tener a su disposición una fuente abundante de recetas fáciles, rápidas y deliciosas? Si ha respondido que sí a alguna de las preguntas anteriores... ¡Este libro es perfecto para usted! Los zumos son la manera más rápida y fácil de transformar su vida. Las recetas de zumos y verduras frescas y ricas en vitaminas pueden ayudarle a perder peso y a mejorar su salud al aumentar su metabolismo y depurar todo su cuerpo. ¡HAY DENTRO UN REGALO ESPECIAL PARA TODOS LOS LECTORES! El beneficio principal de los zumos es el hecho de consumir mayor cantidad de frutas y verduras. En una sociedad en la que vivimos una vida procesada puede resultar difícil consumir suficiente comida saludable; y los zumos son el remedio. Añada zumos a un estilo de vida saludable y estará bien encaminado para tener una salud óptima y un cuerpo con el que disfrutará de la vida. ¡No lo piense más y llévese el libro!

Zumos y batidos (Cocina Express #Volumen)

by Cris Lincoln

El libro definitivo para preparar deliciosos zumos y batidos con los mejores ingredientes naturales y no quedarnos sin ideas. Nada mejor que una buena aportación diaria de fruta y vegetales frescos para mantener una dieta sana y natural. Este recetario de zumos, batidos y granizados propone ideas para combinar frutas y vegetales de modo que el resultado sea a la vez saludable, nutritivo y, por supuesto, sabroso. Y, además, sabiendo lo que se toma y para qué se toma.

The Zuni Cafe Cookbook: A Compendium of Recipes and Cooking Lessons from San Francisco's Beloved Restaurant

by Gerald Asher Judy Rodgers

For twenty-four years, in an odd and intimate warren of rooms, San Franciscans of every variety have come to the Zuni Café with high expectations and have rarely left disappointed. <P><P>In The Zuni Café Cookbook, a book customers have been anticipating for years, chef and owner Judy Rodgers provides recipes for Zuni's most well-known dishes, ranging from the Zuni Roast Chicken to the Espresso Granita. But Zuni's appeal goes beyond recipes. Harold McGee concludes, "What makes The Zuni Café Cookbook a real treasure is the voice of Zuni's Judy Rodgers," whose book "repeatedly sheds a fresh and revealing light on ingredients and dishes, and even on the nature of cooking itself." Deborah Madison (Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone) says the introduction alone "should be required reading for every person who might cook something someday."

Zuppe: Libro di Cucina per Deliziose Zuppe e Stufati

by Andy Rhodes E. D'Auria

Non c'è modo migliore di coltivare una community, amicizie, o semplicemente di rafforzare i rapporti con la famiglia che mangiare a tavola una calda e saporita zuppa. Se stai cercando ricette deliziose per tutti i giorni che soddisfino i tuoi desideri e il tuo portafogli, questo libro di cucina fa per te. Questo libro è un insieme di grandi varietà di ricette di zuppe da tanti paesi del mondo. rappresenta la cultura culinaria di ogni luogo e usa i diversi sapori, le sorprendenti combinazioni di ingredienti, che puoi comunque sfruttare a tuo vantaggio e modificare se ti va. Se hai mai pensato cose come: •Non ho tempo di cucinare. •Non so da dove iniziare o cosa fare. •Ci vuole troppo per prepararmi qualcosa. •Cucinare è troppo complicato! (sfatiamo questo mito) I Tuoi Problemi Sono Risolti --> SEMPLICI RICETTE CHE TI GUIDERANNO PASSO PASSO! Questo libro ti aiuterà a: •Risparmiare tempo e denaro •Apprendere moltissime ricette di zuppe fatte in casa •Imparare come cucinare e seguire attentamente le ricette

Zuzu Bailey's It's A Wonderful Life Cookbook

by Franklin Dohanyos Karolyn Grimes

Celebrating one of the most beloved, heartwarming films of all time, this book is replete with movie lore and recipes meant to delight cooks, tempt their friends and families, and entertain movie buffs and collectors alike. You'll find old-Fashioned recipes Henry Potter Pot Pie, Fifty-Cents-on-the-Dollar Chuck Roast, Harry Bailey Hero Sandwich, Mrs. Martini's Creamy Linguine, Clarence Oddbody's Heavenly Hot Mulled Wine, "Zuzu, My Little Gingersnap Cookies, and many other dishes inspired by or evocative of fictional Bedford Falls. As a bonus, the book is filled with stills, bits of trivia from the movie, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and reminiscences from the stars of the film and others who helped make it. Karolyn Grimes appeared in eighteen movies as a child actress with many of the greats, including John Wayne, Cary Grant, and Bing Crosby. Best remembered for her role as Zuzu in It's a Wonderful Life, she is still acting and singing, and lives new Kansas City, Missouri. Franklin Dohanyos, a published songwriter, runs a public relations firm near Detroit, Michigan.

Zuzu Bailey's It's A Wonderful Life Cookbook

by Grimes Karolyn Dohanyos Franklin

Celebrating one of the most beloved, heartwarming films of all time, this book is replete with movie lore and recipes meant to delight cooks, tempt their friends and families, and entertain movie buffs and collectors alike. You'll find old-Fashioned recipes Henry Potter Pot Pie, Fifty-Cents-on-the-Dollar Chuck Roast, Harry Bailey Hero Sandwich, Mrs. Martini's Creamy Linguine, Clarence Oddbody's Heavenly Hot Mulled Wine, Zuzu, My Little Gingersnap Cookies, and many other dishes inspired by or evocative of fictional Bedford Falls. As a bonus, the book is filled with stills, bits of trivia from the movie, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and reminiscences from the stars of the film and others who helped make it. Karolyn Grimes appeared in eighteen movies as a child actress with many of the greats, including John Wayne, Cary Grant, and Bing Crosby. Best remembered for her role as Zuzu in It's a Wonderful Life, she is still acting and singing, and lives new Kansas City, Missouri. Franklin Dohanyos, a published songwriter, runs a public relations firm near Detroit, Michigan.

Zymurgy: Best Articles

by Charles Papazian

Since 1978, Zymurgy magazine, official journal of the American Homebrewers Association, has served homebrewers with recipes, practical tips, debates, lore and entertainment. Now Charlie Papazian, founder of the magazine and first name in homebrewing, has combed through classic issues of Zymurgy for this unprecedented collection, packed with popular, timeless homebrewing wisdom for beginners and advanced homebrewers alike-- Award-winning homebrew recipes, and recipes that use your brew as a cook ingredient Whats in your water--and why finding out can make all the difference to your beer How to make exotic brews like stone beer, Swedish gotlandscrika or Dusseldorf Altbier Switching to gain brewing--all you need to know about malts and malt extract How to make authentic English bitters and serve it properly at home How to construct a homemade bottle filler Experimenting wit herbs, spices and different strains of yeast for new tastes in your home brew And, much, much more!

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