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42 Recetas de Hamburguesas y Sándwiches Veganos: Fácil, Sencillo e Ideal Para Una Alimentación Saludable

by Kelli Rae

Este libro de cocina contiene 42 recetas para preparar hamburguesas o sándwiches. ¡Una variedad de 42 recetas saludable de hamburguesas y sándwiches veganos que son tan sencillos de preparar! ¿Está cansado de comer comida procesada en las hamburguesas que dicen ser veganas?, ¿Está preparado para una alternativa más saludable y de la manera más sencilla? ¡42 Recetas de hamburguesas y sándwiches veganos es su solución! Contiene una extensa variedad de recetas. Es la manera perfecta para comer saludable y también, puede ayudarlo en esos “refrigerios culposos” antes de dormir. Puede seguir sintiéndose muy bien al saber que se está alimentando de la mejor forma y con todos los nutrientes necesarios para su cuerpo. Las recetas que contiene el libro, además de ser deliciosas, son excelentes para ahorrar su tiempo y comerlas ya sea de lonche en el trabajo, en la escuela o mientras se va a hacer mandados.

42 Ricette di Hamburger e Sandwich vegani - Facile, divertente e ideale per una dieta salutare

by Rossana Mongiovì Kelli Rae

Introduzione Hamburger e sandwich sono piatti ottimi e potenzialmente economici. Se ne possono preparare di tantissimi tipi diversi. Questo libro raccoglie un incredibile assortimento di 42 hamburger e sandwich vegani. In alcuni vi serviranno pochi ingredienti, in altri molti di più. Le sue ricette vi faranno sicuramente venire l'acquolina in bocca e vorrete provarle e riprovarle tutte. Sono perfette da preparare a casa, o anche per un bel pic-nic in famiglia. BUON APPETITO!

42 séances d’entraînement cardio et autres idées pour rendre l’exercice amusant et intéressant

by Kelli Rae

Vous ennuyez-vous à la salle de sport? Avez-vous besoin de nouvelles idées pour faire de l’exercice en plus d’une machine de cardio? Peut-être manquez-vous de temps ou vous avez besoin d’un plan pour maximiser votre entraînement cardio ? Ce livre répond à ces questions et comprend : Types de cardio pour rester engagé 42 routines différentes avec tous les types de machines, y compris le vélo, le tapis de course et l’elliptique Entraînements qui ne nécessitent AUCUN équipement ou salle de sport ! D’autres moyens de rester motivé pour votre prochain entraînement Et plus encore ! Vous aurez également accès à un courrier électronique pour toute question ou tout commentaire concernant les séances d’entraînement. J’espère que ce livre vous donnera des idées amusantes pour votre prochaine séance à la salle de sport.

42 smoothies et boissons protéinées véganes: Des recettes rapides, simples et santé

by Kelli Rae Judith Samson

42 smoothies et boissons protéinées véganes : des recettes rapides, simples et santé a pour but de vous faire sentir bien et plus en santé tout en découvrant des façons de préparer un petit repas plus rapidement et plus facilement qu'auparavant. La solution miracle ? Des smoothies et des boissons protéinées! Ce ne sont pas que des repas santé : ils sont aussi polyvalents, car ils peuvent être préparés en 2 minutes à n'importe quel moment de la journée. Ils peuvent aussi aider à satisfaire une dent sucrée. Vous pourrez aussi peut-être arriver à perdre du poids et même économiser sur votre facture d'épicerie. Les ingrédients de ces recettes sont très variés : -Fraises -Graines de chia -Lait d'amande -Melon d'eau -Cerises -Et bien plus encore ! Toutes ces recettes sont uniques, amusantes et contiennent aussi une petite information santé sur un ingrédient dans chaque recette. Vous voulez en savoir plus? Téléchargez votre copie maintenant! Allez au haut de la page et sélectionnez le bouton «Acheter».

42 Treinos de cardio e outras ideias para fazer exercícios de forma divertida e não tediosa

by Kelli Rae Jonathan R. Santos & Aleff E. Oliveira

Você fica entediado na academia? Precisa de outras ideias para fazer exercícios além de uma máquina de cardio? Ou você tem um tempo curto e só precisa de um plano para que você possa maximizar o seu treino de cardio? Este livro responde a estas perguntas e inclui: Tipos de cardio para manter-se motivado. 42 rotinas diferentes, com todos os diferentes tipos de máquinas, incluindo a bicicleta, a esteira e o elíptico. Exercícios que não requerem nenhum equipamento ou academia! Outras maneiras de manter-se animado para o próximo treino. E muito mais! Você também poderá me enviar e-mails com quaisquer perguntas ou comentários sobre os exercícios. APROVEITE e espero que este livro lhe dê algumas ideias divertidas para a sua próxima jornada à academia.

42 Vegane Burger und Sandwiches Leichte Rezepte, die Spaß machen und gesund sind

by Beatrice Rueckert Kelli Rae

Haben Sie genug von veganen Burgern aus dem Supermarkt? Ist es an der Zeit für eine gesündere Alternative, die zudem einfach ist? 42 Vegane Burger und Sandwiches ist genau das Richtige für Sie! Es enthält eine große Auswahl an Rezepten für gesunde vegane Burger und Sandwiches. Ideal um gesund zu essen, aber auch gut für eine schnelle Mahlzeit. Sich einfach gut fühlen in dem Wissen, dem Körper die bestmögliche Ernährung zu bieten. Diese leckeren Gerichte lassen sich auch wunderbar vorbereiten, perfekt, wenn Sie nicht zuhause sind: auf der Arbeit, in der Schule oder unterwegs. Wollen Sie mehr erfahren? Laden Sie sich Ihr Exemplar jetzt runter!

42 vegane Protein-Shakes und Smoothies Schnelle, einfache und hervorragende gesunde Ernährung

by Heike Rodenkirch Kelli Rae

Buchbeschreibung: 42 vegane Protein-Shakes und Smoothies Ziel einer schnellen, einfachen und hervorragenden Ernährung ist Ihr Wohlgefühl und Ihre Gesundheit - und das mit schnell und einfach zubereiteten Mahlzeiten. Wie heißt die Lösung? Smoothies und Protein-Shakes! Sie bieten nicht nur eine gesunde Mahlzeit, sondern sind auch praktisch, weil sie zu jeder Tageszeit verzehrt werden können. Sie können auch das Verlangen nach Süßem stillen. Sie können sogar einige Pfunde verlieren und bei Ihren Einkäufen Geld sparen. Diese Rezepte beinhalten eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen Zutaten, u. a. • Erdbeeren • Chia-Samen • Mandelmilch • Wassermelone • Kirschen • u. v. m.! Diese Rezepte sind einzigartig, genussreich und enthalten interessante gesundheitliche Fakten zu den Zutaten. Wollen Sie mehr erfahren? Laden Sie jetzt Ihre Rezeptesammlung herunter! Scrollen Sie zum Anfang dieser Seite und wählen Sie den Buy-Button.

42 veganistische proteïne shakes en smoothies Snel, makkelijk en perfect om schoon te eten

by Kelli Rae Yolanda Broekman

42 proteïne shakes en smoothies: snel, makkelijk en perfect om schoon te eten gaat over je goed voelen en gezonder worden, terwijl je een maaltijd bereiden ook sneller en makkelijker maakt. De oplossing? Smoothies en proteïne shakes! Naast dat het een gezonde maaltijd is, zijn ze ook handig omdat ze op elk moment van de dag kunnen worden geconsumeerd. Ze kunnen je ook helpen om een ​​‘hunkering naar iets zoets’ te verminderen. Je kunt zelfs misschien wat gewicht verliezen en nog wat geld tijdens het boodschappen doen besparen. Er is een grote verscheidenheid aan ingrediënten in deze recepten, waaronder: aardbeien, chiazaden, amandelmelk, watermeloen, kersen, en nog veel meer! De recepten zijn uniek, aangenaam en bevatten ook nog een gezond feitje over een ingrediënt in het recept. Wil je meer leren? Download dan nu jouw exemplaar! Scroll naar de bovenkant van de pagina en klik op de knop “Koop nu”.

42 Vitaminas e Sucos Veganos: Rápidos, Fáceis e Perfeitos para uma Alimentação Saudável

by Kelli Rae

“42 Vitaminas e Sucos Veganos: Rápidos, Fáceis e Perfeitos para uma Alimentação Saudável” fala sobre sentir-se bem consigo mesmo ao ingerir alimentos naturais. Trata-se de fazer uma refeição de maneira breve e simples. Qual é o segredo? Vitaminas e shakes proteicos! Além de benéficos, também são convenientes, pois podem ser consumidos a qualquer hora do dia. Eles também ajudam a evitar o desejo por doces. Você pode até perder alguns quilinhos e economizar na lista de compras. Há uma grande variedade de ingredientes, entre eles: morango, semente de chia, leite de amêndoa, melancia, cereja e muito mais! São receitas ímpares e deliciosas. O livro ainda inclui fatos e curiosidades sobre um ingrediente de cada receita. Quer saber mais? Garanta já o seu!

The 420 Gourmet: The Elevated Art of Cannabis Cuisine

by JeffThe420Chef

The foodie’s guide to cannabis: a smart, sophisticated, and beautifully illustrated cookbook for at-home chefs wanting to safely create and experience their own ediblesJeffThe420Chef is revolutionizing the world of edibles. He first began cooking with cannabis to help a close friend’s mother manage the pain, nausea, and discomfort from her cancer treatments. Over time, he developed a process for infusing cannabis into butters and oils that neutralizes the smell and taste, leading to a new understanding of edibles and their potential for medicinal use.In The 420 Gourmet, JeffThe420Chef combines his fun-loving approach to cooking with practical information about marijuana—including guidelines for safe dosing (along with a comprehensive dosage calculator), summaries of the principal strains and their typical effects, and details on the herb’s medical and recreational benefits.Jeff includes step-by-step instructions for his signature “light-tasting” canna-butter and canna-oils, the secrets behind his outrageously delicious and truly unique recipes. Once you create these staple ingredients yourself, it becomes easy to incorporate cannabis into everyday dishes—and the “pot-sibilities” are endless!From brunch and small plates to salads and gourmet dinners—and featuring gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, and kosher options—The 420 Gourmet elevates the edible experience. Jeff’s precise dosage guidelines expand the horizons of cannabis cuisine, which will no longer be limited to a few bites of a brownie. These mouthwatering recipes are fully adaptable to your goals, whether you need a full-course meal for nourishment and pain management or a quick snack to help you focus, relax, and enhance your creativity.The 420 Gourmet will educate and entertain new and longtime cannabis users alike while serving as the ultimate guide to cannabliss.


by Mrs Turnbull

4Play is Kim McCosker's (pen and married name Mrs Turnbull) 15th book. Whether you want to seduce a lover, reintroduce some sparkle into your long-term relationship or comfortable marriage, turn up the passion in your life with the food and thoughts within.Diverting from an entire recipe book, 4Play is a provocative book of seduction; create ambiance, tease your partner, go to a little effort to whip up aphrodisiac-infused flavours bound to cast a spell succumbing them to your every desire.4Play offers etiquette on the technology of Sex'ting, and guidance on Sex'ercises to keep the inside feeling as good as the outside looks! Choose the ultimate arousing playlist and reignite the flame and enhance your sex life using classic aphrodisiacs. This book is complete with seductive food photography throughout, to reunite your passion starting (or ending!) with a sensually sensational meal. Recipe chapters will have your juices flowing with finger food, cocktails, dinners and desserts.


by Mrs Turnbull

4Play is Kim McCosker's (pen and married name Mrs Turnbull) 15th book. Whether you want to seduce a lover, reintroduce some sparkle into your long-term relationship or comfortable marriage, turn up the passion in your life with the food and thoughts within.Diverting from an entire recipe book, 4Play is a provocative book of seduction; create ambiance, tease your partner, go to a little effort to whip up aphrodisiac-infused flavours bound to cast a spell succumbing them to your every desire.4Play offers etiquette on the technology of Sex'ting, and guidance on Sex'ercises to keep the inside feeling as good as the outside looks! Choose the ultimate arousing playlist and reignite the flame and enhance your sex life using classic aphrodisiacs. This book is complete with seductive food photography throughout, to reunite your passion starting (or ending!) with a sensually sensational meal. Recipe chapters will have your juices flowing with finger food, cocktails, dinners and desserts.

The 5: Updated with new guidelines for 800 calories a day

by Angela Dowden

The 5:2 diet is now firmly established as a highly effective and popular way to lose weight. It allows you to change your life for the better by dieting for just 2 days a week. You will live longer, lose weight and feel great by reducing your calorie intake for a limited period each week. The rest of the time you can eat normally, dine out and even have treats.New research now suggests that sticking to 800 calories a day - rather than the 500-600 calories previously recommended - can help people lose weight successfully. But what to eat on a fasting day? Bored with omelettes or ham salads? Want something quick and easy but don't know what? Look no further. With over 100 calorie-counted recipes specially designed for anyone who is fasting, it couldn't be easier to put the 5:2 diet into practice. All the recipes are delicious, so fasting need not be a chore.Includes: 4-week fast day meal planner; calorie counter; 15 ideas for 150 calorie snacks; 50 ideas for 100 calorie snacks; 50 ideas for 50 calorie snacks; 10 ideas for guilt-free snacks, plus tips and techniques on mastering portion control, good nutrition, and keeping up your 5:2 eating plan for life.

The 5: 100 Recipes For Fasting

by Angela Dowden

The 5:2 diet is now firmly established as a highly effective and popular way to lose weight. It allows you to change your life for the better by dieting for just 2 days a week. You will live longer, lose weight and feel great by reducing your calorie intake for a limited period each week. The rest of the time you can eat normally, dine out and even have treats.New research now suggests that sticking to 800 calories a day - rather than the 500-600 calories previously recommended - can help people lose weight successfully. But what to eat on a fasting day? Bored with omelettes or ham salads? Want something quick and easy but don't know what? Look no further. With over 100 calorie-counted recipes specially designed for anyone who is fasting, it couldn't be easier to put the 5:2 diet into practice. All the recipes are delicious, so fasting need not be a chore.Includes: 4-week fast day meal planner; calorie counter; 15 ideas for 150 calorie snacks; 50 ideas for 100 calorie snacks; 50 ideas for 50 calorie snacks; 10 ideas for guilt-free snacks, plus tips and techniques on mastering portion control, good nutrition, and keeping up your 5:2 eating plan for life.

The 5: More Recipes for the 2 Day Fasting Diet. Delicious Recipes for 600 Calorie Days

by Angela Dowden

Everyone's talking about the 5:2 Diet - the easiest fasting plan to adapt to your tastes and hectic weekly lifestyle. Reduce your calorie intake two days a week, and you can eat whatever you like for the other five days, with freedom to drink, eat out or have treats. This is your guide to those fasting days, a collection of delicious recipes for light meals accompanied by stunning photography that will motivate you to stay on track. Far from feeling deprived, this book will open your eyes to new taste combinations and ideas for small meals that pack a big flavour punch. As well as contributing to your weight loss and good health, these recipes make for tasty dishes in their own right. Wake up to fragrant Moroccan baked eggs, lunch on Butternut squash frittata and dish up Herby lamb or Sesame salmon at dinner. You can even make room for a treat or two on a fasting day with these recipes for Mango and passionfruit trifle and Strawberry roulade. So, why not give it a try? Change your life for the better by cutting back just two days a week. Includes: guide to the 5:2 diet, over 100 recipes, tips and techniques for portion control and staying motivated, 100 calorie-counted recipes, meal planners, calorie counter.

The 5: 2 Cookbook Eb Ff

by Angela Dowden

The 5:2 lifestyle diet is sweeping the nation. It allows you to change your life for the better by dieting just 2 days a week. You will live longer, lose weight and feel great by reducing your calorie intake to 500/600 calories for just 2 days a week. The rest of the week you can eat normally, eat out and even have treats. But what to eat on a fasting day? Bored with omelette and ham salad? Want something quick and easy but don't know what? Look no further: with over 100 calorie-counted recipes specially designed for fasting, it couldn't be easier to put the 5:2 diet into practice. All the recipes are quick and easy to make and taste delicious, so fasting need not be a chore.Includes: 100 calorie-counted recipes, 1 month meal planner, calorie counter, 50 ideas for 100-calorie snacks, 50 ideas for 50-calorie snacks, 50 ideas for guilt-free snacks, plus tips and techniques on mastering portion control, good nutrition, and keeping it up for life.

The 5: 100 Recipes for Fasting

by Angela Dowden

The 5:2 lifestyle diet is sweeping the nation. It allows you to change your life for the better by dieting just 2 days a week. You will live longer, lose weight and feel great by reducing your calorie intake to 500/600 calories for just 2 days a week. The rest of the week you can eat normally, eat out and even have treats. But what to eat on a fasting day? Bored with omelette and ham salad? Want something quick and easy but don't know what? Look no further: with over 100 calorie-counted recipes specially designed for fasting, it couldn't be easier to put the 5:2 diet into practice. All the recipes are quick and easy to make and taste delicious, so fasting need not be a chore.Includes: 100 calorie-counted recipes, 1 month meal planner, calorie counter, 50 ideas for 100-calorie snacks, 50 ideas for 50-calorie snacks, 50 ideas for guilt-free snacks, plus tips and techniques on mastering portion control, good nutrition, and keeping it up for life.

The 5: More Recipes for the 2 Day Fasting Diet. Delicious Recipes for 600 Calorie Days

by Angela Dowden

Everyone's talking about the 5:2 Diet - the easiest fasting plan to adapt to your tastes and hectic weekly lifestyle. Reduce your calorie intake two days a week, and you can eat whatever you like for the other five days, with freedom to drink, eat out or have treats. This is your guide to those fasting days, a collection of delicious recipes for light meals accompanied by stunning photography that will motivate you to stay on track. Far from feeling deprived, this book will open your eyes to new taste combinations and ideas for small meals that pack a big flavour punch. As well as contributing to your weight loss and good health, these recipes make for tasty dishes in their own right. Wake up to fragrant Moroccan baked eggs, lunch on Butternut squash frittata and dish up Herby lamb or Sesame salmon at dinner. You can even make room for a treat or two on a fasting day with these recipes for Mango and passionfruit trifle and Strawberry roulade. So, why not give it a try? Change your life for the better by cutting back just two days a week. Includes: guide to the 5:2 diet, over 100 recipes, tips and techniques for portion control and staying motivated, 100 calorie-counted recipes, meal planners, calorie counter.

The 5: Feast for 5 Days a Week and Fast for 2 to Lose Weight, Boost Your Brain and Transform Your Health

by Kate Harrison

The 5:2 Diet will transform your body, your mind and your health. It's the revolutionary part-time weight loss diet with lifelong health and anti-ageing results. This is the simplest, most flexible and most health enhancing weight loss programme you'll ever follow - and with this book to guide you, you can start today. You'll still get to eat all the foods you love but enjoy incredible health benefits, with positive effects on cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's and more.Intermittent fasting is revolutionising the weight loss world. Simply by eating significantly less for one or two days a week you can trigger incredible physical and mental changes that protect your body and brain from damage and help it repair itself.And THE 5:2 DIET BOOK - packed with tips, science, recipes, inspiration and case studies from over thirty dieters - will help you join the revolution to lose weight, boost your brain and transform your body.And it'll even save you money, with no specialist diet foods or supplements required. No wonder it's as popular with men as it is with women - and with first-time dieters as with weight loss veterans.Journalist and former yo-yo dieter Kate Harrison has finally won the battle with her weight - now she shares the secrets that are helping thousands of men and women transform their bodies. THE 5:2 DIET BOOK is your comprehensive guide to the wonderful world of intermittent fasting. It includes: All you need to trigger the 'healing' mode that happens when you restrict your diet for as little as one day a week The incredible effects on your brain cells The transformation in the way you view hunger and food The cost savings you can make - saving pounds from your food bill as you lose them from your body! 5:2 your way - how to personalise the diet to your exact requirements and preferences Detailed meal plans, and simple but healthy recipes... Or ready-made suggestions for when you don't feel like cooking Hundreds of real-life tips and success stories from men and women like youThis is more than another diet craze - it's anything but crazy and it's a lifestyle you'll want to adopt for the rest of your life.

5: Get Happy, Healthy and Slim

by Kate Harrison

Get Happy, Get Healthy, Get Slim.5:2 Your Life demonstrates how the 5:2 diet can be more than just a weight loss programme, it is a way of life. The small weekly change can make a huge difference. And that's what 5:2 is all about - taking simple steps, on just two days per week, which will have a powerful ripple effect on your whole life.Now Kate Harrison, best-selling author of The 5:2 Diet Book and The Ultimate 5:2 Recipe Book, has taken her knowledge and experience to turn the diet into 5:2 Your Life: Get Happy, Get Healthy, Get Slim. An inspiring six-week plan will help you to take control of the things that matter most to you, from your relationships and your work, to your health, your leisure time and the dreams you've been neglecting. There's even a brand new eating plan to help you lose weight too - with exciting recipes and guidelines on eating the 5:2 way for the rest of your life.What are you waiting for? It's time to 5:2 Your Life.

5: Recipes and tips taken from Kate Harrison's bestselling 5:2 diet books

by Kate Harrison

Kate Harrison's bestselling 5:2 diet books, including THE 5:2 DIET BOOK, THE ULTIMATE 5:2 DIET RECIPE BOOK, 5:2 YOUR LIFE and THE 5:2 GOOD FOOD KITCHEN, have helped thousands of readers lose weight and build their confidence.Now, for summer, Kate has hand-picked 15 of her favourite summer recipes, hints and tips from all four of those books, to help you get beach-ready (or swimsuit or swimming trunk ready!) without having to live on shakes or cabbage soup. There is also brand new material, including Top 10 Beach Boost Ideas, new ways to stay on track, a free-to-download podcast to go with the e-book, and lots more.Join Kate and the 5:2 diet revolution to get bikini-ready this summer - and stay healthy all year around!

The 5: More Healthy and Delicious Recipes for Everyone, Everyday

by Kate Harrison

More delicious calorie counted recipes for your fast and non-fast days from bestselling author Kate Harrison.Bestselling 5:2 author Kate Harrison shares more of her favourite easy, healthy recipes with inspiring tips, life-changing stories from 5:2 dieters, and down-to-earth advice on achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle.THE 5:2 GOOD FOOD KITCHEN includes 75 new recipes with a wide selection of vegetarian, vegan and demi-veg friendly meals, plus dishes free from dairy, gluten and sugar. Like Kate's previous books, every ingredient is calorie counted and the focus is on fresh, full-flavoured meals that can be easily adapted to suit anyone - with variations for fast and no-fast days. It also includes:* A complete, easy-to-follow guide to the 5:2 lifestyle, for new starters and maintainers, plus seasonal meal plans;* 5:2 Food Heroes: forget over-priced supplements, Kate profiles the natural, inexpensive star ingredients that make you invincible on fast days;* Inspiring case studies from people who are transforming their lives through intermittent fasting, with amazing changes to their weight, health and confidence;* Practical advice on making sense of food scares and myths, from the truth about breakfast to the fat vs. carb debate.THE 5:2 GOOD FOOD KITCHEN offers fresh, balanced meals that put healthy food at the heart of your life.

The 5: Feast for 5 Days, Fast for 2 Days to Lose Weight and Revitalize Your Health

by Kate Harrison

Discover the power of intermittent fasting—a way of eating that’s sustainable, flexible, and beneficial to both body and mind. Intermittent fasting is the quickest and healthiest way to lose weight—and keep it off. With The 5:2 Diet, you can eat all your favorite foods for five days each week as long as you limit your caloric intake to 500 calories on the other two days. For anyone who has struggled to shed pounds, this approachable, motivational program makes it easy to:• Slim down naturally• Increase energy• Reset your metabolism• Heal your body on a cellular levelFull of firsthand testimonials from successful dieters so you can find the best way to tailor the technique and make sure it works for you, The 5:2 Diet also provides meal plans and recipes to keep you on track as you slim down, stay healthy, and fight the onset of cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease.

The 5: 150 Easy Fat-Burning Recipes Under 300 Calories

by Samantha Logan

Intermittent fasting, also known as the "5:2 diet," has become incredibly popular in recent months. And with good reason--it works! The so-called fast diet calls for eating normally for five days and then eating a reduced amount, five hundred calories for women and six hundred for men, on the remaining two days of every week. By reducing your calorie intake for just two days a week, you will reset your metabolism and rev up your body's fat-burning ability to cause dramatic weight loss without deprivation.The 5:2 Fast Diet Cookbook is the key to learning what to eat on these low-calorie fasting days. Inside you'll find recipes and tips for getting the most satisfaction and fullness from your low-calorie bucks. With 150 nutritious recipes, none of which has more than two hundred calories per serving, you'll have a wide variety of choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks on these two crucial days.With delicious dishes like garlic, ginger, and honey chicken and roasted cauliflower with Parmesan, you definitely will not feel deprived on your fasting days! These recipes are packed with flavor and are easy to make, even for busy weeknight meals.

The 5: Over 75 Fast Diet Recipes and Meal Plans to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting

by Mendocino Press

A diet only works if you can stick to it. So if you're like most people, most diets don't work for you. That's why the 5:2 Diet is different. You can enjoy your favorite foods most days and only fast two days a week-and still lose weight! In The 5:2 Diet Cookbook: Over 75 Fast Diet Recipes and Meal Plans to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting, you'll learn to balance your eating and fasting times in a way that will help you live with a diet that doesn't feel like a diet. Gone are the endless days of feeling hungry, deprived, and defeated. The 5:2 Diet Cookbook is more like a blueprint for a way of eating that doesn't require you to make drastic changes to your daily routine, buy expensive foods or meal replacements, or give up many of the foods you love. The 5:2 Diet works by balancing five days of eating normally with two days of eating about one-quarter of your usual amount of food. In The 5:2 Diet Cookbook you'll find everything you need to begin the plan. It includes: A detailed overview of the 5:2 Diet and how it can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and more More than 75 recipes for satisfying low-calorie main courses and snacks for fasting days A month of "fasting-day" meal plans Delicious low-calorie recipes include favorites like Blueberry Pancakes, Classic Beef Chili with Cheddar Cheese, Eggplant and Ricotta Lasagna, and Cinnamon-Sugar Crisps Ten essential steps for 5:2 Diet success 5:2 Diet food list of foods to enjoy or avoid, cooking techniques, and tips for making good choices when dining out A manageable and sustainable diet plan, The 5:2 Diet Cookbook provides the essential tools to help you lose weight and keep it off.

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