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El dilema del omnívoro: En busca de la alimentación perfecta

by Michael Pollan

En este revolucionario libro, Michael Pollan, uno de los escritores más brillantes, originales y elocuentes de Estados Unidos, aborda la aparentemente sencilla pregunta de qué deberíamos comer, ofreciéndonos unas respuestas que tienen profundas implicaciones políticas, económicas, psicológicas e incluso morales para todos nosotros. ¿Qué cenaremos hoy? Nos hemos confrontado a esta pregunta desde que el hombre descubrió el fuego, pero para Michael Pollan la manera en que la abordamos hoy en día podría llegar a determinar nuestra supervivencia en cuanto a especie. El hecho de que seamos omnívoros y podamos ingerir todo tipo de alimentos hace que nuestro acto de decidir qué queremos comer se vuelva un dilema, sobre todo ante la abundancia de productos que nos ofrece el desconcertante y traicionero mercado alimenticio. Cuando escogemos nuestro tipo de alimentación, no solamente entra en juego la salud propia o la de nuestros hijos, sino la de todo el medioambiente. Escrito de manera excelente y profusamente argumentado, El dilema del omnívoro promete cambiar nuestra percepción sobre las políticas alimenticias y el placer de la comida.

Dim Sum: A Pocket Guide

by Kit Shan Li

With its small plates and endless assortment of dishes, dim sum is an increasingly popular way to do brunch. For those new to this fun feast, or regulars looking to try a different dish, Dim Sum is the ultimate guidebook to this traditional Chinese meal. This handy guide identifies the 50 most popular dim sum dishes with full-color photographs, short descriptions of the ingredients, the names of the dishes in English and Cantonese, and how to pronounce them. As the carts roll by, a quick glance at the book will tell a jean gow choy bang (chive dumpling) from mong gwor bo deen (mango pudding), and demystify the contents of that bamboo steamer. With tips on restaurant etiquette and how-tos for everything from refilling the teapot to handling chopsticks, Dim Sum is yum yum for everyone.

The Dim Sum Field Guide: A Taxonomy of Dumplings, Buns, Meats, Sweets, and Other Specialties of the Chinese Teahouse

by Carolyn Phillips

A whimsically illustrated yet authoritative guide to the "taxonomy" of dim sum, based on a popular Lucky Peach story.Author and illustrator Carolyn Phillips demystifies the rich, nuanced culinary institution of teahouse snacks in The Dim Sum Field Guide, a pocket-size, definitive resource featuring 80 hand-drawn illustrations. With entries for all the dim sum classics--including siu mai, xiaolongbao, char siu, roast duck, and even sweets like milk tarts and black sesame rolls--this handy reference is perfect for bringing on-the-go to your next dim sum outing. Armchair travelers and Asian food enthusiasts alike will be delighted by this detailed yet accessible look at the distinctly Chinese art of eating well.

Dim Sum for Everyone!

by Grace Lin

Hooray! It's dim sum day! Ma-Ma wants [picture of something round] Ba-Ba likes [picture of something long and thin and curled] My sisters pick [picture of two bowls of square food, one light and one dark] And I love [picture of something round with crimped edges] Dumplings, cakes, buns and tarts--it's hard to decide. But when we go for dim sum, we can all choose our favorite dishes. And then share them with everyone! Which dish would you choose?

Dim Sum for Everyone!

by Grace Lin

In English, dim sum means “little hearts,” or “touches the heart,” but to this young girl, dim sum means delicious. On a visit to a bustling dim sum restaurant, a family picks their favorite little dishes from the steaming trolleys filled with dumplings, cakes, buns, and tarts. And as is traditional and fun, they share their food with each other so that everyone gets a bite of everything.Just right for young children, Dim Sum for Everyone! celebrates a cultural custom and a universal favorite activity–eating!

Dim Sum of All Fears: A Noodle Shop Mystery (A Noodle Shop Mystery #2)

by Vivien Chien

Welcome back to Ho-Lee Noodle House, where you can get fantastic take-out. . .unless you get taken out first. “Vivien Chien serves up a delicious mystery with a side order of soy sauce and sass. A tasty start to a new mystery series!” —Bestselling author Kylie Logan on Death by DumplingDim Sum of All Fears is the second book in a delicious new cozy series. Lana Lee is a dutiful daughter, waiting tables at her family’s Chinese restaurant even though she’d rather be doing just about anything else. Then, just when she has a chance for a “real” job, her parents take off to Taiwan, leaving Lana in charge. Surprising everyone—including herself—she turns out to be quite capable of running the place. Unfortunately, the newlyweds who just opened the souvenir store next door to Ho-Lee have turned up dead. . .and soon Lana finds herself in the midst of an Asia Village mystery.Between running the Ho-Lee and trying to figure out whether the rock-solid Detective Adam Trudeau is actually her boyfriend, Lana knows she shouldn’t pry into the case. But the more she learns about the dead husband, his ex-wives, and all the murky details of the couple’s past, the more Lana thinks that this so-called murder/suicide is a straight-up order of murder. . .

Dim Sum Palace

by X. Fang

A little girl's love of dim sum spills over into her dreams, taking her on a fantastical food-filled adventure, in this picture book love letter to Maurice Sendak's In the Night Kitchen. Beautifully illustrated with a gold foil cover, this is the perfect gift for foodies of all ages.Liddy is so excited about going to the Dim Sum Palace tomorrow with her family that she can't sleep. So when a delicious smell wafts into her room, she hops out of bed, opens her door and steps into . . . an actual palace of dim sum! There are dumplings, baos, buns and more delicious treats than one girl can possibly eat. Liddy just has to take a bite, but she slips and falls . . . into a bowl of dumpling filling. The chefs are so busy rolling, folding and pinching dough that they don't notice they've prepared a most unusual dumpling for the Empress — a Liddy dumpling! Worst of all, she looks good enough to eat . . .This deliciously humorous debut picture book, inspired by X. Fang's memories as a child of epic dim sum feasts, is a dreamworld adventure that is at once a glorious celebration of the sensory world of childhood and a loving helping of food, family and culture.

Dimagrire Velocemente in 25 Giorni Bruciare Grassi e Mangiare Sano Dieta Detox Low Carb per Lui: Guida sana e completa per capire ed eliminare il grasso corporeo naturalmente in 25 giorni.

by James Abbott

Perdere peso velocemente in 25 giorni. Come bruciare grassi e mangiare sano. La dieta detox low carb per lui. Una guida sana ed esaustiva per capire ed eliminare il grasso corporeo naturalmente in non più di 25 giorni. Questa guida vi aiuterà a controllare la naturale capacità che ha il vostro corpo, per bruciare grassi ed essere in forma. Su solida e provata base scientifica, questo libro vi insegnerà: -Vincere la fame - Le migliori abitudini per perdere peso - I migliori cibi per perdere peso - I migliori esercizi per perdere peso - Ad avere più energia e ad accelerare il metabolismo - Per uomini Se volete avere più energia mentre perdete peso, allora questo libro fa per voi. --> Andate a inizio pagina e cliccate per mettere il libro nel carrello ed acquistarlo subito Disclaimer: Questo autore e/o i detentori dei diritti non rivendicano, promettono, né garantiscono per la correttezza, completezza, o adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, e declinano espressamente da qualsiasi responsabilità per errori ed omissioni del suo contenuto. Quest'opera è intesa per consultazione.

Dime qué comes y te diré qué bacterias tienes

by Blanca García-Orea Haro

La nutricionista Blanca García-Orea nos descubre una forma revolucionaria de alcanzar el bienestar emocional y físico: cuidar la microbiota intestinal. Muchas veces sufrimos cansancio, mal humor, ansiedad, estrés e incluso molestias digestivas que tratamos solo con medicamentos. Blanca García-Orea, una de las nutricionistas más influyentes en nuestro país, comparte las claves para entender cómo influyen las bacterias intestinales en tus pensamientos, en tus patrones de conducta y su papel en las enfermedades y en la calidad de vida. La buena noticia es que la microbiota intestinal es modificable y, aunque siempre hemos oído que nacemos con unos genes determinados que marcarán nuestro destino, ahora sabemos que, aunque tu código genético sea desfavorable, si haces las cosas bien y sigues unos buenos hábitos de vida (buena alimentación, ejercicio físico, descansar adecuadamente, no alcohol ni tabaco, etc.), no tienes por qué sufrir determinadas enfermedades, aun teniendo predisposición genética a sufrirlas. En Dime qué comes y te diré qué bacterias tienes encontrarás pautas para mejorar tu microbiota intestinal en poco tiempo y consejos para leer etiquetas de algunos alimentos y saber cuáles elegir. También descubrirás más de 50 recetas sencillas y saludables para desayunos, meriendas, comidas, cenas, postres y panes, que te inspirarán y te ayudarán a ser el protagonista de tu salud física y mental. Ahora que empezamos a entender el leguaje que habla nuestro intestino, solo tenemos que seguirlo.

Dime qué comes y te diré qué sientes: 7 pasos para liberar la gordura emocional y transformar tu vida (Atria Espanol)

by Alejandro Chabán

¿Quieres bajar de peso? Primero pierde tu peso emocional.Alejandro Chabán tenía sobrepeso de niño, sufrió de anorexia y bulimia de adolescente y trató desesperadamente de tener un cuerpo saludable. Luego de haber probado diferentes dietas y ejercicios, y a pesar de haber bajado de peso, él descubrió que en su mente seguía siendo gordo, aunque su cuerpo se veía diferente. Estos sentimientos lo llevaron a desarrollar técnicas para aceptar y transformar al gordito que todos llevamos dentro y, en 2012, a fundar Yes You Can!®, un programa que ha ayudado a miles de personas a establecer un estilo de vida saludable con sabor latino. En Dime qué comes y te diré qué sientes, Alejandro comparte los siete pasos esenciales que lo ayudaron a cambiar sus pensamientos y transformar su cuerpo. Inspirado en anécdotas personales y testimonios, Alejandro explica en detalle qué significa tener sobrepeso emocional, cómo se conectan el bienestar físico con las emociones y cómo identificar mejor los obstáculos emocionales que sobrecargan la mente y el cuerpo. Estos pasos, basados en técnicas prácticas de pensamiento positivo, meditación, aceptación y compromiso, te ayudarán a llevar una vida más feliz y saludable. Ahora por fin podrás cuidarte de la manera que mereces.

Dime qué como ahora: Mejora tu microbiota, tus digestiones y tu energía

by Blanca García-Orea Haro (@blancanutri)

Llega la esperada segunda parte de DIME QUÉ COMES, de Blanca García-Orea Haro (@blancanutri)... DIME QUÉ COMO AHORA En este libro Blanca nos explica los microorganismos que podemos encontrar en los alimentos que comemos y cómo pueden afectar a nuestra microbiota y, por tanto, a nuestra salud. De la mano de Blanca aprenderás que: - El aspecto de un alimento no dice nada sobre su calidad- La mejor manera de mantener los nutrientes de un alimento es conservarlo bien. Por eso Blanca nos explicará qué, dónde y cuánto tiempo podemos conservar los alimentos en la nevera y en el congelador- ¿Por qué se produce la inflamación y qué alimentos nos ayudan a combatirla?- Blanca dedica una buena parte del libro a la alimentación en el embarazo, la lactancia y la alimentación complementaria- Incluye recetas dulces y saladas, así como menús saludables, veggie, para embarazadas y niños. Un libro completo e imprescindible que mejorará tu microbiota, tus digestiones y tu energía.

Dimensions of Food

by Vickie A. Vaclavik Amy Haynes

Following its bestselling predecessor, Dimensions of Food, Eighth Edition, provides beneficial classroom and independent, instructive material for students. Instructors will find that this textbook's organization makes it easy to use and very flexible for teaching. A variety of stimulating experiences allow the student to explore and comprehend the numerous dimensions of food. Part I of this lab manual contains an analysis of economic, nutritional, palatability, chemical, sanitary, and food processing dimensions of food. Part II allows students to analyze the structural and functional properties of foods such as starches, fruits and vegetables, eggs, dairy, meat, poultry and fish, fats and oils, sweeteners, and baked goods. Part III features information on microwave cooking, and Part IV concludes with beneficial ideas on meal planning. All chapters in this informative and interactive insight into food science contain learning objectives, exercises, recipes, summary questions, and updated Dietitian's Notes. Contains several helpful Appendices on topics including: Food Guides and Dietary Guidelines, Food Equivalents, Portions, Food Allergens, Food Additives, Legislation, Foodborne Illness, Cooking Terms, Herbs and Spices, and Plant Proteins.

Diner: Day for Night [A Cookbook]

by Andrew Tarlow

The acclaimed owner behind Marlow Collective shares the journey to opening his first restaurant, Diner, with personal stories, 48 seasonal recipes, and a treasure trove of intimate photos.&“Diner is a twenty-five-year-old institution and is, unquestionably, one of New York City&’s most influential restaurants, and Diner: Day for Night acts as a love letter to the team&’s intense dedication to community, sustainability, and eating deliciously.&”—Andy Baraghani, author of The Cook You Want to BeOn New Year&’s Eve 1998, Andrew Tarlow, along with Mark Firth, opened Diner out of a repurposed dining car under the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn. Within the decade, it single-handedly became one of the city&’s most influential restaurants, giving birth to a Brooklyn mini-empire—including Marlow & Sons, Roman&’s, and Achilles Heel—and an ethos of community, sustainability, and eating local. In Diner: Day for Night, Tarlow takes us back to the restaurant that brought the farm-to-table movement to Brooklyn.Featuring 48 flavorful recipes and evocative photography, this fun and whimsical cookbook takes us through the history of Diner. Diner: Day for Night is a poetic homage to a lively place as the day shifts from morning to night, both intimate and welcoming. Get a glimpse of Diner&’s opening chef Caroline's first impression of Diner co-founders Andrew and Mark, the chaotic opening night that everyone turned up for, and the many faces that have come and gone throughout the years. The recipes are based upon the food so many have come to love and are built around each season. You&’ll find: recipes for spring, like Asparagus with Tahini Sauce and Wilted Frilly Mustard Greens and Risotto with Leeks, Peas, and Pecorinorecipes for summer, like Green Tomatoes with Mozzarella, Basil, and Green Coriander and Peaches with Creme Fraiche Honey and Lavender Shortbread Sprinklerecipes for fall, like Turnips and Radishes with Butter and Bottarga and Lamb Belly with Potatoes and Tomatoesrecipes for winter, like Scallops with Celery Root Puree and Castelvetrano Olives and Vanilla Pots De CremeIn Diner: Day for Night, Tarlow invites readers to his first major culinary foray, giving us inspiration for creating delicious, celebratory food at home.

Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives: The Funky Finds in Flavortown

by Guy Fieri

The Food Network star is back with an all-new, all-American book in his #1 New York Times bestselling seriesIn its seventeenth season, Guy Fieris Diners, Drive-ins and Dives continues its reign as Americas best source for finding the funky, scratch-made, and delicious. Now the host and #1 New York Times bestselling author returns with more of his favorite joints across the country--and a few in Canada In this third entry in his Diners, Drive-ins and Dives series, Guy keeps his motto front and center--"If its funky, Ill find it. " This time around hes bringing on the big personalities, the rockin real-deal recipes, and the homegrown restaurants that capture the freewheeling American spirit at its finest. Also along for the ride are members of Guys rambunctious Krew, sharing their most memorable shoots, meals, behind-the-scenes stories, and killer pranks from the road. And check out this new feature--a tricked-out, full-color foldout map that shows the location of every diner in the book

Diners, Drive-ins and Dives: An All-American Road Trip ... with Recipes!

by Ann Volkwein Guy Fieri

Food Network star Guy Fieri takes you on a tour of America's most colorful diners, drive-ins, and dives in this tie-in to his enormously popular television show, complete with recipes, photos, and memorabilia. Packed with Guy's iconic personality, Diners, Drive-ins and Dives follows his hot-rod trips around the country, mapping out the best places most of us have never heard of. From digging in at legendary burger joint the Squeeze Inn in Sacramento, California, baking Peanut Pie from Virginia Diner in Wakefield, Virginia, or kicking back with Pete's "Rubbed and Almost Fried" Turkey Sandwich from Panini Pete's in Fairhope, Alabama, Guy showcases the amazing personalities, fascinating stories, and outrageously good food offered by these American treasures.

Diners, Dudes, and Diets: How Gender and Power Collide in Food Media and Culture (Studies in United States Culture)

by Emily J. Contois

The phrase "dude food" likely brings to mind a range of images: burgers stacked impossibly high with an assortment of toppings that were themselves once considered a meal; crazed sports fans demolishing plates of radioactively hot wings; barbecued or bacon-wrapped . . . anything. But there is much more to the phenomenon of dude food than what's on the plate. Emily J. H. Contois's provocative book begins with the dude himself—a man who retains a degree of masculine privilege but doesn't meet traditional standards of economic and social success or manly self-control. In the Great Recession's aftermath, dude masculinity collided with food producers and marketers desperate to find new customers. The result was a wave of new diet sodas and yogurts marketed with dude-friendly stereotypes, a transformation of food media, and weight loss programs just for guys. In a work brimming with fresh insights about contemporary American food media and culture, Contois shows how the gendered world of food production and consumption has influenced the way we eat and how food itself is central to the contest over our identities.

Dining at The Ravens: Over 150 Nourishing Vegan Recipes from the Stanford Inn by the Sea

by Jeff Stanford Joan Stanford

At The Ravens, dinner is more than just a meal. It's a feast for your spirit. Located on the Mendocino coast at the only vegan resort in the United States, The Ravens Restaurant at the Stanford Inn by the Sea embodies a mindful, compassionate, and sustainable dining experience in an enchanting and unforgettable setting. Now in Dining at The Ravens, Jeff and Joan Stanford, the Inn and restaurant founders, bring the Ravens culinary experience into your home.Teeming with beautiful photographs, Dining at The Ravens features more than 150 delicious vegan recipes and shares the charming history of the Inn and restaurant, cooking tips for perfect recipe execution, and even inspiration for creating your own garden.Discover one of the restaurant's most popular breakfast dishes, Citrus Polenta with Braised Garden Greens and a Creamy Toasted Cashew Sauce, and many others, such as:Ravens Sea Palm StrudelIndian-Spiced Polenta NapoleonMushroom Pesto and Sun-Dried Tomato BurgerRavens Spicy Peanut Curry Sea PalmSweet Summer Corn BisquePeach Huckleberry CobblerPull up a seat and find out why vegans and non-vegans alike flock to The Ravens for an extraordinary dining experience.

Dining Guide to Japan

by Boye Lafayette De Mente

Dining in Japan is both an art and an adventure-- an experience that is made memorable by the variety of unique dishes, their gourmet quality, and the style in which they are served! With Dining Guide to Japan, you will have an extensive list of Japanese restaurants and exquisite food dishes.Dining Guide to Japan acts as a perfect Japan travel guide which includes:Dining and Transportation MapsJapanese Dining Vocabulary and Pronunciation Additional Food Vocabulary Detailed Descriptions of Japanese CuisineJapan is literally a diner's paradise, with restaurants featuring the world's leading cuisine, from Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indian, Italian, Korean and Russian to Vietnamese. Japan's traditional food is world famous for its health and longevity enhancing properties and is not all rice and raw fish. In fact, Japanese cuisine is both varied in ingredients and cooking styles, and most foreign visitors quickly develop a taste for such things as miso soup, nori, oyako-don, ramen, shabu-shabu, soba, sukiyaki, tofu, tonkatsu, udon, unagi, yaki-tori... and yes, even fugu, the deadly globefish!

Dining In: Highly Cookable Recipes

by Alison Roman

Alison Roman is known as much for her keeper recipes as her wry Instagram voice and effortless style. Her debut cookbook features 125 recipes for simple, of-the-moment dishes that are full of quickie techniques (think slathering roast chicken in anchovy butter, roasting citrus to bring out new flavors, and keeping boiled potatoes in your fridge for instant crispy smashed potatoes). Roman's recipes set today's trends and will show up as tomorrow’s classics: vegetable-forward with quality ingredients, punctuated by standout flavors like hot honey browned butter, preserved lemon, za'atar, and garlicky walnuts. Her ingenuity will seduce seasoned cooks, while her warm, edgy writing makes these recipes practical enough for the novice. Cooking through DINING IN will be like having Alison right there with you in the kitchen: brash, funny, and full of opinions.

Dining in the Dark: A Famed Restaurant Critic's Struggle with and Triumph over Depression

by Bryan Miller

The Rise and Fall of the World&’s Most Powerful Restaurant Critic and His Battle with Severe, Debilitating Depression From the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, Bryan Miller was a household name among restaurant goers in the greater New York City area and beyond as the restaurant critic for the New York Times, as well as the author of numerous books, a public speaker, and a radio and television commentator. Over ten years as a columnist, he dined out more than five thou­sand times in the United States and abroad, from haute to humble. The Wine Spectator, in a front-page profile, declared Miller &“the most powerful restaurant critic in America.&” And for much of that time, he wanted to die.Dining in the Dark chronicles Miller&’s battle with Bipolar II disorder, also known as depres­sion, which ruined his life, professionally and personally. Depression was directly responsible for his surrendering the New York Times restau­rant column and, shortly thereafter, leaving the paper altogether. Everything he had worked for so diligently, rising from cub reporter to big-city columnist in less than a decade, vanished. In the ensuing years, unable to work, he lost his home, his life savings, two wonderful wives, the chance to have a family, and numerous friends and colleagues. He became increasingly reclu­sive; like many victims of serious depression, he reached the point where he was afraid to answer the phone. Pile on a brain tumor, electroshock therapy, a near-fatal bout with Lyme disease, accidental drug overdoses (he was once carried out of the newsroom on a gurney), and you have a life in shambles.Dining in the Dark tells the story of Miller&’s battle, but it also brings hope by sharing his jour­ney to coping with, and finally conquering, his depression. The coping mechanisms he employed in order to get through the day will be of benefit to those in need of a helping hand. Dining in the Dark is philosophical, inspirational, educational, and even humorous at times. And, of course, there are lots of inside-the-New York Times anecdotes, as well as lots of food, wine, travel, and celebrity.

Dining with Madmen: Fat, Food, and the Environment in 1980s Horror

by Thomas Fahy

In Dining with Madmen: Fat, Food, and the Environment in 1980s Horror, author Thomas Fahy explores America’s preoccupation with body weight, processed foods, and pollution through the lens of horror. Conspicuous consumption may have communicated success in the eighties, but only if it did not become visible on the body. American society had come to view fatness as a horrifying transformation—it exposed the potential harm of junk food, gave life to the promises of workout and diet culture, and represented the country’s worst consumer impulses, inviting questions about the personal and environmental consequences of excess.While changing into a vampire or a zombie often represented widespread fears about addiction and overeating, it also played into concerns about pollution. Ozone depletion, acid rain, and toxic waste already demonstrated the irrevocable harm being done to the planet. The horror genre—from A Nightmare on Elm Street to American Psycho—responded by presenting this damage as an urgent problem, and, through the sudden violence of killers, vampires, and zombies, it depicted the consequences of inaction as terrifying.Whether through Hannibal Lecter’s cannibalism, a vampire’s thirst for blood in The Queen of the Damned and The Lost Boys, or an overwhelming number of zombies in George Romero’s Day of the Dead, 1980s horror uses out-of-control hunger to capture deep-seated concerns about the physical and material consequences of unchecked consumption. Its presentation of American appetites resonated powerfully for audiences preoccupied with body size, food choices, and pollution. And its use of bodily change, alongside the bloodlust of killers and the desolate landscapes of apocalyptic fiction, demanded a recognition of the potentially horrifying impact of consumerism on nature, society, and the self.

Dining with the Durrells: Stories and Recipes from the Cookery Archive of Mrs Louisa Durrell

by Lee Durrell David Shimwell

'We lolled in the sea until it was time to return for tea, another of Mother's gastronomic triumphs. Tottering mounds of hot scones; crisp paper-thin biscuits; cakes like snowdrifts, oozing jam; cakes dark, rich and moist, crammed with fruit; brandy snaps brittle as coral and overflowing with honey. Conversation was almost at a standstill; all that could be heard was the gentle tinkle of cups, and the heartfelt sigh of some guest, accepting another slice of cake.' - My Family and Other Animals, Gerald DurrellIn Dining with the Durrells, David Shimwell has delved into the Durrell family archives to uncover Louisa Durrell's original recipes for the scones, cakes, jams, tarts, sandwiches and more that are so deliciously described by the Durrell family. From her recipe for 'Gerry's Favourite Chicken Curry' to 'Dixie-Durrell Scones with Fig and Ginger Jam', and including the family stories and photos that accompany them, this book will transport you to long lunches enjoyed on the terrace of a strawberry-pink villa, sunshine-filled picnics among the Corfu olive groves and candlelit dinners overlooking the Ionian Sea.

Dining with the Durrells: Stories and Recipes from the Cookery Archive of Mrs Louisa Durrell

by David Shimwell Lee Durrell

'We lolled in the sea until it was time to return for tea, another of Mother's gastronomic triumphs. Tottering mounds of hot scones; crisp paper-thin biscuits; cakes like snowdrifts, oozing jam; cakes dark, rich and moist, crammed with fruit; brandy snaps brittle as coral and overflowing with honey. Conversation was almost at a standstill; all that could be heard was the gentle tinkle of cups, and the heartfelt sigh of some guest, accepting another slice of cake.' - My Family and Other Animals, Gerald DurrellIn Dining with the Durrells, David Shimwell has delved into the Durrell family archives to uncover Louisa Durrell's original recipes for the scones, cakes, jams, tarts, sandwiches and more that are so deliciously described by the Durrell family. From her recipe for 'Gerry's Favourite Chicken Curry' to 'Dixie-Durrell Scones with Fig and Ginger Jam', and including the family stories and photos that accompany them, this book will transport you to long lunches enjoyed on the terrace of a strawberry-pink villa, sunshine-filled picnics among the Corfu olive groves and candlelit dinners overlooking the Ionian Sea.

Dining with the Saints: The Sinner's Guide to a Righteous Feast

by Father Leo Patalinghug Michael P. Foley

Michael Foley&’s fans have been devoutly drinking with the saints for years. Now it&’s time for dinner! The inimitable theologian and mixologist teams up with the priest and TV chef Leo Patalinghug in a culinary romp through the liturgical year.Want to get closer to the saints while upping your dinner game? Now every meal can be a family feast-with the Saints! Dining with the Saints brings the Catholic liturgical year to life, pairing over two hundred saints' stories with an irresistible smorgasbord of international recipes. Craving a breakfast treat? Join St. David of Wales and learn to craft Crempogs-Welsh pancakes-in March. Searching for a spicey dinner feast? Uncover the life of St. Cristobal of Mexico and serve up a delicious pinto bean soup with queso fresco dumplings during the month of May. Tempted by sweets? Honor St. Agrippina of Mineo with a crostata di pesca, a free-form peach tart. Featuring dozens of new and exciting recipes, Dining with the Saints provides an unforgettable feast that sinners and saints will enjoy!

Dinner: Changing the Game

by Melissa Clark Eric Wolfinger

More than 200 all-new, never-before-published recipes for dishes that are “familiar but fresh, approachable but exciting.” (Yotam Ottolenghi) Each recipe in Dinner is meant to be dinner—one fantastic dish that is so satisfying and flavor-forward it can stand alone—or be paired with a simple salad or fresh bread on the side. This is what Melissa Clark means by changing the game. Dinner is all about options: inventive, unfussy food with unexpected flavor. Clark’s mission is to help anyone—whether a novice with just a single pan or the experienced home cook—figure out what to make any night of the week without settling on fallbacks. These inherently simple recipes can turn anyone into a better and more confident cook. Organized by main ingredient—chicken, meat, fish and seafood, eggs, pasta and noodles, tofu, vegetable dinners, grains, pizza, soups, and salads that mean it—Dinner covers an astonishing breadth of recipes. There is something for every mood, season, and the amount of time you have: sheet pan chicken laced with spicy harissa, burgers amped with chorizo, curried lentils with poached eggs; and if you want just a little something else, you’ll find green beans with caper vinaigrette, coconut rice, and skillet brown-butter cornbread, to name just a few dishes in this indispensable collection. Here, too, are easy flourishes that make dinner exceptional: stir charred lemon into pasta, toss creamy Caesar-like dressing on a grain bowl, add fresh ricotta and demerara sugar to stovetop mac and cheese; lavish a dollop of chile paste just about anywhere. Melissa Clark, the New York Times bestselling author and one of the most beloved food writers of our generation, has written a comprehensive and practical book that reflects the way she cooks at home for her family and on those rare nights when she’s alone. ***Praise for Melissa Clark's Dinner:"The recipes in Melissa Clark’s Dinner are everything I want for my dinner. Dishes which are familiar but fresh, approachable but exciting. The tone of the book is also just the sort of company I’d want around my table: Melissa is experienced enough in the kitchen to know that being relaxed is the only way to approach the evening meal. It should be fun, it should be easy, it should be delicious."—YOTAM OTTOLENGHI “Melissa Clark has an extrasensory ability to divine what we want to eat and a secret knowledge of how to take a familiar dish and make it just a little more interesting. In following her lead, dinner gets more delicious and we become better cooks.” —PETER MEEHAN “Dinner is an expertly useful tool for the home cook. Melissa Clark has stripped away fussiness and pretension and replaced it with sensibility and flavor. This is food that you will absolutely crave!” —MICHAEL SOLOMONOV “Brilliant, vibrant, doable ideas that will change the way you think about dinner. You’ll cook out of this book for years. Empowering.” —DIANA HENRY“Melissa Clark will take your tired dinner repertoire, shake it out, and give it a transfusion of enthusiasm, flavor, and whip-smart efficiency. In Dinner, she takes the timeless task of cooking pleasing yet inspiring dinners and waves away the challenge. Dinner won't get Melissa —or you—down. She had me dreaming of kofte and kimchi pork chops, coconut rice noodles and green aioli chicken salad.” —AMANDA HESSER

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