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The Year of the Buttered Cat: A Mostly True Story

by Lexi Haas Susan Haas

A funny and empowering memoir from a girl with a severe form of cerebral palsy, for fans of Wonder and Out of My Mind. Includes 30 full color photos and a discussion guide, in print for the first time! When she was just a tiny baby, something terrible happened to Lexi. It left her with an out-of-control body and without a voice. Now, as a precocious, superhero-obsessed thirteen-year-old, Lexi is counting down the final 24 hours to a risky brain surgery that might help her talk or—dare she dream it?—to walk and use her hands. As surgery grows closer, Lexi finds an urgent, relentless need to share the story of the year in her life she calls The Year of the Buttered Cat. That year, on the verge of shutting out the rest of the world, Lexi began a gutsy and solitary quest to find her "missing" body… and she learns new ways to reach out to the world to save her friendships and uncover the startling truth about what happened to her as a baby. In the spirit of Wonder by R.J. Palacio and Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper, here is a riveting story that offers empowering messages of friendship, family, and the art of redefining ourselves.

Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life

by Alice Wong

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • ONE OF USA TODAY'S MUST-READ BOOKS • This groundbreaking memoir offers a glimpse into an activist's journey to finding and cultivating community and the continued fight for disability justice, from the founder and director of the Disability Visibility Project&“Alice Wong provides deep truths in this fun and deceptively easy read about her survival in this hectic and ableist society.&” —Selma Blair, bestselling author of Mean BabyIn Chinese culture, the tiger is deeply revered for its confidence, passion, ambition, and ferocity. That same fighting spirit resides in Alice Wong. Drawing on a collection of original essays, previously published work, conversations, graphics, photos, commissioned art by disabled and Asian American artists, and more, Alice uses her unique talent to share an impressionistic scrapbook of her life as an Asian American disabled activist, community organizer, media maker, and dreamer. From her love of food and pop culture to her unwavering commitment to dismantling systemic ableism, Alice shares her thoughts on creativity, access, power, care, the pandemic, mortality, and the future. As a self-described disabled oracle, Alice traces her origins, tells her story, and creates a space for disabled people to be in conversation with one another and the world. Filled with incisive wit, joy, and rage, Wong&’s Year of the Tiger will galvanize readers with big cat energy.

Yellow Bird and Me

by Joyce Hansen

Doris becomes friends with Yellow Bird as she helps him with his studies and his part in the school play and discovers that he has a problem known as dyslexia. Sequel to The gift-giver.

Yes We Can! General and Special Educators Collaborating in a Professional Learning Community

by Heather Friziellie Julie A. Schmidt Jeanne Spiller

As states adopt more rigorous academic standards, schools must define how special education fits into standards-aligned curricula, instruction, and assessment. Utilizing PLC practices, general and special educators must develop collaborative partnerships in order to close the achievement gap and maximize learning for all. The authors encourage all educators to take collective responsibility in improving outcomes for students with special needs.

Yo Puedo Ayudar

by Gabrielle Pratt

Daniela va a dormir en casa de la abuela Valeria y a pasar un tiempo con la tía Sofía que está enferma de cáncer. Mientras comparte con ellas, demuestra el aprecio y amor que siente por su tía. A través de actos sencillos de bondad, muestra además una gran compasión por ella. ‘’Yo puedo ayudar’’ es una historia clásica donde la Palabra de Dios puede influenciar a los niños y a las niñas de manera creativa para iluminar la vida de una persona enferma que ellos amen mucho. ¡Es una historia que todos deben leer! Pastor Ron Shearer, Máster en Teología Iglesia Evangélica Blue Hill Nassau, Las Bahamas Con gran placer y satisfacción elogio y felicito a Gabrielle Pratt por la publicación de ‘’Yo puedo ayudar’’. Aunque el libro está enfocado a lectores jóvenes, contiene una valiosa lección que eleva el espíritu en todas las edades. Mi esperanza está en que este texto pueda enseñar a los jóvenes a tener fe en Dios y que puedan mostrar aprecio, aceptación y generosidad a otros no solo en Las Bahamas, sino también alrededor del mundo. Vera Chase Presidenta de la Mancomunidad de Escritores de Las Bahamas

Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents and Caregivers

by Stacey W. Betts Dion Betts

Having successfully used yoga to combat the stress of their own busy lives, Dion and Stacey Betts discovered its potential for their son Joshua, who has Asperger Syndrome. This fully-illustrated book combines the authors' professional expertise with their experience of parenting, offering a range of gentle and fun yoga positions and breathing techniques that are effective in dealing with the increased levels of anxiety, disorientation and tactile sensitivity often found in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The authors give step-by-step descriptions of warming-up, strengthening, calming, and tension-releasing exercises that are suitable for reducing coping mechanisms, such as hand-flapping, and increasing muscle tone, muscle strength and body awareness. They also offer a range of short and long sequences that can be tailored to fit the needs of the individual child. Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is ideal for parents and caregivers who want to use simple yoga techniques to help children with ASDs overcome some of the symptoms of the disorder.

You Are Beautiful

by Ashley E. Kettering

You Are Beautiful is a contemporary children&’s book that celebrates children&’s differences. This is a book that any child can pick up to read and feeling good about themselves and their friends.You Are Beautiful is a representation of many children, including those with special needs. This book highlights differences, teaches kindness, understanding and reminds us all that we are beautiful just the way we are.

You Are Brave: A Book About Trying New Things

by Margaret O'Hair Sofia Sanchez

An inspiring and inclusive picture book about overcoming the odds from Down syndrome advocate and viral sensation Sofia Sanchez!Just because you are different, that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed and share your gifts and passion with the world! That is the timely and important message of You Are Brave. This book helps readers learn their own self-worth and encourages kids to overcome obstacles by sticking up for themselves and others, trying new things, and showing the world how brave they are!This companion picture book to 2021’s You Are Enough and 2023’s You Are Loved focuses on dreaming big and overcoming any obstacles that stand in your way. Sofia has Down syndrome, but she hasn’t let that stop her from becoming a successful model, actress, and activist. Sofia is the perfect person to share You Are Brave's message of encouragement and bravery with kids everywhere.

You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion

by Margaret O'Hair Sofia Sanchez

A beautiful and inclusive picture book all about celebrating being yourself from Down syndrome advocate and viral sensation Sofia Sanchez!It can be hard to be different -- whether because of how you look, where you live, or what you can or can't do. But wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same? Being different is great! Being different is what makes you YOU.This inclusive and empowering picture book from Sofia Sanchez -- an 11-year-old model and actress with Down syndrome -- reminds readers how important it is to embrace your differences, be confident, and be proud of who you are. Imagine all of the wonderful things you can do if you don't let anyone stop you! You are enough just how you are.Sofia is unique, but her message is universal: We all belong. So each spread will feature beautiful, full-color illustrations of a full cast of kid characters with all kinds of backgrounds, experiences, and abilities.This book will also include back matter with a brief bio of Sofia and her journey so far, as well as additional information about Down syndrome and how we can all be more accepting, more inclusive, and more kind.

You Are Extraordinary

by Craig Johnson Samantha Johnson

In You Are Extraordinary, Craig and Samantha Johnson use fun rhymes and colorful pictures to celebrate kids who have unique challenges and gifts. Every page in this book focuses on a different ability or diverse circumstance, such as autism, different ethnicities, unique sizes and body types, physical limitations, cancer, adoptions, and more. You Are Extraordinary is an inspiring reminder to treat others with kindness and live out the truth that you are loved! And a letter to parents at the beginning of the book will encourage parents and caregivers and remind them that they're not alone.As the parents of a child with special needs, Craig and Samantha Johnson understand that kids who are a bit different from others sometimes need extra reassurance that God has an amazing purpose for them—not just despite their differences but because of them! The authors are the founders of Champions Club, an international ministry of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, for kids, teens, and adults with special needs. Joel Osteen, the senior pastor of Lakewood, is one of the many well-known supporters of Champions Clubs around the country.With its fun and uplifting message, You Are Extraordinary reminds children and adults alike that the world is a beautiful place when we treat everyone as the exceptional people they are!

You Are Extraordinary: Educator's Guide

by Craig Johnson Samantha Johnson

You Are Extraordinary Educator's Guide is a companion to You Are Extraordinary by Craig and Samantha Johnson. This guide can be utilized in the classroom, in a home school setting, or by parents seeking additional resources. Ideal for Kindergarten through 1st grade.

You Can Still Go to Hell, and Other Truths About Being a Helping Professional

by David Moreau

From the back cover: Reading this collection while drinking bad coffee in a cheap motel room, I was struck by Moreau's honesty and humor These poems are irreverent, funny and provocative, raising important questions. Like, Why is no one recording staff's bowel movements? My coffee began tasting better, and I decided that everyone in the world should buy this book. Peter Leidy. Singer/Activist, author of Greetings from Human Service Land Read these poems. They pull no poetic punches, recording the skirmishes between human empathy and the institutions set up to organize it. David Moreau. with his eagle eye and his ear for the music of speech, details the clash between system and soul, fellow feeling and bureaucratic b.s. His clients may be limited in some ways, but in Moreau's fast-paced colloquial narratives, their humanity is heartbreakingly clear. And that clarity, mixed with edgy humor and affection, is cause for gratitude and hope. Betsy Sholl. Poet Laureate of Maine This is a wonderful (please buy it) collection. David Moreau doesn't waste a single word on setting or scenery, but I can tell you, I can draw a picture. This is a place for which a Holiday Inn architect phoned in the design, with each room having no egress to fresh air. This is no-exit land, but each resident has a personality and character and style. There are real people here and God bless them all. Bravo, Dave!

You Can't Make Me!: From Chaos to Cooperation in the Elementary Classroom

by Sylvia Rockwell

Offering effective methods for teaching appropriate behavior to students who are defiant and disruptive, this book includes real-life teaching anecdotes, research-based strategies, and a unique parent supplement.

You Changed My Life: A Memoir (Movie Tie-In Edition)

by Abdel Sellou

"You Saved My Life" tells the extraordinary true story of the charming Algerian con-man whose friendship with a disabled French aristocrat inspired the record-breaking hit film, "The Intouchables. """SellouOCOs fictional reincarnation, Driss, played to critical acclaim by French comedian Omar Sy in the movie "Les Intouchables," captured the hearts of millions with his edgy charm. aAlready a bestseller in France and Germany, "You Changed My Life" shows us the real man behind SyOCOs smiling face. The book takes us from his childhood spent stealing candy from the local grocery store, to his career as a pickpocket and scam artist, to his unexpected employment as a companion for a quadriplegic. Sellou has never before divulged the details of his past. aIn many interviews and documentaries, he has evaded or shrugged off the question of his childhood and his stay in prison, until now. He tells his story with a stunning amount of talent, with humor, style, andOCothough he denies that he has anyOCohumility. SellouOCOs idiosyncratic and candidly charming voice is magnificently captured in this memoir, a fact to which his friendaPhilippe Pozzo di Borgo testifies in his touching preface for the book. "

You Gotta Keep Dancin': In the Midst of Life's Hurts, You Can Choose Joy

by Tim Hansel

Stress, disappointment, heartache, hurt--all are part of the human condition. The ...message of [this book] is that no matter what your circumstances, with God's help, you can choose to be joyful. A discussion of how to live with pain and still discover a life rich with joy.

You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder

by Kate Kelly Peggy Ramundo

Straightforward, practical advice for taking control of the symptoms, minimizing the disabilities, and maximizing the advantages of adult ADD. There is a great deal of literature about children with attention deficit disorder, ADD. But what do you do if you have ADD and aren't a child anymore? You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! focuses on the experiences of adults, offering accurate information, practical how-tos and moral support to help readers deal with ADD. It explains the diagnostic process that distinguishes ADD symptoms from normal lapses in memory, lack of concentration or impulsive behavior, and it addresses: Achieving balance by analyzing one's strengths and weaknesses Getting along in groups, at work and in intimate and family relationships -- including how to decrease discord and chaos Learning the mechanics and methods for getting organized and improving memory Seeking professional help, including therapy and medication Widely used by support groups around the country, You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! is the indispensable reference for anyone who faces the challenge of ADD on a daily basis.

You Who Cross My Path: Selected Poems By Erez Bitton

by null Erez Bitton

This first US publication of Erez Bitton, one of Israel's most celebrated poets, recalls the fate of Moroccan Jewish culture with poems both evocative and pure. Considered the founding father of Mizrahi Israeli, a major tradition in the history of Hebrew poetry, Bitton's bilingual collection dramatically expands the scope of biographical experience and memory, ultimately resurrecting a vanishing world and culture.Preliminary Background WordsMy mother my motherfrom a village of shrubs green of a different green.From a bird's nest producing milk sweeter than sweet.From a nightingale's cradle of a thousand Arabian nights.My mother my motherwho staved off evilwith her middle fingerswith beating her cheston behalf of all mothers.My father my fatherwho delved into worldswho sanctified the Sabbath with pure Araqwho was most practicedin synagogue traditions.And I—having distanced myselfdeep into my heartwould recitewhen all were asleepshort Bach massesdeep into my heartin Jewish-Moroccan.Erez Bitton was born in 1942 to Moroccan parents in Oran, Algeria, and emigrated to Israel in 1948. Blinded by a stray hand grenade in Lod, he spent his childhood in Jerusalem's School for the Blind. He is considered the founding father of Mizrahi poetry in Israel—the first poet to take on the conflict between North African immigrants and the Ashkenazi society, and the first to use Judeo-Arabic dialect in his poetry. His most recent award is the Bialik Lifetime Achievement Award (2014).

You Will Dream New Dreams: Inspiring Personal Stories by Parents of Children with Disabilities

by Stanley Klein Sharon Schieve

Stanley Klein, former editor of Exceptional Parent Magazine, brings a unique awareness about disability issues to this unusually forthright and positive book, aimed at parents of children with disabilities. Recognizing that parents are usually busy and overwhelmed, this book is composed of more than fifty short essays that can be read separately or in sequence. Parents write about diagnosis, treatment, education, and social issues, with poignancy and humor. Among the essays is the often quoted piece about "Going to Holland," which compares raising a disabled child to making a trip to an unexpected but ultimately rewarding destination.

YouCue Feelings: Using Online Videos for Social Learning

by Anna Vagin

Feelings are a crucial element of social relationships, yet students with social learning challenges (some with diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum, Social Communication Disorder or ADHD) frequently have limited understanding of emotions. Our goal for students with such challenges is for them to acquire social relationship skills that will improve their capacity for effective, fulfilling relationships with family members, people at their school or work, and members of their broader community. This is a large and complicated task. YouCue Feelings simplifies such learning using a relatively new form of storytelling - online videos - to accelerate learning about feelings and relationships. YouCue Feelings includes summaries and titles of 25 wonderful online, easily accessed videos. Each has been selected for its portrayal of rich social relationships and crucial social learning concepts. YouCue Activities, done in conjunction with video viewing, make up the core of the YouCue Feelings program. These activities range from simple drawing projects or discussions about the characters in a YouTube video, to more sophisticated activities such as building connections between the social learning concepts in videos and what happens in a student's everyday life.

The Young Autistic Adult's Independence Handbook

by Haley Moss

Are you living away from home for the first time, graduating from school or perhaps getting a new job? These transitions can be especially overwhelming to deal with as a young autistic adult. This survival guide is bursting with neurodivergent-friendly advice from autistic people themselves (and a few neurotypicals too) for young adults embarking on their own journeys of self-discovery and independence. From guidance on organising your own money, looking after your home and organising your social life to tips on self-advocacy and important life skills such as driving, voting and volunteering, Haley Moss has you covered.Using personal stories, interviews with experts and tips from other young people, this book gives you tips and tools to boost your confidence, ready to make your mark on the world!

Young, Autistic and ADHD: Moving into adulthood when you’re multiply-neurodivergent

by Sarah Boon

Navigating life as a young autistic person with ADHD isn't always easy. Luckily, Sarah Boon is here to share her own experiences, helping you to explore how autism and ADHD overlap and identify the strategies that will make day-to-day life easier.With chapters focused on adulting, relationships and communication, emotional wellbeing, and mental health, navigating the workplace and more, this book offers practical, tried-and-tested guidance to help you understand your autism and ADHD and overcome some of the hurdles that adulthood may throw your way.Accessible and supportive, Young, Autistic and ADHD is the ultimate companion guide for autistic ADHDers, giving you all the advice, you need to celebrate your neurodivergent self.

Young Children with Special Needs

by Warren Umansky Stephen Hooper

Understand typical child development from birth to five and how children with special needs develop differently. Explore six core developmental domains including: gross motor, fine motor and oral motor development, self-care, cognitive development, communication development, and social and emotional development. Read contributions from a variety of experts, each one explaining the latest early intervention strategies within their area of specialty. Learn the process of assessment and intervention and develop universal skills that best support children and their families. Study cases and discuss successful intervention and assessment methods.

Young Children's Play: Development, Disabilities, and Diversity

by Jeffrey Trawick-Smith

Young Children’s Play: Development, Disabilities, and Diversity is an accessible, comprehensive introduction to play and development from birth to age 8 years that introduces readers to various play types and strategies and helps them determine when intervention might be needed. Skillfully addressing both typically developing children and those with special needs in a single volume, this book covers dramatic play, blocks, games, motor play, artistic play, and non-traditional play forms, such as humor, rough and tumble play, and more. Designed to support contemporary classrooms, this text deliberately interweaves practical strategies for understanding and supporting the play of children with specific disabilities (e.g. autism, Down syndrome, or physically challenging conditions) and those of diverse cultural backgrounds into every chapter. In sections divided by age group, Trawick-Smith explores strategies for engaging children with specific special needs, multicultural backgrounds, and incorporating adult–child play and play intervention. Emphasizing diversity in play behaviors, each chapter includes vignettes featuring children’s play and teacher interactions in classrooms to illustrate core concepts in action. Filled with research-based applications for professional practice, this text is an essential resource for students of early childhood and special education, as well as teachers and coaches supporting early grades or inclusive classrooms.

Young Miles (Miles Vorkosigan)

by Lois Mcmaster Bujold

3 stories: The Warrior's Apprentice, The Mountains of Mourning, and The Vor Game. More adventures of Miles Vorkosigan aka Admiral Naismith.

Your Baby Can Self-Feed, Too: Adapted Baby-led Weaning For Children With Developmental Delays Or Other Feeding Challenges (The Authoritative Baby-Led Weaning Series #0)

by Jill Rabin Gill Rapley

No matter what challenges they face, your baby can self-feed, too! One in four children has feeding challenges and difficulty eating. If your child is one of them, mealtimes may be a struggle. Whether the reason is neurodiversity (such as Down syndrome), feeding aversion, or a medical condition, feeding therapist Jill Rabin and baby-led weaning pioneer Gill Rapley are here to help with a groundbreaking new approach for parents, caregivers, and health professionals alike: adapted baby-led weaning (ABLW). Find out how to: Respond to your baby’s signals and appetite—and trust their abilities. Improve your baby’s chewing, posture, sensory development, and fine motor skills. Use “bridge devices,” like silicone feeders, to encourage independent eating. Support your baby to eat real, healthy food and enjoy mealtimes with the rest of the family.

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