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Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training: Teaching and Learning for Neuro and Physical Diversity

by Petronilla Whitfield

Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training focuses on neuro and physical difference and dis/ability in the teaching of performance and associated studies. It offers 19 practitioners’ research-based teaching strategies, aimed to enhance equality of opportunity and individual abilities in performance education. Challenging ableist models of teaching, the 16 chapters address the barriers that can undermine those with dis/ability or difference, highlighting how equality of opportunity can increase innovation and enrich the creative work. Key features include: Descriptions of teaching interventions, research, and exploratory practice to identify and support the needs and abilities of the individual with dis/ability or difference Experiences of practitioners working with professional actors with dis/ability or difference, with a dissemination of methods to enable the actors A critical analysis of pedagogy in performance training environments; how neuro and physical diversity are positioned within the cultural contexts and practices Equitable teaching and learning practices for individuals in a variety of areas, such as: dyslexia, dyspraxia, visual or hearing impairment, learning and physical dis/abilities, wheelchair users, aphantasia, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autistic spectrum. The chapter contents originate from practitioners in the UK, USA and Australia working in actor training conservatoires, drama university courses, youth training groups and professional performance, encompassing a range of specialist fields, such as voice, movement, acting, Shakespeare, digital technology, contemporary live art and creative writing. Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training is a vital resource for teachers, directors, performers, researchers and students who have an interest in investigatory practice towards developing emancipatory pedagogies within performance education.

Incomplete Shakespeare: Hamlet

by John Crace & John Sutherland

Incomplete Shakespeare: Macbeth

by John Crace John Sutherland

‘Give me the daggers and I’ll pin the blame/ On Duncan’s grooms who both are also slain. /A little water clears us of this deed /Though a large scotch might also do the trick...’ To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, this is the first of a new collection of the Bard's greatest plays, digested to a few thousand words with invaluable side notes from John Sutherland. Funny and incredibly clever, these parodies are a joy for those who know their Shakespeare, perfect for the theatre goer needing a quick recap, and a massive relief for those just desperate to pass their English exam.This ebook has a large amount of footnotes and is best viewed on a device that supports pop-up text.

Incomplete Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

by John Crace & John Sutherland

Incomplete Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet

by John Crace & John Sutherland

The Incredible Talking Machine

by Jenni Spangler

Pull back the curtain and enter a world where mystery and magic take centre stage . . . Twelve-year-old Tig works at the Theatre Royale, cleaning, selling tickets and doing anything else that is asked of her by her tyrannical boss, Mr Snell. But Tig will do whatever it takes to get closer to her dream – to become a Stage Manager and spend her days inventing new ways to imagine and build the intricate machinery and props that bring the exciting productions to life! But when a strange new act – a talking machine – arrives at the Theatre Royale, it moves and behaves in a way that Tig just can&’t work out. It&’s as though it&’s alive somehow . . . And when the machine appears to be hiding a dangerous secret, Tig must race against time to solve the mystery, before everything and everyone she cares about is lost forever. A gloriously gothic adventure from an original new voice in middle-grade. A gloriously gothic adventure with a magical twist from an original new voice in middle-grade. Perfect for fans of Michelle Harrison, Sophie Anderson and Emma Carroll. Praise for Jenni Spangler&’s debut novel, THE VANISHING TRICK: A thrilling, original, evocative and eerie tale - I adored it!&’ Michelle Harrison, author of A Pinch of Magic 'A thrilling page-turner. Madame Pinchbeck is a gloriously Dickensian villain&’ Abi Elphinstone, author of Sky Song 'Ghosts, gadgets, likeable villains and unlikely heroes: The Vanishing Trick is a dark and dazzling adventure&’ Emma Carroll, author of Letters from the Lighthouse 'A completely enthralling tale, oozing with atmosphere and originality&’ Catherine Doyle, author of The Storm Keeper's Island


by Paula Vogel

Inspired by the true story of the controversial 1923 Broadway debut of Sholem Asch's play God of Vengeance, about an amorous affair between two women, Paula Vogel's Indecent is a riveting look at an explosive moment in theatrical history.

Independent Performing Arts in Europe: Establishment and Survival of an Emerging Field (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

by Thomas Fabian Eder

This structural account of independent performing arts in Europe is complimented by an analysis of the challenging social situation within the field. This book presents a neo-institutional examination of the organizational field including its routines, scripts, and expectations which provides a contribution to theatre studies, labour studies, and to social and cultural policy studies as well as valuable context for current advocacy and governance. This study offers knowledge based on empirical data and thus a foundation that is equally important for scholarly discourse, cross-national learning, and scientifically based recommendations for action to administration, the cultural policy level, and associations alike. The book examines the independent performing arts communities in Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.

Indian Arm

by Hiro Kanagawa

Rita and Alfred Allmers live in an isolated family cabin on native leasehold land overlooking Indian Arm, a still untamed glacial fjord just north of Vancouver, BC. With Alfred—a formerly promising novelist—now struggling with his latest work, Rita has been tasked with caring for their adopted son Wolfie, a sensitive First Nations teen who has been designated as “special needs” for much of his life. Rita’s resentments and frustrations are further embittered by her younger half-sister, Asta, a constant reminder of the innocence, idealism, and sexual allure Rita once had and yearns for again. The fragile impasse of their lives is torn asunder by the appearance of Janice, the surviving member of the Indigenous family who leased the land to Rita and Asta’s reclusive and mysterious father over fifty years ago. With the lease now expired, they are all engulfed by the secrets and contradictions of their lives and of the land itself—in both the past and the present—and their stories are drawn inexorably toward an unspeakable tragedy.

Indian Art and Culture: भारतीय कला एवं संस्कृति

by Nitin Sindhania

Nitin Singhania holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Economics from Presidency College, Kolkata. He is also a Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary. He worked in Coal India Ltd before joining the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) in 2013 in the West Bengal cadre. He has a deep interest and expertise in Indian Art and Culture and is known for guiding students in this area. Presently he is posted as Sub-Divisional Officer in Purba Bardhaman district of West Bengal. Earlier, he has worked as the Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and as Assistant Collector in Burdwan, West Bengal. His bestselling title Indian Art and Culture is a favourite among students preparing for the Civil Services Examination.

Indian Folk Theatres

by Julia Hollander

Indian Folk Theatres is theatre anthropology as a lived experience, containing detailed accounts of recent folk theatre shows as well as historical and cultural context. It looks at folk theatre forms from three corners of the Indian subcontinent: Tamasha, song and dance entertainments from Maharastra Chhau, the lyrical dance theatre of Bihar Theru Koothu, satirical, ritualised epics from Tamil Nadu. The contrasting styles and contents are depicted with a strongly practical bias, harnessing expertise from practitioners, anthropologists and theatre scholars in India. Indian Folk Theatres makes these exceptionally versatile and up-beat theatre forms accessible to students and practitioners everywhere.

Indian Ink

by Tom Stoppard

From Tony Award-winning playwright Tom Stoppard, Indian Ink is a rich and moving portrait of intimate lives set against one of the great shafts of history--the emergence of the Indian subcontinent from the grip of Europe. The play follows free-spirited English poet Flora Crewe on her travels through India in the 1930s, where her intricate relationship with an Indian artist unfurls against the backdrop of a country seeking its independence. Fifty years later, in 1980s England, her younger sister Eleanor attempts to preserve the legacy of Flora's controversial career, while Flora's would-be biographer is following a cold trial in India. Fresh from the critically acclaimed off-Broadway performance in 2014, Indian Ink is reemerging as an essential part of Stoppard's oeuvre and the global dramatic canon, a fascinating, time-hopping masterwork.

Indian Politics Thinker: भारतीय राजनीति विचारक

by नेशनल पेपरबैक्स ओम् गाबा

भारतीय राजनीति-चिंतन की परंपरा पश्चिमी परंपरा से भी पुरानी है, और इसमें बहुत सारे ओजस्वी विचार भरे हैं। परंतु इसके अध्ययन को यथोचित महत्त्व नहीं मिल पाया है। देखा जाए तो आधुनिक युग में पश्चिमी सभ्यता के अभ्युदय के कारण साधारणतः पाश्चात्य राजनीति-चिंतन को ही भूमंडलीय बौद्धिक परंपरा के प्रतिनिधि के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है; भारतीय राजनीति-चिंतन को छिटपुट अध्ययन का विषय बना कर छोड़ दिया गया है। वस्तुतः भारतीय चिंतन की प्राचीन, मध्ययुगीन और आधुनिक धाराओं में राजनीति की बहुत सारी समस्याओं पर इतने सुलझे हुए विचार व्यक्त किए गए हैं जो भूमंडलीय बौद्धिक परंपरा का महत्त्वपूर्ण अंग बनने की क्षमता रखते हैं, परंतु मुख्यतः हमारी उदासीनता के कारण इस क्षमता को सार्थक करने का विशेष प्रयत्न नहीं हुआ है। ‘भारतीय राजनीति-विचारक’ का प्रस्तुत संस्करण पिछले सब संस्करणों का उन्नत रूप है। आशा है, इस रूप में प्रस्तुत कृति अपने पाठक-वर्ग को न केवल भारतीय राजनीति-चिंतन की समृद्ध परंपरा से परिचित कराएगी बल्कि उन्हें मानव-समाज की समस्याओं के बारे में स्वयं चिंतन करने की प्रेरणा देगी।

Indianapolis Rhythm and Blues (Images of America)

by David Leander Williams

Indiana Avenue was traditionally the host to some of America's premier, world-renown entertainment icons in various genres. Along this winding, brightly lit thoroughfare were nightclubs, lounges, supper clubs, taverns, juke joints, and holes-in-the-wall that celebrated the best of the best in entertainment that America had to offer, from the 1920s on into the 1970s. On the bandstand at Denver Ferguson's Sunset Terrace Ballroom, the elegantly attired crooner Nat King Cole, in a sparkling blue silk suit, delivered his signature song "Mona Lisa." Nearby, B.B. King sang his 1973 down-home blues classic "To Know You is to Love You." At Tuffy Mitchell's Pink Poodle nightclub, "Moms" Mabley made the audience roar with laughter during her sidesplitting comedy routine. Indiana Avenue truly was the place to be for the best in entertainment.

India's Foreign Policy Challenge and Strategy: भारत की विदेश नीति चुनौती और रणनीति

by Rajiv Sikri Chinmay Dharkhan

पुस्तक एक रणनीतिक और नीति-उन्मुख दृष्टिकोण से भारत की वर्तमान और बढ़ती विदेशी नीति चुनौतियों की जांच करती है। यह देश के विदेश नीति निर्माण को निर्धारित करने वाले दीर्घकालिक कारकों और रुझानों का विश्लेषण करता है। यदि यह जटिल और तेजी से विकसित होने वाली 21 वीं सदी की दुनिया में एक प्रमुख खिलाड़ी बनना है, तो लेखक भारत के दृष्टिकोण का पुन: मूल्यांकन करने का आग्रह करता है।

Indict the Author of Affection: Affectation and Catachresis in Hamlet

by Bradley W. Buchanan

Many scholars have touched tangentially on the topic of affectation in Hamlet, but none have yet offered an adequate rhetorical analysis of Shakespeare’s treatment of the concept. Making the claim that affectation is an anomalous affective malady that afflicts nearly everyone in the play, Bradley Buchanan explores the many manifestations of affectation at the court of Elsinore in light of classical rhetorical theory, as well as in the broader context of early modern intellectual culture. Buchanan shows that the special twist in Shakespeare’s depictions of affectation lies in the catachrestic abuse of the older English word “affection” by Hamlet himself (among other characters) to signify the new, foreign concept of affectation. This disturbing conflation of two opposing conditions encapsulates Hamlet’s much-discussed problem: he cannot tell the difference between genuine affection and deceptive affectation. Drawing on a growing field of scholarship engaged in the study of rhetoric in early modern English texts, Indict the Author of Affection explores how Shakespeare’s extensive and self-conscious use of catachresis involves not only far-fetched metaphors but subversive new meanings that can infect familiar words, dramatizing his characters’ psychological conflicts and producing a rich but treacherous instability in language itself.Indict the Author of Affection brings to Hamlet a groundbreaking analysis engaged with the complex, wide-ranging, and contentious discourse concerning affectation as a rhetorical, moral, and aesthetic issue.

Indifference to Difference: On Queer Universalism

by Madhavi Menon

Indifference to Difference organizes around Alain Badiou's suggestion that, in the face of increasing claims of identitarian specificity, one might consider the politics and practice of being indifferent to difference. Such a politics would be based on the superabundance of desire and its inability to settle into identity. Madhavi Menon shows that if we turn to another kind of universalism--not one that insists we are all different but one that recognizes we are all similar in our powerlessness to contain desire--then difference no longer becomes the focus of our identity.Instead, we enter the worlds of desire. Following up on ideas of sameness and difference that have animated queer theory, Menon argues that what is most queer about indifference is not that it gives us queerness as an identity but that it is able to change queerness into a resistance of ontology. Firmly committed to the detours of desire, queer universalism evades identity.This polemical book demonstrates that queerness is the condition within which we labor. Our desires are not ours to be owned; they are indifferent to our differences.

Indigenous Methodologies, Research and Practices for Sustainable Development (World Sustainability Series)

by Marcellus F. Mbah Walter Leal Filho Sandra Ajaps

This book states that whilst academic research has long been grounded on the idea of western or scientific epistemologies, this often does not capture the uniqueness of Indigenous contexts, and particularly as it relates to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were announced in 2015, accompanied by 17 goals and 169 targets. These goals are the means through which Agenda 2030 for sustainable development is to be pursued and realised over the next 15 years, and the contributions of Indigenous peoples are essential to achieving these goals.Indigenous peoples can be found in practically every region of the world, living on ancestral homelands in major cities, rainforests, mountain regions, desert plains, the arctic, and small Pacific Islands. Their languages, knowledges, and values are rooted in the landscapes and natural resources within their territories.However, many Indigenous peoples are now minorities within their homelands and globally, and there is a dearth of research based on Indigenous epistemologies and methodologies. Furthermore, academic research on Indigenous peoples is typically based on western lenses. Thus, the paucity of Indigenous methodologies within mainstream research discourses present challenges for implementing practical research designs and interpretations that can address epistemological distinctiveness within Indigenous communities.There is therefore the need to articulate, as well as bring to the nexus of research aimed at fostering sustainable development, a decolonising perspective in research design and practice.This is what this book wants to achieve. The contributions critically reflect on Indigenous approaches to research design and implementation, towards achieving the sustainable development goals, as well as the associated challenges and opportunities. The contributions also advanced knowledge, theory, and practice of Indigenous methodologies for sustainable development.

Indigenous North American Drama: A Multivocal History (SUNY series, Native Traces)

by Birgit Däwes

Responding to an increasing need for critical perspectives and methodologies, this collection traces the historical dimensions of Native North American drama through overviews of major developments, individual playwrights' perspectives, and in-depth critical analyses. Bringing together writers and scholars from the United States, Canada, and Europe, Indigenous North American Drama provides the first comprehensive outline of this vibrant genre. It also acknowledges the wide diversity of styles and perspectives that have helped shape contemporary Native North American theater itself. This interdisciplinary introduction offers a basis for new readings of Native American and First Nations literature at large.

Indirections: Shakespeare and the Art of illusion

by Anthony Dawson

The precise relation between the spectator and the work of art was a matter of great interest to late Renaissance and baroque artists, playwrights as well as painters. In Shakespeare's plays the relation between audience and stage life is crucial. The plays constantly remind the audience of the complex fictiveness of their experience yet they also project a reality specifically through illusion. Indirections is a study of twelve plays in which Shakespeare sets up situations and relationships between the characters analogous to the relationship established between audience and play. This book examines the varied uses of illusion, deceit, disguise, and manipulation in the plays, both comedies and tragedies, and traces Shakespeare's use of illusion through his career — from the buoyant optimism of the great comedies and the ambiguity of the middle years to the new richness and power in the romances. Dawson suggests that the way characters respond to illusory situations sets up a model for the way audiences are meant to respond to the play themselves. Such action at least initially establishes a basis for the movement of characters from self-delusion to self-knowledge. This process of self-realization enables the characters to distinguish truth from appearance, love from infatuation; and significantly, it is a direct result of involvement with illusion and role-playing. It is as if the characters must arrive, within the movement of the plot, at an understanding of, and response to, the nature of drama itself parallel to the audience's experience of the play as a whole. This subtle interplay between audience and characters, where each in a sense represents the other, depends for its life on the physical and psychic distances created by the theatre.

Indoor Sport

by Jack Perry

Comedy / 3 m., 3 f. / Interior / This ideal comedy for summer stock originally toured with Darren McGavin as the often absent soldier of fortune cargo pilot who desperately attempts to stop his wife's divorce plans and intentions to marry another man. Sheila gave up her tennis career for marriage and is fed up with living alone. Unaware of her plans, Gary returns for their anniversary with lavish gifts and romantic thoughts, accompanied by an ultra cynical foreign correspondent who's soured on marriage. Sheila's intended is a handsome, ex pro football star from her home town. In high school, he was Sheila's older sister's steady. Sister is now an ad agency account executive. As the evening develops into a night of veiled hostility, tactical maneuvering and one upmanship. An incorrigible, nosy cleaning woman rounds out the cast.

Inevitable and Only

by Lisa Rosinsky

What if you suddenly found out you had a sister . . . and she took over your life? Cadie is close to her father. They are so much alike—same temperament, sense of humor, and love for the theater—and Dad always knows how to comfort her . . . until the day he announces that he has another daughter. Suddenly, Cadie has a sister, Elizabeth—a sister who is six months older than her, a sister who is about to move in with them, a sister whose very existence means that Cadie’s beloved father cheated on her mother when they were already married. What other secrets might he have? Can she still trust him? Does Cadie really know her father at all? And when Elizabeth arrives, Cadie’s worst fears come true. Elizabeth looks just like Dad; not only that, she seems all too perfect. Until she begins stealing Cadie’s place in the family and even Cadie’s one true love . . . But Elizabeth has secrets of her own. This deeply emotional coming-of-age story explores the choices you make when your family—and your life—changes overnight. Are these choices the inevitable and only ones? And will they ultimately bring your family back together or push you further apart?

The Infernal Machine & Other Plays

by Jean Cocteau

Four full-length plays by one of the greatest dramatists Europe has produced. Among the great figures who pioneered the modern movement in world literature, none showed himself more versatile than France's Jean Cocteau. Poet, novelist, critic, artist, actor, film-maker, Cocteau was also one of the greatest dramatists Europe has produced, with over a dozen plays which are frequently revived, not only in France, but in translation in many other countries. For this collection, fine translations of four full-length plays, one short play, and the "Speaker's Text" for the Cocteau-Stravinsky opera Oedipus Rex have been selected. The longer plays (The Infernal Machine, Orpheus, Bacchus, Knights of the Round Table) are re-creations of classic myth and legend--poetic and highly original interpretations of certain timeless themes which have inspired great drama through the ages. The Eiffel Tower Wedding Party is, by contrast, merely a "curtain-raiser," but remarkable as un jeu d'esprit, revealing the wit and psychological penetration for which Cocteau is famous.


by Billy Van Zandt Jane Milmore

Comedy / 5m, 4f / Unit Set / "Everything we do in life is based on getting laid!" That's the opening line and the undoing of the lead character in this hilarious romantic comedy by the authors of Drop Dead and Love, Sex and the I.R.S. Harold Stang, a playwright obsessed with sex, Charlie Chaplin and pastrami sandwiches meets Kelly Carroll, an aspiring actress obsessed with him. Their love story is told via flashbacks, fantasy scenes and monologues in which five actors play 36 roles. The work is a wonderful showcase for the actor who stars as Harold, whose life is one long bedroom farce.

Infinite Black Suitcase

by Em Lewis

Drama / 8m, 8f / From critically-acclaimed playwright EM Lewis, comes Infinite Black Suitcase, the story of one day in a small Oregon town and three families who are trying, in the most loving and human ways, to deal with death and dying. / "EM Lewis offers an endearing and insightful perusal into the lives of 16 rural Oregonians, dealing with the trauma of recent or impending death, during the course of a single day...Lewis gives evidence of being a significant talent to watch." - Variety

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