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by Voltaire Frank J. Morlock


Sócrates. Amanhecer na caverna

by Ariel Pytrell Juliana Fernandes e Manuela Ferreira

Descrição do livro “Sócrates, o criador do Iluminismo grego, não fundou um sistema filosófico [...]. Até mesmo em sua cela, em companhia de si mesmo, naqueles momentos extremos, Sócrates jamais deteve a busca pela quintessência da vida. Dois mil e quinhentos anos depois, como se fosse um discípulo contemporâneo do grande filósofo, o amante do helênico e dramaturgo argentino Ariel Pytrell, nesta maravilhosa obra, Sócrates. Amanhecer na caverna, assumiu a responsabilidade de transmitir [...] a atmosfera dos últimos momentos da vida do filósofo”. Eleni Leivaditou de Bulgari, Embaixadora da Grécia na Argentina “Em Sócrates. Amanhecer na caverna, Ariel Pytrell dramatiza vários episódios essenciais na vida de um dos filósofos mais destacados da civilização grega. Mediante um jogo metateatral brilhante, salpicado por momentos de intriga, ternura, conflito, humor, tragédia e diálogos poéticos, Pytrell logra recriar efetivamente um protagonista histórico, de carne e osso, para um público moderno. Convida-nos a celebrar a vida desta grande figura, mas neste caso, brindamos com uma taça sinistra. Com cada gota que saboreamos, desenvolve-se mais uma cena nesta obra que é, ao mesmo tempo, enigmática, mágica e perspicaz, cuja estrutura caleidoscópica segue girando até o amanhecer; ou seja, até que vejamos a luz e descubramos a verdade”. Susan P. Berardini, Ph. D, Associate Professor of Spanish, Pace University, NY

Socrates and Aristophanes

by Leo Strauss

In one of his last books, Socrates and Aristophanes, Leo Strauss's examines the confrontation between Socrates and Aristophanes in Aristophanes' comedies. Looking at eleven plays, Strauss shows that this confrontation is essentially one between poetry and philosophy, and that poetry emerges as an autonomous wisdom capable of rivaling philosophy. "Strauss gives us an impressive addition to his life's work—the recovery of the Great Tradition in political philosophy. The problem the book proposes centers formally upon Socrates. As is typical of Strauss, he raises profound issues with great courage. . . . [He addresses] a problem that has been inherent in Western life ever since [Socrates'] execution: the tension between reason and religion. . . . Thus, we come to Aristophanes, the great comic poet, and his attack on Socrates in the play The Clouds. . . [Strauss] translates it into the basic problem of the relation between poetry and philosophy, and resolves this by an analysis of the function of comedy in the life of the city." —Stanley Parry, National Review

Sola ante el peligro

by Nora Roberts

De la autora número 1 en ventas del New York Times llega su última gran novela, la historia de una mujer que camina sin miedo por el filo del peligro... pero que debe reunir todo su coraje para permitir que el amor llame de nuevo a su puerta.A sus treinta y dos años, Phoebe MacNamara es la negociadora jefe del departamento de policía de la ciudad sureña de Savannah. Cada día arriesga su vida para salvar la de otros empleando únicamente sus hábiles dotes de persuasión. Es un trabajo que la absorbe por entero, para el que sabe que ha nacido. Fuera de él solo queda espacio para un estrecho círculo: su madre, su hermano, su avispada y precoz hija de siete años, y unos leales amigos. Un universo pequeño, que la exaspera a veces pero sin el cual no podría vivir, al que ahora querría entrar DuncanSwift. Desde que la vio salvar a un hombre dispuesto a suicidarse, Duncan se ha sentido intrigado y atraído por la mezcla de firmeza y sensibilidad que emana de Phoebe. Por eso pone en juego todo su encanto y simpatía para acercarse a ella, derribar poco a poco los muros que ha levantado a su alrededor y demostrarle que estará a su lado cuando el peligro se cierna, implacablemente, sobre la joven.

Soliciting Temptation

by Erin Shields

In a sweaty hotel room, a lonely businessman and a young woman meet for sex. Somewhere between reality and fantasy, the sex becomes talk and the talk becomes dangerous. Nothing is off limits in this battle of morality, economics and desire. This witty, dark and sexually charged new play by Governor General's Award–winner Erin Shields shines a light on the complexities of sex tourism and our preconceptions about love.

Soluzione Carrero: Un nuovo inizio (Serie Carrero. Volume 3 #3)

by L. T. Marshall

SINOSSI Un nuovo inizio Capitolo finale della trilogia dedicata a Emma e Jake. Jake Carrero ed Emma Anderson, il capo e la sua assistente, sono passati dall’essere colleghi e amici a innamorati. Ora stanno soffrendo molto a causa dello stupido errore commesso da Jake. Nella loro relazione c’è così tanto che non è stato ancora risolto o detto. E nessuno dei due sa se il danno potrà essere riparato e se troveranno un modo per tornare insieme. Non solo la loro relazione è imperfetta e ha bisogno di basi migliori, ma su di essa incombe ancora un problema di nome Marissa Hartley. E infine, ci sono i loro amici dal cuore spezzato e la madre di Emma che non fa altro che deluderla. Questa è l’ultima puntata della storia di Emma e Jake. Sarà la fine della loro relazione? I personaggi di questo romanzo vi faranno ridere, piangere, sussultare e forse proverete nei loro confronti anche un po’ di affetto. I contenuti e il linguaggio sono adatti a un pubblico adulto.

Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond (Routledge Voice Studies)

by Christina Kapadocha

Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond brings together a community of international practitioner-researchers who explore voice through soma or soma through voice. Somatic methodologies offer research processes within a new area of vocal, somatic and performance praxis. Voice work and theoretical ideas emerge from dance, acting and performance training while they also move beyond commonly recognized somatics and performance processes. From philosophies and pedagogies to ethnic-racial and queer studies, this collection advances embodied aspects of voices, the multidisciplinary potentialities of somatic studies, vocal diversity and inclusion, somatic modes of sounding, listening and writing voice. Methodologies that can be found in this collection draw on: eastern traditions body psychotherapy-somatic psychology Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method Authentic Movement, Body-Mind Centering, Continuum Movement, Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy Fitzmaurice Voicework, Linklater Technique, Roy Hart Method post-Stanislavski and post-Grotowski actor-training traditions somaesthetics The volume also includes contributions by the founders of: Shin Somatics, Body and Earth, Voice Movement Integration SOMart, Somatic Acting Process This book is a polyphonic and multimodal compilation of experiential invitations to each reader’s own somatic voice. It culminates with the "voices" of contributing participants to a praxical symposium at East 15 Acting School in London (July 19–20, 2019). It fills a significant gap for scholars in the fields of voice studies, theatre studies, somatic studies, artistic research and pedagogy. It is also a vital read for graduate students, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.

Some Enchanted Evenings: The Glittering Life and Times of Mary Martin

by David Kaufman

Mary Martin was one of the greatest stars of her day. Growing up in Texas, she was married early to Benjamin Hagman and gave birth to her first child, Larry Hagman. She was divorced even more quickly. Martin left little Larry with her parents and took off for Hollywood. She didn't make a dent in the movie industry and was lured to New York where she found herself auditioning for Cole Porter and his new show "Leave It to Me!". After she sang the bawdy "My Heart Belongs to Daddy", she ended up on the cover of Life magazine. Six years later, she became the Toast of Broadway when she starred in "South Pacific". After that, she flew as "Peter Pan", yodeled in "The Sound of Music", took "Hello, Dolly!" on the road and shared a four-poster with Robert Preston in "I Do! I Do!". Her personal life was just as interesting: In NYC, she met and married Richard Halliday, a closeted upper-class homosexual who adored her, Broadway and interior decorating (though probably not in that order). They were a powerful twosome. There were rumors about Martin, too, being in a lesbian relationship with both Janet Gaynor and Jean Arthur. Peopled with legends like Ethel Merman, Ezio Pinza, Noel Coward and a starry cast of thousands, David Kaufman's "Some Enchanted Evenings" is the delectable story of the one and only Mary Martin, a woman who described herself as a chicken farmer from Texas only to become Peter Pan and capture America's heart.

Some Facets of King Lear: Essays in Prismatic Criticism

by F. T. Flahiff Rosalie Colie

The image of the prism, with its multiple refractions, offers some sense of the inexhaustible variety of a work of art. Like a prism, King Lear is attractive; like a prism, it is a multiply shaped thing; like a prism, it is an object of admiration, as well as an instrument of analysis. The essays in this book – forming neither a casebook nor a 'perplex' – were written because their authors wanted to understand something specific about this very complicated play. Throughout, the emphasis is on Shakespeare's consciousness of his craft, on his critical use of the materials, notions, and devices available to him – on the play (prism-like) as an instrument of analysis. Although the different contributors have occasionally influenced one another's readings of the play, the essays were written independently; that they are so mutually supportive is the result of the play's central insistence on its own primary meaning, visible from whatever perspective a serious reader may take.

Some Old Lover's Ghost

by Judith Lennox

Combining the eloquence and compassion of great English storytellers such as Rosamunde Pilcher and Joanna Trollope with a keen sense for how we reconcile the present by connecting to our past, Judith Lennox comes to America with this international bestseller.Rebecca Bennett, thirty-one, financially strapped and reeling from a disastrous love affair, has just taken on the biggest project of her career: writing the biography of Dame Tilda Franklin, considered England's angel to needy children.Mining the past of this distinguished child welfare activist, Rebecca is amazed to discover a history riddled with the passion and pain of mysterious kin and unpredictable love. Delving further into Dame Tilda's life, Rebecca finds parallels with her own experience and begins to regard this woman as a soul mate. Soon a romance blossoms between Rebecca and Tilda's grandson, Patrick, and she is drawn even closer to the family. Yet, just as their relationship begins to grow, Rebecca uncovers a family secret that threatens to destroy her newfound love.Set against the stark beauty of the Fen country and peopled with memorable characters, Some Old Lover's Ghost is an addictive novel of tragedy, recovery, healing, and love that will raise you up and touch your heart.


by Jane Martin

ComedyCharacterS: 2 male, 2 femaleInteriorSo you think you want to be famous? So did teen idol and "shark-movie" star Sheena Keener, the darling of the press, the obsession of the paparazzi, and the Goddess of the 'E! Channel'. But now she can't stand to be looked at anymore and her Godzilla of an agent is on the warpath. When Sheena ends up on the doorstep of naïve newcomer Loli, a recent arrival from Flatt, Kansas, it's a wild ride on the road to fame. Sheena is a somebody who wants to be a nobody. Loli is a nobody desperate to be a somebody. In this hilarious comedy about Hollywood, fame and the TMZ, renowned playwright Jane Martin takes dead aim at our culture of celebrity. "No question, it's a funny show!" -The Arizona Republic. "The comedy is off-beat and beyond way out there, with an energy level that's full-bore, redline action. Neil Simon this is definitely not... you might as well just give in and start laughing at the beginning, because for sure you'll be laughing by the end." - The Tuscon Citizen.

Somebody's Somebody

by Gary Richards

Drama / 3m, 3f / Unit set / It is a beautiful summer evening on a moonlit beach by the ocean. It's July 20th in the years: 1969, 1994, and 2019. Three sets of actors play Linda and Tommy during different phases of their lives; each twenty-five years apart. In 1969, on the night of the first moonwalk, Tommy and Linda, age fifteen, consummate their solemn vow of love for the first time as one small step is taken for man and one large step is taken or mankind. In 1994, Tom, now forty, physically abuses his wife, Linda, for the very last time. And in 2019, at sixty-five, Thomas returns home to Linda, and to bury their only son. The action in the three eras unfolds simultaneously as we watch the conception, dissolution, and absolution of the lifelong vow of two lovers.

Someone Else

by Kristen Thomson

Lately Cathy, a middle-aged comedian, has found very little to laugh about. Everything seems either tragic or frustrating, especially her eighteen-year marriage to Peter, a doctor at a local community clinic. Their list of complaints about one another grows day by day, and their teenage daughter is rarely anything but a handful. Despite a once solid and happy marriage, the couple has hit a snag that even counselling can't repair. While Cathy falls further into a creative slump, Peter starts to fall for April, a troubled young patient who helps him open up. The two are unrecognizable to each other and themselves, and as they navigate middle age they push each other further apart. Can they negotiate their changing relationship and learn to be comfortable with who they've become?

Something Cloudy, Something Clear

by Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams returns to a pivotal moment in his stormy youth in Something Cloudy, Something Clear, which introducer Eve Adamson calls "a delicately woven tapestry of past and present, vulnerability and toughness, impetuous action and mature insight." Something Cloudy, Something Clear is, as Tennessee Williams stated, "one of the most personal plays I’ve ever written." Set in Provincetown, Cape Cod, in 1940, the play records Williams’ experiences during that "pivotal summer when I took sort of a crash course in growing up." On the brink of becoming a successful playwright, Williams was also to "come thoroughly out of the closet" and meet Kip, his first great love. Something Cloudy, Something Clearbrilliantly reimagines that long ago time, now recollected through the filter of all the playwright’s successes and failures, joys and regrets. Eve Adamson, director of the original 1981 production, provides an insightful introduction in which she captures the play’s heart-breaking appeal: "It is a delicately woven tapestry of past and present, vulnerability and toughness, impetuous action and mature insight. It seeks a reconciliation between love and art, life and death, and-to use two phrases which recur in the play––exigencies of desperation and negotiation of terms. The cloudy and the clear."

Something in the Basem

by Don Nigro

Plays include: Something in the Basement Scarecrow Lurker The Devil Bible

Something Wonderful: Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway Revolution

by Todd S. Purdum

A revelatory portrait of the creative partnership that transformed musical theater and provided the soundtrack to the American CenturyThey stand at the apex of the great age of songwriting, the creators of the classic Broadway musicals Oklahoma!, Carousel, South Pacific, The King and I, and The Sound of Music, whose songs have never lost their popularity or emotional power. Even before they joined forces, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II had written dozens of Broadway shows, but together they pioneered a new art form: the serious musical play. Their songs and dance numbers served to advance the drama and reveal character, a sharp break from the past and the template on which all future musicals would be built.Though different in personality and often emotionally distant from each other, Rodgers and Hammerstein presented an unbroken front to the world and forged much more than a songwriting team; their partnership was also one of the most profitable and powerful entertainment businesses of their era. They were cultural powerhouses whose work came to define postwar America on stage, screen, television, and radio. But they also had their failures and flops, and more than once they feared they had lost their touch.Todd S. Purdum’s portrait of these two men, their creative process, and their groundbreaking innovations will captivate lovers of musical theater, lovers of the classic American songbook, and young lovers wherever they are. He shows that what Rodgers and Hammerstein wrought was truly something wonderful.

Something Wonderful Right Away: The Birth of Second City—America's Greatest Comedy Theater

by Jeffrey Sweet

Discover the behind-the-scenes story of how The Second City theater created a generation of world class great actors, directors, and writers. In the late Fifties and Sixties, iconoclastic young rebels in Chicago opened two tiny theaters—The Compass and The Second City—where they satirized politics, religion, and sex. Building scenes by improvising based on audience suggestions turned out to be a fine way to develop great actors, directors, and writers. Alumni went on to create such groundbreaking works as The Graduate, Groundhog Day, and Don&’t Look Up. Many of them also became stars on Saturday Night Live. Something Wonderful Right Away features the pioneers of the empire that transformed American comedy. This new edition tells even more of the story. Included for the first time is an interview with Viola Spolin, the genius who invented theater games that were the foundation of improvisational theater. Also included are dozens of follow-up stories about Mike Nichols, Barbara Harris, Del Close, Joan Rivers, Alan Arkin, and Gilda Radner, plus &“You Only Shoot the Ones You Love,&” the story of how this book&’s author, playwright Jeffrey Sweet, became so involved in the community he covered that he was captured by it.

Something's Afoot

by David Vos James Mcdonald Robert Gerlach

Musical Mystery / additional music by Ed Linderman / Casting: 6m, 4f / Scenery: Interior Scored for seven instruments. May be done with one piano. A zany, entertaining show that takes a satirical poke at Agatha Christie mysteries and musical styles of past years. Ten people are stranded in an isolated English country house during a raging thunderstorm. One by one they're picked off by cleverly fiendish devices. As the bodies pile up in the library, the survivors frantically race to uncover the identity and motivation of the cunning culprit. . "The audience adored the show."-- N.Y. Times. . "Engaging, funny, refreshing and original."-- N.Y. Post. . "An enchanting spoof."-- N.Y. Daily News. . "Both a spoof and a tribute to Agatha Christie ... played with fine tuned, flamboyantly melodramatic affectations." -- L.A. Times.

Sondheim: His Life, His Shows, His Legacy

by Stephen M. Silverman

Lively, sophisticated, and filled with first-person tributes and glorious images, Sondheim: His Life, His Shows, His Legacy lifts the curtain on a Broadway legend. "Aside from Sondheim's own exceptional books...this may be the best coffee-table volume devoted to his work."(Shelf Awareness) Brimming with insights from a veritable Who's Who of Broadway Babies and complemented by more than two hundred color and black-and-white images, Sondheim: His Life, His Shows, His Legacy offers a witty, multidimensional look at the musical genius behind Company, Follies, A Little Night Music, Into the Woods, Sunday in the Park with George, Sweeney Todd, and the landmark West Side Story and Gypsy. Exploring the unique bond between Sondheim and his audiences, author Stephen M. Silverman further examines the challenging Sondheim works that continue to develop devoted new followings: Anyone Can Whistle, Pacific Overtures, Merrily We Roll Along, Assassins, and Passion. The result is a lavish, highly engrossing documentation of the dynamic force who reshaped twentieth-century American musical history.

Sondheim and Lapine's Into the Woods (The Fourth Wall)

by Olaf Jubin

‘The Woods are just Trees. The Trees are just Wood.’ – All together In 1987, Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine combined several classic fairy tales including Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Jack and the Beanstalk to create Into the Woods. Funny and heartfelt, this musical explores what it might mean to act responsibly in society, both as a parent and as a child. Situating the work within Sondheim’s oeuvre and the Broadway canon, Olaf Jubin first offers a detailed reading of the show itself, before discussing key productions in New York and London, and 2014’s Oscar-nominated screen adaptation. The radically different approaches to staging Into the Woods are testament to how open the musical is to re-interpretation for new audiences. A combination of critical explication with performance and film analysis, as well as an overview of popular and critical reception, this book is meant for anyone who has enjoyed Into the Woods, be it as a musical theatre fan, an enchanted audience member, a student or a dedicated theatre professional.

A Song for the Dark Times: From the iconic #1 bestselling author of IN A HOUSE OF LIES

by Ian Rankin

From the iconic Number One bestseller Ian Rankin, comes one of the must-read books of the year: A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES 'Genius ... Only great novels capture the spirit of the age. This is one of them.'THE TIMES* * * * *'He's gone...'When his daughter Samantha calls in the dead of night, John Rebus knows it's not good news. Her husband has been missing for two days.Rebus fears the worst - and knows from his lifetime in the police that his daughter will be the prime suspect.He wasn't the best father - the job always came first - but now his daughter needs him more than ever. But is he going as a father or a detective?As he leaves at dawn to drive to the windswept coast - and a small town with big secrets - he wonders whether this might be the first time in his life where the truth is the one thing he doesn't want to find...PRAISE FOR A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES:'Magnificent ... utterly unputdownable and an immersive pleasure' MARIAN KEYES'This is Rankin at his best, Rebus at his best, storytelling that meets the moment and transcends all genres and expectations' MICHAEL CONNELLY'An outstanding addition to one of the finest bodies of work in crime fiction' MICK HERRON'Rankin remains the king of the castle' THE TIMES'Typically compelling' DAILY TELEGRAPH'Masterly storytelling' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Excellent' LIZ NUGENT'The best that the crime genre can offer' FT'Rankin grows better with time . . . Rebus grows ever more compelling' DAILY MAIL* * * * *PRAISE FOR THE ICONIC NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER:'Ian Rankin is a genius'LEE CHILD'A master storyteller'GUARDIAN'Rebus is one of British crime writing's greatest characters: alongside Holmes, Poirot and Morse'DAILY MAIL'Great fiction, full stop'THE TIMES'One of Britain's leading novelists in any genre'NEW STATESMAN'Rankin is a phenomenon'SPECTATOR'Worthy of Agatha Christie at her best'SCOTSMAN'The king of crime fiction'SUNDAY EXPRESS

A Song for the Dark Times: The Brand New Must-Read Rebus Thriller

by Ian Rankin

From the iconic Number One bestseller Ian Rankin, comes one of the must-read books of the year: A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES 'Genius ... Only great novels capture the spirit of the age. This is one of them.'THE TIMES* * * * *'He's gone...'When his daughter Samantha calls in the dead of night, John Rebus knows it's not good news. Her husband has been missing for two days.Rebus fears the worst - and knows from his lifetime in the police that his daughter will be the prime suspect.He wasn't the best father - the job always came first - but now his daughter needs him more than ever. But is he going as a father or a detective?As he leaves at dawn to drive to the windswept coast - and a small town with big secrets - he wonders whether this might be the first time in his life where the truth is the one thing he doesn't want to find...PRAISE FOR A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES:'Magnificent ... utterly unputdownable and an immersive pleasure' MARIAN KEYES'This is Rankin at his best, Rebus at his best, storytelling that meets the moment and transcends all genres and expectations'MICHAEL CONNELLY'An outstanding addition to one of the finest bodies of work in crime fiction' MICK HERRON'Rankin remains the king of the castle' THE TIMES'Typically compelling' DAILY TELEGRAPH'Masterly storytelling' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Excellent' LIZ NUGENT'The best that the crime genre can offer' FT'Rankin grows better with time . . . Rebus grows ever more compelling' DAILY MAIL* * * * *PRAISE FOR THE ICONIC NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER:'Ian Rankin is a genius'LEE CHILD'A master storyteller'GUARDIAN'Rebus is one of British crime writing's greatest characters: alongside Holmes, Poirot and Morse'DAILY MAIL'Great fiction, full stop'THE TIMES'One of Britain's leading novelists in any genre'NEW STATESMAN'Rankin is a phenomenon'SPECTATOR'Worthy of Agatha Christie at her best'SCOTSMAN'The king of crime fiction'SUNDAY EXPRESS

Song Of Extinction

by Em Lewis

Max, a musically gifted high school student, is falling off the edge of the world -- and his biology teacher is the only one who's noticed. A play about the science of life and loss, the relationships between fathers and sons, Cambodian fields, Bolivian rainforests and redemption. Max Forrestal is going to fail Biology if he doesn't complete a 20-page paper on extinction by 2pm on Tuesday -- but his mother, Lily, is dying of cancer, and school is the last thing on his mind. His father, Ellery, a biologist obsessed with saving a rare Bolivian insect, is incapable of dealing with his wife's impending death, or his son's distress. Max's biology teacher, Khim Phan, tries to figure out why Max is failing the class. Helping Max, however, pushes Khim into a magical journey of his own -- from the Cambodian fields of his youth into the undiscovered country beyond.

The Song of Spider-Man

by Glen Berger

From the show's cowriter who saw it all firsthand, this is the epic story of the most expensive, ambitious, dangerous, and controversial Broadway musical of all-time: Spider-Man.Never in the history of Broadway has there been anything like Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. Lampooned by reviewers, loved and loathed by audiences, and boldly envisioned by its producers, Spider-Man has forever made its mark in pop culture history. Author Glen Berger was present at the creation, when visionary director Julie Taymor selected him to collaborate with her on the book of the musical. For seven years, Berger was an eyewitness to great artistic hopes and battles as Taymor sought to bring her vision to the stage, along with celebrated rock stars Bono and the Edge. But despite terrible reviews and public ridicule, Spider-Man went on to become one of the top ten grossing musicals in the history of Broadway--a feat inseparable from its creators' unassailable passion, immense efforts, and artistic ambition. With a sharp eye for detail and candid sense of humor, Berger reveals every aspect--the highs and lows--of the production and in doing so, takes us inside the theatrical process in a way few authors can. The Song of Spider-Man is the ultimate fly-on-the-wall account of how Broadway works, how big musicals are made, and how great artists continue to dream, even in the midst of a nightmare.

A Songbird in Wartime

by Karen Dickson

A wartime family saga, perfect for fans of Rosie Goodwin and Val Wood Shaftesbury, 1936. Mansfield House Hotel has been a refuge for Emily ever since she was orphaned at the age of 16. Not only did they give her employment as a chambermaid, but it&’s also where she met her fiancé Tom. When theatre agent Roland stays at the hotel and hears Emily singing, he is determined to take her away to Bristol and make her a star. But knowing she'd never leave her fiancé, he hatches a plan to get Emily away from Tom. Six years later, Emily has made a name for herself as 'The Bristol Songbird'. Her love for Tom is still as strong as ever, but she's not heard from him since that fateful night so long ago. And with the world enveloped in a war, it seems unlikely the two will ever meet again. Will Emily and Tom ever find their way back to one another? Or will the war – and Roland – succeed in keeping them apart? Praise for Karen Dickson: &‘A compelling saga that will hold you fast from the first page to the last. Loved it&’ VAL WOOD, author of The Lonely Wife 'This rollercoaster of a novel draws you in from the first page… I devoured this in one sitting and look forward to more from this author. In short a gem of a read' FIONA FORD, author of Wartime at Liberty's 'A delight to read... Lily Hayter is a wonderful heroine whose resilience and integrity shine through as she struggles to claim a life of her choosing and find a family. At the heart of the story is a warmth and humanity that makes it a truly uplifting read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was sorry when I reached the end because I wanted to linger in Dickson&’s world. I eagerly await more from Karen Dickson' VICKI BEEBY, author of The Ops Room Girls &‘An exciting, fresh and talented new voice – a five-star read!&’ CAROL RIVERS, author of Molly&’s Christmas Orphans'The characters in this novel are so believable that I cared deeply about them from the first chapter. A heartfelt, hopeful account of one young woman&’s fight to keep her child safe when all the odds are against her. Atmospheric and beautifully written' JAN CASEY, author of The Women of Waterloo Bridge

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