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Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism (Pioneers of Conservation)

by Char Miller

Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism, the first new biography in more than three decades, offers a fresh interpretation of the life and work of the famed conservationist and Progressive politician. In addition to considering Gifford Pinchot's role in the environmental movement, historian Char Miller sets forth an engaging description and analysis of the man -- his character, passions, and personality -- and the larger world through which he moved.Char Miller begins by describing Pinchot's early years and the often overlooked influence of his family and their aspirations for him. He examines Gifford Pinchot's post-graduate education in France and his ensuing efforts in promoting the profession of forestry in the United States and in establishing and running the Forest Service. While Pinchot's twelve years as chief forester (1898-1910) are the ones most historians and biographers focus on, Char Miller also offers an extensive examination of Pinchot's post-federal career as head of The National Conservation Association and as two-term governor of Pennsylvania. In addition, he looks at Pinchot's marriage to feminist Cornelia Bryce and discusses her role in Pinchot's political radicalization throughout the 1920s and 1930s. An epilogue explores Gifford Pinchot's final years and writings.Char Miller offers a provocative reconsideration of key events in Pinchot's life, including his relationship with friend and mentor John Muir and their famous disagreement over damming Hetch Hetchy Valley. The author brings together insights from cultural and social history and recently discovered primary sources to support a new interpretation of Pinchot -- whose activism not only helped define environmental politics in early twentieth century America but remains strikingly relevant today.

Gifts of an Eagle: The Remarkable Story of a Bird and Her Family

by Kent Durden

New York Times Bestseller: The &“extraordinary&” true story of a golden eagle adopted by a California ranching family, and how she changed their lives (Delia Ephron). In 1955, Ed Durden brought a baby golden eagle home to his ranch in California, where she would stay for the next sixteen years. As her bond with Ed and the Durden family grew, the eagle, named Lady, displayed a fierce intelligence and strong personality. She learned quickly, had a strong mothering instinct (even for other species), and never stopped surprising those who cared for her. An eight-week New York Times bestseller, Gifts of an Eagle is a fascinating up-close look at one of the most majestic creatures in nature, as well as a heartwarming family story and &“an affectionate, unsentimental tribute&” (Kirkus Reviews).

Gifts of Cooperation, Mauss and Pragmatism (Routledge Global Cooperation Series)

by Frank Adloff

This book focuses on the contribution of Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) to social theory and a theory of cooperation. It shows that Mauss’s essay "The Gift" (1925) can be seen as a classic of a pragmatist, interactionist and anti-utilitarian sociology. It critiques the dichotomy of self-interest and normatively orientated action that forms the basis of sociology. This conceptual dichotomization has caused forms of social interaction (that cannot be localized either on the side of self-interest or on that of morality) to be overlooked or taken little notice of. The book argues that it is the logic of the gift and its reciprocity that accompany and structure all forms of interaction, from the social micro to the macro-level. It demonstrates that in modern societies agonistic and non-agonistic gifts form their own orders of interaction. This book uniquely establishes the paradigm of the gift as the basis for a theory of interaction. It will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduates in social theory, cultural theory, political sociology and global cooperation, anthropology, philosophy and politics.

Gigantic Cinema: A Weather Anthology

by Alice Oswald & Paul Keegan

A luminous, "deliciously playful" (Rishi Dastidar, Guardian) anthology of poems and prose inspired by the weather. In three hundred varied entries, Gigantic Cinema narrates the weather of a single capricious day, from dawn through rain, volcanic ash, nuclear dust, snow, light, fog, noon, eclipse, hurricane, flood, dusk, night, and back to dawn again. It includes reactions both formal and fleeting—weather rhymes, journals and jottings, diaries and letters—to the imaginary and actual drama unfolding above our heads. Ranging from Homer’s winds and Ovid’s flood to Frank O’Hara’s sun, Pliny’s reportage on the eruption of Vesuvius to Elizabeth Bishop’s “Song for a Rainy Season,” Gigantic Cinema offers an expansive collection of writing inspired by the commotion of the elements. Rather than drawing attention to authors and titles, entries appear as a medley of voices; as editors Alice Oswald and Paul Keegan write in their stunning introduction, the excerpts ask to be read “with no hat, no coat, no preconceptions, encountering each voice abruptly, as an exclamation brought on by the weather.” Assembling a chorus of responses (ancient and modern, East and West) to air’s manifold appearances, Gigantic Cinema offers a new perspective on the oldest conversation of all.

Gillespie Algorithms for Stochastic Multiagent Dynamics in Populations and Networks (Elements in Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks)

by Naoki Masuda Christian L. Vestergaard

Many multiagent dynamics can be modeled as a stochastic process in which the agents in the system change their state over time in interaction with each other. The Gillespie algorithms are popular algorithms that exactly simulate such stochastic multiagent dynamics when each state change is driven by a discrete event, the dynamics is defined in continuous time, and the stochastic law of event occurrence is governed by independent Poisson processes. The first main part of this volume provides a tutorial on the Gillespie algorithms focusing on simulation of social multiagent dynamics occurring in populations and networks. The authors clarify why one should use the continuous-time models and the Gillespie algorithms in many cases, instead of easier-to-understand discrete-time models. The remainder of the Element reviews recent extensions of the Gillespie algorithms aiming to add more reality to the model (i.e., non-Poissonian cases) or to speed up the simulations. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

Giraffe Extinction: Using Science and Technology to Save the Gentle Giants

by Tanya Anderson

Quietly, without most people noticing, the population of giraffes in the wild has decreased by nearly 40 percent since 1985. Giraffes have disappeared entirely from seven countries where they used to live. Researchers believe fewer than 98,000 exist in the wild—fewer even than endangered African elephants. In 2016, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature added giraffes to the organization's Red List of Threatened Species. What is causing their disappearance? Overpopulation of humans in giraffe habitats and illegal poaching. Learn about giraffes' physical characteristics, habitats, and life cycles; examine the dangers they face from humans and climate change; and meet the scientists working to save these gentle giants using technology and conservation efforts.

Giraffes (Penguin Young Readers, Level 3)

by Jennifer Dussling

Get to know the tallest animals on earth—giraffes!—in this Level 3 reader.Giraffes have been a source of interest for thousands of years. Some were even kept as pets in Egypt! As the tallest animals on Earth—some can be nineteen feet tall—giraffes are distinct, and their anatomy makes them only more interesting. Did you know that giraffes have the same number of neck bones that humans do? Giraffes also have tongues that are blue-black in color and more than a foot long. You can learn all about giraffes in this exciting book!

GIS: A Computing Perspective

by Matt Duckham Qian (Chayn) Sun Michael F. Worboys

Following two successful editions, the third edition of GIS: A Computing Perspective has been completely revised and updated, with extensive new content reflecting the significant progress that has been made in the realm of GIS within the last 20 years. Major new topics covered for the first time in this edition include: graph databases and graph query languages, ontology engineering and qualitative spatial reasoning, geosensor networks and GeoAI, decentralized computing and online algorithms, and critical GIS and data sovereignty. Features Includes an entirely new chapter on AI and GIS, including ontologies and the Semantic Web, knowledge representation (KR) and spatial reasoning, machine learning and spatial analysis, and neural networks and deep learning Presents new material reflecting the advances made in cloud computing, stream computing, and sensor networks, as well as extensively revised and updated content on cartography, visualization, and interaction design Connects the technology to the social aspects and implications of GIS, including privacy and fair information practices, FATE (fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics), and codes of conduct for responsible use of GIS Integrates the necessary background to foundational areas, such as databases and data structures, algorithms and indexes, and system architecture and AI, provided in context so readers new to those topics can still understand the concepts being discussed Incorporates over 20 carefully explained spatial algorithms; over 60 inset boxes with in-depth material that enriches the central topics; and more than 300 color figures to support the reader in mastering key concepts Welcomes a new coauthor, Qian (Chayn) Sun, to the third edition, who brings her expertise in topics such as web mapping, cloud computing, critical geography, and machine learning with big spatial data Intended for anyone interested in understanding GIS, especially students taking upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in computer science and geography, as well as academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals working in the field and involved in advanced GIS projects.

GIS: An Introduction to Mapping Technologies

by Cassie Follett Sungsoon Hwang Patrick McHaffie

The purpose of this textbook is to provide an accessible introduction to geotechnology for a wide range of students. The techniques and approaches to problem solving, project organization and management, and data visualization are used with the intension of introducing students to the possibility of using GIS as a platform for making contributions to a wide range of programs that are concerned with social, economic, political, and environmental change. Includes activities that lead students through hands-on workflows to create flexible and functional "solutions" to specific tasks that are typical for geospatial analysts.

GIS: An Introduction to Mapping Technologies, Second Edition

by Patrick McHaffie Sungsoon Hwang Cassie Follett

The second edition of this introductory GIS textbook is thoroughly rewritten and updated to respond to the demand for critical engagement with technologies that address relevant issues across several disciplines preparing students for higher-level work in geotechnologies. Chapters are arranged to (1) build competence in fundamental skills, (2) explore applications of higher-level managerial and analytical functions that are typically called upon in public, nonprofit, and private sector milieu, and (3) propose and detail a template for organizing, executing, and completing a GIS project successfully. This interests all users from beginners to experienced professionals. Features: Uses the latest version of ArcGIS Pro (3.0) to present a fully rewritten and updated text with diverse perspectives. Includes many real-world examples with urban planning, environmental, and social justice foci. Presents new discussions, examples, and lab materials on open-source GIS projects. Junior and senior level undergraduate students taking courses in remote sensing and GIS applications, studying in the fields of Geography, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science, Urban Studies, Public Health, and Social Disciplines, as well as researchers and academics in the same fields, will all benefit from the information provided in the updated version of this book.

GIS and Crime Mapping

by Spencer Chainey Jerry Ratcliffe

The growing potential of GIS for supporting policing and crime reduction is now being recognised by a broader community. GIS can be employed at different levels to support operational policing, tactical crime mapping, detection, and wider-ranging strategic analyses. With the use of GIS for crime mapping increasing, this book provides a definitive reference.GIS and Crime Mapping provides essential information and reference material to support readers in developing and implementing crime mapping. Relevant case studies help demonstrate the key principles, concepts and applications of crime mapping.This book combines the topics of theoretical principles, GIS, analytical techniques, data processing solutions, information sharing, problem-solving approaches, map design, and organisational structures for using crime mapping for policing and crime reduction. Delivered in an accessible style, topics are covered in a manner that underpins crime mapping use in the three broad areas of operations, tactics and strategy.Provides a complete start-to-finish coverage of crime mapping, including theory, scientific methodologies, analysis techniques and design principles.Includes a comprehensive presentation of crime mapping applications for operational, tactical and strategic purposes.Includes global case studies and examples to demonstrate good practice.Co-authored by Spencer Chainey, a leading researcher and consultant on GIS and crime mapping, and Jerry Ratcliffe, a renowned professor and former police officer.This book is essential reading for crime analysts and other professionals working in intelligence roles in law enforcement or crime reduction, at the local, regional and national government levels. It is also an excellent reference for undergraduate and Masters students taking courses in GIS, Geomatics, Crime Mapping, Crime Science, Criminal Justice and Criminology.

GIS and Evidence-Based Policy Making

by Stephen Wise Max Craglia

Although much has been written on evidence-based policy making, this is the first volume to address the potential of GIS in this arena. GIS and Evidence-Based Policy Making covers the development of new methodological approaches, emphasizing the identification of spatial patterns in social phenomena. It examines organizational issues, including the

GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering (Wiley Works)

by Barnali Dixon Venkatesh Uddameri

GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering not only provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of geographic information systems but also demonstrates how GIS and mathematical models can be integrated to develop spatial decision support systems to support water resources planning, management and engineering. The book uses a hands-on active learning approach to introduce fundamental concepts and numerous case-studies are provided to reinforce learning and demonstrate practical aspects. The benefits and challenges of using GIS in environmental and water resources fields are clearly tackled in this book, demonstrating how these technologies can be used to harness increasingly available digital data to develop spatially-oriented sustainable solutions. In addition to providing a strong grounding on fundamentals, the book also demonstrates how GIS can be combined with traditional physics-based and statistical models as well as information-theoretic tools like neural networks and fuzzy set theory.

GIS and Machine Learning for Small Area Classifications in Developing Countries

by Adegbola Ojo

Since the emergence of contemporary area classifications, population geography has witnessed a renaissance in the area of policy related spatial analysis. Area classifications subsume geodemographic systems which often use data mining techniques and machine learning algorithms to simplify large and complex bodies of information about people and the places in which they live, work and undertake other social activities. Outputs developed from the grouping of small geographical areas on the basis of multi- dimensional data have proved beneficial particularly for decision-making in the commercial sectors of a vast number of countries in the northern hemisphere. This book argues that small area classifications offer countries in the Global South a distinct opportunity to address human population policy related challenges in novel ways using area-based initiatives and evidence-based methods. This book exposes researchers, practitioners, and students to small area segmentation techniques for understanding, interpreting, and visualizing the configuration, dynamics, and correlates of development policy challenges at small spatial scales. It presents strategic and operational responses to these challenges in cost effective ways. Using two developing countries as case studies, the book connects new transdisciplinary ways of thinking about social and spatial inequalities from a scientific perspective with GIS and Data Science. This offers all stakeholders a framework for engaging in practical dialogue on development policy within urban and rural settings, based on real-world examples. Features: The first book to address the huge potential of small area segmentation for sustainable development, combining explanations of concepts, a range of techniques, and current applications. Includes case studies focused on core challenges that confront developing countries and provides thorough analytical appraisal of issues that resonate with audiences from the Global South. Combines GIS and machine learning methods for studying interrelated disciplines such as Demography, Urban Science, Sociology, Statistics, Sustainable Development and Public Policy. Uses a multi-method approach and analytical techniques of primary and secondary data. Embraces a balanced, chronological, and well sequenced presentation of information, which is very practical for readers.

GIS and the Social Sciences: Theory and Applications

by Graham Clarke Dimitris Ballas Rachel S. Franklin Andy Newing

GIS and the Social Sciences offers a uniquely social science approach on the theory and application of GIS with a range of modern examples. It explores how human geography can engage with a variety of important policy issues through linking together GIS and spatial analysis, and demonstrates the importance of applied GIS and spatial analysis for solving real-world problems in both the public and private sector. The book introduces basic theoretical material from a social science perspective and discusses how data are handled in GIS, what the standard commands within GIS packages are, and what they can offer in terms of spatial analysis. It covers the range of applications for which GIS has been primarily used in the social sciences, offering a global perspective of examples at a range of spatial scales. The book explores the use of GIS in crime, health, education, retail location, urban planning, transport, geodemographics, emergency planning and poverty/income inequalities. It is supplemented with practical activities and datasets that are linked to the content of each chapter and provided on an eResource page. The examples are written using ArcMap to show how the user can access data and put the theory in the textbook to applied use using proprietary GIS software. This book serves as a useful guide to a social science approach to GIS techniques and applications. It provides a range of modern applications of GIS with associated practicals to work through, and demonstrates how researcher and policy makers alike can use GIS to plan services more effectively. It will prove to be of great interest to geographers, as well as the broader social sciences, such as sociology, crime science, health, business and marketing.

GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Three: Invasive Species (GIS Applications in Agriculture)

by Sharon A. Clay

While many "alien" plant and animal species are purposefully introduced into new areas as ornamentals, livestock, crops, and even pets, these species can escape into other areas and threaten agricultural and native ecosystems causing economic and environmental harm, or harm to human health. Increasingly, scientists are using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to track and manage the invaders, mitigate the potential rate of spread and level of impact, and protect the native economy and ecosystem.Beginning with an introduction to the use of GIS technology to capture, store, analyze, manage, and present data, GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Three: Invasive Species examines five relevant categories of geographic information including dispersal and transport, prediction and forecasting, mapping of current infestations, maps for management and control tactics, and impact assessment and method of control. It address GIS for studying the population ecology of a new species, niche requirements for species success, and the monitoring and control of several different species including Australian examples of intentionally introduced invasive species, insects and other animals that may also vector a disease, and invasive weed management from prediction to management. Chapters cover maps and imageries available on various Web sites and provide step-by-step tutorials or case studies that allow manipulation of datasets featured on the accompanyingdownloadable resources to make maps, perform statistical analyses, and predict future problems. It offers hands-on experience with a variety of software programs that create interactive queries (user-created searches), analyze spatial information, edit data and maps, and present the results of these operations in several different formats. Some of the programs are freeware, others are not, but each can be used to integrate, edit, share, and display geographic information. Color figures are

GIS, Applied Computing and Data Science for Water Management: Selected Papers of the 4th International Conference GIRE3D Participatory and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid Zones (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)

by Noamen Rebai Aniss Moumen Mohamed El Bouhaddioui

This book contains a selection of the best articles presented at the 4th International Conference GIRE3D - Participatory and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid Zones, November 23th-25th , Help at Laayoune - Morocco, co-organized by Moroccan Committee of the International Hydraulics Association (CM-AIH) and Hydraulic basin agency of Sakia El Hamra and Oued Eddahab (ABHSHOD). It discusses the role of computational and geospatial technologies for water resources sustainable management and is intended primarily for professional, researchers, teachers and postgraduate students in fields that can benefit from geoinformation—both within and outside the areas of geographic information science, modelling and optimization.

GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series

by Eric Hardin Helena Mitasova Laura Tateosian Margery Overton

This SpringerBrief presents the principles, methods, and workflows for processing and analyzing coastal LiDAR data time-series. Robust methods for computing high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) are introduced as well as raster-based metrics for assessment of topographic change. An innovative approach to feature extraction and measurement of feature migration is followed by methods for estimating volume change and sand redistribution mapping. Simple methods for potential storm impacts and inundation pattern analysis are also covered, along with visualization techniques to support analysis of coastal terrain feature and surface dynamics. Hands-on examples in GRASS GIS and python scripts are provided for each type of analysis and visualization using public LiDAR data time-series. GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series is ideal for professors and researchers in GIS and earth sciences. Advanced-level students interested in computer applications and engineering will also find this brief a valuable resource.

GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design, Third Edition

by Gretchen N. Peterson

Since the publication of the bestselling second edition 5 years ago, vast and new globally-relevant geographic datasets have become available to cartography practitioners, and with this has come the need for new ways to visualize them in maps as well as new challenges in ethically disseminating the visualizations. With new features and significant updates that address these changes, this edition remains faithful to the original vision that cartography instruction should be software agnostic. Discussing map design theory and technique rather than map design tools, this book focuses on digital cartography and its best practices. This third edition has completely new sections on how to deal with maps that go viral and the ethics therein; new presentation ideas; new features such as amenities, climate data, and hazards; the new Equal Earth projection; and vector tile design considerations. All chapters are thoroughly updated with new illustrations and new sections for datasets that didn’t exist when the second edition was published, as well as new techniques and trends in cartography. New in the third edition: A true textbook, written with a friendly style and excellent examples explaining everything from layout design to fonts and colors, to specific design considerations for individual feature types, to static and dynamic cartography issues. Thoroughly updated with new features such as points of interest, climate data, hazards, and buildings; new projections such as the Equal Earth projection and the Spilhaus projection; and vector tile design considerations such as label placement techniques and tricks for making world-class basemaps. Includes over 70 new map examples that display the latest techniques in cartography. Reflects on new developments in color palettes; visualization patterns; datums; and non-static output media such as animation, interaction, and large-format cinematic techniques that weren’t available for the second edition. Defines and illustrates new terms that have made their way into the profession over the last few years such as story maps, flow maps, Dorling cartograms, spec sheets, bivariate choropleths, firefly cartography, Tanaka contours, and value-by-alpha. In this third edition, author Gretchen Peterson takes a "don’t let the technology get in the way" approach to the presentation, focusing on the elements of good design, what makes a good map, and how to get there, rather than specific software tools. She provides a reference that you can thumb through time and again as you create your maps. Copiously illustrated, the third edition explores novel concepts that kick-start your pursuit of map-making excellence. The book doesn’t just teach you how to design and create good maps, it teaches you how to design and create superior maps.

GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design

by null Gretchen N. Peterson

The new edition of this well-established introductory cartography textbook is updated to respond to the demand for critical engagement with new technologies, the passion for inclusive design, and for preparing students to build competence in fundamental skills. Written in a friendly style, it is enjoyable to read and includes over 200 figures and maps, explaining everything from layout design to dynamic cartography issues. A new chapter discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cartography, and a significant expansion to 3D cartography has been incorporated into existing chapters. A new chapter on accessibility provides a thorough understanding of universal design. Additional updates include placements and best practices for digital map elements, global labeling techniques including language support, hybrid map styling, multiscale map testing, and information on 4D mapping.New in the Fourth Edition: Exploration of geospatial AI and generative AI in cartography and how they can already make an impact on workflows. New material on vision, motor, and cognitive accessibility techniques in map design. Expanded discussion on 3D cartography. All chapters are updated with new data and important new developments in cartography, including the importance of accessible design to ensure inclusivity for all users. Updated study questions and exercises to enhance student engagement and comprehension. New discussions of techniques such as aquarium cutaways, integrated north arrows, joy plots, hybrid satellite maps, crafted hachuring, as well as updated information on resolution and file types. This book is written as a go-to guide for learning the art and science of mapmaking. It is for undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in GIS and cartography and studying fields such as geography, geophysics, environmental engineering, urban planning, and so on. It is also a valuable resource for professionals interested in learning techniques and technologies for creating maps and visualizing geospatial datasets.

GIS For Dummies

by Michael N. Demers

GIS (geographic information system) is a totally cool technology that has been called "geography on steroids. " GIS is what lets you see the schools in your neighborhood or tells you where the nearest McDonald's is. GIS For Dummies tells you all about mapping terminology and digital mapping, how to locate geographic features and analyze patterns such as streets and waterways, and how to generate travel directions, customer location lists, and much more with GIS. Whether you're in charge of creating GIS applications for your business or you simply love maps, you'll find GIS For Dummies is packed with information. For example, you can: Learn all the hardware and software necessary to collect, analyze, and manipulate GIS data Explore the difference between 2D and 3D maps, create a map, or manage multiple maps Analyze patterns that appear in maps and interpret the results Measure distance in absolute, comparative, and functional ways Recognize how spatial factors relate to geographic data Discover how GIS is used in business, the military, city planning, emergency services, land management, and more Find out how GIS can help you find out where flooding may occur Determine what your organization needs, do appropriate analyses, and actually plan and design a GIS system You'll find dozens of applications for GIS queries and analyses, and even learn to create animated GIS output. Whether your goal is to implement a GIS or just have fun, GIS For Dummies will get you there! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

GIS for Environmental Applications: A practical approach

by Xuan Zhu

GIS for Environmental Applications provides a practical introduction to the principles, methods, techniques and tools in GIS for spatial data management, analysis, modelling and visualisation, and their applications in environmental problem solving and decision making. It covers the fundamental concepts, principles and techniques in spatial data, spatial data management, spatial analysis and modelling, spatial visualisation, spatial interpolation, spatial statistics, and remote sensing data analysis, as well as demonstrates the typical environmental applications of GIS, including terrain analysis, hydrological modelling, land use analysis and modelling, ecological modelling, and ecosystem service valuation. Case studies are used in the text to contextualise these subjects in the real world, examples and detailed tutorials are provided in each chapter to show how the GIS techniques and tools introduced in the chapter can be implemented using ESRI ArcGIS (a popular GIS software system for environmental applications) and other third party extensions to ArcGIS to address. The emphasis is placed on how to apply or implement the concepts and techniques of GIS through illustrative examples with step-by-step instructions and numerous annotated screen shots. The features include: Over 350 figures and tables illustrating how to apply or implement the concepts and techniques of GIS Learning objectives along with the end-of-chapter review questions Authoritative references at the end of each chapter GIS data files for all examples as well as PowerPoint presentations for each chapter downloadable from the companion website. GIS for Environmental Applications weaves theory and practice together, assimilates the most current GIS knowledge and tools relevant to environmental research, management and planning, and provides step-by-step tutorials with practical applications. This volume will be an indispensable resource for any students taking a module on GIS for the environment.

GIS for Environmental Decision-Making (Innovations in GIS)

by Andrew Lovett Katy Appleton

Environmental applications have long been a core use of GIS. However, the effectiveness of GIS-based methods depends on the decision-making frameworks and contexts within which they are employed. GIS for Environmental Decision-Making takes an interdisciplinary look at the capacities of GIS to integrate, analyze, and display data on which decisions

GIS for Sustainable Development

by Michele Campagna

GIS for Sustainable Development examines how GIS applications can improve collaboration in decision making among those involved in promoting sustainable development. This volume reviews leading GIScience, providing an overview of research topics and applications that enable GIS newcomers and professionals to apply GIScience methods to susta

GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management

by John G. Lyon

The use of GIS, and its application for solving environmental problems is growing rapidly. This powerful set of tools can be used to great effect in hydrological modeling, environment and habitat assessments, ecosystem studies, monitoring of wetlands and forested watersheds, urban studies, agricultural impact assessment and much more. GIS for Water

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