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Glaciers (21st Century Skills Library: Real World Math)

by Barbara Somervill

This book uses math and science to help students learn about glaciers. Math challenge questions provide students with the opportunity to apply math skills as they learn about the characteristics of glaciers. Introduces glaciers, including how they were formed, how they have affected geography over the years, and why receding glaciers are a global climate concern.


by Wendell V. Tangborn

Explains how and where glaciers form, how they move, and how they shape the land.

Glaciers and Environmental Change (Key Issues In Environmental Change Ser.)

by Atle Nesje Svein Olat Dahl

This authoritative new text provides a thorough, updated account of glaciers and ice sheets as monitors and indicators of environmental change. It examines the record of environmental change within glaciers and ice sheets, and that of past environments left by retreating glaciers. These themes are examined within the context of environmental change in general and global climate change in particular. Methods of using palaeoenvironmental records are assessed and the implications for future environmental change are discussed. Evidence from glacier ice left in the landscape or within the geological record, provides one of the most important sources of information on environmental change. 'Glaciers and Environmental Change' is a comprehensive account of glaciers andice sheets as monitors and indictaors of environmental change. Based on the latest research, this book consolidates a diverse range of data and explains their applications. it also assesses methods of using palaeoenvironmental records. This authoritative new text examines not only the records of environmental change within glaciers but also that of past environments left by retreating glaciers. These themes are examined within the context of contemporary debates in environmental change and the volume also seeks to draw conclusions concernign past, present and future climatic change in relation to glaciers.

Glaciers and Glaciation, 2nd edition

by David J Evans Douglas Benn

Glaciers and Glaciation is the classic textbook for all students of glaciation. Stimulating and accessible, it has established a reputation as a comprehensive and essential resource.In this new edition, the text, references and illustrations have been thoroughly updated to give today's reader an up-to-the minute overview of the nature, origin and behaviour of glaciers and the geological and geomorphological evidence for their past history on earth.The first part of the book investigates the processes involved in forming glacier ice, the nature of glacier-climate relationships, the mechanisms of glacier flow and the interactions of glaciers with other natural systems such as rivers, lakes and oceans.In the second part, the emphasis moves to landforms and sediment, the interpretation of the earth's glacial legacy and the reconstruction of glacial depositional environments and palaeoglaciology.

Glaciers and Ice Sheets in the Climate System: The Karthaus Summer School Lecture Notes (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Andrew Fowler Felix Ng

Our realisation of how profoundly glaciers and ice sheets respond to climate change and impact sea level and the environment has propelled their study to the forefront of Earth system science. Aspects of this multidisciplinary endeavour now constitute major areas of research. This book is named after the international summer school held annually in the beautiful alpine village of Karthaus, Northern Italy, and consists of twenty chapters based on lectures from the school. They cover theory, methods, and observations, and introduce readers to essential glaciological topics such as ice-flow dynamics, polar meteorology, mass balance, ice-core analysis, paleoclimatology, remote sensing and geophysical methods, glacial isostatic adjustment, modern and past glacial fluctuations, and ice sheet reconstruction. The chapters were written by thirty-four contributing authors who are leading international authorities in their fields. The book can be used as a graduate-level textbook for a university course, and as a valuable reference guide for practising glaciologists and climate scientists.

Glaciers Are Alive

by Debbie S. Miller

This environmental picture book introduces young science and nature lovers to the wonders of glaciers, the wildlife that call them home, and how important they are to the health of our planet.A glacier may look forbidding and empty, but it supports abundant life. Follow a glacier as it flows from mountain to ocean, providing a home for ice worms, birds, bears, and more. Where the glacier meets the sea, it creates a rich environment for marine life such as seals, otters, and whales. As glaciers melt at a rapid rate due to climate change, their disappearance impacts not only the wildlife that calls them home, but also all life on earth. Glaciers are alive, and they need our protection!

Glaciers, Nature, Water, and Local Community in Mount Kenya (International Perspectives in Geography #17)

by Kazuharu Mizuno Yuya Otani

This book describes the challenges for the natural environments and local communities in the future. Among the high mountains of Africa, only Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, and the Rwenzori Mountains are still capped with glaciers. The retreating rate of these glaciers has accelerated, and they are expected to disappear in the near future. In the area around Mount Kenya, the precipitation is generally low, such that rainfall cannot stably supply water for farmlands and daily life. It has been revealed that the glacial meltwater has produced springs at the foot of the mountain. It is therefore important to characterize the condition of water sources near Mount Kenya for use by local people. This book discusses the relationships between the actual state of the climate and glacier shrinkage around Mount Kenya, the surrounding vegetation, soil, and water environments, and the lives of the foothill region inhabitants confronting the glacier shrinkage. This book is valuable in the contemporary age, when the assurance of a sustainable relationship between nature and mankind is critical.

Glaciers of Georgia

by Levan Tielidze

This book gives the most detailed and comprehensive insights into the morphology, morphometry and dynamics of glaciers in the Georgian Caucasus region up to date. It examines the variability of valley glaciers after the Little Ice Age maximum and identifies glacial dynamics during historical periods. The reconstruction of glaciation in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene was conducted based on long lasting detailed glacial-geomorphological observations by the author. It further analyses moraine structures, river terraces, geodynamics of the relief, and snow and firn line locations derived from field surveys in most glacier basins in the southern and northern slopes of the Georgian Caucasus. A whole set of methodological approaches was applied including remote sensing and GIS, glacio-geomorphological, cartographical, aerial image processing and petrographic methods, unveiling accurate information about glaciers difficult to access, e. g. in the Abkhazeti and Tskhinvali regions. The book provides a full database of Georgia's modern glaciation and displays a set of compiled maps of the distribution of the Late Pleistocene glaciation of the Georgian Caucasus.

Glaciers of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Black Carbon, and Regional Resilience (South Asia Development Forum)

by Muthukumara Mani

Melting glaciers and the loss of seasonal snow pose significant risks to the stability of water resources in South Asia. The 55,000 glaciers in the Himalaya, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush (HKHK) mountain ranges store more freshwater than any region outside of the North and South Poles. Their ice reserves feed into three major river basins in South Asia—the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra—that are home to 750 million people. One major regional driver of the accelerating glacier melt is climate change, which is altering the patterns of temperature and precipitation. A second driver may be deposits of anthropogenic black carbon (BC), which increase the glaciers’ absorption of solar radiation and raise air temperatures. BC is generated by human activity both inside and outside of South Asia, and policy actions taken by the South Asian countries themselves may meaningfully reduce it. Glaciers of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Black Carbon, and Regional Resilience investigates the extent to which the BC reduction policies of South Asian countries may affect glacier formation and melt within the context of a changing global climate. It assesses the relative impact of each source of black carbon on snow and glacier dynamics. The authors simulate how BC emissions interact with projected climate scenarios. They also estimate the extent to which these glacial processes affect water resources in downstream areas of these river basins and present scenarios until 2040. Their policy recommendations include the following: Full implementation of current BC emissions policies can significantly reduce BC deposition in the region; additional reductions can be realized by enacting and implementing new policies that are economically and technically feasible. Improving the efficiency of brick kilns could be key to managing BC, and modest up-front investments could pay off quickly. Cleaner cookstoves and cleaner fuels can help to reduce BC and improve local air quality. Improving institutions for basin-based water management and using price signals are essential elements of more efficient water management. Careful management of hydropower and storage resources will require developers to factor in changing water flows and consider planning for large storage projects to stabilize water availability. Regional cooperation and the exchange of information can be an effective transboundary solution, helping countries to manage glaciers and related natural assets collaboratively. New policies are needed to reverse trends like the melting of glaciers. Success will require an active, agile cooperation between researchers and policy makers. To support an open dialogue, the model developed and used in this book is an open-source, state-of-the-art model that is available for others to use and improve on.

Glaciers of the Karakoram Himalaya

by Kenneth Hewitt

The Karakoram contains the greatest concentration of glaciers and most of the largest ice masses outside high latitudes. They comprise major stores and sources of fresh water in an otherwise extreme, continental, dry region. As many as 200 million people living downstream, in the valleys of the Indus and Yarkand Rivers, depend on melt waters from snow and ice. They are at risk from climate-change impacts on glaciers and water supply, and from hazards such as glacial lake outburst floods. Useful research initiatives go back to the nineteenth century, but coverage has generally been limited geographically and has not been continuous over time. It is almost 80 years since a monograph was devoted to the Karakoram glaciers. The book presents a comprehensive overview, including statistics for the ice cover, glacier mass balance and dynamics, glacierized landscapes, rock glaciers, water resources and environmental hazards. Published glaciological and related research is surveyed along with expedition reports and archival materials in several languages. The expanding potential of satellite coverage is exploited, but conditions and processes reported from field investigations are the main focus. Previously unpublished observations by the author are presented, based on some 45 years of work in the region. Broad understanding of the glacial environment is used to address emerging concerns about the High Asian cryosphere and the fate of its glaciers. These are discussed in relation to the pressing issues of water supply, environmental risk and sustainability. Questions of what is not known help identify much needed monitoring and research. The book is of interest to researchers, professionals, and those studying glaciers, mountain environments, water resources and environmental hazards. The topics discussed should be of concern for anyone involved in regional development and global change in South and Inner Asia.

Glaciokarsts (Springer Geography)

by Jaroslav M. Gutak Dmitry A. Ruban Dénes Lóczy Gábor Tóth Tamás Telbisz Márton Veress

This book discusses the theoretical and practical issues of glaciokarsts. After a research history, a general description of glaciokarsts is provided. Thereafter, the glacial erosion on karst, the karstic features of glaciokarsts, the development of these features, the karstic zones of glaciokarsts, surface development of glaciokarsts, case studies on glaciokarsts and an overview of the glaciokarsts of the Earth are presented.

Glaciology and Glacial Geomorphology

by Wilfried Hagg

This textbook covers all important aspects of mountain glaciers, from their formation and their importance as water reservoirs to the threat posed by current global warming. Glaciers themselves can also pose a threat to humans and represent a natural hazard in populated mountain areas in the form of ice avalanches and glacial lake outbursts. In addition, however, they are also important landscape formers and have helped to shape large parts of the present-day relief of the Earth, which is one of the classic fields of work of geomorphology and geology.In the individual chapters, the current state of research is presented in a comprehensible manner and illustrated with concise examples, photos and graphics.The book offers a compact introduction for all students of geosciences, curious mountaineers and laymen interested in nature.

Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars

by Smellie, John L. and Edwards, Benjamin R. John L. Smellie Benjamin R. Edwards

The study of volcano-ice interactions, or 'glaciovolcanism', is a field experiencing exponential growth. This comprehensive volume presents a discussion of the distinctive processes and characteristics of glaciovolcanic eruptions, their products, and landforms, with reference to both terrestrial and Mars occurrences. Supported by abundant diagrams and photos from the authors' extensive collections, this book outlines where eruptions have occurred and will occur in the future on Earth, the resulting hazards that are unique to volcano-ice interactions, and how the deposits are used to unravel planetary palaeoclimatic histories. It has a practical focus on lithofacies, glaciovolcanic edifice morphometry and construction, and applications to palaeoenvironmental studies. Providing the first global summary of past and current work, this book also identifies those areas in need of further research, making this an ideal reference for academic researchers and postgraduate students, in the fields of volcanology, glaciology, planetary science and palaeoenvironmental studies.

Gladesmen: Gator Hunters, Moonshiners, and Skiffers (Florida History and Culture)

by Glen Simmons Laura Ogden

Few people today can claim a living memory of Florida's frontier Everglades. Glen Simmons, who has hunted alligators, camped on hammock-covered islands, and poled his skiff through the mangrove swamps of the glades since the 1920s, is one who can. Together with Laura Ogden, he tells the story of backcountry life in the southern Everglades from his youth until the establishment of the Everglades National Park in 1947.During the economic bust of the late ‘20s, when many natives turned to the land to survive, Simmons began accompanying older local men into Everglades backcountry, the inhospitable prairie of soft muck and mosquitoes, of outlaws and moonshiners, that rings the southern part of the state. As Simmons recalls life in this community with humor and nostalgia, he also documents the forgotten lifestyles of south Florida gladesmen.By necessity, they understood the natural features of the Everglades ecosystem. They observed the seasonal fluctuations of wildlife, fire, and water levels. Their knowledge of the mostly unmapped labyrinth of grassy water enabled them to serve as guides for visiting naturalists and scientists. Simmons reconstructs this world, providing not only fascinating stories of individual personalities, places, and events, but an account that is accurate, both scientifically and historically, of one of the least known and longest surviving portions of the American frontier.

Glamour and Geology: Women in Petroleum Geology and Popular Culture

by E. Allen Driggers

During the twentieth century, especially during World War II, female geologists were potrayed as having a glamourous and unique job. Newspapers, the oil industry, and other publications published stories about the glamorous working geologist, comparing them to movie stars and scientists working on the important production of oil. This book explores the image of the female geologist as it changed from the “accomplished” woman of the Victorian era to the professional, and glamourous geologists of World War II and beyond. Women working in geology, especially petroleum geology, embraced the image and some participated in its promotion. In those same newspaper articles, some geologists began to speak out and ultimately discuss some of the problems they experienced while working in the field and in industry. This book discusses the role of working women geologists not only in the profession, but as a part of popular culture in the twentieth century.

Glance at the Silk Road Disaster Risk

by Peng Cui Yu Lei

This book vividly shows the fostering environment, activity characteristics, distribution pattern, economic losses, casualties, disaster risks and management of earthquakes, mass movement, drought, floods, and marine disasters in the Silk Road region. It develops a multi-scale and multi-disaster risk assessment method to better assess and understand the Silk Road disaster risk. A multi-level collaborative risk management model has been proposed for transboundary disasters, and it also shares case studies on major disaster risk management. The book makes a major step forward to increase the understanding of the disaster risk of the Silk Road region. It presents a holistic understanding of the natural hazards and their induced disaster risks and is a valuable read for scholars, stakeholders and practitioners in the DRR community.

Glencoe Earth Science: Geology, The Environment, and the Universe, Student Edition

by Francisco Borrero

High School Earth Science textbook

Glencoe Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

by Borrero Hess Hsu

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe Earth Science

by Ralph Feather Susan Leach Snyder

Glencoe Earth Science contains unit lessons on Earth Materials, The Changing Surface of Earth, Earth's Internal Processes, Change and Earth's History, Earth's Air and Water, You and the Environment, Astronomy, etc.

Glencoe Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

by Glencoe Mcgraw-Hill

Challenging, comprehensive and relevant, this textbook combines in-depth presentation with a stunning visual program. "Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe" is a comprehensive program that provides thorough content with a wide variety of engaging laboratory experiences. Relevant connections are highlighted to emphasize an environmental application between the classroom and the contemporary world. Strong support is given to math skills using the content. .

Glencoe Earth Science

by Susan Leach Snyder Ralph Feather Jr.

Earth science is the study of planet Earth and its place in space. Think about that. Where would you begin to study Earth? Would you break apart a mineral and magnify it a thousand times, like the sulfur crystals shown here, to unlock the secrets of its structure? Or would you gaze at the skies to learn more about our planet? Earth scientists do both. They study Earth close up and from a distance, using satellite cameras. In this unit, you will learn more about Earth science and the materials, such as minerals, that make up Earth.

Glencoe iScience: Earth and Space (Integrated Science)

by American Museum of Natural History Michelle Anderson Juli Berwald

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Glencoe iScience: Earth and Space Science Notebook, Grade 6 (Earth Science)

by McGraw-Hill Education

Based on the Cornell note-taking format, this resource incorporates writing into the learning process. Directly linked to the student text, this notebook provides a systematic approach to learning science by encouraging students to engage by summarizing and synthesizing abstract concepts in their own words

Glencoe Science: Earth Science

by Mcgraw-Hill Glencoe

A fascinating perspective on the facts of science Earth Science provides students with accurate and comprehensive coverage of Earth and space science. The strong content coverage integrates a wide range of hands-on experiences, critical thinking opportunities, and real-world applications. This is part of a three-book series along with Life Science and Introduction to Physical Science.

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