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Glencoe Science: The Changing Surface of Earth

by National Geographic

6th Grade Science Textbook

Glencoe Science: The Changing Surface of Earth

by Dinah Zike Ralph M. Feather Susan Leach Snyder

This book is one of Glencoe Science's series. Students learn about the Earth's formation, erosion and weathering. In each chapter it provides Web Links, Standardized Test Practice, Chapter Review Quizzes-Eng., Chapter Review Quizzes-Sp., Interactive Tutor, Concept Animations, Virtual Lab, Math Practice.

Glencoe Science Ecology

by National Geographic

Science Textbook

Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeomorphologie

by Wilfried Hagg

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt alle wichtigen Aspekte zu Gebirgsgletschern, von ihrer Entstehung über ihre Bedeutung als Wasserspeicher bis hin zu ihrer Bedrohung durch die aktuelle Klimaerwärmung. Gletscher können auch selbst zur Bedrohung für den Menschen werden und in Form von Eislawinen und Gletscherseeausbrüchen eine Naturgefahr in besiedelten Gebirgsräumen darstellen. Daneben sind sie aber auch wichtige Landschaftsformer und haben große Teile des heutigen Erdreliefs mitgestaltet, was zu den klassischen Arbeitsfeldern von Geomorphologie und Geologie gehört. In den einzelnen Kapiteln wird der aktuelle Forschungsstand nachvollziehbar präsentiert und anhand prägnanter Beispiele, Fotos und Grafiken veranschaulicht. Aufgrund der Dominanz des Englischen als Wissenschaftssprache werden deutsche Fachbegriffe dort, wo es sinnvoll und nötig ist, der englischen Terminologie gegenübergestellt.Das Buch bietet eine kompakte Einführung für alle Studierenden der Geowissenschaften, neugierige Bergsteiger und naturinteressierte Laien. Ein Glossar erklärt über 250 Fachbegriffe von A wie Ablation bis Z wie Zungenbecken. Zusätzliche Fragen zum Selbsttest per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen über Rundhöcker, Drumlins und Moränen zu prüfen.

Glitter and Greed

by Janine Roberts

The result of 20 years research on the diamond trade and De Beers, this book reveals the myths and misinformation in the industry.

Global Action for Biodiversity: An International Framework for Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity

by Timothy Swanson

At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the nations of the world adopted the convention on Biological Diversity. Since then, over 160 countries have ratified the Convention, three Conferences of the Parties have taken place and a permanent secretariat has been established. Despite this, there remains a lot of uncertainty and even more controversy about what the Convention was intended to accomplish and how it was to do so. This book, published in association with the IUCN - The World Conservation Union, sets out to answer some of these questions by recounting the history of the movements leading up to the Convention, but especially by analysing the forces giving rise to the problem. It provides a specific set of policy prescriptions intended to facilitate the development of institutions and obligations within the international community which will give real effect to the aspirations of the Convention, and the ensure that it has some real effect at ground level. The author begins with an overview of the issues and then develops the basic nature of the problems within a bio-economic framework. He highlights the gaps in the Convention which remain to be filled, offers detailed explanations of the concepts involved and describes the nature of the solutions required. Thus he sets out a detailed plan for global action in support of an effective international convention for the conservation of biological diversity. The book is an excellent introduction to a very topical debate, and a valuable reference point for conservationists, policy makers and students of development studies, environmental studies, environmental policy and conservation biology.

Global Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (Palgrave Studies In Climate Resilient Societies Ser.)

by Tara Rava Zolnikov

This book explores the link between climate change and resiliency on each continent of the world. It reviews how climate change affects populations, not only through environmental exposures and health outcomes, but how people live their lives. Zolnikov brings together a set of experts to offer a novel perspective on understanding climate change vulnerability alongside adaption measures being implemented. Each chapter includes an overview on how climate change will affect that continent alongside current adaptation, mitigation, and policies that seek to improve population outcomes. As a whole, the book explores why a “one size fits all” approach to promote climate change resiliency does not work; however, a global perspective can facilitate people learning from one another and facing climate change together.

Global Agricultural Production: Resilience to Climate Change

by Mukhtar Ahmed

This book covers all aspects related to climate change and agriculture. The book discusses Global Climate Models (GCMs), Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) and application of strategic management tool that includes RCP (Representative concentration Pathway), SSP (Shared Socio-economic Pathways) and SPA (Shared climate Policy Assumptions). The book provides information on how climate change, agricultural productivity and food security are interlinked. The impacts of climate change on food security are studied through different climatic drivers e.g., ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation) and SOI (Southern Oscillation Index). These drivers are responsible for the climatic extreme events hence early prediction of these drivers could help to design appropriate adaptive measures for the agriculture sector and could be considered as early warning tools for risk management. Similarly, climate change and process-based soil modeling as well as the role of soil microbes and climate smart agriculture are discussed in this book. Climate change impacts on legume crop production and adaptation strategies are presented, with details about cereal crop modeling, perspectives of Camelina sativa as well as low input biofuel and oilseed crop, greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and mitigation strategies.

GLOBAL AIR QUALITY: An Imperative for Long-Term Observational Strategies

by Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry

A report on Global Air Quality

Global and International History: Of Limits and Growth

by Stephen J. Macekura

Of Limits and Growth connects three of the most important aspects of the twentieth century: decolonization, the rise of environmentalism, and the United States' support for economic development and modernization in the Third World. It links these trends by revealing how environmental NGOs challenged and reformed the development approaches of the US government, World Bank, and United Nations from the 1960s through the 1990s. The book shows how NGOs promoted the use of 'appropriate' technologies, environmental reviews in the lending process, development plans based on ecological principles, and international cooperation on global issues such as climate change. It also reveals that the 'sustainable development' concept emerged from transnational negotiations in which environmentalists accommodated the developmental aspirations of Third World intellectuals and leaders. In sum, Of Limits and Growth offers a new history of sustainability by elucidating the global origins of environmental activism, the ways in which environmental activists challenged development approaches worldwide, and how environmental non-state actors reshaped the United States' and World Bank's development policies.

The Global and the Intimate: Feminism in Our Time (Gender and Culture Series)

by Geraldine Pratt Rosner Victoria Eds.

By placing the global and the intimate in near relation, sixteen essays by prominent feminist scholars and authors forge a distinctively feminist approach to questions of transnational relations, economic development, and intercultural exchange. This pairing enables personal modes of writing and engagement with globalization debates and forges a definition of justice keyed to the specificity of time, place, and feeling. Writing from multiple disciplinary and geographical perspectives, the contributors participate in a long-standing feminist tradition of upending spatial hierarchies and making theory out of the practices of everyday life.

Global Animal Law from the Margins: International Trade in Animals and their Bodies (Law, Justice and Ecology)

by Iyan Offor

This book critically engages the emerging field of global animal law from the perspective of an intersectional ethical framework. Reconceptualising global animal law, this book argues that global animal law overrepresents views from the west as it does not sufficiently engage views from the Global South, as well as from Indigenous and other marginalised communities. Tracing this imbalance to the early development of animal law’s reaction to issues of international trade, the book elicits the anthropocentrism and colonialism that underpin this bias. In response, the book outlines a new, intersectional, second wave of animal ethics. Incorporating marginalised viewpoints, it elevates the field beyond the dominant concern with animal welfare and rights. And, drawing on aspects of decolonial thought, earth jurisprudence, intersectionality theory and posthumanism, it offers a fundamental rethinking of the very basis of global animal law. The book's critical, yet practical, new approach to global animal law will appeal to animal law and environmental law experts, legal theorists, and those working in the areas of animal studies and ecology.

Global Approaches to Site Contamination Law

by Elizabeth Brandon

The book describes the complex and variable laws addressing site contamination, reviewing existing international, regional and national law of relevance to site contamination. It also offers detailed case studies of national approaches to the issue, and goes on to explore avenues for promoting the development of comprehensive domestic laws on site contamination, with a focus on the role of international law and actors. A detailed discussion analyzes such variations as a binding international legal instrument, a non-binding instrument, and a model framework for site contamination management. The text includes recommendations regarding the key elements needed for regulating site contamination at the national level. The author also offers an appropriate and feasible timetable for international action to promote better national law and policy regarding contaminated sites.

Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic

by Matthias Finger Gunnar Rekvig

The Arctic has become a global arena. This development can only be comprehensively understood from a transdisciplinary perspective encompassing ecological, cultural, societal, economic, industrial, geopolitical, and security considerations. This book offers thorough explanations of Arctic developments and challenges. Global warming is in large part the driving force behind the transformation of the Arctic by making access possible to the areas previously out of reach for mining and shipping. An all-year ice-free Arctic Ocean, a reality possible as soon as perhaps 2030, creates a new dynamic in the North. The retreating ice edge enables the exploitation of previously inaccessible resources such as hydrocarbon deposits and rare metals, as well as the shortest sea route from Asia to Europe. Consequently, the Northern Sea Route (NSR) promises faster and cheaper shipping. Russia, along side foreign investment, especially from China, is financing the needed infrastructure. A warming Arctic, however, also has negative impacts. The Arctic is home to fragile ecosystems that are already showing signs of deteriorating. The Arctic has seen unprecedented wildfires, which, together with the release of trapped methane from the disappearing permafrost, will, in turn, accelerate global warming. A warmer Arctic Ocean will also negatively impact fisheries. Couple this with other global changes, such as ocean acidification and modified ocean currents, and the global outlook is bleak. Additionally, the security situation in the Arctic is worsening. After the 2014 Ukraine crisis, the West imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation, which have revived the divisions of the Cold War. The reemergence of these postures is threatening the highly successful Barents Cooperation and other initiatives for peace in the circumpolar North. This book offers new insights and presents arguments for how to mitigate the challenges the Arctic is facing today.

Global Arsenic Hazard: Ecotoxicology and Remediation (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Tariq Aftab Nabeel Khan Niazi Irshad Bibi

This book provides a plethora of information about global arsenic (As) contamination and the challenges for environment. Arsenic is a naturally occurring metalloid that is widely distributed in water, soil, air and biota from natural and anthropogenic sources. Arsenic has been found in drinking water in over 100 countries worldwide, which caused a major public health issue including: cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and cancers of various organs - these are some of the general health effects of As exposure. Exposure of plants to As, even at very low concentrations, can cause many morphological, physiological, and biochemical changes. The recent research on As in the water-soil-plant-human systems indicates that As toxicity to plants varies with As speciation in plants, type of plant species and with other soil factors controlling As accumulation in plants. In recent years, the development of efficient green chemistry methods for detoxification of trace metal poisoning has become a major focus of researchers. It has been investigated in order to find an eco-friendly and recyclable technique for the removal of As contamination from the natural resources.Understanding the significance of As hazard and roles of sustainable or eco-friendly approaches in its mitigation, we intend to bring forth a comprehensive volume “Global Arsenic Hazard - Ecotoxicology and Remediation" highlighting the various prospects involved in current scenario. We are hopeful that this comprehensive volume will furnish the requisite of all those who are working or have interest in the proposed topic.

Global Asian City: Migration, Desire and the Politics of Encounter in 21st Century Seoul (RGS-IBG Book Series)

by Francis L. Collins

Global Asian City provides a unique theoretical framework for studying the growth of cities and migration focused on the notion of desire as a major driver of international migration to Asian cities. Draws on more than 120 interviews of emigrants to Seoul—including migrant workers from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, English teachers from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK and USA, and international students at two elite Korean universities Features a comparative account of different migrant populations and the ways in which national migration systems and urban processes create differences between these groups Focuses on the causes of international migrant to Seoul, South Korea, and reveals how migration has transformed the city and nation, especially in the last two decades

A Global Atlas of Atolls

by Walter M. Goldberg Eugene C. Rankey

Scattered like dots rising from the deep across vast expanses of the world’s tropical and subtropical oceans, atolls with their turquoise lagoons and reefs teeming with colorful marine life have captured the public imagination. They have also been the homeland of millions of people for millennia as various groups of migrants spread across the far reaches if the Pacific, Indian and Western Atlantic regions. Developed from recently available satellite data, A Global Atlas of Atolls presents high-quality details of 475 atolls across the globe, characterizing aspects of the atoll rim, the lagoon, and their coral reef communities in unprecedented detail. In synthesizing and enhancing understanding of these unique seascapes, this volume provides a distinct compendium of descriptions and images, as well as documentation of the environmental conditions of winds, waves, and tides and a summary of the background literature for each atoll area. There is no comparable work. After an introduction that includes a glossary of terms, each atoll is documented in the form of an atlas written for scientists, but accessible to any diver or reader interested in these spectacular reef-island habitats. This book also describes some current challenges and perspectives on their future. It will be useful as a reference work for marine scientists, while providing a minimum of technical jargon for those who are not scientists, but who enjoy reading about exotic places with unusual attributes.

Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries: A Critical Appraisal of Catches and Ecosystem Impacts

by Dirk Zeller Daniel Pauly

TheGlobal Atlas of Marine Fisheries is the first and only book to provide accurate, country-by-country fishery catch data. This groundbreaking information has been gathered from independent sources by the world's foremost fisheries experts. Edited by Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller of the Sea Around Us Project, the Atlas includes one-page reports on 273 countries and their territories, plus fourteen topical global chapters. Each national report describes the current state of the country's fishery; the policies, politics, and social factors affecting it; and potential solutions. The global chapters address cross-cutting issues, from the economics of fisheries to the impacts of mariculture. Extensive maps and graphics offer attractive and accessible visual representations.

Global Backlash: Citizen Initiatives for a Just World Economy

by Robin Broad

Book aims to get inside the backlash to some of its visions, proposals, and debates. Introduces readers to different parts of the movement by presenting what they are trying to do to change the way the world economy works.

Global Bioethics: An introduction (Advancing Global Bioethics Ser. #10)

by Henk ten Have

The panorama of bioethical problems is different today. Patients travel to Thailand for fast surgery; commercial surrogate mothers in India deliver babies to parents in rich countries; organs, body parts and tissues are trafficked from East to Western Europe; physicians and nurses migrating from Africa to the U.S; thousands of children or patients with malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS are dying each day because they cannot afford effective drugs that are too expensive. Mainstream bioethics as it has developed during the last 50 years in Western countries is evolving into a broader approach that is relevant for people across the world and is focused on new global problems. This book provides an introduction into the new field of global bioethics. Addressing these problems requires a broader vision of bioethics that not only goes beyond the current emphasis on individual autonomy, but that criticizes the social, economic and political context that is producing the problems at global level. This book argues that global bioethics is a necessity because the social, economic and environmental effects of globalization require critical responses. Global bioethics is not a finished product that can simply be applied to solve global problems, but it is the ongoing result of interaction and exchange between local practices and global discourse. It combines recognition of differences and respect for cultural diversity with convergence towards common perspectives and shared values. The book examines the nature of global problems as well as the type of responses that are needed, in order to exemplify the substance of global bioethics. It discusses the ethical frameworks that are available for global discourse and shows how these are transformed into global governance mechanisms and practices.

Global Black Feminism: Cross Border Collaboration through an Ethics of Care (Routledge International Studies of Women and Place)

by Andrea N. Baldwin Tonya Haynes

This timely and informative volume centres how global Black feminist narratives of care are important to our contemporary theorizing and highlights the transgressive potential of a critical transnational Black feminist pedagogical praxis. This text not only details how such praxis can be revolutionary for the academy but also provides poignant examples of the student scholarship that can be produced when such pedagogy is applied. Drawing on narratives from Black women around the globe, the book features chapters on pedagogy, mentorship, art, migration, relationships, and how Black women make sense of navigating social and institutional barriers. Readers of the text will benefit from an interdisciplinary, global approach to Black feminisms that centres the narratives and experiences of these women. Readers will also gain knowledge about the historical and contemporary scholarship produced by Black women across the globe. This book is an invaluable resource for scholars and researchers, including graduate students in Caribbean feminisms, Black feminisms, transnational feminism, sociology, political science, the performing arts, cultural studies, and Caribbean studies.

Global Blue Economy: Analysis, Developments, and Challenges (Applied Ecology and Environmental Management)

by Nazrul Islam Steven M. Bartell

A global blue economy is an economic arena that depends on the benefits and values realized from the coastal and marine environments. This book explains the "sustainable blue economy" as a marine-based economy that provides social and economic benefits for current and future generations. It restores, protects, and maintains the diversity, productivity, and resilience of marine ecosystems, and is based on clean technologies, renewable energy, and circular material flows.

Global Boundaries: World Boundaries Volume 1 (World Boundaries Series #Vol. 1)

by Clive H. Schofield

First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Global Burning: Rising Antidemocracy and the Climate Crisis

by Eve Darian-Smith

How extreme-right antidemocratic governments around the world are prioritizing profits over citizens, stoking catastrophic wildfires, and accelerating global climate change. Recent years have seen out-of-control wildfires rage across remote Brazilian rainforests, densely populated California coastlines, and major cities in Australia. What connects these separate events is more than immediate devastation and human loss of life. In Global Burning, Eve Darian-Smith contends that using fire as a symbolic and literal thread connecting different places around the world allows us to better understand the parallel, and related, trends of the growth of authoritarian politics and climate crises and their interconnected global consequences. Darian-Smith looks deeply into each of these three cases of catastrophic wildfires and finds key similarities in all of them. As political leaders and big business work together in the pursuit of profits and power, anti-environmentalism has become an essential political tool enabling the rise of extreme right governments and energizing their populist supporters. These are the governments that deny climate science, reject environmental protection laws, and foster exclusionary worldviews that exacerbate climate injustice. The fires in Australia, Brazil and the United States demand acknowledgment of the global systems of inequality that undergird them, connecting the political erosion of liberal democracy with the corrosion of the environment. Darian-Smith argues that these wildfires are closely linked through capitalism, colonialism, industrialization, and resource extraction. In thinking through wildfires as environmental and political phenomenon, Global Burning challenges readers to confront the interlocking powers that are ensuring our future ecological collapse.

The Global Carbon Cycle (Princeton Primers in Climate #1)

by David Archer

A must-have introduction to this fundamental driver of the climate systemThe Global Carbon Cycle is a short introduction to this essential geochemical driver of the Earth's climate system, written by one of the world's leading climate-science experts. In this one-of-a-kind primer, David Archer engages readers in clear and simple terms about the many ways the global carbon cycle is woven into our climate system. He begins with a concise overview of the subject, and then looks at the carbon cycle on three different time scales, describing how the cycle interacts with climate in very distinct ways in each. On million-year time scales, feedbacks in the carbon cycle stabilize Earth's climate and oxygen concentrations. Archer explains how on hundred-thousand-year glacial/interglacial time scales, the carbon cycle in the ocean amplifies climate change, and how, on the human time scale of decades, the carbon cycle has been dampening climate change by absorbing fossil-fuel carbon dioxide into the oceans and land biosphere. A central question of the book is whether the carbon cycle could once again act to amplify climate change in centuries to come, for example through melting permafrost peatlands and methane hydrates.The Global Carbon Cycle features a glossary of terms, suggestions for further reading, and explanations of equations, as well as a forward-looking discussion of open questions about the global carbon cycle.

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