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Global Forest Visualization: From Green Marbles to Storyworlds (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)
by Lynda Olman Birgit SchneiderThis book project examines global forest monitoring as a means to understand the promises and problems of global visualization for climate management.Specifically, the book focuses on Global Forest Watch, the most developed and widely available forest-monitoring platform, created in 1997 by the World Resource Institute. Forest maps are always political as they visualize power relations and form the grid within which forests become commodities. This dislocation of the idea of the forest from its literal roots in the ground has generated problems for forest visualization efforts designed to empower local communities. This book takes a critical humanistic approach to this problem, combining methods from the fields of rhetoric and media studies to suggest solutions to these problems for designers and users of platforms like the Global Forest Watch. To explain why global views of forests can be disempowering, the book relies on biopolitical and rhetorical theories of panopticism and how these views unfold a different violence on different regions of the Earth in relation to colonial history. Using this theoretical framework, the book explains the historical process by which forests came to be classified, quantified, and mapped on a global scale. Interviews with end-users of global forest visualization platforms reveal if and how these platforms support local action. Lastly, the book provides rhetorical solutions to articulate global and local views of forests without reducing one view to the other. These solutions involve looking to forests themselves for clues about how to generate more broadly effective and resilient visualizations.This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of forest studies, climate change, science communication, visualization studies, environmental communication, and environmental conservation.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.
Global Futures: Key Concepts for Social Transformation (Routledge Critical Development Studies)
by null Ronaldo MunckGlobal Futures: Key Concepts for Social Transformation provokes us to rethink some of the key words and concepts which define the current global order. Prompted by crises around the world, it seeks to re-energise our desire for a better future.The book takes seven key concepts from the new global studies and considers how they are used and whether they are adequate for addressing the twenty-first century's increasingly complex global order. The topics covered include widely used concepts such as development, modernity, history, and politics, as well as more unusual themes such as desire, complexity, and alternative futures. The core message of this book is that we need to grasp the complex and contradictory reality behind these important concepts in order to foster a new way of thinking, seeing, and acting for a future fit for human purpose.Written by Ronaldo Munck, a key social theorist and social activist with a Latin American and European background, this book will be perfect for students and researchers of sociology, politics, international relations, and global development.
The Global Game of Coal: Retreat, Resurgence and Eventual Retreat
by Gulshan DietlCoal occupies a large share in the global energy basket. This book explores the ‘coal game’ within the context of shifting energy geopolitics, the ‘resource war’, and the debates over climate change and energy security.Politics is a prime arena for game playing. Collaboration, competition, confrontation, and their combinations are ingredients in bilateral and multilateral dealings. The book deciphers the interactions within the coal world by resorting to the time-tested term ‘global game’. Joe Manchin in the United States, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Scott Morrison in Australia, and Gautam Adani in Australia and India have been accomplished players in the game of coal. The book looks at the coal assets and policies of major oal exporters and importers like the United States, Russia, India, Australia, and China and provides insights into the fierce contestations involved both in local and global politics and commerce over coal, climate, and security. The author discusses the role coal has played in the industrialisation of nations, prescriptions to the problem of coaluse, and varied scenarios portraying its future.The third volume in a trilogy on the use of fossil fuels, this book on coal will be of great interest to students and researchers of energy studies, international relations, environment and climate change, energy and geopolitics, security, and strategic studies. It will also be useful to policymakers, legislators, and environmentalists.
Global Garbage: Urban imaginaries of waste, excess, and abandonment (Routledge Research in Sustainable Urbanism)
by Christoph Lindner Miriam MeissnerGlobal Garbage examines the ways in which garbage, in its diverse forms, is being produced, managed, experienced, imagined, circulated, concealed, and aestheticized in contemporary urban environments and across different creative and cultural practices. The book explores the increasingly complex relationship between globalization and garbage in locations such as Beirut, Detroit, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Manchester, Naples, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and Tehran. In particular, the book examines how, and under what conditions, contemporary imaginaries of excess, waste, and abandonment perpetuate – but also sometimes counter – the imbalances of power that are frequently associated with the global metropolitan condition. This interdisciplinary collection will appeal to the fields of anthropology, architecture, film and media studies, geography, urban studies, sociology, and cultural analysis.
Global Geographical Heritage, Geoparks and Geotourism: Geoconservation and Development (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences)
by R. B. Singh Dongying Wei Subhash AnandThis book explores the geographical, geomorphological, ecological, touristic and socioeconomic aspects of natural heritage, argues for the dynamic conservation of that heritage and explains its key characteristics, promotion, conservation and management to achieve sustainable development goals. Emerging concepts such as geodiversity, geographical heritage sites, geomonuments, geoparks and geotourism are increasingly being used by conservationists. At present, the development of geoparks is a major global theme involving the application of geosciences to promote the inclusive growth of society and the protection and conservation of our unique geoheritage. Currently, there are 147 UNESCO global geoparks across 41 countries, in addition to a number of national-level geoparks. Pursuing a holistic approach towards such sites will sensitise the general public to the need for geoconservation of significant geosites and promote it through geotourism. It is a crucial issue, as various countries around the world are eager to develop their geoparks and are working for the conservation of geoheritage sites at the national level. This unique book gathers contributions from 15 countries in the form of case studies analysing the realities on of geographical heritage, geoparks and geotourism. The respective chapters address the role of geoparks as essential tools for education, recreation and nature conservation. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for geoscientists, planners, policymakers, civil society and anyone concerned about the conservation of geoheritage sites and geoparks for a sustainable future Earth.
Global Geographies of Post-Socialist Transition: Geographies, societies, policies (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)
by Tassilo HerrschelSince the formal raising of the Iron Curtain, there has been much interest in post-socialism and the process of post-socialist transition. This timely book provides a systematic review and analysis of the process of ‘transition’. Herrschel: explores recent theories, concepts and debates on post-socialism and the notion of transition provides a systematic, topical account of post-socialist transitions around the world, as evidence by social, economic, and political processes examines case studies of post-socialist transition in east and Central Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and South-East Asia, and Africa and Latin America brings together theoretical and practical aspects by examining what lessons can be learned from recent experiences. Global Geographies of Post-Socialist Transition provides a truly global comparative account of the meaning and processes of post-socialist transition and will be an invaluable resource for all those interested in this area.
Global Geographies of the Internet
by Barney WarfToday, roughly 2 billion people use the internet, and its applications have flourished in number and importance. This volume will examine the growth and geography of the internet from a political economy perspective. Its central motivation is to illustrate that cyberspace does not exist in some aspatial void, but is deeply rooted in national and local political and cultural contexts. Toward that end, it will invoke a few major theorists of cyberspace, but apply their perspectives in terms that are accessible to readers with no familiarity with them. Beyond summaries of the infrastructure that makes the internet possible and global distributions of users, it delves into issues such as the digital divide to emphasize the inequalities that accompany the growth of cyberspace. It also addresses internet censorship, e-commerce, and e-government, issues that have received remarkably little scholarly attention, particularly from a spatial perspective. Throughout, it demonstrates that in cyberspace, place matters, so that no comprehensive understanding of the internet can be achieved without considering how it is embedded within, and in turn changes, local institutional and political contexts. Thus the book rebuts simplistic "death of distance" views or those that assert there is, or can be, a "one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter" model of the internet applicable to all times and places.
Global Geomorphology
by Michael A. SummerfieldThe plate tectonics revolution in the earth sciences has provided a valuable new framework for understanding long-term landform development.This innovative text provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject of global geomorphology, with the emphasis placed on large-scale processes and phenomena. Integrating global tectonics into the study of landforms and incorporating planetary geomorphology as a major component the author discusses the impact of climatic change and the role of catastrophic events on landform genesis and includes a comprehensive study of surface geomorphic processes.
Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction
by Klaus J. DoddsEmploying thematic investigation and illustrated through case studies, Dodds explores how global politics is imagined and practised by countries such as the US and other organisations including Greenpeace, the IMF and CNN International.In addition, the author discusses how issues such as environmental degradation, terror networks, anti-globalisation protests and North-South relations challenge, consolidate and subvert the existing international political system.
Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation
by Boris Verbrugge Sara GeenenIn recent decades, gold mining has moved into increasingly remote corners of the globe. Aside from the expansion of industrial gold mining, many countries have simultaneously witnessed an expansion of labor-intensive and predominantly informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Both trends are usually studied in isolation, which contributes to a dominant image of a dual gold mining economy. Counteracting this dominant view, this volume adopts a global perspective, and demonstrates that both industrial gold mining and artisanal and small-scale gold mining are functionally integrated into a global gold production system. It couples an analysis of structural trends in global gold production (expansion, informalization, and technological innovation) to twelve country case studies that detail how global gold production becomes embedded in institutional and ecological structures.
The Global Governance of Climate Change: G7, G20, and UN Leadership (Global Environmental Governance)
by John J. Kirton Ella KokotsisClimate change control has risen to the top of the international agenda. Failed efforts, centred in the United Nations, to allocate responsibility have resulted in a challenge now reaching crisis stage. John J. Kirton and Ella Kokotsis analyse the generation and effectiveness of four decades of intergovernmental regimes for controlling global climate change. Informed by international relations theories and critical of the prevailing UN approach, Kirton and Kokotsis trace the global governance of climate change from its 1970s origins to the present and demonstrate the effectiveness of the plurilateral summit alternative grounded in the G7/8 and the G20. Topics covered include: - G7/8 and UN competition and convergence on governing climate change - Kyoto obligations and the post-Kyoto regime - The role of the G7/8 and G20 in generating a regime beyond Kyoto - Projections of and prescriptions for an effective global climate change control regime for the twenty-first century. This topical book synthesizes a rich array of empirical data, including new interview and documentary material about G7/8 and G20 governance of climate change, and makes a valuable contribution to understanding the dynamics of governing climate change. It will appeal to scholars, researchers, and policy makers interested in the dynamics behind governance processes within the intergovernmental realm.
Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol (Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance)
by Sebastian Oberthür G. Kristin RosendalThis book analyses the status and prospects of the global governance of Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) in the aftermath of 2010’s Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD’s initial 1992 framework of global ABS governance established the objective of sharing the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources fairly between countries and communities. Since then, ABS has been a contested issue in international politics – not least due to the failure of effective implementation of the original CBD framework. The Nagoya Protocol therefore aims to improve and enhance this framework. Compared to the slow rate of progress on climate change, it has been considered a major achievement of global environmental governance, but it has also been coined a ‘masterpiece of ambiguity’. This book analyses the role of a variety of actors in the emergence of the Nagoya Protocol and provides an up-to-date assessment of the core features of the architecture of global ABS governance. This book offers a central resource regarding ABS governance for those working on and interested in global environmental governance. This is achieved by focusing on two broad themes of the wider research agenda on global environmental governance, namely architecture and agency. Furthermore, individual chapter contributions relate and link ABS governance to other prominent debates in the field, such as institutional complexes, compliance, market-based approaches, EU leadership, the role of small states, the role of non-state actors and more. Partly due to its seeming technical complexity, ABS governance has so far not been at the centre of attention of scholars and practitioners of global environmental governance. In this book, care is taken to provide an accessible account of key functional features of the governance system which enables non-specialists to gain a grasp on the main issues involved, allowing the issue of ABS governance to move centre-stage and be more fully recognised in discussions on global environmental governance.
Global History and Geography
by Michael J. Romano William Streitwieser Mary MartinThis edition includes the most recent Global Studies/Global History and Geography Regents tests through August 2015. These ever popular guides contain study tips, test-taking strategies, score analysis charts, and other valuable features. They are an ideal source of practice and test preparation. The detailed answer explanations make each exam a practical learning experience.
Global History And Geography Readings And Documents
by Norman LungerGlobal History and Geography: Readings and Documents
A Global Humanities Approach to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding Planet, People, and Prosperity
by Kelly ComfortThis edited textbook explores the 17 UN SDGs through 12 works from the humanities, including films, novels, and photographic collections. It provides students with the knowledge and understanding of how the humanities engage in broader social, political, economic, and environmental dialogue, offering a global perspective that crosses national and continental borders. The book takes students through the UN SDGs from a theoretical perspective through to practical applications, first through specific global humanities examples and then through students’ own final projects and reflections. Centered around three major themes of planet, people, and prosperity, the textbook encourages students to explore and apply the Goals using a place-based, culturally rooted approach while simultaneously acknowledging and understanding their global importance. The text’s examples range from documentary and feature film to photography and literature, including Wang Jiuliang’s Plastic China, Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn’s Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, Barbara Dombrowski’s Tropic Ice: Dialog Between Places Affected by Climate Change, and Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger, among others. Providing diverse geographic and cultural perspectives, the works take readers to Argentina, Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Greenland, Haiti, India, Japan, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, and the United States. This broad textbook can be used by students and instructors at undergraduate and postgraduate levels from any subject background, particularly, but not exclusively, those in the humanities. With added discussion questions, research assignments, writing prompts, and creative project ideas, students will gain a nuanced understanding of the interconnectivity between social, cultural, ethical, political, economic, and environmental factors.
Global Hydrology: Processes, Resources and Environmental Management
by J. A. JonesGlobal Hydrology illustrates in detail the growing importance of understanding hydrological processes and pathways as a means of effective and safe management of water resources. It describes current management practices and past environmental impact. It analyses the options for improving water supply and protecting the environment, emphasizing the need for international collaboration in a changing societal and environmental context
Global Implications of Development, Disasters and Climate Change: Responses to Displacement from Asia Pacific (Routledge Studies in Development, Displacement and Resettlement)
by Susanna Price Jane SingerDisplacements in the Asia Pacific region are escalating. The region has for decades experienced more than half of the world’s natural disasters and, in recent years, a disproportionately high share of extreme weather-related disasters, which displaced 19 million people in 2013 alone. This volume offers an innovative and thought-provoking Asia-Pacific perspective on an intensifying global problem: the forced displacement of people from their land, homes, and livelihoods due to development, disasters and environmental change. This book draws together theoretical and multidisciplinary perspectives with diverse case studies from around the region – including China’s Three Gorges Reservoir, Japan’s Fukushima disaster, and the Pacific’s Banaba resettlement. Focusing on responses to displacement in the context of power asymmetries and questions of the public interest, the book highlights shared experiences of displacement, seeking new approaches and solutions that have potential global application. This book shows how displaced peoples respond to interlinked impacts that unravel their social fabric and productive bases, whether through sporadic protest, organised campaigns, empowered mobility or; even community-based negotiation of resettlement solutions. . The volume will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students in development studies, environmental and climate change studies, anthropology, sociology, human geography, international law and human rights.
Global Insolvency and Bankruptcy Practice for Sustainable Economic Development: International Best Practice
by Adrian Cohen Tarek HajjiriThis book is a comparative study of international practices in bankruptcy law, providing perspectives from a variety of specialisms including practitioners, lawyers, bankers, accountants and judges from the United Arab Emirates, the UK and Singapore.
Global Insolvency and Bankruptcy Practice for Sustainable Economic Development: International Best Practice
by Adrian Cohen Tarek HajjiriThis book is a comparative study of international practices in bankruptcy law, providing perspectives from a variety of specialisms including practitioners, lawyers, bankers, accountants and judges from the United Arab Emirates, the UK and Singapore.
Global Issues: An Introduction
by John L. Seitz Kristen A. HiteExtensively revised and updated, the new Fourth Edition of Global Issues: An Introduction offers a unique approach to the most important environmental, economic, social, and political concerns of modern life. Revised and updated to reflect the latest global developments Examines the most important environmental, economic, social, and political concerns of modern life The only book of its kind to use the concept of development to illustrate how different global issues are interrelated Includes a new section on nuclear energy Chapter boxes examine ways that individuals can have a positive impact on the issues examined within the text Key features include a glossary of terms; guides to further reading, media, and Internet resources; and suggestions for discussing and studying the material
Global Justice, Human Rights and the Modernization of International Law
by Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi Pasquale De SenaThis book is based on the observation that international law is undergoing a process of change and modernization, driven by many factors, among which the affirmation and consolidation of the role of the individual and of the theory of human rights stand out. In the contemporary world, international law has demonstrated an ability to evolve rapidly. But it is still unclear whether its modernization process is also producing structural changes, which affect the subjects, the sources and even the very purpose of this law. Is it truly possible to speak of a paradigmatic and ideological change in the international legal system, one that also involves a transition from a state-centred international order to a human-centred one, and from inter-state justice to global justice?The book addresses three fundamental aspects of the modernization process of international law: the possible widening of the concept of international community and of the classic assumptions of statehood; the possible diversification of the sources of general international law; and the ability of international law to adapt to new challenges and to achieve the main goals for humanity set by the United Nations.The overall objective of the book is to provide the tools for a deeper understanding of the transition phase of contemporary international law, by examining the major problems that characterize this phase. The book will also stimulate critical reflection on the future prospects of international law.
Global Land Cover Validation: Methodology, Tools, and Practices (ISPRS Book Series)
by Jun Chen Xiaohua Tong Huan Xie Lijun Chen Songnian LiThis book aims to summarize and report the major research achievements and validation results under the global land cover (GLC) initiative led by the Group Earth Observation (GEO). The first part of the book introduces the major tasks and challenges facing the validation of finer-resolution GLC maps and presents the concepts and overall framework of the GEO-led initiative. Chapters 2-5 provide systematic introductions to the major methodology of finer-resolution GLC map validation, including sampling design, reference data collection, sample labeling, and accuracy assessment. Chapter 6 introduces the online validation tools that have been developed, including their design, considerations, and functionalities. Chapter 7 presents the international validation practices and the results of validating GlobeLand30 at country, regional, and global scales. Future directions are also discussed in the Conclusion chapter.Features Presents complete coverage of land cover validation, from concepts, methodology, and col laborative tools to applications. Details algorithms, techniques, and methods for land cover validation, including sampling, judgment, and accuracy assessment. Reviews some of the software tools that can be used for GLC validation and discusses the issues related to the design, usability, efficiency, and limitations of these tools. Highlights case studies of validation at global, regional, and national scales, which can serve as great references for researchers. Provides an extensive bibliography covering the whole scope of land cover validation Global Land Cover Validation: Methodology, Tools, and Practices serves as a reference for those engaged in land cover validation, especially at a global scale, including students, professionals, researchers, and general practitioners. It is also an excellent resource for professionals involved in sustainable development monitoring, environmental change studies, natural resource management, disaster assessment and mitigation, and many other applications.
The Global Life of Mines: Mining and Post-Mining in Comparative Perspective (Dislocations #37)
by Antonio Maria Pusceddu Filippo M. ZerilliResource extraction exists in diverse settings across the world and is carried out through different practices. The Global Life of Mines provides a comprehensive framework examining the spatial and temporal relationships between mining and postmining as interrelated and coexisting features within the global minescape. The book brings together scholars from various fields, such as anthropology, geography, sociology and political science, examining ethnographic case studies throughout the Americas (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, USA), Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Europe (Italy, Arctic Norway and Spain).
Global Lorentzian Geometry (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics #202)
by John K. BeemBridging the gap between modern differential geometry and the mathematical physics of general relativity, this text, in its second edition, includes new and expanded material on topics such as the instability of both geodesic completeness and geodesic incompleteness for general space-times, geodesic connectibility, the generic condition, the sectional curvature function in a neighbourhood of degenerate two-plane, and proof of the Lorentzian Splitting Theorem.;Five or more copies may be ordered by college or university stores at a special student price, available on request.
Global Maritime Transport and Ballast Water Management: Issues and Solutions (Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology #16)
by Matej David Stephan GollaschIn 2015 the first edition of this book was published before the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention entered into force. To our knowledge this was and still is the first comprehensive book on BWM worldwide. It provided an overview of possible solutions to the complex issue of BWM. It further outlined consequences and implications to address the ballast water "problem" in line with provisions of the BWM Convention considering environmental, shipping, legal and policy perspectives. The previously addressed subjects remain essential, but new subjects appeared which more recently have proven to be critical for the effective BWM Convention implementation. After the first book content was already agreed and in preparation, new advances were achieved in BWM-related research around the world. Further, new experience was gained and issues came out during the preparation processes of countries for the BWM Convention implementation. The editors of the first book remained heavily involved in BWM-related research and other processes, hence these new critical BWM issues and subjects are now dealt with in the second edition of this book to complement the first one. In essence, this new book covers main issues that arose recently during the implementation of the BWM Convention. Scientists and experts with extensive experience in these subjects from around the globe from academic and private sectors, as well as national administrations, were involved in the preparation of this book.