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Global Seismicity Dynamics and Data-Driven Science: Seismicity Modelling by Big Data Analytics (Advances in Geological Science)
by Mitsuhiro ToriumiThe recent explosion of global and regional seismicity data in the world requires new methods of investigation of microseismicity and development of their modelling to understand the nature of whole earth mechanics. In this book, the author proposes a powerful tool to reveal the characteristic features of global and regional microseismicity big data accumulated in the databases of the world. The method proposed in this monograph is based on (1) transformation of stored big data to seismicity density data archives, (2) linear transformation of microseismicity density data matrixes to correlated seismicity matrixes by means of the singular value decomposition method, (3) time series analyses of globally and regionally correlated seismicity rates, and (4) the minimal non-linear equations approximation of their correlated seismicity rate dynamics. Minimal non-linear modelling is the manifestation for strongly correlated seismicity time series controlled by Langevin-type stochastic dynamic equations involving deterministic terms and random Gaussian noises. A deterministic term is composed minimally with correlated seismicity rate vectors of a linear term and of a term with a third exponent. Thus, the dynamics of correlated seismicity in the world contains linearly changing stable nodes and rapid transitions between them with transient states. This book contains discussions of future possibilities of stochastic extrapolations of global and regional seismicity in order to reduce earthquake disasters worldwide. The dataset files are available online and can be downloaded at springer.com.
Global Shifts: Business, Politics, and Deforestation in a Changing World Economy
by Philip SchleiferWhat global shifts in markets and power mean for the politics and governance of sustainability.In recent years, major shifts in global markets from North to South have created a new geography of trade and consumption, particularly in the agricultural sector. How this shift affects the governance of sustainability, and thus the future of the planet, is the pressing topic Philip Schleifer takes up in this book. The processes of twenty-first-century globalization are fundamentally changing the politics and governance of commodity production, Schleifer argues, with profound implications for the environment in the food-producing countries of the Global South. At the center of Schleifer's study are Brazil and Indonesia—two key sites of experimentation in new models of global environmental and commodity governance—where palm oil and soy supply chains have seen unprecedented degrees of private environmental governance in recent years. However, instead of transforming these industries, the diffusion of transnational sustainability standards has accompanied a worsening ecological crisis, with mounting evidence of increasingly strong links between deforestation and globalization in twenty-first-century agricultural trade. To uncover the causes of this governance failure, Schleifer develops a multi-level framework for analyzing how contemporary globalization is reconfiguring the political economies of such industries. The result is the first comprehensive analysis of the shift of global agricultural trade to the South and the deepening crisis of commodity-driven deforestation—and a complex and evolving picture of both the risks and opportunities for sustainability presented by this transformative shift.
Global Soil Security: Proceedings of the Global Soil Security 2016 Conference, December 5-6, 2016, Paris, France (Progress In Soil Science Ser.)
by Dominique Arrouays Florence Carre Anne Richer de Forges Alex B. McBratneySoil, this highly pressurized and crucial resource, is indispensable partner to meet sustainable development goals. The demonstration is done by linking businesses, practitioners, policymakers and researchers on soil security dimensions through good working practices, business solutions, scientific outcomes and international initiatives that enhance protection and sustainable management of soils. The book will gather reviwed full papers of keynotres and presentation given at the 2nd international conference on Global Soil Security held in Paris, on 5-6 December 2016.
Global Soil Security (Progress in Soil Science)
by Damien J. Field, Cristine L. S. Morgan and Alex B. McBratneyThis book introduces the concept of soil security and its five dimensions: Capability, Capital, Condition, Connectivity and Codification. These five dimensions make it possible to understand soil's role in delivering ecosystem services and to quantify soil resource by measuring, mapping, modeling and managing it. Each dimension refers to a specific aspect: contribution to global challenges (Capability), value of the soil (Capital), current state of the soil (Condition), how people are connected to the soil (Connectivity) and development of good policy (Codification). This book considers soil security as an integral part of meeting the ongoing challenge to maintain human health and secure our planet's sustainability. The concept of soil security helps to achieve the need to maintain and improve the world’s soil for the purpose of producing food, fiber and freshwater, and contributing to energy and climate sustainability. At the same time it helps to maintain biodiversity and protects ecosystem goods and services.
Global Soil Security
by Damien J. Field Cristine L. S. Morgan Alex B. McbratneyThis book introduces the concept of soil security and its five dimensions: Capability, Capital, Condition, Connectivity and Codification. These five dimensions make it possible to understand soil's role in delivering ecosystem services and to quantify soil resource by measuring, mapping, modeling and managing it. Each dimension refers to a specific aspect: contribution to global challenges (Capability), value of the soil (Capital), current state of the soil (Condition), how people are connected to the soil (Connectivity) and development of good policy (Codification). This book considers soil security as an integral part of meeting the ongoing challenge to maintain human health and secure our planet's sustainability. The concept of soil security helps to achieve the need to maintain and improve the world's soil for the purpose of producing food, fiber and freshwater, and contributing to energy and climate sustainability. At the same time it helps to maintain biodiversity and protects ecosystem goods and services.
Global Stability through Decentralization?
by Peter A. Wilderer Martin GrambowThe authors of this book, who represent a broad range of scientific disciplines, discuss the issue of centralized versus decentralized control and regulation in the context of sustainable development. The stability and resilience of complex technical, economic, societal and political systems are commonly assumed to be highly dependent on the effectiveness of sophisticated, mainly centralized regulation and control systems and governance structures, respectively. In nature, however, life is mainly self-regulated by widespread, mainly DNA-encoded control mechanisms. The fact that life has endured for more than 2. 4 billion years suggests that, for man-made systems, decentralized control concepts are superior to centralized ones. The authors discuss benefits and drawbacks of both approaches to achieving sustainability, providing valuable information for students and professional decision makers alike.
Global Strategic Challenges: Turning Societal Threats into Opportunities
by Walter Amedzro St-HilaireFrom his position as a Senior Fellow, the author addresses in this book the structural challenges and difficulties that predate Covid pandemic: climate change, economic inequality and the demographic challenge. These challenges raise fundamental questions of equity both between and within generations. Their immediate effects are much weaker than their long-term effects, which encourages policymakers to delay. But the cost of meeting them increases over time. These menaces raise complex technical and economic issues; some decisions must be made under great uncertainty. For each of these challenges, solutions exist: why is there little progress and how to turning threats into opportunities? In all cases, technological change is a central aspect, constituting both part of the problem and part of the solution. The solutions the author formulates are of two kinds: policy recommendations and exploratory strategic proposals. Some of the recommendations include measures that have been widely discussed but never implemented. The author wonders why these measures were never implemented? Some of the strategies are more exploratory in nature because they are new or their effects are less well understood, or because the risks associated with their implementation are significant. The author effectively analyzes the different options for exiting the crisis and explains how his proposals differ from the current reforms for global warming, inequality and population aging.
Global Struggles and Social Change: From Prehistory to World Revolution in the Twenty-First Century
by Christopher Chase-Dunn Paul AlmeidaDeftly demonstrates how the rise and fall of social movements throughout history is closely linked to economic and political developments.In the early decades of the twenty-first century, an international movement to slow the pace of climate change mushroomed across the globe. The self-proclaimed Climate Justice movement urges immediate action to reduce carbon emissions and calls for the adoption of bold new policies to address global warming before irreversible and catastrophic damage threatens the habitability of the planet. On another front, since the 1980s, multiple waves of resistance have occurred around the world against the uneven transition from state-led development to the neoliberal globalization project. Both Climate Justice and Anti-Austerity movements represent the urgency of understanding how global change affects the ability of citizens around the world to mobilize and protect themselves from planetary warming and the loss of social protections granted in earlier eras.In Global Struggles and Social Change, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Paul Almeida explore how global change stimulates the formation and shape of such movements. Contending that large-scale economic shifts condition the pattern of social movement mobilizations around the world, the authors trace these trends back to premodern societies, revealing how severe disruptions of indigenous communities led to innovative collective actions throughout history. Drawing on historical case studies, world system and protest event analysis, and social networks, they also examine the influence of global change processes on local, national, and transnational social movements and explain how in turn these movements shape institutional shifts. Touching on hot-button topics, including global warming, immigrant rights protests, the rise of right-wing populism, and the 2008 financial crisis, the book also explores a broad range of premodern social movements from indigenous people in the Americas, Mesopotamia, and China. The authors pay special attention to periods of disruption and external threats, as well as the role of elites, emotions, charisma, and religion or spirituality in shaping protest movements. Providing sweeping coverage, Global Struggles and Social Change is perfect for students and anyone interested in globalization, international and comparative politics, political sociology, and communication studies.
Global Sustainability: Bending the Curve (Routledge/SEI Global Environment and Development Series #Vol. 3)
by Gilberto C. Gallopín Paul D. RaskinUnprecedented levels of wealth, technology and institutional capacity can forge a just, peaceful and ecologically resilient future. However, the authors argue, social polarization, geo-political conflict and environmental degradation are threatening the long-term well-being of humanity and the planet. Global Sustainability explores the alternative futures that could emerge from the resolution of these antagonisms. Based on extensive international and interdisciplinary research, the book identifies the perils of market-driven scenarios and considers the possibility of the failure of conventional approaches. It also, however, presents a vision of the possibility of a 'Great Transition' in which revised human values and development goals bring a new stage of civilization. It will be essential reading for all scholars and professionals interested in the future of the environment, international affairs, and sustainable development.
Global Sustainability
by Md. Faruque HossainThis book focuses on holistic approaches to sustainability in all sectors of environment, energy, building, and infrastructure to achieve the best-balanced global environmental, energy, building, infrastructure, transportation, and water technologies (EBITWs). It presents a series of solutions based on innovative research and applications for building a sustainable Earth for future generations. Simply, the goal of this book is to define the context of instigation to think through the scientific theories and practical technical applications of sustainability for building a better planet. Naturally this book explains a series of mechanisms to develop a sustainable world by implementing mainly practicing the following areas of Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Housing and Building Technology, Sustainable Water, Infrastructure, and Transportation Technology, Sustainable Environment which are, very much interconnected to secure a global environmental equilibrium.
Global Sustainability
by Benno WerlenThis book offers new perspectives of transdisciplinary research, in methodological as well as theoretical respects. It provides insights in the two-fold bio-physical and the socio-cultural global embeddedness of local living conditions on the basis of selected empirical studies from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. The theoretical foundations of ecological research and sustainability policies were developed at the end of the nineteenth century. They are largely based on investigations of living spaces and the evolution and differentiation of varied life forms. This perspective is embedded in the practical and theoretical European problem situations of the past and lacks social and cultural differentiation. The transformation of spatial and natural relations as a result of the globalization process is so radical that new theories are needed to solve 21st century ecological problems. Moreover, in view of the lack of an ontologically sound and promising strategy for transdisciplinary problem solving, as well as an acceptable consideration of the power of cultural schemas relating to natural living's interpretations, there is a strong need to focus on sustainable social practices, habits and routines, rather than on predominantly living spaces or eco-topes. This book elaborates on the transdisciplinary approach by reflecting on the theoretical heritage and a global perspective of sustainability, by focusing on the primary role of a social approach in sustainability research and by putting emphasis on cultural dimension of sustainability. It postulates that global sustainability is grounded in a global understanding of our everyday activities.
Global Sustainability and Communities of Practice
by Carl A. Maida Sam BeckCollaboration between experts and the public is vital for effective community engagement aimed at improving the lives of the most vulnerable in society, whether at the local or global level. Using case-based and theoretical chapters that examine rural and urban communities of practice, this volume illustrates how participatory researchers and students, as well as policy and community leaders, find ways to engage with the broader public when it comes to global sustainability research and practice.
Global Sustainability in Energy, Building, Infrastructure, Transportation, and Water Technology
by Md. Faruque HossainThis book focuses on holistic approaches to sustainability in all sectors of building, infrastructure, and energy to achieve a best-balanced global energy, building, infrastructure, transportation, and water technology (EBITW) system using a series of innovative research and implementation solutions. The goal of this book is to define the context for proactive consideration of scientific theories and practical technical applications of sustainable development, following main seven themes: Renewable Energy Technology, Advanced Building Design Technology, Innovative Infrastructure and Transportation Engineering, Clean Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Urban and Rural Development, Clean Environment, and Sustainable Planet; which are very much interconnected to secure the global equilibrium. The book is prepared for a wide audience including researchers, field engineers, and students.
Global Sustainable Cities: City Governments and Our Environmental Future
by Danielle Spiegel-Feld, Katrina Miriam Wyman, and John J. CoughlinPerspectives from worldwide experts on how major cities across the globe are responding to the major environmental threats of our time, including global climate change Over half of the world’s population now lives in cities, and this share is expected to increase in the coming decades. With growing urbanization, cities and their residents face substantial environmental challenges such as higher temperatures, droughts, wildfires, and increased flooding. In response to these pressing challenges, some cities have begun to develop local environmental regulations that supplement national and environmental laws. In so doing, cities have stepped into a role that has been historically dominated by higher levels of government.Global Sustainable Cities takes stock of the policies that have been implemented by cities around the world in recent years in several key areas: water, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate adaptation. It examines the advantages—and potential drawbacks—of allowing cities to assume a significant role in environmental regulation, given the legal and political constraints in which cities operate.The contributors present a series of case studies of the actions that seven leading cities—Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Berlin, Delhi, London, New York, and Shanghai—are taking to improve their environments and adapt to climate change. The first volume of its kind, Global Sustainable Cities is a critical comparative assessment of the actions that major cities in the global North and South are taking to advance sustainability.
Global Taiwanese: Asian Skilled Labour Migrants in a Changing World
by Fiona MooreIn Global Taiwanese, Fiona Moore explores the different ways in which Taiwanese expatriates living in London and Toronto, along with globally networked professionals living in Taipei, use their shared Taiwanese identities to construct and maintain global and local networks. Based on a three-year-long ethnographic study that incorporates interviews with people from diverse backgrounds, generations, and histories, Global Taiwanesethis book explores what their different experiences tell us about migration in "tolerant" and "hostile" regimes. Global Taiwanese considers the implications in leveraging their of the Taiwanese case for understanding the processes by which transnational professionals more generally use Taiwanese ethnic identity for both business and personal purposes. in their business and personal lives. As people become increasingly mobile, ethnic identity becomes more important as a means of negotiating transnational encounters; however, at the same time, the opportunities it offers are rooted in local cultural practices, requiring professionals and other migrants to develop complex social strategies that link and cross the global and local levels. With rich ethnographic detail, this book contributes to the understanding of the migrant experience and how it varies from location to location, how migration more generally changes in response to wider socioeconomic factors, and, finally, of the specific case of Taiwan and how the distinctive nature of its diaspora emerges through wider discourses of Chineseness and pan-Asian identity.
Global Tectonic Zones, Supercontinent Formation and Disposal: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 6
by Xiao Xuchang and Liu HefuThis book is a collection of papers presented in the 30th International Geological Congress, held in Beijing, on global tectonic zones supercontinent formation and disposal. The papers deal with topics on tectonic framework, and petrology and geochemistry variations of Asian regions.
Global Tectonics
by Philip Kearey Keith A. Klepeis Frederick J. VineThe third edition of this widely acclaimed textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of global tectonics, and includes major revisions to reflect the most significant recent advances in the field. A fully revised third edition of this highly acclaimed text written by eminent authors including one of the pioneers of plate tectonic theoryMajor revisions to this new edition reflect the most significant recent advances in the field, including new and expanded chapters on Precambrian tectonics and the supercontinent cycle and the implications of plate tectonics for environmental changeCombines a historical approach with process science to provide a careful balance between geological and geophysical material in both continental and oceanic regimesDedicated website available at www.blackwellpublishing.com/kearey/
The Global Thermohaline Paleocirculation
by Elena IvanovaOriginally published in Russian in 2006, this is the first English translation of this important book on paleoceanography and paleoclimatology. Its initial publication was followed by a surge of interest in this subject prompting the author to revise and translate her original work. In the book, she successfully summarizes her own research over recent years and compiles an overview of up-to-date knowledge on past ocean circulation. The key topics include: - Modern thermohaline circulation and main stages of its development during the Cenozoic - Methods and proxies of paleoceanographic reconstruction - Variability of the meridional overturning circulation and paleoceanographic events in the North Atlantic during the last climatic cycle - Influence of the global thermohaline circulation on paleoceanographic events in the Eurasian Arctic seas, the Northern Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea - The role of the thermohaline circulation in global teleconnections in the Antarctic, Eurasian Arctic, northern Pacific and low latitudes Indo-Pacific. Comprehensive investigation of hundreds of international publications and her own results, convinced the author that the global thermohaline circulation controls the remote teleconnections on millennial-scale and partly on centennial-scale, while short-term climate signals are mainly transferred by the atmosphere. This revised and extended English edition provides the latest unpublished data, new figures and modeling results. The extensive reference list contains more than 100 publications and 140 new references.
Global Thinking and Local Action: Agriculture, Tropical Forest Loss and Conservation in Southeast Nigeria (Routledge Revivals)
by Uwem E. IteThis title was first published in 2001. Based on extensive local field research undertaken in and around the Cross River National Park in Nigeria, this book provides a socio-economic study of the tensions between agriculture and nature conservation. Taking a ’bottom-up’ approach and focussing on the farm household and the dynamics of forest farming at household level, it brings together a wealth of new information on the subject of tropical forestry, the causes and dynamics of tropical rain forest loss and the problematic relations between conservation authorities in National Parks and local people. Its conclusions raise important questions about practical ways forward in the development of such areas.
Global Tokyo: Heritage, Urban Redevelopment and the Transformation of Authenticity
by Jiewon SongThis book examines heritage-led regeneration and decision-making processes in Tokyo’s urban centres of Nihonbashi and Marunouchi. Detailing some of the city’s most prominent and recent redevelopment projects, Jiewon Song recognizes key institutions and actors; their collective actions as placemakers; and how they project the authenticity of urban places in planning processes. Song argues that heritage-led regeneration tends to monopolize authenticity by weakening the visibility of other cultural and historic qualities in urban places. Authenticity consequently turns into a singular entity leading to the homogenization of urban places. As cities increasingly seek authenticity in the urban age, nation-states initiate top-down processes to achieve such ends, interweaving nationalism and national narratives into placemaking practices. In this fashion, Song challenges existing scholarship on urban conservation, global cities and the notion of authenticity.
Global Trade and Global Social Issues (Routledge Research In Global Environmental Change Ser. #Vol. 3)
by Annie Taylor Caroline ThomasIn Global Trade and Social Issues leading academics and NGO workers offer a much-needed counterweight to the liberal consensus. A critical reflection on the whole project of restructuring world trade, this is essential reading for those working in international political economy, development studies, international relations and environmental studies.
Global Trends
by Adrian DoneLooks at the bigger picture, and the future trends that are going to affect the global business world over the next few years. The author analyses traditional themes such as technology and sustainability but also takes into consideration the effects of developments in other areas such as health, education and demographics
Global Trends in Land Tenure Reform: Gender Impacts (Routledge ISS Gender, Sexuality and Development Studies)
by Caroline S. Archambault Annelies ZoomersThis book explores the gendered dimensions of recent land governance transformations across the globe in the wake of unprecedented pressures on land and natural resources. These complex contemporary forces are reconfiguring livelihoods and impacting women’s positions, their tenure security and well-being, and that of their families. Bringing together fourteen empirical community case studies from around the world, the book examines governance transformations of land and land-based resources resulting from four major processes of tenure change: commercial land based investments, the formalization of customary tenure, the privatization of communal lands, and post-conflict resettlement and redistribution reforms. Each contribution carefully analyses the gendered dimensions of these transformations, exploring both the gender impact of the land tenure reforms and the social and political economy within which these reforms materialize. The cases provide important insights for decision makers to better promote and design an effective gender lens into land tenure reforms and natural resource management policies. This book will be of great interest to researchers engaging with land and natural resource management issues from a wide variety of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, development studies, and political science, as well as policy makers, practitioners, and activists concerned with environment, development, and social equity.
Global Value Chains, Flexibility and Sustainability (Flexible Systems Management)
by Sanjay Dhir Sushil Renu Agarwal Julia ConnellThis book provides a conceptual framework of global value chains, flexibility and sustainability, supported by research projects, case applications and models in various related areas organized into three parts. In the first part of the book, various authors discuss how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of global value chains through various types of analyses. While the focus is on cluster management, and mergers and joint ventures, the legal aspects of control and liability concerning the integration of value chains, is also examined in one of the contributions. The second part includes chapters concerning ‘Strategy and Flexibility’. Strategies concern topics such as inventory management, talent management, strategic alignment, decision making, behavioural change and HR systems. The third and final part of the volume concerns the topic of ‘Sustainability’, wherein the contributions focus on various initiatives intended to promote sustainability across respective value chains bearing in mind the concept of flexibility. The book is a valuable resource for a varied audience, ranging from management students and researchers, to practicing business managers, as well as for professional institutions, consultants, and corporate organizations.
Global Vegetation: Fundamentals, Ecology and Distribution
by Jörg S. Pfadenhauer Frank A. KlötzliThis up-to-date textbook of global vegetation ecology, which comprises the current state of knowledge, is long overdue and much-needed. It is a translation of the textbook “Vegetation der Erde” (Springer-Spektrum, Heidelberg). A short introductory chapter deals with the fundamentals of vegetation ecology that are of importance for the delimitation and characterization of the global vegetation presented in this book (chorology, evolution of plants, physiognomic and structural characteristics, phytodiversity and the human impact on it as well as general terminology concerning both plant growth forms and on vegetation structure types). In the following chapters the zonal and azonal vegetation from the tropics to the polar regions including high mountains is described and discussed. The main focus is on the characterization of interactions between the spatial location of plants and plant communities on the one hand and site conditions, historic and genetic processes, spatial and temporal patterns, ecophysiology and anthropogenic influences on the other hand. Additional information on specific topics is provided in 51 boxes.