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Global Views on Climate Relocation and Social Justice: Navigating Retreat (Routledge Studies in Environmental Migration, Displacement and Resettlement)
by Idowu Jola Ajibade A. R. SidersThis edited volume advances our understanding of climate relocation (or planned retreat), an emerging topic in the fields of climate adaptation and hazard risk, and provides a platform for alternative voices and views on the subject. As the effects of climate change become more severe and widespread, there is a growing conversation about when, where and how people will move. Climate relocation is a controversial adaptation strategy, yet the process can also offer opportunity and hope. This collection grapples with the environmental and social justice dimensions from multiple perspectives, with cases drawn from Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania, South America, and North America. The contributions throughout present unique perspectives, including community organizations, adaptation practitioners, geographers, lawyers, and landscape architects, reflecting on the potential harms and opportunities of climate-induced relocation. Works of art, photos, and quotes from flood survivors are also included, placed between sections to remind the reader of the human element in the adaptation debate. Blending art – photography, poetry, sculpture – with practical reflections and scholarly analyses, this volume provides new insights on a debate that touches us all: how we will live in the future and where? Challenging readers’ pre-conceptions about planned retreat by juxtaposing different disciplines, lenses and media, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental migration and displacement, and environmental justice and equity.
Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast
by David Archer<P>Archer's Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast 2nd Edition, is the first real text to present the science and policy surrounding climate change at the right level. Accompanying videos, simulations and instructional support makes it easier to build a syllabus to improve and create new material on climate change. Archer's polished writing style makes the text entertaining while the improved pedagogy helps better understand key concepts, ideas and terms. <P>This edition has been revised and reformulated with a new chapter template of short chapter introductions, study questions at the end, and critical thinking puzzlers throughout. Also a new asset for the BCS was created that will give ideas for assignments and topics for essays and other projects. Furthermore, a number of interactive models have been built to help understand the science and systems behind the processes.
Global Warming: The Science Of Climate Change (A\hodder Arnold Publication)
by Frances DrakeFirst published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Global Warming
by L. D. HarveyGlobal Warming: The Hard Science presents a comprehensive, qualitatively rigorous, and critical discussion of the science underlying the global warming issue. The major processes in the climate system needed to understand projected human-induced climatic change are presented in detail. Observational systems used to monitor changes in the climate system and the ways in which the raw data are analyzed in order to produce estimates of current trends are also critically reviewed. The author discusses the hierarchy of computer models used to project changes in the carbon cycle, in climate, and in sea level and examines the physical principles underlying the greenhouse effect and projected warming. The text also presents a detailed discussion of the carbon cycle, of climate sensitivity, and of projected patterns of climatic change through time. Sea level rise and issues of risk and potential surprises are also critically assessed. Emphasis is placed throughout on developing an intuitive understanding of those results that do not depend on the details of any one computer simulation model. A series of boxes illustrate the key points through step-by-step calculations.
Global Warming
by John HoughtonThis work is a full survey of the present state of knowledge on global warming, and what can be done about it. The information and interpretation is not just one man's view, but represents the common mind of the scientific community. Many of the charts and diagrams are generated by the Met Office computer. Sir John Houghton is the author of The Physics of Atmospheres and Does God Play Dice?.
Global Warming (Nonfiction Reading And Writing Workshops)
by Rebecca Johnson National Geographic Learning StaffDiscover the science behind global warming, its causes, and possible effects. Learn how human activities affect global temperatures and explore the good news and the bad news about our warming world.
Global Warming: A Primer
by Frank S. LevinThis book is an up-to-date guidebook for persons who are unfamiliar with the relevant details but want to know what anthropogenic global warming and its repercussions entail. The first chapter presents background material on the earth’s climate system and some of the global warming rejecters’ claims and their refutations, including the evidence underlying the reality of anthropogenic global warming. The next chapter examines in detail many of global warming’s contemporaneous and deleterious repercussions, while the final one considers some future scenarios and their likely consequences, some of which are from the latest IPCC Reports. It also considers a number of the proposed steps to avoid these consequences, and the problems of implementing them.
Global Warming
by Adnan Midilli T. Hikmet Karakoc Ibrahim Dincer Arif HepbasliGlobal Warming: Engineering Solutions goes beyond the discussion of what global warming is, and offers complete concrete solutions that can be used to help prevent global warming. Innovative engineering solutions are needed to reduce the effects of global warming. Discussed here are proposed engineering solutions for reducing global warming resulting from carbon dioxide pollution, poor energy and environment policies and emission pollution. Solutions discussed include but are not limited to: energy conversion technologies and their advantages, energy management and conservation, energy saving and energy security, renewable and sustainable energy technologies, emission reduction, sustainable development; pollution control and measures, policy development, global energy stability and sustainability.
Global Warming: A Beginner's Guide to Our Changing Climate
by Fred Pearce John GribbinBig ideas made simple -- six books in an incredible new series that explains important scientific ideas more clearly than ever before. Climate change resulting from an increase in greenhouse gases is perhaps the greatest threat to our planet's future. Here, Fred Pearce examines the causes and dramatic effects, and what can be done to remedy the situation -- before it's too late. This stimulating new series uses an innovative mix of graphics, artwork, and photographs to explain and illuminate the most important scientific topics of the day. Unique in popular science guides, Essential Science uses bright, full-color images to make traditionally "difficult" subjects more accessible. Each title focuses on a scientific or technological topic that is currently provoking debate and is likely to have a widespread impact on our lives. Lively, readable text from top science writers ensures all readers -- from 14+ schoolchildren to academics -- gain a full understanding of the facts and related issues. Under the direction of renowned science writer John Gribbin, expert authors describe, in lively, jargon-free text, the principles and discoveries behind each subject, summarize what is currently known, and predict future issues and trends.
Global Warming (Smithsonian-science)
by Seymour SimonAward-winning science writer Seymour Simon gives you a full-color photographic introduction to the causes and effects of global warming and climate change. <P><P>Earth's climate has always varied, but it is now changing more rapidly than at any other time in recent centuries. The climate is very complex, and many factors play important roles in determining how it changes. Why is the climate changing? Could Earth be getting warmer by itself? Are people doing things that make the climate warmer? <P><P>Supports the Common Core State Standards
Global Warming and Human - Nature Dimension in Northern Eurasia
by Tetsuya Hiyama Hiroki TakakuraThis book describes the current environmental changes due to global warming in northern Eurasia, especially focusing on eastern Siberia. Spring flooding, ice-jam movements, and monitoring using remote sensing are included. Additionally, current reindeer herding of indigenous peoples in Siberia and related environmental changes such as waterlogging, rising temperatures, and vegetation changes are addressed. As a summary, the book also introduces readers to adaptation strategies at several governmental levels. The book primarily focuses on 1) introducing readers to global warming and human/nature dynamics in Siberia, with special emphasis on humidification of the region in the mid-2000s, and 2) describing social adaptation to the changing terrestrial ecosystem, with an emphasis on water environments. Adaptation strategies based on vulnerability assessments of environmental changes in northern Eurasia are crucial topics for intergovernmental organizations, such as the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Thus, the book offers a valuable resource not only for environmental researchers but also for several stakeholders regarding global environmental change.
Global Warming And The Sweetness Of Life: A Tar Sands Tale
by Matt Hern Am Johal Joe SaccoConfounded by global warming and in search of an affirmative politics that links ecology with social change, Matt Hern and Am Johal set off on a series of road trips to the tar sands of northern Alberta—perhaps the world's largest industrial site, dedicated to the dirty work of extracting oil from Alberta's vast reserves. Traveling from culturally liberal, self-consciously “green” Vancouver, and aware that our well-meaning performances of recycling and climate-justice marching are accompanied by constant driving, flying, heating, and fossil-fuel consumption, Hern and Johal want to talk to people whose lives and fortunes depend on or are imperiled by extraction. They are seeking new definitions of ecology built on a renovated politics of land. Traveling with them is their friend Joe Sacco—infamous journalist and cartoonist, teller of complex stories from Gaza to Paris—who contributes illustrations and insights and a chapter-length comic about the contradictions of life in an oil town. The epic scale of the ecological horror is captured through an series of stunning color photos by award-winning aerial photographer Louis Helbig. <P><P> Seamlessly combining travelogue, sophisticated political analysis, and ecological theory, speaking both to local residents and to leading scholars, the authors propose a new understanding of ecology that links the domination of the other-than-human world to the domination of humans by humans. They argue that any definition of ecology has to start with decolonization and that confronting global warming requires a politics that speaks to a different way of being in the world—a reconstituted understanding of the sweetness of life.
Global Warming and the Climate Crisis: Science, Spirit, and Solutions
by Bruce E. JohansenThis textbook introduces readers to basic scientific principles of climate change. Based on extensive empirical evidence, it explains weather events that indicate climate change’s evolution and presents important topics connected to climate change, such as political controversies, climate policy, as well as Native American perspectives. Finally, it presents attempted solutions, including policy recommendations and technological proposals for necessary changes in our world.Providing a well-written and easy-to-follow overview of knowledge of science-based geophysical facts, including thermodynamics, the book puts a strong emphasis on why expeditious action on global warming is urgent. The book also explains why smart greenhouse-gas reduction strategies will ignite economic growth, generate new domestic jobs, protect public health, and strengthen energy security.Not assuming a scientific background on the part of the reader, Global Warming and the Climate Crisis: Science, Spirit, and Solutions offers an ideal supplemental reading in many types of courses in Earth sciences, climate policy, climate change sciences, as well as politics of climate change, from high school through undergraduate. General readers also will benefit from its treatment of this very important and timely issue.
Global Warming for Beginners
by Dean GoodwinThe science is in: Global warming is for real. But what does it all really mean, and what can or should we do about it? This clear, fluid narrative by a leading scientist and educator takes a scrupulously balanced approach in explaining for the reader the history of global climate monitoring and change, and the who’s, how’s, what’s, when’s, where’s and why’s of the interaction between human activity and recent trends in the Earth’s climate. Global Warming For Beginners is organized into five compelling sections: Global Warming, An Introduction The Cause The Consequences The Solutions What Steps Can I Take? Working from the premise that no one can do everything but everyone can do something, Goodwin challenges readers with experiments they can conduct to gain a better understanding of the science underlying the problems facing our planet, and concludes with a list of fifty easy actions people can choose from to start doing their part in the effort to slow or stop global warming. As with all For Beginners titles, this volume is illustrated throughout with entertaining drawings that help readers understand and retain the information in Goodwin’s lively and comprehensive text.
Global Warming For Dummies
by Elizabeth May Zoe CaronGet positive suggestions for practical solutions to this heated issue. Hotly debated in the political arena and splashed across the media almost 24/7, global warming has become the topic of the moment. Whatever one's views on its cause, there is no denying that the earth's climate is changing, and people everywhere are worried. Global Warming For Dummies sorts out fact from fiction, explaining the science behind climate change and examining the possible long-term effects of a warmer planet. This no-nonsense yet friendly guide helps you explore solutions to this challenging problem, from what governments and industry can do to what you can do at home and how to get involved.
Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence
by Marty BranaganMilitarism is the elephant in the room of global warming. Of all government sectors, 'Defence' has the highest carbon footprint and expenditure, yet has largely been exempt from international scrutiny and regulation. Marty Branagan uses Australian and international case studies to show that nonviolence is a viable alternative to militarism for national defence and regime change. 'Active resistance', initiated in Australian environmental blockades and now adopted globally, makes the song 'We Shall Not Be Moved' much more realistic, as activists erect tripod villages, bury, chain and cement themselves into the ground, and 'lock-on' to machinery and gates. Active resistance, 'artistic activism', and use of new information and communication technologies in movements such as the Arab Spring and 'Occupy' demonstrate that nonviolence is an effective, evolving praxis.
Global Warming, Natural Hazards, and Emergency Management
by Jane A. Bullock George D. Haddow Kim S. HaddowScientists predict the earth is facing 40-to-60 years of climate change, even if emissions of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases stopped today. One inevitable consequence of the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere will be an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disaster events. Global Warming, Natural Hazards, and Eme
Global Warming, Natural Hazards, And Emergency Management
by George Haddow Jane A. Bullock Kim HaddowScientists predict the earth is facing 40-to-60 years of climate change, even if emissions of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases stopped today. One inevitable consequence of the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere will be an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disaster events. Global Warming, Natural Hazards, and Emergency Management documents the imperative need for communities to prepare for the coming effects of climate change and provides a series of in-depth, road-tested recommendations on how to reduce risks for communities and businesses. Frontline Advice for Increasing Defenses and Reducing Impacts of Global Warming Authored and edited by emergency management and environmental protection professionals from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Sierra Club, this book offers case histories from communities across America that have successfully reduced the extent and consequences of natural disasters. These examples are becoming increasingly important to understand and replicate as the risks to communities created by a changing climate rise. This book recognizes three fundamental principles essential to developing a disaster-prevention strategy: The protection of natural systems is an important security measure The reduction of disaster risk, not just response, is of great importance Local communities must take the lead in prevention efforts Provides Local Governments with Replicable Case Histories of Hazard Mitigation Efforts This no-nonsense reference is a procedural roadmap for emergency managers, policy makers, and community officials. It explains how to develop community partnerships among a myriad of stakeholders; identifies staffing and resource requirements for successful programs; and provides a step-by-step demonstration of the disaster-planning process at the community level.
Global Warming of 1.5°C: IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in context of strengthening response to climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty
by IPCCThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for assessing the science related to climate change. It provides regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. This IPCC Special Report is a comprehensive assessment of our understanding of global warming of 1.5°C, future climate change, potential impacts and associated risks, emission pathways, and system transitions consistent with 1.5°C global warming, and strengthening the global response to climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. It serves policymakers, decision makers, stakeholders and all interested parties with unbiased, up-to-date, policy-relevant information. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Global Warming (Opposing Viewpoints)
by David M. HaugenThe book discusses the opposing views on the subject of Global Warming under the heads: Is Global Warming a Real Phenomenon?, What Causes Global Warming?, What Is the Impact of Global Warming?, and How Can Global Warming Be Mitigated?
A Global Warming Primer: Answering Your Questions About The Science, The Consequences, And The Solutions
by Jeffrey BennettIs human-induced global warming a real threat to our future? Most people will express an opinion on this question, but relatively few can back their opinions with solid evidence. Many times we've even heard pundits say "I am not a scientist" to avoid the issue altogether. But the truth is, the basic science is not that difficult. Using a question and answer format, this book will help readers achieve three major goals: To see that anyone can understand the basic science of global warming; To understand the arguments about this issue made by skeptics, so that readers will be able to decide for themselves what to believe; To understand why, despite the "gloom and doom" that often surrounds this topic, the solutions are ones that will not only protect the world for our children and grandchildren, but that will actually lead us to a stronger economy with energy that is cheaper, cleaner, and more abundant than the energy we use today.
The Global Warming Reader: A Century of Writing About Climate Change
by Bill MckibbenOur most widely respected environmental writer brings together the essential voices on global warming, from its 19th-century discovery to the present. With the rise of extreme weather events worldwide--witness the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Sandy, Irene, and Katrina, and the sustained drought across the American West--global warming has become increasingly difficult to deny. What is happening to our planet? And what can we do about it? The Global Warming Reader provides more than thirty-five answers to these burning questions, from more than one hundred years of engagement with the topic. Here is Elizabeth Kolbert's groundbreaking essay "The Darkening Sea," Michael Crichton's skeptical view of climate change, George Monbiot's biting indictment of those who are really using up the planet's resources, NASA scientist James Hansen's testimony before the U. S. Congress, and clarion calls for action by Al Gore, Arundhati Roy, Naomi Klein, and many others. The Global Warming Reader is a comprehensive resource, expertly edited by someone who lives and breathes this defining issue of our time.
The Global Warming Reader: A Century of Writing about Climate Change
by Bill MckibbenOur most widely respected environmental writer brings together the essential voices on global warming, from its 19th-century discovery to the present With the rise of extreme weather events worldwide--witness the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Sandy, Irene, and Katrina, and the sustained drought across the American West--global warming has become increasingly difficult to deny. What is happening to our planet? And what can we do about it? The Global Warming Reader provides more than thirty-five answers to these burning questions, from more than one hundred years of engagement with the topic. Here is Elizabeth Kolbert's groundbreaking essay "The Darkening Sea," Michael Crichton's skeptical view of climate change, George Monbiot's biting indictment of those who are really using up the planet's resources, NASA scientist James Hansen's testimony before the U. S. Congress, and clarion calls for action by Al Gore, Arundhati Roy, Naomi Klein, and many others. The Global Warming Reader is a comprehensive resource, expertly edited by someone who lives and breathes this defining issue of our time. .
The Global Warming Reader
by Bill MckibbenOur most widely respected environmental writer brings together the essential voices on global warming, from its 19th-century discovery to the present With the rise of extreme weather events worldwide--witness the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Sandy, Irene, and Katrina, and the sustained drought across the American West--global warming has become increasingly difficult to deny. What is happening to our planet? And what can we do about it? The Global Warming Reader provides more than thirty-five answers to these burning questions, from more than one hundred years of engagement with the topic. Here is Elizabeth Kolbert's groundbreaking essay "The Darkening Sea," Michael Crichton's skeptical view of climate change, George Monbiot's biting indictment of those who are really using up the planet's resources, NASA scientist James Hansen's testimony before the U.S. Congress, and clarion calls for action by Al Gore, Arundhati Roy, Naomi Klein, and many others. The Global Warming Reader is a comprehensive resource, expertly edited by someone who lives and breathes this defining issue of our time.
Global Warming Science: A Quantitative Introduction to Climate Change and Its Consequences
by Eli TzipermanA quantitative, broad, hands-on introduction to the cutting-edge science of global warmingThis textbook introduces undergraduates to the concepts and methods of global warming science, covering topics that they encounter in the news, ranging from the greenhouse effect and warming to ocean acidification, hurricanes, extreme precipitation, droughts, heat waves, forest fires, the cryosphere, and more. This book explains each of the issues based on basic statistical analysis, simple ordinary differential equations, or elementary chemical reactions. Each chapter explains the mechanisms behind an observed or anticipated change in the climate system and demonstrates the tools used to understand and predict them. Proven in the classroom, Global Warming Science also includes “workshops” with every chapter, each based on a Jupyter Python notebook and an accompanying small data set, with supplementary online materials and slides for instructors. The workshop can be used as an interactive learning element in class and as a homework assignment.Provides a clear, broad, quantitative yet accessible approach to the science of global warmingEngages students in the analysis of climate data and models, examining predictions, and dealing with uncertaintyFeatures workshops with each chapter that enhance learning through hands-on engagementComes with supplementary online slides, code, and data filesRequires only elementary undergraduate-level calculus and basic statistics; no prior coursework in science is assumedSolutions manual available (only to instructors)