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Global Waste Management: Models for Tackling the International Waste Crisis

by Kamila Pope

Among other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives of developed and developing countries around the world and the international relationships between them. This book provides an ecological viewpoint as well as studying these problems from a legal and justice standpoint. Global Waste Management contextualises the problems faced when dealing with waste including the causes and origins. Focus is given to cross border waste transfer, as an ongoing and controversial practice, making waste management a global matter. This book scrutinizes existing international, European and Brazilian regulation on waste to highlight the complexity of the subject and the weaknesses of the law. Using a critical and socio-ecological approach, the book proposes an original model of governance to support a new system of global waste management that takes into account ecological sustainability and social justice to overcome the waste crisis. To create these models, a theoretical framework on socio-ecological justice is developed and combined with different discourses and theories described throughout the book. This is the essential guide to understanding the global waste crisis and the future of waste management.

Global Water Crisis: A Max Axiom Super Scientist Adventure (Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists)

by Myra Faye Turner

More than 70 percent of Earth is covered in water. Yet only about 3 percent of it is freshwater that people can use. Every year, parts of the world suffer through severe droughts, and millions of people don’t have easy access to clean drinking water. Why is there a shortage of clean and healthy water? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axion and the Society of Super Scientists travel around the world to learn the reasons behind the global water crisis. Young readers can tag along to discover what causes water scarcity and find out ways they can help preserve this precious resource.

Global Water Funding: Innovation and efficiency as enablers for safe, secure and affordable supplies (Palgrave Studies in Natural Resource Management)

by David Lloyd Owen

Is safe and sustainable water and sanitation for all an unaffordable pipedream? This book surveys the worldwide development of water and sewage services and the challenges in meeting Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) along with climate change, population growth and urbanisation. It explores the reasons why current SDG6 progress is failing, including weak policy implementation, staff shortages and inadequate funding, as well as the limited impact of aid funding. The author contends that despite a series of innovations, debt finance remains too small to address needs of developing economies. Therefore, instead of advocating new funding, this book proposes addressing the funding gap through technological innovation and more efficient management and procurement through a series of examples that have challenged traditional assumptions. After four decades of good intentions, SDG6 is making a difference in monitoring shortfalls for the first time, allowing for more effective responses. This book outlines the role of innovation in hardware development, procurement and installation, and discusses how network management and operations can most effectively address funding gaps. The potential for savings is considerable, if effectively replicated. New approaches are driving forward affordable resilience, including nature-based solutions such as upstream habitat enhancement to retain water and improve downstream water quality; the circular economy, including water, nutrient, energy and heat recovery from wastewater; and demand management. This book will be of great value to scholars, policy makers and practitioners interested in the global finance of sustainable water and sanitation.

Global Water Security

by World Water Council

This book highlights the relationship between the water sector and various other sectors in order to establish an improved understanding of the importance of water resources as an essential cross-cutting vector of socio-economic development. The book is both policy and practice oriented and is not constrained by existing definitions on water security. It includes actual experiences of policy, management, development and governance decisions taken within the water sector, and examples on how these have affected the energy and agricultural sectors as well as impacted the environment, and vice versa, as appropriate. It also discusses trade-offs, short and long-term implications, lessons learnt, and the way forward. The book includes case studies on cities, countries and regions such as Australia, China, Singapore, Central Asia, Morocco, Southern Africa, France, Latin America, Brazil and California.

The Global Water System in the Anthropocene

by Anik Bhaduri Janos Bogardi Jan Leentvaar Sina Marx

The Global Water System in the Anthropocene provides the platform to present global and regional perspectives of world-wide experiences on the responses of water management to global change in order to address issues such as variability in supply, increasing demands for water, environmental flows and land use change. It helps to build links between science and policy and practice in the area of water resources management and governance, relates institutional and technological innovations and identifies in which ways research can assist policy and practice in the field of sustainable freshwater management. Until the industrial revolution, human beings and their activities played an insignificant role influencing the dynamics of the Earth system, the sum of our planet's interacting physical, chemical, and biological processes. Today, humankind even exceeds nature in terms of changing the biosphere and affecting all other facets of Earth system functioning. A growing number of scientists argue that humanity has entered a new geological epoch that needs a corresponding name: the Anthropocene. Human activities impact the global water system as part of the Earth system and change the way water moves around the globe like never before. Thus, managing freshwater use wisely in the planetary water cycle has become a key challenge to reach global environmental sustainability.

Global Weirdness: Severe Storms, Deadly Heat Waves, Relentless Drought, Rising Seas and the Weather of the Future

by Climate Central

Produced by Climate Central—a highly regarded independent, nonprofit journalism and research foundation founded in 2008—and reviewed by scientists at major educational and research institutions the world over, Global Weirdness summarizes, in clear and accessible prose, everything we know about the science of climate change; explains what is likely to happen to the climate in the future; and lays out in practical terms what we can and cannot do to avoid further shifts.<P> Sixty easy-to-read entries tackle such questions as: Is climate ever “normal”? Why and how do fossil-fuel burning and other human practices produce greenhouse gases? What natural forces have caused climate change in the past? What risks does climate change pose for human health? What accounts for the diminishment of mountain glaciers and small ice caps around the world since 1850? What are the economic costs and benefits of reducing carbon emissions?<P> Global Weirdness enlarges our understanding of how climate change affects our daily lives, and arms us with the incontrovertible facts we need to make informed decisions about the future of the planet and of humankind.

The GlobalArctic Handbook

by Lassi Heininen Matthias Finger

This book offers a systematic and comprehensive introduction to the Arctic in the era of globalization, or as it is referred to here, the ‘GlobalArctic’. It provides an overview of the current status of the Arctic as a result of global change, while also considering the changes in the Arctic that have a global effect. It positions the Arctic within a broad international context, it addresses four main themes are discussed: economics and resources; environment and earth system dynamics; peoples and cultures; and geopolitics and governance. Gathering together expert authors and building on long-term research activities, it serves as a valuable reference for future research endeavors.

Globale Erderwärmung und Migration: Der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen auf die Migration in den Norden

by Boris Soukharev

Dies reich illustrierte Buch ist für Sie bestimmt, wenn Sie verstehen möchten, was mit unserem Klima geschieht, warum die anhaltende globale Erwärmung und die Klimaveränderungen unausweichlich sind, welche Konsequenzen sie nach sich ziehen und was die Menschheit in dieser Situation tun kann. Es präsentiert Belege dafür, dass die Menschheit die globale Erwärmung und Klimaveränderung in absehbarer Zukunft nicht stoppen können wird. Die Ursachen liegen nicht nur in der wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Aktivität des Menschen, sondern auch im Erwachen gefährlicher natürlicher Klima-Rückkopplungsprozesse, den "schlafenden Giganten", die die durch den Menschen ausgelöste Erwärmung verstärken. Einmal erwacht, werden diese natürlichen "Giganten" nicht wieder einschlafen und unser Klima weiter erwärmen, selbst bei erfolgreicher Emissionsreduktion. In vielen Regionen des globalen Südens wird es sehr schwierig sein, sich an ungünstige Klimaveränderungen anzupassen. Mit der Beschleunigung derglobalen Erwärmung und Klimaveränderung wird der Kontrast zwischen dem globalen Süden und globalen Norden zwangsläufig zunehmen, was eine massive Klimamigration zur Folge haben könnte. Das Buch erklärt, warum diese Klimamigration möglicherweise bereits in den nächsten ein bis zwei Jahrzehnten beginnen könnte. Erkennen Sie, dass die Welt nur dann vor diesen Entwicklungen bewahrt werden kann, wenn sie sich in Anbetracht einer bevorstehenden „Klimakrise“ um die Herausforderung des geordneten Anpassens an ungünstige Klimaveränderungen vereint.

Globale Urbanisierung: Perspektive aus dem All

by Hannes Taubenböck Michael Wurm Thomas Esch Stefan Dech

Auf dem ganzen Erdball drängen die Menschen vom Land in die Städte. Den prognostizierten globalen Bevölkerungszuwachs werden komplett die Städte auffangen. Mit dieser gewaltigen Wanderungsbewegung gehen dramatische Veränderungen der globalen Siedlungslandschaft einher: Neue Millionenstädte entstehen aus dem Nichts, Slums wuchern in jede noch so kleine städtische Freifläche, Megacities fressen sich unaufhaltsam ins Hinterland. Vorstädte erstrecken sich ins Unendliche, Städte verschmelzen miteinander und urbane Zentren wachsen in den Himmel. Stadtlandschaften entstehen in neuen Dimensionen, Strukturen und Mustern. Megaregionen mit mehr als 100 Millionen Einwohnern definieren eine neue urbane Geographie. Die globale Stadt ist dauerhaft im Wandel, dynamischer als jemals zuvor. Erdbeobachtung aus dem All bietet einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Siedlungslandschaften unseres Planeten. Exemplarisch visualisiert das Cover leuchtende Straßenzüge bei Nacht und macht damit die pulsierenden Lebensadern einer Stadt sichtbar. Bisher hatte die Forschung im fernerkundlichen Bereich jedoch überwiegend methodische Entwicklungen im Fokus. Dieses Buch setzt die Ergebnisse der Erdbeobachtung gezielt ein, um raumwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Fragestellungen im Kontext globaler Urbanisierung zu erlangen. Dabei präsentieren die Autoren Studien zu Städten und Regionen auf allen fünf Kontinenten der Erde, zu großen und kleinen Städten, zu geplanten und ungeplanten, zu alten und neuen, zu armen und reichen, zu erfolgreichen oder gefährdeten. Es zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild globaler Urbanisierungsprozesse und ihrer räumlichen Auswirkungen. Die gebaute Stadt wird ebenso betrachtet und analysiert wie ihre Auswirkungen auf den sie umgebenden Raum und die Rückkopplung mit den in den Städten lebenden Menschen. Urbanisierung ist mehr als die Summe ihrer demographischen, funktionalen oder morphologischen Aspekte. Im Verbund mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen eröffnet die Fernerkundung neuartige Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse zu dieser komplexen Thematik.

Globalisation and its Economic Consequences: Looking at APEC Economies (Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics)

by Shujiro Urata

Given the rising criticisms of and growing doubts about globalisation, this timely edited volume looks at globalisation and its economic impact on eight countries in Asia and the Pacific region, namely Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, the United States (US), and Vietnam. The eight selected countries are members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum and yet the economies of these member countries have benefited differently from globalisation. This book summarises findings from existing academic literature in a coherent framework and reviews them critically to provide a balanced analysis. It also identifies the mechanisms through which globalisation impacts economies and explains how understanding of such mechanisms can be useful for formulating policies, which would benefit from globalisation while achieving inclusive economic growth in the context of rising nationalism and protectionism. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

Globalisation and Livelihood Transformations in the Indonesian Seaweed Industry (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Zannie Langford

This book explores the rapidly changing seaweed industry in Indonesia, the largest global producer of carrageenan-bearing seaweeds. Seaweed production in Indonesia has grown exponentially over the last twenty years, and rural communities across the country have embraced this new livelihood activity. This book begins with an examination of the global carrageenan seaweed industry, from the global market for carrageenan in processed foods, to the national and regional contexts in Indonesia across which it is farmed, processed, and traded. It then explores the ways that rural communities have reshaped their lives around seaweed production, with chapters on agrarian transformations, negotiations over access to sea space, farmer decision-making in presence of environmental, social and economic constraints, the role of women and casual labourers in the industry, and the marketing of seaweed through social networks. Based on a multi-disciplinary research initiative, this book demonstrates the interrelatedness of environmental, social and economic dynamics on seaweed production, processing and trade, and argues for key policy interventions to support the sustainable development of the industry in the context of climate change. It also provides a lens for understanding and improving the broader processes of sustainable rural development in a rapidly globalising and commercialising world. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of aquaculture, food systems, agricultural economics, rural studies and sustainable development.

Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South (The Dynamics of Economic Space)

by Niels Beerepoot Bart Lambregts Jana Kleibert

Following drastic shifts in the spatial organization of goods production, increasingly fierce competition now forces firms also to look critically at how to organize the production of services. While digitization and advances in information and communication technologies have enabled firms to unbundle service production processes, the increased global availability of skilled labour allows for the relocation of ever more of these processes around the world. As a result, a new geography of services production takes shape: a geography that is defined by new interregional and international divisions of labour and held together by increasingly complex global services production networks. This book examines how the reorganisation of services production alters relations between and generates different sets of challenges and opportunities for economic development in the Global North and the Global South. Drawing from 11 case studies probing various aspects of services production in different parts of the world, the book brings out the remarkable heterogeneity and transformative capacities of services. It successively shows how global trade in services creates new interdependencies between services producing and services consuming regions; reveals how services help to mitigate the impact of and contribute to recovery from economic crises in the Global North; and demonstrates how services offshoring fosters economic development and service-sector driven modernisation processes in the Global South. The book’s openness to the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of services production enlarges our understanding of which particular services in which spatiotemporal context have the capacity to generate good jobs, contribute to productivity and drive economic growth. The book stands out from other books in the field in that it combines perspectives on services-driven transformations from both the Global North and the Global South and looks into the role of various services segments. Based on pioneering empirical research and original data it offers a timely contribution to this growing debate. The book provides valuable insights for students, scholars and professionals interested in services, services offshoring, services-driven growth, and socioeconomic transformations in the Global North and South.

Globalisation and the Third World

by Ray Kiely Phil Marfleet

This book examines the changing position of the Developing World within the world system. It focuses on particular issues which cut across communities, nations, regions and, in consequence, the world. These include migration, health and disease, the media, transnational corporations, religion, and political and economic institutions. The contributors draw on a wealth of illustrations and global examples to examine topics such as HIV/AIDS transmission, the mediatized Gulf War, consumption patterns, the Third World in the First, Orientalism and Islam, environmental and urban movements, liberation theology in Latin America and the impact of the media. This book provides a critical introduction to the Third World around the unifying theme of globalisation.

Globalisation, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development: The Danish Innovation System in Transition (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)

by Jesper Lindgaard Christensen, Birgitte Gregersen, Jacob Rubæk Holm and Edward Lorenz

This book explores the capacity of the Danish innovation system to respond to key societal challenges including the green imperative of achieving growth with environmental sustainability and the need to adapt to new and possibly disruptive changes in technology, often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The book is divided into four main parts. The first describes the evolving characteristics of the Danish system of research and innovation with special attention to the role of policy at the national and regional levels. The second part focuses on interorganisational relations, including the position of Danish firms in national and global value chains. The third part examines changes in labour markets and in the educational and training system, and it considers the impact of new technologies including robotics and artificial intelligence on employment and skills. The fourth part turns to issues of climate change and environmental sustainability including an assessment of the Danish economy’s success in meeting the challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The book will be of particular interest to small countries, of which the Danish innovation system is representative, but it also appeals more broadly to an audience interested in innovation systems and policies to support economic development.

Globalising Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring

by David Goodman Michael Watts

In an increasingly global world, societies are being provisioned from a bewildering array of sources as new countries and new food commodities are drawn into international markets. Globalising Food provides an innovative contribution to the area of political economy of agriculture, food and consumption through a revealing investigation of the globalisation and restructuring of localised agricultural sectors and food systems.The book draws on new theoretical perspectives and wide-ranging case studies from Britain, the USA, India, South Africa, New Zealand and Latin America. The key themes addresses range from giant multinational food corporations, rural industrialisation and World Bank policies, to the regulation of pollution, labour relations, urban food politics and environmental sustainability. Globalising Food offers important insights into the problems, consequences and limits of the industrialisation of agriculture and the provisioning of food in a global world as we approach the new millenium.

Globalising the Climate: COP21 and the climatisation of global debates (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Stefan Aykut Jean Foyer Edouard Morena

Frequently presented as a historic last chance to set the world on a course to prevent catastrophic climate change, the 21st Conference of the Parties to the Climate convention (COP21) was a global summit of exceptional proportions. Bringing together negotiators, scientists, journalists and representatives of global civil society, it also constituted a privileged vantage point for the study of global environmental governance "in the making". This volume offers readers an original account of the current state of play in the field of global climate governance. Building upon a collaborative research project on COP21 carried out by a multidisciplinary team of twenty academics with recognised experience in the field of environmental governance, the book takes COP21 as an entry point to analyse ongoing transformations of global climate politics, and to scrutinise the impact of climate change on global debates more generally. The book has three key objectives: To analyse global climate governance through a combination of long-term analysis and on-sight observation; To identify and analyse the key spaces of participation in the global climate debate; To examine the "climatisation" of a series of crosscutting themes, including development, energy, security and migration. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and policymakers of climate politics and governance, international relations and environmental studies.

Globalising Worlds and New Economic Configurations (The\dynamics Of Economic Space Ser.)

by Christine Tamasy

Over the last few decades, circuits of capital have been stretched through processes of economic globalization, leading to complex and hybrid outcomes that result in different modes of production and consumption. Understanding these new economic configurations and their geographic patterns requires incorporating new theoretical arguments based on, for example, chain and network concepts. This edited volume brings together theoretically-informed analysis from Asia, Europe and North America to illustrate the way in which new economic configurations have been developed and to understand individual, local and regional responses to a variety of global challenges, threats and opportunities. The different examples presented illustrate that economic structures and flows have changed dramatically over the past decades with profound impacts for the economic and regional actors involved.

Globalization and Corporate Citizenship: A Collection of Seminal Essays

by Malcolm McIntosh

The theory and practice of corporate citizenship and CSR have many alternative perspectives to the business-as-usual gaze. The essays in this volume encapsulate the essence of these alternative ideas and embrace the idea that progressive ways and means of this century do not lie in mainstream capitalist thinking. These pieces ask critical questions about the way we see the relationship between capitalism, business models and society – a subject not often discussed in non-academic literature. Globalization and Corporate Citizenship: The Alternative Gaze features contributions and new analysis from Klaus M. Leisinger, Chris Laszlo, David Coopperrider, Simon Zadek, Sandra Waddock and others. This title is one of a two-volume set – a collection of seminal and thought-provoking essays, drawn from the Journal of Corporate Citizenship’s archive, accompanied by new analysis and reflection from the original authors. Written by some of the most widely recognized academic and business pioneers and leaders of the corporate responsibility and global sustainability movement, the volumes make essential reference texts for anyone interested in the radically awakening new global political economy.

The Globalization and Environment Reader

by Peter Newell J. Timmons Roberts

The Globalization and Environment Reader features a collection of classic and cutting-edge readings that explore whether and how globalization can be made compatible with sustainable development. Offers a comprehensive collection of nearly 30 classic and cutting-edge readings spanning a broad range of perspectives within this increasingly important field Addresses the question of whether economic globalization is the prime cause of the destruction of the global environment - or if some forms of globalization could help to address global environmental problems Features carefully edited extracts selected both for their importance and their accessibility Covers a variety of topics such as the 'marketization' of nature, debates about managing and governing the relationship between globalization and the environment, and discussions about whether or not globalization should be 'greened' Systematically captures the breadth and diversity of the field without assuming prior knowledge Offers a timely and necessary insight into the future of our fragile planet in the 21st century

Globalization and Environmental Reform: The Ecological Modernization of the Global Economy

by Arthur P. J. Mol

Many writers either glorify globalization or vilify it, particularly for its destructive environmental effects. In this book environmental sociologist Arthur Mol provides a more balanced understanding of the relationship between globalization and environmental quality. Mol bases his arguments on his theory of ecological modernization, which holds that although processes of modernization and globalization often result in environmental degradation, they also can encourage policies and programs designed to arrest degradation and improve environmental quality. Building on earlier ecological modernization studies that focused on Europe, North America, and East and Southeast Asia, Mol takes here a more global perspective. He also addresses the increasing roles of nonstate actors, especially international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, popular movements, and transnational corporations. After examining the confusion created by the failure to distinguish among globalization, global capitalism, and neoliberalism, Mol analyzes both globalization's destructive environmental consequences and its contribution to global environmental reform. Elaborating on the subject of reform, he focuses on three case studies, one involving the economic triad of the European Union, the NAFTA region, and Japan; one involving the relationship between the triad and developing countries; and one involving three developing countries: Vietnam, the Netherlands Antilles, and Kenya.

Globalization and Europe's Rural Regions (Perspectives On Rural Policy And Planning Ser.)

by Birte Nienaber

This book examines the multiple ways in which rural regions in Europe are being restructured through globalization and the regional development responses that they have adopted. It provides an understanding of the key challenges and opportunities for rural regions arising from the major economic, social, political and cultural changes associated with globalization, including trade liberalization and economic deregulation, increased international migration, and the rise of global consciousness about environmental issues. Drawing on examples and findings from a major European research project, DERREG, the book presents detailed case studies of ten regions in different parts of Europe, exploring the factors that lead to different experiences of globalization in each of the regions, and highlighting examples of good practice in regional development responses. The book concludes by proposing a typology of regional responses to globalization and considering the policy implications of the research findings. As such, ’Globalization and Europe’s Rural Regions’ is important reading for geographers, sociologists, planners and economists interested in understanding the impact of globalization in rural regions, and for rural development professionals seeking to mobilize effective responses.

Globalization and Marginalization in Mountain Regions

by Raghubir Chand Walter Leimgruber

This book looks at the global importance of mountain systems, emphasizing their ecological and socio-economic role in light of climate change and globalization. With a special focus on the Himalayas, it also examines the Czech-German-Austrian mountain borderland, the Alps, the Andes, the highland regions of Malaysia, and the Arctic. The contributors, specialists in their fields, all use an integrative approach that develops and argues the concept of mountain regions as a global common good. Readers also discover that mountain systems and mountain communities are often marginalized and left behind by the process of globalization. Case studies throughout detail the effects of climate change and global warming on both nature and local/regional societies, such as declining water supplies, a shifting vegetation line, and other important issues facing not only mountains but also the vast regions depending on them. In addition, the comprehensive coverage offers authenticated viewpoints from some of the most eminent explorers of Tibet in the nineteenth century. More than 50 percent of the global human population draws benefits directly or indirectly from mountain resources and services. This book provides practitioners, researchers, students, and other interested readers with a compelling look at the global importance of this imposing, yet sensitive ecosystem.

Globalization and Papua New Guinea: Ancient Wilderness, Paradise, Introduced Terror and Hell

by Falk Huettmann

This book aims to present a reality view for Papua New Guinea based on many years of first-hand field work and research accounts. It further assesses sustainability in the light of 47,000 years of a self-sustained type of civilization without bad global impacts. This book contrasts the modern sustainable development failures from the colonial times onwards, as promoted by the ‘western world’, namely Australia, the UK, EU and the U.S as well as Japan and now, China, in times of globalization, Trump’ism and royal governance (Papua New Guinea is still part of the British Dominion and of the Antarctic Treaty etc). This assessment and book is the first of its kind also employing modern data analysis, Landscape Ecology principles (patterns and processes, telecoupling) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Open Access data focusing on ecological economics, marxism, socialism and contrasting it with current capitalism and neoliberalism that Papua New Guinea is fully exposed to. Throughout the 31 book chapters various aspects are covered how a further insistence on the ‘new’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and so-called Development Aid will result in unwanted side effects and perverse outcomes for Papua New Guinea and for the world in times of wider ‘global change’ and unprecedented man-made crisis.

Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World

by Diane Perrons

Globalization and Social Change takes a refreshing new perspective on globalization and widening social and spatial inequalities. Diane Perrons draws on ideas about the new economy, risk society, welfare regimes and political economy to explain the growing social and spatial divisions characteristic of our increasingly divided world. Combining original argument with a clear exposition of the underlying processes, Perrons illustrates her points through a series of case studies linking people in rich and poor countries. She places strong emphasis on the socio-economic aspects of change, particularly changes in working patterns and living arrangements, and makes reference to the new global division of labour, declining industrial regions and widening social divisions within what she terms 'superstar regions'. Wide in scope, this new study also focuses on changing family structures, the feminization of employment, migration, work life balance and new conceptions of gender identity and gender roles.Diane Perrons' enlightening book concludes that divisions by social class and gender are in some ways becoming more significant than divisions between nations, and suggests that new systems of social and economic organization are necessary for social peace in the new millennium.

Globalization And Sustainable Economic Development

by Piya Mahtaney

In a world in transition and an era of transformation, Mahtaney calls for reflection and an analysis of a wide canvas of global economic experience. Her new work initiates a thorough review of the strategies and policies that have been pursued over the past two decades. The economic meltdown compelled the beginning of the next phase of globalization and she contends that the future will see an increase in globalization. As crucial questions arise about the direction in which globalization is headed and the sustainability of economic growth and reform, the fundamental objective of this exciting work is to elucidate crucial insights about the next phase of development in the world economy.

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