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Showing 12,176 through 12,200 of 30,241 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Governance for Urban Services: Access, Participation, Accountability, and Transparency (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements) 3397261 Shabbir Cheema 9789811529733 2020 Contains images
Governance in the Extractive Industries: Power, Cultural Politics and Regulation (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development) 5509786 Lori Leonard Siba N. Grovogui 9781351850537 2017 Contains images
Governance Networks for Sustainable Cities: Connecting Theory and Practice in Europe (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 5770530 Katherine Maxwell 9781000628869 2023 Contains images
The Governance of Agriculture in Post-Brexit UK (Earthscan Food and Agriculture) 4441986 Irene Antonopoulos Matt Bell Aleksandra Čavoški Ludivine Petetin 9781000543520 2022 Contains images
Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation (Springer Polar Sciences) 3602377 Aldo Chircop Floris Goerlandt Claudio Aporta Ronald Pelot 9783030449759 2020 Contains images
Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Exploring Cross-Scale Dynamics (The Urban Book Series) 4188018 Ender Peker Anlı Ataöv 9783030733995 2021 Contains images
The Governance of Common Property Resources (RFF Policy and Governance Set) 5340737 Edwin T. Haefele 9781135999810 2011 Contains images
Governance of Earth Systems: Science and Its Uses 1519904 Robert Boardman 9780230237704 2010
Governance of Europe's City Regions: Planning, Policy & Politics 4922457 Peter Newman Tassilo Herrschel 9781134661046 2002 Contains images
Governance of Integrated Product Policy: In Search of Sustainable Production and Consumption 5596558 Dirk Scheer Frieder Rubik 9781351282581 2006 Contains images
Governance of Risk, Hazards and Disasters: Trends in Theory and Practice (Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change) 5403043 Giuseppe Forino Sara Bonati Lina Maria Calandra 9781315463872 2018 Contains images
Governance of Seas and Oceans 1130393 Patrick Prouzet André Monaco 9781119245568 2015 Contains images
Governance of Social Tipping Points: Resilience of the European Union’s Periphery vis-à-vis Migration, Climate Change and War (Key Challenges in Geography) 5792441 Jakub Szabó Paula Puškárová Mikuláš Černota 9783031474132 2023 Contains images
The Governance of Urban Green Spaces in the EU: Social innovation and civil society (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2525292 Judith Schicklinski 9781315403809 2017 Contains images
Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions 1369090 Derk Loorbach Julia M. Wittmayer Hideaki Shiroyama Junichi Fujino Satoru Mizuguchi 9784431554264 2016 Contains images
Governance Reform in Africa: International and Domestic Pressures and Counter-Pressures (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies) 4929247 Jerome Bachelard 9781134698622 2014 Contains images
Governance, Stewardship and Sustainability: Theory, Practice and Evidence 4979504 George Dallas Mike Lubrano 9781000738834 2023 Contains images
Governing Access to Essential Resources 3511191 Pistor Katharina De Schutter Olivier 9780231540766 2016 Contains images
Governing Access to Essential Resources 1161141 Olivier De Schutter Katharina Pistor 9780231540766 2016 Contains images
Governing Affect: Neoliberalism and Disaster Reconstruction (Anthropology of Contemporary North America) 2022553 Roberto E. Barrios 9781496200143 2017 Contains images
Governing African Gold Mining 1516334 Ainsley Elbra 9781137563545 2017 Contains images
Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World (The Earthscan Forest Library) 5684868 Laura A. German Alain Karsenty Anne-Marie Tiani 9781136545511 2009 Contains images
Governing Agricultural Sustainability: Global lessons from GM crops (Pathways to Sustainability) 4451931 Phil Macnaghten Susana Carro-Ripalda 9781317486015 2016 Contains images
Governing Arctic Seas: Volume 1 (Informed Decisionmaking for Sustainability) 3022736 Oran R. Young Paul Arthur Berkman Alexander N. Vylegzhanin 9783030256746 2020 Contains images
Governing Cities on the Move: Functional and Management Perspectives on Transformations of European Urban Infrastructures (Routledge Revivals) 2554528 Walter Schenkel 9781351753111 2017 Contains images

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