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Showing 12,376 through 12,400 of 30,244 results

Green Automation: Increasing Sustainability, From Industry to Our Home

by Francisco José Gomes da Silva

Environmental issues are a growing concern for our society, and should deserve increased attention, given the extremely negative climate changes which have been taking place. Emissions of greenhouse gases, excessive dependence on fossil fuels, growing consumption of power energy, and exacerbated consumption of materials are some of the problems that need to be addressed urgently. Some of these problems can be overcome through ingenious solutions based on automation. This book aims to make a contribution precisely in this sense, criticizing the current state of society in general and providing some solutions that can be used as a basis for the development of more environmentally friendly systems.

Green Aviation: Reduction of Environmental Impact Through Aircraft Technology and Alternative Fuels (Sustainable Energy Developments)

by Emily S. Nelson D. R. Reddy

Aircraft emissions currently account for ~3.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions. The number of passenger miles has increased by 5% annually despite 9/11, two wars and gloomy economic conditions. Since aircraft have no viable alternative to the internal combustion engine, improvements in aircraft efficiency and alternative fuel development become essential. This book comprehensively covers the relevant issues in green aviation. <P><P>Environmental impacts, technology advances, public policy and economics are intricately linked to the pace of development that will be realized in the coming decades. Experts from NASA, industry and academia review current technology development in green aviation that will carry the industry through 2025 and beyond. This includes increased efficiency through better propulsion systems, reduced drag airframes, advanced materials and operational changes. <P><P>Clean combustion and emission control of noise, exhaust gases and particulates are also addressed through combustor design and the use of alternative fuels. Economic imperatives from aircraft lifetime and maintenance logistics dictate the drive for "drop-in" fuels, blending jet-grade and biofuel. New certification standards for alternative fuels are outlined. Life Cycle Assessments are used to evaluate worldwide biofuel approaches, highlighting that there is no single rational approach for sustainable buildup. In fact, unless local conditions are considered, the use of biofuels can create a net increase in environmental impact as a result of biofuel manufacturing processes. Governmental experts evaluate current and future regulations and their impact on green aviation. Sustainable approaches to biofuel development are discussed for locations around the globe, including the US, EU, Brazil, China and India.

Green Awareness (Second Edition)

by Esco Press

The Green Awareness training program provides a basic understanding of green concepts, terminology, systems, and the latest in green mechanical technology. This Second Edition manual has been revised and updated and now contains five sections: Energy Analysis and Awareness, Building Science, HVACR, Electrical and Plumbing.

Green Backlash: Global Subversion of the Environment Movement

by Andrew Rowell

The tide is turning against environmentalism as the political right, industry and governments fight back. Green Backlash is a controversial expose of the anti-environmental movement. Tracing the rise of the backlash from the Wise Use movement in the USA, the author reveals its rapid spread worldwide: the anti-roads movement in the UK, forestry debates in Canada and Australia, marine resource issues in Europe, South-East Asia, and controversies such as the Brent Spar. The backlash is set to get worse as the resource wars intensify. This book offers a greater understanding of the challenges and threats facing global environmentalism, concluding that the environmental movement now has a chance to re-evaluate and change for the better to beat the backlash - a chance that must not be missed.

Green Behaviors in the Workplace: Nature, Complexity, and Trends

by Virginie Francoeur Pascal Paillé

This book examines the spectrum of green behaviors in organizational settings, focusing on the contribution that employees make through their environmental engagement. The authors provide an overview of green behaviors while clarifying the meaning of the concept and its critical importance to greening employees. By distinguishing between voluntary (e.g., encouraging colleagues to express their ideas about environmental issues), prescribed (e.g., having an obligation to implement environmental policies), and counterproductive (e.g., not caring about water or electricity consumption) behaviors, the book rethinks sustainable development, placing the psychological and environmental dimensions on a par.Aimed at researchers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational change, and psychology, this interdisciplinary study proposes a novel approach to sustainability by assessing employee behaviors at work.

Green Belts: Past; present; future? (Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City)

by John Sturzaker Ian Mell

Most of us have heard of green belts – but how much do we really know about them? This book tries to separate the fact from the fiction when it comes to green belts by looking both backwards and forwards. They were introduced in the mid-twentieth century to try and stop cities merging together as they grew. There is little doubt they have been very effective at doing that, but at what cost? Are green belts still the answer to today’s problems of an increasing population and ever higher demands on our natural resources? Green Belts: Past; present; future? reflects upon green belts in the United Kingdom at a time when they have perhaps never been more valued by the public or under more pressure from development. The book begins with a historical study of the development of green belt ideas, policy and practice from the nineteenth century to the present. It discusses the impacts and characteristics of green belts and attempts to reconcile perceptions and reality. By observing examples of green belts and similar policies in other parts of the world, the authors ask what we want green belts to achieve and suggest alternative ways in which that could be done, before looking forward to consider how things might change in the coming years. This book draws together information from a range of sources to present, for the first time, a comprehensive study of green belts in the UK. It reflects upon the gap between perception and reality about green belts, analyses their impacts on rural and urban areas, and questions why they retain such popular support and whether they are still the right solution for the UK and elsewhere. It will be of interest to anyone who is concerned with planning and development and how we can provide the homes, jobs and services we need while protecting our more valuable natural assets.

Green Black Red: Recipes for Cooking and Enjoying California Grapes

by Susan Volland

Green, black, or red, grapes have long been the stars of the snack bowl and the wine press. Now, the versatility of the grape is explored as a key ingredient in 60 recipes for every occasion.

Green Bonds and Sustainable Finance: The Evolution of Portfolio Management in Conventional Markets (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)

by Muhammad Saeed Meo Marcin W. Staniewski

This book introduces green bonds and their significance in portfolio management and sustainable finance. It emphasizes the significance of green bonds in terms of two primary factors: environmental sustainability and investor return.The book establishes the definitions, features, and typology of green bonds, and explains the characteristics that separate it from traditional ones. It delves into the benefits and challenges of investing in these financial instruments, and outlines the process by which green bonds are certified, focusing on the widely accepted Climate Bonds Standard. It also covers transparency, reporting, and monitoring measurements of green bonds. In its second section, the book focuses on investor and policy perspectives. The authors discuss asset allocation strategies for investors as well as various methods for integrating ESG issues into investment portfolio design. New estimating methodologies and case studies of successful green bond investments are also provided.Pitched at graduate students and researchers in finance, accounting, as well as related fields of energy and environmental economics, this book will also interest practitioners and investors looking to understand this emerging area in finance.

The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time

by Elizabeth Rogers Thomas M. Kostigen

Water is the biggest environmental issue facing us today. It's a resource we can't live without, yet most of us take it for granted as we brush, flush, and consume water seemingly without limit. We hose our driveways and over water our lawns. But all of that is about to change; we're quickly running out of our freshwater supply.

Green Buddhism: Practice and Compassionate Action in Uncertain Times

by Stephanie Kaza

At a time of growing environmental crisis, a pioneer of Green Buddhist thought offers challenging and illuminating perspectives.With species rapidly disappearing and global temperatures rising, there is more urgency than ever to act on the ecological crises we face. Hundreds of millions of people around the world—including unprecedented numbers of Westerners—now practice Buddhism. Can Buddhists be a critical voice in the green conversation? Leading Buddhist environmentalist Stephanie Kaza has spent her career exploring the intersection of religion and ecology. With so much at stake, she offers guidance on how people and communities can draw on Buddhist concepts and practices to live more sustainable lives on our one and only home.

Green Building

by Michael Bauer Peter Mösle Michael Schwarz

Der bew#65533;hrte Leitfaden f#65533;r das Planen, Bauen und Betreiben von nachhaltigen Geb#65533;uden jetzt in der zweiten Auflage Energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Bauen ist heute zur Pflichtaufgabe f#65533;r Bauherren, Architekten und Planer geworden. Ganzheitliches Wissen zu effizientem W#65533;rmeschutz, innovativen Fassaden, bedarfsgerechten Raumklimasystemen, nachhaltigen Materialien und energie- und ressourcensparenden Energieerzeugungssytemen und Konstruktionen wird erwartet, obwohl am Markt immer noch eher sequentiell und nicht integral gedacht und geplant wird. Dieses Buch soll helfen, die relevanten Einfl#65533;sse zu kl#65533;ren und den Blickwinkel f#65533;r #65533;kologische Geb#65533;ude insgesamt zu erweitern. Als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk liefert es Bauherren, Architekten, Planern, Geb#65533;udebetreibern und Portfolio-Haltern Informationen, wie bei Planung, Bau und Betrieb energieeffizient, wirtschaftlich und strategisch vorgegangen werden kann. Die Dokumentation prominenter Bauten wie die des SPIEGEL-Verlagshauses in Hamburg, des Roche-B#65533;rohochhauses in Basel oder der Deutschen Bank-T#65533;rme in Frankfurt liefert architektonisch ansprechende Beispiele und detaillierte L#65533;sungswege. Interviews mit den Architekten und Bauherren vervollst#65533;ndigen das Buch und machen es zu einem umfassenden Standardwerk #65533;ber nachhaltige Architektur.

Green Building: Principles and Practices in Residential Construction

by Abe Kruger Carl Seville

GREEN BUILDING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION provides a current, comprehensive guide to this exciting, emerging field. From core concepts to innovative applications of cutting-edge technology and the latest industry trends, this text offers an in-depth introduction to the construction of "green" homes. Unlike many texts that adopt a product-oriented approach, this book emphasizes the crucial planning, processes, and execution methods necessary for effective, environmentally sound construction. This text demonstrates that Earth-friendly products and energy-efficient materials take planning in order to make a building truly green. This visionary text helps students and professionals develop the knowledge and skills to "think green" from start to finish, empowering and inspiring them to build truly sustainable homes.

Green Building Costs: The Affordability of Sustainable Design

by Ming Hu

Sustainability has become a driver of innovation in the built environment, but the affordability of sustainable building remains a significant challenge. This book takes a critical view of the real cost of green building. It provides readers with a non-biased evaluation based on empirical construction cost data and sheds light on the affordability of sustainable buildings. Chapters are presented in three parts. The first part lays the foundation to demystify the perception of green buildings being expensive to construct by providing empirical evidence that green buildings, even net-zero buildings, are not necessarily more expensive to build than conventional buildings. The second part presents empirical evidence, common misperceptions of a higher green building construction cost are debunked. The author offers a new framework to explain the construction cost drivers and differences of sustainable buildings: the project characteristics and project team characteristics (human factors). The third part directs the readers’ attention to the important role that human factors play in controlling and reducing construction costs, with a focus on the project design team. A lack of skills, expertise, and experience during the design phase is likely to be the biggest contributor to higher construction costs. Empirical analysis, case studies on LEED-certified buildings, and interviews with project teams are used to present a pathway to more affordable green building at the end. This will be a crucial resource for students and professionals in architecture, engineering, construction management, and planning and energy policy.

Green Building Illustrated

by Francis D. Ching Ian M. Shapiro

"Green Building Illustrated is a must-read for students and professionals in the building industry. The combination of incredibly expressive illustrations and accessible technical writing make concepts of green building on paper as intuitive as they would be if you toured a space with experts in sustainable building." --Rick Fedrizzi, President, CEO, and Founding Chair of the U.S. Green Building Council "The authors of Green Building Illustrated deliver clear and intelligent text, augmented by straightforward but compelling illustrations describing green building basics. This comprehensive book covers everything from the definition of green building, to details of high performance design, to sensible applications of renewable energy. This is a book with appeal for all architects and designers, because it addresses general principles such as holistic and integrated design, along with practical realities like affordability and energy codes. Green Building Illustrated describes a pathway for reaching Architecture 2030's carbon emission reduction targets for the built environment."--Ed Mazria, founder of Architecture 2030Francis D.K. Ching brings his signature graphic style to the topic of sustainable designIn the tradition of the classic Building Construction Illustrated, Francis D.K. Ching and Ian M. Shapiro offer a graphical presentation to the theory, practices, and complexities of sustainable design using an approach that proceeds methodically. From the outside to the inside of a building, they cover all aspects of sustainability, providing a framework and detailed strategies to design buildings that are substantively green. The book begins with an explanation of why we need to build green, the theories behind it and current rating systems before moving on to a comprehensive discussion of vital topics. These topics include site selection, passive design using building shape, water conservation, ventilation and air quality, heating and cooling, minimum-impact materials, and much more.Explains the fundamental issues of sustainable design and construction in a beautifully illustrated formatIllustrated by legendary author, architect, and draftsman Francis D.K. Ching, with text by recognized engineer and researcher Ian M. ShapiroIdeal for architects, engineers, and builders, as well as students in these fieldsSure to be the standard reference on the subject for students, professionals, and anyone interested in sustainable design and construction of buildings, Green Building Illustrated is an informative, practical, and graphically beautiful resource.

Green Building Illustrated

by Francis D. Ching Ian M. Shapiro

FULLY ILLUSTRATED, UPDATED GUIDE TO THE STRATEGIC DESIGN OF GREEN BUILDINGSIn the tradition of Building Construction Illustrated, Francis D.K. Ching and Ian M. Shapiro offer a fully illustrated guide to the theory and practice of sustainable design. This guide provides architects, designers, and builders in the green design professional community a framework and detailed strategies for designing substantively green buildings. With a focus on sustainable sites, approaching and reaching net-zero energy, low and zero-water usage, minimum-impact materials and superior indoor environmental quality, this guide explains why we need to build green, as well as green building theory and advancements in the industry. This Second Edition includes: All-new case studies featuring geographically diverse buildings with proven zero energy performance Expanded coverage of zero energy building design, as well as zero water and zero waste buildings Practical guidance for the schematic design of high-performance buildings, heating and hot water system selection, building envelope details, and integrating renewable energy Advanced strategies, such as the concept of shape efficiency, and the optimal location for stairwells in buildings Additional strategies for affordability in green design and construction Updated references to the latest codes and standards This Second Edition of Green Building Illustrated is an excellent resource for professionals, students and those interested in the design and construction of sustainable buildings.

Green Building in Developing Countries: Policy, Strategy and Technology (Green Energy and Technology)

by Zhonghua Gou

The book reveals how green buildings are currently being adapted and applied in developing countries. It includes the major developing countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, Ghana, Nigeria and countries from the Middle East and gathers the insights of respected green building researchers from these areas to map out the developing world’s green building revolution. The book highlights these countries’ contribution to tackling climate change, emphasising the green building benefits and the research behind them.The contributing authors explore how the green building revolution has spread to developing countries and how national governments have initiated their own green building policies and agendas. They also explore how the market has echoed the green building policy, and how a business case for green buildings has been established. In turn, they show how an international set of green building standards, in the form of various techniques and tools, has been incorporated into local building and construction practices. In closing, they demonstrate how the developing world is emerging as a key player for addressing the energy and environmental problems currently facing the world.The book helps developers, designers and policy-makers in governments and green building stakeholders to make better decisions on the basis of global and local conditions. It is also of interest to engineers, designers, facility managers and researchers, as it provides a holistic picture of how the industry is responding to the worldwide call for greener and more sustainable buildings.

The Green Building Materials Manual: A Reference to Environmentally Sustainable Initiatives and Evaluation Methods

by Hannah Rae Roth Meghan Lewis Liane Hancock

Evaluating building materials for environmental sustainability is a complex prospect. How do governmental agencies and the design industry actually measure sustainable initiatives and environmental impacts? This book breaks down the technical vocabulary and principles that define environmentally sustainable choices across interior and exterior architectural products to help the reader understand: Material ingredient selectionEnergy and water useEmissions, including greenhouse gasesHuman health and toxicitySocial accountability assessment This guide explains the structure of green certifications, standards and ecolabels, life cycle assessment, environmental regulations, and more. It presents a historic timeline for context and a snapshot of current trends and future objectives. It is a comprehensive reference for interior designers, architects, building owners, contractors, and students enrolled in interior design and architecture.

Green Building Products

by Mark Piepkorn Alex Wilson

Interest in sustainable, green building practices is greater than ever. Whether concerned about allergies, energy costs, old-growth forests, or durability and long-term value, homeowners and builders are looking for ways to ensure that their homes are healthy, safe, beautiful, and efficient.In these pages are descriptions and manufacturer contact information for more than 1,400 environmentally preferable products and materials. All phases of residential construction, from sitework to flooring to renewable energy, are covered. Products are grouped by function, and each chapter begins with a discussion of key environmental considerations and what to look for in a green product. Over 40 percent revised, this updated edition includes over 120 new products. Categories of products include: Sitework and landscaping Outdoor structures Decking Foundations, footers, and slabs Structural systems and components Sheathing Exterior finish and trim Roofing Doors and windows Insulation Flooring and floor coverings Interior finish and trim Caulks and adhesives Paints and coatings Mechanical systems/HVAC Plumbing, electrical, and lighting Appliances Furniture and furnishings Renewable energy Distributors and retailers An index of products and manufacturers makes for easy navigation. There is no more comprehensive resource for both the engaged homeowner and those who design and build homes.Editor Alex Wilson is president of BuildingGreen, an authoritative source for information on environmentally responsible design and construction, which also publishes Environmental Building News.Co-editor Mark Piepkorn has extensive experience with natural and traditional building methods.

Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies

by Eric Corey Freed

Want to build responsibly, reduce waste, and help preserve the environment? Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies is your friendly, step-by-step guide to every facet of this Earth-friendly method of construction. Building a home--even a green home--uses plenty of resources and energy. This practical, hands-on book shows you how to build or remodel conscientiously, whether your dream home is a simple remodel or a brand-new multimillion-dollar mansion.You'll start by identifying green materials and sizing up potential systems and construction sites. You'll weigh the pros and cons of popular green building methods and identify opportunities for saving money in the long run. Need to find some green professionals to assist you in your venture? We'll help you do that, too. This book will also help you discover how to:Understand the lifecycle of building materialsChoose the right system for your green building projectPut together a green teamWork within your budgetUse green building methods and sustainable systemsSpeed construction and reduce energy use and wasteRefinish old fixtures and materialsBeware of asbestos and lead-paint hazardsAvoid costly mistakesComplete with lists of ten green things to do on every project and ten things you can do right now in your home in order to go green, Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies is your one-stop guide to planning and building the home you've always wanted.

Green Building A to Z

by Jerry Yudelson

Green building is the fastest-growing trend to hit since the Internet, bringing with it an enormous range of new products, systems, and technologies. Green Building A to Z is an informative, technically accurate, and highly visual guide to green building, for both decision-makers and interested citizens. It begins with an introduction to the importance of green buildings and a brief history of the green building movement, outlines the benefits and costs of green buildings, and shows how you can influence the spread of green buildings. The book touches on key issues, such as enhancing water conservation, reducing energy use, and creating a conservation economy. The book examines all aspects of green buildings, including: Architecture 2030 Locally sourced materials Natural ventilation Solar energy Zero-net-energy buildings More than just a reference, this book emphasizes the importance of green buildings and green developments for a sustainable future. It will be an invaluable resource for businesspeople, homeowners, product manufacturers, developers, building industry professionals, and government officials.

Green Building with Concrete: Sustainable Design and Construction, Second Edition

by Ian Muehlenhaus

Illustrates the Global Relevance of SustainabilityApplicable to roads, bridges, and other elements of the infrastructure, Green Building with Concrete: Sustainable Design and Construction, Second Edition provides an overview of all available information on the role of concrete in green building. A handbook offering viewpoints from worldwide experts

Green Buildings and Renewable Energy: Med Green Forum 2019 - Part of World Renewable Energy Congress and Network (Innovative Renewable Energy)

by Ali Sayigh

This book highlights selected papers presented during the bi-annual World Renewable Energy Network’s 2019 Med Green Forum. This international forum highlights the importance of growing renewable energy applications in two main sectors: Electricity Generation and Sustainable Building. The papers highlight the most current research and technological breakthroughs illustrating the viability of using renewable energy to satisfy energy needs. Coverage includes a broad range of renewable energy technologies and applications in all sectors – electricity production, heating and cooling, agricultural applications, water desalination, industrial applications, and transport. Presents leading-edge research in green building, sustainable architecture, and renewable energy;Covers a broad range of renewable energy technologies and applications in all sectors;Contains case studies and examples to enhance practical application of the technologies presented.

Green Buildings and Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings of GBSE 2018 (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering)

by Harald Drück Radhakrishna G. Pillai Manoj G Tharian Aysha Zeneeb Majeed

This book comprises the proceedings of the International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable Engineering (GBSE 2018), which focused on the theme “Transforming our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration towards a Smart and Sustainable Future”. The papers included address all aspects of green buildings and sustainability practices in civil engineering, and offer a valuable reference resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.

Green Buildings and Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings of GBSE 2019 (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering)

by Jyotirmay Mathur Harald Drück Varghese Panthalookaran V. M. Sreekumar

This book comprises the proceedings of the International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable Engineering (GBSE 2019), which focused on the theme “Ecotechnological and Digital Solutions for Smart Cities”. The papers included address all aspects of green buildings and sustainability practices in civil engineering, and focus on ways and means of reducing pollution and degradation of the environment through efficient usage of energy and water. The book will prove a valuable reference resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.

Green Buildings Pay: Design, Productivity and Ecology

by Brian W. Edwards Emanuele Naboni

This third edition of Green Buildings Pay presents new evidence and new arguments concerning the institutional and business case that can be made for green design. The green argument has moved a long way forward since the previous edition, and this fully updated book addresses the key issues faced by architect, engineer and client today. Green Buildings Pay: Design, Productivity and Ecology examines, through a range of detailed case studies, how different approaches to green design can produce more sustainable patterns of development. These cases are examined from three main perspectives: that of the architect, the client and the user. Completely revised with all new chapters, cases, sections and introductory material the third edition presents: over 20 new researched case studies drawn from the UK, Europe and the USA, written in collaboration with the architects, engineers, clients and user groups examples of office and educational buildings of high sustainable and high architectural quality an exploration of the architectural innovations that have been driven by environmental thinking, such as the new approaches to the design of building facades, roofs, and atria cases which demonstrate current practice in the area of energy/eco-retrofits of existing buildings documentation of the benefit impact assessment schemes such as LEED and BREEAM have had upon client expectations and on design approaches over the past decade beautiful full color illustrations throughout. In the fast evolving arena of green building, the book shows how architects are reshaping their practices to deal with ever more demanding energy standards and better informed users and corporate clients.

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