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Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands, Second Edition

by Al Iannuzzi

Written by a renowned sustainability expert, Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands, Second Edition makes the case for why the people and the planet need products to be made in a different, more sustainable way. The growth of the global middle class, with an additional 3 billion people expected to enter the consumer market by 2030, is putting an unprecedented demand on resources and straining the global supply of raw materials, fossil fuels, food and water. This book provides insights on how to raise the bar on product development and investigates the best practices for making and marketing sustainable brands. Over 40 case studies are analyzed in this book and summarized for the reader to easily see what it is that makes leading companies successful. Analysis on marketing campaigns and greener product development range from leading companies like Apple, Nike, Samsung Electronics, BASF, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, and Method. New updated content in this second edition includes: New developments like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with concepts of biomimicry, circular economy, emerging issues management, and eco-innovation. Novel tools and examples for bringing sustainable products to market. New chapter dedicated to natural capital. Analysis of current green marketing methods and market trends. Best practices for making and marketing sustainable brands. For more information, visit the author's book website at

Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands

by Al Iannuzzi

Sustainability and its competitive advantage are the goals of every company and any brand that wants to stay successful in the marketplace. Customers also gravitate to brands that manage sustainability issues well. Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands written by a renowned sustainability expert, continues to address the latest developments in the extremely fast-moving field of sustainability. The third edition is thoroughly updated, introduces new case studies, and includes a new chapter on green marketing. With over 40 case studies, it explores the best practices of leading global companies and helps readers learn what it is that makes them successful.New in the Third Edition: Presents, in a practical way, the best practices of sustainable brands in a global economy. Addresses the most current sustainability topics like circular economy, plastics in the environment, biodiversity, climate change, green chemistry, etc. Includes current marketing information on consumer trends to purchase greener products. Incorporates the latest pressures on companies to address sustainability, retailer programs, business-to-business expectations, ESG raters, rankers, and stock funds. Covers best practices of companies from various industries on how to make and market greener products. Provides current tools for making products more sustainable and methods on how to market sustainable improvements. Includes lecture slides available upon request for use in the classroom. This book serves senior undergraduate and graduate students in programs focused on sustainability, as well as academics and corporate sustainability leaders. The previous versions have been used to teach courses on sustainability, product improvement, introduction to sustainability, green marketing and sustainability, and sustainability policy. Any university that teaches a course on sustainability and any company or individual interested in making and marketing more sustainable products would benefit from the new edition of this book.

Greener Purchasing: Opportunities and Innovations

by Trevor Russel

Every organization, public and private, no matter what its size, purchases goods and services. Large organizations also have considerable influence over the practices of their suppliers. As greener purchasing practices have become more common in large organisations, the implications for companies in the supply chain have similarly increased. Yet greener purchasing policies remain the exception rather than the norm in large organizations. Why is this? And how can environmental purchasing practices that have produced tangible business benefits for a number of companies worldwide receive wider take-up? Greener Purchasing: Opportunities and Innovations has been published to facilitate the development and dissemination of best practice in environmental supply chain and procurement management worldwide. Divided into four sections, covering "The Public Sector", "The Private Sector", "Innovations" and "Case Studies", this book brings together international expertise from four continents, including contributions from organisations such as the US EPA, Environment Canada, Procter & Gamble, Xerox and The Body Shop, as well as describing burgeoning new initiatives such as the Japanese and European Green Purchasing Networks. It provides a number of checklists and examples on how to establish and maintain successful greener purchasing and supply chain practices in order to bring not only environmental, but business value to organisations of all sizes. The book is essential reading for purchasing officers, environmental managers, CEOs, consultants, academics and students interested in the topic around the world.

Greener than Thou: Are You Really An Environmentalist?

by Terry L. Anderson Laura E. Huggins

In a powerful argument for free market environmentalism, Terry Anderson and Laura Huggins break down liberal and conservative stereotypes of what it means to be an environmentalist. They show that, by forming local coalitions around market principles, stereotypes are replaced by pragmatic solutions that improve environmental quality without necessarily increasing red tape.

The Greenhouse Effect (A True Book (Relaunch))

by Mara Grunbaum

What controls Earth's temperature? How do the changes happening now compare to those that have happened in the past? This book lays out how the makeup of Earth's atmosphere can affect everything living beneath it, and how human activities - from cutting down trees to burning fossil fuels - are changing the climate worldwide.Glaciers are melting. Summers are heating up. Sea levels are on the rise. Climate change is affecting every corner of our planet - and it's the subject of a lot of concern, activism, and debate. STEM meets current events in this new A True Book set that offers readers the chance to learn about the causes and effects of climate change, as well as how people around the world are reacting to it. Students will read about the history and scope of the problem, analyze the same kinds of evidence that scientists do, and come away with tools that will help them respond to this pressing global issue.This series covers Next Generation Science Standards core ideas including Weather and Climate, Human Impacts on Earth Systems, Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer, and Biodiversity and Humans.

Greenhouse Gas Carbon Dioxide Mitigation: Science and Technology

by null Martin M. Halmann null Meyer Steinberg

Any mention of the "greenhouse effect" tends to ignite controversy. While the rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases-especially carbon dioxide- are certainly among the most pressing issues today, theoretical and perceived consequences have been subject to conjecture and misinformation. That raging debate has obscured an important

Greenhouse of the Dinosaurs: Evolution, Extinction, and the Future of Our Planet

by Donald R. Prothero

Donald R. Prothero's science books combine leading research with first-person narratives of discovery, injecting warmth and familiarity into a profession that has much to offer nonspecialists. Bringing his trademark style and wit to an increasingly relevant subject of concern, Prothero links the climate changes that have occurred over the past 200 million years to their effects on plants and animals. In particular, he contrasts the extinctions that ended the Cretaceous period, which wiped out the dinosaurs, with those of the later Eocene and Oligocene epochs.Prothero begins with the "greenhouse of the dinosaurs," the global-warming episode that dominated the Age of Dinosaurs and the early Age of Mammals. He describes the remarkable creatures that once populated the earth and draws on his experiences collecting fossils in the Big Badlands of South Dakota to sketch their world. Prothero then discusses the growth of the first Antarctic glaciers, which marked the Eocene-Oligocene transition, and shares his own anecdotes of excavations and controversies among colleagues that have shaped our understanding of the contemporary and prehistoric world. The volume concludes with observations about Nisqually Glacier and other locations that show how global warming is happening much quicker than previously predicted, irrevocably changing the balance of the earth's thermostat. Engaging scientists and general readers alike, Greenhouse of the Dinosaurs connects events across thousands of millennia to make clear the human threat to natural climate change.

Greenhouse of the Dinosaurs: Evolution, Extinction, and the Future of Our Planet

by Prothero Donald R.

What can fossils tell us about the climate change in the future?

Greenhouse Planet: How Rising CO2 Changes Plants and Life as We Know It

by Lewis H. Ziska

The carbon dioxide that industrial civilization spews into the atmosphere has dramatic consequences for life on Earth that extend beyond climate change. CO2 levels directly affect plant growth, in turn affecting any kind of life that depends on plants—in other words, everything.Greenhouse Planet reveals the stakes of increased CO2 for plants, people, and ecosystems—from crop yields to seasonal allergies and from wildfires to biodiversity. The veteran plant biologist Lewis H. Ziska describes the importance of plants for food, medicine, and culture and explores the complex ways higher CO2 concentrations alter the systems on which humanity relies. He explains the science of how increased CO2 affects various plant species and addresses the politicization and disinformation surrounding these facts.Ziska confronts the claim that “CO2 is plant food,” a longtime conservative talking point. While not exactly false, it is deeply misleading. CO2 doesn’t just make “good” plants grow; it makes all plants grow. It makes poison ivy more poisonous, kudzu more prolific, cheatgrass more flammable. CO2 stimulates some species more than others: weeds fare particularly well and become harder to control. Many crops grow more abundantly but also become less nutritious. And the further effects of climate change will be formidable.Detailing essential science with wit and panache, Greenhouse Planet is an indispensable book for all readers interested in the ripple effects of increasing CO2.

Greenhouse Technology and Management

by Nicolas Castilla Esteban Baeza

Greenhouse cultivation has expanded in recent decades with increased demand for horticultural production. This book covers current technologies and management practices of general greenhouse production, with a particular emphasis on plastic greenhouses and vegetable growing. The author begins by addressing the natural greenhouse microclimate, in the context of managing greenhouse systems such as ventilation, cooling, heating, carbon dioxide enrichment, light management, crop physiology, greenhouse design and construction criteria. The book then moves on to cover other issues of greenhouse management including irrigation and fertilization, soil and substrate cultivation, plant protection, regulation, economic analysis, environmental impact, and post-harvest, production strategies and marketing. Providing an integrated approach to greenhouse production this practical text aims to provide clear advice on optimising the yield and quality of crops grown under greenhouse conditions.

Greening Brazil: Environmental Activism In State and Society

by Kathryn Hochstetler Margaret E. Keck

Greening Brazil challenges the claim that environmentalism came to Brazil from abroad. Two political scientists, Kathryn Hochstetler and Margaret E. Keck, retell the story of environmentalism in Brazil from the inside out, analyzing the extensive efforts within the country to save its natural environment, and the interplay of those efforts with transnational environmentalism. The authors trace Brazil's complex environmental politics as they have unfolded over time, from their mid-twentieth-century conservationist beginnings to the contemporary development of a distinctive socio-environmentalism meant to address ecological destruction and social injustice simultaneously. Hochstetler and Keck argue that explanations of Brazilian environmentalism--and environmentalism in the global South generally--must take into account the way that domestic political processes shape environmental reform efforts. The authors present a multilevel analysis encompassing institutions and individuals within the government--at national, state, and local levels--as well as the activists, interest groups, and nongovernmental organizations that operate outside formal political channels. They emphasize the importance of networks linking committed actors in the government bureaucracy with activists in civil society. Portraying a gradual process marked by periods of rapid advance, Hochstetler and Keck show how political opportunities have arisen from major political transformations such as the transition to democracy and from critical events, including the well-publicized murders of environmental activists in 1988 and 2004. Rather than view foreign governments and organizations as the instigators of environmental policy change in Brazil, the authors point to their importance at key moments as sources of leverage and support.

Greening Cities by Growing Food: A Political Ecology Analysis of Urban Agriculture in the Americas

by Colleen Hammelman

This book examines how urban agriculture (UA) is valued in the sustainable city. Through a comparative examination of UA projects in four cities across the Americas – Rosario, Argentina; Toronto, Canada; Medellín, Colombia; and Charlotte, USA – the book illustrates local manifestations of the socio-ecological dimensions of the global food system, and traces theoretical and empirical explanations for the impact of global political economic structures (sustainable neoliberalism) on local efforts to promote social and environmental goals through UA. The study contributes to literature on UA, sustainability, and urban geography through examining the ability of marginalized communities to compete for land on which to grow produce in contribution to their food security, livelihoods, communities, and environments, and will be of interest to UA practitioners, students, and scholars of geography, sociology, sustainability studies, environmental studies, and food studies.This project is distinctive for its global - local orientation that uses local cases to shed light on global phenomena relating to sustainability, neoliberalism, and policy mobilities. It is also important for its qualitative approach to understanding the perceived value of UA. Throughout the research, stakeholders emphasized the qualitative values of UA (such as social integration for new immigrants) that are not easily captured in statistical representations of the economic value of a given piece of urban land. As such, this book seeks to contribute to understanding about the contributions UA makes to a city beyond the food produced, and fill gaps in literature regarding the local manifestations of global policy in UA projects seeking to address both sustainability and social justice objectives.

Greening Citizenship

by Andy Scerri

The greening of citizenship, the state and ideology has created both opportunities and bottlenecks for progressive political movements. Scerri argues that these are pursuing justice by making holistic demands for: fair distribution and status recognition, adequate representation and effective participation.

Greening Higher Education in Europe: Institutional Transitions to Sustainable Development (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)

by Magdalena Popowska

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the advances that have taken place in European higher education institutions (HEIs) over the last 20 years in response to the challenges of sustainable development.In recent years, there has been a visible shift toward sustainable development, and universities have been addressing their accountability to the public through corporate social responsibility. Greening Higher Education in Europe explores these recent developments, beginning with an introduction to sustainable development and its complexity, followed by a discussion of the regulatory and organizational context of higher education in Europe. This book goes on to examine the key pillars of sustainable development in HEIs, including education, research, and campus development, demonstrating best practices from a range of European universities including the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Lund University (Sweden), Aalto University (Finland), and The University of Edinburgh (UK), among others. It also explores the role of HEIs in educating future leaders in sustainable development and presents a framework for understanding the values and decision-making processes of HEI leaders. It concludes by highlighting the need for a new paradigm in HEIs that promotes innovation, quality, equity, and respect for the environment.This book will be useful for scholars and academic professionals from a wide variety of disciplines, including sustainability, especially in its educational, research, and practical (applied) dimensions. It will also be a useful resource for postgraduate students in management and engineering.

Greening India's Growth: Costs, Valuations and Trade-offs

by Muthukumara S. Mani

India’s sustained and rapid economic growth offers an opportunity to lift millions out of poverty. But this may come at a steep cost to its environment and natural resources. This insightful book analyses India’s growth from an economic perspective and assesses whether India can grow in a "green" and sustainable manner. Three key issues are addressed. The first is the physical and monetary costs and losses of environmental health and natural resources driven by economic growth. The authors undertake a monetary valuation and quantification of environmental damage, using techniques that have been developed to better understand and quantify preferences and values of individuals and communities in the context of environmental quality, conservation of natural resources, and environmental health risks. The second part estimates the value of ecosystem services from the major biomes in India using state-of-the art methods with a view to preserving them for the future. The third section provides a menu of policy instruments to explore trade-offs between economic growth and environmental sustainability using a Computable General Equilibrium approach with particular attention to air pollution. The conclusions focus on the way forward in terms of policies, measures and instruments as India has to balance the twin challenges of maintaining economic prosperity while managing its environmental resources.

Greening Industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa (Routledge Contemporary Africa)

by Ralph Luken Edward Clarence-Smith

This book explores the concept of greening industrialization and issues and considerations surrounding it through the lens of Sub-Saharan Africa. The book critically examines the concept of greening industrialization and describes the progress and data challenges of monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals confronting African countries. The chapters summarize the policy and programme literature focused on eight policy regimes essential for greening industrialization and identify opportunities for greening industrial policies. The authors lay out a research agenda that would inform, enable and support greening industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa and provide an overview of green industrial plans that include climate strategies, energy efficiency strategies and green industry assessments. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars, policy makers and planners in the fields of Sub-Saharan Africa development and African environmentalism.

Greening International Institutions

by Jacob Werksmann

Environmentally sustainable development has become one of the world's most urgent priorities. But countries cannot achieve it alone: it depends on international coordination and action. Greening International Institutions, the latest in a series of highly-acclaimed publications devoted to environmental and developmental law, assesses how far and how successfully intergovernmental organizations have responded to the challenge. The organizations analyzed include: the UN General Assembly, the new Commission for Sustainable Development, UNEP, UNDP and UNCTAD, WTO, GATT, NAFTA, the Bretton Woods institutions and several regional bodies, as well as treaty bodies and the mechanisms for avoiding and settling disputes. For each, the contributors provide an accessible overview of the organization's mandate and structure, examine substantive policy initiatives and assess the need and scope for procedural and institutional reform. Drawing together a collection of essays by lawyers and researchers from various backgrounds, Greening International Institutions is stimulating reading for students and policy-makers, as well as anyone concerned with the development of international institutions. Jacob Werksman is an attorney, a Programme Director at FIELD, and Visiting Lecturer in International Economic Law at the University of London. Greening International Institutions is the fifth volume in the International Law and Sustainable Development series, co-developed with FIELD. The series aims to address and define the major legal issues associated with sustainable development and to contribute to the progressive development of international law. Other titles in the series are: Greening International Law, Interpreting the Precautionary Principle, Property Rights in the Defence of Nature and Improving Compliance with International Environmental Law. 'A legal parallel to the Blueprint series - welcome, timely and provocative' David Pearce Originally published in 1996

The Greening of America's Building Codes: Promises and Paradoxes

by Aleksandra Jaeschke

Environmental disasters and severe weather due to climate change, both triggered by human actions, have had an increasingly direct impact on our homes. But the way in which America builds its homes is part of the problem. This deeply researched history of sustainable design standards in building codes explores how public policy, standard-setting trade associations, and financial incentives influence the ways in which the construction of our homes impacts the environment.The Greening of America's Building Codes investigates the regulations and economic incentives meant to control the environmental impact of contemporary construction practices as it analyzes the history of residential building codes. The book exposes how the socioeconomic and political forces that influenced early building code development continue to define the character of current building codes and, by extension, determine how we regulate environmental impact and define sustainability today.More relevant than ever, The Greening of America's Building Codes is a valuable tool for architects, architecture students, builders, real estate developers, and homeowners who want to understand how public policy and their own day-to-day decisions impact the environment.

The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia's Environmental Emergency (Columbia Business School Publishing Ser.)

by Mark Clifford

One of Asia's best-respected writers on business and economy, Hong Kong-based author Mark L. Clifford provides a behind-the-scenes look at what companies in China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand are doing to build businesses that will lessen the environmental impact of Asia's extraordinary economic growth. Dirty air, foul water, and hellishly overcrowded cities are threatening to choke the region's impressive prosperity. Recognizing a business opportunity in solving social problems, Asian businesses have developed innovative responses to the region's environmental crises. From solar and wind power technologies to green buildings, electric cars, water services, and sustainable tropical forestry, Asian corporations are upending old business models in their home countries and throughout the world. Companies have the money, the technology, and the people to act—yet, as Clifford emphasizes, support from the government (in the form of more effective, market-friendly policies) and the engagement of civil society are crucial for a region-wide shift to greener business practices. Clifford paints detailed profiles of what some of these companies are doing and includes a unique appendix that encapsulates the environmental business practices of more than fifty companies mentioned in the book.

The Greening of Asia

by Mark L. Clifford

One of Asia's best-respected writers on business and economy, Hong Kong-based author Mark L. Clifford provides a behind-the-scenes look at what companies in China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand are doing to build businesses that will lessen the environmental impact of Asia's extraordinary economic growth. Dirty air, foul water, and hellishly overcrowded cities are threatening to choke the region's impressive prosperity. Recognizing a business opportunity in solving social problems, Asian businesses have developed innovative responses to the region's environmental crises.From solar and wind power technologies to green buildings, electric cars, water services, and sustainable tropical forestry, Asian corporations are upending old business models in their home countries and throughout the world. Companies have the money, the technology, and the people to act -- yet, as Clifford emphasizes, support from the government (in the form of more effective, market-friendly policies) and the engagement of civil society are crucial for a region-wide shift to greener business practices. Clifford paints detailed profiles of what some of these companies are doing and includes a unique appendix that encapsulates the environmental business practices of more than fifty companies mentioned in the book.

The Greening of Canada: Federal Institutions and Decisions

by G. Bruce Doern Thomas Conway

Environmental matters have become increasingly important in Canadian and world policy agendas. In this study, G. Bruce Doern and Thomas Conway trace the development of Canadian environment policy, giving an in-depth account of twenty years of environmental politics, politicians, institutions, and decisions as seen through the evolution of Ottawa's policy agency, Environment Canada. The Greening of Canada is an extensively researched look at the entire period from the early 1970s to the present and is the most complete and integrated analysis yet of federal environmental institutions and key decisions. From Great Lakes pollution to the Green Plan, from the Stockholm Conference to the post–Rio Earth Summit era, the authors deal with both domestic and international events and influences on Ottawa's often abortive efforts to entrench a green agenda into national politics. The book explores the crucial relationships of institutional and political power, directing attention at the DOE and its parade of ministers, intra-cabinet battles, federal-provincial relations, business relations and public opinion, and international and Canada–U.S. relations. It also examines important topics from acid-rain policy to the politics of establishing national parks, and from the Green Plan to the realities of environmental enforcement. Employing a framework cast as the 'double dynamic' of environmental policy making, the authors show the growing struggle between the management of power among key institutions and the need to accommodate a biophysical realm characterized by increased uncertainty as well as scientific and technological controversy.

Greening of Capitalism: How Asia Is Driving the Next Great Transformation

by John A. Mathews

As China, India, and other industrializing giants grow, they are confronted with an inconvenient truth: They cannot rely on the conventions of capitalism as we know them today. Western industrialism has achieved miracles, promoting unprecedented levels of prosperity and raising hundreds of millions out of poverty. Yet, if allowed to proceed unencumbered, this paradigm will do irreversible harm to the planet. By necessity, a new approach to environmentally conscious development is already emerging in the East, with China leading the way. Positioning its argument against zero-growth advocates and free-market environmentalists, Greening of Capitalism charts this transformation and sketches out a framework for more sustainable capitalism. State-mandated changes in energy use (as opposed to carbon taxes), a circular flow of resources (as opposed to emissions standards), and the introduction of new financial instruments that support green growth are cornerstones of China's framework. John A. Mathews argues that these tenets will be emulated around the world—first in India and Brazil. In light of this emerging shift, Mathews considers core debates over national security, international relations, and economic policy, ultimately addressing the question of whether these measures will be far-reaching or timely enough to prevent further damage.

The "Greening" of Costa Rica: Women, Peasants, Indigenous Peoples, and the Remaking of Nature

by Ana Isla

Since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the concept of sustainable development has become the basis for a vast number of "green industries" from eco-tourism to carbon sequestration. <P><P>In The "Greening" of Costa Rica, Ana Isla exposes the results of the economist's rejection of physical limits to growth, the biologist's fetish with such limits, and the indebtedness of peripheral countries. <P><P>Isla's case study is the 250,000 hectare Arenal-Tilaran Conservation Area, created in the late 1990s as the result of Canada-Costa Rica debt-for-nature swaps. <P><P> Rather than reducing poverty and creating equality, development in and around the conservation area has dispossessed and disenfranchised subsistence farmers, expropriating their land, water, knowledge, and labour. <P><P>Drawing on a decade of fieldwork in these communities, Isla exposes the duplicity of a neoliberal model in which the environment is converted into commercial assets such as carbon credits, intellectual property, cash crops, open-pit mining, and eco-tourism, few of whose benefits flow to the local population.

The Greening of the Cities

by David Nicholson-Lord

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Greening of the City: Urban Parks and Public Leisure, 1840-1939 (Routledge Studies in Cultural History #73)

by Carole A. O'Reilly

Urban parks are a much-loved feature of the city environment. However, our knowledge of the true scale of their impact remains uneven. Much work has been done on their origins and design features, but this book aims to extend this beyond the nineteenth century, examining the fuller flowering of these valuable spaces in the early decades of the twentieth century. Encompassing themes such as social and political usage, parks as employers and the dangers posed by such freely accessible spaces, the book examines a range of parks in cities such as Manchester, Salford, Liverpool, Leeds, Preston, Hull and Cardiff and challenges the prevailing myths about their meaning for their users. This study's timeframe spans almost 100 years of unprecedented social, cultural, political and economic changes and allows for the consideration of the expansion and commercialisation of leisure opportunities for the public. Urban parks played a significant role in this — the book places parks firmly in the context of the evolving city and examines the importance of green space to the urban citizen during this most fascinating of historical periods.

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