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HIV and East Africa: Thirty Years in the Shadow of an Epidemic (Routledge Studies in African Development)

by Janet Seeley

By tracing the shadow of the epidemic over the last 30 years in Uganda and more broadly in the region, HIV and East Africa investigates the impact of the epidemic on people’s lives and livelihoods, placing the epidemic within the context of the social, political and economic changes that have occurred over the last three decades. Whilst it inevitably touches on loss and suffering, the message is also about managing the impact of an epidemic which has had a profound impact on many lives. When one looks for traces in southern Uganda, once thought to be the epicentre of the epidemic, it is hard to see any lasting impact at a community wide level. Delve deeper and there are scars to be found among families and patterns of change which are a direct result of the epidemic The book goes on to explore the effect of improved treatment and care on perceptions of the epidemic and concludes by putting HIV into the context of other disease outbreaks, reflecting on what we can learn from the history of other epidemics as well as the last 30 years of the HIV epidemic.

HMH Science Dimensions™, Earth & Space Science (Hmh Science Dimensions Earth And Space Science Ser.)

by Michael R. Heithaus Michael J. Passow

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Hochwasserminderung im ländlichen Raum: Ein Handbuch zur quantitativen Planung

by Simon P. Seibert Karl Auerswald

Diese Open-Access-Publikation ist ein anwendungsorientiertes Lehr- und Handbuch zur Abflussminderung im ländlichen Raum. Meteorologische Extreme wie Dürren, Starkregen und Überschwemmungen häufen sich wegen des Klimawandels. Gleichzeitig steigt der Druck auf unsere Landschaft kontinuierlich, indem sie immer intensiver genutzt und effizienter erschlossen wird. Durch diese Entwicklungen ergeben sich dringende Herausforderungen für den ländlichen Hochwasserschutz und den Erhalt unserer natürlichen Ressourcen Wasser und Boden.Das Buch beschreibt Methoden für die Planung von Maßnahmen zur Abflussminderung. Es ist speziell für kleine Einzugsgebiete ( Die Autoren:Dr. Simon P. Seibert ist Ingenieurökologe und hat über die Entstehung und Modellierung von Hochwasser in München und Karlsruhe promoviert. Seit Mitte 2019 leitet er der Arbeitsgruppe Gebietshydrologie am Bayerischen Landesamt für Umwelt.Prof. Dr. Karl Auerswald lehrt am Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt der TU München. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte der vergangenen 40 Jahre sind agrarökologische Prozesse, insbesondere der Wasserhaushalt von Landschaften, Böden, Pflanzen und Tieren.

The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines

by Michael Mann

The ongoing assault on climate science in the United States has never been more aggressive, more blatant, or more widely publicized than in the case of the Hockey Stick graph—a clear and compelling visual presentation of scientific data, put together by MichaelE. Mann and his colleagues, demonstrating that global temperatures have risen in conjunction with the increase in industrialization and the use of fossil fuels. Here was an easy-to-understand graph that, in a glance, posed a threat to major corporate energy interests and those who do their political bidding. The stakes were simply too high to ignore the Hockey Stick—and so began a relentless attack on a body of science and on the investigators whose work formed its scientific basis.The Hockey Stick achieved prominence in a 2001 UN report on climate change and quickly became a central icon in the "climate wars." The real issue has never been the graph's data but rather its implied threat to those who oppose governmental regulation and other restraints to protect the environment and planet. Mann, lead author of the original paper in which the Hockey Stick first appeared, shares the story of the science and politics behind this controversy. He reveals key figures in the oil and energy industries and the media frontgroups who do their bidding in sometimes slick, sometimes bare-knuckled ways. Mann concludes with the real story of the 2009 "Climategate" scandal, in which climate scientists' emails were hacked. This is essential reading for all who care about our planet's health and our own well-being.

The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars

by Michael E. Mann

The ongoing assault on climate science in the United States has never been more aggressive, more blatant, or more widely publicized than in the case of the Hockey Stick graph-a clear and compelling visual presentation of scientific data, put together by MichaelE. Mann and his colleagues, demonstrating that global temperatures have risen in conjunction with the increase in industrialization and the use of fossil fuels. Here was an easy-to-understand graph that, in a glance, posed a threat to major corporate energy interests and those who do their political bidding. The stakes were simply too high to ignore the Hockey Stick-and so began a relentless attack on a body of science and on the investigators whose work formed its scientific basis.The Hockey Stick achieved prominence in a 2001 UN report on climate change and quickly became a central icon in the "climate wars." The real issue has never been the graph's data but rather its implied threat to those who oppose governmental regulation and other restraints to protect the environment and planet. Mann, lead author of the original paper in which the Hockey Stick first appeared, shares the story of the science and politics behind this controversy. He reveals key figures in the oil and energy industries and the media frontgroups who do their bidding in sometimes slick, sometimes bare-knuckled ways. Mann concludes with the real story of the 2009 "Climategate" scandal, in which climate scientists' emails were hacked. This is essential reading for all who care about our planet's health andour own well-being.

Hodder Education Caribbean School Atlas

by Professor Michael Morrissey

Feel confident in full coverage of the curriculum requirements with an atlas specially created to cover Social Studies, Geography and History. - Encourage awareness of the whole Caribbean region with a 44-page Caribbean section, containing detailed maps of all independent countries and major dependent territories from The Bahamas to Trinidad, and including Belize and Guyana.- Engage students in topical issues with a world mapping section, including features on world climate, the environment and population. - Introduce a solid foundation in geographical knowledge with world facts and figures for all nations.- Secure strong geographical skills with a feature on map reading and how to use an atlas.- Ensure ease-of-use with a 4-page index showing letter-figure grid references to place names found on the maps.

The Hoek-Brown Failure criterion—From theory to application

by Jianping Zuo Jiayi Shen

This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the theory and principle of the Hoek-Brown (HB) failure criterion, methods or guidelines for estimating the HB input parameters, and the methodology of application of the HB criterion in rock engineering projects. It aims to help researchers, engineers and research students who work in the area of rock mechanics and mining engineering. Academics can quickly obtain an overview of the state of the art of the theory and principle of the Hoek-Brown criterion by reading the book before they advance their researches on the topics related to rock failure criteria. Geotechnical engineers can select appropriate Hoek-Brown input parameters for the design and analysis of rock engineering projects with the help of the principles introduced in this book. Research students may use the book as a textbook to learn the principle of rock mechanics related to rock mass properties.

Hofmeyr: A Late Pleistocene Human Skull from South Africa (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology)

by Frederick E. Grine

This edited volume provides the historical and geological background, as well as the details pertaining to the morphology and morphometric assessments, of a singular human cranial specimen from the Late Pleistocene discovered in Hofmeyr, South Africa. The chapters are divided into 4 main sections. Section 1 discusses the discovery and historical context of the skull, while section 2 addresses its geological and geochronological contexts through dating and stable isotope analyses. Section 3 details the general morphological and morphometric analyses (description, 3-D reconstruction, morphological comparisons), and section 4 details the specific morphological analyses performed (inner ear, dentition, endocranial morphology and size). The volume will be of interest to professional and student paleoanthropologists interested in the later phases of human evolution.

Höhere Mathematik für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure

by Günter Bärwolff Akiko Kato

Dieses Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende der Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften und stellt die gesamte Höhere Mathematik, wie sie üblicherweise im Grundstudium behandelt wird, in einem Band zusammen.Ausgangspunkt ist dabei stets die Frage, womit Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler in ihrer Arbeit konfrontiert werden, wie z. B. die Modellierung und Optimierung technischer Prozesse oder die Beschreibung physikalischer Gesetzmäßigkeiten. Das Werk erschließt systematisch die zugrunde liegenden mathematischen Themen, ausgehend von der Schulmathematik über die Lineare Algebra bis hin zu partiellen Differenzialgleichungen. Den Autoren gelingt eine in sich geschlossene und didaktisch eingängige Darstellung der Höheren Mathematik, wobei Beweise nur angegeben werden, wenn sie für das Verständnis hilfreich sind. Alle neu eingeführten Begriffe werden durch Abbildungen oder Beispiele veranschaulicht. Eine Vielzahl von Übungsaufgaben (mit Lösungen im Internet)erleichtern die Vertiefung des Lernstoffs.Für die vorliegende 4. Auflage wurde das Werk vollständig durchgesehen und u.a. um das Thema mathematische Grundlagen des Deep Learning ergänzt.Plus: Zudem erhalten Sie Zugang auf ca. 150 Flashcards (Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App), mit denen Sie die Inhalte auf spielerische Weise einüben können.

Hold Your Water: 68 Things You Need to Know to Keep Our Planet Blue

by Wyland Steve Creech

Hold Your Water offers insight into the water and world around us. Taking a conversational approach to conservation, it dives into simple ways that even little old you can make a difference--all with a witty, and at times whimsical, slant on the world in which we live. The Wyland Foundation is widely lauded by politicians and scientists alike for its practical insight and positive impact on our planet. Former Vice President Al Gore praised the group, saying, "Your organization makes an invaluable contribution to the effort to promote environmental awareness."Hold Your Water is the latest in the organization's legacy of arming everyday people with straight-ahead insight and simple tips for keeping our planet blue. Written by two members of Wyland's staff, the book provides countless fascinating facts about our planet. For instance, did you realize that while two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water, only 3 percent of that water is safe to drink? And of that 3 percent, nearly two-thirds is locked up in polar ice caps?The book offers easy ways for people to help preserve water and other related precious resources. Divided into more than 30 sections, this compendium illustrates how everyday activities such as car washing, showering, fertilizing--even 'pet poop' cleanup--can negatively impact the environment. It then delivers more than 100 tips and tidbits that will help you protect your planet.Whether you are one of the nearly three-quarters of Americans who consider themselves environmentalists, or you just want to know more about the world in which you live, Hold Your Water is a book worth holding on to.

Holding Back the Sea: The Struggle on the Gulf Coast to Save America

by Christopher Hallowell

Katrina's arrival on the Gulf Coast was a long time in coming. But it was assured. Since 1965, when Hurricane Betsy struck New Orleans, breached a levee, and flooded part of the city, everyone was waiting and talking about when the Big One would strike and do even more damage. Katrina was that hurricane, predictedand imagined before she struck, but so much worse in her reality.Holding Back the Sea is about the consequences of ignoring the warning signs that nature provides and the struggle to convince the rest of the country that South Louisiana lay in the path of destruction. The signs were not subtle; there were Hurricanes Andrew in 1992, George and Mitch in 1998, and Ivan in 2004, among others. At one time or another in their journeys north, they all threatened New Orleans. Some had headed right for the city before veering to the east and west, sparing the Big Easy and reinforcing the nickname. But the Big Easy ended -- at least in reputation -- on August 29, 2005, when the Big One came ashore as Katrina.

Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983

by Barbara Kingsolver

Holding the Line, Barbara Kingsolver's first non-fiction book, is the story of women's lives transformed by an a signal event. Set in the small mining towns of Arizona, it is part oral history and part social criticism, exploring the process of empowerment which occurs when people work together as a community. Like Kingsolver's award-winning novels, Holding the Line is a beautifully written book grounded on the strength of its characters. Hundreds of families held the line in the 1983 strike against Phelps Dodge Copper in Arizona. After more than a year the strikers lost their union certification, but the battle permanently altered the social order in these small, predominantly Hispanic mining towns. At the time the strike began, many women said they couldn't leave the house without their husband's permission. Yet, when injunctions barred union men from picketing, their wives and daughters turned out for the daily picket lines. When the strike dragged on and men left to seek jobs elsewhere, women continued to picket, organize support, and defend their rights even when the towns were occupied by the National Guard. "Nothing can ever be the same as it was before," said Diane McCormick of the Morenci Miners Women's Auxiliary. "Look at us. At the beginning of this strike, we were just a bunch of ladies. "

Holiday Hunger in the UK: Local Responses to Childhood Food Insecurity (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)

by Michael A. Long Margaret Anne Defeyter Paul B. Stretesky

This timely and much-needed book focuses on the phenomenon often referred to as "holiday hunger" in the United Kingdom. The book begins by outlining the history and scope of holiday hunger – the condition that occurs when a child’s household is, or will become, food insecure during the summer holidays. The decline of the UK welfare state and the rise of neoliberalism have created a situation where up to three million children in the UK face food insecurity during the summer months when there are extra financial pressures on the working poor and when free school meals are not available. This book details the level of childhood and household food insecurity in the UK and describes one of the main responses to holiday hunger – holiday clubs. These clubs are locally organised and funded and provide a place for children to go to eat nutritious meals for free during the school holidays. Highlighting the benefits of holiday clubs that often extend beyond food provision, this book also discusses the challenges that they face now and in the future. The book concludes with recommendations for food insecurity policy and the role of government in fighting holiday hunger. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of food and nutrition security, social policy and public health.

Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision Making

by Jody Butterfield Allan Savory

Holistic Management has been practiced by thousands of people around the world to profitably restore and promote the health of their land through practices that mimic nature, and by many others who have sought a more rewarding personal or family life. This book is an essential handbook for anyone involved with land management and stewardship.

Holistic Management Handbook: Healthy Land, Healthy Profits

by Jody Butterfield Allan Savory Sam Bingham

Holistic management, as described by Allan Savory in the books Holistic Resource Management (Island Press, 1988) and the revised edition, Holistic Management (Island Press, 2001), has been practiced by thousands of people around the world to profitably restore and promote the health of their land through practices that mimic nature, and by many others who have sought a more rewarding personal or family life. Holistic Management Handbook offers a detailed explanation of the planning procedures presented in those books and gives step-by-step guidance for implementing holistic management on a ranch or farm. Holistic Management and Holistic Management Handbook are essential reading for anyone involved with land management and stewardship, and together represent an indispensable guide for individuals interested in making better decisions within their organizations or in any aspect of their personal or professional lives.

Holistic Management Handbook, Third Edition: Regenerating Your Land and Growing Your Profits

by Jody Butterfield Allan Savory Sam Bingham

Holistic management is a systems-thinking approach developed by biologist Allan Savory to restore the world's grassland soils and minimize the damaging effects of climate change and desertification on humans and the natural world. This third edition of Holistic Management Handbook: Regenerating Your Land and Growing Your Profits is the long-awaited companion volume to the classic text Holistic Management, Third Edition. Crafted under the direction of Savory's longtime collaborator Jody Butterfield, this handbook is the key to developing a comprehensive holistic land plan based on Savory's principles that will help you to restore health to your land and ensure a stable, sustainable livelihood from its bounty.This new edition, thoroughly revised, updated, and streamlined, explains the planning procedures described in Holistic Management, and offers step-by-step instructions for running a ranch or farm using a holistic management approach. Butterfield and her coauthors describe how to use the handbook in conjunction with the textbook to tailor a management plan for your unique combination of land, livestock, and finances. Their mantra is "plan, monitor, control, and replan.” Using a four-part approach, the authors walk readers through basic concepts and techniques, help them put a plan onto paper, monitor the results, and adjust the details as needed. Appendixes provide updated worksheets, checklists, planning and monitoring forms, and detailed examples of typical scenarios a user might encounter. The handbook includes a comprehensive glossary of terms.Ranchers, farmers, pastoralists, social entrepreneurs, government agencies, and NGOs working to address global environmental degradation will find this comprehensive handbook an indispensable guide to putting the holistic management concept into action with tangible results they can take to the bank.

Holistic Management, Third Edition: A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment

by Allan Savory

Fossil fuels and livestock grazing are often targeted as major culprits behind climate change and desertification. But Allan Savory, cofounder of the Savory Institute, begs to differ. The bigger problem, he warns, is our mismanagement of resources. Livestock grazing is not the problem; it's how we graze livestock. If we don't change the way we approach land management, irreparable harm from climate change could continue long after we replace fossil fuels with environmentally benign energy sources. Holistic management is a systems-thinking approach for managing resources developed by Savory decades ago after observing the devastation of desertification in his native Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Properly managed livestock are key to restoring the world's grassland soils, the major sink for atmospheric carbon, and minimizing the most damaging impacts on humans and the natural world. This book updates Savory's paradigm-changing vision for reversing desertification, stemming the loss of biodiversity, and eliminating fundamental causes of human impoverishment throughout the world, and climate change. Reorganized chapters make it easier for readers to understand the framework for Holistic Management and the four key insights that underlie it. New color photographs showcase before-and-after examples of land restored by livestock. This long-anticipated new edition is written for new generations of ranchers, farmers, eco- and social entrepreneurs, and development professionals working to address global environmental and social degradation. It offers new hope that a sustainable future for humankind and the world we depend on is within reach.

Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes

by Theodoros Triantafyllidis

This book examines in detail the entire process involved in implementing geotechnical projects, from a well-defined initial stress and deformation state, to the completion of the installation process. The individual chapters provide the fundamental knowledge needed to effectively improve soil-structure interaction models. Further, they present the results of theoretical fundamental research on suitable constitutive models, contact formulations, and efficient numerical implementations and algorithms. Applications of fundamental research on boundary value problems are also considered in order to improve the implementation of the theoretical models developed. Subsequent chapters highlight parametric studies of the respective geotechnical installation process, as well as elementary and large-scale model tests under well-defined conditions, in order to identify the most essential parameters for optimizing the process. The book provides suitable methods for simulating boundary value problems in connection with geotechnical installation processes, offering reliable predictions for the deformation behavior of structures in static contexts or dynamic interaction with the soil.

Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes

by Th. Triantafyllidis

The book provides suitable methods for the simulations of boundary value problems of geotechnical installation processes with reliable prediction for the deformation behavior of structures in static or dynamic interaction with the soil. It summarizes the basic research of a research group from scientists dealing with constitutive relations of soils and their implementations as well as contact element formulations in FE-codes. Numerical and physical experiments are presented providing benchmarks for future developments in this field. Boundary value problems have been formulated and solved with the developed tools in order to show the effectivity of the methods. Parametric studies of geotechnical installation processes in order to identify the governing parameters for the optimization of the process are given in such a way that the findings can be recommended to practice for further use. For many design engineers in practice the assessment of the serviceability of nearby structures due to geotechnical installation processes is a very challenging task. Some hints about possible effects and their consideration are given in this book which may provide a help for such estimations which are still not possible to be given in a satisfactory manner.

Holistic Sustainability Through Craft-Design Collaboration (Routledge Studies in Sustainability)

by Rebecca Reubens

This book explores the intersection of craft, design and sustainability in the developing world. It argues that most sustainable design approaches and efforts fall short of implementing holistic sustainability, and in order to reach this goal, design must be underpinned by alternatives to the mainstream, technology-intensive, industrial design paradigm. Renewable materials such as bamboo, cork and hemp – which are abundantly available in the developing world – have the potential to be a viable resource base for sustainable development. Current sustainable design initiatives and approaches already recontextualize these materials using industrial techniques and technologies. However, these efforts fall short of impacting holistic sustainability and tend to focus on the ecological aspect. This book offers the development of one alternative to design for holistic sustainability, called the Rhizome Approach, which draws on existing sustainability praxis and craft. Holistic Sustainability Through Craft-Design Collaboration includes customizable tools which aim to empower designers to guide and evaluate their own designs. Through these tools, and the Rhizome Approach in general, the book aims to enable designers, and students of design, to move beyond green and sustainable design, to holistic sustainability design.

Hollywood's Dirtiest Secret: The Hidden Environmental Costs of the Movies (Film and Culture Series)

by Hunter Vaughan

In an era when many businesses have come under scrutiny for their environmental impact, the film industry has for the most part escaped criticism and regulation. Its practices are more diffuse; its final product, less tangible; and Hollywood has adopted public-relations strategies that portray it as environmentally conscious. In Hollywood’s Dirtiest Secret, Hunter Vaughan offers a new history of the movies from an environmental perspective, arguing that how we make and consume films has serious ecological consequences.Bringing together environmental humanities, science communication, and social ethics, Hollywood’s Dirtiest Secret is a pathbreaking consideration of the film industry’s environmental impact that examines how our cultural prioritization of spectacle has distracted us from its material consequences and natural-resource use. Vaughan examines the environmental effects of filmmaking from Hollywood classics to the digital era, considering how popular screen media shapes and reflects our understanding of the natural world. He recounts the production histories of major blockbusters—Gone with the Wind, Singin’ in the Rain, Twister, and Avatar—situating them in the contexts of the development of the film industry, popular environmentalism, and the proliferation of digital technologies. Emphasizing the materiality of media, Vaughan interweaves details of the hidden environmental consequences of specific filmmaking practices, from water use to server farms, within a larger critical portrait of social perceptions and valuations of the natural world.

The Holocene: An Environmental History

by Neil Roberts

In its first edition, The Holocene provided undergraduates with a much-needed coherent scientific account of the great transformation of nature that had taken place during the Holocene, the last 10,000 years in the history of the planet and the period in which we are all now living. This period has included major shifts in climate and human culture, and in the natural environment at every level. Completely revised and updated to take full account of the most recent advances, the new edition of this established text includes substantial material on scientific progress in the understanding of climate change and abrupt climatic events, of disturbance effects on the landscape, and of ice core records. Not only have improved dating methods, such as luminescence, been included but the timescale for the book has been moved to calendar (i.e. real) years. Coverage and supporting case study material have also been broadened and extended.

The Holocene and Anthropocene Environmental History of Mexico: A Paleoecological Approach on Mesoamerica

by Nuria Torrescano-Valle Gerald A. Islebe Priyadarsi D. Roy

This book provides essential information on Mexico’s Holocene and Anthropocene climate and vegetation history. Considering the geography of Mexico – which is home to a variety of climatic and environmental conditions, from desert and tropical to high mountain climates – this book focuses on its postglacial paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Further, it analyses human intervention since the middle Holocene as a major agent of environmental change. Offering a valuable tool for understanding past climate change and its relationship with present climate change, the book is a must-read for botanists, ecologists, palaeontologists and graduate students in related fields.

Holocene Sea-level Scenarios in Bangladesh

by Towhida Rashid

This Brief deals with the reconstruction of Holocene paleoenvironment in the central part of Bangladesh in relation to relative sea-level (RSL) changes which is 200 km north from the present coastline. Lithofacies characteristics, mangal peat, diatom and paleophysiographical evidences were considered to reconstruct the past position and C-14 ages were used to determine the time of formation of the relative sea-level during the Holocene. With standard reference datum the required m. s. l. at the surface of five sections are calculate and the RSL curve suggests that Bangladesh has experienced two mid Holocene RSL transgressions punctuated by regressions. The abundant marine diatom and mangrove pollens indicates that the highest RSL transgression in Bangladesh is around 6000 cal BP which is attained at least 4. 5 to 5m higher than the modern m. s. l. After this phase, the relative sea-level started to fall and consequently a freshwater peat developed around 59805700 cal BP. The abundant mangrove pollens in salt-marsh succession shows the regression around 5500 cal BP and, the height was 12 m higher than the modern sea level. These and more interesting findings are discussed in this Brief.

Holography and Magnetically Induced Phenomena in QCD (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by Umut Gürsoy

This book introduces the traditional and novel techniques required to study the thermodynamic and transport properties of quark–gluon plasma. In particular, it reviews the construction of improved holographic models for QCD-like confining gauge theories and their applications in the physics of quark–gluon plasma. It also discusses the recent advances in the development of hydrodynamic techniques, especially those incorporating the effects of external magnetic fields on transport. The book is primarily intended for researchers and graduate students with a background in quantum field theory and particle physics but who may not be familiar with the theory of strong interactions and holographic and hydrodynamic techniques required to study said interactions.

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