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Indicators For Waterborne Pathogens

by National Research Council of the National Academies

Recent and forecasted advances in microbiology, molecular biology, and analytical chemistry have made it timely to reassess the current paradigm of relying predominantly or exclusively on traditional bacterial indicators for all types of waterborne pathogens. Nonetheless, indicator approaches will still be required for the foreseeable future because it is not practical or feasible to monitor for the complete spectrum of microorganisms that may occur in water, and many known pathogens are difficult to detect directly and reliably in water samples. This comprehensive report recommends the development and use of a “tool box” approach by the U. S Environmental Protection Agency and others for assessing microbial water quality in which available indicator organisms (and/or pathogens in some cases) and detection method(s) are matched to the requirements of a particular application. The report further recommends the use of a phased, three-level monitoring framework to support the selection of indicators and indicator approaches.

Indigenous Agricultural Revolution: Ecology and Food Production in West Africa (Routledge Library Editions: Agribusiness and Land Use #21)

by Paul Richards

Originally published in 1985, this book argues forcefully and practically for new relationship between science and the small farmer. It advocates scientific research seeking out changes which are already taking place within the smallholder farming sector and building on local initiatives. Drawing on his experience of West Africa, the author demonstrates that many of the most successful innovations in food-crop production during the 20th century have indigenous roots and that there should therefore be less emphasis on ‘teaching’ farmers how to farm and more emphasis on how to foster and support local adaptation and inventiveness. This book will be of interest to students of agriculture, environmental studies and rural development as well as those working with relief and development agencies.

Indigenous and Local Water Knowledge, Values and Practices

by Mrittika Basu Rajarshi DasGupta

This book provides a knowledge base of the existing indigenous and local water knowledge, values, and practices, and how this water knowledge can be mainstreamed into the decision-making process. The book not only demonstrates the perks of using indigenous knowledge but also illustrates the barriers and gaps that should be considered while planning for mainstreaming traditional knowledge and values at a local scale. The chapters incorporate case studies from various parts of the world demonstrating how indigenous, and religious and cultural values of water have translated into water use and conservation behavior among indigenous people ensuring resource sustainability over a long period of time. There has been global attention towards combining indigenous and local knowledge with new information and innovation to attain future water security. In this regard, this book is timely, relevant, and significant as it is the first attempt, as per the best of our knowledge, to publish a book that solely addresses indigenous and local knowledge, values, and practices regarding water management, quality monitoring, use, and conservation. With increasing emphasis on the inclusion of indigenous and local knowledge into natural resource governance and conservation by international agencies like the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the proposed book will significantly contribute to the existing knowledge base and demonstrate the importance of mainstreaming indigenous water knowledge and practices into water governance and decision making. The UN SDGs, recognizing the significance of indigenous knowledge systems, emphasized its inclusion in most aspects and principles of SDGs. Apart from direct links with SDGs like zero hunger (SDG 2), no poverty (SDG 1), and climate action (SDG 13), indigenous and local knowledge system is considered to be directly connected to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6). The book will be useful to researchers and students in the field of indigenous knowledge and education, water governance, community-level planning, and water sustainability. The book can be referred to for postgraduate courses and beyond, as well as policymakers, conservationists, non-governmental organizations, development practitioners, and local government officials.

Indigenous Cultures and Sustainable Development in Latin America

by Timothy MacNeill

This open access book outlines development theory and practice overtime as well as critically interrogates the “cultural turn” in development policy in Latin American indigenous communities, specifically, in Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, and Bolivia. It becomes apparent that culturally sustainable development is both a new and old idea, which is simultaneously traditional and modern, and that it is a necessary iteration in thinking on development. This new strain of thought could inform not only the work of development practitioners, graduate students, and theorists working in the Global South, but in the Global North as well.

Indigenous Forest Management In the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India

by Kavita Arora

This book offers an extensive study of indigenous communities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, and their methods of forest conservation, along with an exploration of the impact of forestry operations in the islands and the wide scale damage they have incurred on both the land and the people. Through an in-depth analysis of the contrasting indigenous practices and governmental forestry schemes, the author has compared the modern ‘Joint Forest Management’ resolution with the ethos and practices of the indigenous people of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Throughout the book, readers will learn about the different indigenous communities inhabiting these islands and the treasure of knowledge each of them provide on forest conservation. The book establishes that the notion of knowledge is politicized by the dominant culture in the context of Andaman’s forest tribes, and traces how this denial of the existence of indigenous knowledge by government officials has led to reduced forest area in the region. The book also explores and analyses strategies to utilize and conserve the tribes' profound knowledge of the biodiversity of the islands and study their efforts towards forest conservation, protection and rejuvenation.

Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place (Routledge Research in Anticipation and Futures)

by Ligia López López

Singularizing progressive time binds pasts, presents, and futures to cause-effect chains overdetermining existence in education and social life more broadly. Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place disrupts the common sense of "futures" in education or "knowledge for the future" by examining the multiplicity of possible destinies in coexistent experiences of living and learning. Taking place is the intention this book has to embody and world multiplicity across the landscapes that sustain life. The book contends that Indigenous perspectives open spaces for new forms of sociality and relationships with knowledge, time, and landscapes. Through Goanna walking and caring for Country; conjuring encounters between forests, humans, and the more-than-human; dreams, dream literacies, and planes of existence; the spirit realm taking place; ancestral luchas; Musquem hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ Land pedagogies; and resoluteness and gratitude for atunhetsla/the spirit within, the chapters in the collection become politicocultural and (hi)storical statements challenging the singular order of the future towards multiple encounters of all that is to come. In doing so, Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place offers various points of departure to (hi)story educational futures more responsive to the multiplicities of lives in what has not yet become. The contributors in this volume are Indigenous women, women of Indigenous backgrounds, Black, Red, and Brown women, and women whose scholarship is committed to Indigenous matters across spaces and times. Their work in the chapters often defies prescriptions of academic conventions, and at times occupies them to enunciate ontologies of the not yet. As people historically fabricated "women," their scholarly production critically intervenes on time to break teleological education that births patriarchal-ized and master-ized forms of living. What emerges are presences that undiscipline education and educationalized social life breaking futures out of time. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Indigenous studies, future studies, post-colonial studies in education, settler colonialism and coloniality, diversity and multiculturalism in education, and international comparative education.

Indigenous Identity, Human Rights, and the Environment in Myanmar: Local Engagement with Global Rights Discourses (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Jonathan Liljeblad

This book draws on the experiences of the indigenous movement in Myanmar to explore how the local construction of indigenous identities connects communities to global mechanisms for addressing human rights and environmental issues. Various communities in Myanmar have increasingly adapted international discourses of indigenous identity as a vehicle to access international legal mechanisms to address their human rights and environmental grievances against the Myanmar state. Such exercise of global discourses overlays historical endemic struggles of diverse peoples involving intersectional issues of self- determination, cultural survival, and control over natural resources. This book draws implications for the intersectionality of local and global theoretical discourses of indigeneity, human rights, and environment. It uses such implications to identify attendant issues for the aspirations of international human rights and environmental efforts and the practice of their associated international legal mechanisms. This book informs readers of the agency and capabilities of communities in underdeveloped countries to engage different global mechanisms to address local grievances against their states. Readers will develop a more critical understanding of the issues posed by the local construction of indigeneity for the ideals and practice of international efforts regarding human rights and the environment. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of indigenous studies, human rights, international law, Asian studies, development studies, and the environment.

Indigenous Ingenuity: A Celebration of Traditional North American Knowledge

by Edward Kay Deidre Havrelock

Celebrate Indigenous thinkers and inventions with this beautifully designed, award-winning interactive nonfiction book—perfect for fans of Braiding Sweetgrass. <P><P>Corn. Chocolate. Fishing hooks. Boats that float. Insulated double-walled construction. Recorded history and folklore. Life-saving disinfectant. Forest fire management. Our lives would be unrecognizable without these, and countless other, scientific discoveries and technological inventions from Indigenous North Americans. Spanning topics from transportation to civil engineering, hunting technologies, astronomy, brain surgery, architecture, and agriculture, Indigenous Ingenuity is a wide-ranging STEM offering that answers the call for Indigenous nonfiction by reappropriating hidden history. <P><P>The book includes fun, simple activities and experiments that kids can do to better understand and enjoy the principles used by Indigenous inventors. Readers of all ages are invited to celebrate traditional North American Indigenous innovation, and to embrace the mindset of reciprocity, environmental responsibility, and the interconnectedness of all life.

Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Governance: A Sub-Saharan African Perspective (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Llewellyn Leonard Eromose E. Ebhuoma

This book investigates indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) in sub-Saharan Africa, thereby highlighting its role in facilitating adaptation to climate variability and change, and also demystifying the challenges that prevent it from being integrated with scientific knowledge in climate governance schemes. Indigenous people and their priceless knowledge rarely feature when decision-makers prepare for future climate change. This book showcases how Indigenous knowledge facilitates adaptation to climate change, including how collaborations with scientific knowledge have cascaded into building people’s resilience to climatic risks. This book also pays delicate attention to the factors fueling epistemic injustice towards Indigenous knowledge, which hampers it from featuring in climate governance schemes across sub-Saharan Africa. The key insights shared in this book illuminate the issues that contribute meaningfully towards the actualisation of the UN SDG 13 and promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in sub-Saharan Africa.

Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction: Insight Towards Perception, Response, Adaptation and Sustainability (Disaster Risk Reduction)

by Gopal Krishna Panda Uday Chatterjee Nairwita Bandyopadhyay Martiwi Diah Setiawati Debarpita Banerjee

The book seeks to comprehend how indigenous knowledge systems of local communities can be effectively used in disaster management of various types. A prime example is the 2015 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, promoting indigenous environmental management knowledge and practices. Traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples includes information and insight that supplement conventional science and environmental observations, a comprehensive understanding of the environment, natural resources, culture, and human interactions with them which is not documented before. A great deal of this knowledge have been lost in translation. In this book, the authors attempt to keep a record of each and every traditional knowledge study of the indigenous communities in managing the disasters. The use of indigenous knowledge systems in disaster understanding and management is the primary focus of the chapters. This book is organized into four major sections. The first part gives an overview and help in conceptualizing the different concepts of hazard and disaster perception and how response and adaptation are connected with it. This part also discusses the concept of the connection between hazard and sustainable development and how the understanding of risk reduction and resilience can happen with the help of indigenous knowledge, insights, and strategies. The second part of the book introduces the different approaches to disaster and risk management. It establishes how vulnerability influences the risk associated with a hazard and the responses can be both positive and negative in disaster management. The approaches of the indigenous communities in managing a disaster, their resilience, capacity building, and community-based preparedness will be the area of prime focus in this chapter. Part 3 of this book describes the concept of sustainability through indigenous knowledge and practice. The sole highlight of this chapter is the indigenous knowledge efficacies in disaster identification, risk reduction, climate risk management, and climate action. The last section of the book explores how to meet the gaps between local knowledge and policy formulation. It highlights how traditional knowledge of the indigenous communities can prove to be beneficial in developing a holistic regional-based policy framework which will be easily accepted by the target stakeholders since they will be more acquainted with the local strategies and methods. This section ends with an assessment and discussion of the gaps and future scopes in disaster risk reduction through integrating local knowledge and modern technologies.

Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation

by Douglas Nakashima Igor Krupnik Jennifer T. Rubis

This unique transdisciplinary publication is the result of collaboration between UNESCO's Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) programme, the United Nations University's Traditional Knowledge Initiative, the IPCC, and other organisations. Chapters, written by indigenous peoples, scientists and development experts, provide insight into how diverse societies observe and adapt to changing environments. A broad range of case studies illustrate how these societies, building upon traditional knowledge handed down through generations, are already developing their own solutions for dealing with a rapidly changing climate and how this might be useful on a global scale. Of interest to policy-makers, social and natural scientists, and indigenous peoples and experts, this book provides an indispensable reference for those interested in climate science, policy and adaptation.

Indigenous Land-Based Knowledge and Sustainability: Settler Colonialism and the Environmental Crisis (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Ranjan Datta Jebunnessa Chapola John Bosco Acharibasam

This edited volume explores the crucial intersections between Indigenous Land-Based Knowledge (ILK), sustainability, settler colonialism, and the ongoing environmental crisis.Contributors from cross-cultural communities, including Indigenous, settlers, immigrants, and refugee communities, discuss why ILK and practice hold great potential for tackling our current environmental crises, particularly addressing the settler colonialism that contributes towards the environmental challenges faced in the world. The authors offer insights into sustainable practices, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, and sustainable land management and centre Indigenous perspectives on ILK as a space to practise, preserve, and promote Indigenous cultures. With case studies spanning topics as diverse as land acknowledgements, land-based learning, Indigenous-led water governance, and birth evacuation, this book shows how our responsibility for ILK can benefit collectively by fostering a more inclusive, sustainable, and interconnected world. Through the promotion of Indigenous perspectives and responsibility towards land and community, this volume advocates for a shift in paradigm towards more inclusive and sustainable approaches to environmental sustainability.This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental sociology, postcolonial studies, and Indigenous studies.

Indigenous, Modern and Postcolonial Relations to Nature: Negotiating the Environment (Routledge Environmental Humanities)

by Angela Roothaan

Indigenous, Modern and Postcolonial Relations to Nature contributes to the young field of intercultural philosophy by introducing the perspective of critical and postcolonial thinkers who have focused on systematic racism, power relations and the intersection of cultural identity and political struggle. Angela Roothaan discusses how initiatives to tackle environmental problems cross-nationally are often challenged by economic growth processes in postcolonial nations and further complicated by fights for land rights and self-determination of indigenous peoples. For these peoples, survival requires countering the scramble for resources and clashing with environmental organizations that aim to bring their lands under their own control. The author explores the epistemological and ontological clashes behind these problems. This volume brings more awareness of what structurally obstructs open exchange in philosophy world-wide, and shows that with respect to nature, we should first negotiate what the environment is to us humans, beyond cultural differences. It demonstrates how a globalizing philosophical discourse can fully include epistemological claims of spirit ontologies, while critically investigating the exclusive claim to knowledge of modern science and philosophy. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental philosophy, cultural anthropology, intercultural philosophy and postcolonial and critical theory.

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean

by Dorte Verner Jakob Kronik

This book addresses the social implications of climate change and climatic variability on indigenous peoples and communities living in the highlands, lowlands, and coastal areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. Across the region, indigenous people already perceive and experience negative effects of climate change and variability. Many indigenous communities find it difficult to adapt in a culturally sustainable manner. In fact, indigenous peoples often blame themselves for the changes they observe in nature, despite their limited emission of green house gasses. Not only is the viability of their livelihoods threatened, resulting in food insecurity and poor health, but also their cultural integrity is being challenged, eroding the confidence in solutions provided by traditional institutions and authorities. The book is based on field research among indigenous communities in three major eco-geographical regions: the Amazon; the Andes and Sub-Andes; and the Caribbean and Mesoamerica. It finds major inter-regional differences in the impacts observed between areas prone to rapid- and slow-onset natural hazards. In Mesoamerican and the Caribbean, increasingly severe storms and hurricanes damage infrastructure and property, and even cause loss of land, reducing access to livelihood resources. In the Columbian Amazon, changes in precipitation and seasonality have direct immediate effects on livelihoods and health, as crops often fail and the reproduction of fish stock is threatened by changes in the river ebb and flow. In the Andean region, water scarcity for crops and livestock, erosion of ecosystems and changes in biodiversity threatens food security, both within indigenous villages and among populations who depend on indigenous agriculture, causing widespread migration to already crowded urban areas. The study aims to increase understanding on the complexity of how indigenous communities are impacted by climate change and the options for improving their resilience and adaptability to these phenomena. The goal is to improve indigenous peoples' rights and opportunities in climate change adaptation, and guide efforts to design effective and sustainable adaptation initiatives.

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Justice: A Critical Analysis of International Human Rights Law and Governance (Energy, Climate and the Environment)

by Giada Giacomini

​This book provides a new interpretation of international law specifically dedicated to Indigenous peoples in the context of a climate justice approach. The book presents a critical analysis of past and current developments at the intersection of human rights and international environmental law and governance. The book suggests new ways forward and demonstrates the need for a paradigmatic shift that would enhance the meaningful participation of Indigenous peoples as fundamental actors in the conservation of biodiversity and in the fight against climate change. The book offers guidance on a number of critical intersecting and interdependent issues at the forefront of climate change law and policy – inside and outside of the UN climate change regime. The author suggests that the adoption of a critical perspective on international law is needed in order to highlight inherent structural and systemic issues of the international law regime which are all issues that ultimately impede the pursue of climate justice for Indigenous peoples.

Indigenous Peoples, Natural Resources and Governance: Agencies and Interactions (Routledge Research in Polar Regions)

by Monica Tennberg Else Grete Broderstad Hans-Kristian Hernes

This book offers multidisciplinary perspectives on the changing relationships between states, indigenous peoples and industries in the Arctic and beyond. It offers insights from Nordic countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Russia to present different systems of resource governance and practices of managing industry-indigenous peoples’ relations in the mining industry, renewable resource development and aquaculture. Chapters cover growing international interest on Arctic natural resources, globalization of extractive industries and increasing land use conflicts. It considers issues such as equity, use of knowledge, development of company practices, conflict-solving measures and the role of indigenous institutions. Focus on Indigenous peoples and Governance triangle Multidisciplinary: political science, legal studies, sociology, administrative studies, Indigenous studies Global approach: Nordic countries, Canada, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Canada Thorough case studies, rich material and analysis The book will be of great interest to legal scholars, political scientists, experts in administrative sciences, authorities at different levels (local, regional and nations), experts in human rights and natural resources governance, experts in corporate social governance.

Indigenous Places and Colonial Spaces: The Politics of Intertwined Relations (Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics)

by Nicole Gombay Marcela Palomino-Schalscha

In the aftermath of colonial occupation, Indigenous peoples have long fought to assert their sovereignty. This requires that settler colonial societies comprehend the inadequacy of their responses to Indigenous peoples’ contestations of existing power relations. Taking an international and contemporary perspective, this book critically explores the extent to which Indigenous peoples are transforming the conditions of their coexistence with settler colonial societies. With contributions from Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers across the humanities and social sciences, the book is divided into four sections that reflect some key arenas of debate: ontological negotiations; assertions of connections to and rights over land; the contradictions embedded in practices of "recognition"; and the possibilities for change based on rightful relationships. From medicine to urban spaces, from love to alternative economies, from acts of citizenship to environmental justice, the chapters of this book provide a grounded analysis of how these spaces of intertwined coexistence are being crafted, resisted, reconfigured, and expanded. Providing concrete insight into the responses of Indigenous communities to the impacts of settler colonialism, this book will appeal to researchers in Cultural Geography, Anthropology, Rural Studies, Political Geography, Indigenous Studies, and Settler Colonial Studies.

Indigenous Practice and Community-Led Climate Change Solutions: The Relevance of Traditional Cosmic Knowledge Systems (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Rani Muthukrishnan Ranjan Datta

This book centers Indigenous knowledge and practice in community-led climate change solutions. This book will be one of the first academic books to use the consciousness framework to examine and explain humans' situatedness and role in maintaining ecosystems' health. Drawing on teachings from the Indigenous Adi-Shaiva community, the authors present up-to-date research on meanings and implications of South Asian traditional cosmic knowledge, which focuses on relationality and spirituality connected to climate change. This knowledge can create innovative climate change solutions in areas including land, water, traditional management, sustainability goals and expectations, and state development projects. Overall, this book provides an innovative framework for nonviolent climate solutions, which has its foundations in a traditional cosmic and consciousness-based context. This book, which aims to bridge the gap between Indigenous and Western perspectives by re-educating researchers and decolonizing popular climate change solutions, will be of great interest to students and scholars studying climate change, conservation, environmental anthropology, and Indigenous studies on a broader scale.

Indigenous Practice and Community-Led Climate Change Solutions: The Relevance of Traditional Cosmic Knowledge Systems (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Rani Muthukrishnan Ranjan Datta

This book centers Indigenous knowledge and practice in community-led climate change solutions.This book will be one of the first academic books to use the consciousness framework to examine and explain humans' situatedness and role in maintaining ecosystems' health. Drawing on teachings from the Indigenous Adi-Shaiva community, the authors present up-to-date research on meanings and implications of South Asian traditional cosmic knowledge, which focuses on relationality and spirituality connected to climate change. This knowledge can create innovative climate change solutions in areas including land, water, traditional management, sustainability goals and expectations, and state development projects. Overall, this book provides an innovative framework for nonviolent climate solutions, which has its foundations in a traditional cosmic and consciousness-based context.This book, which aims to bridge the gap between Indigenous and Western perspectives by re-educating researchers and decolonizing popular climate change solutions, will be of great interest to students and scholars studying climate change, conservation, environmental anthropology, and Indigenous studies on a broader scale.

Indigenous Reconciliation and Decolonization: Narratives of Social Justice and Community Engagement (Indigenous Peoples and the Law)

by Ranjan Datta

This book addresses the ethical and practical issues at stake in the reconciliation of Indigenous and non-indigenous communities. An increasing number of researchers, educators, and social and environmental activists are eager to find ways to effectively support ongoing attempts to recognize, integrate and promote Indigenous perspectives and communities. Taking Canada as its focus, this book offers a multidisciplinary consideration of a range of reconciliation policies, practices and initiatives that are relevant in all settler states. Set against its increasing neoliberal appropriation, the book resituates reconciliation in the everyday contexts of community interaction and engagement, as well as in the important areas of Indigenous knowledge, resource management and social and environmental justice. Reconciliation is not just the responsibility of law and government. And, attuned to the different perspectives of settlers, migrants and refugee communities, the book examines areas of opportunity, as well as obstacles to progress, in the forging of a truly decolonizing framework for reconciliation. As the challenges of reconciliation cross numerous academic and substantial areas, this book will appeal to a range of scholars and practitioners working in law, politics, education, environmental studies, anthropology and Indigenous studies.

Indigenous Responses to Mining in Post-Conflict Colombia: Violence, Repression and Peaceful Resistance (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)

by Diana Carolina Arbeláez Ruiz

This book examines Indigenous responses to mining and their connection to peacebuilding, focusing on the experience of the Nasa Indigenous people of North Cauca during the most recent Colombian post-agreement transition. Amid an armed conflict that has disproportionally affected and targeted the Nasa, as well as ongoing processes of dispossession and oppression, the Nasa have built a tradition of organised, peaceful resistance. This book examines the nature of their responses to mining and how this is linked to peacebuilding, with a focus on how resistance is shaped and enacted to respond to the relationship mineral extraction has with violence and peace. The work is exploratory, ethnographic and interdisciplinary in nature, sitting in the intersection between the anthropology of mining, development studies and peace and conflict studies. The author presents and analyses narratives, participant responses, and her own experiences to illustrate the context and interconnected processes shaping Nasa responses to mining during this transition period. The book will bring international readers closer to these intricate dynamics, where access is otherwise limited because of security, cultural, linguistic and other barriers. The book provides a novel perspective on post-conflict mining governance by focusing on the Nasa’s active role in responding to mining in a post-agreement, transitional context. It highlights, and encourages engagement with, the often-overlooked role of morality in debates about nature and development. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and practitioners of the extractive industries, natural resource management, conflict management and peacebuilding, Indigenous Peoples and Latin American studies.

Indigenous Resurgence: Decolonialization and Movements for Environmental Justice

by Jaskiran Dhillon

From the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s resistance against the Dakota Access pipeline to the Nepalese Newar community’s protest of the Fast Track Road Project, Indigenous peoples around the world are standing up and speaking out against global capitalism to protect the land, water, and air. By reminding us of the fundamental importance of placing Indigenous politics, histories, and ontologies at the center of our social movements, Indigenous Resurgence positions environmental justice within historical, social, political, and economic contexts, exploring the troubling relationship between colonial and environmental violence and reframing climate change and environmental degradation through an anticolonial lens.

Indigenous Rights to the City: Ethnicity and Urban Planning in Bolivia and Ecuador (Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City)

by Philipp Horn

This book breaks new ground in understanding urban indigeneity in policy and planning practice. It is the first comprehensive and comparative study that foregrounds the complex interplay of multiple organisations involved in translating indigenous rights to the city in Latin America, focussing on the cities of La Paz and Quito. The book establishes how planning for urban indigeneity looks in practice, even in seemingly progressive settings, such as Bolivia and Ecuador, where indigenous rights to the city are recognised within constitutions. It demonstrates that the translation of indigenous rights to the city is a process involving different actor groups operating within state institutions and indigenous communities, which often hold conflicting interests and needs. The book also establishes a set of theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations for envisaging how urban indigenous planning in Latin America and elsewhere should be understood, studied, and undertaken: As a process which embraces conflict and challenges power relations within indigenous communities and between these communities and the state. This book will appeal to practitioners, researchers, and students working within the fields of urban planning, urban development, and indigenous rights.

Indigenous Studies and Engaged Anthropology: The Collaborative Moment

by Paul Sillitoe

Advancing the rising field of engaged or participatory anthropology that is emerging at the same time as increased opposition from Indigenous peoples to research, this book offers critical reflections on research approaches to-date. The engaged approach seeks to change the researcher-researched relationship fundamentally, to make methods more appropriate and beneficial to communities by involving them as participants in the entire process from choice of research topic onwards. The aim is not only to change power relationships, but also engage with non-academic audiences. The advancement of such an egalitarian and inclusive approach to research can provoke strong opposition. Some argue that it threatens academic rigour and worry about the undermining of disciplinary authority. Others point to the difficulties of establishing an appropriately non-ethnocentric moral stance and navigating the complex problems communities face. Drawing on the experiences of Indigenous scholars, anthropologists and development professionals acquainted with a range of cultures, this book furthers our understanding of pressing issues such as interpretation, transmission and ownership of Indigenous knowledge, and appropriate ways to represent and communicate it. All the contributors recognise the plurality of knowledge and incorporate perspectives that derive, at least in part, from other ways of being in the world.

Indirect Dew-Point Evaporative Cooling: Principles and Applications (Green Energy and Technology)

by Jie Lin Kian Jon Chua

This book systematically discusses state-of-the-art dew-point evaporative cooling and provides key insights into current research efforts and future research interests. Novel energy-efficient and environment-friendly cooling technologies are essential to reduce the sharply rising energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. Conventional air-conditioners which adopt a vapor compression cycle are neither energy-efficient nor sustainable due to the use of compressors and chemical refrigerants, as well as their intrinsic coupling of sensible and latent cooling loads. With the merits of high energy efficiency and the ability to decouple cooling loads without using chemical refrigerants, indirect dew-point evaporative cooling provides an ideal alternative solution to air conditioning in a variety of applications. A comprehensive review of evaporative cooling and their underlying engineering challenges is included. Advanced engineering and modeling experience critical to the development of dew-point evaporative coolers are highlighted. The effective analysis techniques for dew-point evaporative coolers are documented, and their intrinsic characteristics captured by these methods are reported. Lastly, advanced dew-point evaporative cooling systems in various energy-connected applications are discussed by providing multiple case studies. Specifically targeted at HVAC engineers, thermal scientists, and energy-engineering researchers, this book will balance fundamental concepts, industrial applications, and leading-edge research. As this book provides readers with depth and breadth of coverage, it can also be used by graduate-level students in relevant fields.

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