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Jonathan Dean

by Hans Günter Brauch Teri Grimwood

Jonathan Dean (1924-2014) was a distinguished U. S. diplomat (1950-1980) and from 1984 to 2007 global security adviser to the Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, D. C. During the 1980s and 1990s he was a pioneering conceptual thinker, writer and speaker on détente in Europe, global cooperative security, arms control and disarmament. He authored: Watershed in Europe (1987), Meeting Gorbachev's Challenge (1989) and Ending Europe's Wars (1994). This volume contains his biography and bibliography, six texts on détente and arms control in Europe in the 1980s: Beyond First Use; MBFR; Alternative Defence; Berlin; A Crisis Management Center; Conventional Arms Control in Europe and six texts on the new security order in Europe since the 1990s: Components of a Post-Cold War Security System for Europe; Constraining Technological Weapons Innovation; NATO Enlargement: Act II; Ten Years after the Wall; Future Security in Space; Rethinking Security: Return to the Grotean Pattern.

Joshimath - Vikas ya Vinash?: जोशीमठ - विकास या विनाश?

by Shivendra Suryavanshi

"जोशीमठ - विकास या विनाश?" शिवेन्द्र सूर्यवंशी द्वारा लिखित एक पुस्तक है जो उत्तराखंड के जोशीमठ क्षेत्र में हो रहे पर्यावरणीय और विकासात्मक परिवर्तनों पर केंद्रित है। पुस्तक का मुख्य उद्देश्य जोशीमठ के विकास और पर्यावरणीय प्रभावों के बीच के संबंधों की गहराई से जांच करना है। यहाँ इस पुस्तक का सारांश प्रस्तुत है: परिचय और पृष्ठभूमि, विकास की यात्रा, विकास के सकारात्मक पहलू, विनाश के चिन्ह, स्थानीय निवासियों की आवाज़, विकास और पर्यावरण के बीच संतुलन और निष्कर्ष और भविष्य की राह। शिवेन्द्र सूर्यवंशी ने इस पुस्तक में गहन शोध और स्थानीय अनुभवों के माध्यम से जोशीमठ के विकास और पर्यावरणीय चुनौतियों को प्रस्तुत किया है। यह पुस्तक उन सभी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है जो विकास और पर्यावरण के बीच के जटिल संबंधों को समझना चाहते हैं और जोशीमठ जैसे संवेदनशील क्षेत्रों में टिकाऊ विकास की संभावनाओं का अन्वेषण करना चाहते हैं।

Jost Functions in Quantum Mechanics: A Unified Approach to Scattering, Bound, and Resonant State Problems

by Sergei A. Rakityansky

Based on Jost function theory this book presents an approach useful for different types of quantum mechanical problems. These include the description of scattering, bound, and resonant states, in a unified way. The reader finds here all that is known about Jost functions as well as what is needed to fill the gap between the pure mathematical theory and numerical calculations. Some of the topics covered are: quantum resonances, Regge poles, multichannel scattering, Coulomb interaction, Riemann surfaces, multichannel analog of the effective range theory, one- and two-dimensional problems, many-body problems within the hyperspherical approach, just to mention few of them. These topics are relevant in the fields of quantum few-body theory, nuclear reactions, atomic collisions, and low-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures. In light of this, the book is meant for students, who study quantum mechanics, scattering theory, or nuclear reactions at the advanced level as well as for post-graduate students and researchers in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics. Many of the arguments that are traditional for textbooks on quantum mechanics and scattering theory, are covered here in a different way, using the Jost functions. This gives the reader a new insight into the subject, revealing new features of various mathematical objects and quantum phenomena.

The Journal of Geology, volume 130 number 4 (July 2022)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 130 issue 4 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

The Journal of Geology, volume 130 number 5 (September 2022)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 130 issue 5 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

The Journal of Geology, volume 130 number 6 (November 2022)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 130 issue 6 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

The Journal of Geology, volume 131 number 1 (January 2023)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 131 issue 1 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

The Journal of Geology, volume 131 number 2 (March 2023)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 131 issue 2 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

The Journal of Geology, volume 131 number 3 (May 2023)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 131 issue 3 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

The Journal of Geology, volume 131 number 4 (July 2023)

by The Journal of Geology

This is volume 131 issue 4 of The Journal of Geology. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. The Journal publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Many of its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 10 number 1 (January 2023)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 10 issue 1 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 10 number 2 (March 2023)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 10 issue 2 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 10 number 3 (May 2023)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 10 issue 3 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 10 number 4 (July 2023)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 10 issue 4 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 10 number 5 (September 2023)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 10 issue 5 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 10 number 6 (November 2023)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 10 issue 6 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 11 number 1 (January 2024)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 11 issue 1 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 11 number 2 (March 2024)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 11 issue 2 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 11 number 3 (May 2024)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 11 issue 3 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 11 number 4 (July 2024)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 11 issue 4 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 11 number 5 (September 2024)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 11 issue 5 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 7 number 3 (May 2020)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 7 issue 3 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, volume 9 number 6 (November 2022)

by Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

This is volume 9 issue 6 of Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As an official research journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, JAERE publishes papers that are devoted to environmental and natural resource issues. The journal's principal mission is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of ideas in the intersection of human behavior and the natural environment. Focusing on original, full-length research papers that offer substantial new insights for scholars of environmental and resource economics, JAERE presents a range of articles that are relevant for public policy, using approaches that are theoretical, empirical, or both.

Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Ellen Moore

This book explores tensions surrounding news media coverage of Indigenous environmental justice issues, identifying them as a fruitful lens through which to examine the political economy of journalism, American history, human rights, and contemporary U.S. politics. The book begins by evaluating contemporary American journalism through the lens of "deep media", focusing especially on the relationship between the drive for profit, professional journalism, and coverage of environmental justice issues. It then presents the results of a framing analysis of the Standing Rock movement (#NODAPL) coverage by news outlets in the USA and Canada. These findings are complemented by interviews with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose members provided their perspectives on the media and the pipeline. The discussion expands by considering the findings in light of current U.S. politics, including a Trump presidency that employs "law and order" rhetoric regarding people of color and that often subjects environmental issues to an economic "cost-benefit" analysis. The book concludes by considering the role of social media in the era of "Big Oil" and growing Indigenous resistance and power. Examining the complex interplay between social media, traditional journalism, and environmental justice issues, Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental communication, critical political economy, and journalism studies more broadly.

The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume II: The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure 1772-1775 (Hakluyt Society, Extra Series)

by J.C. Beaglehole

Captain James Cook’s first two voyages of exploration, in 1768-71 and 1772-75, had drawn the modern map of the South Pacific Ocean and had opened the door on the discovery of Antarctica. These expeditions were the subject of Volumes I and II of Dr J.C. Beaglehole’s edition of Cook’s Journals. The third voyage, on which Cook sailed in 1776, was directed to the Northern Hemisphere. Its objective was the discovery of ’a Northern Passage by sea from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean’ - the North-west Passage, sought since the 16th century, which would have transformed the pattern of world trade. The search was to take Cook into high latitudes where, as in the Antarctic, his skill in ice navigation was tested. Sailing north from Tahiti in 1778, Cook made the first recorded discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. On March 7 he sighted the Oregon coast in 44° N. The remarkable voyage which he made northward along the Canadian and Alaskan coasts and through Bering Strait to his farthest north in 70° nearly disproved the existence of a navigable passage towards the Atlantic and produced charts of impressive accuracy. Returning to Hawaii to refit, Cook met his death in a clash with the natives as tragic as it seems unnecessary. Dr Beaglehole discusses, with sympathy and insight, the tensions which led Cook, by then a tired man, into miscalculations alien to his own nature and habits. The volume and vitality of the records, both textual and graphic, for this voyage surpass those even for Cook’s second voyage. The surgeons William Anderson and David Samwell, both admirable observers, left journals which are also here printed in full for the first time. The documentation is completed, as in the previous volumes, by appendixes of documents and correspondence and by reproductions of original drawings and paintings mainly by John Webber, the artist of the expedition. In Dr Beaglehole’s words, ’no one can study attentively the records of Cook’s third, and last, v

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