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Lowland Grassland and Heathland Habitats (Habitat Guides)

by Elizabeth Price

Grasslands are everywhere: agricultural land, playing fields and road verges; but while species-poor, intensively managed grasslands are widespread, colourful semi-natural grasslands and heathlands, buzzing with life, are scarce. These semi-natural habitats are ancient, cultural landscapes, which are of considerable, if not international importance for biodiversity. However, despite targets for the conservation and restoration of these valuable grasslands and heathlands, these habitats continue to decline before our eyes. Lowland Grassland and Heathland Habitats contrasts the uniformity of intensively managed grassland with the diversity of traditionally managed grasslands and heathlands. It examines topics of concern to the ecologist or habitat manager such as causes of the loss and deterioration of these habitats, including inappropriate management, eutrophication and climate change. It then evaluates opportunities for positive change, such as conservation, restoration and creation. A series of case-studies illustrates the pressures on some lowland grassland and heathland habitat types and looks at ways to enhance them for biodiversity. This habitat guide features illustrated species boxes of typical plants and animals, as well as a full species list, a series of projects on the ecology of grassland and heathland species, a colour plate section, up-to-date references and information, and a full glossary. It will provide students and environmentalists with a deeper understanding of the nature and importance of lowland grasslands and heathlands.

Lowlands: Development And Management


This text presents up-to-date knowledge regarding lowlands, which are lands affected by fluctuating water levels. By collating and examining relevant information concerning lowlands in one volume, this text should be of use to engineers, planners, managers, administrators and scientists.

Lucky Iron Fish: A Social Enterprise Tackling Iron Deficiency

by Gavin Armstrong Herb Shoveller

“The story of the Lucky Iron Fish is a great example of how business can be a force for good.”— MICHELE ROMANOW, Dragons’ Den host and CEO, ClearbancResearch into iron deficiency and entrepreneurial determination brought the Lucky Iron Fish to cooking pots around the world. When Canadian researcher Dr. Christopher Charles was studying the devastation caused by iron deficiency in impoverished populations in Southeast Asia, he discovered an innovative way to help people get iron into their diets: place an iron ingot right into their cooking pots. Dr. Gavin Armstrong, a biomedical scientist and entrepreneur, built upon Charles’s findings to develop, manufacture, and distribute that ingot, which became the Lucky Iron Fish, a cost-effective solution to iron deficiency. The business thrived and the product was recognized around the world by NGOs and organizations such as World Vision, CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, and GlobalMedic. While sustaining growth through the pandemic was a challenge, Lucky Iron Fish met it head-on and now looks ahead to a bright future.

Lucky Planet: Why Earth is Exceptional-and What That Means for Life in the Universe

by David Waltham

Why Earth’s life-friendly climate makes it exceptional--and what that means for the likelihood of finding intelligent extraterrestrial life We have long fantasized about finding life on planets other than our own. Yet even as we become aware of the vast expanses beyond our solar system, it remains clear that Earth is exceptional. The question is: why? In Lucky Planet, astrobiologist David Waltham argues that Earth’s climate stability is what makes it uniquely able to support life, and it is nothing short of luck that made such conditions possible. The four billion year-stretch of good weather that our planet has experienced is statistically so unlikely that chances are slim that we will ever encounter intelligent extraterrestrial others. Citing the factors that typically control a planet’s average temperature--including the size of its moon, as well as the rate of the Universe’s expansion--Waltham challenges the prevailing scientific consensus that Earth-like planets have natural stabilizing mechanisms that allow life to flourish. A lively exploration of the stars above and the ground beneath our feet, Lucky Planet seamlessly weaves the story of Earth and the worlds orbiting other stars to give us a new perspective of the surprising role chance plays in our place in the universe.

Luft und Gesundheit: Von der globalen Zirkulation bis zu Atemwegserkrankungen

by Christian Rüger

Ist frische Luft ein Mythos? In diesem Werk durchstreift der Autor die Lebensräume des Menschen und bietet Einblicke in die jeweils anzutreffenden Luftqualitäten. Aerosole steigen nicht von allein in die Luft auf. Die Partikel lösen sich aus dem festen oder flüssigen Verband. In der Luft kommen alle flugfähigen Masseteilchen miteinander in Kontakt – als ein anschauliches Beispiel dient dem Leser die Entstehung von Wassertropfen. Jede Luftschicht der Atmosphäre wirkt unterschiedlich auf die Atemluft ein und der Wind spielt dabei seine ganz eigene Rolle. Einerseits ist er Verteiler von Schadstoffen, und andererseits Garant frischer Luft am Erdboden. Die Verschmutzung der Luft ruft den Gesetzgeber auf den Plan. Wir erleben derzeit eine rasante Entwicklung von der Aufhebung der Zünfte bis zur Klimadiskussion.Große Relevanz für die Gesundheit besitzt die Schnittstelle zwischen Luft und Mensch: die Atemwege. Deren Schleimhäute stehen im Zentrum unserer Immunabwehr, und müssen einen „Etagenwechsel“ von Infektionen der oberen Atemwege in untere Lungenabschnitte verhindern. Diese und viele weitere spannende Zusammenhänge und Themen im breiten Spektrum zwischen Meteorologie und Atemwegserkrankungen werden anschaulich, gut zugänglich und anhand praktischer Beispiele abgehandelt, um sich eine sichere Plattform zur Beurteilung der Flut von Umweltnachrichten zu schaffen.

Luftbildeinsatz in der ländlichen Bodenordnung: Ein Praxisbeispiel aus Rheinland-Pfalz (essentials)

by Martin Schumann Thomas Mitschang

In diesem essential beschreiben Martin Schumann und Thomas Mitschang die Verwendung von Luftbildern in der Flurbereinigungsverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz. Anhand eines Beispiels stellen die Autoren die Bedeutung der Luftbilder für die Planung von Landentwicklungsmaßnahmen dar. Seit den fünfziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts werden Luftbilder für die unterschiedlichen Zwecke eingesetzt. Dabei haben sich die Qualität der Aufnahmen sowie die Auswertungsmöglichkeiten im Laufe der Jahrzehnte verändert.

Luis Frois: First Western Accounts of Japan's Gardens, Cities and Landscapes

by Cristina Castel-Branco Guida Carvalho

This book focuses on Luis Frois, a 16th-century Portuguese Jesuit and chronicler, who recorded his impressions of Japanese gardens, cities and building practices, tea-drinking rituals, Japan’s unification efforts, cultural traditions, and the many differences between Europe and Japan in remarkable manuscripts almost lost to time. This research also draws on other Portuguese descriptions from contemporary sources spanning the years 1543 – 1597, later validated by Japanese history and iconography. Importantly, explorer Jorge Alvares recorded his experiences of discovery, prompting St. Francis Xavier to visit Japan in 1549, thus ushering in the “Christian Century” in Japan.During this long period of accord and reciprocal curiosity, the Portuguese wrote in excess of 1500 pages of letters to European Jesuits that detail their impressions of the island nation—not to mention their observations of powerful public figures such as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Sen no Rikyu. In addition to examining these letters, the authors translated and researched early descriptions of 23 gardens in Kyoto and Nara and 9 important cities—later visited by the authors, sketched, photographed and compared with the imagery painted on 16th-century Japanese screens.However, the data gathered for this project was found mainly within five large volumes of Frois’ História do Japão (2500 pages) and his Treaty on Contradictions—two incomparable anthropological works that were unpublished until the mid-20th century for reasons detailed herein. His volumes continue to be explored for their insightful observations of places, cultural practices, and the formidable historical figures with whom he interacted.Thus, this book examines the world’s first globalization efforts that resulted in profitable commerce, the introduction of Portuguese firearms that changed Japan’s history, scientific advances, religious expansion, and many artistic exchanges that have endured the centuries.

Lumen Naturae: Visions of the Abstract in Art and Mathematics

by Matilde Marcolli

Exploring common themes in modern art, mathematics, and science, including the concept of space, the notion of randomness, and the shape of the cosmos.This is a book about art—and a book about mathematics and physics. In Lumen Naturae (the title refers to a purely immanent, non-supernatural form of enlightenment), mathematical physicist Matilde Marcolli explores common themes in modern art and modern science—the concept of space, the notion of randomness, the shape of the cosmos, and other puzzles of the universe—while mapping convergences with the work of such artists as Paul Cezanne, Mark Rothko, Sol LeWitt, and Lee Krasner. Her account, focusing on questions she has investigated in her own scientific work, is illustrated by more than two hundred color images of artworks by modern and contemporary artists. Thus Marcolli finds in still life paintings broad and deep philosophical reflections on space and time, and connects notions of space in mathematics to works by Paul Klee, Salvador Dalí, and others. She considers the relation of entropy and art and how notions of entropy have been expressed by such artists as Hans Arp and Fernand Léger; and traces the evolution of randomness as a mode of artistic expression. She analyzes the relation between graphical illustration and scientific text, and offers her own watercolor-decorated mathematical notebooks. Throughout, she balances discussions of science with explorations of art, using one to inform the other. (She employs some formal notation, which can easily be skipped by general readers.) Marcolli is not simply explaining art to scientists and science to artists; she charts unexpected interdependencies that illuminate the universe.

Luminescence: Data Analysis and Modeling Using R (Use R!)

by Vasilis Pagonis

​This book covers applications of R to the general discipline of radiation dosimetry and to the specific areas of luminescence dosimetry, luminescence dating, and radiation protection dosimetry. It features more than 90 detailed worked examples of R code fully integrated into the text, with extensive annotations. The book shows how researchers can use available R packages to analyze their experimental data, and how to extract the various parameters describing mathematically the luminescence signals. In each chapter, the theory behind the subject is summarized, and references are given from the literature, so that researchers can look up the details of the theory and the relevant experiments. Several chapters are dedicated to Monte Carlo methods, which are used to simulate the luminescence processes during the irradiation, heating, and optical stimulation of solids, for a wide variety of materials. This book will be useful to those who use the tools of luminescence dosimetry, including physicists, geologists, archaeologists, and for all researchers who use radiation in their research.

Luminescence Dating in Archaeology, Anthropology, and Geoarchaeology: An Overview

by Annette Kadereit Ioannis Liritzis Sheng-Hua Li Rudolf Wagner Jim Feathers Nikolaos Zacharias Ashok Singhvi

The field of Luminescence Dating has reached a level of maturity. Both research and applications from all fields of archaeological science, from archaeological materials to anthropology and geoarchaeology, now routinely employ luminescence dating. The advent of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques and the potential for exploring a spectrum of grain aliquots enhanced the applicability, accuracy and the precision of luminescence dating. The present contribution reviews the physical basis, mechanisms and methodological aspects of luminescence dating; discusses advances in instrumentations and facilities, improvements in analytical procedures, and statistical treatment of data along with some examples of applications across continents, covering all periods (Middle Palaeolithic to Medieval) and both Old and New World archaeology. They also include interdisciplinary applications that contribute to palaeo-landscape reconstruction.

Luminescence Signal Analysis Using Python

by Vasilis Pagonis

This book compiles and presents a complete package of open-access Python software code for luminescence signal analysis in the areas of radiation dosimetry, luminescence dosimetry, and luminescence dating. Featuring more than 90 detailed worked examples of Python code, fully integrated into the text, 16 chapters summarize the theory and equations behind the subject matter, while presenting the practical Python codes used to analyze experimental data and extract the various parameters that mathematically describe the luminescence signals. Several examples are provided of how researchers can use and modify the available codes for different practical situations. Types of luminescence signals analyzed in the book are thermoluminescence (TL), isothermal luminescence (ITL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL), timeresolved luminescence (TR) and dose response of dosimetric materials. The open-access Python codes are available at GitHub.The book is well suited to the broader scientific audience using the tools of luminescence dosimetry: physicists, geologists, archaeologists, solid-state physicists, medical physicists, and all scientists using luminescence dosimetry in their research. The detailed code provided allows both students and researchers to be trained quickly and efficiently on the practical aspects of their work, while also providing an overview of the theory behind the analytical equations.

Lunar and Planetary Cartography in Russia

by Vladislav Shevchenko Zhanna Rodionova Gregory Michael

This book is the first to document in depth the history of lunar and planetary cartography in Russia. The first map of the far side of the Moon was made with the participation of Lomonosov Moscow University (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, MSU) in 1960. The developed mapping technologies were then used in preparing the "Complete Map of the Moon" in 1967 as well as other maps and globes. Over the years, various maps of Mars have emerged from the special course "Mapping of extraterrestrial objects" in the MSU Geography Department, including the hypsometric map of Mars at a scale of 1:26,000,000, compiled by J. A. Ilyukhina and published in 2004 in an edition of 5,000 copies. A more detailed version of this map has since been produced with a new hypsometric scale. In addition, maps of the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars have been compiled for the hypsometric globe of Mars. Relief maps of Venus were made in 2008, 2010, and 2011, and hypsometric maps of Phobos and Deimos at a scale of 1:60,000 were published in 2011. History of Lunar and Planetary Cartography in Russia provides detailed information on the compilation of this diverse range of maps and will be of interest to all lunar and planetary cartographers.

Lunar Domes: Properties and Formation Processes

by Christian Wöhler Jim Phillips Maria Teresa Chiocchetta Raffaello Lena

Lunar domes are structures of volcanic origin which are usually difficult to observe due to their low heights. The Lunar Domes Handbook is a reference work on these elusive features. It provides a collection of images for a large number of lunar domes, including telescopic images acquired with advanced but still moderately intricate amateur equipment as well as recent orbital spacecraft images. Different methods for determining the morphometric properties of lunar domes (diameter, height, flank slope, edifice volume) from image data or orbital topographic data are discussed. Additionally, multispectral and hyperspectral image data are examined, providing insights into the composition of the dome material. Several classification schemes for lunar domes are described, including an approach based on the determined morphometric quantities and spectral analyses. Furthermore, the book provides a description of geophysical models of lunar domes, which yield information about the properties of the lava from which they formed and the depth of the magma source regions below the lunar surface.

The Lure of Mountain Peaks

by Myra Weatherly

What makes so many people risk their lives to climb above the clouds? Young readers will learn how Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Mont Blanc, and Mount Everest came to be while they discover the beauty and allure of these mountain peaks.

The Lure of the Beach: A Global History

by Robert C. Ritchie

A human and global take on a beloved vacation spot. The crash of surf, smell of salted air, wet whorls of sand underfoot. These are the sensations of the beach, that environment that has drawn humans to its life-sustaining shores for millennia. And while the gull’s cry and the cove’s splendor have remained constant throughout time, our relationship with the beach has been as fluid as the runnels left behind by the tide’s turning.The Lure of the Beach is a chronicle of humanity's history with the coast, taking us from the seaside pleasure palaces of Roman elites and the aquatic rituals of medieval pilgrims, to the venues of modern resort towns and beyond. Robert C. Ritchie traces the contours of the material and social economies of the beach throughout time, covering changes in the social status of beach goers, the technology of transport, and the development of fashion (from nudity to Victorianism and back again), as well as the geographic spread of modern beach-going from England to France, across the Mediterranean, and from nineteenth-century America to the world. And as climate change and rising sea levels erode the familiar faces of our coasts, we are poised for a contemporary reckoning with our relationship—and responsibilities—to our beaches and their ecosystems. The Lure of the Beach demonstrates that whether as a commodified pastoral destination, a site of ecological resplendency, or a flashpoint between private ownership and public access, the history of the beach is a human one that deserves to be told now more than ever before.

Luxury Fashion Brand Management: Unifying Fashion with Sustainability (Mastering Fashion Management)

by Olga Mitterfellner

This textbook examines fashion luxury brand management, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of its origins, unique components, current practices, global trade and, most importantly, the application of sustainable models to the industry. It also highlights what makes brands fail and how they can become more resilient. The key content covers the heritage of luxury brands, the importance of craftsmanship and creative direction, the role of luxury conglomerates, cultural awareness and internationalisation, risks of failure and opportunities for revitalisation as well as the application of sustainable measures for a resilient and ethical brand future. Each chapter includes a combination of industry insights, case studies or expert interviews. Coupled with theoretical frameworks and business models, these examples and case studies show how sustainable models can be applied to existing luxury brands and how practices can be embedded into the brand concept. Students are encouraged to think about opportunities and solutions, unique to luxury brand management, and will gain knowledge and skills for a successful future career. A truly global and holistic textbook, Luxury Fashion Brand Management and Sustainability should be core and recommended reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying luxury fashion management, luxury brand management, sustainable fashion and responsible business and fashion marketing and communications. Supplementary online resources include chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint slides and a test bank.

Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change

by Mary Beth Pfeiffer

Lyme disease is spreading rapidly around the globe as ticks move into places they could not survive before. The first epidemic to emerge in the era of climate change, the disease infects half a million people in the US and Europe each year, and untold multitudes in Canada, China, Russia, and Australia.Mary Beth Pfeiffer shows how we have contributed to this growing menace, and how modern medicine has underestimated its danger. She tells the heart-rending stories of families destroyed by a single tick bite, of children disabled, and of one woman's tragic choice after an exhaustive search for a cure.Pfeiffer also warns of the emergence of other tick-borne illnesses that make Lyme more difficult to treat and pose their own grave risks. Lyme is an impeccably researched account of an enigmatic disease, making a powerful case for action to fight ticks, heal patients, and recognize humanity's role in a modern scourge.

Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park

by Kelly Carper Polden Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park

Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson took pride in his heritage and in the Texas Hill Country roots of his pioneer ancestors. He delighted in showing guests the ancestral settlement, and his birthplace, boyhood home, and the family treasure: the LBJ Ranch and the home that became known as the Texas White House. LBJ generously gifted these cherished assets to the people of the United States. Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park holds more assets significant to an American president than any other U.S. presidential site. Visitors may stroll through the Johnson Settlement, stepping back in time to the 1860s, when President Johnson's ancestors helped settle Johnson City, which was named after James Polk Johnson, nephew to LBJ's grandfather. The Boyhood Home and Visitor Center are located close to the Johnson Settlement, and visitors can tour the reconstructed Birthplace and enjoy a scenic drive through the LBJ Ranch before touring the Texas White House. This book illustrates the significance of LBJ's heritage and the circle of life represented by what is both a birthplace and a final resting place.

M8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake

by Huilin Xing Xiwei Xu

The M8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred in China on May 12, 2008, killing over 69,000 people and displacing millions from their homes. This was one of the most catastrophic natural disasters on record. This book includes 5 chapters describing the tectonic setting and historical earthquakes around the Chuan-Dian region, the nucleation of the Wenchuan earthquake, occurrence and aftershocks. The field observations of earthquake induced surface fractures and building damage, form a major and special part of this book and include a large number of digital photos with accompanying explanantions.

Macdonald Polynomials: Commuting Family of q-Difference Operators and Their Joint Eigenfunctions (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics #50)

by Masatoshi Noumi

This book is a volume of the Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics and serves as an introductory textbook on the theory of Macdonald polynomials. It is based on a series of online lectures given by the author at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, in February and March 2021. Macdonald polynomials are a class of symmetric orthogonal polynomials in many variables. They include important classes of special functions such as Schur functions and Hall–Littlewood polynomials and play important roles in various fields of mathematics and mathematical physics. After an overview of Schur functions, the author introduces Macdonald polynomials (of type A, in the GLn version) as eigenfunctions of a q-difference operator, called the Macdonald–Ruijsenaars operator, in the ring of symmetric polynomials. Starting from this definition, various remarkable properties of Macdonald polynomials are explained, such as orthogonality, evaluation formulas, and self-duality, with emphasis on the roles of commuting q-difference operators. The author also explains how Macdonald polynomials are formulated in the framework of affine Hecke algebras and q-Dunkl operators.

Machine Learning and Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production

by Bhajan Lal Cornelius Borecho Bavoh Jai Krishna Sahith Sayani

This book is useful to flow assurance engineers, students, and industries who wish to be flow assurance authorities in the twenty-first-century oil and gas industry.The use of digital or artificial intelligence methods in flow assurance has increased recently to achieve fast results without any thorough training effectively. Generally, flow assurance covers all risks associated with maintaining the flow of oil and gas during any stage in the petroleum industry. Flow assurance in the oil and gas industry covers the anticipation, limitation, and/or prevention of hydrates, wax, asphaltenes, scale, and corrosion during operation. Flow assurance challenges mostly lead to stoppage of production or plugs, damage to pipelines or production facilities, economic losses, and in severe cases blowouts and loss of human lives. A combination of several chemical and non-chemical techniques is mostly used to prevent flow assurance issues in the industry. However, the use of models to anticipate, limit, and/or prevent flow assurance problems is recommended as the best and most suitable practice. The existing proposed flow assurance models on hydrates, wax, asphaltenes, scale, and corrosion management are challenged with accuracy and precision. They are not also limited by several parametric assumptions. Recently, machine learning methods have gained much attention as best practices for predicting flow assurance issues. Examples of these machine learning models include conventional approaches such as artificial neural network, support vector machine (SVM), least square support vector machine (LSSVM), random forest (RF), and hybrid models. The use of machine learning in flow assurance is growing, and thus, relevant knowledge and guidelines on their application methods and effectiveness are needed for academic, industrial, and research purposes.In this book, the authors focus on the use and abilities of various machine learning methods in flow assurance. Initially, basic definitions and use of machine learning in flow assurance are discussed in a broader scope within the oil and gas industry. The rest of the chapters discuss the use of machine learning in various flow assurance areas such as hydrates, wax, asphaltenes, scale, and corrosion. Also, the use of machine learning in practical field applications is discussed to understand the practical use of machine learning in flow assurance.

Machine Learning for Earth Sciences: Using Python to Solve Geological Problems (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Maurizio Petrelli

This textbook introduces the reader to Machine Learning (ML) applications in Earth Sciences. In detail, it starts by describing the basics of machine learning and its potentials in Earth Sciences to solve geological problems. It describes the main Python tools devoted to ML, the typival workflow of ML applications in Earth Sciences, and proceeds with reporting how ML algorithms work. The book provides many examples of ML application to Earth Sciences problems in many fields, such as the clustering and dimensionality reduction in petro-volcanological studies, the clustering of multi-spectral data, well-log data facies classification, and machine learning regression in petrology. Also, the book introduces the basics of parallel computing and how to scale ML models in the cloud. The book is devoted to Earth Scientists, at any level, from students to academics and professionals.

Machine Learning for Ecology and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

by Grant R. W. Humphries Dawn R. Magness Falk Huettmann

<p>Ecologists and natural resource managers are charged with making complex management decisions in the face of a rapidly changing environment resulting from climate change, energy development, urban sprawl, invasive species and globalization. Advances in Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, digitization, online data availability, historic legacy datasets, remote sensors and the ability to collect data on animal movements via satellite and GPS have given rise to large, highly complex datasets. These datasets could be utilized for making critical management decisions, but are often “messy” and difficult to interpret. Basic artificial intelligence algorithms (i.e., machine learning) are powerful tools that are shaping the world and must be taken advantage of in the life sciences. In ecology, machine learning algorithms are critical to helping resource managers synthesize information to better understand complex ecological systems. <p>Machine Learning has a wide variety of powerful applications, with three general uses that are of particular interest to ecologists: <p> <li>(1) data exploration to gain system knowledge and generate new hypotheses, <li>(2) predicting ecological patterns in space and time, <li>and (3) pattern recognition for ecological sampling.</li> <p> <p> Machine learning can be used to make predictive assessments even when relationships between variables are poorly understood. When traditional techniques fail to capture the relationship between variables, effective use of machine learning can unearth and capture previously unattainable insights into an ecosystem's complexity. Currently, many ecologists do not utilize machine learning as a part of the scientific process. This volume highlights how machine learning techniques can complement the traditional methodologies currently applied in this field.</p>

Machine Learning for Materials Discovery: Numerical Recipes and Practical Applications (Machine Intelligence for Materials Science)

by Hariprasad Kodamana Ravinder Bhattoo N. M. Krishnan

Focusing on the fundamentals of machine learning, this book covers broad areas of data-driven modeling, ranging from simple regression to advanced machine learning and optimization methods for applications in materials modeling and discovery. The book explains complex mathematical concepts in a lucid manner to ensure that readers from different materials domains are able to use these techniques successfully. A unique feature of this book is its hands-on aspect—each method presented herein is accompanied by a code that implements the method in open-source platforms such as Python. This book is thus aimed at graduate students, researchers, and engineers to enable the use of data-driven methods for understanding and accelerating the discovery of novel materials.

Machine Learning kompakt: Ein Einstieg für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften (essentials)

by Kenny Choo Eliska Greplova Mark H. Fischer Titus Neupert

Dieses essential befasst sich mit Anwendungen des maschinellen Lernens in verschiedenen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften. Es behandelt geläufige Strukturen und Algorithmen, um Daten mit den Techniken des maschinellen Lernens zu analysieren. Zunächst werden Methoden eingeführt, die an klassischen statistischen Analysen andocken und auf soliderem mathematischem Fundament stehen. Die Autoren machen mit den verschiedenen Strukturen für künstliche neuronale Netzwerke vertraut und zeigen die jeweiligen Anwendungsgebiete.

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