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Battle For The Wilderness
by Michael FromeThis book focuses on the principles of wilderness, exploring the actual and potential values of wilderness, its ecology, economics, the effect of human impact, and mechanisms to protect small, relatively untouched tracts in or near urban areas in the United States.
The Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict
by Justin FarrellYellowstone holds a special place in America's heart. As the world's first national park, it is globally recognized as the crown jewel of modern environmental preservation. But the park and its surrounding regions have recently become a lightning rod for environmental conflict, plagued by intense and intractable political struggles among the federal government, National Park Service, environmentalists, industry, local residents, and elected officials. The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?Justin Farrell argues that the battle for Yellowstone has deep moral, cultural, and spiritual roots that until now have been obscured by the supposedly rational and technical nature of the conflict. Tracing in unprecedented detail the moral causes and consequences of large-scale social change in the American West, he describes how a "new-west" social order has emerged that has devalued traditional American beliefs about manifest destiny and rugged individualism, and how morality and spirituality have influenced the most polarizing and techno-centric conflicts in Yellowstone's history.This groundbreaking book shows how the unprecedented conflict over Yellowstone is not all about science, law, or economic interests, but more surprisingly, is about cultural upheaval and the construction of new moral and spiritual boundaries in the American West.
Battle of the Brains: The Science Behind Animal Minds
by Jocelyn RishA Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection! This hilarious companion to Battle of the Butts examines the way animals use their brainpower for survival in the wild and encourages readers to rank animals based on their intellectual prowess. Birdbrained. Pigheaded. Batty. Bullheaded. When humans want to insult the intelligence of another person, they often compare them to an animal. But animals are smart. Really, really smart. There are animals that use tools. Others that can solve complex problems. Some have excellent memories. A few can even talk to us! With animals having such mighty minds, the question is: who has the best brainpower of them all? That&’s for you to decide! Full of fascinating facts throughout in a fun "battle of the minds" format, The Battle of the Brains includes a glossary and links to sources and activities at the end, making it the perfect read for any curious mind.
Battling Resistance to Antibiotics and Pesticides: An Economic Approach
by Ramanan LaxminarayanThe increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, and pests to pesticides, threatens to undo some of the most remarkable advances made in public health and agriculture during the past century. Though the potential consequences of increased antibiotic and pesticide resistance are far reaching, regulatory efforts to address the problem are at a very early stage. Battling Resistance to Antibiotics and Pesticides moves such discussions forward by presenting cutting edge research and the first comprehensive application of economic tools to analyze how antibiotics and pesticides should be used to maximize their value to society. Laxminarayan and his contributors explore lessons from past experiences with resistance, especially in agriculture. They consider what incentives would be ideal for the individuals who prescribe or apply antibiotics and pesticides, and what would be ideal for the firms engaged in developing and producing these products. The chapters in this groundbreaking book reflect the fact that efforts to combat resistance will require contributions from a broad range of scholars and professionals, representing a broad range of expertise. The analysis demonstrates that, for all these participants, an understanding of economic issues is an essential complement to knowledge of medical or biological factors. The book provides economists with an overview of relevant scientific issues, as well as a variety of analytical approaches to studying the economics of resistance. It offers policymakers detailed analyses of the multiple dimensions of resistance and discusses the future strategies to combat and manage resistance. For professionals in medicine, public health, and agriculture, the book translates the economic approaches into usable guidance for daily practice and decisionmaking.
Battling the Elements: Weather and Terrain in the Conduct of War
by Harold A. WintersThroughout history, from Kublai Khan's attempted invasions of Japan to Rommel's desert warfare, military operations have succeeded or failed on the ability of commanders to incorporate environmental conditions into their tactics. In Battling the Elements, geographer Harold A. Winters and former U.S. Army officers Gerald E. Galloway Jr., William J. Reynolds, and David W. Rhyne, examine the connections between major battles in world history and their geographic components, revealing what role factors such as weather, climate, terrain, soil, and vegetation have played in combat. Each chapter offers a detailed and engaging explanation of a specific environmental factor and then looks at several battles that highlight its effects on military operations. As this cogent analysis of geography and war makes clear, those who know more about the shape, nature, and variability of battleground conditions will always have a better understanding of the nature of combat and at least one significant advantage over a less knowledgeable enemy.
Bau und Berechnung von Erdwärmeanlagen: Einführung mit praktischen Beispielen
by Frieder Häfner Rolf-Michael Wagner Linda MeuselDas Buch charakterisiert die Erdw#65533;rmenutzung, beschreibt die #65533;blichen technischen Anlagen dazu, mit Schwerpunkt auf Erdw#65533;rmesonden (EWS) und ihre Einsatzm#65533;glichkeiten. Danach wird die Berechnung von Erdw#65533;rmeanlagen (Einzel-EWS, Sondenfelder) mit mathematisch-analytischen Verfahren und numerischen Simulationsverfahren dargestellt. Die dazu notwendige Software wird Online als Demo-Version bereitgestellt. In einem weiteren Hauptkapitel werden der Bau von Erdw#65533;rmeanlagen, technische Vorausetzungen,Anforderungen und Genehmigungspraxis dargestellt. Der Betrieb der Anlagen und die vielf#65533;ltigen Nutzungsm#65533;glichkeiten f#65533;r Heizen, Warmwasserbereitung, K#65533;hlen ist in den Hauptkapiteln integriert. Beispielhafte Anlagenmuster werden dimensioniert, bautechnisch beschrieben und wirtschaftlich bewertet. Unter den regenerativen Energiequellen f#65533;r die Geb#65533;udeheizung und -klimatisierung nimmt die Erdw#65533;rme (in Form von Erdw#65533;rmesonden etc. mit W#65533;rmepumpen) den ersten Platz ein. Der j#65533;hrliche Zubau von Erdw#65533;rmeanlagen hat steigende Tendenz.
Baubegleitender Bodenschutz auf Baustellen: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials)
by Ulrike Meyer Anne WienigkIn diesem essentialstellen die Autorinnen den baubegleitenden Bodenschutz als ein wirksamesInstrument zur Vermeidung und Verhinderung von Bodenschäden auf Baustellen vor. Sie veranschaulichen relevante Eigenschaften von Böden, stellen gravierende Schädendes Bodens auf Baustellen vor, zeigen aber auch Maßnahmen zur Bodenschonung auf. Leicht wird erkennbar, dass vor allem die frühzeitige Integration einesbodenkundlichen Baubegleiters bereits in der Planungsphase des Bauvorhabensüber den Erfolg des Bodenschutzes entscheidet. Es gilt, die häufig nahezuirreversiblen Bodenschäden zu vermeiden, deren Rekultivierung nicht nurkostenintensiv, sondern insbesondere sehr zeitaufwändig ist. PraktischeTo-Do-Listen erleichtern die Umsetzung des Bodenschutzes auf Baustellen.
Baubetriebliche Optimierung des vollwandigen Beton-3D-Drucks (Baubetriebswesen und Bauverfahrenstechnik)
by Martin KrauseBeton-3D-Druckverfahren werden es zukünftig ermöglichen, Bauprozesse planbarer, produktiver und nachhaltiger zu realisieren. Durch die höchst anspruchsvollen Randbedingungen auf Baustellen und die im Bauwesen typische Unikatbauweise unterliegen Beton-3D-Druckverfahren besonderen Herausforderungen. Die innovativen Technologien stehen darüber hinaus im wirtschaftlichen Wettbewerb zu konventionellen Bauverfahren. Um die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Prozesssicherheit von Beton-3D-Druckverfahren zu gewährleisten, sind die 3D-Druckstrategie und maßgebende Prozessparameter unter baubetrieblichem Fokus zu optimieren. Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zur baubetrieblichen Optimierung des vollwandigen Beton-3D-Drucks. Speziell werden drei Schwerpunkte genauer untersucht. Im ersten Schwerpunkt werden die verfahrensspezifischen Randbedingungen fokussiert. Schwerpunkt zwei behandelt die wirtschaftliche Optimierung des Druckpfads unter Anwendung von Methoden des Operations Research. Im Schwerpunkt drei wird eine umfassende zeitliche Simulationsstudie am Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses durchgeführt. Das Buch liefert Erkenntnisse zur Druckzeitoptimierung und der Relation maßgebender Prozessparameter.
by Edwin FeckerFür den Bauingenieur und den beratenden Ingenieurgeologen ist es unerlässlich, die Einflüsse geologischer Gegebenheiten auf die Bauplanung und -ausführung sowie auf das fertige Bauwerk richtig bewerten zu können.Dieses Buch vermittelt sowohl dem Praktiker als auch dem Studenten das dazu nötige Grundwissen der Allgemeinen Geologie, der Gefüge- und Gesteinskunde. Übersichtlich stellt es die bautechnischen Eigenschaften des Gebirges dar, wobei die Einflüsse von Berg- und Grundwasser auf das ober- oder untertägige Bauen besondere Berücksichtigung finden. Methoden zur Untersuchung von Gestein und Gebirge und zur Vermeidung von Schäden werden vorgestellt. Die aktualisierte 3. Auflage bespricht zusätzlich technische Neuerungen und weist auf die neuesten Normen und Vorschriften hin.
Bauphysik-Kalender 2023: Schwerpunkt: Nachhaltigkeit (Bauphysik-Kalender)
by Nabil A. FouadDie aktuelle Ausgabe des Bauphysik-Kalenders behandelt das gesamte Themenspektrum rund um Nachhaltigkeit bei der Errichtung von Gebäuden. Die Bauindustrie ist der Sektor, der in der Wirtschaft für die höchsten Umweltbelastungen verantwortlich ist. Integrierte Maßnahmen für mehr Klimaschutz und Ressourceneffizienz im Bausektor sind daher ein zentrales Thema der Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik. Die Regulierung zur Energieeinsparung hat bereits dazu geführt, dass der Primärenergiebedarf in der Nutzungsphase von Gebäuden immer weiter reduziert wurde. Es ist nun unabdingbar, die Bewertung von Gebäuden auf die Umweltwirkung und die Auswirkung auf das Klima auszuweiten. In diesem Buch werden die Lebenszyklusanalyse, die Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung sowie die kreislaufgerechte Verwendung von Bauelementen, Baustoffen und Anlagenteilen umfassend erläutert. Konkretes Hintergrundwissen für klimagerechtes Bauen, für die Ermittlung der Ressourceneffizienz, das Recycling von Dämmstoffen, die Ökobilanzierung und die Zertifizierung werden anhand von Praxisbeispielen aufgezeigt, um Planenden das nötige Rüstzeug für die aktuellen Aufgaben an die Hand zu geben. Auch die Betrachtung von Klima-Fußabdruck und Ressourcen-Fußabdruck mithilfe eines digitalen Gebäudemodells bereits in der Planungsphase ist enthalten. Der Bauphysik-Kalender 2023 bietet eine solide Arbeitsgrundlage und ein verlässliches aktuelles Nachschlagewerk für die Planung in Neubau und Bestand, alle Kapitel bewegen sich nahe an der Ingenieurpraxis. Das Buch enthält Planungshinweise, Konzepte und Praxisbeispiele für nachhaltiges Bauen.
Bauphysik-Kalender 2024: Schwerpunkte: Klimagerechtes Bauen; Brandschutz (Bauphysik-Kalender-eBundle (Ernst & Sohn))
by Nabil A. FouadDer Bauphysik-Kalender 2024 gibt Praxishinweise für die klimagerechte Planung von Gebäuden, aber auch von urbanen Räumen. Diese sind durch die hohen Verdichtungen und Versiegelungen besonders anfällig gegenüber der Klimaveränderung mit häufigeren Extremwetterereignissen. Aber sie sind gestaltbare Orte, an denen durch eine interdisziplinäre und zukunftsorientierte Planung eine weitere Verschärfung des Klimawandels gebremst und die Resilienz von Mensch, Flora und Fauna gegenüber seinen Folgen gestärkt werden kann. Das Buch bietet aktuelles Wissen um bauphysikalische Prozesse zu verstehen, Potenziale von Konstruktionen gezielt auszuschöpfen und die Gebäudetechnik und Automatisierung funktional zu halten. Außerdem werden Tools und Nachweisverfahren getestet und kommentiert, mit deren Hilfe Bilanzen über die Umweltwirkungen von Gebäuden bzw. Bewertungen der Klimaanpassung von Gebäuden ermittelt werden können. Der zweite diesjährige Schwerpunkt Brandschutz widmet sich der Holzbauweise sowie der Untersuchung von Brandeinwirkungen durch E-Fahrzeuge und kraftstoffbetriebene Fahrzeuge in Parkgaragen. Der Bauphysik-Kalender 2024 bietet eine solide Arbeitsgrundlage und ein verlässliches aktuelles Nachschlagewerk für die Planung in Neubau und Bestand, alle Kapitel bewegen sich nahe an der Ingenieurpraxis. Das Buch enthält Planungshinweise, Konzepte und Praxisbeispiele.
Bauxite Mining in Africa: Transnational Corporate Governance and Development (International Political Economy Series)
by Johannes KnierzingerThis book deals with the consequences of the inclusion of African states and communities in the global aluminium chain. The so-called "New Scramble for Africa" of the 2000s illustrated how seriously African living conditions are affected by continuous cycles of boom and bust, and how strongly the quality of life currently depends on the investment decisions and corporate social responsibility policies of transnational corporations. Taking the example of the global production network of bauxite and aluminium, the author focuses on the socio-political aspects of this dependency, which he achieves through the conducting of a series of interviews with various involved parties.
Bavarität: Krisenbewältigung im baukulturellen Raum
by Mark KammerbauerDas Buch befasst sich mit der Architektur, dem Städtebau und der Stadtplanung im Freistaat Bayern aus interdisziplinärer, urbanistischer Sicht. Damit verbundene baukulturelle Partizipation kann zur Bewältigung von Krisen beitragen, wenn sowohl Akteure der Planung und Gestaltung als auch der Nutzung berücksichtigt werden. Ziel des Buches ist, den gebauten Raum Bayerns zu lesen und zu verstehen, ihn einer Kritik zu unterziehen, dabei die Erfolge nicht auszublenden, um Lösungen zu präsentieren und um schließlich Raum für die Reflexion und das Imaginieren zu "bauen". Wenn Menschen die gebaute Umwelt lesen und verstehen, dann informiert das auch ihr Handeln, insbesondere, wenn sie partizipativ an Planungs- und Gestaltungsprozessen für die Errichtung des gebauten Raums beteiligt sind. Um diese Phänomene ihrem Kontext entsprechend zu fassen und zu deuten, schlägt das Buch den Begriff der Bavarität vor. Im Fall des Freistaats Bayern und seines ländlich-städtischen Kontinuums als Ergebnis historischer baulich-räumlicher Entwicklung, durch Tradition und Moderne konturiert, stellt Bavarität eine sozio-kulturelle Leistung dar, deren Ergebnis in der Partizipation aller Beteiligten gründet und nicht endet.
Bay Area Wildlife: An Irreverent Guide
by Jeff MillerLearn about the wildlife of the Bay Area from a lifelong protector of endangered species, and enjoy the wild ride.Jeff Miller's quirky guide to the coolest animal neighbors in the Bay Area will have you gawking at elk, whooping with cranes, and crowning yourself a crossing guard for newts before you know it. Join Jeff on a local safari to meet more than sixty species of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects, and discover the fascinating and sometimes bizarre mating, feeding, and athletic antics of our most charismatic animals.Portraits by Obi Kaufmann, the renowned conservationist artist who created The California Field Atlas, bring each animal to vivid life alongside fun facts, comical photos, and maps to help you scope out the best spots to find your furred, feathered, slimy, and slithery friends. Imbued with the author’s deep compassion for the well-being of our local fauna, Bay Area Wildlife reveals why each of these creatures matters, as well as the threats that loom over our region's incredible biodiversity.
Bayesian Analysis for Population Ecology (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)
by Ruth King Byron Morgan Olivier Gimenez Steve BrooksNovel Statistical Tools for Conserving and Managing PopulationsBy gathering information on key demographic parameters, scientists can often predict how populations will develop in the future and relate these parameters to external influences, such as global warming. Because of their ability to easily incorporate random effects, fit state-space mode
A Bayesian Analysis of QCD Sum Rules (Springer Theses)
by Philipp GublerThe author develops a novel analysis method for QCD sum rules (QCDSR) by applying the maximum entropy method (MEM) to arrive at an analysis with less artificial assumptions than previously held. This is a first-time accomplishment in the field. In this thesis, a reformed MEM for QCDSR is formalized and is applied to the sum rules of several channels: the light-quark meson in the vector channel, the light-quark baryon channel with spin and isospin 1/2, and several quarkonium channels at both zero and finite temperatures. This novel technique of combining QCDSR with MEM is applied to the study of quarkonium in hot matter, which is an important probe of the quark-gluon plasma currently being created in heavy-ion collision experiments at RHIC and LHC.
Bayesian Machine Learning in Geotechnical Site Characterization (Challenges in Geotechnical and Rock Engineering)
by Jianye ChingBayesian data analysis and modelling linked with machine learning offers a new tool for handling geotechnical data. This book presents recent advancements made by the author in the area of probabilistic geotechnical site characterization.Two types of correlation play central roles in geotechnical site characterization: cross-correlation among soil properties and spatial-correlation in the underground space. The book starts with the introduction of Bayesian notion of probability “degree of belief”, showing that well-known probability axioms can be obtained by Boolean logic and the definition of plausibility function without the use of the notion “relative frequency”. It then reviews probability theories and useful probability models for cross-correlation and spatial correlation. Methods for Bayesian parameter estimation and prediction are also presented, and the use of these methods demonstrated with geotechnical site characterization examples.Bayesian Machine Learning in Geotechnical Site Characterization suits consulting engineers and graduate students in the area.
Bayesian Methods for the Physical Sciences: Learning from Examples in Astronomy and Physics (Springer Series in Astrostatistics #4)
by Stefano Andreon Brian WeaverStatistical literacy is critical for the modern researcher in Physics and Astronomy. This book empowers researchers in these disciplines by providing the tools they will need to analyze their own data. Chapters in this book provide a statistical base from which to approach new problems, including numerical advice and a profusion of examples. The examples are engaging analyses of real-world problems taken from modern astronomical research. The examples are intended to be starting points for readers as they learn to approach their own data and research questions. Acknowledging that scientific progress now hinges on the availability of data and the possibility to improve previous analyses, data and code are distributed throughout the book. The JAGS symbolic language used throughout the book makes it easy to perform Bayesian analysis and is particularly valuable as readers may use it in a myriad of scenarios through slight modifications. This book is comprehensive, well written, and will surely be regarded as a standard text in both astrostatistics and physical statistics. Joseph M. Hilbe, President, International Astrostatistics Association, Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, and Adjunct Professor of Statistics, Arizona State University
Bayesian Optimization for Materials Science (SpringerBriefs in the Mathematics of Materials #3)
by Daniel PackwoodThis book provides a short and concise introduction to Bayesian optimization specifically for experimental and computational materials scientists. After explaining the basic idea behind Bayesian optimization and some applications to materials science in Chapter 1, the mathematical theory of Bayesian optimization is outlined in Chapter 2. Finally, Chapter 3 discusses an application of Bayesian optimization to a complicated structure optimization problem in computational surface science. Bayesian optimization is a promising global optimization technique that originates in the field of machine learning and is starting to gain attention in materials science. For the purpose of materials design, Bayesian optimization can be used to predict new materials with novel properties without extensive screening of candidate materials. For the purpose of computational materials science, Bayesian optimization can be incorporated into first-principles calculations to perform efficient, global structure optimizations. While research in these directions has been reported in high-profile journals, until now there has been no textbook aimed specifically at materials scientists who wish to incorporate Bayesian optimization into their own research. This book will be accessible to researchers and students in materials science who have a basic background in calculus and linear algebra.
Bayesian Spatial Modelling with Conjugate Prior Models
by Henning Omre Torstein M. Fjeldstad Ole Bernhard ForbergThis book offers a comprehensive overview of statistical methodology for modelling and evaluating spatial variables useful in a variety of applications. These spatial variables fall into three categories: continuous, like terrain elevation; events, like tree locations; and mosaics, like medical images. Definitions and discussions of random field models are included for each of these three previously mentioned spatial variable types. Moreover, the readers will have access to algorithms suitable for applying this methodology in practical problem solving, and the computational efficiency of these algorithms are discussed. The presentation is made in a consistent predictive Bayesian framework, which allows separate modelling of the observation acquisition procedure, as a likelihood model, and of the spatial variable characteristics, as a prior spatial model. The likelihood and prior models uniquely define the posterior spatial model, which provides the basis for spatial simulations, spatial predictions with associated precisions, and model parameter inference. The emphasis is on Bayesian spatial modelling with conjugate pairs of likelihood and prior models that are analytically tractable and hence suitable for data abundant spatial studies. Alternative methods frequently used in spatial statistics are presented using a unified notation. The book is suitable as a textbook for a ‘Spatial Statistics’ course at the MSc or PhD level, as it also includes algorithm descriptions, project texts, and exercises.
Bayou D’Arbonne Swamp: A Naturalist’s Memoir of Place
by Kelby OuchleyBayou D’Arbonne Swamp addresses the vibrant natural, cultural, and social history of a north Louisiana swamp. Kelby Ouchley grew up near Bayou D’Arbonne Swamp, and he later spent much of his professional life as a wildlife biologist and naturalist overseeing the national wildlife refuge created from much of the area. His deep personal and professional connections to the landscape give him valuable insight into the enormous changes that have struck the swamp over the last century and the reasons behind this transformation. In this fascinating narrative, Ouchley offers a kaleidoscopic view of Bayou D’Arbonne Swamp that reveals its unique past and distinctive flora, fauna, and people. Although these are stories of a particular swamp, they tell us much about issues facing other wetlands, as well as prairies, mountains, and deserts, when viewed through an ecological, social, and historical lens. Ouchley aims to foster an awareness of the environmental impacts of human decisions that encourages readers to consider ecological choices in their daily lives. The result is a work that presents an intimate and multilayered natural history of Bayou D’Arbonne Swamp that extends beyond the edges of the ever-changing Louisiana wetland, informing the environmental history of Louisiana, conservation, and ecological change.
Bayou Dilemma: Louisiana in Crisis and Change (America's Third Coast Series)
by Samuel C. HydeContributions by Janet Allured, Craig E. Colten, Marcus S. Cox, Pearson Cross, John Bel Edwards, Adam Fairclough, Keith M. Finley, Samuel C. Hyde Jr., John A. Lopez, and Robert Mann In the fall of 2022, a diverse group of scholars including scientists, historians, political scientists, geographers, and journalists, along with Governor John Bel Edwards, gathered to present views on the challenges that define life in Louisiana. Born out of the symposium, Bayou Dilemma: Louisiana in Crisis and Change is an unprecedented compilation that examines the social, political, environmental, and economic hurdles pervasive to the Gulf South and especially the Bayou State. The essays collected in the volume illuminate pressing problems confronting Louisiana and its surrounding environs, as well as some of the least known and most frequently misunderstood issues that have affected the state in the past. Topics include the problems of flood control, unequal treatment for African Americans and women, political corruption, endemic violence, and partisan applications of justice, as well as the crisis of coastal erosion, the dilemma of special interests shaping legislation, and the corresponding drain of talent from the state to regions offering improved opportunities. The anthology is a provocative and essential guide that reveals how such trials emerged, how they were overcome or managed, and how they continue to shape the Gulf South’s regional identity. Concentrating on the future well-being of the state and its occupants, the volume suggests fresh pathways for addressing these lingering concerns.
Bayou Harvest: Subsistence Practice in Coastal Louisiana (America's Third Coast Series)
by Helen A. Regis Shana WaltonTo inhabitants of the Gulf Coast region of Louisiana, food is much more than nourishment. The acts of gathering, preparing, and sharing food are ways to raise children, bond with friends, and build community. In Bayou Harvest: Subsistence Practice in Coastal Louisiana, Helen A. Regis and Shana Walton examine how coastal residents deploy self-reliance and care for each other through harvesting and sharing food. Pulling from four years of fieldwork and study, Walton and Regis explore harvesting, hunting, and foraging by Native Americans, Cajuns, and other Bayou residents. This engagement with Indigenous thinkers and their neighbors yields a multifaceted view of subsistence in Louisiana. Readers will learn about coastal residents’ love for the land and water, their deep connections to place, and how they identify with their food and game heritage. The book also delves into their worries about the future, particularly storms, pollution, and land loss in the coastal region. Using a set of narratives that documents the everyday food practices of these communities, the authors conclude that subsistence is not so much a specific task like peeling shrimp or harvesting sassafras, but is fundamentally about what these activities mean to the people of the coast. Drawn together with immersive writing, this book explores a way of life that is vibrant, built on deep historical roots, and profoundly threatened by the Gulf’s shrinking coast.
Bayshore Summer: Finding Eden in a Most Unlikely Place
by Pete DunneBypassed by time and &“Joisey&” Shore–bound vacationers, the marshes and forests of the Bayshore constitute one of North America&’s last great undiscovered wild places. Sixty million people live within a tank of gas of this environmentally rich and diverse place, yet most miss out on the region&’s amazing spectacles. Bayshore Summer is a bridge that links the rest of the world to this timeless land. Pete Dunne acts as ambassador and tour guide, following Bayshore residents as they haul crab traps, bale salt hay, stake out deer poachers, and pick tomatoes. He examines and appreciates this fertile land, how we live off it and how all of us connect with it. From the shorebirds that converge by the thousands to gorge themselves on crab eggs to the delicious fresh produce that earned the Garden State its nickname, from the line-dropping expectancy of party boat fishing to the waterman who lives on a first-name basis with the birds around his boat, Bayshore Summer is at once an expansive and intimate portrait of a special place, a secret Eden, and a glimpse into a world as rich as summer and enduring as a whispered promise.
Be a Hero: The Essential Survival Guide to Active-Shooter Events
by Don Mann John Geddes Alun ReesDealing with the unthinkableIt’s never going to be you. Then one day you hear the clatter of automatic fire at the mall. You have been drawn into the chaos and terror of an active shooter event. What do you do? Who do you turn to? Be a Hero is the essential guide to terrorist attacks that will help you survive. Former Special Air Service terror expert John Geddes will explain how to cope with a life-threatening event. He shows you how to make clear decisions and beat the odds by:Dealing with fear through simple and effective techniques to bring the chemical urges generated by terror at least partially under controlEscaping and evading when possible, using everyday objects and landmarks for protectionFighting back if needed, with methods to disarm an active shooter and to use items at hand as weaponsUsing a weapon if you are licensed to carry, shooting to kill without collateral damage or being mistaken for a perpetratorProviding medical assistance to deal with traumatic battlefield injury and save livesThis is not a book primarily for survivalists and 'preppers.’ Be a Hero is a book for ordinary men and women who could find themselves in the middle of an extraordinary moment. It will help them find the hero inside-and live to tell the tale.