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Showing 20,651 through 20,675 of 28,597 results

Quality of Water Resources in Poland (Springer Water)

by Martina Zeleňáková Katarzyna Kubiak-Wójcicka Abdelazim M. Negm

This book presents state-of-the-art knowledge concerning water quality in Poland. It offers a wide variety of cases and issues on water resource quality management. The book also presents different methods and strategies to effectively use the most advanced water resource quality problems such as water pollution, whether physical, chemical, or biological, of surface water resources and groundwater resources.The authors pay exceptional attention to water quality monitoring in agricultural, urban catchments, and water reservoirs. More light into the water quality is required to assess water's physicochemical status accurately and plan suitable protection actions against recognized threats.This book addresses the needs of professional engineers, researchers, policy planners, decision-makers, stakeholders, and anyone looking to learn more about the quality situation of water resources in Poland and other similar countries and regions.

Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis

by Richard Damania Sébastien Desbureaux Aude-Sophie Rodella Russ

Water quantity—too much in the case of floods, or too little in the case of droughts—grabs public attention and the media spotlight. Water quality—being predominantly invisible and hard to detect—goes largely unnoticed. Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis presents new evidence and new data that call urgent attention to the hidden dangers lying beneath water’s surface. It shows how poor water quality stalls economic progress, stymies human potential, and reduces food production. Quality Unknown examines the effects of water quality on economic growth and finds upstream pollution lowers growth in downstream regions. It reveals that some of the most ubiquitous contaminants in water, such as nitrates and salt, have impacts that are larger, deeper, and wider than has been acknowledged. And it traces the damage to crop yields and the stark implications for food security in affected regions. An important step toward tackling the world’s water quality challenge is recognizing its scale. The world needs reliable, accurate, and comprehensive information so that policy makers can have new insights, decision making can be evidence based, and citizens can call for action. The report calls for a paradigm shift that emphasizes safer, and often more cost-effective remedies that prevent pollution by combining smarter policies with newer technologies. A key message of Quality Unknown is that such solutions exist and change is possible.

Quanta and Fields: The Biggest Ideas in the Universe

by Sean Carroll

The instant New York Times bestsellerQuanta and Fields, the second book of Sean Carroll&’s already internationally acclaimed series The Biggest Ideas in the Universe, is an adventure into the bare stuff of reality. Sean Carroll is creating a profoundly new approach to sharing physics with a broad audience, one that goes beyond analogies to show how physicists really think. He cuts to the bare mathematical essence of our most profound theories, explaining every step in a uniquely accessible way. Quantum field theory is how modern physics describes nature at its most profound level. Starting with the basics of quantum mechanics itself, Sean Carroll explains measurement and entanglement before explaining how the world is really made of fields. You will finally understand why matter is solid, why there is antimatter, where the sizes of atoms come from, and why the predictions of quantum field theory are so spectacularly successful. Fundamental ideas like spin, symmetry, Feynman diagrams, and the Higgs mechanism are explained for real, not just through amusing stories. Beyond Newton, beyond Einstein, and all the intuitive notions that have guided homo sapiens for millennia, this book is a journey to a once unimaginable truth about what our universe is.

Quanten-Zufallszahlengenerierung: Theorie und Praxis

by Stefan Rass Stefan Schauer Christian Kollmitzer Benjamin Rainer

Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die neuesten Implementierungen von Quanten-Zufallszahlengeneratoren (QRNGs) und untersucht insbesondere deren Beziehung zu klassischen statistischen Zufallsmodellen und numerischen Techniken zur Berechnung von Zufallszahlen. Der Leser - der idealerweise einen Hintergrund in klassischer Statistik, Informatik oder Kryptographie hat - wird Schritt für Schritt in die Welt der Quantenbits eingeführt, und es werden explizite Beziehungen zwischen QRNGs und ihren klassischen Gegenstücken aufgezeigt. Die Erzeugung von Zufallszahlen ist eine wichtige Säule der Kryptographie. Die Nutzung des Zufalls, der Quantenphänomenen innewohnt, ist ein sich rasch entwickelnder Zweig der Quantenkryptografie mit unzähligen Anwendungen für die Zukunft. Der Wert der Quantenzufälligkeit für kryptografische Zwecke wird empirisch durch statistische Auswertungen der Leistung von QRNGs im Vergleich zu klassischen Techniken zur Erzeugung echter und pseudozufälliger Zahlen nachgewiesen. Das Buch bietet dann einen Überblick über die technischen Implementierungen von QRNGs, bevor eine abschließende Diskussion über die wichtigsten Errungenschaften und verbleibenden Hindernisse auf diesem Gebiet die Berichterstattung abrundet und gleichzeitig die Tür für zukünftige Forschungsrichtungen öffnet.

Quantenmechanik: Einführung in die mathematische Formulierung (essentials)

by Martin Pieper

Wer schon immer die Hieroglyphen auf Sheldons Tafel in der Fernsehserie The Big Bang Theory verstehen oder ganz genau wissen wollte, was es mit dem Schicksal von Schrödingers Katze auf sich hat, findet in diesem essential eine kurze, anschauliche Einführung in die Welt der Quantenmechanik. Speziell fokussiert sich der Text auf die mathematische Beschreibung im Hilbertraum. Hierbei geht der Inhalt über populärwissenschaftliche Darstellungen hinaus, ist allerdings trotzdem durch die anschaulichen Beispiele für Lesende ohne spezielle Vorkenntnisse geeignet. ​Der Autor:Prof. Dr. Martin Pieper ist seit 2011 Professor für Mathematik und Simulation an der FH Aachen. Vor seinem Ruf an die FH Aachen war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Optimierung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik.

Quantenmechanik zu Fuß 1: Grundlagen

by Jochen Pade

Die beiden Bände von Quantenmechanik zu Fuß führen Schritt für Schritt in die Grundlagen der nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik ein.Dieser erste Band konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die wesentlichen Prinzipien, während Anwendungen und Erweiterungen des Formalismus in Band 2 zu finden sind.Um die Grundideen der Quantenmechanik und ihre mathematische Formulierung schnell und anschaulich darzustellen, wird in den ersten Kapiteln systematisch zwischen analytischer und algebraischer Darstellung gewechselt. Auf diese Weise können neben dem traditionellen Lehrstoff frühzeitig auch aktuelle Themen detailliert besprochen werden, wie z.B. Neutrino-Oszillationen und Quantenkryptographie. Ausgearbeitete Beispiele erleichtern den Zugang. Die erforderlichen mathematischen Werkzeuge werden dabei nach Bedarf eingeführt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Darstellung und Diskussion des Messproblems und anderer grundlegender konzeptueller Fragen. Ein Kapitel über die Postulate der Quantenmechanik schließt diesen ersten Band ab.Im Anhang findet sich eine kompakte Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten mathematischen Hilfsmittel, sodass auf ergänzende Literatur verzichten werden kann. Außerdem werden dort weiterführende Themen wie der Quanten-Zeno-Effekt und Time-delay-Experimente behandelt. Über 250 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen helfen dabei, das Verständnis für die behandelten Themen zu vertiefen.Die vorliegende überarbeitete und aktualisierte zweite Auflage ist um eine Einführung in einige Ideen und Probleme der relativistischen Quantenmechanik erweitert. In diesem ersten Band werden die Klein-Gordon- und die Dirac-Gleichung behandelt. Für die Relativistik benötigte Grundlagen anderer Gebiete werden in kompakter Form bereit gestellt (spezielle Relativitätstheorie, klassische Feldtheorie und Elektrodynamik).Quantenmechanik zu Fuß richtet sich an alle Studierenden der Physik und andere, die eine angemessen einfache, frische und moderne Einführung in die Quantenmechanik suchen. Das Buch eignet sich auch sehr gut zum Selbststudium.

Quantenmechanik zu Fuß 2: Anwendungen und Erweiterungen

by Jochen Pade

Die beiden Bände von Quantenmechanik zu Fuß führen Schritt für Schritt in die Grundlagen der nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik ein.Während sich der erste Band mit den wesentlichen Prinzipien befasst, werden in diesem zweiten Band Anwendungen und Erweiterungen auf komplexere Probleme erörtert.Neben Gebieten, die zum traditionellen Stoff der Quantenmechanik gehören wie z.B. Symmetrien, Streutheorie oder Vielteilchenprobleme, werden auch aktuelle Themen ausführlich behandelt, etwa Verschränkung, Bellsche Ungleichung, Dekohärenz, Quantencomputer und andere Aspekte der Quanteninformation. Ausgearbeitete Beispiele erleichtern den Zugang. Die Realismusdebatte und andere konzeptuelle Fragen der Quantenmechanik werden ausführlich besprochen. Ein Kapitel über die Interpretationen der Quantenmechanik schließt diesen zweiten Band ab.Im Anhang wird das erforderliche mathematische Handwerkszeug kompakt zusammengestellt. Außerdem werden dort weiterführendeThemen wie der Lenz-Vektor, das Hardy-Experiment und der Shor-Algorithmus detailliert dargestellt. Über 150 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen helfen dabei, das Verständnis für die behandelten Themen zu vertiefen. Die vorliegende überarbeitete und aktualisierte zweite Auflage ist um eine Einführung in einige Ideen und Probleme der relativistischen Quantenmechanik erweitert. In diesem zweiten Band wird ein Überblick über die Quantenfeldtheorie gegeben und grundlegende Konzepte der Quantenelektrodynamik eingehend behandelt.Quantenmechanik zu Fuß richtet sich an alle Studierenden der Physik und andere, die eine angemessen einfache, frische und moderne Einführung in die Quantenmechanik suchen. Das Buch eignet sich auch sehr gut zum Selbststudium.

Quantification of Sustainability Indicators in the Food Sector (Environmental Footprints And Eco-design Of Products And Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book highlights various methods of quantifying sustainability indicators in the food sector, highlighting the environmental indicators in the meat chain and agri-food wastes from a bio-refinery perspective. Numerous sustainability indicators that encompass all three pillars – economic, environmental and social areas – as well as individual and joint indicators (e.g. environmental and social) have been developed and quantified to date. Some of these indicators can be utilised for any industrial sector, while others are sector-specific. Behind each indicator developed, there is a unique scientific model, method or assessment technique. This book enumerates these indicators, providing details such as the concept, development methodology, assessment technique, and applications, mainly in the food industry.


by Joe Whitworth

Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber: companies like these have come to embody innovation, efficiency, and success. How often is the environmental movement characterized in the same terms? Sadly, conservation is frequently seen as a losing battle, waged by well-meaning, but ultimately ineffective idealists. Joe Whitworth argues it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, it can't be this way if we are to maintain our economy, let alone our health or the planet's. In Quantified, Whitworth draws lessons from the world's most tech-savvy, high-impact organizations to show how we can make real gains for the environment. The principles of his approach, dubbed quantified conservation, will be familiar to any thriving entrepreneur: situational awareness, bold outcomes, innovation and technology, data and analytics, and gain-focused investment. This no-nonsense strategy builds on the inspirational environmental work begun in the 1970s, while recognizing that the next economy will demand new solutions. As President of The Freshwater Trust, Whitworth has put quantified conservation into practice, pioneering the model of a "do-tank" that is dramatically changing how rivers can get restored across the United States. The stories in Quantified highlight the most precious of resources--water--but they apply to any environmental effort. Whether in the realm of policy, agriculture, business, or philanthropy, Whitworth is charting a new course for conservation.

Quantifying Climate Risk and Building Resilience in the UK

by Suraje Dessai Kate Lonsdale Jason Lowe Rachel Harcourt

This open access book draws together key research from the UK Climate Resilience programme. It focuses on topics central to the programme’s research agenda, including improved characterisation and quantification of climate risks, enhanced understanding of the management of climate risks, and the development and delivery of climate services. Key chapters address the challenges inherent to undertaking resilience research, including how to make the term ‘climate resilience’ usable and useful, co-producing research between academics, policy makers and practitioners, and engaging and communicating outside of academia. This book is unique in providing a concise and accessible overview of the programme’s key lessons, placing the findings into a wider context and it will inform future research, policy and practice agendas.

Quantifying Life: A Symbiosis of Computation, Mathematics, and Biology

by Dmitry A. Kondrashov

Since the time of Isaac Newton, physicists have used mathematics to describe the behavior of matter of all sizes, from subatomic particles to galaxies. In the past three decades, as advances in molecular biology have produced an avalanche of data, computational and mathematical techniques have also become necessary tools in the arsenal of biologists. But while quantitative approaches are now providing fundamental insights into biological systems, the college curriculum for biologists has not caught up, and most biology majors are never exposed to the computational and probabilistic mathematical approaches that dominate in biological research. With Quantifying Life, Dmitry A. Kondrashov offers an accessible introduction to the breadth of mathematical modeling used in biology today. Assuming only a foundation in high school mathematics, Quantifying Life takes an innovative computational approach to developing mathematical skills and intuition. Through lessons illustrated with copious examples, mathematical and programming exercises, literature discussion questions, and computational projects of various degrees of difficulty, students build and analyze models based on current research papers and learn to implement them in the R programming language. This interplay of mathematical ideas, systematically developed programming skills, and a broad selection of biological research topics makes Quantifying Life an invaluable guide for seasoned life scientists and the next generation of biologists alike.

Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life

by James D. Schiffbauer Marc Laflamme Stephen Q. Dornbos

This volume provides a detailed description of a wide range of numerical, statistical or modeling techniques and novel instrumentation separated into individual chapters written by paleontologists with expertise in the given methodology. Each chapter outlines the strengths and limitations of specific numerical or technological approaches, and ultimately applies the chosen method to a real fossil dataset or sample type. A unifying theme throughout the book is the evaluation of fossils during the prologue and epilogue of one of the most exciting events in Earth History: the Cambrian radiation.

Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems (Geophysical Monograph Series #236)

by Jef Caers Céline Scheidt Lewis Li

Under the Earth’s surface is a rich array of geological resources, many with potential use to humankind. However, extracting and harnessing them comes with enormous uncertainties, high costs, and considerable risks. The valuation of subsurface resources involves assessing discordant factors to produce a decision model that is functional and sustainable. This volume provides real-world examples relating to oilfields, geothermal systems, contaminated sites, and aquifer recharge. Volume highlights include: • A multi-disciplinary treatment of uncertainty quantification • Case studies with actual data that will appeal to methodology developers • A Bayesian evidential learning framework that reduces computation and modeling time Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems is a multidisciplinary volume that brings together five major fields: information science, decision science, geosciences, data science and computer science. It will appeal to both students and practitioners, and be a valuable resource for geoscientists, engineers and applied mathematicians.

Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science (Wildlife Management and Conservation)

by Leonard A. Brennan, et al.

An authoritative guide to quantitative methods that will help wildlife scientists improve analysis and decision-making.Over the past fifty years, wildlife science has become increasingly quantitative. But to wildlife scientists, many of whom have not been formally trained as biometricians, computer modelers, or mathematicians, the wide array of available techniques for analyzing wildlife populations and habitats can be overwhelming. This practical book aims to help students and professionals alike understand how to use quantitative methods to inform their work in the field. Covering the most widely used contemporary approaches to the analysis of wildlife populations and habitats, Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science is divided into five broad areas:• general statistical methods• demographic estimation• dynamic process modeling• analysis of spatially based data on animals and resources• numerical methodsAddressing a variety of topics, from population estimation and growth trend predictions to the study of migration patterns, this book presents fresh data on such pressing issues as sustainable take, control of invasives, and species reintroduction. Authored by leading researchers in wildlife science, each chapter considers the structure of data in relation to a particular analytical technique, as well as the structure of variation in those data. Providing conceptual and quantitative overviews of modern analytical methods, the techniques covered in this book also apply to conservation research and wildlife policy. Whether a quick refresher or a comprehensive introduction is called for, Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science is an indispensable addition to every wildlife professional's bookshelf. Contributors: William M. Block, Leonard A. Brennan, Stephen T. Buckland, Christopher C. Chizinski, Evan C. Cooch, Raymond J. Davis, Stephen J. DeMaso, Randy W. DeYoung, Jane Elith, Joseph J. Fontane, Julie A. Heinrichs, Mevin B. Hooten, Julianna M. A. Jenkins, Zachary S. Laden, Damon B. Lesmeister, Daniel Linden, Jeffrey J. Lusk, Bruce G. Marcot, David L. Miller, Michael L. Morrison, Eric Rexstad, Jamie S. Sanderlin, Joseph P. Sands, Erica F. Stuber, Chris Sutherland, Andrew N. Tri, David B. Wester, Gary C. White, Christopher K. Williams, Damon L. Williford

A Quantitative Analysis of Regional Well-Being: Identity and Gender in India, South Africa, the USA and the UK (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

by Vani Kant Borooah

Using data from the World Values Survey, this book sheds light on the link between happiness and the social group to which one belongs. The work is based on a rigorous statistical analysis of differences in the probability of happiness and life satisfaction between the predominant social group and subordinate groups. The cases of India and South Africa receive deep attention in dedicated chapters on cast and race, with other chapters considering issues such as cultural bias, religion, patriarchy, and gender. An additional chapter offers a global perspective. On top of this, the longitudinal nature of the data facilitates an examination of how world happiness has evolved between 1994 and 2014. This book will be a valuable reference for advanced students, scholars and policymakers involved in development economics, well-being, development geography, and sociology.

Quantitative Evaluation of the Whole Petroleum System: Hydrocarbon Thresholds and Their Application

by Xiongqi Pang

This book introduces a complete quantitative evaluation system of the Whole Petroleum System (WPS) on theory and expounds the correlation and difference between conventional and unconventional oil and gas reservoirs and resources, with large number of well-prepared charts and novel expressions. It has important guiding significance for the exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas all over the world and provides valuable insights for reader with an interest in petroleum geology.

Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding

by Nourollah Ahmadi Meike S Anderson Robyn Anderson Paolo Annicchiarico Vivi N Arief Baffour Badu-Apraku Surinder S Banga Jérôme Bartholomé Kaye E Basford Jacqueline Batley Dharminder Bhatia Darshan S Brar Juan Burgueño Tuong-Vi Cao Hernán Ceballos Salvatore Ceccarelli Sandeep Chapagain Binu Cherian José Crossa Monica Danilevicz Ian H DeLacy Professor Dave Edwards M A Fakorede Cassie Tay Fernandez Mahalingam Govindaraj Cécile Grenier Mehak Gupta L A Hunt Shailesh Vinay Joshi Philomin Juliana Anand Kanatti Manjit Kang M T Labuschagne D Lloyd Evans Suschismita Modal Gurbachan S Miglani Osval A Montesinos-López E Obeng-Bio S A Oyekale Paulino Pérez-Rodríguez Wolfgang H Pfeiffer M Pillay K N Rai Lovepreet Singh Rajveer Singh Ravi Prakash Singh Prasanta K Subudhi A O Talabi S N Tchala Soodeh Tirnaz Parminder S Virk Weikai Yan

Since the first edition of this book was published in 2002, the field of quantitative genetics, genomics and breeding has changed markedly. In response, only four chapters have been updated for this new edition, and the remaining 16 chapters are entirely new. This book presents state-of-the-art, authoritative chapters on contemporary issues in the broad areas of quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding. Section 1 (Chapters 2 to 12) emphasizes the application of genomics, and genome and epigenome editing techniques, in plant breeding; bioinformatics; quantitative trait loci mapping; and the latest approaches of examining and exploiting genotype-environment interactions. Section 2 (Chapters 13 to 20) represents the intersection of breeding, genetics and genomics. This section describes the use of cutting-edge molecular breeding and quantitative genetics techniques in wheat, rice, maize, root and tuber crops and pearl millet. Overall, the book focuses on using genomic information to help evaluate traits that can combat biotic/abiotic stresses, genome-wide association mapping, high-throughput genotyping/phenotyping, biofortification, use of big data, orphan crops, and gene editing techniques. The examples featured are taken from across crop science research and cover a wide geographical base. This book contains: chapters by expert authors from six continents; state-of-the-art information on topical areas relative to crop improvement; coverage of genome-editing techniques.

Quantitative Geography: The Basics (Spatial Analytics and GIS)

by Richard Harris

Numerical data are everywhere. Charts and statistics appear not just in geography journals but also in the media, in public policy, and in business and commerce too. To engage with quantitative geography, we must engage with the quantitative methods used to collect, analyse, present and interpret these data. Quantitative Geography: The Basics is the perfect introduction for undergraduates beginning any quantitative methods course. Written in short, user-friendly chapters with full-colour diagrams, the book guides the reader through a wide range of topics from the basic to the more advanced, including: Statistics Maths Graphics Models Mapping and GIS R Closely aligned with the Q-Step quantitative social science programme, Quantitative Geography: The Basics is the ideal starting point for understanding and exploring this fundamental area of Geography.

Quantitative Geography: The Basics (Spatial Analytics and GIS)

by Richard Harris

Numerical data are everywhere. Charts and statistics appear not just in geography journals but also in the media, in public policy, and in business and commerce too. To engage with quantitative geography, we must engage with the quantitative methods used to collect, analyse, present and interpret these data. Quantitative Geography: The Basics is the perfect introduction for undergraduates beginning any quantitative methods course. Written in short, user-friendly chapters with full-colour diagrams, the book guides the reader through a wide range of topics from the basic to the more advanced, including: Statistics Maths Graphics Models Mapping and GIS R Closely aligned with the Q-Step quantitative social science programme, Quantitative Geography: The Basics is the ideal starting point for understanding and exploring this fundamental area of Geography.

Quantitative Geosciences: Data Analytics, Geostatistics, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

by Y. Z. Ma

Earth science is becoming increasingly quantitative in the digital age. Quantification of geoscience and engineering problems underpins many of the applications of big data and artificial intelligence. This book presents quantitative geosciences in three parts. Part 1 presents data analytics using probability, statistical and machine-learning methods. Part 2 covers reservoir characterization using several geoscience disciplines: including geology, geophysics, petrophysics and geostatistics. Part 3 treats reservoir modeling, resource evaluation and uncertainty analysis using integrated geoscience, engineering and geostatistical methods. As the petroleum industry is heading towards operating oil fields digitally, a multidisciplinary skillset is a must for geoscientists who need to use data analytics to resolve inconsistencies in various sources of data, model reservoir properties, evaluate uncertainties, and quantify risk for decision making. This book intends to serve as a bridge for advancing the multidisciplinary integration for digital fields. The goal is to move beyond using quantitative methods individually to an integrated descriptive-quantitative analysis. In big data, everything tells us something, but nothing tells us everything. This book emphasizes the integrated, multidisciplinary solutions for practical problems in resource evaluation and field development.

Quantitative Methods for ESG Finance

by Cino Robin Castelli Cyril Shmatov

A quantitative analyst&’s introduction to the theory and practice of ESG finance In Quantitative Methods for ESG Finance, accomplished risk and ESG experts Dr. Cyril Shmatov and Cino Robin Castelli deliver an incisive and essential introduction to the quantitative basis of ESG finance from a quantitative analyst&’s perspective. The book combines the theoretical and mathematical bases underlying risk factor investing and risk management with accessible discussions of ESG applications. The authors explore the increasing availability of non-traditional data sources for quantitative analysts and describe the quantitative/statistical techniques they&’ll need to make practical use of these data. The book also offers: A particular emphasis on climate change and climate risks, both due to its increasing general importance and accelerating regulatory change in the space Practical code examples in a Python Jupyter notebook that use publicly available data to demonstrate the techniques discussed in the book Expansive discussions of risk factor investing, portfolio construction, ESG scoring, new ESG-driven financial products, and new financial risk management applications, particularly those making use of the proliferation of &“alternative data&”, both text and imagesA must-read guide for quantitative analysts, investment managers, financial risk managers, investment bankers, and other finance professionals with an interest in ESG-driven investing, Quantitative Methods for ESG Finance will also earn a place on the bookshelves of graduate students of business and finance.

Quantitative Methods in Finance: Exploring the Drivers of Sustainable Economic Growth in the EU (Sustainable Finance)

by Ştefan Cristian Gherghina

This book explores certain social and environmental drivers of sustainable economic growth for European Union countries (EU-27) and United Kingdom (UK) in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that impact and facilitate sustainable economic growth and discusses the complex set of factors involved in sustainable economic development. Special attention is given to quantitative frameworks and empirical modelling, with the main focus on panel data regression models and vector error correction model approach. Furthermore, the book develops ratings of sustainable economic growth for each of the explored countries, by employing data mining techniques such as principal component analysis. Also, the data envelopment analysis non-parametric methodology towards assessing sustainable economic growth is investigated, as well as the cluster analysis in order to classify the selected nations according to sustainable economic growth. The book appeals to policy-makers and academics targeting to learn more about the characteristics of sustainable economic growth.

Quantitative Methods in Tourism Economics

by Manuela Sarmento Álvaro Matias Peter Nijkamp

Tourism economics is partly based on established principles from the economics discipline, but it also incorporates elements from sociology, psychology, organization theory and ecology. It has over the years turned into an appealing multi-disciplinary oriented approach to the understanding of the impacts of leisure time in a modern society, including cultural heritage, sustainable quality of life, and industrial organization of the hospitality industry. The increasing dynamics in the tourist industry and its worldwide effects will continue to attract the attention of both the research and the policy sector in the years to come. Rather than speculating on non-observed facts, there is a clear need for evidence-based research in order to map out the complex dynamics of the tourist industry. The present volume comprises novel studies - mainly of a quantitative-analytical nature - on the supply, demand and contextual aspects of modern tourism. It contains a sound mix of theory, methodology, policy and case studies on various tourism issues in different parts of the world.

Quantitative Methods of Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences and Engineering

by Professor Douglas G. Martinson

This book provides thorough and comprehensive coverage of most of the new and important quantitative methods of data analysis for graduate students and practitioners. In recent years, data analysis methods have exploded alongside advanced computing power, and it is critical to understand such methods to get the most out of data, and to extract signal from noise. The book excels in explaining difficult concepts through simple explanations and detailed explanatory illustrations. Most unique is the focus on confidence limits for power spectra and their proper interpretation, something rare or completely missing in other books. Likewise, there is a thorough discussion of how to assess uncertainty via use of Expectancy, and the easy to apply and understand Bootstrap method. The book is written so that descriptions of each method are as self-contained as possible. Many examples are presented to clarify interpretations, as are user tips in highlighted boxes.

Quantitative Monitoring of the Underwater Environment

by Benoît Zerr Luc Jaulin Vincent Creuze Nathalie Debese Isabelle Quidu Benoît Clement Annick Billon-Coat

This volume constitutes the results of the International Conference onUnderwater Environment, MOQESM'14, held at "Le Quartz" Conference Center in Brest,France, on October 14-15, 2014, within the framework of the 9thSea Tech Week, International Marine Science andTechnology Event. The objective of MOQESM'14 was to bring together researchers fromboth academia and industry, interested in marine robotics and hydrography withapplication to the coastal environment mapping and underwater infrastructuressurveys. The common thread of the conference is the combination of technicalcontrol, perception, and localization, typically used in robotics, with the methods of mappingand bathymetry. The papers presented in this book focus on two main topics. Firstly, coastal and infrastructure mapping is addressed, focusing notonly on hydrographic systems, but also on positioning systems, bathymetry, and remote sensing. Theproposed methods rely on acoustic sensors such as side scan sonars, multibeam echo sounders,phase-measuring bathymetric sonars, as well as optical systems such as underwater laser scanners. Accurate underwater positioning is also addressed in the case of the use of a singleacoustic beacon, and the latest advances in increasing the vertical precision of Global NavigationSatellite System (GNSS) are also presented. Most of the above mentioned works are closely related to autonomousmarine vehicles. Consequently, the second part of the book describes some works concerning the methodsassociated with such type of vehicles. The selected papers focus on autonomous surface orunderwater vehicles, detailing new approaches for localization, modeling, control, mapping, obstacledetection and avoidance, surfacing, and software development. Some of these works imply acoustics sensing aswell as image processing. Set membership methods are also used in some papers. The applications of the work presented in this book concern inparticular oceanography, monitoring of oil and gas infrastructures, and military field.

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