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The Bering Sea Ecosystem
by Committee on the Bering Sea EcosystemThe Bering Sea, which lies between the United States and Russia, is one of the most productive ecosystems in the world and has prolific fishing grounds. Yet there have been significant unexplained population fluctuations in marine mammals and birds in the region. The book examines the Bering Sea ecosystem's dynamics and the relationship between man and the ecosystem, in order to identify potential reasons for the population fluctuations as well as identify ways the Sea's living resources can be better managed by government.
Berlin: The Spatial Structure of a Divided City
by Dorothy Elkins T. H. Elkins B. HofmeisterThis anniversary study presents a readable, informative account of the development and current structure of Berlin.
Berlin: The Interplay between Political Ideology, Architecture and Identity (Springer Geography)
by Neil Mair Quazi Mahtab ZamanPolitical meaning in architecture has been a subject of interest to many critics and writers. The most notable of these include Charles T. Goodsell and Kenneth Frampton. In Goodsell's (1988) statement “Political places are not randomly or casually brought into existence” (ibid, p. 8), the stipulation is that architecture has been used very deliberately in the past to bolster connotations of power and strength in cities representative of larger nations and political movements. The question central to this book relates to how this can be achieved. Goodsell argues that any study of the interplay between political ideology, architecture, and identity, demands a place imbued with political ideas opposed to “cold concepts and lifeless abstractions” (Goodsell 1988, p. 1). As a means through which to examine and evaluate the ways in which the development of cities can be influenced by political and ideological tendencies, this book focuses on Berlin, as a political discourse, given its significant destruction and reorganisation to reinstate its identity in the context of geopolitics and the advent of globalisation.
Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems (Life of the Past)
by Pascal GodefroitIn 1878, the first complete dinosaur skeleton was discovered in a coal mine in Bernissart, Belgium. Iguanodon, first described by Gideon Mantell on the basis of fragments discovered in England in 1824, was initially reconstructed as an iguana-like reptile or a heavily built, horned quadruped. However, the Bernissart skeleton changed all that. The animal was displayed in an upright posture similar to a kangaroo, and later with its tail off the ground like the dinosaur we know of today. Focusing on the Bernissant discoveries, this book presents the latest research on Iguanodon and other denizens of the Cretaceous ecosystems of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Pascal Godefroit and contributors consider the Bernissart locality itself and the new research programs that are underway there. The book also presents a systematic revision of Iguanodon; new material from Spain, Romania, China, and Kazakhstan; studies of other Early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems; and examinations of Cretaceous vertebrate faunas.
Berufseinstieg Geographie: Handwerkszeug für eine erfolgreiche Strategie
by Wolfgang LeyboldWelche Berufswege stehen mir nach dem Geographiestudium offen? Was sind typisch geographische Stärken? Und wie kommuniziere ich diese erfolgreich meinem zukünftigen Arbeitgeber? Besonders für angehende Absolvierende der Geographie sind diese Fragen wichtig, da viele Arbeitgeber die Qualifikationen und die Faszination des Studienfaches Geographie nicht genau kennen. Die vielseitigen Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten im Geographiestudium machen eine klare Kommunikation entscheidend für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Der Autor lädt Sie auf eine spannende Reise in die mit Fragezeichen behaftete Arbeitswelt der Geographie ein: Sie entdecken angewandt und beispielhaft die unterschiedlichsten geographischen Berufsfelder. Sie erarbeiten wichtiges Handwerkszeug für Ihr Marketing in eigener Sache mit einer selbstbewussten und chancenorientierten Strategie. Zusätzlich beschäftigen Sie sich ausführlich mit Ihren Stärken, Ihrer Motivation und Ihrem Begeisterungsvermögen – mit dem Ziel, den potentiellen Arbeitgeber von Ihren Fähigkeiten zu überzeugen. Unterhaltsam geschrieben und auf beiden Perspektiven – des Geographen und des Recruitingberaters – beruhend, räumt das Buch mit der oft gestellten Frage auf: Was macht eine Geographin oder ein Geograph nach dem Studium eigentlich beruflich?
Bessel Processes, Schramm-Loewner Evolution, and the Dyson Model (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics #11)
by Makoto KatoriThe purpose of this book is to introduce two recent topics in mathematical physics and probability theory: the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) and interacting particle systems related to random matrix theory. A typical example of the latter systems is Dyson's Brownian motion (BM) model. The SLE and Dyson's BM model may be considered as "children" of the Bessel process with parameter D, BES(D), and the SLE and Dyson's BM model as "grandchildren" of BM. In Chap. 1 the parenthood of BM in diffusion processes is clarified and BES(D) is defined for any D ≥ 1. Dependence of the BES(D) path on its initial value is represented by the Bessel flow. In Chap. 2 SLE is introduced as a complexification of BES(D). Rich mathematics and physics involved in SLE are due to the nontrivial dependence of the Bessel flow on D. From a result for the Bessel flow, Cardy's formula in Carleson's form is derived for SLE. In Chap. 3 Dyson's BM model with parameter β is introduced as a multivariate extension of BES(D) with the relation D = β + 1. The book concentrates on the case where β = 2 and calls this case simply the Dyson model. The Dyson model inherits the two aspects of BES(3); hence it has very strong solvability. That is, the process is proved to be determinantal in the sense that all spatio-temporal correlation functions are given by determinants, and all of them are controlled by a single function called the correlation kernel. From the determinantal structure of the Dyson model, the Tracy-Widom distribution is derived.
Best Practices in Geotechnical and Pavement Engineering: Select Proceedings of IACESD 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #449)
by Sreevalsa Kolathayar N. Vinod Chandra Menon K. S. SreekeshavaThis book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IACESD 2023). The topics covered include emerging practices in geotechnical engineering and pavement, innovative approaches, and technologies to enhance the durability, sustainability, and performance of infrastructure, geosynthetics, geotechnical monitoring systems, and ground improvement techniques to address soil stability, settlement, and liquefaction issues. This book is useful for researchers and professionals’ geotechnical engineering.
Best Practices in Metropolitan Transportation Planning: New Advances, Approaches, And Best Practices
by Reid Ewing Keith BartholomewPlanning at a metropolitan scale is important for effective management of urban growth, transportation systems, air quality, and watershed and green-spaces. It is fundamental to efforts to promote social justice and equity. Best Practices in Metropolitan Transportation Planning shows how the most innovative metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in the United States are addressing these issues using their mandates to improve transportation networks while pursuing emerging sustainability goals at the same time. As both a policy analysis and a practical how-to guide, this book presents cutting-edge original research on the role accessibility plays - and should play - in transportation planning, tracks how existing plans have sought to balance competing priorities using scenario planning and other strategies, assesses the results of various efforts to reduce automobile dependence in cities, and explains how to make planning documents more powerful and effective. In highlighting the most innovative practices implemented by MPOs, regional planning councils, city and county planning departments and state departments of transportation, this book aims to influence other planning organizations, as well as influence federal and state policy discussions and legislation.
Bestial Oblivion: War, Humanism, and Ecology in Early Modern England (Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture)
by Benjamin BertramAlthough war is a heterogeneous assemblage of the human and nonhuman, it nevertheless builds the illusion of human autonomy and singularity. Focusing on war and ecology, a neglected topic in early modern ecocriticism, Bestial Oblivion: War, Humanism, and Ecology in Early Modern England shows how warfare unsettles ideas of the human, yet ultimately contributes to, and is then perpetuated by, anthropocentrism. Bertram’s study of early modern warfare’s impact on human-animal and human-technology relationships draws upon posthumanist theory, animal studies, and the new materialisms, focusing on responses to the Anglo-Spanish War, the Italian Wars, the Wars of Religion, the colonization of Ireland, and Jacobean “peace.” The monograph examines a wide range of texts—essays, drama, military treatises, paintings, poetry, engravings, war reports, travel narratives—and authors—Erasmus, Machiavelli, Digges, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Coryate, Bacon—to show how an intricate web of perpetual war altered the perception of the physical environment as well as the ideologies and practices establishing what it meant to be human.
The Bet
by Paul SabinIn 1980, the iconoclastic economist Julian Simon challenged celebrity biologist Paul Ehrlich to a bet. Their wager on the future prices of five metals captured the publics imagination as a test of coming prosperity or doom. Ehrlich, author of the landmark book "The Population Bomb, " predicted that rising populations would cause overconsumption, resource scarcity, and famine--with apocalyptic consequences for humanity. Simon optimistically countered that human welfare would flourish thanks to flexible markets, technological change, and our collective ingenuity. Simon and Ehrlichs debate reflected a deepening national conflict over the future of the planet. "The Bet" weaves the two mens lives and ideas together with the eras partisan political clashes over the environment and the role of government. In a lively narrative leading from the dawning environmentalism of the 1960s through the pivotal presidential contest between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan and on into the 1990s, Paul Sabin shows how the fight between Ehrlich and Simon--between environmental fears and free-market confidence--helped create the gulf separating environmentalists and their critics today. Drawing insights from both sides, Sabin argues for using social values, rather than economic or biological absolutes, to guide societys crucial choices relating to climate change, the planets health, and our own.
Betriebliche Risiken in der Nassbaggerei
by Volker Patzold Günter GruhnWie die in Nassbaggerei erfahrenen Autoren zeigen, ist der kapitalintensive Teil des Erdbaus im Nassen ein mitunter risikoreiches Geschäft. Die Risikohöhe wird vor allem durch oftmals große Mengenvordersätze, angetroffene Baugrundverhältnisse, ungenau beschriebene Hindernisse und Kontaminationen, klimatische Verhältnisse sowie ungeeignete Gerätewahl bestimmt. Bei Aufstellung der Preiskalkulation wird immer wieder der eine oder andere Risikofaktor nicht oder nur ungenügend für einen angemessenen Preis berücksichtigt. Die wesentlichen Risikofaktoren für verschiedene Gerätetypen benennen Patzold und Gruhn und erläutern sie anhand von Lastfällen. Sie stellen in einer Modellrechnung einen Kostenvergleich auf und schätzen den zu erwartenden Schaden ab, indem sie Risiken auf Basis von Expertenwissen abschätzen. Je nach Gerätetyp kann bei Berücksichtigung dieser Risiken im betrachteten Modellfall ein bis zum 3,6-fachen höherer Einheitspreis erforderlich werden. Ziel des Buches ist es, mit der Nassbaggerei Beschäftigte bei deren Planung, Preisbildung und Durchführung zu sensibilisieren und die Hinnahme von Risiken zu minimieren. Dr. -Ing. Volker Patzold absolvierte 1968 ein Bergbaustudium an der TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld und wurde 1970 an der TU Hannover promoviert. Nach 2005 nahm er einem Lehrbeauftrag über Nassbaggerei an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Tagebau, wahr. Nach seinem Studium war er in verschiedenen Firmen im Bereich des Wasser-, Straßen- und Tiefbaus sowie des Tagebaus tätig. Seit 1984 ist er mit seinem Ingenieurbüro für Naßbaggerei und Tagebau auf Steine und Erden in Buchholz i. d. Nde. selbständig. Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Dr. h. c. Günter Gruhn studierte Maschinenbau in Dresden mit Fachausbildung auf dem Gebiet Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik, wurde 1963 an der TU Dresden promoviert und habilitierte sich 1966. Von 1968 bis 1993 war er Professor für Systemverfahrenstechnik an der TH Leuna-Merseburg und bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahre 2003 Leiter des Instituts für Prozess- und Anlagentechnik an der TU Hamburg-Harburg.
Betriebsplanung im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr: Ziele, Methoden, Konzepte (VDI-Buch)
by Lars SchniederMit diesem Buch erhält der Leser einen umfassenden Einblick in alle für die Planung, Durchführung und Kontrolle des Betriebs öffentlicher Personenverkehrssysteme (ÖPNV) relevanten Aufgaben. Eine besondere Beachtung finden hierbei verkehrsträgerspezifische Besonderheiten, da der Betrieb öffentlicher Personenverkehrssysteme unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen und einer großen Bandbreite einwirkender Störgrößen unterliegt. Die vergleichende Darstellung der Merkmale der Verkehrsträger sowie deren Auswirkung auf die Betriebsplanung fördert das Verständnis der planerischen Aufgaben. Das Buch "Betriebsplanung im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr" ist eine ganzheitliche und übersichtlich strukturierte Darstellung der einzelnen Planungsschritte in Verkehrsunternehmen in ihrem Zusammenhang. Vorhandene Methoden und Lösungsmöglichkeiten werden zusammengestellt und vergleichend diskutiert. Das Buch schließt die bestehende Lücke in der Fachliteratur. Es richtet sich an Angebotsplaner in Verkehrsverbünden, Betriebsplaner in Verkehrsunternehmen sowie planerisch tätigen Mitarbeitern in Ingenieurbüros. Studierende der Verkehrswissenschaften finden im vorliegenden Buch die für die beruflichen Aufgaben notwendige fachliche Vertiefung.
Better Business: How the B Corp Movement Is Remaking Capitalism
by Christopher MarquisA compelling look at the B Corp movement and why socially and environmentally responsible companies are vital for everyone&’s future Businesses have a big role to play in a capitalist society. They can tip the scales toward the benefit of the few, with toxic side effects for all, or they can guide us toward better, more equitable long-term solutions. Christopher Marquis tells the story of the rise of a new corporate form—the B Corporation. Founded by a group of friends who met at Stanford, these companies undergo a rigorous certification process, overseen by the B Lab, and commit to putting social benefits, the rights of workers, community impact, and environmental stewardship on equal footing with financial shareholders. Informed by over a decade of research and animated by interviews with the movement&’s founders and leading figures, Marquis&’s book explores the rapid growth of companies choosing to certify as B Corps, both in the United States and internationally, and explains why the future of B Corporations is vital for us all.
Better Corporate Reporting (Doshorts Ser.)
by Carol Adams Elaine Cohen Dwayne BarakaBetter Corporate Reporting outlines the latest frameworks for enhancing non-financial and sustainability reporting. It shows you how to integrate non-financial data into your reporting and overall strategy, creating long-term value, trust and transparency. It includes guides to: the International Integrated Reporting Council's new framework; the Global Reporting Initiative's G4 framework; and a detailed look at the concept at the heart of both of these new frameworks, materiality. It is the compilation of 3 bestselling sustainability guides on sustainability reporting.Understanding Integrated Reporting provides a practical and expert distillation of the new IR framework released by the International Integrated Reporting Council in December 2013. It explains what IR is and how to do it; how it links with other reporting frameworks and what it means in terms of thinking and processes. You'll also get a clear business case for IR and insights and best practice examples from leading integrated reporters. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Framework was launched in May 2013. In Understanding G4, corporate reporting veteran Elaine Cohen presents an easy-to-follow review of everything any organization needs to know to decide whether to use the G4 Framework and if so, how. Materiality is the lynch-pin that can align your sustainability initiatives with your overall strategy. Making Sustainability Matter shows you how to identify your organization's most material sustainability issues, allocate resources to sustainability initiatives for optimal returns; connect your communications and reporting to materiality, and; clarify which issues are important to your stakeholders. Materiality is a core concept in both the GRI's new G4 framework the IIRC's new Integrated Reporting framework.
Better Environmental Policy Studies: How To Design And Conduct More Effective Analyses
by Lawrence Susskind Ravi K. Jain Andrew O. MartyniukEnvironmental policy studies commissioned by government agencies or other stakeholders can play a vital role in environmental decisionmaking; they provide much-needed insight into policy options and specific recommendations for action. But the results of even the most rigorous studies are frequently misappropriated or misunderstood and are as likely to confuse an issue as they are to clarify it. Better Environmental Policy Studies explores this problem, as it considers the shortcomings of current approaches to policy studies and presents a pragmatic new approach to the subject. Reviewing five cases that are widely regarded as the most effective policy studies to have been conducted in the United States in the last few decades, the authors present a comprehensive guide to the concepts and methods required for conducting effective policy studies. The book: *describes and explains the conventional approach to policy studies and its shortcoming *presents the history, impacts, and common elements of five successful policy studies *offers an in-depth look at the different tools and techniques of policy analysis *extends the concepts and principles of successful policy studies to their potential uses in the international arena Better Environmental Policy Studies presents a practical, battle-tested approach to overcoming the obstacles to formulating effective environmental policy. It is an invaluable resource for students and faculty in departments of environmental studies, public policy and administration, and planning, as well as for professional policy analysts and others involved with making decisions and mediating disputes over environmental issues.
A Better Planet: Forty Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future
by Daniel C. Esty Ingrid C. BurkeA practical, bipartisan call to action from the world’s leading thinkers on the environment and sustainability Sustainability has emerged as a global priority over the past several years. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change and the adoption of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals through the United Nations have highlighted the need to address critical challenges such as the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, water shortages, and air pollution. But in the United States, partisan divides, regional disputes, and deep disagreements over core principles have made it nearly impossible to chart a course toward a sustainable future. This timely new book, edited by celebrated scholar Daniel C. Esty, offers fresh thinking and forward-looking solutions from environmental thought leaders across the political spectrum. The book’s forty essays cover such subjects as ecology, environmental justice, Big Data, public health, and climate change, all with an emphasis on sustainability. The book focuses on moving toward sustainability through actionable, bipartisan approaches based on rigorous analytical research.
Better Spending for Localizing Global Sustainable Development Goals: Examples from the Field (The Dynamics of Economic Space)
by Fayyaz Baqir Nipa Banerjee Sanni YayaThis book centers around an intense debate among donors, policymakers, development practitioners, and academics on the efficacy of aid in eradicating poverty while promoting human development. It seeks to fill the gap in present literature by presenting stories of better spending through implementing Sustainable Development Goals and addressing Agenda 2030 via indigenization of global development goals with initiatives at local and national levels. The book adopts an innovative approach to dealing with aid effectiveness by highlighting the relevance of better spending, rather than excessive spending. It does so with real-life examples of interventions made in the Global South to realize the vision of "thinking globally and acting locally". These case studies speak to the significance of communities’ role in shouldering responsibility for planning, financing, operating, and maintaining local developmental initiatives. The examples also demonstrate how aid serves its purpose when used as an investment in communities and enterprising individuals, in order to realize the strategic impact of giving and build a local "receiving mechanism" for indigenizing and achieving global development goals. The book references cases of better spending by governments, philanthropists, and civil society organizations (CSOs) from across Asia, Africa, and Latin America on a range of issues and will, thus, be of interest to development practitioners, policymakers, donors, philanthropists, civil society organizations, and academics and students of international development studies.
Better Trout Habitat: A Guide To Stream Restoration And Management
by Montana Land Reliance Christopher J. HunterBetter Trout Habitat explains the physical, chemical, and biological needs of trout, and shows how climate, geology, vegetation, and flowing water all help to create trout habitat.
The Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones Brett Johnson Ross HaenflerSpecifically designed to reach people who normally would not consider themselves activists, The Better World Handbook is directed toward those who care about creating a more just, sustainable, and socially responsible world but don't know where to begin. Substantially updated, this revised bestseller now contains more recent information on global problems, more effective actions, and many new resources.
A Better World, Inc.: Corporate Governance for an Inclusive, Sustainable, and Prosperous Future
by Alice KorngoldThe first edition of A Better World, Inc. showed how companies can profit by solving global problems. Increasingly, companies and investors are capitalizing on these opportunities. The three factors necessary for success were revealed to be effective corporate governance, stakeholder engagement, and collaboration. Racial equity and justice, and gender equity, were also themes in the original edition. By drawing on new research and case studies, this updated edition shows that inclusion and sustainability are in fact fundamental prerequisites for prosperity for companies and society. Specifically, racial inequity and injustice, and gender inequity, are systemic problems that impede businesses from achieving their greater potential in the global marketplace; in the meantime, society suffers as well. The second edition of A Better World, Inc. builds on the first by showing that companies have the power and incentives – and their boards of directors have the responsibility and the authority – to drive solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. Readers will learn how companies and their boards, together with nonprofits and governments, can drive prosperity by centering equity and sustainability.This edition is organized to address environmental, social, and governance practices, which are priority interests for investors, media, the public, government, and others to assess company practices and profitability.
The Better World Shopping Guide
by Ellis JonesAccording to the latest research, the average American family spends nearly $22,000 a year on goods and services--that's 22,000 votes for the world you want to live in. Do you want to ensure your money is supporting companies who work to make the world a better place, or risk its going to corporations who make their decisions based solely on the bottom line? The Better World Shopping Guide is the only comprehensive guide for socially and environmentally responsible consumers. This perennial bestseller rates every product on the shelf from A to F so you can quickly tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys"--turning your shopping list into a powerful tool to change the world. Drawing on decades of meticulous research, this completely revised and updated fourth edition will help you find out which companies actually "walk the talk" when it comes to: Environmental sustainability Human rights Community involvement Animal protection Social justice Small enough to fit in a back pocket or handbag and organized in a user-friendly format, The Better World Shopping Guide will help you change the world as you shop. Ellis Jones, PhD, is the award-winning, best-selling author of The Better World Shopping Guide and The Better World Handbook. A scholar of social responsibility, global citizenship, and ethical consumerism, Jones has dedicated himself to uncovering practical ways for people to make a difference in the world. He currently teaches in the Department of Sociology at Holy Cross College.<P><P> Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.
The Better World Shopping Guide #5
by Ellis JonesWhile we generally try to make our vote count every four years, few of us realize that our most immediate power to shape the world is being squandered on a daily basis. Every dollar we spend has the potential to create social and environmental change. In fact, it already has. The world that exists today is in large part a result of how our purchasing decisions have shaped it.The Better World Shopping Guide rates hundreds of products and services from A to F so you can quickly tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys" and ensure your money is not supporting corporations who make their decisions based solely on the bottom line. Drawing on decades of meticulous research, this completely revised and updated fifth edition will help you find out who actually "walks the talk" when it comes to: Environmental sustainability Human rights Community involvement Animal protection Social justiceSmall enough to fit in a back pocket or handbag, and organized in a user-friendly format, The Better World Shopping Guide will help you reward the companies who are doing good, penalize those involved in destructive activities, and change the world as you shop!Ellis Jones, PhD, is the award-winning, best-selling author of four previous editions of The Better World Shopping Guide and co-author of The Better World Handbook. A scholar of social responsibility, global citizenship, and everyday activism, Jones has dedicated himself to uncovering practical ways for people to make a difference in the world. He currently teaches at Holy Cross College.
The Better World Shopping Guide--Revised Edition
by Ellis Jones"The new edition doesn't disappoint. Pocket-sized so it's easy to carry around, and at-a-glance easy-to-read, it grades companies with a simple A to F. The grade encompasses human rights, the environment, animal protection, community involvement, and social justice. I've always believed we vote with our dollars every day, choosing through our purchases what kind of world we want to live in. This book embraces that idea, and also gives a list of 'Top 10 Things to Change' from banking and credit cards, to chocolate and coffee."--Chris, Seventh Generation blogThe only comprehensive guide for socially and environmentally responsible consumers available, this book ranks every product on the shelf from A to F so you can quickly tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys"--turning your grocery list into a powerful tool to change the world. Representing over seventeen years of distilled research, data is organized into the most common product categories including coffee, energy bars, computers, gasoline, clothing, banks, cars, water, and more. Also included is a summary of the essential information about particular product categories, profiles of the best and worst companies, practical buying tips, and the most useful online resources available. Whether you believe in environmental sustainability, human rights, animal protection, community involvement, or social justice, this book is for you!Small enough to fit in a back pocket or small purse and organized in a shopping-friendly format, The Better World Shopping Guide will help you change the world as you shop!Ellis Jones has been teaching people to make a difference in the world for over a decade with works like The Better World Handbook. A scholar of social responsibility, social change, and everyday activism, he founded and directs the Better World Network. He teaches sociology at the University of California, Davis.
Betting the Farm on a Drought: Stories from the Front Lines of Climate Change
by Seamus McGrawA lively, thought-provoking overview of climate change from the perspectives of people who are dealing with it on the ground.Climate change has become one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Extremists on the left regularly issue hyperbolic jeremiads about the impending destruction of the environment, while extremists on the right counter with crass, tortured denials. But out in the vast middle are ordinary people dealing with stronger storms and more intense droughts than they’ve ever known. This middle ground is the focus of Betting the Farm on a Drought, a lively, thought-provoking book that lays out the whole story of climate change—the science, the math, and most importantly, the human stories of people fighting both the climate and their own deeply held beliefs to find creative solutions to a host of environmental challenges.Seamus McGraw takes us on a trip along America’s culturally fractured back roads and listens to farmers and ranchers and fishermen, many of them people who are not ideologically, politically, or in some cases even religiously inclined to believe in man-made global climate change. He shows us how they are already being affected and the risks they are already taking on a personal level to deal with extreme weather and its very real consequences for their livelihoods. McGraw also speaks to scientists and policymakers who are trying to harness that most renewable of American resources, a sense of hope and self-reliance that remains strong in the face of daunting challenges. By bringing these voices together, Betting the Farm on a Drought ultimately becomes a model for how we all might have a pragmatic, reasoned conversation about our changing climate.“This title deserves a wide and varied readership; it has the power to change minds.” —Booklist“Seamus McGraw has created not just an important document regarding climate change and the future of our planet but a wonderful and truthful portrait of America. You feel like you’re on the road with him, cruising down little-traveled streets to meet fascinating characters whom you’d never see on Fox News or CNN. A terrific book.” —A. J. Baime, author of White Lies: The Double Life of Walter F. White and America’s Darkest Secret“Effectively blending story, science, and context, this engaging, readable book will be invaluable for those studying or working on issues associated with climate change, especially those with a social science or policy focus.” —Choice
Betting the Farm on a Drought: Stories from the Front Lines of Climate Change
by Seamus McGrawA lively, thought-provoking overview of climate change from the perspectives of people who are dealing with it on the ground.Climate change has become one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Extremists on the left regularly issue hyperbolic jeremiads about the impending destruction of the environment, while extremists on the right counter with crass, tortured denials. But out in the vast middle are ordinary people dealing with stronger storms and more intense droughts than they’ve ever known. This middle ground is the focus of Betting the Farm on a Drought, a lively, thought-provoking book that lays out the whole story of climate change—the science, the math, and most importantly, the human stories of people fighting both the climate and their own deeply held beliefs to find creative solutions to a host of environmental challenges.Seamus McGraw takes us on a trip along America’s culturally fractured back roads and listens to farmers and ranchers and fishermen, many of them people who are not ideologically, politically, or in some cases even religiously inclined to believe in man-made global climate change. He shows us how they are already being affected and the risks they are already taking on a personal level to deal with extreme weather and its very real consequences for their livelihoods. McGraw also speaks to scientists and policymakers who are trying to harness that most renewable of American resources, a sense of hope and self-reliance that remains strong in the face of daunting challenges. By bringing these voices together, Betting the Farm on a Drought ultimately becomes a model for how we all might have a pragmatic, reasoned conversation about our changing climate.“This title deserves a wide and varied readership; it has the power to change minds.” —Booklist“Seamus McGraw has created not just an important document regarding climate change and the future of our planet but a wonderful and truthful portrait of America. You feel like you’re on the road with him, cruising down little-traveled streets to meet fascinating characters whom you’d never see on Fox News or CNN. A terrific book.” —A. J. Baime, author of White Lies: The Double Life of Walter F. White and America’s Darkest Secret“Effectively blending story, science, and context, this engaging, readable book will be invaluable for those studying or working on issues associated with climate change, especially those with a social science or policy focus.” —Choice