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Biodiversität - Warum wir ohne Vielfalt nicht leben können
by Ewald WeberEine Einladung in die Biologie der Vielfalt Dieses Buch berichtet über ein ebenso spannendes wie aktuelles Thema an der Schnittstelle zwischen naturwissenschaftlicher Grundlagenforschung und globaler gesellschaftlicher Herausforderung: die Biodiversität. Drei Ebenen kommen hier zusammen: die Vielfalt der Arten in einem Lebensraum, die Vielfalt der Ökosysteme und Lebensräume selbst und die Vielfalt der Gene in den Lebewesen. Der Autor, Biologe und selbst in der Biodiversitätsforschung tätig, nimmt Sie mit auf eine aufregende Entdeckungsreise durch diese mannigfach vernetzte Welt. In leicht verständlicher Sprache und mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen erklärt er Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe. Wie ist Biodiversität eigentlich definiert, und mit welchen Techniken wird sie erfasst? Wie ist die immense Artenvielfalt auf der Erde entstanden, und wie entwickelt sie sich weiter? Welchen Nutzen hat die Biodiversität auf den verschiedenen Ebenen? In welchem Maße ist die Vielfalt der Arten und Lebensräume heute bedroht, und wie kann man diesem Trend entgegenwirken? Solche und ähnliche Fragen beantwortet dieses Buch, in dessen breitem Themenbogen sich die Vielfalt seines Gegenstands wiederspiegelt. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Biodiversität! Der AutorEwald Weber ist Biologe und Sachbuchautor. Er lehrt und forscht an der Universität Potsdam mit Schwerpunkt Biodiversität. Sein Anliegen als Autor ist das Vermitteln von wissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen und von Naturgeschichte im weitesten Sinn.
Biodiversität - Warum wir ohne Vielfalt nicht leben können
by Ewald WeberDieses Buch berichtet über ein ebenso spannendes wie aktuelles Thema an der Schnittstelle zwischen naturwissenschaftlicher Grundlagenforschung und globaler gesellschaftlicher Herausforderung: die Biodiversität. Drei Ebenen kommen hier zusammen: die Vielfalt der Arten in einem Lebensraum, die Vielfalt der Ökosysteme und Lebensräume selbst und die Vielfalt der Gene in den Lebewesen. Der Autor ist Biologe und war selbst in der Biodiversitätsforschung tätig. Er nimmt Sie mit auf eine aufregende Entdeckungsreise durch diese mannigfach vernetzte Welt. In leicht verständlicher Sprache und mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen erklärt er komplexe Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe. Wie ist Biodiversität definiert, und mit welchen Techniken wird sie erfasst? Wie ist die immense Artenvielfalt auf der Erde entstanden, und wie entwickelt sie sich weiter? Welchen Nutzen hat die Biodiversität auf den verschiedenen Ebenen? In welchem Maße ist die Vielfalt der Arten und Lebensräume heute bedroht, und wie kann man diesem Trend entgegenwirken? Solche und ähnliche Fragen beantwortet dieses Buch, in dessen breitem Themenbogen sich die Vielfalt seines Gegenstands widerspiegelt. Die 2. Auflage des Buches berücksichtigt dabei neuste Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung und neue Entwicklungen zum Rückgang der biologischen Vielfalt. Aber auch von den zahlreichen Bemühungen, dem Verlust entgegenzuwirken, ist die Rede. Die Erfolgsgeschichten des Naturschutzes geben Anlass zur Hoffnung. Biodiversität ist faszinierend und wertvoll – tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der biologischen Vielfalt!
Biodiversity: A Beginner's Guide (revised and updated edition) (Beginner's Guides)
by John SpicerOur future is closely tied to that of the variety of life on Earth, and yet there is no greater threat to it than us. From population explosions and habitat destruction to climate change and mass extinctions, John Spicer explores the causes and consequences of our biodiversity crisis. In this revised and updated edition, he examines how grave the situation has become over the past decade and outlines what we must do now to protect and preserve not just nature&’s wonders but the essential services that biodiversity provides for us, seemingly for nothing.
Biodiversity, Access and Benefit-Sharing: Global Case Studies
by Daniel F. RobinsonThe Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is rapidly receiving signatures and ratifications. Many countries are preparing to implement the protocol through national research permit systems and/or biodiversity laws. Yet there is still considerable confusion about how to implement the Protocol, regarding access and benefit-sharing (ABS) procedures, and minimal experience in many countries. This book seeks to remedy this gap in understanding by analysing a number of ABS case studies in light of the Nagoya Protocol. The case studies are wide-ranging, with examples of plants for medicinal, cosmetic, biotech and food products from or for development in Australia, North Africa, Madagascar, Switzerland, Thailand, USA and Oceania. These will encourage countries to develop national systems which maximise their benefits (both monetary and non-monetary) towards conservation and support for local communities that hold traditional knowledge. In addition, the author analyses new expectations raised by the Nagoya Protocol, such as the encouragement of the development of community protocols by indigenous and local communities. As a result, stakeholders and policy-makers will be able to learn the steps involved in establishing ABS agreements, issues that arise between stakeholders, and the types of benefits that might be realistic.
Biodiversity and Chemotaxonomy (Sustainable Development and Biodiversity #24)
by Kishan Gopal RamawatPlant classifications are based on morphological characters and it is difficult, particularly in small plants and grasses, to identify these below generic level on the basis of these characters using a dissecting microscope. Plant species have intra- and inter-specific variation in secondary metabolites which can be utilized as marker compounds for identification and classification of plants. Secondary metabolites are produced as a result of primary metabolism and the production of these compounds not only involves several genes but also it is an energy dependent process. Hence these products cannot be considered as insignificant for the plant and the environment. Modern tools of molecular biology and secondary metabolites present in them can definitively decide about classification of plants. Absence of correct identification of plant is associated to many problems of resource utilization. Due to wide availability of these tools, interest has revived in systematics and correct classification of plants based on these parameters for their sustainable utilization and resource management. The purpose of this book is to assess the potential of phytochemical and molecular tools in the systematic and classification of plants. The topics covered include species concept, barcoding and phylogenetic analysis, chemotaxonomy use of polyketides, carotenes, cuticular wax, volatile oils, biodiversity of corals, metazoans, Ruta and Echinocereus. It provides comprehensive and broad subject-based reviews, useful for students, teachers, researchers, and all others interested in the field. The field has been kept wide and general to accommodate the wide-ranging topics. This book will be useful to agriculturists, chemists, botanists, industrialists, and those involved in planning of crop plants.
Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the Biosphere
by Thomas E. Lovejoy Lee Hannah Edward O. WilsonAn essential, up-to-date look at the critical interactions between biological diversity and climate change that will serve as an immediate call to action The physical and biological impacts of climate change are dramatic and broad‑ranging. People who care about the planet and manage natural resources urgently need a synthesis of our rapidly growing understanding of these issues. In this all‑new sequel to the 2005 volume Climate Change and Biodiversity, leading experts in the field summarize observed changes, assess what the future holds, and offer suggested responses. From extinction risk to ocean acidification, from the future of the Amazon to changes in ecosystem services, and from geoengineering to the power of ecosystem restoration, this book captures the sweep of climate change transformation of the biosphere.
Biodiversity and Conservation
by Michael J. JeffriesThis revised second edition provides an introductory guide through the maze of interdisciplinary themes that comprise 'biodiversity.' It combines biological sciences with insights into the origins, variety and distribution of biodiversity, analysis of the social and political context, and the threats to, and opportunities for, the survival of natural systems. Whilst retaining its existing structure, this updated new edition reflects advances that have demonstrated the importance of living systems as drivers of environmental services vital to human health and security. The final chapter has been revised to tackle more explicitly the contrasting approaches to conservation, and throughout, the book has been updated to reflect new research and developments. With highly original international case studies and ample illustrations to explain difficult topics clearly, this excellent book remains the only introductory text which brings together the full range of theory and practice of ‘biodiversity’ and ‘conservation’.
Biodiversity and Conservation Along an East African Railway: A Survey of the Dar es Salaam-Makutupora Standard-gauge Railway, Tanzania
by Edmond Alavaisha S. Zainabu Bungwa Philbert Anitha Byabato Deusdedith Fidelis Elikana John Jasson John Julius Mohamed Kibaja Heriel Moshy Athumani Fatina Mturi R. Juma Mwangi Henry Ndangalasi Wilrik Ngalasoni Alberto Bruno Nyundo Chacha Werema Felix A. Shayo N A MbwamboIt is well known that infrastructure development projects can boost the economy and reduce the cost of trade in both developing and developed economies, however, infrastructure projects can also cause biodiversity loss. This book is the result of an important biodiversity survey conducted along an East African railway in Tanzania. The building of the railway, still under construction, has already led to habitat loss, habitat degradation and landscape change which may have affected biodiversity. The book includes recommendations to mitigate the effect of railway construction by protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services which could have major implications across Africa and other regions. The area covered by the survey focuses on the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) running through the Pugu and Ruvu South Forest Reserves towards Maktupora-Dodoma, plus data on large mammals through to Isaka-Shinyanga. The Pugu forests boast high biodiversity of both flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the area. There are both plant and animal species that are of major conservation concern so there is urgent need to consolidate information to help formulate suitable conservation measures. The data collected covers plants, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and mammals for terrestrial and aquatic environments along the SGR. This work is timely as there are many more ongoing SGR construction projects in Tanzania and across Africa, as such construction activities inevitably involve some habitat modification and destruction that may have a negative impact on biodiversity. National and international scientists, decision and policy makers, as well as ecologists and conservation managers involved in large infrastructure projects will find this book invaluable. The book provides baseline information and can be used as a case study for other infrastructure development projects around the world.
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula
by Gerald Alexander Islebe Sophie Calmé Jorge L. León-Cortés Birgit SchmookThis book provides information relevant for the conservation of biodiversity and the sound management of the coastal and forest ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula in the face of global change. Various aspects of the biodiversity of the Yucatan Peninsula are analyzed in an integrative manner, including phenological, ecophysiological, ecological and conservation aspects of plants and animals and their relationships with humans in coastal and forest ecosystems.
Biodiversity and Conservation of Woody Plants (Sustainable Development and Biodiversity #17)
by M. R. Ahuja S. Mohan JainThis book provides complete, comprehensive, and broad subject-based reviews for students, teachers, researchers, policymakers, conservationists, and NGOs interested in the biodiversity and conservation of woody plants. Forests cover approximately 31 percent of the world's total landmass; 93 percent is natural forest and only 7 percent consists of planted trees. Forest decline is progressing at an alarming rate worldwide. In addition to human activities (logging, deforestation, and exploiting forest lands for agriculture and industrial use), a number of other factors - including pests and diseases, drought, soil acidity, radiation, and ozone - are cumulatively contributing to global forest decline. The present situation forces us to focus on forest conservation strategies for the present and future. Gene conservation and maintaining genetic diversity in forest ecosystems are crucial to the preservation of forest genetic resources. This calls for integrated action to implement both the in situ (on site) preservation of forest stands and ex situ (distant from the original site) strategies for the conservation of woody plants' genetic resources. Selected priority areas include: 1) assessing patterns of genetic diversity and threats, 2) understanding the biological processes regulating genetic diversity, 3) assessing the impact of human activities and climate change on genetic diversity, and 5) finding methods for prioritizing species and populations for the conservation of forest trees genetic resources. All chapters were written by leading scientists in their respective fields, which include: woody plant diversity, ecology and evolution; assessment of genetic diversity in forest tree populations; conservation planning under climate change; and in situ and ex situ strategies, including biotechnological approaches, for the conservation of woody plants genetic resources.
Biodiversity and Ecological Economics: Participatory Approaches to Resource Management
by Luca TacconiIt is vital that we adopt interdisciplinary approaches such as ecological economics to gain an understanding of the values that determine human interaction with, and use and abuse of, the environment. This book is a model of applied ecological economics. It presents an accessible introduction to the subject while at the same time broadening its theoretical basis by introducing a post-positivist, participatory method. The theoretical framework is applied to case studies in biodiversity conservation, drawn from around the world and a range of different ecosystems. The book is a suitable textbook for students of ecological economics and an ideal introduction for scientists and environmentalists needing to understand the role of economics in ecology and conservation.
Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Development (World Sustainability Series)
by Walter Leal Filho Ulisses M. Azeiteiro Paula Castro Paula Bacelar-Nicolau Anabela Marisa AzulThis book gathers interdisciplinary reflections fromresearchers, educators, and other experts on the subject of biodiversity closerto education and learning. The book also highlights its role as an added valueto strategic principles for healthy ecosystems and sustainable humandevelopment. It promotes critical thinking and foster practices and attitudesfor Education for Sustainable Development reconciling education with principlesof human behaviour and nature. Readers especially find this book a timelyresource in light of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, the AichiTargets, and the new EU biodiversity strategy "Our life insurance, our naturalcapital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020". Along with the challenge ofecosystems and public health, biodiversity conservation is essential forhumanity's continued security and sustainability, as it touches on all aspectsof people's lives.
Biodiversity and Evolutionary Ecology of Extinct Organisms (Springer Theses)
by Rituparna BoseIncreasing rate of species extinction in the present day will lead to a huge biodiversity crisis; eventually, this will lead to the paucity of non-renewable resources of energy making our Earth unsustainable in future. To save our mother planet from this crisis, studies need to be performed to discover abundant new fossil sites on Earth for continued access to oil-rich locations. Most importantly, a holistic approach is necessary in solving the present problem of biodiversity loss. This book presents newly developed quantitative models in understanding the biodiversity, evolution and ecology of extinct organisms. This will assist future earth scientists in understanding the natural and anthropogenic causes behind biodiversity crisis and ecosystem collapse. In addition, this study would be of great interest to exploration geologists and geophysicists in potentially unraveling natural resources from our sustainable Earth.
Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change
by Aletta Bonn Horst Korn Jutta Stadler Melissa R. Marselle Katherine N. IrvineThis open access book identifies and discusses biodiversity’s contribution to physical, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing. Furthermore, the book identifies the implications of this relationship for nature conservation, public health, landscape architecture and urban planning – and considers the opportunities of nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation. This transdisciplinary book will attract a wide audience interested in biodiversity, ecology, resource management, public health, psychology, urban planning, and landscape architecture. The emphasis is on multiple human health benefits from biodiversity - in particular with respect to the increasing challenge of climate change. This makes the book unique to other books that focus either on biodiversity and physical health or natural environments and mental wellbeing. The book is written as a definitive ‘go-to’ book for those who are new to the field of biodiversity and health.
Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems
by Miguel Altieri Clara NichollsExplore the latest research on biological control! Completely updated for 2004, this new edition examines methods for making agricultural systems less susceptible to insect pests. Containing new findings and reports of strategies, Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems, Second Edition will show you how pests can be managed by enhancing beneficial biodiversity using agroecological diversification methods. Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems, Second Edition provides you with an essential overview of the role of biodiversity in agriculture and then gets specific, with new and updated information on: the agroecology of pest management plant diversity and pest outbreaks within agroecosystems diversification strategies for pest management how sustainable farming systems are designed You'll also explore: the role of plant diversity on the biology of beneficial insects insect regulation in diverse agroecosystems manipulation of plant diversity in agroecosystems ecological and socioeconomic implications The fact is, many modern agroecosystems are unstable as a consequence of constant human intervention in crop systems which ignore ecological principles. With case studies on a variety of crops and pests, Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems, Second Edition explores entomological aspects of agriculture and analyzes the ecological basis for the maintenance of biodiversity. It will familiarize you with the theory and practice of enhancing biological pest control in agricultural systems by managing vegetational diversity via multiple cropping, cover cropping, rotations, and other spatial and temporal designs. With studies on intercropping, cover cropping, weed management, and crop-field border vegetation manipulation, this book covers the effects of these diverse systems on pest population density and the mechanisms underlying pest reduction in polycultures. Make it a part of your reference/teaching collection today!
Biodiversity and the Law: "Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge"
by Charles R. McManisHow do we promote global economic development, while simultaneously preserving local biological and cultural diversity? This authoritative volume, written by leading legal experts and biological and social scientists from around the world, aims to address this question in all of its complexity. The first part of the book focuses on biodiversity and examines what we are losing, why and what is to be done. The second part addresses biotechnology and looks at whether it is part of the solution or part of the problem, or perhaps both. The third section examines traditional knowledge, explains what it is and how, if at all, it should be protected. The fourth and final part looks at ethnobotany and bioprospecting and offers practical lessons from the vast and diverse experiences of the contributors.
Biodiversity and the Precautionary Principle: Risk, Uncertainty and Practice in Conservation and Sustainable Use
by Rosie Cooney Barney DicksonGreat uncertainty typically surrounds decisions and management actions in the conservation of biodiversity and natural resource management, and yet there are risks of serious and irreversible harm for both biodiversity and the humans that rely on it. The precautionary principle arguably underlies all international conservation efforts and promotes acting to avoid serious or irreversible environmental harm, despite lack of scientific certainty as to the likelihood, magnitude or cause of harm. This book is the first to examine the application of the precautionary principle to biodiversity conservation and natural resource management, incorporating perspectives from scientists, economists, lawyers and practitioners from both developing and developed countries. It analyses the application and impacts of the principle in many areas including forestry, invasive alien species, wildlife trade, protected areas and fisheries, in a range of national and international contexts. Particular attention is drawn to issues of equity, livelihoods, science and politics, and the book provides guidelines for applying the precautionary principle to biodiversity conservation and natural resource management.
Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: Equitable Partnerships in Practice (People And Plants International Conservation Ser.)
by Sarah A. LairdBiodiversity research and prospecting are long-standing activities taking place in a new legal and ethical environment. Following entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1993, and other recent policy developments, expectations and obligations for research and prospecting partnerships have changed. However, to date there are few guides to integrating these concepts with practice. This book offers practical guidance on how to arrive at equitable biodiversity research and prospecting partnerships. Drawing on experience and lessons learned from around the world, it provides case studies, analysis and recommendations in a range of areas that together form a new framework for creating equity in these partnerships. They include researcher codes of ethics, institutional policies, community research agreements, the design of more effective commercial partnerships and biodiversity prospecting contracts, the drafting and implementation of national 'access and benefit-sharing' laws, and institutional tools for the distribution of financial benefits. As part of the People and Plants initiative to enhance the role of communities in efforts to conserve biodiversity and use natural resources sustainably, Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge will be invaluable to students, researchers and local communities, academic institutions, international agencies, government bodies and companies involved in biodiversity research, prospecting and conservation.
Biodiversity and Wind Farms in Portugal: Current knowledge and insights for an integrated impact assessment process
by Miguel Mascarenhas Ana Teresa Marques Ricardo Ramalho Dulce Santos Joana Bernardino Carlos FonsecaThis book presents a review of the state-of-the-art knowledge on the interactions between biodiversity and wind energy development, focused on the Portuguese reality. The volume addresses the particularities of the impact assessment procedures in Portugal, contrasting it with the international practices and presenting its main findings by covering the following broader themes: i) evaluation of spatial and temporal dynamics of wildlife affected by wind farms, including birds, bats and terrestrial mammals (in particularly Portuguese wolf population); ii) the methodologies used to assess impacts caused by this type of developments in biodiversity; iii) the best practice methodologies to implement an adaptive management approach to reconcile biodiversity and wind farms. The knowledge presented in this book was gathered through the research and development activities developed by Bioinsight company (former Bio3 company) during the last 13 years and partially funded by a R&D project designated as "Integrated solutions for biodiversity management at wind farms: reduce and compensate bird and bat mortality" (acronym: Wind & Biodiversity), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), under the Regional Operational Programme of Centre (Mais Centro). This volume fills a void in the literature as a book giving insights on the best practices to install and manage a wind farm from a biodiversity management point of view, while establishing a commitment between economic sustainability and biodiversity conservation.
Biodiversity, Biofuels, Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture (Sustainable Agriculture Reviews #5)
by Eric LichtfouseSustainable agriculture is a rapidly growing field aiming at producing food and energy in a sustainable way for our children. This discipline addresses current issues such as climate change, increasing food and fuel prices, starvation, obesity, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest control and biodiversity depletion. Novel solutions are proposed based on integrated knowledge from agronomy, soil science, molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, ecology, economy, philosophy and social sciences. As actual society issues are now intertwined, sustainable agriculture will bring solutions to build a safer world. This book series analyzes current agricultural issues, and proposes alternative solutions, consequently helping all scientists, decision-makers, professors, farmers and politicians wishing to build safe agriculture, energy and food systems for future generations.
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis (Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation #14)
by Roseli Pellens Philippe GrandcolasThis book is about phylogenetic diversity as an approach to reduce biodiversity losses in this period of mass extinction. Chapters in the first section deal with questions such as the way we value phylogenetic diversity among other criteria for biodiversity conservation; the choice of measures; the loss of phylogenetic diversity with extinction; the importance of organisms that are deeply branched in the tree of life, and the role of relict species. The second section is composed by contributions exploring methodological aspects, such as how to deal with abundance, sampling effort, or conflicting trees in analysis of phylogenetic diversity. The last section is devoted to applications, showing how phylogenetic diversity can be integrated in systematic conservation planning, in EDGE and HEDGE evaluations. This wide coverage makes the book a reference for academics, policy makers and stakeholders dealing with biodiversity conservation.
Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia: Volume 2: Prospects and Challenges in South and Middle Asia
by Dilfuza Egamberdieva Münir Öztürk Recep Efe Volkan Altay Shujaul Mulk Khan Furkat O. KhassanovOf the world’s seven continents, Asia is the largest. Its physical landscapes, political units, and ethnic groups are both wide-ranging and many. Southwest, South and Middle Asia are highly populated regions which, as a whole, cover an extremely large area of varied geography. In total, this domain is unique in its plant diversity and large vegetation zones with different communities and biomes. It is rich in endemics, with specific and intraspecific diversity of fruit trees and medicinal plants, including a number of rare, high value, species. At the same time, much of the land in the region is too dry or too rugged, with many geographical extremes. Overgrazing, oil and mineral extraction, and poaching are the major threats in the area. This two-volume project focuses on the dynamic biodiversity of the region with in-depth analysis on phytosociology, plants, animals and agroecology. There are also chapters that explore new applications as well as approaches to overcome problems associated with climate change. Much of the research and analysis are presented here for the first time. We believe this work is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers working in the fields of plant diversity and vegetation, animal diversity and animal populations, and geo-diversity and sustainable land use, among others.The first volume guides our readers to West Asia and the Caucasus region, while volume two focuses on issues unique to South and Middle Asia.
Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia: Volume 1: Prospects and Challenges in West Asia and Caucasus
by Münir Öztürk Volkan Altay Recep EfeOf the world’s seven continents, Asia is the largest. Its physical landscapes, political units, and ethnic groups are both wide-ranging and many. Southwest, South and Middle Asia are highly populated regions which, as a whole, cover an extremely large area of varied geography. In total, this domain is unique in its plant diversity and large vegetation zones with different communities and biomes. It is rich in endemics, with specific and intraspecific diversity of fruit trees and medicinal plants, including a number of rare, high value, species. At the same time, much of the land in the region is too dry or too rugged, with many geographical extremes. Overgrazing, oil and mineral extraction, and poaching are the major threats in the area.This two-volume project focuses on the dynamic biodiversity of the region with in-depth analysis on phytosociology, plants, animals and agroecology. There are also chapters that explore new applications as well as approaches to overcome problems associated with climate change. Much of the research and analysis are presented here for the first time. We believe this work is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers working in the fields of plant diversity and vegetation, animal diversity and animal populations, and geo-diversity and sustainable land use, among others.The first volume guides our readers to West Asia and the Caucasus region, while volume two focuses on issues unique to South and Middle Asia.
Biodiversity Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Prioritizing Policies (Environment for Development)
by Allen Blackman Rebecca Epanchin-Niell Juha Siikamäki Daniel Velez-LopezLatin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is exceptionally biodiverse. It contains about half of the world’s remaining tropical forests, nearly one-fifth of its coastal habitats, and some of its most productive agricultural and marine areas. But agriculture, fishing and other human activities linked to rapid population and economic growth increasingly threaten that biodiversity. Moreover, poverty, weak regulatory capacity, and limited political will hamper conservation. Given this dilemma, it is critically important to design conservation strategies on the basis of the best available information about both biodiversity and the track records of the various policies that have been used to protect it. This rigorously researched book has three key aims. It describes the status of biodiversity in LAC, the main threats to this biodiversity, and the drivers of these threats. It identifies the main policies being used to conserve biodiversity and assesses their effectiveness and potential for further implementation. It proposes five specific lines of practical action for conserving LAC biodiversity, based on: green agriculture; strengthening terrestrial protected areas and co-management; improving environmental governance; strengthening coastal and marine resource management; and improving biodiversity data and policy evaluation.
Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia: Challenges in a Changing Environment (Earthscan Conservation and Development)
by Serge Morand, Claire Lajaunie and Rojchai SatrawahaSoutheast Asia is highly diversified in terms of socio-ecosystems and biodiversity, but is undergoing dramatic environmental and social changes. These changes characterize the recent period and can be illustrated by the effects of the Green Revolution in the late 1960s and 1970s, to the globalization of trade and increasing agronomic intensification over the past decade. Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia provides theoretical overviews and challenges for applied research in living resource management, conservation ecology, health ecology and conservation planning in Southeast Asia. Five key themes are addressed: origin and evolution of Southeast Asian biodiversity; challenges in conservation biology; ecosystem services and biodiversity; managing biodiversity and living resources; policy, economics and governance of biodiversity. Detailed case studies are included from Thailand and the Lower Mekong Basin, while other chapters address cross-cutting themes applicable to the whole Southeast Asia region. This is a valuable resource for academics and students in the areas of ecology, conservation, environmental policy and management, Southeast Asian studies and sustainable development.