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Showing 23,676 through 23,700 of 28,425 results

Spatial Networks: A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications (Lecture Notes In Morphogenesis Ser.)

by Marc Barthelemy

This book provides a complete introduction into spatial networks. It offers the mathematical tools needed to characterize these structures and how they evolve in time and presents the most important models of spatial networks.The book puts a special emphasis on analyzing complex systems which are organized under the form of networks where nodes and edges are embedded in space. In these networks, space is relevant, and topology alone does not contain all the information. Characterizing and understanding the structure and the evolution of spatial networks is thus crucial for many different fields, ranging from urbanism to epidemiology.This subject is therefore at the crossroad of many fields and is of potential interest to a broad audience comprising physicists, mathematicians, engineers, geographers or urbanists. In this book, the author has expanded his previous book ("Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks") to serve as a textbook and reference on this topic for a wide range of students and professional researchers.

Spatial Observation of Giant Panda Habitat: Techniques and Methods

by Xinyuan Wang Jing Zhen Qingkai Meng

This book evaluates the past, present, and future habitat suitability of giant pandas based on spatial observation technology involving optical remote sensing, microwave remote sensing, and LiDAR to discover the mysterious ecological environment of giant panda habitat. Considering the problems faced by the world natural heritage site protection, it takes the world natural heritage site “Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries – Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains” as the research area, exemplifies systematically the various techniques and methodologies of spatial information technology for monitoring, evaluation, and prediction of rare and endangered species habitats, and provides scientific suggestions for sustainable development of giant panda habitat based on a series of comprehensive case analysis at Wolong national nature reserve and Ya'an prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book serves both as a textbook in the field of natural heritage protection, remote sensing, and GIS application, as well as a reference for managing natural heritage sites.

Spatial Optimization in Ecological Applications (Complexity in Ecological Systems)

by John Hof Michael Bevers

Whether discussing habitat placement for the northern spotted owl or black-tailed prairie dog or strategies for controlling exotic pests, this book explains how capturing ecological relationships across a landscape with pragmatic optimization models can be applied to real world problems. Using linear programming, Hof and Bevers show how it is possible for the researcher to include many thousands of choice variables and many thousands of constraints and still be quite confident of being able to solve the problem in hand with widely available software. The authors' emphasis is to preserve optimality and explore how much ecosystem function can be captured, stressing the solvability of large problems such as those in real world case studies.

Spatial Planning in Poland: Law, Property Market and Planning Practice (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

by Maciej J. Nowak Przemysław Śleszyński Paulina Legutko-Kobus

This book defines the dilemmas related to the interface between legal regulations and planning practice in the spatial management system. Based on specific case studies, it gives examples of possible problems and ways of solving them. It applies to Poland's standard and the determinants of spatial policy in other countries. It provides the basis for a developed international discussion and concretely suggests specific actions at local, regional and national levels.

Spatial Planning Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries: Review and Comparison of Selected Issues (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

by Maciej J. Nowak Andrei Mitrea Gunta Lukstiņa Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor Krisztina Filepné Kovács Velislava Simeonova Pavel Yanchev Evelin Jürgenson Kätlin Põdra Vít Řezáč Kristina Mikalauskaite Birute Pranevičienė Zuzana Ladzianska Martin Baloga

This book presents concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications across the fields of physical, environmental, and human geography. It publishes compact refereed monographs under the editorial supervision of an international advisory board with the aim to publish 8 to 12 weeks after acceptance. Volumes are compact, 50 to 125 pages, with a clear focus. The series covers a range of content from professional to academic such as timely reports of state-of-the art analytical techniques, bridges between new research results, snapshots of hot and/or emerging topics, elaborated thesis, literature reviews, and in-depth case studies. The scope of the series spans the entire field of geography, with a view to significantly advance research. The character of the series is international and multidisciplinary and includes research areas such as GIS/cartography, remote sensing, geographical education, geospatial analysis, techniques and modeling, landscape/regional and urban planning, economic geography, housing and the built environment, and quantitative geography. Volumes in this series may analyze past, present, and/or future trends, as well as their determinants and consequences. Both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts are considered for publication in this series. This book is of interest to a wide range of individuals with interests in physical, environmental, and human geography as well as for researchers from allied disciplines.

Spatial Relationships Between Two Georeferenced Variables: With Applications in R

by Ronny Vallejos Felipe Osorio Moreno Bevilacqua

This book offers essential, systematic information on the assessment of the spatial association between two processes from a statistical standpoint. Divided into eight chapters, the book begins with preliminary concepts, mainly concerning spatial statistics. The following seven chapters focus on the methodologies needed to assess the correlation between two or more processes; from theory introduced 35 years ago, to techniques that have only recently been published. Furthermore, each chapter contains a section on R computations to explore how the methodology works with real data. References and a list of exercises are included at the end of each chapter. The assessment of the correlation between two spatial processes has been tackled from several different perspectives in a variety of applications fields. In particular, the problem of testing for the existence of spatial association between two georeferenced variables is relevant for posterior modeling and inference. One evident application in this context is the quantification of the spatial correlation between two images (processes defined on a rectangular grid in a two-dimensional space). From a statistical perspective, this problem can be handled via hypothesis testing, or by using extensions of the correlation coefficient. In an image-processing framework, these extensions can also be used to define similarity indices between images.

Spatial Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems

by Graeme S. Cumming

Spatial Resilience is a new and exciting area of interdisciplinary research. It focuses on the influence of spatial variation - including such things as spatial location, context, connectivity, and dispersal - on the resilience of complex systems, and on the roles that resilience and self-organization play in generating spatial variation. Prof. Cumming provides a readable introduction and a first comprehensive synthesis covering the core concepts and applications of spatial resilience to the study of social-ecological systems. The book follows a trajectory from concepts through models, methods, and case study analysis before revisiting the central problems in the further conceptual development of the field. In the process, the author ranges from the movements of lions in northern Zimbabwe to the urban jungles of Europe, and from the collapse of past societies to the social impacts of modern conflict. The many case studies and examples discussed in the book show how the concept of spatial resilience can generate valuable insights into the spatial dynamics of social-ecological systems and contribute to solving some of the most pressing problems of our time. Although it has been written primarily for students, this book will provide fascinating reading for interdisciplinary scientists at all career stages as well as for the interested public. "Graeme Cumming, central in the development of resilience thinking and theory, has produced a wonderful book on spatial resilience, the first ever on this topic. The book will become a shining star, a classic in the explosion of new ideas and approaches to studying and understanding social-ecological systems." Carl Folke, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden

Spatial Synthesis: Computational Social Science and Humanities (Human Dynamics in Smart Cities)

by Xinyue Ye Hui Lin

This book describes how powerful computing technology, emerging big and open data sources, and theoretical perspectives on spatial synthesis have revolutionized the way in which we investigate social sciences and humanities. It summarizes the principles and applications of human-centered computing and spatial social science and humanities research, thereby providing fundamental information that will help shape future research. The book illustrates how big spatiotemporal socioeconomic data facilitate the modelling of individuals’ economic behavior in space and time and how the outcomes of such models can reveal information about economic trends across spatial scales. It describes how spatial social science and humanities research has shifted from a data-scarce to a data-rich environment. The chapters also describe how a powerful analytical framework for identifying space-time research gaps and frontiers is fundamental to comparative study of spatiotemporal phenomena, and how research topics have evolved from structure and function to dynamic and predictive. As such this book provides an interesting read for researchers, students and all those interested in computational and spatial social sciences and humanities.

Spatial Techniques for Soil Erosion Estimation: Remote Sensing And Gis Approach (Springerbriefs In Gis Ser.)

by Rupesh Jayaram Patil

This book presents a novel computation of the topographic LS factor of the USLE model to estimate spatial soil erosion. In developing countries, soil erosion is one of the main concerns as it adversely affects agriculture and reduces food production. Therefore, the author presents a particularly relevant approach, as he demonstrates how the C++ programming allows us to identify important erosion stages like detachment and deposition. He does this by assessing the annual rate of soil erosion from the Shakkar River watershed in India using distributed information and applying RS and GIS techniques. He also discusses different approaches that have been proposed to work out the influence of topography on erosion. Simulated and observed data of sediment loss are compared for the period 1992 to 2006.This book provides an easy-to-understand basic piece of soil erosion and hydrological research and reaches out to young researchers and students at the graduate and undergraduate level as well as applicants of soil erosion models.

Spatial Tensions in Urban Design: Understanding Contemporary Urban Phenomena (The Urban Book Series)

by Ianira Vassallo Michele Cerruti But Giulia Setti ​Agim Kercuku

This book provides an original research perspective to the field of contemporary urban conflicts. Even though violent conflicts have transformed cities during the XX century, it is nowadays possible to identify the phenomenon of “Tensions” as a specific contemporary both social and spatial urban changes catalyst.Through a collection of essays from various disciplines focusing on international case studies—from India to Europe to Latin America— the publication explores the multifaceted concept of “spatial tensions” as a lens for better understanding contemporary urban transformations. While tensions often depend on spatial dispositives and superstructures, they also offer a powerful key for design practices and strategies.

Spatial Thinking in Environmental Contexts: Maps, Archives, and Timelines

by Sandra L. Arlinghaus Joseph J. Kerski Ann Evans Larimore Matthew Naud

Spatial Thinking in Environmental Contexts: Maps, Archives, and Timelines cultivates the spatial thinking "habit of mind" as a critical geographical view of how the world works, including how environmental systems function, and how we can approach and solve environmental problems using maps, archives, and timelines. The work explains why spatial thinking matters as it helps readers to integrate a variety of methods to describe and analyze spatial/temporal events and phenomena in disparate environmental contexts. It weaves together maps, GIS, timelines, and storytelling as important strategies in examining concepts and procedures in analyzing real-world data and relationships. The work thus adds significant value to qualitative and quantitative research in environmental (and related) sciences. Features Written by internationally renowned experts known for taking complex ideas and finding accessible ways to more broadly understand and communicate them. Includes real-world studies explaining the merging of disparate data in a sensible manner, understandable across several disciplines. Unique approach to spatial thinking involving animated maps, 3D maps, GEOMATs, and story maps to integrate maps, archives, and timelines—first across a single environmental example and then through varied examples. Merges spatial and temporal views on a broad range of environmental issues from traditional environmental topics to more unusual ones involving urban studies, medicine, municipal/governmental application, and citizen-scientist topics. Provides easy to follow step-by-step instructions to complete tasks; no prior experience in data processing is needed.

The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)

by Barney Warf Santa Arias

Across the disciplines, the study of space has undergone a profound and sustained transformation. Space, place, mapping, and geographical imaginations have become commonplace topics in a variety of analytical fields in part because globalization has accentuated the significance of location. While this transformation has led to a renaissance in human geography, it also has manifested itself in the humanities and other social sciences. The purpose of this book is not to announce that space is significant, which by now is well known, but to explore how space is analyzed by a variety of disciplines, to compare and contrast these approaches, identify commonalities, and explore how and why differences appear. The volume includes works by 13 scholars from a variety of geographical regions and disciplines. The chapters combine up-to-date literature reviews concerning the role of space in each discipline and several offer original empirical analyses. Some chapters are concerned with Geography while others explore the role of space in contemporary Anthropology, Sociology, Religion, Political Science, Film, and Cultural Studies. The introduction surveys the development of the spatial turn across the fields under consideration. Despite frequent reference to the spatial turn, this is the first volume to explicitly address how theory and practice concerning space, is used in a variety of fields from diverse conceptual perspectives. This book will appeal to everyone conducting conceptual and theoretical research on space, not simply in Geography, but in related fields as well.

Spatialities of Speculative Fiction: Re-Mapping Possibilities, Philosophies, and Territorialities (Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity)

by Gwilym Lucas Eades

This book examines science fiction, fantasy and horror novels utilizing a conceptual toolkit of the ten duties of speculative fiction. Building on previous work in the discipline of geography it will demonstrate the value of speculation in the visualisation of Anthropocene futures. The book presents insights into how novels produce specifically geographical knowledge about the world - spatialities - and how they use both literal maps and figurative counter-mappings to comment upon and shape futures. This book is about much more than science fiction. It covers areas of literature and para-literature associated with the "fantastic" and as such, looks also at works of fantasy and horror. The areas of overlap between these three categories of fantastic literature are posited as the most productive in the terms by which this book navigates, namely, spatiality. The book will explore, through the critical examination of a selection of key works of speculative fiction, how science-fictional and fantastic narratives are spatialized through both conceptual and literal mappings. This book is intended for both an academic and practitioner and for people interested in both producing scholarly commentary upon works of speculative fiction; and for those writing speculative fiction and novels.

Spatialized Islamophobia (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)

by Kawtar Najib

This book demonstrates the spatialized and multi-scalar nature of Islamophobia. It provides ground-breaking insights in recognising the importance of space in the formation of anti-Muslim racism. Through the exploration of complementary data, both from existing quantitative databases and directly from victims of Islamophobia, applied in two important European capitals - Paris and London - this book brings new materials to research on Islamophobia and argues that Islamophobia is also a spatialized process that occurs at various interrelated spatial scales: globe, nation, urban, neighbourhood and body (and mind). In so doing, this book establishes and advances the new concept of ‘Spatialized Islamophobia’ by exploring global, national, urban, infra-urban, embodied and emotional Islamophobias as well as their complex interrelationships. It also offer a critical discussion of the geographies of Islamophobia by pointing out the lack of geographical approaches to Islamophobia Studies. By using self-reflexivity, the author raises important questions that may have hampered the study of ‘Spatialized Islamophobia’, focusing in particular on the favoured methodologies which too often remain qualitative, as well as on the whiteness of the discipline of Geography which can disrupt the legitimacy of a certain knowledge. The book will be an important reference for those in the fields of Human Geography, Sociology, Politics, Racial Studies, Religious Studies and Muslim studies.

Spatially Explicit Hyperparameter Optimization for Neural Networks

by Minrui Zheng

Neural networks as the commonly used machine learning algorithms, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have been extensively used in the GIScience domain to explore the nonlinear and complex geographic phenomena. However, there are a few studies that investigate the parameter settings of neural networks in GIScience. Moreover, the model performance of neural networks often depends on the parameter setting for a given dataset. Meanwhile, adjusting the parameter configuration of neural networks will increase the overall running time. Therefore, an automated approach is necessary for addressing these limitations in current studies. This book proposes an automated spatially explicit hyperparameter optimization approach to identify optimal or near-optimal parameter settings for neural networks in the GIScience field. Also, the approach improves the computing performance at both model and computing levels. This book is written for researchers of the GIScience field as well as social science subjects.

Spatio-temporal Approaches

by Lena Sanders Hél Ne Mathian

Spatio-temporal Approaches presents a well-built set of concepts, methods and approaches, in order to represent and understand the evolution of social and environmental phenomena within the space. It is basedon examples in human geography and archeology (which will enable us to explore questions regarding various temporalities) and tackles social and environmental phenomena. Chapter 1 discusses how to apprehend change: objects, attributes, relations, processes.Chapter 2 introduces multiple points of view about modeling and the authors try to shed a new light on the different, but complementary approaches of geomaticians and thematicians. Chapter 3 is devoted to the construction of spatio-temporal indicators, to various measurements of the change, while highlighting the advantage of an approach crossing several points of view, in order to understand the phenomenon at hand. Chapter 4 presents different categories of simulation model in line with complexity sciences. These models rely notably on the concepts of emergence and self-organization and allow us to highlight the roles of interaction within change. Chapter 5 provides ideas on research concerning the various construction approaches of hybrid objects and model couplings.

Spatio-Temporal Models for Ecologists (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Environmental Statistics)

by James Thorson Kasper Kristensen

Ecological dynamics are tremendously complicated and are studied at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Ecologists often simplify analysis by describing changes in density of individuals across a landscape, and statistical methods are advancing rapidly for studying spatio-temporal dynamics. However, spatio-temporal statistics is often presented using a set of principles that may seem very distant from ecological theory or practice. This book seeks to introduce a minimal set of principles and numerical techniques for spatio-temporal statistics that can be used to implement a wide range of real-world ecological analyses regarding animal movement, population dynamics, community composition, causal attribution, and spatial dynamics. We provide a step-by-step illustration of techniques that combine core spatial-analysis packages in R with low-level computation using Template Model Builder. Techniques are showcased using real-world data from varied ecological systems, providing a toolset for hierarchical modelling of spatio-temporal processes. Spatio-Temporal Models for Ecologists is meant for graduate level students, alongside applied and academic ecologists.Key Features: Foundational ecological principles and analyses Thoughtful and thorough ecological examples Analyses conducted using a minimal toolbox and fast computation Code using R and TMB included in the book and available online

Spatio-temporal Trend Analysis of Rainfall using R Software and ArcGIS: A Case Study of an Agro-climatic Zone-1 of Gujarat, India (SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies)

by K. Naveena Ramiz Tasiya Shilpesh Rana

This book aims to provide an advanced R software approach that can carry out rainfall trend analysis using Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator tests. The research study follows a systematic approach while utilizing R software as it can greatly facilitate the analysis of rainfall trends. About 30 stations located in the study area and 41 to 50 years’ time series were selected for the purpose of analysis. The data for the research was collected from the State Water Data Centre (SWDC) in Gujarat, Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) in Pune, DAAC (NASA), and ESRI. Cluster analysis has been performed to analyze the variability of the mean rainfall. The stations have been divided into 2 clusters with 17 and 13 stations in each cluster which significantly differ from each other. This book is aimed at researchers, scientists and government organizations working in the field of climate change.

Spationomy: Spatial Exploration of Economic Data and Methods of Interdisciplinary Analytics

by Vít Pászto Carsten Jürgens Polona Tominc Jaroslav Burian

This open access book is based on "Spationomy – Spatial Exploration of Economic Data", an interdisciplinary and international project in the frame of ERASMUS+ funded by the European Union. The project aims to exchange interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of economics and geomatics. For the newly introduced courses, interdisciplinary learning materials have been developed by a team of lecturers from four different universities in three countries. In a first study block, students were taught methods from the two main research fields. Afterwards, the knowledge gained had to be applied in a project. For this international project, teams were formed, consisting of one student from each university participating in the project. The achieved results were presented in a summer school a few months later. At this event, more methodological knowledge was imparted to prepare students for a final simulation game about spatial and economic decision making. In a broader sense, the chapters will present the methodological background of the project, give case studies and show how visualisation and the simulation game works.

Spatiotemporal Analytics

by Jay Lee

This book introduces readers to spatiotemporal analytics that are extended from spatial statistics. Spatiotemporal analytics help analysts to quantitatively recognize and evaluate the spatial patterns and their temporal trends of a set of geographic events or objects. Spatiotemporal analyses are very important in geography, environmental sciences, economy, and many other domains. Spatiotemporal Analytics explains in very simple terms the concepts of spatiotemporal data and statistics, theories, and methods used. Each chapter introduces a case study as an example application for an in-depth learning process. The software used and the codes provided enable readers not only to learn statistics but also to use them effectively in their projects. • Provides a comprehensive understanding of spatiotemporal analytics to readers with minimum knowledge in statistics. • Written in simple, understandable language with step-by-step instructions. • Includes numerous examples for all theories and methods explained in the book covering a wide range of applications from different disciplines. • Each application includes a software code needed to follow the instructions. • Each chapter also has a set of prepared PowerPoint slides to help spatiotemporal analytics instructors explain the content. Undergraduate and graduate students who use Geographic Information Systems or study Geographical Information Science will find this book useful. The subject matter is also pertinent to an array of disciplines such as agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, biology, business administration and management, civic engineering, criminal justice, epidemiology, geography, geology, marketing, political science, and public health.

Spatiotemporal Data Analysis

by Gidon Eshel

A severe thunderstorm morphs into a tornado that cuts a swath of destruction through Oklahoma. How do we study the storm's mutation into a deadly twister? Avian flu cases are reported in China. How do we characterize the spread of the flu, potentially preventing an epidemic? The way to answer important questions like these is to analyze the spatial and temporal characteristics--origin, rates, and frequencies--of these phenomena. This comprehensive text introduces advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers to the statistical and algebraic methods used to analyze spatiotemporal data in a range of fields, including climate science, geophysics, ecology, astrophysics, and medicine. Gidon Eshel begins with a concise yet detailed primer on linear algebra, providing readers with the mathematical foundations needed for data analysis. He then fully explains the theory and methods for analyzing spatiotemporal data, guiding readers from the basics to the most advanced applications. This self-contained, practical guide to the analysis of multidimensional data sets features a wealth of real-world examples as well as sample homework exercises and suggested exams.

Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in China

by Yi Li Guang Yang Asim Biswas Faliang Yuan Qiang Zhou Fenggui Liu Zhihao Liao

This book explores spatiotemporal analysis and impact assessment of agricultural drought in China and investigates the correlation coefficient between meteorological drought and agricultural drought. It then conducts multivariate frequency analysis of drought events using drought indices and copula functions. It aims to reveal spatiotemporal characteristics and impacts of agricultural drought in China both on vegetation phenology and productivity. The book assesses the performances of drought indices for better predicting multi-year droughts and return periods and drought risk assessment.

Spatiotemporal Frequent Pattern Mining from Evolving Region Trajectories (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Berkay Aydin Rafal. A Angryk

This SpringerBrief provides an overview within data mining of spatiotemporal frequent pattern mining from evolving regions to the perspective of relationship modeling among the spatiotemporal objects, frequent pattern mining algorithms, and data access methodologies for mining algorithms. While the focus of this book is to provide readers insight into the mining algorithms from evolving regions, the authors also discuss data management for spatiotemporal trajectories, which has become increasingly important with the increasing volume of trajectories.This brief describes state-of-the-art knowledge discovery techniques to computer science graduate students who are interested in spatiotemporal data mining, as well as researchers/professionals, who deal with advanced spatiotemporal data analysis in their fields. These fields include GIS-experts, meteorologists, epidemiologists, neurologists, and solar physicists.

Spatiotemporal Processes of Plant Phenology

by Xiaoqiu Chen

Thisbook deals with phenology, the study of recurring biological life cycle stages,and especially their timing and relationships with biotic and abiotic forces. Given the theoretical and methodologicalinnovations involved, the chapters on defining spatiotemporal patterns of plantphenology and constructing daily temperature-based temporal/spatial models andprocess-based regional unified models will be of particular interest. Helping readers discover and explore plant phenology'sperspectives in terms of spatiotemporal patterns, processes and mechanisms, thebook will also equip young scientists and graduate students to understand thecauses of spatiotemporal variation in vegetation seasonality.

Spatiotemporal Processes of Plant Phenology: Simulation and Prediction (SpringerBriefs in Geography)

by Xiaoqiu Chen

This book deals with phenology, the study of recurring biological life cycle stages, and especially their timing and relationships with biotic and abiotic forces. Given the theoretical and methodological innovations involved, the chapters on defining spatiotemporal patterns of plant phenology and constructing daily temperature-based temporal/spatial models and process-based regional unified models will be of particular interest. Helping readers discover and explore plant phenology’s perspectives in terms of spatiotemporal patterns, processes and mechanisms, the book will also equip young scientists and graduate students to understand the causes of spatiotemporal variation in vegetation seasonality.

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