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Speleology of Montenegro (Cave and Karst Systems of the World)

by Goran Barovic

This book represents a comprehensive overview of the caves and karsts of Montenegro, a small territory yet one of the fascinating areas regarding speleology. In Montenegro, there are more than 1500 karst wonders identified. Đalovića cave, with more than 20 km, ranks as the longest in the region. In the Maganika massif, Iron Cave also ranks first but because of its length reaching 1100 m. Montenegro's history is also connected to caves as two very popular and visited sanctuaries, monasteries built in the cave - Ostrog and Dajbabe. In another speleo-archaeological site, cave Red Rock, 32 layers with a measured age of 180,000 years, is highly relevant in Europe.

Speleothem Science

by Andy Baker Ian J. Fairchild

Speleothems (mineral deposits that formed in caves) are currently giving us some of the most exciting insights into environments and climates during the Pleistocene ice ages and the subsequent Holocene rise of civilizations. The book applies system science to Quaternary environments in a new and rigorous way and gives holistic explanations the relations between the properties of speleothems and the climatic and cave setting in which they are found. It is designed as the ideal companion to someone embarking on speleothem research and, since the underlying science is very broad, it will also be invaluable to a wide variety of others. Students and professional scientists interested in carbonate rocks, karst hydrogeology, climatology, aqueous geochemistry, carbonate geochemistry and the calibration of climatic proxies will find up-to-date reviews of these topics here. The book will also be valuable to Quaternary scientists who, up to now, have lacked a thorough overview of these important archives.Additional resources for this book can be found at:

The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World

by David Abram

Animal tracks, word magic, the speech of stones, the power of letters, and the taste of the wind all figure prominently in this intellectual tour de force that returns us to our senses and to the sensuous terrain that sustains us. This is a major work of ecological philosophy that startles the senses out of habitual ways of perception.

Spezielle Funktionen der Physik mit MATLAB

by Wolfgang Schweizer

Dieses Lehrbuch konzentriert sich auf spezielle Funktionen der Physik im reellen und komplexen Bereich. Es behandelt mehr als 170 verschiedene Funktionen mit zusätzlichen numerischen Hinweisen für effiziente Berechnungen, die für jeden nützlich sind, der auch mit anderen Programmiersprachen programmieren muss. Das Buch enthält MATLAB-basierte Programme für jede dieser Funktionen und eine ausführliche html-basierte Dokumentation. Einige der erklärten Funktionen sind: Gamma- und Beta-Funktionen; Legendre-Funktionen, die mit der Quantenmechanik und der Elektrodynamik in Verbindung stehen; Bessel-Funktionen; hypergeometrische Funktionen, die in der mathematischen Physik eine wichtige Rolle spielen; orthogonale Polynome, die vor allem in der computergestützten Physik verwendet werden; und Riemann-Zeta-Funktionen, die z. B. in der Quantenchaos- oder Stringtheorie eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Das Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an Wissenschaftler, Fachleute in Forschungsbereichen der Industrie und fortgeschrittene Studierende der Physik, der angewandten Mathematik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften.

Spezielle Relativitätstheorie: Eine Einführung mithilfe des k-Kalküls (essentials)

by Jürgen Kremer

Das Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie mithilfe des k- Kalküls. Dieser Zugang ist sehr elegant und verwendet die auf der Radarmethode basierende geometrische Darstellung der zweidimensionalen Raumzeit aus der Perspektive inertialer Beobachter. Die letzten Kapitel des Buchs behandeln die vierdimensionalen Lorentz-Transformationen und die Äquivalenz von Masse und Energie. Das Buch endet mit einer Darstellung des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Signalübertragung mit Überlichtgeschwindigkeit und der Verletzung des Kausalitätsprinzips.

Spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie: Grundlagen, Anwendungen in Astrophysik und Kosmologie sowie relativistische Visualisierung

by Sebastian Boblest Thomas Müller Günter Wunner

Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft die mathematischen Grundlagen der speziellen und allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie mit zahlreichen Anwendungsgebieten aus Physik und Astronomie. Neben der Diskussion von klassischen Experimenten, welche die Vorhersagen der Relativitätstheorie bestätigen, wird ein Fokus auf die Kosmologie als Anwendung der Relativitätstheorie gesetzt. Die Behandlung der Physik kompakter stellarer Objekte, d. h. von weißen Zwergen, Neutronensternen und Schwarzen Löchern, mit einem kurzen Abschnitt zur Entstehung und Entwicklung von Sternen runden die Darstellung ab.Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt legen die Autoren auf die relativistische Visualisierung. In zwei Kapiteln bekommt der Leser einen Überblick über verschiedene Techniken in der speziellen und allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Anhand von Beispielen können die der Alltagserfahrung scheinbar widersprechenden Vorhersagen der Relativitätstheorie besser fassbar gemacht werden. Die daraus gewonnenen Abbildungen und begleitenden Videos, die über die SN More Media App zugänglich sind, erweitern das Verständnis der im Text behandelten Themen.In der vorliegenden zweiten Auflage haben die Autoren vor allem neuere Entwicklungen (z.B. zum Thema Gravitationswellen) aufgenommen und zudem viele kleinere Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen vorgenommen. Das Buch richtet sich besonders an Studierende der Physik und verwandter Studiengänge, die sich einen Überblick über die Relativitätstheorie und ihre Anwendungsgebiete verschaffen möchten, aber auch interessierte Laien können damit interessante Einsichten gewinnen.

Spices, Scents and Silk: Catalysts of World Trade

by James Hancock

Spices, scents and silks were at the centre of world trade for millennia. Exotic luxuries such as cinnamon, ginger, pepper, saffron, clove, frankincense and myrrh. Through their international trade, humans were pushed to explore and then travel to the far corners of the earth. Almost from their inception, the earliest great civilizations - Egypt, Sumer and Harappa - became addicted to the luxury products of far-off lands and established long-reaching trade networks. Over time, great powers fought mightily for the kingdoms where silk, spices and scents were produced. The New World was accidentally discovered by Columbus in his quest for spices. What made trade in these products so remarkable was that the plants producing them grew in very restricted areas of the world, distant from the wealthy civilizations of northern Africa, Greece and Europe. These luxuries could be carried from mysterious locations on the backs of camels or in the holds of ships for months on end, and arrived at their final destination in nearly perfect condition. Once the western world discovered the intoxicating properties of these products, their procurement became a dominant force in the world economy. Nothing else compared with their possible profit returns. In this book, eminent horticulturist and author James Hancock examines the origins and early domestication and culture of spices, scents and silks and the central role they played in the lives of the ancients. The book also traces the development of the great international trade networks and explores how struggles for trade dominance and demand for such luxuries shaped the world. Recommended for academics, students and general readers with an interest in crop and agricultural development, world trade, economic botany, history of food, and global economics and public policy, Spices, Scents and Silk offers a fascinating and insightful history.

Spin: From Basic Symmetries to Quantum Optimal Control


This monograph is a fundamental reference for scientists and engineers who encounter spin processes in their work. The author, Ilya Kuprov, derives the concept of spin from basic symmetries and gives an overview of theoretical and computational aspects of spin dynamics: from Dirac equation and spin Hamiltonian, through coherent evolution and relaxation theories, to quantum optimal control, and all the way to practical implementation advice for parallel computers.

Spin-Crossover Cobaltite: Review and Outlook (Springer Series in Materials Science #305)

by Yoichi Okimoto Tomohiko Saitoh Yoshihiko Kobayashi Sumio Ishihara

This book describes the history of and recent developments in cobaltite and the spin-crossover (SC) phenomena. It offers readers an overview of essential research conducted on cobaltite and introduces them to the fundamentals of condensed matter physics research.The book consists of two parts. The first part reviews SC phenomena, covering the fundamental physics of SC phenomena and basic material properties of cobaltite. The second part focuses on recent topics in SC cobaltite, including the optical and dynamical features of cobaltite, thin material fabrication, and thermoelectric properties. The comprehensive coverage and clearly structured topics will especially appeal to newcomers to the field of state-of-the-art research on cobaltite and SC physics.

Spin Dynamics and Damping in Ferromagnetic Thin Films and Nanostructures

by Anjan Barman Jaivardhan Sinha

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the field of spin dynamics and magnetic damping. It discusses the various ways to tune damping, specifically, dynamic and static control in a ferromagnetic layer/heavy metal layer. In addition, it addresses all optical detection techniques for the investigation of modulation of damping, for example, the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect technique.

Spin Dynamics in Radical Pairs (Springer Theses)

by Alan Lewis

This book sheds new light on the dynamical behaviour of electron spins in molecules containing two unpaired electrons (i.e. a radical pair). The quantum dynamics of these spins are made complicated by the interaction between the electrons and the many nuclear spins of the molecule; they are intractable using analytical techniques, and a naïve numerical diagonalization is not remotely possible using current computational resources. Hence, this book presents a new method for obtaining the exact quantum-mechanical dynamics of radical pairs with a modest number of nuclear spins. Readers will learn how a calculation that would take 13 years using conventional wavepacket propagation can now be done in 1 day, and will also discover a new semiclassical method for approximating the dynamics in the presence of many nuclear spins. The new methods covered in this book are shown to provide significant insights into three topical and diverse areas: charge recombination in molecular wires (which can be used in artificially mimicking photosynthesis), magnetoelectroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes, and avian magnetoreception (how birds sense the Earth’s magnetic field in order to navigate).

Spin Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials: A Theoretical Study (Springer Theses)

by Marc Vila Tusell

This thesis focuses on the exploration of nontrivial spin dynamics in graphene-based devices and topological materials, using realistic theoretical models and state-of-the-art quantum transport methodologies. The main outcomes of this work are: (i) the analysis of the crossover from diffusive to ballistic spin transport regimes in ultraclean graphene nonlocal devices, and (ii) investigation of spin transport and spin dynamics phenomena (such as the (quantum) spin Hall effect) in novel topological materials, such as monolayer Weyl semimetals WeTe2 and MoTe2. Indeed, the ballistic spin transport results are key for further interpretation of ultraclean spintronic devices, and will enable extracting precise values of spin diffusion lengths in diffusive transport and guide experiments in the (quasi)ballistic regime. Furthermore, the thesis provides an in-depth theoretical interpretation of puzzling huge measured efficiencies of the spin Hall effect in MoTe2, as well as a prediction of a novel canted quantum spin Hall effect in WTe2 with spins pointing in the yz plane.

Spin Ice (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #197)

by Masafumi Udagawa Ludovic Jaubert

This book deals with a new class of magnetic materials, spin ice. Spin ice has become the canonical example of modern frustrated magnetism where competing interactions between spins set the rules for an emergent magnetostatic gauge field theory. Excitations take the form of magnetic monopoles or can condense via a Higgs mechanism. Beyond classical spin ice, the book describes the new physics emerging when quantum coherence (spin liquids, photon-like excitations) and itinerant electrons (anomalous Hall effect) are included in artificial systems. This first book dedicated to spin ice is a review of the current understanding of the field, both on the theoretical and experimental levels, written by leading experts. The book is written in a linear way with very few prerequisites. It also contains textbook-like descriptions of theoretical methods to help advanced students and researchers to enter the field.

Spin Waves: Problems and Solutions

by Daniel D. Stancil Anil Prabhakar

This book presents a collection of problems in spin wave excitations with their detailed solutions. Each chapter briefly introduces the important concepts, encouraging the reader to further explore the physics of spin wave excitations and the engineering of spin wave devices by working through the accompanying problem sets. The initial chapters cover the fundamental aspects of magnetization, with its origins in quantum mechanics, followed by chapters on spin wave excitations, such as the magnetostatic approximation, Walker's equation, the spin wave manifold in the three different excitation geometries of forward volume, backward volume and surface waves, and the dispersion of spin waves. The latter chapters focus on the practical aspects of spin waves and spin wave optical devices and use the problem sets to introduce concepts such as variational analysis and coupled mode theory. Finally, for the more advanced reader, the book covers nonlinear interactions and topics such as spin wave quantization, spin torque excitations, and the inverse Doppler effect. The topics range in difficulty from elementary to advanced. All problems are solved in detail and the reader is encouraged to develop an understanding of spin wave excitations and spin wave devices while also strengthening their mathematical, analytical, and numerical programming skills.

Spinel Nanoferrites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications (Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering)

by Surender K. Sharma

This book highlights the complexity of spinel nanoferrites, their synthesis, physio-chemical properties and prospective applications in the area of advanced electronics, microwave devices, biotechnology as well as biomedical sciences. It presents an overview of spinel nanoferrites: synthesis, properties and applications for a wide audience: from beginners and graduate-level students up to advanced specialists in both academic and industrial sectors. There are 15 chapters organized into four main sections. The first section of the book introduces the readers to spinel ferrites and their applications in advanced electronics industry including microwave devices, whereas the second section mainly focus on the synthesis strategy and their physio-chemical properties. The last sections of the book highlight the importance of this class of nanomaterials in the field of biotechnology and biomedical sector with a special chapter on water purification.

Spinning into Control: Improvising the Sustainable Startup

by Amiel Kornel

This book encourages startup founders to maintain control of their destiny by obsessively perfecting their startup's story and key relationships as much as its initial product or service. It highlights the importance of improvisation in the incubation of startups. Startup founders hoping to master their destinies develop the skills of venture craftsmen, learning to behave more like explorers and artisans than managers and engineers. The improvisational arts of tinkering, wandering, and conversing overcome the limitations of scientifically based "lean" methodologies for creating startups. These skills provide wobbly, nascent ventures with stability and conserve momentum during early-stage incubation. Like the gimbals of a gyroscope, they counter the entropy born of change, conflict and confusion that is continuously pushing young enterprises towards chaos. As their startups spin, venture craftsmen actually loosen the coupling between command and control. Startup sustainability relies on relentless improvisation, the heart of the art of entrepreneurship. Vignettes in each chapter of Spinning Into Control relate hardscrabble stories of entrepreneurs, craftsmen and venturers -- some recently interviewed by the author, others historical -- recounting the challenges they faced, their responses, the lessons they learned, and the eventually triumphant outcomes.

The Spinning Magnet: The Force that Created the Modern World and Could Destroy It

by Alanna Mitchell

Our future might be a world without electronics or protection from lethal solar radiationThe magnetic North Pole will eventually trade places with the South Pole. Satellite evidence suggests to some scientists that the move has already begun, but most still think it won't happen for many decades. All agree that it has happened many times before and will happen again. But this time it will be different. It will be a very bad day for modern civilization. Award-winning science journalist Alanna Mitchell tells in The Spinning Magnet the fascinating history of one of the four fundamental physical forces in the universe, electro-magnetism. From investigations into magnetism in 13th century feudal France and the realization six hundred years later in the Victorian era that electricity and magnetism were essentially the same, to the discovery that the earth was itself a magnet, spinning in space with two poles and that those poles aperiodically reverse, this is an utterly engrossing narrative history of ideas and science that readers of Stephen Greenblatt and Sam Kean will love. But the recent finding that the Earth's magnetic force field is decaying ten times faster than previously thought, portending an imminent pole reversal, ultimately gives this story a spine tingling urgency. When the poles switch, a process that takes many years, the Earth is unprotected from solar radiation storms that would, among other things, wipe out all electromagnetic technology. No satellites, no internet, no smart phones--maybe no power grid at all. Such potentially cataclysmic solar storms are not unusual. The last one occurred in 2012 and we avoided returning to the dark ages only because the part of the sun that erupted happened to be facing away from the Earth. One leading US researcher is already drawing maps of the parts of the planet that would likely become uninhabitable.

The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World--and Could Destroy It

by Alanna Mitchell

The mystery of Earth's invisible, life-supporting powerAlanna Mitchell's globe-trotting history of the science of electromagnetism and the Earth's magnetic field--right up to the latest indications that the North and South Poles may soon reverse, with apocalyptic results--will soon change the way you think about our planet.Award-winning journalist Alanna Mitchell's science storytelling introduce intriguing characters--from the thirteenth-century French investigations into magnetism and the Victorian-era discover that electricity and magnetism emerge from the same fundamental force to the latest research. No one has ever told so eloquently how the Earth itself came to be seen as a magnet, spinning in space with two poles, and that those poles have dramatically reversed many time, often coinciding with mass extinctions. The most recent reversal was 780,000 years ago.Mitchell explores indications that the Earth's magnetic force field is decaying faster than previously thought. When the poles switch, a process that takes many years, the Earth is unprotected from solar radiation storms that would, among other disturbances, wipe out much and possible all of our electromagnetic technology. Navigation for all kinds of animals is disrupted without a stable, magnetic North Pole. But can you imagine no satellites, no Internet, no smartphones--maybe no power grids at all?Alanna Mitchell offers a beautifully crafted narrative history of surprising ideas and science, illuminating invisible parts of our own planet that are constantly changing around us.

The Spinning Magnet: The Force That Created the Modern World – and Could Destroy It

by Alanna Mitchell

Many times through deep history Earth&’s magnetic poles have switched places, leaving our planet&’s protective shield weaker and life vulnerable to devastating solar storms. The last time it happened was 780,000 years ago, long before humans emerged, but it won&’t be long until it happens again. And when it does, will it send us back to the Stone Age? The Spinning Magnet is a fascinating insight into what may lie ahead. From the pivotal discoveries of Victorian scientists to the possibility of solar radiation wiping out power grids, and the secrets of electromagnetism, Alanna Mitchell reveals the truth behind one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

Spinors in Four-Dimensional Spaces

by Gerardo F. Torres del Castillo

Without using the customary Clifford algebras frequently studied in connection with the representations of orthogonal groups, this book gives an elementary introduction to the two-component spinor formalism for four-dimensional spaces with any signature. Some of the useful applications of four-dimensional spinors, such as Yang-Mills theory, are derived in detail using illustrative examples. Spinors in Four-Dimensional Spaces is aimed at graduate students and researchers in mathematical and theoretical physics interested in the applications of the two-component spinor formalism in any four-dimensional vector space or Riemannian manifold with a definite or indefinite metric tensor. This systematic and self-contained book is suitable as a seminar text, a reference book, and a self-study guide.

Spinoza, Ecology and International Law: Radical Naturalism in the Face of the Anthropocene (Law, Justice and Ecology)

by Moa De Lucia Dahlbeck

This book addresses the use of Benedict Spinoza’s philosophy in current attempts to elaborate an ecological basis for international environmental law. Because the question of environmental protection has not been satisfactory resolved, the legal debate concerning our responsibility for the environment has – as evidenced in the recent UN report series Harmony with Nature – come to invite calls for a new eco-centric, rather than anthropocentric, legal paradigm. In this respect, Spinoza appears as a key figure. He is one of the few philosophers in the history of western philosophy who cares, and writes extensively, about the roots of anthropocentrism; the core issue of contemporary normative debates in ecology. And in response to the rapidly developing ecological crisis, his work has become central to a re-thinking of the human relationship with nature. Addressing the contention that Spinoza’s ethics might provide a useful source for developing a new, eco-centred framework for environmental law, this book elaborates a more nuanced understanding of Spinoza’s philosophy. Spinoza cannot, it is argued here, simply be reduced to an eco-ethicist. That is: his metaphysics cannot be used as basis of an essentially naturalised or extended human morality. At the same time, however, this book argues that the radicality of Spinoza’s naturalism nevertheless offers the possibility of developing a more adequate ecological basis for environmental law.

Spintronics: A Primer

by Jean-Philippe Ansermet

A sound understanding of magnetism, transport theory, spin relaxation mechanisms, and magnetization dynamics is necessary to engage in spintronics research. In this primer, special effort has been made to give straightforward explanations for these advanced concepts.This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students in spintronics and related fields. Concepts of magnetism such as exchange interaction, spin-orbit coupling, spin canting, and magnetic anisotropy are introduced. Spin-dependent transport is described using both thermodynamics and Boltzmann’s equation, including Berry curvature corrections. Spin relaxation phenomenology is accounted for with master equations for quantum spin systems coupled to a bath. Magnetic resonance principles are applied to describe spin waves in ferromagnets, cavity-mode coupling in antiferromagnets, and coherence phenomena relevant to spin qubits applications.Key Features:• A pedagogical approach to foundational concepts in spintronics with simple models that can be calculated to enhance understanding.• Nineteen chapters, each beginning with a historical perspective and ending with an outlook on current research.• 1200 references, ranging from landmark papers to frontline publications.

Spintronics: Fundamentals and Applications

by Puja Dey Jitendra Nath Roy

This book highlights the overview of Spintronics, including What is Spintronics ?; Why Do We Need Spintronics ?; Comparative merit-demerit of Spintronics and Electronics ; Research Efforts put on Spintronics ; Quantum Mechanics of Spin; Dynamics of magnetic moments : Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation; Spin-Dependent Band Gap in Ferromagnetic Materials; Functionality of ‘Spin’ in Spintronics; Different Branches of Spintronics etc. Some important notions on basic elements of Spintronics are discussed here, such as – Spin Polarization, Spin Filter Effect, Spin Generation and Injection, Spin Accumulation, Different kinds of Spin Relaxation Phenomena, Spin Valve, Spin Extraction, Spin Hall Effect, Spin Seebeck Effect, Spin Current Measurement Mechanism, Magnetoresistance and its different kinds etc. Concept of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR), different types of GMR, qualitative and quantitative explanation of GMR employing Resistor Network Theory are presented here. Tunnelling Magnetoresistance (TMR), Magnetic Junctions, Effect of various parameters on TMR, Measurement of spin relaxation length and time in the spacer layer are covered here. This book highlights the concept of Spin Transfer Torque (STT), STT in Ferromagnetic Layer Structures, STT driven Magnetization Dynamics, STT in Magnetic Multilayer Nanopillar etc. This book also sheds light on Magnetic Domain Wall (MDW) Motion, Ratchet Effect in MDW motion, MDW motion velocity measurements, Current-driven MDW motion, etc. The book deals with the emerging field of spintronics, i.e., Opto-spintronics. Special emphasis is given on ultrafast optical controlling of magnetic states of antiferromagnet, Spin-photon interaction, Faraday Effect, Inverse Faraday Effect and outline of different all-optical spintronic switching. One more promising branch i.e., Terahertz Spintronics is also covered. Principle of operation of spintronic terahertz emitter, choice of materials, terahertz writing of an antiferromagnetic magnetic memory device is discussed. Brief introduction of Semiconductor spintronics is presented that includes dilute magnetic semiconductor, feromagnetic semiconductor, spin polarized semiconductor devices, three terminal spintronic devices, Spin transistor, Spin-LED, and Spin-Laser. This book also emphasizes on several modern spintronics devices that includes GMR Read Head of Modern Hard Disk Drive, MRAM, Position Sensor, Biosensor, Magnetic Field sensor, Three Terminal Magnetic Memory Devices, Spin FET, Race Track Memory and Quantum Computing.

The Spirit and Purpose of Geography (Routledge Revivals)

by S. W. Wooldridge W. G. East

First published in 1951, The Spirit and Purpose of Geography offers an introduction to the scope and spirit of geography. This undertakes a no less ambitious task than that of discovering the spatial relationships of the manifold features, physical and human, which diversify the Earth's surface.The authors one of whom first approached the subject from physical science, and the other from social science, co-operate to define and to discuss the historical development of their subject, its fundamental physical basis, its cartographic methods, its human aspect and its many applications and problems. Above all they submit that geography, the study of country or landscape, as a link study between the natural sciences and the humanities, constitutes not only a worthy academic discipline but also a part of a liberal education. This introductory volume is a must read for any student of geography.

Spirit Bear: Encounters with the White Bear of the Western Rainforest

by Charles Russell

A classic work of nature and wildlife, Spirit Bear is the captivating story of wilderness guide and naturalist Charles Russell’s quest to understand the rare spirit bear of British Columbia’s Princess Royal Island — now updated and reissued with a new design and an afterword by the author.From early experiences observing black bears in the Rocky Mountains with his father, the well-known writer and broadcaster Andy Russell, to nerve-racking encounters with grizzlies in British Columbia’s Khutzeymateen Valley, Charles Russell has spent a lifetime studying bears in their natural habitat. In 1991, Russell visited Princess Royal Island, an uninhabited island off the coast of British Columbia. There, amidst the rivers and trees of the western rainforest, he encountered the elusive spirit bear.Known to scientists as the Kermode bear and to the public as the white, ghost, or spirit bear, these extraordinary animals have never been exposed to civilization. In Spirit Bear, Russell recounts his experiences on Princess Royal Island — trekking over rocks and through streams; waiting hours for the evasive ghost bear to appear; and finally coming face-to-face with a spirit bear only inches from his nose. Illustrated with more than 100 stunning colour photographs, Spirit Bear provides beautiful and astonishing insight into the habits and nature of the Kermode bear, and is part of an ongoing effort by conservationists to save Princess Royal Island as a sanctuary for these remarkable animals.

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