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Showing 27,226 through 27,250 of 30,244 results

Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical Perspective (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat Marc Badia-Miró Henry Willebald

This edited collection examines the evolution of regional inequality in Latin America in the long run. The authors support the hypothesis that the current regional disparities are principally the result of a long and complex process in which historical, geographical, economic, institutional, and political factors have all worked together. Lessons from the past can aid current debates on regional inequalities, territorial cohesion, and public policies in developing and also developed countries. In contrast with European countries, Latin American economies largely specialized in commodity exports, showed high levels of urbanization and high transports costs (both domestic and international). This new research provides a new perspective on the economic history of Latin American regions and offers new insights on how such forces interact in peripheral countries. In that sense, natural resources, differences in climatic conditions, industrial backwardness and low population density areas leads us to a new set of questions and tentative answers. This book brings together a group of leading American and European economic historians in order to build a new set of data on historical regional GDPs for nine Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. This transnational perspective on Latin American economic development process is of interest to researchers, students and policy makers.

Time and the Generations: Population Ethics for a Diminishing Planet (Kenneth J. Arrow Lecture Series)

by Partha Dasgupta

How should we evaluate the ethics of procreation, especially the environmental consequences of reproductive decisions on future generations, in a resource-constrained world? While demographers, moral philosophers, and environmental scientists have separately discussed the implications of population size for sustainability, no one has attempted to synthesize the concerns and values of these approaches. The culmination of a half century of engagement with population ethics, Partha Dasgupta’s masterful Time and the Generations blends economics, philosophy, and ecology to offer an original lens on the difficult topic of optimum global population.After offering careful attention to global inequality and the imbalance of power between men and women, Dasgupta provides tentative answers to two fundamental questions: What level of economic activity can our planet support over the long run, and what does the answer say about optimum population numbers? He develops a population ethics that can be used to evaluate our choices and guide our sense of a sustainable global population and living standards. Structured around a central essay from Dasgupta, the book also features a foreword from Robert Solow; correspondence with Kenneth Arrow; incisive commentaries from Joseph Stiglitz, Eric Maskin, and Scott Barrett; an extended response by the author to them; and a joint paper with Aisha Dasgupta on inequalities in reproductive decisions and the idea of reproductive rights. Taken together, Time and the Generations represents a fascinating dialogue between world-renowned economists on a central issue of our time.

TIME Beautiful Phenomena: Discovering Nature's Most Exotic Wonders

by The Editors of TIME Magazine

Your guide to the science of eclipses, rainbows, volcanoes, and nature's many wonders.Powerful and dramatic, the natural wonders of our earth dazzled our ancient ancestors-and continue to inspire awe in us today. Now, the Editors of TIME capture these amazing sights and occurrences in an all-new special edition, Beautiful Phenomena, pairing glowing photographs with clear, authoritative text that explains the how, what, why, and when of nature's wonders, including eclipses, rainbows, lightning, supermoons, auroras and so much more. Learn about the scientific breakthroughs that came from observing solar eclipses and other natural phenomena over the centuries . . . and discover the latest theories about them that are emerging today. In space, in the oceans, on the land, these natural wonders hold the keys to our understanding of the world around us. Unlock their mysteries with TIME Beautiful Phenomena.

Time-Dependency in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM Book Series)

by Ömer Aydan

This book is concerned with time-dependency in rock mechanics and rock engineering, whose spectrum is very wide. While the term “time-dependency” involves time-dependent behavior/rate-dependent behavior of rocks in a conventional sense, this books attempts to cover the spectrum as much as possible including coupled processes of thermal, hydrological and diffusions in rocks. It presents theoretical formulations, experiments, numerical formulation and examples of applications. Of paramount concern is the long-term response and stability of rock engineering structures, including for instance man-made and natural slopes and underground facilities such as tunnels and powerhouses.

Time-frequency Analysis of Seismic Signals

by Yanghua Wang

A practical and insightful discussion of time-frequency analysis methods and technologies Time–frequency analysis of seismic signals aims to reveal the local properties of nonstationary signals. The local properties, such as time-period, frequency, and spectral content, vary with time, and the time of a seismic signal is a proxy of geologic depth. Therefore, the time–frequency spectrum is composed of the frequency spectra that are generated by using the classic Fourier transform at different time positions. Different time–frequency analysis methods are distinguished in the construction of the local kernel prior to using the Fourier transform. Based on the difference in constructing the Fourier transform kernel, this book categorises time–frequency analysis methods into two groups: Gabor transform-type methods and energy density distribution methods. This book systematically presents time–frequency analysis methods, including technologies which have not been previously discussed in print or in which the author has been instrumental in developing. In the presentation of each method, the fundamental theory and mathematical concepts are summarised, with an emphasis on the engineering aspects. This book also provides a practical guide to geophysicists who attempt to generate geophysically meaningful time–frequency spectra, who attempt to process seismic data with time-dependent operations for the fidelity of nonstationary signals, and who attempt to exploit the time–frequency space seismic attributes for quantitative characterisation of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Time Geography in the Global Context: An Anthology (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)

by Kajsa Ellegård

Time-geography is a mode of thinking that helps us understand change processes in society, the wider context and the ecological consequences of human actions. This book brings together international time-geographic research from a range of disciplines. Swedish geographer Torsten Hägerstrand is a key foundation for this book, and an introductory biography charts the influences that led to the formation of his theories. A central theme across time-geography research is recognizing time and space as unity. Contributions from the Netherlands, the USA, Japan, China, Norway and Sweden showcase the diverse palette of time-geography research. Chapters study societies adjusting to rapid urbanization, or investigate the need for structural changes in childcare organization. The book also delves into green transportation and the interplay between humans and nature in landscape transformation. Applicational chapters look at ICT effects on young people’s daily life and methods for engaging clients in treatment practice. This book situates the outlook for this developing branch of research and the application of time-geography to societal and academic contexts. Its interdisciplinary nature will appeal to postgraduates and researchers who are interested in human geography, urban and regional planning and sociology.

Time in Maps: From the Age of Discovery to Our Digital Era

by Caroline Winterer

Maps organize us in space, but they also organize us in time. Looking around the world for the last five hundred years, Time in Maps shows that today’s digital maps are only the latest effort to insert a sense of time into the spatial medium of maps. Historians Kären Wigen and Caroline Winterer have assembled leading scholars to consider how maps from all over the world have depicted time in ingenious and provocative ways. Focusing on maps created in Spanish America, Europe, the United States, and Asia, these essays take us from the Aztecs documenting the founding of Tenochtitlan, to early modern Japanese reconstructing nostalgic landscapes before Western encroachments, to nineteenth-century Americans grappling with the new concept of deep time. The book also features a defense of traditional paper maps by digital mapmaker William Rankin. With more than one hundred color maps and illustrations, Time in Maps will draw the attention of anyone interested in cartographic history.

The Time Machine Hypothesis: Extreme Science Meets Science Fiction (Science and Fiction)

by Damien Broderick

Every age has characteristic inventions that change the world. In the 19th century it was the steam engine and the train. For the 20th, electric and gasoline power, aircraft, nuclear weapons, even ventures into space. Today, the planet is awash with electronic business, chatter and virtual-reality entertainment so brilliant that the division between real and simulated is hard to discern. But one new idea from the 19th century has failed, so far, to enter reality—time travel, using machines to turn the time dimension into a two-way highway. Will it come true, as foreseen in science fiction? Might we expect visits to and from the future, sooner than from space? That is the Time Machine Hypothesis, examined here by futurist Damien Broderick, an award-winning writer and theorist of the genre of the future. Broderick homes in on the topic through the lens of science as well as fiction, exploring some fifty different time-travel scenarios and conundrums found in the science fiction literature and film.

Time Policies for a Sustainable Society

by Lucia A. Reisch

​This book explores time use, time policy, well-being and sustainable development using concepts and findings from time policy research, socio-ecological sustainability research, behavioral economics, consumer research, and research into prosperity and "the good life". Because any change in time structures, whether opening or working hours, school or travel times, has large scale impacts on other times that should ideally be recognized, the political and social restructure and negotiations for more effective time policy must include cross-cutting issues in the relevant sector policies - family, health, consumer, diet, environment, education, technology, transport, urban and labor market policy - and develop time policy strategies and instruments specific to each sector. This book is an interdisciplinary look into how society and government structure time policy, the procedural component of and possibility of a transformation or improvement in time-use, i. e. the "how" of change, what are transformation processes, how can they be explained, and how can change processes be ideally shaped? This book outlines the possibility of a transformation to sustainability in time policy. It will be of interest to researchers in economics, social and political science, social policy, government, quality of life studies, and education.

Time Resources, Society and Ecology: On the Capacity for Human Interaction in Space and Time (Routledge Library Editions: Ecology #1)

by Tommy Carlstein

Originally published in 1982, Time Resources, Society and Ecology examines and seeks to examine the time dimension in terms of the ecology, technology, social organization and spatial structure of the human habitat. Approaches to time resources – sociological time-budget studies, anthropological activity analysis, and economic analysis of money allocation – have been limited by their sectoral scope or their failure to relate effectively to the processes of social interaction, technological change and environmental structure. In this book, the book’s articulation of time resources is developed in a general theoretical framework of action and interaction in time and space. The book examines constraints and possibilities facing preindustrial societies and throws light on the impact of technology on modern societies. Basic models of time allocation are presented, and, finally, a cross-cultural comparison is made of the mobilization of time resources in preindustrial societies. Geographers, social anthropologists and human ecologists should find this work directly relevant to their interest in understanding the interactions between man and environment.

Time-Reversal Symmetry: Seven Time-Reversal Operators for Spin Containing Systems (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics #281)

by Ion I. Geru

This book introduces new developments in the field of Time-Reversal Symmetry presenting, for the first time, the Wigner time-reversal operator in the form of a product of two- or three time-reversal operators of lower symmetry. The action of these operators leads to the sign change of only one or two angular momentum components, not of all of them. It demonstrates that there are six modes of time-reversal symmetry breaking that do not lead to the complete disappearance of the symmetry but to its lowering. The full restoration of the time-reversal symmetry in the six cases mentioned is possible by introducing six types of metaparticles. The book also confirms the presence of six additional time-reversal operators using a group-theoretical method. The problem is only where to seek these metaparticles. The book discusses time-reversal symmetry in classical mechanics, classical and relativistic electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and theory of quantized fields, including dynamical reversibility and statistical irreversibility of the time, Wigner’s and Herring’s criteria, Kramers theorem, selection rules due to time-reversal symmetry, Onsager’s relations, Poincaré recurrence theorem, and CPT theorem. It particularly focuses attention on time-reversal symmetry violation. It is proposed a new method of testing the time-reversal symmetry, which is confirmed experimentally by EPR spectroscopy data. It shows that the traditional black-white point groups of magnetic symmetry are not applicable to magnetic systems with Kramers degeneration of energy levels and that magnetic groups of four-color symmetry are adequate for them. Further, it addresses the predicted structural distortions in Kramers three-homonuclear magnetic clusters due to time-reversal symmetry that have been identified experimentally. Lastly, it proposes a method of synthesis of two-nuclear coordination compounds with predictable magnetic properties, based on the application of the time-reversal transformation that was confirmed experimentally.

Time Series Analysis in Climatology and Related Sciences (Progress in Geophysics)

by Victor Privalsky

This book gives the reader the basic knowledge of the theory of random processes necessary for applying to study climatic time series. It contains many examples in different areas of time series analysis such as autoregressive modelling and spectral analysis, linear extrapolation, simulation, causality, relations between scalar components of multivariate time series, and reconstructions of climate data. As an important feature, the book contains many practical examples and recommendations about how to deal and how not to deal with applied problems of time series analysis in climatology or any other science where the time series are short.

Time Series Analysis in Meteorology and Climatology

by Robert Hale Claude Duchon

Time Series Analysis in Meteorology and Climatology provides an accessible overview of this notoriously difficult subject. Clearly structured throughout, the authors develop sufficient theoretical foundation to understand the basis for applying various analytical methods to a time series and show clearly how to interpret the results. Taking a unique approach to the subject, the authors use a combination of theory and application to real data sets to enhance student understanding throughout the book.This book is written for those students that have a data set in the form of a time series and are confronted with the problem of how to analyse this data. Each chapter covers the various methods that can be used to carry out this analysis with coverage of the necessary theory and its application. In the theoretical section topics covered include; the mathematical origin of spectrum windows, leakage of variance and understanding spectrum windows. The applications section includes real data sets for students to analyse. Scalar variables are used for ease of understanding for example air temperatures, wind speed and precipitation.Students are encouraged to write their own computer programmes and data sets are provided to enable them to recognize quickly whether their programme is working correctly- one data set is provided with artificial data and the other with real data where the students are required to physically interpret the results of their periodgram analysis.Based on the acclaimed and long standing course at the University of Oklahoma and part of the RMetS Advancing Weather and Climate Science Series, this book is distinct in its approach to the subject matter in that it is written specifically for readers in meteorology and climatology and uses a mix of theory and application to real data sets.

Time Series Data Analysis in Oceanography: Applications using MATLAB

by Chunyan Li

Chunyan Li is a course instructor with many years of experience in teaching about time series analysis. His book is essential for students and researchers in oceanography and other subjects in the Earth sciences, looking for a complete coverage of the theory and practice of time series data analysis using MATLAB. This textbook covers the topic's core theory in depth, and provides numerous instructional examples, many drawn directly from the author's own teaching experience, using data files, examples, and exercises. The book explores many concepts, including time; distance on Earth; wind, current, and wave data formats; finding a subset of ship-based data along planned or random transects; error propagation; Taylor series expansion for error estimates; the least squares method; base functions and linear independence of base functions; tidal harmonic analysis; Fourier series and the generalized Fourier transform; filtering techniques: sampling theorems: finite sampling effects; wavelet analysis; and EOF analysis.

Time-Space Compression: Historical Geographies (Routledge Studies in Human Geography #Vol. 23)

by Barney Warf

If geography is the study of how human beings are stretched over the earth’s surface, a vital part of that process is how we know and feel about space and time. Although space and time appear as "natural" and outside of society, they are in fact social constructions; every society develops different ways of measuring, organizing, and perceiving them. Given steady increases in the volume and velocity of social transactions over space, time and space have steadily "shrunk" via the process of time-space compression. By changing the time-space prisms of daily life – how people use their times and spaces, the opportunities and constraints they face, the meanings they attach to them – time-space compression is simultaneously cultural, social, political, and psychological in nature. This book explores how various social institutions and technologies historically generated enormous improvements in transportation and communications that produced transformative reductions in the time and cost of interactions among places, creating ever-changing geographies of centrality and peripherality. Warf invokes a global perspective on early modern, late modern, and postmodern capitalism. He makes use of data concerning travel times at various historical junctures, maps of distances between places at different historical moments, anecdotal analyses based on published accounts of people’s sense of place, examinations of cultural forms that represented space (e.g., paintings), and quotes about the culture of speed. Warf shows how time-space compression varies under different historical and geographical conditions, indicating that it is not one, single, homogenous process but a complex, contingent, and contested one. This book will be useful book for those studying and researching Geography, History, Sociology, and Political Science, as well as Anthropology, and Philosophy.

Time-Symmetry Breaking in Turbulent Multi-Particle Dispersion

by Jennifer Jucha

This thesis presents experimental and theoretical investigations of the connection between the time asymmetry in the short-time evolution of particle clusters and the intrinsic irreversibility of turbulent flows due to the energy cascade. The term turbulence describes a special state of a continuous medium in which many interacting degrees of freedom are excited. One of the interesting phenomena observed in turbulent flows is their time irreversibility. When milk is stirred into coffee, for example, highly complex and interwoven structures are produced, making the mixing process irreversible. This behavior can be analyzed in more detail by studying the dispersion of particle clusters. Previous experimental and numerical studies on the time asymmetry in two-particle dispersion indicate that particles separate faster backwards than forwards in time, but no conclusive explanation has yet been provided. In this thesis, an experimental study on the short-time behavior of two- and four-particle dispersion in a turbulent water flow between two counter-rotating propellers is presented. A brief but rigorous theoretical analysis reveals that the observed time irreversibility is closely linked to the turbulence energy cascade. Additionally, it is demonstrated experimentally that the addition of minute amounts of polymers to the flow has a significant impact on multi-particle dispersion due to an alteration of the energy cascade.

Time, the City, and the Literary Imagination (Literary Urban Studies)

by Anne-Marie Evans Kaley Kramer

Time, the City, and the Literary Imagination explores the relationship between the constructions and representations of the relationship between time and the city in literature published between the late eighteenth century and the present. This collection offers a new way of reading the literary city by tracing the ways in which the relationship between time and urban space can shape literary narratives and forms. The essays consider the representation of a range of literary cities from across the world and consider how an understanding of time, and time passing, can impact on our understanding of the primary texts. Literature necessarily deals with time, both as a function of storytelling and as an experience of reading. In this volume, the contributions demonstrate how literature about cities brings to the forefront the relationship between individual and communal experience and time.

Time to Stand Up

by Thanissara

Time to Stand Up retells the story of the historical Buddha, one of the greatest sacred activists of all time, as a practical human being whose teachings of freedom from suffering are more relevant than ever in this time of global peril. Evolving onward from the patriarchal template of spiritual warriors and their quests, former nun Thanissara explores awakening from within a feminine view where the archetypes of lover and nurturer are placed as central and essential for a sustainable world.Vital is an investigation into the pinnacle of Buddhist practice, the realization of the "liberated heart." Thanissara questions the narrative of "transcendence" and invites us into the lived reality of our deepest heart as it guides our journey of healing, reclamation, and redemption. As the book unfolds, the author examines traditional Buddhism--often fraught with gender discrimination--and asks the important question, "Can Buddhist schools, overly attached to hierarchal power structures, and often divorced from the radical and free inquiry exemplified by the Buddha, truly offer the ground for maturing awakening without undertaking a fundamental review of their own shadows?"Chapter by chapter, the book relates Siddhartha Gautama's awakening to the sea-change occurring on Earth in present time as we as a civilization become aware of the ethical bankruptcy of the nuclear and fossil fuel industry and the psychopathic corporate and military abuse of power currently terrorizing our planet. Thanissara relates the Buddha's story to real-life individuals who are living through these transitional times, such as Iraq war veterans, First Nation People, and the Dalai Lama. Time to Stand Up gives examples of the Buddha's activism, such as challenging a racist caste system and violence against animals, stopping war, transforming a serial killer, and laying down a nonhierarchical structure of community governance, actions that would seem radical even today.Thanissara explores ways forward, deepening our understanding of meditation and mindfulness, probing its use to pacify ourselves as the cogs in the corporate world by helping people be more functional in a dysfunctional systems--and shows how these core Buddhist practices can inspire a wake-up call for action for our sick and suffering planet Earth.About the Sacred Activism seriesWhen the joy of compassionate service is combined with the pragmatic drive to transform all existing economic, social, and political institutions, a radical divine force is born: Sacred Activism. The Sacred Activism Series, published by North Atlantic Books, presents leading voices that embody the tenets of Sacred Activism--compassion, service, and sacred consciousness--while addressing the crucial issues of our time and inspiring radical action.

Time to Think Small: How Nimble Environmental Technologies Can Solve the Planet's Biggest Problems

by Todd Myers

This call to climate action examines ways we can leverage the growing power of smartphones and other technologies to become effective environmental stewards to protect threatened species, reduce the risk from climate change, and stop ocean plastic.Personal technologies are creating what the Environmental Defense Fund calls &“a transformational shift&” in how we address environmental problems. Time to Think Small explores how these brand-new approaches are already playing a huge role in winning some of the most difficult and important environmental struggles of our day–from fighting climate change, to ensuring drinkable water for everyone, to saving endangered animals, to keeping plastic out of the ocean.Learn how these technologies magnify and multiply the power everyone has as individuals to save our environment and how this tremendous power is not only growing, but also has the huge benefit of being independent of sudden shifts in political leadership.Drawing on two decades of environmental policy and a career working with endangered species mixed with his previous career in tech, Myers looks at the different ways we can be empowered to find environmental solutions."Time to Think Small reminds me of the first words spoken on the moon, about small steps and giant leaps. Todd Myers does, in fact, describe the giant strides from accumulated small steps that will help solve THE biggest long-term problem facing humanity today. If Big Government won&’t act, WE CAN, in our own small ways!" --Donald Kroodsma, Author of Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist"The future of environmental stewardship depends on technology and innovation. Todd Myers is a national leader on environmental policy and technology and understands how to create solutions that sidestep political gridlock." --John Connors, former Microsoft CFO"A much-needed analysis of how we can solve complex global environmental problems by applying human ingenuity. . . and why every step matters along the way." --Benji Backer, President, American Conservation Coalition"Addressing climate change can be such a polarizing issue. Myers's book has found a way to cut right through that with practical, applicable actions that everyone can take to make a difference." --Kevin Wilhelm, CEO, Sustainable Business Consulting"While the positions taken by Todd Myers may be disconcerting to an old-school environmentalist such as myself, his voice is one we need to hear in the conversation about climate change. Myers makes a compelling argument that thinking small stimulates creativity, and that nimble, creative approaches can play a crucial role in achieving sustainability." -- John S. Farnsworth, PhD, Author of Nature Beyond Solitude: Notes from the Field

TIME A Year in Space: Inside Scott Kelly’s Historic Mission – Is Travel to Mars Next?

by The Editors of TIME Jeffrey Kluger

Go inside one of the most historic space missions ever in A YEAR IN SPACE, the new special edition from TIME, written by Apollo 13 author Jeffrey Kluger. A YEAR IN SPACE chronicles astronaut Scott Kelly's 340 days aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of NASA's exploration of the challenges of extended spaceflight. The most pressing question: Could humans endure the two-and-a-half-year trip to Mars and back?While science has some understanding of how space and zero gravity affect the human body, Scott and his twin brother, Mark, a retired astronaut who remained on Earth, have served as the perfect test and control subjects to explore these effects.This special edition, the companion piece to the TIME and PBS documentary series A Year in Space, provides exclusive coverage coupled with abundant photographs, many taken by Scott Kelly himself.Highlights include:An inside look at how Kelly conducted experiments aboard the ISS and how he spent his downtime.Landscape Mode: Breathtaking photographs taken by Scott Kelly from 250 miles above the Earth's surface.In interview with Samantha Cristoforetti, the first woman to spend 200 days in space, who spoke with TIME about her journey.

Timed Readings Book Six

by Edward Spargo

Do your students fail to even finish a timed test? Do they read word by word? Do they simply move their eyes over the page, never remembering what they read? If you suspect that students' test scores are being confounded by any of these traits, or if you have students who need to process greater amounts of information, the Timed Readings books can help. For over thirty years, Jamestown has been helping students increase their reading rate and fluency while maintaining comprehension. Timed Readings is the original series of timed reading books; 400-word nonfiction timed passages in science, social studies, the humanities, and more.

Timed Readings Plus In Science: 25 Two-part Lessons With Questions For Building Reading Speed And Comprehension

by Mcgraw-Hill Jamestown Education Staff

Do your students fail to even finish a timed test? Do they read word by word? Do they simply move their eyes over the page, never remembering what they read? If you suspect that students' test scores are being confounded by any of these traits, or if you have students who need to process greater amounts of information, the Timed Readings books can help. For over thirty years, Jamestown has been helping students increase their reading rate and fluency while maintaining comprehension. Timed Readings Plus in Science features 400-word nonfiction timed passages on current science topics, similar to those found on state and national tests.

Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World

by Marcia Bjornerud

Why an awareness of Earth’s temporal rhythms is critical to our planetary survivalFew of us have any conception of the enormous timescales in our planet’s long history, and this narrow perspective underlies many of the environmental problems we are creating for ourselves. The passage of nine days, which is how long a drop of water typically stays in Earth’s atmosphere, is something we can easily grasp. But spans of hundreds of years—the time a molecule of carbon dioxide resides in the atmosphere—approach the limits of our comprehension. Our everyday lives are shaped by processes that vastly predate us, and our habits will in turn have consequences that will outlast us by generations. Timefulness reveals how knowing the rhythms of Earth’s deep past and conceiving of time as a geologist does can give us the perspective we need for a more sustainable future.Marcia Bjornerud shows how geologists chart the planet’s past, explaining how we can determine the pace of solid Earth processes such as mountain building and erosion and comparing them with the more unstable rhythms of the oceans and atmosphere. These overlapping rates of change in the Earth system—some fast, some slow—demand a poly-temporal worldview, one that Bjornerud calls “timefulness.” She explains why timefulness is vital in the Anthropocene, this human epoch of accelerating planetary change, and proposes sensible solutions for building a more time-literate society.This compelling book presents a new way of thinking about our place in time, enabling us to make decisions on multigenerational timescales. The lifespan of Earth may seem unfathomable compared to the brevity of human existence, but this view of time denies our deep roots in Earth’s history—and the magnitude of our effects on the planet.

Timeless Quantum Mechanics and the Early Universe (Springer Theses)

by Leonardo Chataignier

The book is based on the author's PhD thesis, which deals with the concept of time in quantum gravity and its relevance for the physics of the early Universe. It presents a consistent and complete new relational formulation of quantum gravity (more specifically, of quantum mechanics models with diffeomorphism invariance), which is applied to potentially observable cosmological effects. The work provides answers to the following questions: How can the dynamics of quantum states of matter and geometry be defined in a diffeomorphism-invariant way? What is the relevant space of physical states and which operators act on it? How are the quantum states related to probabilities in the absence of a preferred time? The answers can provide a further part of the route to constructing a fundamental theory of quantum gravity. The book is well-suited to graduate students as well as professional researchers in the fields of general relativity and gravitation, cosmology, and quantum foundations.

Timelines of Nature: From Mountains and Glaciers to Mayflies and Marsupials (DK Children's Timelines)

by DK

Discover the fascinating history of our planet with this unique collection of visual timelines. Full of exciting visual timelines covering minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, Timelines of Nature reveals our planet&’s natural history and its life cycles in an entirely new way. Beginning at our world&’s existence; children aged 9+ will learn how many years it took the Moon to form and witness Earth&’s continents collide. Discover the history of Earth&’s most spectacular features – from the Grand Canyon to the Sahara desert. See how life evolved, from the first single-celled organisms to the extraordinary variety of creatures living today. Then we look at life on Earth today. Every species on Earth has its own unique story – Timelines of Nature reveals these weird and wonderful life cycles through fascinating visual timelines. It tells you what&’s really happening on Earth each minute of every day. This beautiful nature book for children features: - Beautiful timelines teach young readers all about geology, plants, and animals.- Each timeline is unique and depicts a different topic, such as the story of how whales evolved, how the Moon was formed, or how a tiger spends its day.- Feature pages highlight climactic moments in nature, for example, the butterfly finally emerging from its chrysalis.- Supporting educational boxes on each page explain key points about nature, helping kids to discover more about the world around them.Children can marvel at a variety of different timeframes in nature, like geological timelines spanning thousands of years; a year in the life of a habitat, a day in the life of an animal, and complete plant life cycles. Ever wondered what the mayfly does with its short life? In this book, you&’ll find out how it lives as a nymph for two weeks, before flying out of the water for just a day in the sky as a mayfly. If you&’ve ever thought about how a chimpanzee spends its day, how the rainforest changes over 24 hours, or how long a kangaroo&’s pregnancy lasts, then this is the book for you! Explore the series!If you like Timelines of Nature, why not check out other our exciting titles in the Timelines series? Explore the unique collection of visual timelines which bring big topics to life. Discover leaders, legends and legacies in Timelines of Black History, uncover the past from woolly mammoths to World Wars in Timelines of Everything and explore key milestones and breakthroughs with Timelines of Science.

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