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A Winter Grave: a chilling new mystery set in the Scottish highlands

by Peter May

From the twelve-million copy bestselling author of the Lewis trilogy comes a chilling new mystery set in the isolated Scottish Highlands.A TOMB OF ICEA young meteorologist checking a mountain top weather station in Kinlochleven discovers the body of a missing man entombed in ice.A DYING DETECTIVECameron Brodie, a Glasgow detective, sets out on a hazardous journey to the isolated and ice-bound village. He has his own reasons for wanting to investigate a murder case so far from his beat.AN AGONIZING RECKONINGBrodie must face up to the ghosts of his past and to a killer determined to bury forever the chilling secret that his investigation threatens to expose.Set against a backdrop of a frighteningly plausible near-future, A WINTER GRAVE is Peter May at his best.(P) 2023 Quercus Editions Limited

A Winter Grave: From the worldwide bestselling author of THE BLACKHOUSE

by Peter May

From the twelve-million copy bestselling author of the Lewis trilogy comes a chilling new mystery set in the isolated Scottish Highlands.A TOMB OF ICEA young meteorologist checking a mountain top weather station in Kinlochleven discovers the body of a missing man entombed in ice.A DYING DETECTIVECameron Brodie, a Glasgow detective, sets out on a hazardous journey to the isolated and ice-bound village. He has his own reasons for wanting to investigate a murder case so far from his beat.AN AGONIZING RECKONINGBrodie must face up to the ghosts of his past and to a killer determined to bury forever the chilling secret that his investigation threatens to expose.Set against a backdrop of a frighteningly plausible near-future, A WINTER GRAVE is Peter May at his page-turning, passionate and provocative best.*PRE-ORDER THIS EXPLOSIVE NEW NOVEL NOW*

A Winter Grave: From the worldwide bestselling author of THE BLACKHOUSE

by Peter May

From the twelve-million copy bestselling author of the Lewis trilogy comes a chilling new mystery set in the isolated Scottish Highlands.A TOMB OF ICEA young meteorologist checking a mountain top weather station in Kinlochleven discovers the body of a missing man entombed in ice.A DYING DETECTIVECameron Brodie, a Glasgow detective, sets out on a hazardous journey to the isolated and ice-bound village. He has his own reasons for wanting to investigate a murder case so far from his beat.AN AGONIZING RECKONINGBrodie must face up to the ghosts of his past and to a killer determined to bury forever the chilling secret that his investigation threatens to expose.Set against a backdrop of a frighteningly plausible near-future, A WINTER GRAVE is Peter May at his page-turning, passionate and provocative best.*PRE-ORDER THIS EXPLOSIVE NEW NOVEL NOW*

Wintergreen: Rambles in a Ravaged Land

by David Guterson Robert Michael Pyle

In the Willapa Hills of southwest Washington, both the human community and the forest community are threatened with extinction. Virtually every acre of the hills has been logged, often repeatedly, in the past hundred years, endangering both the land and the people, leaving dying towns as well as a devastated ecosystem. Weaving vivid portraits of the place and its inhabitants-animal, plant, and human-with the story of his own love affair with the hills, Robert Michael Pyle has written a book so even-handed in its passion that it has been celebrated by those who make their living with a chain saw as well as by environmentalists. As he writes, 'My sympathies lie with the people and the woods, but not with the companies that have used them both with equal disregard.'In his vivid portrayal of the land, plants, people and animals of the Willapa Hills of Washington State, Bob Pyle makes the modest patch of land he writes about a metaphor for the world.

Wired Wilderness: Technologies of Tracking and the Making of Modern Wildlife (Animals, History, Culture)

by Etienne Benson

American wildlife biologists first began fitting animals with radio transmitters in the 1950s. By the 1980s the practice had proven so useful to scientists and nonscientists alike that it became global. Wired Wilderness is the first book-length study of the origin, evolution, use, and impact of these now-commonplace tracking technologies.Combining approaches from environmental history, the history of science and technology, animal studies, and the cultural and political history of the United States, Etienne Benson traces the radio tracking of wild animals across a wide range of institutions, regions, and species and in a variety of contexts. He explains how hunters, animal-rights activists, and other conservation-minded groups gradually turned tagging from a tool for control into a conduit for connection with wildlife. Drawing on extensive archival research, interviews with wildlife biologists and engineers, and in-depth case studies of specific conservation issues—such as the management of deer, grouse, and other game animals in the upper Midwest and the conservation of tigers and rhinoceroses in Nepal—Benson illuminates telemetry's context-dependent uses and meanings as well as commonalities among tagging practices.Wired Wilderness traces the evolution of the modern wildlife biologist’s field practices and shows how the intense interest of nonscientists at once constrained and benefited the field. Scholars of and researchers involved in wildlife management will find this history both fascinating and revealing.

Wiring the Streets, Surfing the Square: Producing Public Space in the Mediated City (The Urban Book Series)

by Timothy Jachna

This book investigates the production of public space in contemporary urban contexts as conditioned by the suffusion of urban life with digital technologies. A “social production of technology” approach is taken to frame the digitally-mediated city as a communal social and cultural project. Acknowledging the multivalent and shifting nature of public space and the heterogeneity of the urban actors who form it, the “agency” of these different actors in appropriating digital technologies takes center stage. The dynamics of negotiations between regimes of control and impulses towards freedom and experimentation, the entanglement of the spatial commons and the digital commons, changes in the notions of what constitutes membership in a public or counterpublic, and evolving relationships between the various individuals and groups who share and constitute public space, are all revealed in different actors’ appropriation of digital technologies in the formation of public spaces and the conducting of public life in cities.The book is divided into two sections. Drawing on classic and contemporary scholars on public space, and on digital culture, Section I explores the implications of the convergence of these bodies of knowledge and lenses of critique and examination on the present urban condition, establishing a conceptual foundation upon which public space discourse is brought to bear on an interrogation of the “wired” or “mediated” city. Structured by the core concepts that underlie Hannah Arendt’s notion of agency in the constitution of the public sphere, Section II is devoted to discussing, and demonstrating through myriad concrete examples, how different “affordances” of digital technologies are implicated in the production of public space and in the interplay between urban governance and control, urban life and citizenship, and urban commodification. The topics in this book are of broad and current international relevance, and will appeal to scholars and students in architecture, urbanism, design, sociology, and digital culture.

Wirkungsvolle Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation: So kommunizieren Unternehmen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft – Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele und Erfolgsfaktoren (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Uta-Micaela Dürig Heidrun Haug

Dieses Buch erläutert, wie Unternehmen das Thema Nachhaltigkeit mit allen Aspekten wirkungsvoll kommunizieren können, um auch in Zukunft bei allen Stakeholdern relevant und glaubwürdig zu bleiben. Denn Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien sind nicht mehr nice-to-have, sondern überlebenswichtig geworden – auch für Unternehmen. Das Werk schafft mit fundierten Beiträgen ein klares Verständnis von nachhaltiger Entwicklung sowie ihrer Kommunikation und geht unter anderen diesen Fragen nach: Wie kann Führungskräfte-Commitment die nachhaltige Entwicklung bestärken? Wie werden Kommunikationsteams aktive Gestalter nachhaltiger Transformation? Wie sieht ein nachhaltiges Zukunftsnarrativ für Unternehmen aus? Welche Rolle spielen Green Claims? Wie schädlich ist Greenwashing? Wie steht es um den CO2-Fußabdruck von Kommunikation? Und: Welche Unternehmen bieten Best Practices und sind in der Umsetzung ihrer Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation erfolgreich? Ein unverzichtbares Buch für Unternehmenslenker, Verantwortliche der Unternehmenskommunikation, Mitglieder in Stiftungs- und Unternehmensaufsichtsräten, Engagement Manager, Agenturen sowie die Managementlehre und Studierende. Uta-Micaela Dürig ist u.a. Transformations- und Sustainability-Beraterin, Autorin und als Dozentin an Hochschulen tätig. Zuvor war sie über 20 Jahre in Leitungsfunktionen für Unternehmenskommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit in Wirtschaftsunternehmen tätig, u. a. bei ABB und RWE. Bei Bosch war sie als Leiterin der Konzernkommunikation tätig und als Geschäftsführerin der Robert Bosch Stiftung. Seit 01.04.2023 ist sie Vorständin für Sozialpolitik eines freien Wohlfahrtsverbandes in Stuttgart. Heidrun Haug ist Gründerin und geschäftsführende Hauptgesellschafterin der Storymaker Public Relations GmbH in Tübingen sowie Mitgründerin der ResCom Academy GmbH. Zuvor war sie 20 Jahre als Journalistin für Wirtschafts- und Technologiezeitschriften tätig. 2001 hat sie die Kommunikationsagentur mit dem Ziel gegründet, Unternehmen in glaubwürdige und nachhaltige Erfolgsgeschichten zu verwandeln. Die Agentur ist Partner des Weltethos-Instituts der Universität Tübingen, berät Unternehmen bei Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation und hat 2023 eine eigene Klimabilanz erstellt. Sie ist im Advisory Board des Studiengangs Kommunikations- und Medienmanagement der SRH Mobile University und Mitglied im Arbeitskreis MediaPolitics der DPRG.

Wirtschaftsgeographie Deutschlands

by Elmar Kulke

Der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland aus geographischer PerspektiveIn diesem Buch wird der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland aus geographischer Perspektive betrachtet. Berücksichtigung finden dabei sowohl die internationale Einbettung wie Außenhandel, Direktinvestitionen oder Warenketten als auch die nationalen räumlichen Entwicklungen. Aufgegriffen werden langfristige Veränderungen wie der Wandel von der Industrie- zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft ebenso wie aktuelle Trends, wie beispielsweise die Energiewende, die Elektromobilität, das Online-Shopping oder der Wohnungsmarkt.Die einzelnen Kapitel betrachten jeweils spezielle Wirtschaftsbereiche in ihrer räumlichen Dimension und stellen eine Verbindung zwischen allgemeinwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen sowie Modellen und dem realwirtschaftlichen empirischen Befund her. Herausgearbeitet werden die nationalen Entwicklungen und die räumlichen Unterschiede zwischen West und Ost sowie Zentren und Peripherie. Alle Autor*innen sind etablierte Wirtschaftsgeograph*innen, die ihre speziellen Branchenkenntnisse einbringen. Die Neuauflage stellt nicht nur eine Aktualisierung dar, sondern es werden auch neue Entwicklungen diskutiert und zusätzliche Themenfelder aufgegriffen.Das vorliegende Buch spricht nicht nur Wissenschaftler*innen und Studierende an, sondern alle am Themenfeld Wirtschaft und Raum Interessierten. Entsprechend ist der konzeptionelle Ansatz, alle Ausführungen und Inhalte mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Karten und Tabellen zu belegen und zu veranschaulichen.

The Wisconsin Frontier (A\history Of The Trans-appalachian Frontier Ser.)

by Mark Wyman

This “highly readable, balanced account [tells] a fascinating story of the gains and perils, ebbs and flows that characterize the American frontier saga” (Western Historical Quarterly).From seventeenth-century French coureurs de bois to lumberjacks of the nineteenth century, Wisconsin’s frontier era saw thousands of settlers arriving from Europe and other areas to seek wealth and opportunity. As this influx began, Native Americans mixed with the newcomers, sometimes helping, and sometimes challenging them. While conflicts arose, the Indigenous peoples also benefited from European guns and other trade items.This captivating history covers nearly three hundred years of Wisconsin history, from before the arrival of Europeans to the beginning of the twentieth century. It reveals the conflicts, defeats, and victories of the people who made Wisconsin their home, as well as their outlook on the future at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Wisdom for a Livable Planet

by Carl N. Mcdaniel

The author profiles the work of eight visionaries who have dedicated their lives to various environmental issues. Each story provides a portrait of an individual's valiant and inspiring campaign to improve the conditions for life on our planet. Taken together, the work of these people points the way toward creating an ecologically centered civilization in which a brighter future for all life, including human, is possible.*Terri Swearingen takes on one of the world's largest hazardous waste incinerators burning toxic waste next door to an elementary school.*Stephen Schneider establishes the scientific basis for climate change*Herman Daly advocates a dynamic steady-state economy that respects the laws of nature and human behavior.*David Orr champions educational reform to make universities a place where students learn how to be environmentally aware citizens*Werner Fornos works toward empowering every person with the knowledge and means to decide when and how many children to have*Helena Norberg-Hodge champions local living with appropriate technologies to enhance our spiritual and ecological well-being.*Wes Jackson promotes sustainable agriculture based on local ecology and community values*Dave Foreman leads the effort to rewild almost half of North America with wolves, mountain lions, jaguars, falcons, and others to restore functional ecosystems and preserve biodiversity

Wisdom for a Livable Planet

by Carl N. Mcdaniel

The author profiles the work of eight visionaries who have dedicated their lives to various environmental issues. Each story provides a portrait of an individual's valiant and inspiring campaign to improve the conditions for life on our planet. Taken together, the work of these people points the way toward creating an ecologically centered civilization in which a brighter future for all life, including human, is possible.*Terri Swearingen takes on one of the world's largest hazardous waste incinerators burning toxic waste next door to an elementary school.*Stephen Schneider establishes the scientific basis for climate change*Herman Daly advocates a dynamic steady-state economy that respects the laws of nature and human behavior.*David Orr champions educational reform to make universities a place where students learn how to be environmentally aware citizens*Werner Fornos works toward empowering every person with the knowledge and means to decide when and how many children to have*Helena Norberg-Hodge champions local living with appropriate technologies to enhance our spiritual and ecological well-being.*Wes Jackson promotes sustainable agriculture based on local ecology and community values*Dave Foreman leads the effort to rewild almost half of North America with wolves, mountain lions, jaguars, falcons, and others to restore functional ecosystems and preserve biodiversity

The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Reverence for Life—Albert Schweitzer&’s pivotal philosophyMusician, physician, humanitarian, and philosopher, Albert Schweitzer was a twentieth-century Renaissance man who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his &“Reverence for Life&” philosophy. The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer explores this core philosophy, which inspired one of the world&’s great humanitarians. While traveling in Africa, Schweitzer recognized that all living creatures have a will to live and believed that through a &“reverence for life&” mankind had an ethical imperative to aid in the welfare of all living things, including the environment. His words have remained an inspiration for generations of humanitarians and environmentalists.

The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer (Wisdom)

by The Wisdom Series

Reverence for Life—Albert Schweitzer&’s pivotal philosophyMusician, physician, humanitarian, and philosopher, Albert Schweitzer was a twentieth-century Renaissance man who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his &“Reverence for Life&” philosophy. The Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer explores this core philosophy, which inspired one of the world&’s great humanitarians. While traveling in Africa, Schweitzer recognized that all living creatures have a will to live and believed that through a &“reverence for life&” mankind had an ethical imperative to aid in the welfare of all living things, including the environment. His words have remained an inspiration for generations of humanitarians and environmentalists.

The Wisdom of the Spotted Owl: Policy Lessons For A New Century

by Steven Lewis Yaffee

The controversy over the management of national forests in the Pacific Northwest vividly demonstrates the shortcomings of existing management institutions and natural resource policies. The Wisdom of the Spotted Owl explores the American policymaking process through the case of the spotted owl -- a case that offers a striking illustration of the failure of our society to cope with long-term, science-intensive issues requiring collective choices.Steven Lewis Yaffee analyzes the political and organizational dynamics from which the controversy emerged and the factors that led to our stunning inability to solve it. He examines the state of resource management agencies and policy processes, providing insight into questions such as: What caused the extreme polarization of opinion and lack of communication throughout the 1980s and early 1990s? How can the inadequate response of government agencies and the failure of the decisionmaking process be explained? What kinds of changes must be made to enable our resource policy institutions to better deal with critical environmental issues of the 1990s and beyond? By outlining a set of needed reforms, the book will assist those who are involved in re-creating natural resource agencies and public policy processes for the challenges of the next century. In explaining the policymaking process -- its realities and idiosyncrasies -- The Wisdom of the Spotted Owl provides a framework for understanding policies and institutions, and presents a prescription for change to allow for more effective handling of current and future environmental problems.

The Wisdom of Trees: How Trees Work Together to Form a Natural Kingdom

by Lita Judge

With lush illustrations, poems, and accessible scientific information, The Wisdom of Trees by Lita Judge is a fascinating exploration of the hidden communities trees create to strengthen themselves and others.We clean the air and seed the clouds, we drench the thirsty land with rain. We are like wizards.The story of a tree is a story of community, communication, and cooperation. Although trees may seem like silent, independent organisms, they form a network buzzing with life: they talk, share food, raise their young, and offer protection. Trees thrive on diversity, learn from their ancestors, and give back to their communities. Trees not only sustain life on our planet—they can also teach us important lessons about patience, survival, and teamwork.A New York Public Library Best Book of 2021A New York Public Library Top Ten Book for KidsGreen Earth Book Award LonglistAn ALA SustainRT Top 10 Sustainability-Themed Children’s Books 2022

Wise Words & Country Ways Weather Lore

by Ruth Binney

An enthralling book that not only satisfies our fascination for lost wisdom of our ancestors but also indulges the British obsession with the weather. Probably the best known country saying of them all is 'red sky at night, shepherd's delight'. Wise Words and Country Ways Weather Lore presents us with dozens more similar, but largely now forgotten, words of wisdom that are imbued with a centuries-old understanding of the patterns of British weather, seasonal changes and the behavior of plants and animals around us. It has highly relevant content for an age where we all feel we have lost touch with the patterns of nature.

Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures (The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)

by Bonnie Worth

Laugh and learn with fun facts about narwals, dolphins, sharks, giant squid, manatees, and more—all told in Dr. Seuss&’s beloved rhyming style and starring The Cat in the Hat! &“I&’m the Cat in the Hat, and I hear that you wish to go down to the sea and to visit the fish.&” The Cat in the Hat&’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian illustrations to introduce children to non-fiction topics from the real world! In this adventure under the sea, readers will learn: • how fish breathe underwater• about the different levels of the ocean• how echolocation helps dolphins see in the dark• and much more! Perfect for story time and for the youngest readers, Wish for a Fish also includes an index, glossary, and suggestions for further learning. Look for more books in the Cat in the Hat&’s Learning Library series!Cows Can Moo! Can You? All About FarmsHark! A Shark! All About SharksIf I Ran the Dog Show: All About DogsOh Say Can You Say Di-no-saur? All About DinosaursOn Beyond Bugs! All About InsectsOne Vote Two Votes I Vote You VoteThere&’s No Place Like Space: All About Our Solar SystemWho Hatches the Egg? All About EggsWhy Oh Why Are Deserts Dry? All About Deserts

Wissens- und Innovationsgeographie in der Wirtschaftsförderung

by Tom Brökel

Das Buch ist als eine Einführung in das Themengebiet der Wissens- und Innovationsgeographie konzipiert. Entsprechend erfahren grundlegende Konzepte (Was ist Wissen? Welche Arten des räumlichen Wissenstransfers gibt es?) die größte Aufmerksamkeit. Nichtsdestotrotz enthält das Buch zahlreiche praktische Beispiele, die das Verständnis der in weiten Teilen theoretischen Inhalte erleichtern sollen. Auch werden aktuelle politische Programme, die Aspekte der Wissens- und Innovationsgeographie berühren, vorgestellt. Sie verdeutlichen nicht nur die Relevanz des Themengebietes, sondern auch, dass zahlreiche theoretische Ideen und Konzepte bereits Einzug in die wirtschaftspolitische Praxis und damit auch in die Wirtschaftsförderung gefunden haben. Das Buch ist eine Einführung in ausgewählte Aspekte, die aktuell in der Wissens- und Innovationsgeographie die meiste Aufmerksamkeit erfahren und gleichzeitig für Wirtschaftsförderer besonders relevant sind.Den Abschluss eines jeden Bausteins des Moduls bilden Kontrollfragen, die den Leser beim Erarbeiten des Lernstoffes unterstützen und den Lernerfolg zu überprüfen helfen.

The Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough: A celebration of our favourite naturalist

by Chas Newkey-Burden

A fascinating and entertaining collection of facts, quotes and stories, celebrating Sir David Attenborough's wicked sense of humour and astute wisdom.David Attenborough is a national treasure, known for his soothing voice, calming presence, passion for the natural world, and his humble, easy-going nature. Despite his incredible talent and influence, he tends to play it all down, one time stating that, 'I can't believe I'm still employed'.So if he won't celebrate himself, we'll have to do it for him.Filled with facts, tributes and anecdotes, as well as beautiful illustrations, this enormously positive book celebrates Sir David, providing a fascinating insight into his life as well as showcasing his brilliant sense of humour. Running chronologically, this book begins with his early days, to his first job at the BBC, to eventually becoming the most esteemed naturalist on the planet, as he is today.Such revelations include:- There are 18 plants and animals named after him- When asked by a reporter how many degrees he had, he said it would be 'rude to count'*- The single thing that would improve his quality of life is 'good, workable knees'.Blending his quips galore with his powerful messages on the environment and future of the planet, this timely book showcases everything we love about Sir David, making it the perfect gift for any fan.* He has over thirty!

The Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough: A celebration of our favourite naturalist

by Chas Newkey-Burden

A fascinating and entertaining collection of facts, quotes and stories, celebrating Sir David Attenborough's wicked sense of humour and astute wisdom.David Attenborough is a national treasure, known for his soothing voice, calming presence, passion for the natural world, and his humble, easy-going nature. Despite his incredible talent and influence, he tends to play it all down, one time stating that, 'I can't believe I'm still employed'.So if he won't celebrate himself, we'll have to do it for him.Filled with facts, tributes and anecdotes, as well as beautiful illustrations, this enormously positive book celebrates Sir David, providing a fascinating insight into his life as well as showcasing his brilliant sense of humour. Running chronologically, this book begins with his early days, to his first job at the BBC, to eventually becoming the most esteemed naturalist on the planet, as he is today.Such revelations include:- There are 18 plants and animals named after him- When asked by a reporter how many degrees he had, he said it would be 'rude to count'*- The single thing that would improve his quality of life is 'good, workable knees'.Blending his quips galore with his powerful messages on the environment and future of the planet, this timely book showcases everything we love about Sir David, making it the perfect gift for any fan.* He has over thirty!

With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change

by Fred Pearce

Although he considers himself a skeptical environmentalist, Pearce (a former news editor and current environment and development consultant with New Scientist) is highly alarmed about the prospect of global climate change induced by human activity, warning that, instead of the gradual climate change modeled by the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we are quite likely to experience abrupt and violent change triggered by the crossing of hidden tipping points such as the release of huge amounts of methane from the melting Siberian peat, the end of the Asian monsoon as a result of aerosol emissions from China and India, or the shutdown of the ocean's conveyer belt regulating global temperatures. In addition to explaining the science of these tipping points to a lay audience, Pearce profiles the scientists involved in investigating global climate change in the past and predicting its future. Annotation ©2007 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Within Walking Distance: Creating Livable Communities for All

by Philip Langdon

InWithin Walking Distance, journalist and urban critic Philip Langdon looks at why and how Americans are shifting toward a more human-scale way of building and living. He shows how people are creating, improving, and caring for walkable communities. To draw the most important lessons, Langdon spent time in six communities that differ in size, history, wealth, diversity, and education, yet share crucial traits: compactness, a mix of uses and activities, and human scale. To improve conditions and opportunities for everyone, Langdon argues thatplaces where the best of life is within walking distanceought to be at the core of our thinking. This book is for anyone who wants to understand what can be done to build, rebuild, or improve a community while retaining the things that make it distinctive.

Without Reservation: Awakening to Native American Spirituality and the Ways of Our Ancestors

by Randy Kritkausky

A powerful story of spiritual awakening, reconnection with Nature, and rekindling of ancestral wisdom • Details the author&’s encounters with ancestral spirits and animal teachers, such as Coy-Wolf, and profound moments of direct connection with the natural world • Shows how ancestral connections and intimate communications with Nature are not unique or restricted to those with indigenous cultural roots • Reveals how reconnection with ancestors and the natural world offers insight and solutions for the complex problems we face We are but a few generations removed from millennia spent living in intimate contact with the natural world and in close commune with ancestral spirits. Who we are and who we think we are is rooted in historical connections with those who came before us and in our relationships with the land and the sentient natural world. When we wander too far from our roots, our ancestors and kin in the natural world call us home, sometimes with gentle whispers and sometimes in loud voices sounding alarms. In this powerful story of spiritual awakening, Randy Kritkausky shares his journey into the realm of ancestral Native American connections and intimate encounters with Mother Earth and shows how anyone can spiritually reconnect with their ancestors and Nature. Like 70 percent of those who identify as Native American, Kritkausky grew up off the reservation. As he explains, for such &“off reservation&” indigenous people rediscovering ancestral practices amounts to a reawakening and offers significant insights about living in a society that is struggling to mend a heavily damaged planet. The author reveals how the awakening process was triggered by his own self-­questioning and the resumption of ties with his Potawatomi ancestors. He details his encounters with ancestral spirits and animal teachers, such as Coy-Wolf. He shares moments of direct connection with the natural world, moments when the consciousness of other living beings, flora and fauna, became accessible and open to communication. Through his profound storytelling, Kritkausky shows how ancestral connections and intimate communications with Nature are not unique or restricted to those with indigenous cultural roots. Offering a bridge between cultures, a path that can be followed by Native and non-Native alike, the author shows that spiritual awakening can happen anywhere, for anyone, and can open the gateway to deeper understanding.

Without Warning: The Tornado of Udall, Kansas

by Jim Minick

In 1955 the small town of Udall, Kansas, was home to oil field workers, homemakers, and teenagers looking ahead to their futures. But on the night of May 25, an F5 tornado struck their town without warning. In three minutes the tornado destroyed most of the buildings, including the new high school. It toppled the water tower. It lifted a pickup truck, stripped off its cab, and hung the frame in a tree. By the time the tornado moved on, it had killed 82 people and injured 270 others, more than half the town&’s population of roughly 600 people. It remains the deadliest tornado in the history of Kansas. Jim Minick&’s nonfiction account, Without Warning, tells the human story of this disaster, moment by moment, from the perspectives of those who survived. His spellbinding narrative connects this history to our world today. Minick demonstrates that even if we have never experienced a tornado, we are still a people shaped and defined by weather and the events that unfold in our changing climate. Through the tragedy and hope found in this story of destruction, Without Warning tells a larger story of community, survival, and how we might find our way through the challenges of the future.

WJEC A-level History Student Guide Unit 3: The American century c.1890-1990

by Haydn Davey

Exam board: WJECLevel: AS/A-levelSubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2015First exams: Summer 2016 (AS); Summer 2017 (A-level)Build, reinforce and revise the historical knowledge and exam skills required for WJEC AS/A-level History.Matched to the 2016 specification for Wales, this study guide contains clear content summaries and annotated sample answers to exam questions.- Concisely covers the key issues and content in the specification, breaking the Unit down into manageable chunks- Consolidates understanding with regular knowledge-check questions, plus useful tips- Builds the analytical and evaluative skills that students need to succeed in AS/A-level History- Improves students' exam technique, providing sample student answers to past paper questions, with commentary to explain the number of marks awarded- Helps students to learn the content throughout the course, study independently and revise for their exams

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