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Showing 30,051 through 30,075 of 30,111 results

Your Cosmic Context: An Introduction to Modern Cosmology

by Todd Duncan Craig Tyler

Your Cosmic Context provides a framework for exploring the nature and history of our universe. Equally well suited for independent reading and study or for a one-term general education course in cosmology, this book is a guide to the key insights of scientific cosmology, including the big bang theory and exotic entities like dark matter and dark energy. It also explains how we discovered the surprising things we now know about the distant reaches of space and time, and thereby serves as one of the best available illustrations of the scientific method in action.

Your Guide to the Grand Canyon: A Different Perspective (True North Series)

by Tom Vail Michael Oard Dennis Bokovoy John Hergenrather

Exploring the Grand Canyon is a one-of-a-kind adventure. It is a World Heritage Site and one of the most amazing features on the face of the planet. The size and majesty of the Canyon is overwhelming, regardless of how many times you have viewed it, how many trails you have hiked, or how many river miles you have traveled. It is also a mystery! <p><p> Most will agree that the Grand Canyon was carved by water. But how and when is where the mystery lies. Was it formed slowly over millions of years or quickly in a catastrophic event? This debate falls into two camps, which hold to vastly divergent worldviews. This True North Guide examines the geological and ecological evidence and lets you decide which of those worldviews is best supported by the data.

Your Human Geography Dissertation: Designing, Doing, Delivering

by Kimberley Peters

An undergraduate dissertation is your opportunity to engage with geographical research, first-hand. But completing a student project can be a stressful and complex process. Your Human Geography Dissertation breaks the task down into three helpful stages: Designing: Deciding on your approach, your topic and your research question, and ensuring your project is feasible Doing: Situating your research and selecting the best methods for your dissertation project Delivering: Dealing with data and writing up your findings With information and task boxes, soundbites offering student insight and guidance, and links to online materials, this book offers a complete and accessible overview of the key skills needed to prepare, research, and write a successful human geography dissertation.

Your Human Geography Dissertation: Designing, Doing, Delivering

by Kimberley Peters

An undergraduate dissertation is your opportunity to engage with geographical research, first-hand. But completing a student project can be a stressful and complex process. Your Human Geography Dissertation breaks the task down into three helpful stages: Designing: Deciding on your approach, your topic and your research question, and ensuring your project is feasible Doing: Situating your research and selecting the best methods for your dissertation project Delivering: Dealing with data and writing up your findings With information and task boxes, soundbites offering student insight and guidance, and links to online materials, this book offers a complete and accessible overview of the key skills needed to prepare, research, and write a successful human geography dissertation.

Your Inner Zoo: A Guide to the Meaning of Animals and the Insights They Offer Us

by Belinda Recio

What might we learn about our own human natures from the friskiness of a young goat, the focus of a hawk, the transformation of a butterfly, or the hibernation of a bear? How can animals—through their natural and cultural histories—offer us ideas that could help us better understand ourselves, navigate a relationship, or change an aspect of our lives? Do the animals that we admire or fear reveal something about us? What about the animals who appear in our dreams, visions, and creative inspirations? These are some of the questions addressed in The Inner Zoo: A Field Guide to the Meaning of Animals & the Insights They Offer Us. You can use The Inner Zoo: • to explore yourself through animals • to approach animals as teachers and guides • to explore the possible meaning of animal encounters • to connect with animals through their natural and cultural histories • as an animal symbolism dictionary • as an idea generator and creativity tool By exploring animal biology and behavior, as well as the cultural roles that animals play in symbolism, mythology, and traditions, The Inner Zoo invites you to approach animals as a source of provocative ideas that can lead to self-discovery and a deeper sense of connection with the more-than-human world.

Your Passport to Australia (World Passport)

by A.M. Reynolds

What is it like to live in or visit Australia? What makes Australia’s culture unique? Explore the geography, traditions, and daily lives of Australian people.

Your Passport to China (World Passport)

by Douglas Hustad

What would it be like to live in China? How is China's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of the Chinese!

Your Passport to Ecuador (World Passport)

by Sarah Cords

What would it be like to live in Ecuador? How is Ecuador's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Ecuadorians!

Your Passport to Egypt (World Passport)

by Golriz Golkar

What is it like to live in or visit Egypt? What makes Egypt’s culture unique? Explore the geography, traditions, and daily lives of Egyptian people.

Your Passport to El Salvador (World Passport)

by Sarah Cords

What would it be like to live in El Salvador? How is El Salvador's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of El Salvadorians!

Your Passport to England (World Passport)

by Nancy Dickmann

What is it like to live in or visit England? What makes England’s culture unique? Explore the geography, traditions, and daily lives of England's people.

Your Passport to Ethiopia (World Passport)

by Ryan Gale

What would it be like to live in Ethiopia? How is Ethiopia's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Ethiopians!

Your Passport to France (World Passport)

by Charly Haley

What would it be like to live in France? How is France's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of the French!

Your Passport to Iran (World Passport)

by Sara Petersohn

What would it be like to live in Iran? How is Iran's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Iranians!

Your Passport to Kenya (World Passport)

by Kaitlyn Duling

What would it be like to live in Kenya? How is Kenya's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Kenyans!

Your Passport to Mexico (World Passport)

by Isela Xitlali Gómez Anaïs Deal-Márquez

What is it like to live in or visit Mexico? What makes Mexico's culture unique? Explore the geography, traditions, and daily lives of Mexican people.

Your Passport to Peru (World Passport)

by Ryan Gale

What would it be like to live in Peru? How is Peru's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Peruvians!

Your Passport to Russia (World Passport)

by Douglas Hustad

What would it be like to live in Russia? How is Russia's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Russians!

Your Passport to Spain (World Passport)

by Douglas Hustad

What would it be like to live in Spain? How is Spain's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Spaniards!

Your Planet Needs You!: An everyday guide to saving the earth

by Bernadette Vallely Amy Charuy-Hughes Bethan Stewart James

If there was ever a time to stand up for your planet, for Mother Earth, this is the time. But what are the most pressing environmental issues affecting us today? And what actions can you, as an individual, take to combat them? If you want to know what you can do, then this is the book for you. Your Planet Needs You is the essential beginner's guide to understanding the environment and the threats to its wellbeing. From plastic waste to pesticides, food production and chemicals, global warming to species extinction, this book covers the topics that you need to know about.With practical and positive tips, this book will show how you can be part of the solution and help make a better world, whatever age you are.Includes sections on air pollution, environmental law, fast fashion and ethical living, as well as resources such as recommended reading and lists of groups and organisations that you can get involved with.

Youth Activism and Solidarity: The non-stop picket against Apartheid (Routledge Spaces of Childhood and Youth Series)

by Gavin Brown Helen Yaffe

From April 1986 until just after Nelson Mandela’s release from prison in February 1990, supporters of the City of London Anti-Apartheid Group maintained a continuous protest, day and night, outside the South African Embassy in central London. This book examines how and why a group of children, teenagers and young adults made themselves ‘non-stop against apartheid’, creating one of the most visible expressions of anti-apartheid solidarity in Britain. Drawing on interviews with over ninety former participants in the Non-Stop Picket of the South African Embassy and extensive archival research using previously unstudied documents, this book offers new insights to the study of social movements and young people’s lives. It theorises solidarity and the processes of adolescent development as social practices to provide a theoretically-informed, argument-led analysis of how young activists build and practice solidarity. Youth Activism and Solidarity: The Non-Stop Picket Against Apartheid will be of interest to geographers, historians and a wide range of other social scientists concerned with the historical geography of the international anti-apartheid movement, social movement studies, contemporary British history, and young people’s activism and geopolitical agency.

Youth Created Media on the Climate Crisis: Hear Our Voices

by Richard Beach Blaine E. Smith

This timely book provides effective methods and authentic examples of teaching about climate change through digital and multimodal media production in the English Language Arts classroom. The chapters in this edited volume demonstrate the benefits of addressing climate change in the classroom through innovative media production and cover a range of different types of media, including video/digital storytelling, social media, art, music, and writing, with rich resources for instruction in every chapter. Through the engaging ideas and strategies, the contributors equip educators with the critical tools for supporting students’ media production. In so doing, they offer new perspectives on how students can employ media and production techniques to critique the status quo, call for change, and acquire new literacy skills. As the effects of the climate crisis become increasingly visible to the youth population, this book helps foster and support youth agency and activism. Youth Media Creation on the Climate Change Crisis: Hear Our Voices is a necessary text for students, preservice teachers, and educators in literacy education, media studies, social and environmental studies, and STEM education. The eBook+ version of the text features embedded audio and video components as well as interactive links to reflect the multimodal nature of students’ work, spotlighting how youth media production supports the development of students’ critical literacy skills and shapes their voices and identities.

Youth Employment in Bangladesh: Creating Opportunities—Reaping Dividends

by Fahmida Khatun Syed Yusuf Saadat

This book brings together pioneering and evidence-based research that focuses on youth employment—one of the foremost development challenges of our time—and fills a critical research and knowledge gap alongside consolidating existing relevant literature. Comprehensive in scope, the book provides an overview of trends in youth employment in Bangladesh, empirically analyses the determinants of youth unemployment, covers relevant economic theory, and recommends policy measures for employment creation in Bangladesh. The new evidence from Bangladesh on the aforesaid issues will inform relevant and concurrent policy discourse, add value to related research in the field, and inspire future research. The insights gathered through this study will serve as an important lesson for other developing countries on what works and what does not in policy-making.

Yukon Gold: The Story of the Klondike Gold Rush

by Charlotte Foltz Jones

Recounts the quest for gold that took place in the late 1890s in the Klondike region of the Yukon Territory of northwestern Canada

Z Boson Transverse Momentum Distribution, and ZZ and WZ Production

by Mika Vesterinen

This work develops novel data analysis techniques enabling aspects of the Standard Model of particle physics to be tested with unprecedented precision using data from the DZero experiment at the high energy "Tevatron" proton-antiproton collider at Fermilab, Chicago. Vesterinen's measurements of the transverse momentum of Z bosons using the novel variable φ* have exposed deficiencies in the current state-of-the-art theoretical predictions for vector boson production at hadron colliders. These techniques are now being used in the experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and have stimulated considerable interest in the theoretical particle physics community. Furthermore, Vesterinen's measurements of the cross sections for the production of pairs of vector bosons (WZ and ZZ) are to date the most precise ever made.

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